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For Allah sake any body can help me

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    For Allah sake any body can help me (OP)

    Sir / Madam,

    Assala mu aliqum...

    I am extremely sorry for not to disclose my name . I am a male . my age is 32 years . I am a Gay . As far my knowledge from child hood I feel attraction towards to male only . I have countless no of encounter with guys . But I do not want to be a gay . Its not my choice . I am help less . I try a lot but every time I fail . I know according to Islam its a Sin. I did fasting every alternative day for years . but no answer . I have been taking treatment from many psychiatrist since I aware that I am a gay( more then 15 years) . Still I am under treatment by psychiatrist; continuously since 2003 , But the surprise thing is all the psychiatrist are giving me counseling about accepting my sexual orientation that is homosexuality . Including Muslim psychiatrist .

    I heard homosexuality is prohibited in the Quran and sahi Hadid . As per my survey Islam has all solution for the life then, why not in homosexuality ?

    I do not act like a girl . I am handsome and muscular behave . In general people may think gays are act like a girl, but its not true at all . most of the gays are not act like a girl . there are very few gay people who act like a girl .

    honestly speaking I am not happy . I do not want to live a gay life . I want to live a straight life . I do not want to go to hell . I hate my life . I tried to do suicide many times but I fail . Now I am thinking homosexuality is one of the biggest sin as well as suicide also . So, two wrong thing cant make correct a wrong . Then what to do ? I can not stop my homosexual feeling . What to do ?

    Do u know any solution regarding my problem ? Do you know any psychiatrist who is giving treatment for reorientation within a reasonable price ? Can you ask to Allah for make me a normal human ? I am too tired . kindly help me . Its my request for Allah sake kindly help me .

    from : I am sorry for not to disclose my name .
    from : India . Bangalore.

  2. #41
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    Re: For Allah sake any body can help me

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    Wa Alikum Assalaam Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakaatuh

    format_quote Originally Posted by hopeonallah View Post
    I am neither a scholar nor a doctor and I am only one of Allah`s slave . I really don't understand the words of " Allah's Slave " . Trust me whenever I heard this words I feel Allah is using us .

    Allah using us??? in what way my respected brother....??

    Allah doesn`t need us at all , if the whole world would disappear then nothing would happen to Allah ; He the Most Exalted will remain Allah...we are who need Allah and all what we do from acts of worship are for our own good and benefit...

    we should be very proud and thankful to Allah for making us His slaves, for giving us this honor and this high status my respected brother, cause Allah Is not like any king...kings use their slaves to feed them to clean for them to benefit them in all ways but Allah The King of all kings doesn`t need us at all and He Is not benefited from us at all ....He Is The One Who created us so, He Has the free will to do whatever He wants to do with us....

    let me clearify for ya by this ex:

    if you made a beautiful wooden box by yourself then took it , used it or hid it or threw it in the sea or burned it or whatever...then does anybody have the right to object? does anybody have the right to stop you from doing whatever you want with something you created by yourself ? I don`t think so my respected brother....

    then why to object being called Allah`s slave while you are His creature and He can do whatever He wants with you...Allah Is not like any creator or any king my respected brother, He Is the Most Just and not only Just but Merciful to us ; giving us more than what we deserve ; He Is The Only King Who wants you to ask Him for everything you want for 24/7and never ever stop asking Him for everything and anything and more than one thing at the same time ...He is The Only One Who rewards you with soooo much more than you deserve...if you would work for someone then you would only take a specifec mount of money daily or monthly or whatever but with The Most Generous you will take more rewards and He will increase them for ya and that won`t ever affect Him or what He has...The Only One Who feeds you and blesses you with soo much of things daily with no return... the Only One Who would cure your illnesses without asking you for a return...The Only One Who if you would face Him with sins filling the heavens and earth ; He would meet you with forgiveness and mercy filling the heavens and earth and more and would never care with whatever you done when you return to Him in repentance...The Only King Who feeds and send His blessings and mercy upon His slaves who sined against Him ; insulted Him and worshipped someone else than Him such as disbelievers...can`t you see them and see the blessings of Allah which are sent to them...a human king would torture them and would never ever give them a chance but Allah Is giving us more than one chance...laa ilaha illa Allah

    Sub`haan Allah, you are worshipping Allah to benefit your self and He rewards you for that no but promised you of Al Jannah for that...laa ilaha illa Allah...

    don`t you want to be a slave of such king?

