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For Allah sake any body can help me

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    For Allah sake any body can help me (OP)

    Sir / Madam,

    Assala mu aliqum...

    I am extremely sorry for not to disclose my name . I am a male . my age is 32 years . I am a Gay . As far my knowledge from child hood I feel attraction towards to male only . I have countless no of encounter with guys . But I do not want to be a gay . Its not my choice . I am help less . I try a lot but every time I fail . I know according to Islam its a Sin. I did fasting every alternative day for years . but no answer . I have been taking treatment from many psychiatrist since I aware that I am a gay( more then 15 years) . Still I am under treatment by psychiatrist; continuously since 2003 , But the surprise thing is all the psychiatrist are giving me counseling about accepting my sexual orientation that is homosexuality . Including Muslim psychiatrist .

    I heard homosexuality is prohibited in the Quran and sahi Hadid . As per my survey Islam has all solution for the life then, why not in homosexuality ?

    I do not act like a girl . I am handsome and muscular behave . In general people may think gays are act like a girl, but its not true at all . most of the gays are not act like a girl . there are very few gay people who act like a girl .

    honestly speaking I am not happy . I do not want to live a gay life . I want to live a straight life . I do not want to go to hell . I hate my life . I tried to do suicide many times but I fail . Now I am thinking homosexuality is one of the biggest sin as well as suicide also . So, two wrong thing cant make correct a wrong . Then what to do ? I can not stop my homosexual feeling . What to do ?

    Do u know any solution regarding my problem ? Do you know any psychiatrist who is giving treatment for reorientation within a reasonable price ? Can you ask to Allah for make me a normal human ? I am too tired . kindly help me . Its my request for Allah sake kindly help me .

    from : I am sorry for not to disclose my name .
    from : India . Bangalore.

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    Re: For Allah sake any body can help me

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    Respected Sir/Madam,

    I am begging your apologize for my misbehave . But according to me , there are no evidence where people get cure from severe disease such as cancer, AIDS, diabetes etc by using Black cumin . And also there are no evidence where people get food without work or inheritance property or natural assets .

    Any body have any prove regarding this . And If you people are thinking that, I should not post any genuine question which are arises after knowing Islam means I should not open my mouth , I should seal my mouth ; then let me know because I don't want to hurt any one's feelings whether its logical or not . And let me know how to delete profile from this site . I have search but I didn't get any option for deleting profile from this site . Kindly help me .

    Thank you very much . and sorry for asking questions and wasting your valuable time . I hope you all are great . Forgiveness is the nature of great people . All the best for your spiritual journey . Once again Thank you !
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    Amat Allah's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: For Allah sake any body can help me

    Bismellah Tawakkalna ala Allah

    format_quote Originally Posted by hopeonallah View Post
    Respected Sir/Madam, I am begging your apologize for my misbehave . But according to me , there are no evidence where people get cure from severe disease such as cancer, AIDS, diabetes etc by using Black cumin . And also there are no evidence where people get food without work or inheritance property or natural assets . Any body have any prove regarding this . And If you people are thinking that, I should not post any genuine question which are arises after knowing Islam means I should not open my mouth , I should seal my mouth ; then let me know because I don't want to hurt any one's feelings whether its logical or not . And let me know how to delete profile from this site . I have search but I didn't get any option for deleting profile from this site . Kindly help me . Thank you very much . and sorry for asking questions and wasting your valuable time . I hope you all are great . Forgiveness is the nature of great people . All the best for your spiritual journey . Once again Thank you !
    who is the all knower here, you O son of Adam (came from dust and will return to it someday) or Allah the One Who created you and taught the prophet everything he knew? have you done your scientific tests and found that balck cumin doesn`t cure the deseases you have mentioned above , you know nothing and have no proofs while I have the words of one of Allah`s messengers which is enough for me to take as evidence cause I believe in him as Allah taught me and commanded me I the slave of Allah and many thing of what the prophet said ; the science came later to give evidences of their truth and existence and were reasons after Allah of others to embrace Islam...

    none told ya to be lazy and not work but you just misunderstood the verses of Allah my respected brother and btw lazy people who waits for things to be done for them are losers.... and none told ya to seal your mouth and never ask...but there is a difference between asking in a respected way and insulting The Most High and His prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)...

    you asked so much before and none told ya a word or rejected but everyone tried his /her best to help ya ; and now when I told ya not to insult Allah and his messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) you take it as if I said: don`t ask questions cause Islam means to not open your mouth?...where is the justice in this and honesty my respected brother? to say something that I have never said...May Allah forgive you for doing this Ameeeen

    if Allah wants to send ya food from heaven like He did with the sons of Israel which is an evidence where people got food without work then He will; cause Allah Is not a human like you to limit His ability Ya Akhi :"Allah is very Gracious and Kind to His slaves. He gives provisions to whom He wills. And He is the All-Strong, the All-Mighty. (19) " Ashurah

    and if you would read Qur`aan sincerely and with an understanding mind and heart you would never say what you have said before...

