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View Full Version : hurt n depressed

12-29-2009, 05:06 PM
Please bear with me, I've been in a really difficult situation for the past year or so. I don't know what I'm thinking is correct or not.

A year or so ago, when I was alone at home with my dad, some things happened. He kissed me on my lips and touched me up. The problem is I'm not close to my sisters and mum and its very very hard to pluck up courage and speak about it to someone or tell your mum (you have to be in my position to know :(

It's hard because I wouldn't think my dad would do anything majorly haram, but it keeps coming to me that what he did to me is haram.

I have been hurt very badly by it, i think of it at times and get very depressed and upset.
You might be thinking what is she asking, first, - it was haram what my dad did to me right? and secondly, how do i get over it ?

sorry if i hurt anyone with my post, :(
thanks very much

moderators - if you think sisters should read this only (i am a sister), then i don't mind you writing sisters only in the title box..

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12-29-2009, 06:15 PM
You need to report him for this sister. Find someone you can confide in who you trust, maybe not your mum if you find it difficult to talk to her, any of your friends or a doctor or someone at work or I don't know if you are in school or college but someone there if you are.

They will be able to get you help and help you get over what has happend.

12-29-2009, 06:25 PM
As mystical moon said tell some 1 at school or college they will be able to get you the help you need. yes it was haraam sister and he was in the wrong, not you.

12-29-2009, 06:27 PM
Her father is sexually attracted to her – what should she do?
I'm a 19 year old girl and my father is sexually attracted to me. There was an incident where he seduced me and even though I confronted him about it, he still does it. I told my mom but she acts as if she's unaware of it, even though I have a sense that she is. I don't think she can do anything about it though, since we rely on our dad financially. We also need him beside us because we live in Canada, which is a whole new country for us. Can you please tell me how I should deal with my dad? Or how I should treat him after this incident? Should I even speak to him at all?.

Praise be to Allaah.

To Allaah we belong and unto Him is our return. This, by Allaah, is something that would make one weep. Have things become so bad that the fitrah has been turned upside down and a father feels such things towards his daughter?

There is no doubt that this father is mentally ill and sexually deviant, and he needs urgent and intense treatment for his heart and mind, both psychological and physical treatment.

For yourself, you need to take measures to make it difficult for your father to find any opportunity or time to seduce you or interfere with you. Do not be alone with him in the house, and lock the door when you are in your room. Do not let him enter upon you on his own. All of these measures will reduce the opportunities for interfering. But in order to stop this problem altogether, that can only be done by getting treatment for your father, or telling everyone about the problem. You have to realize that you need to be prepared for the effects that disclosing the situation will have on you and on the whole family, but this is better than things staying as they are now.

Your mother has to fear Allaah; her not caring about what her husband is doing is something for which she will be called to account and she will be regarded as a partner in his crime, because she could do something to stop him doing this evil deed.

You can seek the help of one of your wise relatives to intervene in this matter and stop the deviation of this sick father.

Undoubtedly these sick actions on the part of some fathers have their causes, and no one can deal with a problem without knowing its causes and how to treat it. Some of these causes have to do with the father, some with the daughter herself and some with the time and place in which the family lives.

The causes of this deviation that have to do with the father include the following:

1- Weak faith, lack of fear of Allaah and a failure to realize that He is watching.

2- Addiction to alcohol or drugs.

3- Mental or psychological illness.

4- Watching provocative shows on satellite channels, or looking at permissive pictures

5- Too much free time

The causes that may have to do with the daughter include:

1- Careless in the manner of dress. Many girls wear tight and short clothes in front of their fathers and brothers, which goes against sharee’ah and may provoke evil desires in sick souls that have been stirred up by satellite channels and permissive pictures.

2- Carelessness in some actions, such as kissing on the mouth or provocative touching, or sleeping in the same bed or under the same cover as her father or brother. These actions are also contrary to sharee’ah and provoke evil.

If we want to deal with such deeds that go against the fitrah (sound human nature) and Islam then we must put a stop to these causes that lead to such decadence. This may be done in the following ways:

1- Striving to spread virtue and good morals among the family members, and to strengthen their faith in Allaah, their awareness that He is watching and their fear of Him. This may be achieved by observing prayer regularly and on time, and keeping away from forbidden things and bad attitudes.

2- Totally avoiding looking at, listening to or reading provocative programs and stories.

3- Keeping away from bad company who only lead one to evil and bad things.

