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Friend want to become muslim in chae Allah

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    muslima7186's Avatar Full Member
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    Friend want to become muslim in chae Allah

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    Salaam alaikom wa rahmatou Allah wa barakatouh..

    I have some questions for friends of mine who will become muslims in chae Allah.. They asked me those questions and i want to answer them good..

    - in Islam is it supposed to be bad if a girl is going through her periods? is it something bad ? and why not may she not touch the quraan and pray?

    - the local mosque here tells me that to be a Moslim I must go through an operation-is it true? If so, why? (men)

    - also one of my Iranian friends told me that Islam also allows a temporaray marraige-is it true?

    - what happend if you really want to pray but you have periods?

    And i had many more questions, but i found the answer here in books, internet and my parents etc. The problem is, i am afraid to explains something to him and his sister and brother in English, and they will understand me wrong.. i can explain it in my own words, but just in case to be sure it is right, i ask it here to know ideas from others.. (my English ain't that perfect!!) And i will be sure they will understand me good then..

    And if u know islam web sites i like to know, may Allah bless u all in chae Allah..

    Djazakoum Allaho kheyran..

    Salaam alaikom wa rahmatou Allah wa barakatouh..
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    Rabi'ya's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Friend want to become muslim in chae Allah

    format_quote Originally Posted by muslima7186 View Post
    Salaam alaikom wa rahmatou Allah wa barakatouh..

    I have some questions for friends of mine who will become muslims in chae Allah.. They asked me those questions and i want to answer them good..

    - in Islam is it supposed to be bad if a girl is going through her periods? is it something bad ? and why not may she not touch the quraan and pray?
    For a women to have a period is indeed a blessing from Allah(swt):coolsis: It is definitely not considered bad. Allah has ordered women not to touch the Quraan and pray during this time, however, we may still undertake dhikr of Allah, make duaa and read Quraan provided she does not touch it. If you need more information on this feel free to email me as there is a large thread in the sisters section - to which you havent got access as yet

    - the local mosque here tells me that to be a Moslim I must go through an operation-is it true? If so, why? (men)
    As-Salamu `alaykum! I would like to know your view about the significance of male circumcision; I mean: is there any scientific value or medical benefit behind such operation? Jazakum Allahu Khayran.

    Wa `alaykum As-Salamu wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.

    In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

    All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.

    Dear brother in Islam, we are very pleased for the great confidence you repose in us and we really commend your apparent interest in having a better understanding of the teachings of Islam and the rulings of this great religion in all matters. In fact, Islam is a religion that encompasses all aspects of life and secures guidance and light for all mankind.

    It is well known that circumcision is an act pertaining to the fitrah (pure human nature). Some Muslim scholars consider it as a confirmed Sunnah. Other scholars consider it mandatory.

    “First of all, we would like to stress the fact that circumcision is the Sunnah of Prophet Ibrahim and Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon them all). Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) is reported to have said, “Five are the acts quite akin to fitrah: Circumcision, shaving the pubes, cutting the nails, plucking the hair under the armpits and clipping (or shaving) the moustache.” (Reported in all the six authentic collections of Hadith)

    As regards the juristic views on this, Imam Abu Hanifah and Imam Malik maintain that circumcision is considered as a confirmed Sunnah (Sunnah Mu'akkadah), whereas Imam Shafi`i and Ahmad ibn Hanbal see it as mandatory (wajib).

    Circumcision in Medical Perspectives:

    Circumcision, being an act of fitrah, reflects Islam’s keenness on preserving man’s health and personal hygiene. This is further clarified in the following:

    Circumcision is a universal practice which is greatly influenced by cultural and religious traditions. It is the most frequent operation on males not only in Islamic countries, but also other parts of the world. For example, in the United States of America more than one million male infants are circumcised each year. The performance of circumcision is one of the rules of cleanliness in Islam.

    The word fitrah in relation to cleanliness can refer to the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), with regard to this matter, and fitrah also 'implies an inner sense of cleanliness in man which is proof of his moral convictions and mental health.'