    and if Allah is The Provider and the Owner of all the doors of everything and has the depositories of everything then He can provide you with a job which you are so concenred about ...everything is in Allah`s hand ...

    if I would ask you:"Who provides for you from the sky and from the earth? Or who owns hearing and sight? And who brings out the living from the dead and brings out the dead from the living? And who disposes the affairs?" what will you say ? Isn`t He "Allah."? then "Will you not then be afraid of Allah's Punishment for limiting His ability and not believing in some of His names and attributes?"

    do you know what your statement (
    No doubt religion's give us psychological satisfaction . But for food and other necessity we have to work
    ) mean?

    Suerly we have to work but the first part of what you have said means that the words of Allah are not true and they are only to give us the psychological satisfaction as you said; to make us only feel the peace of mind and heart while Allah will make us believing in something which is not exist; how could you say something like that against Allah...Laa ilaha illa Allah...

    Jami Attirmithi, chapter 48, hadeeth number: 2503

    Sayyidina Abu Dharr (RA) reported that Allah’s Messenger (SAW) narrated the saying of Allah. He said, “O My slaves all of you are astray except those whom I guide, so ask Me for guidance. I will guide you. And all of you are poor save whom I enrich, so ask Me. I will give you provision. And all of you are sinners except those whom I save. Hence, he of you who knows that I am able to forgive and seeks forgiveness from Me, I will forgive him and I do not care about it. And if the first of you and the last of you, the living among you and your dead, the fresh of you and the withered among you gather together to have hearts as the heart of the most righteous that will not increase My dominion by even so much as the wing of a mosquito. And again if the first of you and the last of you, the living among you your dead, the fresh of you and and the withered among you, gather together to have hears as the heart of the cruelest of My slaves that will not diminish My kingdom even so much as the wing of a mosquito. And, if the first of you and the last of you, your jinns and your mankind, the living among you and the dead of you. And if the . fresh among you and the stale among you gather together in one field and each one of you prays to Me for his desire I will give every seeker among you That will not diminish from My kingdom except like when one of you passes by an ocean and after immersing a needle in it withdraws it to him This because I am Jawwad Wajid Majid. I do what I will, My grant is a word and my punishment is a word. My only command to anything when I intend it is that I say to it ‘Be’ and it is."
    [Ahmed 21425, Bukhari 490, Muslim 2577, Ibn e Majah 4257]

    and saying:

    format_quote Originally Posted by hopeonallah View Post
    I think , I should not live in fairytale . We should be in practical . As you said Black cumin has capacity to cure all diseases , Don't you think its the history of wonderland ? Please give me a brake from such fairytale . Thank God ! I don't know Arabic otherwise I could have read those fairytale .
    I gave you a correct hadeeth as a proof on this which is the words of the prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and you said what you have said above about it (fairytale and history of wonderland) and that an acusation of lying against the prophet Muhammd (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) then how could you and dare telling such things about him? don`t you fear Allah saying such things? and now you are upset cause I rejected and allow you not to insult Allah and His messenger?

    O Allah please do not destroy us for the deeds of the foolish ones among us? It is only Your Trial by which You lead astray whom You will, and keep guided whom You will. You are our Protector, so forgive us and have Mercy on us, for You are the Best of those who forgive...Ameeeen

    don`t apologize from me Ya Akhi but to Allah whom you insulted and degraded Him and His messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) by saying what you have said...Astagh`fero Allaha Al Atheem wa A3othobellahi mina ashaytani irrajeem...

    .................................................. .................................................. ..................................

    we are as Muslims are encouraged and ordered to work in many proofs in Qur`aan and Sunnah and many proofs told us not to stay a side and wait for things to be done for us but we have to work to gain what we want and in many of our advices for ya we were telling you that it is not enough to want your problems to be solved while doing nothing and you have to work hard to change yourself...then how come we now tell ya not to work? return to that reply which I wrote and read again with an opened mind...

    and whom guided those animals you mentioned to their food and to how to find it and get it but Allah and who taught human how to work and serve himself but Allah... its right that you have to rely on Allah completely but aslo have to work to cause when you do trust Allah , depend on him and rely on him in everything; you must work to show Him that you are not lazy and show him how honest you are and that you are trying sincerely... then you will be a winer with no doubt ....understand please ...

    in the book of Jami Attirmithi, chapter 60 ,hadeeth number 2526:

    Sayyidina Anas ibn Malik reported that someone asked, “O Messenger of Allah, shall I tether it and trust in Allah or untie it and place trust in Allah”? He said, “Tie it and trust in Allah."

    chapter 13, hadeeth number 2333:

    Sayyidina Abdullah ibn Mas’ud (RA) reported that Allah’s Messenger (SAW) said, faces poverty and he approaches people (for redress) then his poverty is not removed. And if anyone is faced with poverty and he turns to Allah with it then Allah will provide him sustenance sooner or later.”
    [Ahmed 4219]

    "And say (O Muhammad SAW) "Do deeds! Allah will see your deeds, and (so will) His Messenger and the believers. And you will be brought back to the All-Knower of the unseen and the seen. Then He will inform you of what you used to do." (105)" Attawbah...