4- Keeping girls away from clothes that go against Islam, such as tight, short and see-through clothes; avoiding provocative touching and kissing on the mouth.

5- Seeking spacious living quarters where a girl will not need to be with her father or brothers in the same room or under the same blanket.

6- The mother should play her role in tackling such problems, by not being heedless or careless about anything she sees or hears that goes against sharee’ah, and she should not wait until things get really bad or cannot be set right. Rather she has to be aware from the outset, and not allow her daughter to be careless or allow her husband to do whatever he wants.

7- Wise relatives should be informed of such actions so that matters may be dealt with. If that does not work, then you have to make a complaint to the sharee’ah court or to the security services in order to stop his evil actions towards you.

8- Our sister who has asked this question needs to take the matter seriously and not delay taking action. We advise her to make du’aa’ and seek out the times when du’aa’s are answered, such as the last third of the night, asking that your father be guided and that his evil be withheld from you.

9- It is haraam for you to take your father’s actions lightly. You have to ward him off with all the strength you have, and raise your voice in shouting for help, even if that leads to his being shamed or imprisoned.

10-If none of these solutions work, then we do not advise you to stay in the house. We advise you go and live with some righteous sisters or with your relatives where you can live with them in accordance with Islamic rulings.

We ask Allaah to relieve your distress and to guide your father and withhold his evil from you.

And Allaah is the Source of strength.


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12-29-2009, 06:31 PM
You need to report this, schools and college will be able to help. There are many institutions set up to help people like you.

You may need to see a councilor to get some help to get over it.

12-29-2009, 06:39 PM
if no incident has happened for a year and you feel no desire coming from him then i think he would have felt complete disgust at what he did. do not report him to the police, his punishment is with Allah. this was a heinous crime no doubt.

nobody here is in a postion to council you properly unless they have experience.
there are many anonymous numbers you can call these days depending on where you live. run a google search for sexual abuse helpline nd where you live.

cat eyes
12-29-2009, 06:45 PM
is there a punishment for this type of crime in shariah??surely a daughter should be able to wear what she wants inside of her own home without the fear of her father touching her. i just find it difficult to understand why some scholars make excuses for this type of crime :heated:

12-29-2009, 07:04 PM
may Allah help you. thisterrible, have you tried telling maybe other family members?

12-29-2009, 08:01 PM
May Allah swt give you strength. Can i ask how old you are. Did it only happen the once.

Have you challenged him about it, i mean somethings you cant forget

12-29-2009, 08:10 PM
Salaam sister ,

I am very sorry for what happened to you :( . If you aren't having the courage , then if he hasn't learnt the lesson confront him. Or you can gather courage to tell you mom. Concentrate hard on your career and find a good husband as soon as you can :( .

Once again May Allah be with you in your struggle sis.

12-30-2009, 01:39 AM
Salaam ukhtee...

I know how much you have hurt for his action and probably you have no one to talk about this. But don't forget... you need to take extra precautions after this. This is a warning...if anything happened you have to have someone to back you up. You need to have a proof to make sure that people say you're not making up the stories. The first action that he did should be a proof for the 'maybe' second action he will do. So you have to tell someone...someone that you know that will help you out for example cousins or friends.

And ukhtee...try your best to avoid being alone with your father or to be alone by yourself. Always lock your room door and never ever ever forget that. Even after coming out from the bathroom.

I advise you to write a letter to your dad explain how he had hurt your feelings for his actions. and please duplicate your letter for your own copy.

and Ameen to all duas. May Allah swt protect you from any kind of harm.

12-30-2009, 02:03 AM
if i was you i would tell your sisters... maybe they are in the saem boat...

12-30-2009, 02:12 AM
^^^yup you're right. but most cases they usually one choose one among the siblings. and hopefully the sisters wont blame her for making up (which she is not)the stories.

desert winds
12-30-2009, 02:30 AM
I am so sorry.
I know its hard right now. Many fears in your heart right now. How people will see you, what will they think, what will happen next etc.
I dont no how old you are. Call your local masjid. Find a relative you can confide in. A friend. I know you are scared to call the police. But you have to get it to stop. Call a solicitor. Tell him/her what happened.they will advise you best. They will tell you if theres enough evidence or not. If not you need to consider hostels. They have some for asian womens, you may find other muslims there.
There is nothing wrong with you. I promise. He is the wrong, not you.
I wish i could help you more.if you need anything feel free to contact me.
I understand you.