    Male circumcision means removal of the foreskin of the penis. The Islamic scholar Al-Mawardi said, 'The ideal method is to remove the skin completely from the beginning of the glans, and the minimum condition is that nothing is left to cover the end of the glans." The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) recommended performing circumcision at an early age. Al- Mawardi stated that the chosen time is the 7th day after birth, but it can be carried out up to 40 days after birth or thereafter until the age of 7 years, depending upon the health of the infant or child at the time.

    There is an ongoing debate on the value of neonatal circumcision. Indeed, the position of the American Academy of Pediatrics since 1975 has been that there are no valid or absolute medical indications for routine circumcision of newborn male infants. On the other hand, the results of recent clinical and epidemiological studies are supportive of the practice of circumcision in newborn and infant males. From a two-part study involving cohorts of 3,924 and 422,328 infants respectively Wiswell and Roscelli found a higher rate of urinary tract infection in uncircumcised compared with male circumcised infants. These investigators observed that as the circumcision frequency rate decreases, the incidence of urinary tract infections increases. Infection usually begins in the foreskin which becomes swollen and difficult to retract. A medium for bacterial growth and further spread of infection is provided by the fecal material trapped between the foreskin and glans of the penis. Such a condition probably leads to other more serious complications.

    Proper hygienic care of the penis, which includes regular washing, will prevent some infections, but among children this is difficult to maintain and is probably not as effective as circumcision. Some conditions, such as phimosis, often lead to circumcision at a later age that could have been prevented if it had been performed earlier. The possible risk for long term urological complications in the infected, uncircumcised male infant has not been properly studied. It is known, however, that as many as 50% of male infants with urinary tract infections will subsequently reveal demonstrable radiologic abnormalities. Thus, the performance of circumcision and the practice of sunan Al-fitrah as recommended in Islam is medically beneficial and reflects the wisdom of the Islamic statements.”

    Excerpted, with slight modifications, from http://www.islamzine.com

    (taken from Islamonline.net)

    - also one of my Iranian friends told me that Islam also allows a temporaray marraige-is it true?
    Mu'ta marriages or temporary marriages were forbidden in the time of the Prohpet(saw)

    Saheeh Bukhari Volume 7, Book 62, Number 50:

    Narrated 'Ali:

    I said to Ibn 'Abbas, "During the battle of Khaibar the Prophet forbade (Nikah) Al-Mut'a and the eating of donkey's meat."

    - what happend if you really want to pray but you have periods?
    Again, for a women it can be seen as a blessing and therefore a time for her to relive herself from the duty of salaah. As I said before dhikr of Allah can be understaken as can making duaa.

    And i had many more questions, but i found the answer here in books, internet and my parents etc. The problem is, i am afraid to explains something to him and his sister and brother in English, and they will understand me wrong.. i can explain it in my own words, but just in case to be sure it is right, i ask it here to know ideas from others.. (my English ain't that perfect!!) And i will be sure they will understand me good then..

    And if u know islam web sites i like to know, may Allah bless u all in chae Allah..

    Djazakoum Allaho kheyran..

    Salaam alaikom wa rahmatou Allah wa barakatouh..
    try www.islamqa.com for some regularly asked questions. I like this site. There maybe others who can advise you of more sites

    hope some of what I have written is beneficial inshAllah

    Friend want to become muslim in chae Allah

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    Rabi'ya's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Friend want to become muslim in chae Allah

    This may also help inshAllah

    As-Salamu `alaykum! From where do you get the idea that menstruation is "unclean"? I do not find it in the Qur'an. I believe that the idea that women cannot pray or fast while menstruating is alien to Islam and came in as an innovation after the death of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him).

    All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.

    Thanks for this interesting question, which reflects part of misconceptions that some people have about Islam and the way it deals with women. We really commend your efforts in pursuit of truth. This is what is required of all people, to seek truth and not to give in to anything that may cloud their minds with fake ideas about Islam.

    As for your question, Sheikh Zoubir Bouchikhi, Imam of the Islamic Society of Greater Houston’s Southeast Mosque, states:

    "Whoever considers the women during their menstruation or post-natal bleeding 'unclean' is ignorant about Islam and its beautiful teachings.

