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Punishments making me go away from islam??????????????

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    anonymous's Avatar Restricted Member
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    Assalamu Alaikum brothers and sisters

    I hope you are all in the best of health and imaan inshallah. I have got mashallah quite a bit of knowledge about quran and hadiths, know a surah yasin by heart, know the meaning in english, know the rewards and punishments of doing certain deeds in islam – I have thought and thought about why I feel like I am going away from islam – it’s because i loathe the idea of so much punishment to a person

    I don’t understand how god can be so cruel to something that he has created, why he wont feel anything when giving punishment t us – he has created the shaytaan to mislead us and then on top of that given us free will – so if we do go astray and the path of the shaytaan seems more appealing and less stressful and less work then what can we do about that? Allah has created desire in us to do everything that seems attractive to us – it’s a natural reflex that we will go for the easy option

    When my imaan was high and I used to miss a prayer, I used to feel so bad and repent straightaway, and now I deliberately watch the prayer time go by and in my heart I don’t feel any regret at all but in my mind I know that what I’m doing (or not doing in this case) is wrong. I know mentally that islam is perfect – but my heart does not feel the love it did once for Islam

    Also I used to wear hijaab since I was a little but now I feel like leaving my hair open because girls look prettier like that

    Please advise of what I can do
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    Ummu Sufyaan's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Punishments making me go away from islam??????????????

    I don’t understand how god can be so cruel to something that he has created, why he wont feel anything when giving punishment t us
    because he has warned us and not left and room or reason for us to disbelieve. are you going to feel bad for suing someone who hasn't bothered reading the terms and conditions of your contract but insists that you provided dodgy service...

    sorry, but is this thread a joke? i wouldn't mind replying to the rest of it, but i don't think its serious.
    Last edited by Ummu Sufyaan; 09-24-2010 at 10:14 AM.
    Punishments making me go away from islam??????????????

    ...desperate for husnul-khitaam...

    please make dua that Allah grants me a good end (to my life). please make dua that Allah guides me.

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    Alpha Dude's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Punishments making me go away from islam??????????????

    Allah's mercy precedes/comes before his wrath. So all your allegations of cruelty etc are baseless. It's just a nafsanic delusion coupled with shaytanic whispers that's making you go through this phase sister.

    Anyway, Allah created us and can do whatever he pleases with us. What's our position to indicate what Allah does is correct or not? We are nothing but slaves.

    Since you accept Allah exists and that hell awaits the evil doers, then you are being incredibly naive to stand before Allah as an arrogant and open enemy. Allah could smite you down right now for your insolence, yet it is his mercy that is allowing you to continue living.

    Also, sister, a sincere warning: The way you have worded your post is very dangerous in terms of your iman. Please have some adab and seek refuge in Allah from the shaytan, lest you believe or say something that negates your Islam.
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    Alpha Dude's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Punishments making me go away from islam??????????????

    Consider verse number 77 of Surah Ya-sin:

    Does man not consider that We created him from a [mere] sperm-drop - then at once he is a clear adversary?

    This is your behaviour. You forget your lowly origins yet think you can ever be in a position to stand before Allah as an enemy?

    We need to know our place.
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    tango92's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Punishments making me go away from islam??????????????

    salaam sis, i hope you are posting this thread in the best of health and may Allah guide your thinking.

    bad things happen to us all the time in this world sis, yet we have so much blessings from Allah swt it overshadows them. Similarly if you are a muslim and die with Imaan, Allah swt wil eventally admit you to paradise. there is a hadith about this but it is so good that if you were dipped in for just a second you would say you had never felt or known any suffering at all. if you read about jannah its clear it is so good it feels like Insaan are being given an easy time on earth.

    lastly with your hijab, your hair might look good and boys might tell you it looks nice, but for how long? will it make you happier knowing you look pretty or is the love of Allah swt more powerful?

    i know as a human and a muslim you prefer the love of Allah swt. So firstly let go of the wrong youve ben doing as it takes a person away from being guided. also learn a little bit about tawheed and jannah. when you know Alah it is easy to become close to him.

    may Alah give you happiness in this world and the next.
    Last edited by tango92; 09-24-2010 at 08:48 PM.
    Punishments making me go away from islam??????????????

    time for operation ninja Islam
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    Ummu Sufyaan's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Punishments making me go away from islam??????????????