12-30-2009, 03:11 AM
Subhanallah, I feel very sorry for you sister. :(
May Allah swt get you out of this situation.
"Verily, along with every hardship is relief"(94:5)
Please, like what the users have said, get help from your friends, your school or community, they will surely help. :(
I just just can't imagine...:cry:

Hamza Asadullah
12-30-2009, 04:10 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by anonymous
Please bear with me, I've been in a really difficult situation for the past year or so. I don't know what I'm thinking is correct or not.

A year or so ago, when I was alone at home with my dad, some things happened. He kissed me on my lips and touched me up. The problem is I'm not close to my sisters and mum and its very very hard to pluck up courage and speak about it to someone or tell your mum (you have to be in my position to know :(

It's hard because I wouldn't think my dad would do anything majorly haram, but it keeps coming to me that what he did to me is haram.

I have been hurt very badly by it, i think of it at times and get very depressed and upset.
You might be thinking what is she asking, first, - it was haram what my dad did to me right? and secondly, how do i get over it ?

sorry if i hurt anyone with my post, :(
thanks very much

moderators - if you think sisters should read this only (i am a sister), then i don't mind you writing sisters only in the title box..
Asalaamu Alaikum Wr Wb, my sister it must have been terribly hard for you to share this with us and maybe it was for the best so that we may give you words of comfort.

Children who have suffered abuse often blame themselves, seeking to find some explanation for the abuser's behavior. Please understand this: You are not at fault for what happened!

No parent has the right to abuse his or her child. Allah Most High has entrusted parents with a tremendous amana or trust: raising, nurturing, and loving a human being, and teaching that child about his or her religion.

When a parent violates this trust through abuse, be it physical, mental, or emotional, or neglects his or her child through abandonment or non-support, these actions constitute enormities, major sins in the sight of Allah Most High. The abusive and negligent parent will have much to answer for on the Day of Judgment, when Allah Most High knows what we have done, down to an atom's weight of good or evil.

It is obligatory for that parent to repent to Allah Most High and beg His forgiveness for violating the responsibility with which he or she was entrusted.

You state that its been over a year> Does that mean it has not continued?You should always pray for your father. Allah Most High hears and responds to our prayers, often in ways that may not be immediately apparent. A crucial first step in resolving your anger toward your father is to pray for him. It is completely natural that you have a certain amount of resentment. The thing to remember is that:

1. You are not at fault. A child does not ask to be abused.

2. Your father is answerable to Allah Most High for what he has done.

3. Resentment and bitterness can tear a person's heart. You don't want to be weighed down by these feelings, so strive to put things in perspective and move on with your life. Alhamdulillah, you have a mother who seems to have looked out for you.

4. Yes, you will feel pain, but you can channel these feelings in a different direction. Allah willing, when you start your own family, you will know what NOT to do in raising your children.

5. As far as your relationship with your father is concerned, you can still maintain family ties by praying for him and being good to him, but you MUST NOT subject yourself to any type of abuse. The Prophet, peace be upon him said, "A person should help his brother whether he is an oppressor or an oppressed. If he is the oppressor he should prevent him from doing it, for that is his help; and if he is the oppressed he should be helped (against oppression)." [Sahih Muslim, Book 32, Number 6254]

6. Last but certainly not least, you may want to seek the help of a qualified counselor or therapist to help you work through these issues. The effects of child abuse can linger well into adulthood, and it may be of benefit to learn some strategies for coping with your pain, learning from it, and moving beyond.

Turn to Allah Most High in all your thoughts and prayers. Be constant in your obligatory prayers and perform voluntary worship. It is reported in a Hadith Qudsi:

On the authority of Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him), who said that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:

"Allah (mighty and sublime be He) said:

'Whosoever shows enmity to someone devoted to Me, I shall be at war with him. My servant draws not near to Me with anything more loved by Me than the religious duties I have enjoined upon him, and My servant continues to draw near to Me with supererogatory works so that I shall love him. When I love him I am his hearing with which he hears, his seeing with which he sees, his hand with which he strikes and his foot with which he walks. Were he to ask [something] of Me, I would surely give it to him, and were he to ask Me for refuge, I would surely grant him it. I do not hesitate about anything as much as I hesitate about [seizing] the soul of My faithful servant: he hates death and I hate hurting him.'"


Please look through these links as they will certainly help you and be of benefit to you. Do all of your 5 prayers and you will find peace, tranquility, contentment and happiness from it.