    1_Narrated Al-Miqdam: The Prophet said, "Nobody has ever eaten a better meal than that which one has earned by working with one's own hands. The Prophet of Allah, David used to eat from the earnings of his manual labor."

    2_Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "The Prophet David used not to eat except from the earnings of his manual labor."

    3_Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "One would rather cut and carry a bundle of wood on his back than ask somebody who may or may not live him."

    4_Narrated Az-Zubair bin Al-Awwam: The Prophet said, "One would rather take a rope and cut wood and carry it than ask others)."

    all the above a hadeeth in Sahih Al Bukhari, the book of Sales and Trade.

    5_Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "No doubt, you had better gather a bundle of wood and carry it on your back (and earn your living thereby) rather than ask somebody who may give you or not."

    Sahih Al Bukhari, the book of Distribution of Water.

    I don`t know if you would understand what I wrote cause you didn`t understand what I wrote before turning it to another meanings and in shaa Allah someone can explain for ya what I was trying to say...

    take care of yourself and be careful cause satan is an excellent player and he is older than you with thousands of years so, he is very expert and knows all the ways to lead you astray...

    May Allah guide you and all of us Ameeeeeen
    For Allah sake any body can help me

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    Re: For Allah sake any body can help me

    format_quote Originally Posted by Amat Allah View Post
    No doubt religion's give us psychological satisfaction

    thats why you are getting no where because religion to you is a source of only a psychological satisfaction ...
    For Allah sake any body can help me

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    Re: For Allah sake any body can help me

    Assala mu alaiqum , Sir/ Madam ,

    you have told me : who is the all knower here, you O son of Adam (came from dust and will return to it someday) or Allah the One Who created you and taught the prophet everything he knew? have you done your scientific tests and found that balck cumin doesn`t cure the deseases you have mentioned above , you know nothing and have no proofs while I have the words of one of Allah`s messengers which is enough for me to take as evidence cause I believe in him as Allah taught me and commanded me I the slave of Allah and many thing of what the prophet said ; the science came later to give evidences of their truth and existence and were reasons after Allah of others to embrace Islam...

    My question here : Allah and Mohammad (PBUH ) said about Block Cumin have cure for all diseases . Is it only for advertisement OR its for taking benefit from Black cumin ? Can pronouncing by mouth prove that, you believe in the particular mater Or should act or activate on that particular mater which you have pronounced ?

    If doing act or activate on the particular mater which you have pronounced is call real believe then , why should Muslim don't act on it ? Muslims can build Taj mahal which does not carry any real benefit , they can build luxurious apartment on the sea , they can build stadium on the desert for watching luxurious game But more then 1 Billion (one) Muslims cant do research for benefit of humanity since 1400 ( fourteen hundreds) years about black cumin ?
    What exactly you want to show to the world ? Is it call real believe ?

    Non Muslims are expending Millions of money for research for one particular problem and spreading benefit to all human being . In practically, if any Muslim face any disease he/she has to depend on those treatment which invented by NON MUSLIMS . Not only this much ; In the modern world Muslims cant move without Non Muslims help , starting from Morning to night and night to morning , from drinking water to toilet , wake up to sleep , cloth to house , doctors to medicines , home to hospitals .
    Make me understand what do u mean by believe ? Or you are lying to me ?

    Same case is happening in the mater of homosexuality , All Muslims are telling its strictly prohibited in Islam , Even they are having it and simultaneously they are getting married with girl being a gay and blaming to the western world . Because western world's people are bit open minded they don't like to hide truth . But the case of Muslims its need four witness . They forget most of the time sex happen inside the four wall and its happen in privacy . Each Muslim male knows how many types of sex they do in their life .

    I am thinking now . What exactly all those mater? What exactly Muslim want to show to the world ?

