This thread has more to do with apologizing publicly to someone than actually seeking advice. But do feel free to dispense advice if any.

To beltane3, if you still browse this forum, I have no other way of contacting you at the moment, all I wanted to say is I am truly sorry for what I said and did and even more for what I did not do. Circumstances I never explained influenced my actions but not as much as my own cowardice and stupidity.

I had no right to question your deen, no right to say anything that I said. I apologise, and I hope that for the sake of Allah you can forgive me. I would very much like to clarify a few things with you, if you wish to hear me out, you have my contacts I believe.

To the mods, please don't delete my post. It's important that I seek forgiveness before I go to Hajj. Jazakallah!