    The reason why Islam prohibited women from praying and fasting during their menstruation is for their own good. Islam gives women a break every month because of the tremendous hardship they endure due to the changes in their hormones, but no Muslim scholar said that they are unclean.

    Sister Lisa, not everything is found in the Qur'an in details. We have the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) who told his wives and the wives of the believers, therefore to all the Muslim women not to pray or fast during menstruation. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: 'If a woman is in her period, then she can neither pray nor fast.'

    We as Muslims are commanded by Allah in the Qur'an to obey Him and obey His Messenger.

    I do agree with you that whoever thinks that women are prohibited from praying and fasting during menstruation because they are unclean is totally wrong; it is rather for the good of women and for their health not to fast."

    Friend want to become muslim in chae Allah

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  5. #4
    wafa islam's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Friend want to become muslim in chae Allah

    Salaam u alaykum wa rahmato Allah wa barakatoh..

    Sister, I know of some islamic sites:


    I hope u find these sites informative InsaAllah.
    Wa alaykum u salaam wa rahmato Allah wa barakatoh
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    muslima7186's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Friend want to become muslim in chae Allah

    Salaam alaikom wa ra7mato allah wa barakatouh

    Rabi'ya and Wafa Islam, baraka Allaho fikoum..

    Thanks for the answers and the sites, u both are great!!! Ma shae Allah..

    la illaha illa Allah..
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    muslima7186's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Friend want to become muslim in chae Allah

    Can somebody answer those questions, just to make it more clear and so i won't say something wrong or make mistakes! :sister:

    - I wanted to know if it is written in Koran about 5 times praying? pls tell me the verse where it says that it is 5 times a day?

    - Also pls tell me if it si writen in Koran that alcohol is not permissiable to drink?

    Baraka Allaho fikoum..

    Fi amaan Allah :rose:
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    muslima7186's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Friend want to become muslim in chae Allah

    Salaam alaikom my brothers and sisters!

    Baraka Allaho fikoum! This friend that i told u about is ready to say the chahada and become a muslim.. He is convinced el hemdo li Allah.. Can somebody pls tell me what are the first steps to do, i know say the chahada "achHado ana la illaha illa Allah wa achHado ana Mohammed rasol Allah" (SAW)
    Does he need to say that in Arabic or English or is that not important? And after he said the chahada he needs to learn how to pray, does he need to learn that in Arabic? And do u know some website where he can learn how to pray? (pls with pictures, audio or video?) Are those the first steps? And what are the next steps?

    Fi amaan Allah..

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    Rabi'ya's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Friend want to become muslim in chae Allah

    - Also pls tell me if it si writen in Koran that alcohol is not permissiable to drink?

    Check this out sis inshAllah it will help

    I dont know about the prayers in the Quraan but i will find out inshAllah...

    Last edited by Rabi'ya; 01-03-2006 at 03:36 PM.
    Friend want to become muslim in chae Allah

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    Rabi'ya's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Friend want to become muslim in chae Allah

    format_quote Originally Posted by muslima7186 View Post
    Salaam alaikom my brothers and sisters!

    Baraka Allaho fikoum! This friend that i told u about is ready to say the chahada and become a muslim.. He is convinced el hemdo li Allah.. Can somebody pls tell me what are the first steps to do, i know say the chahada "achHado ana la illaha illa Allah wa achHado ana Mohammed rasol Allah" (SAW)
    Does he need to say that in Arabic or English or is that not important? And after he said the chahada he needs to learn how to pray, does he need to learn that in Arabic? And do u know some website where he can learn how to pray? (pls with pictures, audio or video?) Are those the first steps? And what are the next steps?

    Fi amaan Allah..


    Alhamdulillah, your friend wants to take the shahadah. InshAllah, its better for him to say it in arabic, as this is the language of the Quraan. obviously he needs to know the translation of the shahadah.

    Try here for learning to pray

    Hope thsihelps

    Friend want to become muslim in chae Allah

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    Re: Friend want to become muslim in chae Allah

    Yes, in the qur'an it is said that we have to perform the 5 prayers.

    check this insha Allaah:

    In the qur'an it is said that alcohol is not allowed in a few verses:

    “They ask you regarding wine and gambling. Say, in both of them is major sin, and there is some benefit for men, but the sin of them is far greater than benefit ” (2:219)

    "O you who believe! Intoxicants, gambling, idolatry and arrows (for seeking help on decision) one an abomination of order that you may be successful.