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    Re: For Allah sake any body can help me

    Assala mu alaiqum ! Sir/Madam,

    Whenever I met to doctor regarding overcome from Homosexuality ( reorientation ); they pose the question that , whats wrong with homosexuality? I used to reply that, its not allow in Islam; whenever I didn't get any proper logic to reply them .My psychiatrists told me that, we (doctors) never believe in chop off the head if some one have headache. We (doctors) try to solve the problems; if not possible we try to teach them how to live happy with problem by reducing the effect of the problems . They use to tell Homosexuality is not at all a problem , the problem is the environment which are created by homophobia's . They use to tell we( doctors) don't know God is there or not ,there are any life after death or not , but homosexual/Bisexual people's life become hell because of Homophobia's . Homosexual people's are facing different type of psychological and physical problems because of external pressures . And their life become upside down not for God's punishment but for homophobia people . And they says that, The biggest sin in Islam is Sirqe( associate partner with God ) rather then homo sex , even there are many Non Muslims have pleasant life .If God punish the Sinner then definitely He should punished Non Muslim first . But its not happening . So, My problems is not Homo sex , My problem is not accepting homo sex according to my doctors . According to doctors all human being have Homo sex in their life may be partly may be fully , some people stop from a certain time, some people do only homo sex , some people do both , most of the people do Both sex . there are very few people may be 10% are doing only homo sex, and may be 10% people are doing only Hetero sex (that also after a certain time after homo sex ) , rest of the people doing both. However bisexual people's sexual encounter can vary some people may 10%, 20%, 30%, 50%, 70%, 90%, 95% times in their sexual life . Then all people are Sinner , All people should be punished . All people's life should be upside down but its not . Nothing wrong to do Homo sex . Nobody has right to stop pleasure which is getting not hurting by other .

    And they says , the story of Lut was million of years ago , how old the story no body knows . What was the situation that also difficult to explain . May be there were very few people , may be the story within a family . May be they were raping each other . May be they needed population . May be it was a coincident, because they need population and their people are homo so that their leader was wary at that time coincidentally natural disaster happen, most of the people infected by disaster and very few people save their life and they make the story about it . But now time has changed . there are no crisis of population . Infect world need to decrease the population . If 75% people do only homo sex even nothing will happen in this world infect people will get batter life . I asked them then why people against of us ? they says because of Homophobia , superstition, and old mentality. Again I asked them , why I am not able to accept it , why I feel guilty, why I am not happy ? They reply , I scare the society , and I have homophobia too, jealousy of the other people, influence by the society bla bla bla ....

    Whatever the reason in case of me , BUT I am **** sure ( more then 10000000000.....%) that I am not happy . Infect I feel guilty from my inside after having homo sex by some time using intoxicant also.

    If I don't use medicine which are provided by my doctors then, my all problem become start . Even If I control my self without medicine but I forced to use medicine because my whole body become some thing different my eyes start burning and some thing sparkle sound started inside my head . I can give you one example : have you seen sparkle of two electric wire ? how it sparkle ? same sparkle happen inside my head if I stop medicine for few days . How is The sparkle sound ? Its like zzezzzz zzzezzz zzzezzz . Right ? same thing happen continuously inside my head . I bound to use those medicines .
    Once I use the medicines within a short time I feel relax and happy and horny , I become colorful . And again after a certain time I started feeling guilty, sad, angry on me and the society , started hating people start crying etc . in between the time come for next dose and I take the dose ( medicine ) again I feel happy . Means immediate I take another dose after goes off the affect of the taken dose .

    I don't know How it will Rid ?
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  9. #126
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    Re: For Allah sake any body can help me

    Wa Alikum Assalaam Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakaatuh

    format_quote Originally Posted by hopeonallah View Post
    My question here : Allah and Mohammad (PBUH ) said about Block Cumin have cure for all diseases . Is it only for advertisement OR its for taking benefit from Black cumin ? Can pronouncing by mouth prove that, you believe in the particular mater Or should act or activate on that particular mater which you have pronounced ? If doing act or activate on the particular mater which you have pronounced is call real believe then , why should Muslim don't act on it ? Muslims can build Taj mahal which does not carry any real benefit , they can build luxurious apartment on the sea , they can build stadium on the desert for watching luxurious game But more then 1 Billion (one) Muslims cant do research for benefit of humanity since 1400 ( fourteen hundreds) years about black cumin ? What exactly you want to show to the world ? Is it call real believe ? Non Muslims are expending Millions of money for research for one particular problem and spreading benefit to all human being . In practically, if any Muslim face any disease he/she has to depend on those treatment which invented by NON MUSLIMS . Not only this much ; In the modern world Muslims cant move without Non Muslims help , starting from Morning to night and night to morning , from drinking water to toilet , wake up to sleep , cloth to house , doctors to medicines , home to hospitals . Make me understand what do u mean by believe ? Or you are lying to me ? Same case is happening in the mater of homosexuality , All Muslims are telling its strictly prohibited in Islam , Even they are having it and simultaneously they are getting married with girl being a gay and blaming to the western world . Because western world's people are bit open minded they don't like to hide truth . But the case of Muslims its need four witness . They forget most of the time sex happen inside the four wall and its happen in privacy . Each Muslim male knows how many types of sex they do in their life . I am thinking now . What exactly all those mater? What exactly Muslim want to show to the world ?