    ^I'll reply to your PM here because i think my post needs clarifying to the thread starter as well.

    I dont think the questions are stupid, but the manner you have constructed them seemed like you were looking for a fight hence my "tone." it does seem like a joke and that's why i asked. it was a serious question. but in case it isn't (a joke) and i have misunderstood something, i put the "sorry," because i do sincerely apologize if they were serious questions and i went out of line unnecessarily.
    Punishments making me go away from islam??????????????

    ...desperate for husnul-khitaam...

    please make dua that Allah grants me a good end (to my life). please make dua that Allah guides me.

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    anonymous's Avatar Restricted Member
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    Re: Punishments making me go away from islam??????????????


    Ummu Sufyaan - this thread is not a joke! it's people's comments like these that make me doubt even more! when a person is in need of help fellow brothers and sisters stand aloof? subhanallah

    Bedouin - Allah created us, agreed, he can do whatever he wants with us, agreed, but then what is the purpose of our creation? that we are mere toys that can be done with whatever the owner wants? i cant stand in front of allah as an open enemy, naudhubillah who said i'm his enemy? i just dont get why were we created then, if he will do whatever he wants with us

    tango92 - i've read that hadith lots of times and about jannah as well. inshallah i will try to gain even more knowledge than i have. jazakallah khair your advice has been the most kindest int his thread

    Ummu Sufyaan - i am not looking for a fight. i am looking for advice which if you dont want to giev in a kind manner then please dont say anything at all - rather than helping me you are making me doubt my religion even more

    Allah hafiz
    Punishments making me go away from islam??????????????

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  10. #8
    Ummu Sufyaan's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Punishments making me go away from islam??????????????

    Khair, my apologies again. i hope you find your faith again .
    Punishments making me go away from islam??????????????

    ...desperate for husnul-khitaam...

    please make dua that Allah grants me a good end (to my life). please make dua that Allah guides me.

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    Snowflake's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Punishments making me go away from islam??????????????

    it’s because i loathe the idea of so much punishment to a person


    I don’t understand how god can be so cruel to something that he has created
    My reaction to insults against Allah, are very intense, and I wouldn’t refrain from causing grievous bodily harm to a person uttering foul words against Him. So you need to be grateful that Allah has given us the Laws He has to protect His creation from harm by others (and themselves). For you who is calling Allah unkind, should know that it is easier for Allah to forgive you for insulting to Him than it is for me. Hence, you should fall down in sujood to thank Him for His mercy right where you are now. Don't make yourself a disbeliever by denying one of Allah beautiful names and attributes.

    I doubt either, you would utter such non sense if someone who did something really evil to you, or to someone in your family, was punished by Allah? It would seem fair then wouldn't it? Allah said in the Quran that those who do good works have nothing to fear, so why are you so worried if you don't commit evil sins? As for those who do, why are you so worried about them? Didn't Allah give enough warnings? Did He not send Messenger after Messenger to give Guidance, so that man may be saved from Hell? Do you want to be like the Christians who believe that since Jesus paid for their sins, they are free to do whatever? So look around at the state of such people and see what extremes man goes to in evil and immorality when he has nothing to fear of God's punishments. You want that?

    If such things come into your head, then examine your own faults and weaknesses, and ask Allah to remove them. Seek refuge in Allah from the shaytaan before you recite the Quran, so that you can understand the wisdom behind Allah's Commands, and not be misguided. Don't blame Allah and speak in disrespectful words for Him. Make repentance as Allah instructs His angels to not record the bad deed of His servant for six hours, in case he repents. His Mercy and Kindness are unlimited. May Allah increase you and keep you rightly guided. Ameen.