    Shaytan seeks only to cast amongst you enmity and hatred by means of strong drink and gambling, and hinder you from the remembrance of Allah and from his worship, will you then not refrain? ”

    (Surah Ma’idah (05 : 90 - 91))

    To read about shahadah, you can read this link insha Allaah:


    To learn how to perform salah, prayer - you can check this link out insha Allaah:

    http://www.islam.com/salat/salatfinal.html (you'll need flash player to view it.)


    wa Allaahu a'lam. (and Allaah subhanahu wa ta'aala knows best.)

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    muslima7186's Avatar Full Member
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    Smile Re: Friend want to become muslim in chae Allah

    thank u all my brothers and sisters, my friend went to the doctor by the way and the operation will be soon after the results in chae allah.. I have some questions and i hope somebody could help me with answering them..

    Is it true that 2 womens' evidence equal to one man??? and does it ahe to do anything with womens' periods?

    May he pray even he still didn't have the operation? Because i hear so many times from others that he may not pray before the operation, what do you think?

    I will read the chahada with him, so he will say it right in chae Allah.. how many times must he say the chahada? I told him to go to a mosque, he went but they didn't help him! Which i didn't understand, so i adviced him to meet a muslim family or anybody who is muslim and has a good knowledge about islaam.. he found a family, but then they told him many things which is not true! They showed him what is halal and haram, while the halal things they told him are haram! He met many others, but no one helped him..

    And is it important to change his name?

    And when someone becomes a muslim, what do you say? Welcome to the Islaam? What would u say?

    I hope to get some answers from you in chae Allah..

    Fi amaan Allah.
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  15. #12
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    Re: Friend want to become muslim in chae Allah

    format_quote Originally Posted by muslima7186
    Is it true that 2 womens' evidence equal to one man??? and does it ahe to do anything with womens' periods?
    Yeah, its because women go through alot of situations men dont have to go through. This includes periods etc. and it can cause alot of stress on the sister - so two women witnesses evidence is equal of one trustworthy man.

    format_quote Originally Posted by muslima7186
    May he pray even he still didn't have the operation? Because i hear so many times from others that he may not pray before the operation, what do you think?
    insha Allaah he can pray before the operation, but he has to do wudhu, before he prays.

    Why do other people say he cant pray before his operation? If he has taken his shahadah, he should start praying after that insha Allaah.

    format_quote Originally Posted by muslima7186
    I will read the chahada with him, so he will say it right in chae Allah.. how many times must he say the chahada? I told him to go to a mosque, he went but they didn't help him! Which i didn't understand, so i adviced him to meet a muslim family or anybody who is muslim and has a good knowledge about islaam.. he found a family, but then they told him many things which is not true! They showed him what is halal and haram, while the halal things they told him are haram! He met many others, but no one helped him..
    He only has to say shahadah once, but it should be done in arabic.

    Its not fardh to have any witnesses either. (

    He doesn't have to change his name if it doesn't have a bad meaning.

    You dont really have to say anything after hes become a muslim. Except, he should try his best to follow and learn islam the best way he can.

    Please ask if you got any more questions.

    and Allaah Almighty knows best.

    wa Salaam o 'alykum warahmatulahi wabarakatuh.
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  16. #13
    muslima7186's Avatar Full Member
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    Thumbs up Re: Friend want to become muslim in chae Allah

    alaikom salaam wa rahmatou Allah wa barakatouh..

    Baraka Allaho fik my brother..

    Could u give me more explanation about this:[/COLOR]Yeah, its because women go through alot of situations men dont have to go through. This includes periods etc. and it can cause alot of stress on the sister - so two women witnesses evidence is equal of one trustworthy man.

    Djazaka Allaho kheyran..

    wa salaam alaikom wa ra7matou Allah wa barakatouh....
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  17. #14
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    Re: Friend want to become muslim in chae Allah

    You can read about two women witnesses from this link insha Allaah:


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