    Is it only for advertisement OR its for taking benefit from Black cumin ? what do you think?

    my respected brother; if you were the one or anybody in this world was the one who said that black cumin cures all desease then surely , I won`t believe till I have evidences but whom taught me this but one of Allah`s messengers (peace and blessings of Allah be upon them all) whom are taught by Allah and I believe in all of what they had said and I need no proofs; as I believed that the torment of Allah`s hellfire is too painful without tasting it because it was the words of Allah, or should I desire to be in it to believe? (May Allah never make me and the whole Ummah taste it Ameeeeeen)

    if you want the answers for the Qs you asked above then ask those whom you talked about; not me...ask them what exactly they want?

    to many Muslims including me; we want nothing Alhamdulillah but Allah...no luxurious apartment on the sea and no stadium on the desert for watching luxurious game; nothing from this worldy useless things but Allah and Alhamdulilah we are satisfied with what Allah provided us with which helping us to gain the enough strength to worship Allah right...May Allah accept us...

    and look at you; whom you are taking as examples ...some sinners; what great examples!!

    why didn`t you take Rasool Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) as an example and asked what did he want to show the world and teach Allah`s slaves? instead of talking about such people...
    and if you are really thinking O brother then you wouldn`t ask those Qs while knowing that good and bad are everywhere......Sub`haan Al lathee khalaqak...

    we are not angels , we do mistakes Ya akhi and some can wake up and find his way and some remain sleeping and when the promised day comes ; their eyes will be opened on the truth and they will believe but when? after its too late and there is no time to repent and no benefit of believing ...

    format_quote Originally Posted by hopeonallah View Post
    Because western world's people are bit open minded they don't like to hide truth . But the case of Muslims its need four witness . They forget most of the time sex happen inside the four wall and its happen in privacy . Each Muslim male knows how many types of sex they do in their life .

    all what you have posted above and this part especialy showing how much knowledge you have about the deen of Allah my respected brother...go and search about sinning in public in Islam and if you really seek Allah then seek the knowledge of His religion and fear Him instead of wasting your time which you will be asked about in the day of Judgement in asking such nonsense...

    my respected brother; when I first came here to post; my purpose was to help a brother of mine for Allah`s sake which I am concenred about ; seeking nothing from you ever but Allah`s satisfaction and giving my advice according to the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of His messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) as much as I can...I seek no arguing my respected brother cause I hate to argue and especialy about nonsense..
    only to help and give my humble advice...

    if you want it then humbly and happily take it but if not then thraw it against the wall and go on in your way...I wish that you did take our advices seriously and work on them...I have nothing to say more than what I have gave to you from the first post till the last one... and btw, I didn`t waste my time on you but in pleasing my Lord as I hope...May Allah be with you Ameeeen

    take care and fee amaanillah
    Last edited by Amat Allah; 04-19-2011 at 04:07 AM.
    For Allah sake any body can help me

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    Re: For Allah sake any body can help me

    format_quote Originally Posted by View Post
    I am extremely sorry for not to disclose my name . I am a male . my age is 32 years . I am a Gay . As far my knowledge from child hood I feel attraction towards to male only . I have countless no of encounter with guys . But I do not want to be a gay . Its not my choice . I am help less . I try a lot but every time I fail . I know according to Islam its a Sin. I had sex with Islamic priest also . I had sex with many general Muslim people along with non Muslim people . I fond its a very common practice among the all type of males. I did fasting every alternative day for years . but no answer . I have been taking treatment from many psychiatrist since I aware that I am a gay( more then 15 years) . Still I am under treatment by psychiatrist; continuously since 2003 , But the surprise thing is all the psychiatrist are giving me counseling about accepting my sexual orientation that is homosexuality . Including Muslim psychiatrist .

    I heard homosexuality is prohibited in the Quran and sahi Hadid . As per my survey Islam has all solution for the life then, why not in homosexuality ? I had sex with many Muslim married guy; that is the reason I do not believe the marriage is the solution for homosexuality . And still I am not married .

    I do active role on bed , means I am top on bed ( I am not passive means I am not bottom on bed ). I do not act like a girl . I am handsome and muscular behave . In general people may think gays are act like a girl, but its not true at all . most of the gays are not act like a girl . there are very few gay people who act like a girl .

    honestly speaking I am not happy . I do not want to live a gay life . I want to live a straight life . I do not want to go to hell . I hate my life . I tried to do suicide many times but I fail . Now I am thinking homosexuality is one of the biggest sin as well as suicide also . So, two wrong thing cant make correct a wrong . Then what to do ? I can not stop my homosexual feeling . What to do ?