Allah is wanting you to come closer to him and remember and glorify him and I promise you will find much peace and solace by his remembrance!

Turn to Allah ands have FULL hope, trust, faith and reliance in him and i promise you will feel happy again!

Overcoming tests from Allah


25 Ways to Deal with Stress and Anxiety VERY GOOD THREAD


10 Steps to Increasing our Iman(Faith)

http://www.islamicboard.com/manners-...man-faith.html (10 Steps to Increasing our Iman(Faith))

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Forty Very Easy, Quick & Rewarding Good Deeds for all of us to do Everyday!

http://www.islamicboard.com/worship-...-everyday.html (Forty Very Easy, Quick & Rewarding Good Deeds for all of us to do Everyday!)

VERY Rewarding Nafl Salaahs we can Pray Everyday!

http://www.islamicboard.com/worship-...-everyday.html (VERY Rewarding Nafl Salaahs we can Pray Everyday!)

My Daily Ibadah(worship) check

http://www.islamicboard.com/manners-...hip-check.html (My Daily Ibadah (worship) check!)

A party in Paradise, A party in Hellfire


The Ultimate Motivation for Muslims


The State of the People of Paradise in this World


The Life of this World and the Hereafter


Beautiful Description of Paradise in Islam


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The Role of Women in Islamic Society-Very good article by revert sister


Hijaab and the Freedom of Women


Very Inspiring Experiences Of Recently Converted Woman




The Best Role Models for All Muslim Women


Practising az-Zuhd in the Dunya


Everything about Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh)


(THE SEALED NECTAR)Memoirs of the Noble Prophet [pbuh]

12-30-2009, 04:41 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by anonymous
Please bear with me, I've been in a really difficult situation for the past year or so. I don't know what I'm thinking is correct or not.

A year or so ago, when I was alone at home with my dad, some things happened. He kissed me on my lips and touched me up. The problem is I'm not close to my sisters and mum and its very very hard to pluck up courage and speak about it to someone or tell your mum (you have to be in my position to know :(

It's hard because I wouldn't think my dad would do anything majorly haram, but it keeps coming to me that what he did to me is haram.

I have been hurt very badly by it, i think of it at times and get very depressed and upset.
You might be thinking what is she asking, first, - it was haram what my dad did to me right? and secondly, how do i get over it ?

sorry if i hurt anyone with my post, :(
thanks very much

moderators - if you think sisters should read this only (i am a sister), then i don't mind you writing sisters only in the title box..
O sister, may Allah make it easy for you imsad

I don't know what to say, but do not let that happen ever again

12-30-2009, 04:58 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by _muslim_
O sister, may Allah make it easy for you imsad

I don't know what to say, but do not let that happen ever again

I would say the exact same.

12-30-2009, 05:08 PM
is your father still committing these crimes?

if so - report him

if not - distance yourself from him and warn others of getting too close with him without disclosing too much detail.

always make dua' for him, indeed you are being SEVERELY tested by Allah

may Allaah make it easy, this dunya is a tool for shaytan to deceive us into entering the fire and NOTHING MORE


12-30-2009, 05:22 PM

dear sister according to the hanafi fiqh, if such a case happens, ie: a man kisses/toutches his own daughter, then the wife of such a person will become haram on him. this is called hurmat e musaharat. i have in front of me a book by mufti farooq of blackburn (uk) on this subject. the book is called 'Hurmat ul musaaharah-Marriage made unlawful through relationship. on page 24 a question is posed

Q: a father kissed his (mature) daughter with lust and desire by assuming her to be his wife. will the wife become unlawful for him?

A: the wife becomes unlawful

(ahsanul Fatawa 5/84)

this is the case of such an incident happening accidently. if it occurs deliberatly, them there is more reason of both husband/wife becoming unlawful for each other.

this is a very important book especially in this age of ignorance, filth and corroption. it can be purchased from the following link.


this is the view from hanafi fiqh.

may allah make things easy for you.

ps. ahsan ul fatawaa are the fatawaa of maulana rashid ahmed ludhyanvi (mat allah have merch on him). a high ranking scholar from pakistan

12-30-2009, 05:23 PM
^ may Allah reward you subhanAllah, we need more like you on this forum

so it appears in this case the husband/father should get lost.

i think?