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    Woodrow's Avatar Jewel of IB
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    Re: Punishments making me go away from islam??????????????

    While it is necessary for us to know of the punishments that exist. Those probably should not be our main focus. Look instead at the rewards and always know that Allaah(swt) is all just and most merciful. We all need to be warned and also know of the rewards. But, we must keep things in perspective and understand that while we are on a dagerous road as we travel through this journey called life, there are plenty of road signs and guard rails to keep us safe. Obey the safety signs slow down at the caution lights, don't try to take any short cuts by jumping over the guard rails and be certain to stop at the stop lights.

    Every journey is filled with perils. But we still make journeys of less importance, filled with hazards. Look the same as we travel towards Jannah and remember Allaah(swt) has promised us a clear path. All people have been given all the maps and directions they need. Don't worry about those who choose to ignore what has been given, they chose to make their own paths and will arrive at the destination they themselves picked.
    Punishments making me go away from islam??????????????

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    Salahudeen's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Punishments making me go away from islam??????????????

    Allah won't punish you inshallah if you make sincere repentence from the sin that you done so just make repentence. When you repent allah removes the sin and replaces it with good deeds so it's like you never sinned at all what more do you want.

    The purpose of our creation is to worship Allah.
    Punishments making me go away from islam??????????????

    “Who said that guidance requires there to be someone accompanying you"
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  15. #12
    Alpha Dude's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Punishments making me go away from islam??????????????

    Ummu Sufyaan - this thread is not a joke! it's people's comments like these that make me doubt even more! when a person is in need of help fellow brothers and sisters stand aloof? subhanallah
    Her reaction is natural. Your original post and the tone of it was not showing proper manners. Especially your out of context and unnecessary emoticon use! They only cause doubt in people that you are not serious.

    However, what is done is done, we take your word for it now. Please keep in mind that you should try to show adab/respect if you are sincere. There is no point insulting/offending people (which no doubt many muslims would feel on seeing your thread) then wondering why they won't help you.

    Please don't take this as me judging/****ing you. The purpose is constructive advice and I hope InshaAllah that you take it on board.

    On to your doubts though. Here, two (short) duas for doubts. Seek refuge in Allah from the shaytan and whenever the doubts cross your mind, do as directed on that page. Talk to Allah from your heart and seek his guidance.

    Allah created us, agreed, he can do whatever he wants with us, agreed, but then what is the purpose of our creation? that we are mere toys that can be done with whatever the owner wants? i cant stand in front of allah as an open enemy, naudhubillah who said i'm his enemy? i just dont get why were we created then, if he will do whatever he wants with us
    Sister, your behaviour says you are acting as an enemy. Please follow what I am saying with an open mind.

    1. You accept Allah exists, correct?
    2. You accept that Allah will either give you heaven or hell based on your actions, correct?
    3. You accept that we are all slaves of Allah, correct?
    4. You understand that being a slave means we have no say in anything that is demanded of us, correct?

    Despite the fact that you accept and agree to the above, you feel that you can go against Allah by deliberately missing salah without remorse and you feel proud of the idea of not wearing hijaab. These two mentioned sins, loads of people already do and I would never look down on them. Your case is a little different. You are doing these sins out of arrogance. You feel Allah is being unfair so you don't want to do as he says. This is arrogance pure and simple.

    Remember, iblis did not deny the existence of Allah. He behaved as he did out of arrogance. Please be careful of your approach.

    There is a reason that Allah created us, even if may not fully understand. Try to keep perspective on our purpose and status here. We are miniscule and our knowledge/perception of the divine and the entire universe is extremely limited. There will be some things we simply cannot fathom and the only thing that we can do is submit.

    Pay attention to the attributes of Allah. There are many that refer to the merciful and beneficial (for us humans) nature of Allah.

