- Ramadan Campaign for Dr. Aafia Siddiqui - Week of Action (2 replies)
- Islamic books in Amharic? (1 replies)
- Can you make dua to go back in time? (16 replies)
- I am a refugee from Australia's special evil gay police using gang laws (43 replies)
- Best Ramadan APP so far (0 replies)
- Is this waswas? (2 replies)
- Why Is Gabriel called the Spirit and not an angel? (5 replies)
- Finding a Job While Wearing Niqab (45 replies)
- Halal OCR software (Camera based) (0 replies)
- fellow muslims I need advice and help (7 replies)
- Throwing away papers with Arabic Du'as (3 replies)
- Allah's mercy works in unexpected ways. (4 replies)
- Hadhrat Mawlana Gora sahib of Leicester (Shaykh Riyadh ul Haq's beloved father) (1 replies)
- Being Modern muslims (12 replies)
- Maghrib prayer at pro-mursi rally - watch it live (0 replies)
- why couldn't Allah give us a choice of what nationality to be in? (14 replies)
- Dipping tobacco. (14 replies)
- It's haram to sleep on stomach but that is how I sleep? (15 replies)
- What are the Benefits of Prayer/Salah in this Life and the Next in Islam ? (2 replies)
- Jews In Niqaab/burqa (22 replies)
- Horoscope and Fengshui (5 replies)
- Brothers and Sisters in America please reply (0 replies)
- A true love story (2 replies)
- Is being too shy to perform acts of worship in front of others, Pride? (6 replies)
- “Learn Arabic, for it strengthens the intelligence and increases one’s noble conduct" (0 replies)
- Oliver Stone's Untold History of America (2 replies)
- Look here trumble French court awards Muhammad Al dura's father (2 replies)
- yes animals are more generous with the poor than humans are! (3 replies)
- Could I get your opinion? Thank you very much! (4 replies)
- Annihilation (Fanaa) in Allah (9 replies)
- Gaza singer Mohammed Assaf wins Arab Idol contest (0 replies)
- Brothers, IN lebanon, we need HELP! (11 replies)
- Witnessess to Messenger/Prophet Muhammad getting the message from the Angel Gabri ? (5 replies)
- they killed her and took out her heart b/c she's a "wahhabi'' (16 replies)
- My question is since Muslims are a Minority in the Western World and many other Non M (17 replies)
- Earth in decline - May 2013 (5 replies)
- Any musholla near Chicester UK? (0 replies)
- Video teaching how to deal with problems (0 replies)
- As Salaam Alaikum my question is there a diffrence between Zakat vs Welfare in the Un (1 replies)
- BN's Nook HD & HD+ for only $129 - THIS WEEK ONLY - Its SUPERB value for money. (2 replies)
- How many here commute on motorbikes? (11 replies)
- Within the Eye of the Storm (0 replies)
- My wife has gone, back to Allah (95 replies)
- Proud of your Islamic achievements ? (7 replies)
- Things You Should Understand About Converts (1 replies)
- Salah!!!!!!!!! (5 replies)
- to an anonymous muslim with questions that made him doubt (4 replies)
- A sister in need inshallah you can help ! (3 replies)
- Accidental death (1 replies)
- Do you actively set goals for your self and pursue them? (7 replies)
- Are slugs and snails halal? (2 replies)
- Fractal art and fractal illuminated mosques take pride in the brilliance of your ance (4 replies)
- What does Islam say about... (17 replies)
- Advice to the Government on Extremism and Radicalisation (1 replies)
- As Salaam Alaikum my question is that I am learning to drive a car and I have started (3 replies)
- massacre of forty-five thousand Algerians at the hands of the French army (14 replies)
- Rich muslims (2 replies)
- Response regarding panorama (0 replies)
- Places you dislike (0 replies)
- I was called to help, and I ignored it. (12 replies)
- Amusing (12 replies)
- Book Unboxing and Preview of Ibn Battuta by L. P. Harvey. (0 replies)
- Study of Canadian Muslims and Perspectives on Dogs (7 replies)
- Anyone having contacts in Florida? (5 replies)
- Our Violent World... (19 replies)
- Satirical article - Muslim man becomes first person ... (1 replies)
- What God called for me to do today (19 replies)
- In the Wake of Recent Violent Attacks: How Do We Respond? (33 replies)
- VICE Documentary: This Is What Winning Looks Like (2 replies)
- Motor Queries (9 replies)