    Second thing : Is Allah's Slave is greater then scholar and doctors ?
    if you are a scholar or a doctor but not a slave of Allah then you are nothing...now you will know who is greater in shaa Allah...

    neither your degree nor your rank or the knowledge you have would make you good in the sight of Allah if not being His slave...but surely, you will be a greater slave of Allah if having all of these for His sake and to please Him...

    in shaa Allah you will understand, May Allah make you amongst the best of His slaves and servants Ameeeeeeeeen

    you are in my Duaa my respected brother and all Mankind and Jinn in shaa Allah...

    and never be worried many of our brothers and sisters are here for help...don`t panic in shaa Allah we won`t leave your side and will be with you till you stand on your feet after Allah...

    leaving you under Allah`s sight...O slave and servant of Allah...
    For Allah sake any body can help me

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    Re: For Allah sake any body can help me

    Sorry I didn't read all of the replies, but what I don't understand is what makes it ok to commit zina or have sex before marriage despite whether you are gay or not? You shouldn't have sexual relations with anyone before marriage, even if you think you'll never get married or want a woman. You shouldn't do things like watch porn to excite yourself because you know it will lead you to want to commit unlawful sex or fantasize about it.

    I believe it's possible to become straight if you really wanted to just as it is possible for straight people to become gay/bisexual simply because they are bored with the same sex. Your mental state is not what's haram or unacceptable, it's your actions.

    You know you're doing something wrong otherwise you wouldn't be asking for advice. You know yourself better than we know you, so I suggest you do things the right way or at least stay away from the things that make you want to wrong yourself, it's not worth it. You can live a healthy and happy lifestyle if you focus your attention towards better things and not so much that you're a homosexual...It's possible to live single happily, and in fact, the way you're being with a lot of men sexually as you claim doesn't even seem like you want a serious relationship anyway! You're just doing it to fulfill your lower desires.

    Anyways may Allah make things easy for you and may you be guided toward what is best for you.
    For Allah sake any body can help me

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  5. #43
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    Re: For Allah sake any body can help me

    assala mu aliqum " Charisma "

    thank you for your response .

    you have told me :

    in fact, the way you're being with a lot of men sexually as you claim doesn't even seem like you want a serious relationship anyway! You're just doing it to fulfill your lower desires.

    I guess we need to know more about homosexual people . Here I would like to share my experience that, I never ever have seen any GAY or BISEXUAL guy; who don't have sexual contact with more then one guy . And in average, one 20 years old GAY or BISEXUAL guy have minimum 10 different sexual partner . And ts every year its multiply into different amounts. I have seen GAY or BISEXUAL people have 50 to 500 different sexual partners at the ages of 25 years to 30 years , and those guys may or may not be have permanent sexual partner . IF they have permanent sexual partner then most of them do group sex with a new guys . Because finding a sexual partner is not difficult for GAY or BISEXUAL guys . for that only need one hour . Just log on the gay dating sites . Now a days its very common in the society . I don't understand why people least bother about it . In the bus stop, shopping mall, theater college , school , every where, religious places hospitals. Trust me some time I think is there any straight people ?

    Trust me,I could not have knowledge that, Homosexuality is wrong. If I could not read Surah HUD. But I had feelings that some thing wrong going on with me . But I was not sure what is it ? I am feeling very difficult to quit it after knowing about it . And I am trying . And I will success INSAH ALLAH .

    INSHAH ALLAH you will help me for it .

    thank you .
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    Re: For Allah sake any body can help me

    format_quote Originally Posted by hopeonallah View Post
    And I am trying . And I will success INSAH ALLAH .

    Surely you will in shaa Allah...do your best and you will be an amazing Muslim by Allah`s Willing...I trust your ability in that so much my respected brother...May Allah be with you Ameeen
    For Allah sake any body can help me

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    Re: For Allah sake any body can help me

    Assala mu aliqum " HAMZA81".