12-30-2009, 05:44 PM
assalamu alaykum, I'm so sorry this happened to you sis. May Allah protect you from the evil of men. I pray this won't happen again. It seems it was a one-off, and inshaAllah, your father has felt fear of Allah in his heart to commit this horrendous act again. But as well as keeping your distance from him, you have to try to build a closer relationship with your sisters. Perhaps your father got brave in thinking that you won't tell anyone because you are not close to your mother and siblings. Try to build closeness with your sisters especially. God forbid they too have been through such an ordeal, but if they have, when confronted, your mother will have to believe it.

Also seek help for yourself sis. Confide in your GP. You don't have to name your abuser. Abuse can leave scars which as one bro said can affect you throughout adulthood. Please do seek counselling sis. It will help you expel the hurt and anger you are holding inside. If you face it alone, there might be times you think you have gotten over it, but just when you think you have, something may trigger it off again. I have experienced this sis. Therefore I urge you to get help. Please... Hopefully it will also give you the courage to confide in your mother, and God forbid, to stop it if it looks as if it will happen again. May Allah heal you. Ameen.


12-31-2009, 01:18 AM

i think the problem she is having a hard time to show proof of what her father has done to her. probably because her father has a good reputation with the family. and everyone probably love n respects her father. and she must be afraid to tell anyone afraid that her family will go against her.

12-31-2009, 01:40 AM
Salaam, To stop the issue from escalating you must inform the police or someone you can trust. Who's to say he wont do it again to someone else? Protect yourself and others by reporting this incident as soon as possible sister.

12-31-2009, 01:51 AM
edit. sorry my phone is having technical difficulty

12-31-2009, 02:00 AM
Salaamu alaikum sis.

I am so sorry that you have had to go through this. I cannot even imagine the emotions you are feeling.
I hope your father has not done this to your sisters as well. May Allah protect you all. Ameen.

I would advise you to tell your mother if that is at all possible. I know you say that you two are not that close but she is still your mother and I imagine she would want to know this and protect her daughters.
Guard yourself carefully sis. Put your trust in Allah and have patience.

12-31-2009, 01:49 PM
Poor poor darling....

Tell anyone responsible in your vicinity and feel the burden lift from your shoulders. If you do nothing about this, Allah will ask you why you allowed this man to harm you and let him walk free. If you tell someone, your dad will realise he cant just do that and roam around like nothing happened. He may do it to your sisters one day or already may be doing it. Your father is clearly mentally unhealthy and needs help. If you do nothing, no one can fix him.

Remember, a man who can do such things to his own daughter can easily do them to a neighbours daughter or even a stranger.

Don't wait for time to fix this one. It's not going to happen. You need to fix it and you can only do so by making this known to whomever you see fit to make a change.



12-31-2009, 10:55 PM
Salam everyone,
Jazak Umullah Khairan, Thank you very very much for everyone’s replies.They have all helped me so much! May Allah reward all of you!

I have one sister (i must have mistyped it wrong in my first post, sorry). it’s really hard, how am i supposed to approach my mum and tell her.
it happened about a year ago, twice, and then nothing happened except early this year, but not as much as before (only kissed me quickly) (i’m really sorry if this offends anyone in any way). nothing since then.

i am still dutiful to my father, and i am not rude to him (well, sometimes when I’m angry, i might get a bit carried away when im arguing – I am 17) if i don’t tell anyone, would i be asked about this on Judgement Day and get punished?

i try to forget it and most of the time, i can, but then sometimes, it’s like when i think or read or whatever, it suddenly comes back in mind and i shudder and feel sick. i feel really uncomfortable talking to anyone about it, i won’t be able to tell my friends.

Your replies have been so supporting, i hope my relationship with Allah strengthens, im just really scared im going to get punished for this. it really is hard to try to let it out to my mum, how do you say it, its too complicated. My mum would most probably believe me, but i cant judge her actions until i actually do tell her, which seems like its not going to happen

12-31-2009, 11:23 PM
if I was you I'd tell someone cos I can't see him stopping without any opposition, if you don't speak out he's just going to carry on I think cos he doesn't see you objecting.

you need to tell someone. try your sister, you could tell ur mum in a letter maybe.

01-01-2010, 02:57 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by anonymous
Salam everyone,
Jazak Umullah Khairan, Thank you very very much for everyone’s replies.They have all helped me so much! May Allah reward all of you!