    Do u know any solution regarding my problem ? Do you know any psychiatrist who is giving treatment for reorientation within a reasonable price ? Can you ask to Allah for make me a normal human ? I am too tired . kindly help me . Its my request for Allah sake kindly help me .

    from : I am sorry for not to disclose my name .
    from : India . Bangalore. .
    Remember when lut alaysalam when to his people who were committing homosexuality, he said to them are you committing sins which your forefathers didnt do?

    by this verse we can understand that this wasnt something in the human genes, this was something inspired by the shaitan and they acted upon it.

    shaitan will also ask people to eat ****? would they do?

    remind yourself of the punishment of allah just like how he punished the people of lut with a disaster.

    stop acting on the waswas of shaitan and you wil be saved insha allah
    For Allah sake any body can help me

    Oh lord make my best deeds the last deeds
    Oh lord make my best day the last day (aakhirah)
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  11. #128
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    Re: For Allah sake any body can help me

    Sir/ Madam,

    I am not in mood to listen your lecture now a days . And moreover , According to me all statements are lie if it does not have logic , science and evidence and proper answer about the queries which are arise regarding the statements .

    I am taking back my request which I have posted regarding homosexuality .

    For your kind information : I was not a Muslim . I tried to become a Muslim but now I am on my way . Yeah its true that I born in a Muslim family . I would like to tell you that, I am still not circumcised . In my child hood my parents didn't get time for it . Now I am the owner of my self .

    Thank you all great men . congratulation for your heaven ! enjoy your heavenly life . Don't forget God made hell too . If every one goes to heaven then, who will go to hell ? lets feed my self for hell . once again thanks ....
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  12. #129
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    Re: For Allah sake any body can help me

    Asalaamu alaikum. My brother can you summarise for me in one paragraph what your main issues are in your life so that i can try and understand. Jazakallahu khayr
    For Allah sake any body can help me

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    Re: For Allah sake any body can help me

    May Allah give you a speedy recovery and guide you before the day of Judgement and all of us Ameeeen
    For Allah sake any body can help me

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    Re: For Allah sake any body can help me


    NO, I am sorry . I don't want to summarize my issues . Its not in position to summarize it . you can read my all threads and conversations, you will get hundreds or queries over there , If you want to know those issues . If you don't want then, leave it .
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  16. #132
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    Re: For Allah sake any body can help me

    May Allah guide you and give you a speedy recovery Ameeeen
    For Allah sake any body can help me

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  17. #133
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    Re: For Allah sake any body can help me

    format_quote Originally Posted by hopeonallah View Post

    NO, I am sorry . I don't want to summarize my issues . Its not in position to summarize it . you can read my all threads and conversations, you will get hundreds or queries over there , If you want to know those issues . If you don't want then, leave it .
    Asalaamu Alaikum, my brother the reason why i asked is because you have so many varying complex issues that the only solution i can see is as i have mentioned to you in one of my earlier posts in this thread and that is for you to get the help of a Muslim psychiatrist. Your issues are too complex to be resolved on a forum like this and you really do need direct psychological help ONLY from a Muslim practicioner.

    Contact this organisation in India and they will put you in touch with Muslim psychologists:


    If there is anything else you need or want to ask then please do not hesitate to ask. Ma'asalaam
    For Allah sake any body can help me

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  18. #134
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    Re: For Allah sake any body can help me

    Assalaamu Alikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakaatuh

    before I leave this precious place ; I am here only to tell ya how sorry I am for failing in helping you ; you thought that I am the good one for ya to help ya while I was the worst...please forgive me...
    and I know that you don`t really need me but I am telling you ; you are my brother no matter what you are; whether being a Muslim or not; you still our brother...I wish I was better and helpful for ya...

    take care of your precious self and May Allah be with you and all of us Ameeeeen

    and again I am really so sorry if I hurt your feelings by any way or been unrespected with you...

    leaving you O my brother and everyone here under Allah`s sight, care and protection...


    Amat Allah.
    For Allah sake any body can help me

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  20. #135
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    Re: For Allah sake any body can help me

    My dear sister ! " Amat Allah "

    Its true that, I got hurt by your response since few times . I found you are not reading my replies properly since few days . You are ignoring my questions since few days as well as before also . I found this Junnah Network is not so faithful. Its not complete Muslim network also .

    Here I would like to share you some thing that, M not only computer engineer but also I have done graduation in Philosophy too. I have few basic principles for reaching the truth . those are : Before reaching any conclusion about any mater ; I stay in a very neutral place without any emotion such as love, hate, angry, revenges,EGO, partiality, seniority,juniority, own people, outer people, attraction , distraction , good , bad, ugly, beautiful etc...... . And I see all the evidences , analyzing all Logic, I see all proves , I measure all by sciences , I do cross examine , I do all possible activity without any previous thoughts ; and then I reach to the best thing .
    After reaching the best thing I start to finding how truth that best .