    I am bit disappointed regarding reply of the "THE VALE'S LILY " can you help me to understand about her reply please ?

    thank you so much .
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    Re: For Allah sake any body can help me

    assala mu aliqum my dear and dear sister " Amat Allah " ,

    I am still waiting for your reply whichever I have already posted to you . I hope you will educate me regarding my all post whichever I have already posted to you by mentioned your name as well as without mention your name too which you have knowledge . I hope will be benefited by your knowledge and I will apply it on my life . Inshah Allah .

    I am your brother only . I also want to become Allah's slave not only slave but also Pure Slave of Allah like you .
    So I expect your support as much as possible .

    Your brother .
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  10. #47
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    Re: For Allah sake any body can help me

    format_quote Originally Posted by hopeonallah View Post
    Assala mu aliqum " HAMZA81".

    I am bit disappointed regarding reply of the "THE VALE'S LILY " can you help me to understand about her reply please ?

    thank you so much .
    Wa Alaikum Asalaam,

    Our dear sister Vales lilly is actually a physician. She is bascially saying that homosexuals can often develop unrelated mental issues so it isnt a surprise that you have been diagnosed with such mental conditions.

    She also states that although the doctors you may come across may view homosexuality as “normal” there are a large number of doctors who view it as “not mormal” to have such a sexual inclincation towards the same sex.

    Also my brother you have us here to help you by the will of Allah but it is Allah you should thank for wanting to get you out of the situation you are in now and bring you closer to him. He picked you out of so many others in your position and is wanting to guide you so that you may become his pious servant. So grab this opportunity and strive as much as you can to do EVERYTHING in your daily life to become closer to Allah and refrain from anything which angers or displeases him.

    Although we are here for you it is you who has to put in the effort required in order for you to go further from where you are now. So put in the effort by praying all of your Salaah on time and in the Masjid if you can and also try to sit with some good local scholars who will be able to give you guidance towards the right path. Get involved with Islamic courses and learning and recite the Qur'an as much as you can. Do as much dhikr of Allah as possible night and day and make dua to Allah as much as you can for him to guide you and help you overcome your issues. Thank him all of the time and repent to him and beg of him for mercy and forgiveness.

    And Allah knows best in all matters
    For Allah sake any body can help me

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    Re: For Allah sake any body can help me

    assala mu aliqum my dear brother and sister ,,

    thank you for your patience and supports .

    I am facing one more new problem which may keep distance or push me far from my goal . " But I think, I have already posted many queries which are still waiting for answer " . I don't want to give overburden to my self otherwise I may lose all whatever I gain . So I am telling to my self " wait, lat the answer come first then post again . as well as I am requesting to all " please" reply my queries as soon as possible which are still waiting for answer. I really thanks all of you . I cant explain how much you are helping me (positive way ). trust me I am very much thankful to all of you . I need more and more help . I hope; I will get .

    Thank you .
    your beggar ,
    ********** .
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  12. #49
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    Re: For Allah sake any body can help me

    Asalaamu alaikum which queries my brother please state them.
    For Allah sake any body can help me

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    Re: For Allah sake any body can help me

    format_quote Originally Posted by hopeonallah View Post
    Sir / Madam,

    Assala mu aliqum...

    I am extremely sorry for not to disclose my name . I am a male . my age is 32 years . I am a Gay . As far my knowledge from child hood I feel attraction towards to male only . I have countless no of encounter with guys . But I do not want to be a gay . Its not my choice . I am help less . I try a lot but every time I fail . I know according to Islam its a Sin. I had sex with Islamic priest also . I had sex with many general Muslim people along with non Muslim people . I fond its a very common practice among the all type of males. I did fasting every alternative day for years . but no answer . I have been taking treatment from many psychiatrist since I aware that I am a gay( more then 15 years) . Still I am under treatment by psychiatrist; continuously since 2003 , But the surprise thing is all the psychiatrist are giving me counseling about accepting my sexual orientation that is homosexuality . Including Muslim psychiatrist .

    There is no such thing as a "Islamic priest"...