I have one sister (i must have mistyped it wrong in my first post, sorry). it’s really hard, how am i supposed to approach my mum and tell her.
it happened about a year ago, twice, and then nothing happened except early this year, but not as much as before (only kissed me quickly) (i’m really sorry if this offends anyone in any way). nothing since then.

i am still dutiful to my father, and i am not rude to him (well, sometimes when I’m angry, i might get a bit carried away when im arguing – I am 17) if i don’t tell anyone, would i be asked about this on Judgement Day and get punished?

i try to forget it and most of the time, i can, but then sometimes, it’s like when i think or read or whatever, it suddenly comes back in mind and i shudder and feel sick. i feel really uncomfortable talking to anyone about it, i won’t be able to tell my friends.

Your replies have been so supporting, i hope my relationship with Allah strengthens, im just really scared im going to get punished for this. it really is hard to try to let it out to my mum, how do you say it, its too complicated. My mum would most probably believe me, but i cant judge her actions until i actually do tell her, which seems like its not going to happen

You wont be judged in the hereafter for what your father did. But if your father moves on to do such things to others or to your sister because you did not do anything to stop this evil act, you may be asked in the hereafter by god. You are now witness to haram and evil. You must do something to stop it and there really is a lot you can do.

You do not want your mum to believe you. Remember that. You need someone who can change the situation. You cannot protect or feel sorry for your father because he needs help. You will do a greater favour to him if you fix him coz then he may repent and have a chance at saving his hereafter.

On that note, I recommend that you dont tell your mum directly. If your mum has a bestfriend or a sister or something, tell her. I know this is hard but once the ball starts rolling you will feel the weight off your shoulders. This is not your responsibility. The elders must figure out what to do and the biggest risk is that you will tell your mum and even though she believes you, she wont do anything about it. This isnt coz she is a bad mother...its the same reason why you cant tell anyone. It is very easy for families to sweep things under the rug and ignore them because no one wants to ruin their comfort and order and no one wants to deal with something that isnt out in the open. Im sure it will turn into "if he does it again..." or "next time im gna do something". If you get an external party involved, your mum will be compelled to change the situation and will be obliged to take action because this really is an atrocious situation. Yes, he has only done it three or so times but how many times is bad enough? You must make sure that he gets help.

Your world isnt going crumble around you if you make this known to responsible people; it is going to heal itself so that you may find warmth in your own home.

May Allah give all young women and men in all situations the courage to stand up and act. Amin.

01-01-2010, 04:09 AM
I am crying right now:cry:.....not kidding....I am truly , truly sorry you have had to experience this:cry:

If Allah would only take my life in trade for your happiness, and for your sorow to fade into oblivion..Amen

Hamza Asadullah
01-01-2010, 05:25 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by anonymous
Salam everyone,
Jazak Umullah Khairan, Thank you very very much for everyone’s replies.They have all helped me so much! May Allah reward all of you!

I have one sister (i must have mistyped it wrong in my first post, sorry). it’s really hard, how am i supposed to approach my mum and tell her.
it happened about a year ago, twice, and then nothing happened except early this year, but not as much as before (only kissed me quickly) (i’m really sorry if this offends anyone in any way). nothing since then.

i am still dutiful to my father, and i am not rude to him (well, sometimes when I’m angry, i might get a bit carried away when im arguing – I am 17) if i don’t tell anyone, would i be asked about this on Judgement Day and get punished?

i try to forget it and most of the time, i can, but then sometimes, it’s like when i think or read or whatever, it suddenly comes back in mind and i shudder and feel sick. i feel really uncomfortable talking to anyone about it, i won’t be able to tell my friends.

Your replies have been so supporting, i hope my relationship with Allah strengthens, im just really scared im going to get punished for this. it really is hard to try to let it out to my mum, how do you say it, its too complicated. My mum would most probably believe me, but i cant judge her actions until i actually do tell her, which seems like its not going to happen
Asalaamu Alaikum Wr Wb, My sister this is a very difficult situation and naturally many of us will have reacted in outrage and disgust at what you have experienced and gone through and may have made reactionary statements but i would urge you to consult a learned, experienced and reliable scholar. They would know best what you should do in your particular situation because this is a very serious issue and none of us can possibly tell you the best answer as we are just lay people.

Consult a scholar immediatley and if you need help in finding one then i can try and locate one for you in your town its upto you but whatever you do ask of Allah constantly and know that Allah hears all of your prayers and he wants you closer to him so make an even closer connection to Allah and all the comfort and solace your heart needs you will find with Allah the most kind and compassionate!

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