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02-25-2011, 05:58 AM
Hello, I'm new here and am doing research for a school project. I am seeking to find out what the conversation might be like if an Imam or Sheikh met an extraterrestrial. What kinds of things would he say to an extraterrestrial, or what kinds of questions would he ask? How would meeting an extraterrestrial affect or transform his Islamic faith, or would it? Thanks in advance!

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02-25-2011, 01:02 PM
Hello Jjrakman.

I am sure those Imam would ask "Do you believe in God ?, do you embrace a religion ?" and other similar questions. But I am not sure if human would meet extraterrestrials in this life (if extraterrestrial are exist)

02-25-2011, 01:31 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by jjrakman
How would meeting an extraterrestrial affect or transform his Islamic faith, or would it? Thanks in advance!
There is nothing in the Qur'an that would be contradicted by the arrival of extraterrestrials. They would also be creations of Allaah(swt). We do not know everything Allaah(swt) has created.

However even if the extraterrestrials looked like Humans, they would not be children of Adam(ra) and may have been created for purposes we do not understand. They may or may not have free will, they may or may not have a soul. We do not know why they would have been created.

Coming in contact with them should be of no concern to us in regards to our worship of Allaah(swt). It would or should have no more influence on our beliefs than would the discovery of a never before seen rock.

02-25-2011, 02:32 PM
^ as br. Woodrow said, unlike other religions, a hypothetical arrival of extraterrestrials would not affect muslims and understanding of Islam a tiny bit, let alone transform Islam.

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02-28-2011, 09:08 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by jjrakman
Hello, I'm new here and am doing research for a school project. I am seeking to find out what the conversation might be like if an Imam or Sheikh met an extraterrestrial. What kinds of things would he say to an extraterrestrial, or what kinds of questions would he ask? How would meeting an extraterrestrial affect or transform his Islamic faith, or would it? Thanks in advance!
Regardless of faith, if anyone ever meets an extraterrestrial they should ask it the most important question of all:

'Would you like a cup of tea?'

03-01-2011, 03:55 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by
Regardless of faith, if anyone ever meets an extraterrestrial they should ask it the most important question of all: 'Would you like a cup of tea?'

Very true.
Prophet SAW taught us to be kind to our visitors and to offer them meal and drink.


03-02-2011, 01:00 PM
why would it affect his islamic faith. in fact it would increase it, as in the Quran , Surah Talaq, it is written that there are 7 heavens and of earths similar to it. Abdullah ibn Abbas said when explaining this verse that there are earths like our earth and there are beings on it like there are on earth adn they have prophets, etc.

It is Allah who has created seven heavens and of the earth, the like of them. [His] command descends among them so you may know that Allah is over all things competent and that Allah has encompassed all things in knowledge. (65:12)

03-02-2011, 01:01 PM
the imam might ask about their belief, in God, in angels, etc. whether prophets came to them, whether books were revealed, etc.

03-02-2011, 02:38 PM
A part of me has always felt that extraterrestrials exist. I don't imagine that they look like the aliens that we see on TV, but it would make sense that there are other life forms out there somewhere. Allahu a3lam.

03-18-2011, 10:49 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by naidamar

Very true.
Prophet SAW taught us to be kind to our visitors and to offer them meal and drink.

Problem is, we don't know what an alien would eat.

What should we do if we meet one? First ask questions to ascertain carefully whether or not they've had any prophets of their own back where they came from, and whether those prophets' teachings are the same as those of ours (at least insofar as the differences between our species and environments wouldn't automatically make it different). Probably they have had some but it's possible their guidance was meant to come from us. If it seems that they haven't, give them dawah.

04-03-2011, 06:30 AM
hahha this would be very interesting! I would like to know, if they are not on Earth, to what direction do they pray towards (if they are Muslim, or if a Muslim were to go to space)? I mean... the Earth is a Sphere like how the Qur'an calls it "egg shaped" (can not remember the verse... but this is a very often quoted one!)
So what if a person is on the moon? Or just out in space? I asked a brother this, and he said just towards the Kabaa... but how? O__O

04-03-2011, 05:30 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Yahya Sulaiman
Problem is, we don't know what an alien would eat.

What should we do if we meet one? First ask questions to ascertain carefully whether or not they've had any prophets of their own back where they came from, and whether those prophets' teachings are the same as those of ours (at least insofar as the differences between our species and environments wouldn't automatically make it different). Probably they have had some but it's possible their guidance was meant to come from us. If it seems that they haven't, give them dawah.
Hmmm, good point they probably would have a different digestive system than us and it could be what we eat and drink is poisonous to them.

04-16-2011, 07:11 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Aztec-Revert19
hahha this would be very interesting! I would like to know, if they are not on Earth, to what direction do they pray towards (if they are Muslim, or if a Muslim were to go to space)? I mean... the Earth is a Sphere like how the Qur'an calls it "egg shaped" (can not remember the verse... but this is a very often quoted one!)
So what if a person is on the moon? Or just out in space? I asked a brother this, and he said just towards the Kabaa... but how? O__O
This has actually happened before. I'm not sure of the details but I believe the Muslim astronaut probably kept up the timing of the prayers (as time appeared to him, relative to us) and faced the earth. That's what I would do. The important thing is to get the prayers done and keep up the timing. The exact times of day and direction to face are secondary to the fact of the prayers themselves, and were never meant to be immutable.