    If your having sex with random men, then you are committing a sin and your likely to get STD. There is also A strong possibility you might get raped, there are sexual predators out there, with disgusting intentions.

    I heard homosexuality is prohibited in the Quran and sahi Hadid . As per my survey Islam has all solution for the life then, why not in homosexuality ? I had sex with many Muslim married guy; that is the reason I do not believe the marriage is the solution for homosexuality . And still I am not married .
    All you need to do is not engage in a sexual relationship with men.

    honestly speaking I am not happy . I do not want to live a gay life . I want to live a straight life . I do not want to go to hell . I hate my life . I tried to do suicide many times but I fail . Now I am thinking homosexuality is one of the biggest sin as well as suicide also . So, two wrong thing cant make correct a wrong . Then what to do ? I can not stop my homosexual feeling . What to do ?
    Suicide will lead you to hell...

    Your homosexual attraction itself is not the sin. It becomes a sin when you have sex with men.

    Do u know any solution regarding my problem ? Do you know any psychiatrist who is giving treatment for reorientation within a reasonable price ? Can you ask to Allah for make me a normal human ? I am too tired . kindly help me . Its my request for Allah sake kindly help me .
    Don't have sex with men. That is your solution. Fasting and praying will help you control your sexual urges. These feelings might stay with you for the rest of your life, so you must learn to control them.

    from : I am sorry for not to disclose my name .

    from : India . Bangalore.
    There is no need to disclose your name or your location.

    I hope I do not sound harsh but your 32 years old. You should be more responsible than sleeping around with random men.
    Last edited by GuestFellow; 03-16-2011 at 10:10 PM.
    For Allah sake any body can help me

    I was looking at myself talking to myself and I realized this conversation...I was having with myself looking at myself was a conversation with myself that I needed to have with myself.
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  15. #51
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    Re: For Allah sake any body can help me

    assala mu aliqum My brother and sister ,

    Today I would like to share some experiences of mine . I request you all , please don't misunderstand me . I would like to conform you that, my intention is not to hurt any one. I am asking advance apologizes If any body get hurt by me . Please forgive me .

    I would like to tell you one verse from Quran before I start telling my experiences :

    Quran in Surah Nisa Ch. No. 4, V. No. 135:
    You have to fight for justice even if it is against your own interests. You
    have to stand out for witnessing Allah (swt) and for witnessing the truth of
    Almighty God even if it is against yourself, against your parents and against
    your relatives.

    Actually I am fighting against of my self . I am itself is the biggest enemy of my self . My queries are my enemy's weapons. And answers are Weapons of the MOMINS ( True Muslims ) . I am the person who don't want to win of the war . I want to defeat in my war.

    I have learn from my experiences that , most of the scholars are aggressive and most of the time I get arrogant answer . ( again I am apologize for it, I just sharing my experiences . and I hope my experiences are should be wrong ). I found whenever they don't want to answer me or may be they don't have answer or may be not the right time of answer of my queries , either they use to tell , I don't have right to ask this type of questions otherwise I will be Qafir . I have to stop asking them. Or they moved from me , or some time they made me move from them . They don't tell that , don't know the answer regarding my queries, so and so the person is perfect for you . Or they don't tell its not the right time to answer you wait till time will come . Or they dont tell; did not understand my queries .

    I have another problem that , neither I know Hindi Nor Urdu . I little bit understand English and my mother tongue and few more language . But here most of the scholars are knows only Hindi and Urdu . In fact I feel more comfortable with English whereas my mother tongue is some thing else which I don't want to disclose it here.

    According to Islam : if some one doing some thing wrong being a Muslim they should try to rid it . They suppose to try on me how to overcome from my problems . They suppose to try to bring me the right track . they suppose to convince me .And give me solutions. But here some thing opposite happening . Here I have to convince them that, I am thinking my mater is the against of Islam and against of nature and I want to Rid it . So, here I need to do two job, first I have to convince then follow the solutions . Its make me more tough .

    I would like to share one more thing . I am 32 years old its true but I think I have lesser knowledge then a 15(fifteen) years old person . And my mentality is childish . A Small rudeness can hurt me like any thing . My this pain can compare with a raped girl .