    The fact remains, the existence of Allah has been made clear to those of sound heart and mind and they will be held accountable for their misdeeds.
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    Re: Punishments making me go away from islam??????????????

    don't worry sister your imaan will increase again i get whispers too telling me to take hijab off but i don't listen as is already stated here seek refuge in Allah because your giving in to shayytan

    we all will suffer weak imaan. i don't know what muslim has not gone through these phases including myself but as you mature and you get more knowledge you see the wisdom behind all this.

    don't worry sis. Allah loves you as much as 70 mothers
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  17. #14
    Snowflake's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Punishments making me go away from islam??????????????

    Anonymous- Ummu Sufyaan - this thread is not a joke! it's people's comments like these that make me doubt even more! when a person is in need of help fellow brothers and sisters stand aloof? Subhanallah
    Why would people’s comments make you doubt Islam? Did Islam come from people or Allah? Islam belongs to Allah. So judging Islam by our personal opinions makes no sense sister. Don't complain if seeking help in this manner gets you nowhere. Complain if you address Allah with manners and then get no help.

    Bedouin - Allah created us, agreed, he can do whatever he wants with us, agreed, but then what is the purpose of our creation? that we are mere toys that can be done with whatever the owner wants? i cant stand in front of allah as an open enemy, naudhubillah who said i'm his enemy? i just dont get why were we created then, if he will do whatever he wants with us
    Allah, has told us He created us to worship Him. Why? We don’t question Allah’s plans or wisdom. It’s enough that Allah has promised those who do good will return to Him in Paradise. Look at the disrespect you are showing to Allah by implying that we are merely puppets for His entertainment. Na udhu billah!!!!!!!!!!!! Then you claim you are not talking as an open enemy of Allah? Why should you have to understand why Allah created you? Did you ask Allah to create you? Will knowing that make you a better muslim? Will it guarantee you a place in Paradise? So khalas! We can’t even imagine how much Allah has kept hidden from us, some for our own betterment, and some to test us. Some of which may be revealed in the Here-after, some which may not. Allah gave you a thinking brain sister. You’re capable of making choices. Then how did you come to the conclusion that Allah does whatever he wants with us? If He wants to He can, and sometimes He does – when He knows it to be better for us, and sometimes to test or punish us. But that punishment is a blessing so that some of our sins may be lightened in the Hereafter. May Allah give you the ability to comprehend.

    tango92 - i've read that hadith lots of times and about jannah as well. inshallah i will try to gain even more knowledge than i have. jazakallah khair your advice has been the most kindest int his thread
    This is a good example of how we are grateful to man for small kindnesses, yet we overlook the unending Kindness of the One who clothes, feed and sustains us in this world where if we'd been left to our own devices, our own kind would’ve finished us a long time ago. By all means increase your knowledge. You should. But not having knowledge is not an excuse to speak with ill manners for Allah.

    Ummu Sufyaan - i am not looking for a fight. i am looking for advice which if you dont want to giev in a kind manner then please dont say anything at all - rather than helping me you are making me doubt my religion even more
    Again, you're using personal opinions of others to justify your doubts against Islam. Islam isn't based on anyone's personal opinions, not even Allah's beloved prophet's (saw). It's based purely on the Divine Commandments of Allah subhana wa ta 'ala. Please reflect on this sister, and also ask yourself by which right should you expect kindness from others when you say to others the opposite about your Creator? Na udhu billah! You tell sis Ummu Sufyaan to be kind or say nothing at all. Yet she is you're equal except in piety. But you, a mere human being, the slave of Allah, made from dust, address Allah, your Creator, in a disrespectful manner, and instead of acknowledging your sin, proceed to do the same thing again in your reply to Bedouin, but still want others to be nice to you. This might be the only time someone tells you as it is. But for those of us who love Allah, don't doubt His existence or deen, don't question His will, know we are sinners yet have hope for His mercy, it's very hard to hear the words you used for Allah. If I hadn't been aware of Allah's mercy and patience for the believers, or His commandments to us to help each other, I would've hated you with a passion. So thank Allah for this deen, and ponder over how life would have been without it, how we'd have been without it, and how there'd have been more evil and mischief on earth, and hell on earth. Reflect, reflect and reflect again.