    I have studied about Hinduism , Christianize m before studying the Islam . I have done all those process to reach the best religion . In my judgment I found Islam is the best . But it does not mean its true according to me . Now I am doing trial about Islam . If I find any illogical or unscientific in Islam then, I will select my own wish . Because according to me religion means : It should cover all maters such as social, economical, political,physical, psychological, material , spiritual, emotional, wake up to sleep and sleep to wake up , this life and life after death, means A to Z should be cover by my religion, by my God , I should get all solution from my religion . If any religion missing any thing and telling any lie then, its not true religion for me . Because I believe If almighty is there and if he made me then, he should provide me all resources and all solution for me . If any thing is missing then, that is not true religion as well as that is not my almighty . No mater how best that religion . Then, I wound not feel bad to choose atheism .

    That is the reason I always asking about prove . That is the reason I tell religion is not only Do and Don't . It should be Do and Don't and how to achieve that Do and Don't . It should be practical not in fairy tell not in wonderland .
    But you didn't understand me while I pose the question about Black cumin . I think You didn't read my that query where I am talking about black cumin . Neither you tried to make me understand or clarify my query .

    For name sake telling that, I am belong to so and so religion . I don't want to hide truth, I don't want to make fool my self by telling belong to so and so religion for the sake of people.

    According to me Believe means: Not pronouncing by mouth . it means pronouncing by mouth and act on it , show it , prove it by physically or any other method . NOT LIKE other people . Other people says they believe in Islam but they don't act or activate or taking benefits from which are said by Mohammad(*PBUH) as par their capacity . example: Mohammad(PBUH) said honey is very good , it has many features . So as a MUslim they should find out the features of honey and take benefits from there . If Muslim are don't find out the features of honey and not taking benefits from honey as par their capacity ; that means they are telling lie that, they fully believe in MOhammad(PBUH), actually they are insulting Mohammad (PBUH) if Mohammad(PBUH) is truth . Because Mohammad(PHBU) didn't say all those thing for the time pass ! Why he said? because we human being should utilize it and taking benefits from it . All statements by MOhammad(PBUH). here I am not talking about Honey only, all other things such as Salah, sleep , wake up all mater . I have just given you an example only . If Mohammad (PBUH) is truth and messenger of GOD .

    I request you please read this reply into several times if you don't understand what I mean to say . if require ask me several times to understand my this reply . I will try more n more harder to make you understand . once you understand please reply back to me .
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    Re: For Allah sake any body can help me

    I have mentioned to my last reply that Jannah Network is not a fully Muslim network , because I got another web site which is not belong to Islam but claiming they are true MUslim . that web site belong to same Jannah Network . The name of the site is www.sunniforum.com

    if I am wrong then correct me .
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  22. #137
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    Re: For Allah sake any body can help me

    My respected brother,

    I know that I hurt your feelings and I am so sorry and believe me by Allah I don`t wana hurt your feelings and I really wanted to help ya ...

    and please tell me which Qs I ignored, waAllahi my mind and heart are busy thinking of you and of how to help ya I even didn`t sleep last night and before it too I even cried feeling helpless and useless ; knowing not how to help ya and how to make you understand...I did my best but it seems like my best is nothing but a shameful failure...

    and I know what you mean and all of us need not only words but proves and Islam is the truth and it covers all matters such as social, economical, political, physical, psychological, material , spiritual, emotional, wake up to sleep and sleep to wake up , this life and life after death from A to Z and has all solutions too... but I told ya before I am neither a scholar nor from the people of knowledge to know all the answers for your Qs to answer them rightly, completely and properly...

    you need to ask the people of knowledge and scholars cause I am not good enough to help ya here I tried but my trying was nothing ...

    for the black cumin , post in google search and even in youtube and you will find many things about it in shaa Allah and I have told ya before that Science didn`t discover everything about it and there are many things which the prophet Muhammad (peace abd blessings of Allah be upon him) told us about then Science came after 1400 years and more to prove its reality and still there are many things which our beloved prophet Muhammad told us about but the Science didn`t discover them and only Muslims know about them from the hadeeths and Qur`aan...

    and you are right Muslims should work so hard to benefit from what the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said and taught us and should work so hard to benefit others and the whole world too and I won`t tell ya that they are not trying; they do and if you would search for the Muslim`s inventions and discoveries you will find many and in fact mostly ,all the inventions and discoveries of the west world are based on the Islamic Sciences, inventions and discoveries...search and read about the previous Muslim Scientists and you will know what I meant...

    and recently, you will find Muslims not active like before cause most of us took the knowledge which Allah gifted us and put it under the pillow and slept , why? because when you give up the religion and Allah`s commandments then success will give up being in your way and that what happened with some Muslims...

    as you see in news these days; many of the Muslim rulers are eating the money of their subjects and not feeding their people ; taking the money for themselves then how would they spend money on Sciences, inventions and discoveries...and if they are exists then they are rare and you will see that many of the Muslim Scientists return to the west to help them in supporting their studies and their inventions; cause they didn`t find that support and the important equipments which help them to complete their studies and to be creative in their home country... now you know why Muslims are not benefited of what the prophet taught us and of course not all of them...