    As per my knowledge : I think Mohammad was get revaluation at the age of 40 years . I have seen many people accept Islam at the age of their end . because of my age I can not give up my hope .

    Again I am asking your apologizes . I know I have given you more trouble . But trust me, my intention is not to hurt you .

    please forgive me .
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    Re: For Allah sake any body can help me

    format_quote Originally Posted by hopeonallah View Post
    your beggar ,

    you are not our beggar my respected brother we are all equal please don`t call yourself of such names...you are higher than what you have said...and about scholars (ask me about it) I once met a scholar who was waiting for others Qs to answer them then he treated me in unrespectful way...but trust me my noble brother not all scholars like that . there are many amazing scholars which you don`t want even want them to stop talking ...those hrash are few and may be Allah is testing you in some way ; you don`t know...just be patient and Allah will make you understand....also, some scholars are really have no knowledge of some Qs ...and everyone can give what he/ she is able to give , and the person can not give what he/ she doesn`t have....

    and please Akhi , if I was late answering your Qs then you gotta be patient cause I my self do not have soo much of knowledge and I always need to search , read and understand to not give you blind answers... we must be honest and truthful to others and false answers may lead others to the wrong way and make their situation even worse....

    Humbly, please quote for me the Qs you want me to help ya with and I will try my best in shaa Allah, ok?

    please be happy and forget about your past and go ahead not thinking of things had happened and done... past will only make us misery and destroy our future and first oue relationship with Allah...

    I am really happy and honored having you as my brother , May Allah love you and guide your way always and forever Ameeeeeen

    I promise you in shaa Allah, I won`t leave your side and Allah Is my witness...

    May Allah be with you Ameeeeeen
    For Allah sake any body can help me

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    Re: For Allah sake any body can help me

    Here you are some info about Mastribution :

    Masturbation in Islam is Haram. Its harms are great and it has disastrous consequences as established by doctors who have attested to its gravity and detriment. Allah Ta'ala says in the Noble Qur'an concerning the qualities of the people of Iman: 'And those who guard their modesty - save from their wives or the (slaves) that their right hands possess, they are not blameworthy. But whosoever craves beyond that, such are transgressors.' (Mu'minoon 5-7)

    It is apparent that this act is contrary to that with which Allah Ta'ala has described the people of Iman - and it entails transgression and injustice upon one's self. Therefore, it is incumbent to abstain from it and take recourse to what Prophet (Pbuh) has prescribed for bachelors wherein he said, 'O members of the youth, those of you who have the means to get married then surely do so, because therein lies the greater protection of ones eyes and private parts. And as for those who do not have the means, then let them hold onto fasting because it weakens and breaks the passion (and desire within a person).'

    It is hoped, Insha Allah, that by means of this Nabawi (prophetic) prescription you will finally be able to discard and leave this abominable and wicked act. However, there is no harm in referring to a doctor as well as seeking guidance on this matter for those who are not able to fast and for those who are not able to subdue their passions by fasting as Prophet (Pbuh) said, 'Allah Ta'ala has not sent down any sickness but together with it he sent down a cure as well. Those who have knowledge will be cognisant of it and the ignorant will remain ignorant of it.'

    The Prophet (Pbuh) said, 'O servants of Allah! Treat one another with medication. However, do not resort to unlawful means.'

    It has been proven medically that masturbation causes numerous illnesses. From among them are:

    1.. It weakens the eyesight and decreases its sharpness to a great extent.

    2.. It causes the private part to become frail and feeble and it creates a partial or total laxity in it, resulting in the person becoming more resembling to women, due to the loss of his distinctive manliness by means of which Allah Ta'ala has granted man virtue over woman. He is thus unable to get married. And in the event of him getting married, he will not be able to fulfil the responsibilities of marriage as required. This will cause his wife to cast her gaze on other men, resulting in such harms which are apparent.

    3.. It creates a weakness in the nerves and sinews due to the physical exertion involved in this act.

    4.. It disrupts and upsets the digestive system, thus impending this process.

    5.. It creates an impediment in the growth of the body organs, the penis and testicles in particular, thus they do not grow to their natural limit.