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    Re: Punishments making me go away from islam??????????????

    i wish people would stop giving the op such a hard time. it wasnt to long ago i was in the same situation (if not all of us at some point)

    op, it is good that you acknowledge you are doing wrong and even better youve come here to seek help. that tells alot about your character. keep hold of this morsel of guilt it will save you inshallah.
    i found this little gem a while ago. Allah knows it helped me:

    57:16 IS IT NOT time that the hearts of all who have attained to faith should feel humble at the remembrance of God and of all the truth that has been bestowed [on them] from on high, lest they become like those who were granted revelation aforetime, and whose hearts have hardened with the passing of time so that many of them are [now] depraved?

    57:17 [But] know that God gives life to the earth after it has been lifeless! We have indeed made Our messages clear unto you, so that you might use your reason.

    how beautiful a way to express his swt's mercy.

    i know only this much, a state of islam is such that we submit to Allah. if you can bring your imaan right then your actions will fix themselves. you can look at the miracles of the quran, the behaviour of the early muslims. im not saying you dont know these things but its good to refresh our memories.

    and lastly, take things one at a time. Allah is with the patient. by Allah when his love is in your heart you will laugh at the paths of dunya that seem appealing now.
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    time for operation ninja Islam
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    Cabdullahi's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Punishments making me go away from islam??????????????

    “Verily in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest” (Surah Ra’d, 28)

    Money wont make you happy...showing your hair to impress the boys wont make you happy.....looking hip wont make you happy

    You need fuel that lasts for eternity, fuel that will make you happy inside and out, fuel that will give you confidence in yourself. Make Islam the fuel that drives you and dont follow trends, fashions or your whims because these will drive you to different directions of total darkness.
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  21. #17
    Snowflake's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Punishments making me go away from islam??????????????

    i wish people would stop giving the op such a hard time. it wasnt to long ago i was in the same situation (if not all of us at some point)
    My problem isn't with the sister's low imaan, or waswas. It's the way she spoke against Allah that made me angry. I'll never pamper anyone who does this, not even if it's my own son. Love is blind!
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  22. #18
    tango92's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Punishments making me go away from islam??????????????

    format_quote Originally Posted by Scents of Jannah View Post
    My problem isn't with the sister's low imaan, or waswas. It's the way she spoke against Allah that made me angry. I'll never pamper anyone who does this, not even if it's my own son. Love is blind!
    im greateful the op worded in the way she did, at least we know what was in her heart. i can understand your position sister, i have been there myself. having the wrong tone will simply drive a person away from islam. in this situation i believe you are blameworthy.

    perhaps its better to not say anything. the messenger saws faced far worse than a young girl with questions. i dont recall him giving any1 a "piece of his mind" no matter how he or Allah were cursed.

    and the op has hardly begun openly attacking Allah i think the post made it clear she was a genuine person. forget your son, if this was YOU in the op's boots. and a seemingly knowledgeable sister from a big islamic website rips you apart for speaking your mind, then who do you have left to turn to?
    Punishments making me go away from islam??????????????

    time for operation ninja Islam
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  23. #19
    Alpha Dude's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Punishments making me go away from islam??????????????

    tango, I agree wholeheartedly in being tolerant.

    However, there is nothing wrong with giving constructive advice for her to take on board for next time.

    When I first saw this thread, like Ummu Sufyaan, I wasn't sure whether this was serious either due to all the emoticons which made it seem quite 'unserious'. The problem was the manner in which she expressed herself, it was not appropriate nor showing the correct adab.

    It's okay if she made a mistake. Everybody does. We don't need to chastise or beat her up about it but we should see it as our duty to give her advice that will benefit her. Nothing blameworthy there.

    I have advised her to be careful in her tone/words next time for her own benefit and it is hoped that she will take it constructively in the spirit that it is meant inshaAllah.
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    Re: Punishments making me go away from islam??????????????

    Is it that you guide your friends(or other brothers) to Islam by telling them the punishment?
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