    format_quote Originally Posted by hopeonallah View Post
    According to me Believe means: Not pronouncing by mouth . it means pronouncing by mouth and act on it , show it , prove it by physically or any other method
    you are true and this is what Allah taught us my respected brother , if you would read in Qur`aan you will find that Allah taught us this and His messenger too "O you who have believed, why do you say what you do not do? (2) Great is hatred in the sight of Allah that you say what you do not do. (3)" Surat Assaff

    Allah Is true ,Muhammad is true and Islam is true..wana know more then read about Science and Qur`aan and Science and hadeeth...and will know in shaa Allah if all of them are true or not...

    if I understood you wrong then correct me for I am not an angel my respected brother but a human from flesh and blood, weak and I do mistakes...

    If I am not concerned about you and if you are not important to me then I wouldn`t be here replying to you...you are so precious to us and will be till the last breath in shaa Allah...

    I left this place cause I have to finish many suspended matters of my life but you dragged me back and before I wanted to leave but was thinking about you...May Allah help you and be with you always and all of us Ameeen

    and never think that we may hate you ever , you are part of our hearts and will remain till we meet our Lord...

    and Allah knows about Jannah Network, I don`t use this site so, I know nothing about them and can`t say something which I don`t know so, Allah knows the best...

    take care of your self Akhi...
    For Allah sake any body can help me

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    Re: For Allah sake any body can help me

    My dear sister " Amat Allah " !

    Do you know since how long I am trying to find out the truth . since I aware about my sexuality . Because of this I have studied philosophy. Because of this I am travailing city to city . Because of this I left my home . I left every things . I could be a master of computer engineer . I could become a reach man by my engineering knowledge . Now I hardly a good engineer .
    I met many people so call " scholar " . But whenever I asked them a question , I found most of the answer are not matching with their books ( means Quran and Sahih hadith ) . They use to zip up my mouth . There are one community so call Hanfi , this scholar are most arrogant ( its my experience it does not mean my experiences is correct ) . I dont know what religion they follow . but they call them self as Muslim as well as Hanfi . If I ask them question, this Hanfi does not exist in Islam . If I asked them to show prove they start biting here and there and become angry . Gating a right person is most tougher then building an own palace .

    I am watching from child hood all leaving beings are dying every day . So I will be die one day . I need to know the truth . I cant stand without knowing truth .
    That is the reason I am asking the truthful and knowledgeable person as well . I have to correct my self at the same time I have to earn money . because of this I need to be smart and active and healthy . this is the reason I need to quit my smoking and laziness . but I am not able to do it . I need solution . Every day I am sending mail to different sites but no reply . I am visiting different organizations meeting people but no answer . I dont understand whats going on with me . many time I tried to stop my self . I told to my self lets give up my mission . Stop finding truth . start living a normal life earn money, make health ;wealth and enjoy as like as other people . But I could not . I am finding some thing is there inside me which is pushing me to search the truth , I dont know what is this . I cant even explain it . I am trying and trying but I am not getting success because of this frustration some time I am getting angry and I am loosing my control .

    I am extremely sorry to you also that, I have miss behaved with you . Please forgive me for the only and only one truth . Do you know What I pray whenever I pray ? " I pray that, I dont know almighty is there or not, I dont know which is true religion, If you almighty is there then, please guide me the truth; Please show me the way of truth; please arrange me all resources to reach the truth, I dont even know your name etc .. " . But still I am not getting resources . I need resources . Kindly help me ..
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    Re: For Allah sake any body can help me

    My respected brother ,

    I only have one link where you can communicate with good scholars in shaa Allah there and ask them your Qs directly and they will provid you with the necessary resources you may need there in shaa Allah

    here you are:


    its a moderated place where you only can hear lectures and ask your Qs in shaa Allah ; just check on the schedule of lectures to know the time, here you are:


    and May Allah be with you my respected brother always and forever...Ameeeen

    take care of your precious self...
    For Allah sake any body can help me

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  26. #140
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    Re: For Allah sake any body can help me

    format_quote Originally Posted by hopeonallah View Post
    I have mentioned to my last reply that Jannah Network is not a fully Muslim network , because I got another web site which is not belong to Islam but claiming they are true MUslim . that web site belong to same Jannah Network . The name of the site is www.sunniforum.com

    if I am wrong then correct me .
    I am unaware that sunniforum has any connection with us. Would you please post why you believe it does? It does use the same operating program we use vBulletin as many forums do. vBulletin is a program sort of like "Microsoft word perfect" but a bit more complicated. vBulletin (vB) is a commercial Internet forum software produced by Jelsoft Enterprises and vBulletin Solutions, both subsidiaries of Internet Brands. It is written in PHP and uses a MySQL database server. Anybody can buy vBulletin for their Forum

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