    6.. It causes an inflammation in the testicles resulting in premature ejaculation to this extent that by mere frictional contact of the penis, ejaculation occurs.

    7.. It causes pain in the vertebral column (spine) - the place from which sperm originates - due to which crookedness and bending occurs in the back.

    8.. Due to constant ejaculation, the sperm no more remains thick and dense as it normally occurs in males. This results in a deficiency in sperm and in many cases leaving it faint and thin which is not 'mighty enough' to impregnate. This is the cause for such children to be more prone to disease and illness as against those who are born from natural sperm.

    9.. It causes trembling and instability in some parts of the body like the feet.

    10.. It weakens the cerebral glands, thus weakening the faculty of perception. It also decreases one's intellect and can even lead to mental disorders and insanity.

    11.. Finally, we beseech of the Almighty Allah Ta'ala for protection from all evils, for us and all Muslims.

    (Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baaz, Grand Mufti and Head - Department of Islamic Research, Iftaa and Propagation - Saudia Arabia
    Extracted from: 'Whither O Youth' Sheikh Muhammad bin Saleh al-Uthaymin published by Madrassa Arabia Islamia - Azaadville)

    and a chinese medicine said:

    20 percent of male semen is composed of cerebrospinal fluid. Frequent ejaculation thus causes a chronic drain of the vital fluids that the brain and spine require to function properly.
    The resulting deficiency of cerebrospinal fluid can cause such increasingly common conditions as premature senility, inability to concentrate, chronic depression, loss of sexual drive and a host of other related symptoms.

    and Allah knows the best

    Last edited by Amat Allah; 03-16-2011 at 06:22 AM.
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    Re: For Allah sake any body can help me

    format_quote Originally Posted by hopeonallah View Post

    here we are talking about the human being who lost his interest and desire for women because his testicles been cut off ...

    ... and Allah knows the best...
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    Re: For Allah sake any body can help me

    format_quote Originally Posted by hopeonallah View Post
    I am suffering from OCD and ANTICIPATORY ANXIETY AND MOOD DISTRACTION along with HOMOSEXUAL PROBLEM . Because of this reason I go to psychiatrist I need to use some medication . According to me; all my problems are related with my homosexuality but my psychiatrist are not agree . They are telling me that homosexuality is not a problem neither Sin nor Unnatural . I should be accept it . I never accept it . because of this reason I use to fight with my psychiatrist ( not physically ) . and they increase my dosage . And those medicines are take me some other world I start feeling happy .I feel lust only . My psychiatrists are giving me counseling for enjoy my life . they always telling me who seen the life after death . and many thing they suggest me to go Gay organization . they introduced me gay dating sites . and many gay organization . ETC... I have stop meeting psychiatrist and taking medicine too since one and half month . Because I don't want to use those medicine which increases lust only and provide me false happiness . But at the same time those medicines help me about my " OCD and ANTICIPATORY ANXIETY AND MOOD DISTRACTION " . I am scaring now because I may feel OCD, ANTICIPATORY ANXIETY AND MOOD DISTRACTION again, Since one and half month I am not taking medicine , It may come back at any time . I don't want to meet any non true Muslim psychiatrist neither non Muslim psychiatrist . What to do ? ]
    I am sorry for asking such Qs but I have to to help ya so, are all medications you take cause you lust? if not then which ones?

    Astagfero Allah...

    May Allah help me in this Ameeen
    For Allah sake any body can help me

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    Re: For Allah sake any body can help me

    Firstly: Thank you for your reply regarding masturbation . lots of time I had masturbation in my life then, how will I recover from my lose now , physically as well as spiritually?

    second thing : doctors keep changing my medicine . currently doctor's advice are: 1). Liofen XL 20mg. one tablet at night .
    2). Attentrol 25mg. one tablet at morning .
    3). Nexito 10mg. one tablet at night.
    But as i told I stop having medicine since one and half months.
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  22. #57
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    Re: For Allah sake any body can help me

    assala mu aliqum . Amat Allah ,

    I am desperately waiting for your reply regarding my queries which are still pending . I request you that , please tell to your all members not to response me if they dont have right answer, and if they dont know how to present it . They can forward you the answers and you can send me, because I hope and think you know how to present in a diplomatic way .

    thank you .
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  23. #58
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    Re: For Allah sake any body can help me

    format_quote Originally Posted by View Post
    Firstly: Thank you for your reply regarding masturbation . lots of time I had masturbation in my life then, how will I recover from my lose now , physically as well as spiritually?

