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  1. I chose dunya over deen (2 replies)
  2. Need help with having insight about the mercy of Allah SWT (1 replies)
  3. Ending 3 year haram relationship (0 replies)
  4. Should I go for a girl who had a past relation and shared intimated pictures (3 replies)
  5. Close to leaving my mother (1 replies)
  6. Personal Dilemma (1 replies)
  7. Disturbance? Mental ilness? Waswas? We are confuse (Serious problem) (0 replies)
  8. How do I repent after Zina (0 replies)
  9. Pms and accountibilty (0 replies)
  10. Asking Allah for tests - reversable? (3 replies)
  11. Does pirating games, videos and etc haram? (1 replies)
  12. Can recitation of the Quran be used as an excuse? (2 replies)
  13. Can religious / pious people of Allah predicts the future about marraige? (7 replies)
  14. What's your opinion on true dreams? (4 replies)
  15. Returning for..... I don't know what purpose (8 replies)
  16. Am i allowed to marry a BISEXUAL Man? (5 replies)
  17. Practical advice for drug addiction recovery? (2 replies)
  18. How To Pray Salat al-Tawbah (Prayer of Repentance) ? (7 replies)
  19. I need guidance. I fear I’m in a haram relationship (1 replies)
  20. How can I not be complcient? (1 replies)
  21. Women who do not want to live with In Laws (4 replies)
  22. Calamity and hardship in religion? Is it a punishment? (1 replies)
  23. Married for one day and I already want to get out (1 replies)
  24. Dua For Steadfast In Religion (0 replies)
  25. My marriage might not last due to differences between newly wed Wife and Mother (4 replies)
  26. What on earth is wrong with me? (1 replies)
  27. Social pressures hard life please help (5 replies)
  28. Please make dua I get a good halal job and get married (3 replies)
  29. Can someone go into detail of what a Prayer Rug is for? (1 replies)
  30. If MEN get Hoors, what do WOMEN get??? (0 replies)
  31. Under a lot of stress because of job (0 replies)
  32. Dua For Protection From Waswasa (Shaytan) (5 replies)
  33. Have I comitted shirk? (4 replies)
  34. Found naked pictures of my to be sister in law on my husbands work computer (4 replies)
  35. Does the average Muslim family now have..... (5 replies)
  36. Bpd and getting closer to your deen (1 replies)
  37. Feeling like I have to walk on egg shells around a friend (1 replies)
  38. Pmdd and my Islam? (7 replies)
  39. Where do we draw the line (0 replies)
  40. Should I give my friend a Ramadhan gift when she rejected it last year? (5 replies)
  41. Should I change my name? Is It Haraam? (3 replies)
  42. Relationship advice (3 replies)
  43. Advice on consuming products derived from alcohol: halal or haram? (7 replies)
  44. Are there conditions in which a Muslim is excepted from Hajj? (0 replies)
  45. Sister who is shy and (0 replies)
  46. Masjid and Nikkah (0 replies)
  47. Need information on this (Amulet found) (5 replies)
  48. Does Allah protects someone from misguidance through various ways? (0 replies)
  49. Questions about halal living (0 replies)
  50. How do I get out of this relationship? (3 replies)
  51. Help. Little Boys Exploring Their Privates (2 replies)
  52. What are things that will be turned into halal in Paradise? (0 replies)
  53. Where is my barakah? (1 replies)
  54. I have black magic (5 replies)
  55. Imran's Makkah Mountain Challenge 3.0 2023 (6 replies)
  56. Cousin’s remarriage - Advice Needed (2 replies)
  57. Life problem... (14 replies)
  58. Has that Muslim who was born with lack of understanding to regard himself an apostate (1 replies)
  59. Do You Read The Best Dua for Allah's Forgiveness? (10 replies)
  60. Found this in my house... is it black magick? (2 replies)
  61. The problem of being a loner as a Muslim (1 replies)
  62. I have repented but the past haunts me (2 replies)
  63. Is studying science/engineering for spreading knowledge is characterized as beneficia (0 replies)
  64. Advise for those who wants to memorize Quran easily (0 replies)
  65. Do we really believe in God?... (5 replies)
  66. Religious blackmail from husband (3 replies)
  67. Questions about dog pet and Mosque filled with rug (4 replies)
  68. Is hating my father and men wrong? (13 replies)
  69. What is the nature of sins? Do they refer as spiritual impurities? (3 replies)
  70. Exposing someone’s mistake in public (5 replies)
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