    Did you read my offer of advice on the other thread about muslims and homosexuality?
    In it I wrote some practical steps that maybe helpful for you will restore you, physically and spiritually Insha Allah:
    1. Stop associating with other gay people. This may be hard for you at first because they might be the only friends you have or they are your closest friends, but this is very important step to make. You don't have to stop at once, but lessen your interaction with them step by step. Let's not kid ourselves and think that we are strong enough that other people do not affect us. From ahadeeth, from our life experiences, from history and from science we know that our perspectives, our opinions, our views of life are heavily influenced by people we surround ourselves with.
    So that means you need to make new friends with good people with strong eeman who implement Islam in daily life. How? Search for Islamic courses in your area and enroll in those classes. Start to offer shalah fard and spend more time in mosque, whether in your neighborhood, your school or work place. Smile to people in there, introduce yourself and make friends with them. You can offer to help doing something for the mosque, no matter how small it is. That will lead you to make friends with them. I am not quite sure how old you are, but if you are still a youth, you may join some youth muslim organizations.
    Slowly but surely you will have a shift of paradigm of life.

    2. Do not do anything that will only incite your homosexuality. This means, never ever go near any pornographic materials, gay or otherwise, Be firm and strong and do not surrender yourself to the whispering of shaytan.

    3. prophet Muhammad SAW prescribed fastings for those who are ready but cannot marry yet. So start doing sunnah fastings. If you are able to, you can do sunnah prophet Daud (pbuh) which is fasting every other day (one day fasting - one day break - and goes on), or you can start with the monday-thursday fastings. There are sooo many barokah, blessings, and hikmah in fastings. First, fasting is the only ibada for Allah (there's a hadith Qudsi about this I think). Second, fasting is proven very beneficial in helping controlling libido and reset physical, emotional and psychological health. So do this, and do not delay.

    4. Start implementing sunnah in your daily life. The more you implement sunnah, the more you will feel easier to manage your homosexuality.

    5. Always pray to Allah for guidance, ask for forgiveness (the du'a from prophets Adam or yunus (pbut) who asked for forgiveness is very powerful - Laa Ilaaha illa anta, Subhanaka innee kuntu minadzholimin - "There is no God that I worship but you, You are the Most High, so forgive me for I have wronged myself). Increase your sunnah prayers such as tahajud and dhuha, and be positive btu still patient that Allah accepts your du'a.

    5. If one day you slip and perform homosexual act or even watching porn for example, do not despair and do not surrender and think that Allah make you that way. You must repent to Allah SWT as soon as you do that, ask Allah for forgiveness with every sincerity and promise yourself to never do it again. Remember, always repent. Allah SWT will forgive our sins no matter if it fills earth and sky as long as we are sincere in our repentance. Do not despair from the hope on Allah
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    Re: For Allah sake any body can help me

    i am not sure what your solution is. you can try solitude for some time, say 40 days, during which you won't encounter another human being, but watching nature and animals are ok. don't lock yourself in a dark room. i think a place in the wilderness might be best because i read that being alone in a natural surrounding has a calming effect. during this time do only zikr and istaghfaar (repentence to Allah) but don't think of homosexuality etc. just do zikr and astaghfaar. the aim is to get rid of all homo thoughts for as long as possible so that you can come back with a fresh mind. after your time in solitide i hope that you will no longer get gay feelings. i hope this method is successful but am unsure of its effects. let us kjow after youve done it. May Allah make you successful. ameen.
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    Re: For Allah sake any body can help me

    assala mu aliqum " naidamar and WRITER "

    thank you for ur advice .

    I stay alone only . and I have join Islamic center for getting Islamic knowledge . I visited a Islamic library but i could not found any book or audio or video CD which can help me regarding homosexuality . I do Salah . Let see what Allah want me to do .
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