Ali Mujahidin
04-17-2011, 09:41 AM

Slightly off-topic:

We don't have to be in orbit to run into the problem of salah times. If a Muslim lives in the Land of the Midnight Sun and doesn't have a watch, he would really need some help to perform his salah at the right time.

Back on topic:

E.T.? Give him/her/it salaam. If the E.T. had come in peace, there should be an appropriate response. Offer tea, by all means. The E.T. can't have come this far without some way of finding out whether the local food is agreeable to his/her/its digestive system. Also invite the E.T. to the mosque at the earliest opportunity. Where better to build interplanetary relationships than in the House of Allah.

Of course, I am assuming that the E.T. doesn't start off by blasting to smithereens any moving thing that comes within firing range.

04-27-2011, 04:30 AM
well I feel like ETs are Jinns. Jinn can come in many way I think..correct me if I am wrong.

04-27-2011, 04:42 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by AishaRayann
well I feel like ETs are Jinns. Jinn can come in many way I think..correct me if I am wrong.
By definition, ET (Extra Terrestrial - meaning "not of this earth") is creatures from other planets. So they live in this physical dimension.

And djinn is one of Allah creatures that exist in this world but normally there is a veil between us and them, so they exist in different plane/dimension.

04-27-2011, 04:47 AM
Well before Islam. I practiced Paganism no witchcraft stuff though..and I had OBEs (Out of Body Experiences)..where supposidly my spirit would leave my body and go into a different dimension..I saw "aliens" before..they werent nice at all. That's why I say Jinns.

04-27-2011, 04:55 AM
It is true that djinns can assume many shapes, because they are created from smokeless fire, whose nature are different than our physical properties.
They can imitate humans and animals and inanimate objects. One thing they are not allowed to do: they can't imitate Rasulullah SAW, even in the dreams.

Dirt 101
06-08-2011, 09:28 PM
Meeting, we would have to assume they are very intelligent... at least socially and mechanically, and with a great understanding of mathematics, physics and all material sciences and biological sciences as well.
Socially, because no single individual could build a craft sufficient. Such would require the co-operation of members of an advanced social system... either voluntarily or through being forced. (Would truly intelligent beings willingly accept being forced?)
If really smart, I would think... they prefer to think for themselves and take on work voluntarily and co-operatively.
Mechanically, because the craft would be, after all, some kind of a machine, as we commonly recognize such. A vehicle.
Material sciences because... just think about it. Rocket Science to the maximum!
Physics... the same. Huge understanding of everything necessary, basically, just like here. Flight dynamics, stresses, etc. etc.
Biology and physiology, because of the hazards of space-travel and effects on sentient, physical bodies.

Some could argue that an alien body would be made of something not harmed by cosmic rays, x-rays, etc.
or that time wouldn't bother them because they had conquered it, or so on. Some would say aliens don't need bodies at all,
that they are mental entities who travel by thought or something. Well, this is all open to imagination...

A cup of tea!
It is well-realized that we have no clue! Tea may be poisonous or a serious drug to them.
For them to travel without provisions enough would be madness, unless they had some food-sustinence-energy conversion technology, (like pioneers who took a shotgun with them to convert four-legged energy to food)... and are they travelling randomly thru the vastness of space? Matter is rare in space and distances vast.
Did they set out knowing we are here? Are they embarked on a mission to seek out and discover whatever they may stumble upon? Would intelligent beings be content to wander around aimlessly?

Our greatest problem today... one of them, in my opinion, is that we are very territorial. The territory can be land, materials or ideas,
and we fight, and have for millions of years, to hold our little territory. Will aliens want our territory for themselves, being stronger and more advanced than us? Will they act like guests or like conquerers?

Will they take the planet's resources? No. Not to worry about that. Their abilities to extract any minerals or whatever from different worlds will be perfected. All earth has is a few pounds of gold and diamonds compared to entire carbon worlds made totally of diamond. Earth is small and hasn't got much, relatively... until it comes to it being JUST PERFECT FOR US! (how about that?)

But will we be herded into camps? Will we be used for food? Will we be selectively bred like cattle?

Minerals, gems, rocks and whatever is abundant in the universe. We SHOULD understand that life is the RAREST thing... that is what aliens would be attracted to. That is OUR question as well, isn't it? 'Is there life out there?' Not... are there electric toasters in space? We could care less about toasters and junk.
Everyone is attracted to 'life', and that's what we, and aliens, would want to know about.

So... they would look around and think about life. They would understand impermanence and change. They would comprehend pleasure and pain. They would relate to suffering, need and hunger. They would also understand compassion.

They would observe governments and businesses and militaries and ask, 'what are these humans doing and why?'
Aliens would be interested how history has shaped today's range of possible experience, and how forces in the world today will shape tomorrow. Would aliens perhaps try to inject some ideas or information which, in a few years time, like a seed growing into a good plant, alter patterns of understanding, thought; human doing and living on the planet?

I bet they could write a book or two when they get through!

Would aliens... how would they have evolved over time? Would they have left war-like tendencies behind?
Would they have to have developed war-like tendencies like humans, considering the human/animal evolutionary past history? Would they prefer to display a peaceful attitude and understanding?

As for ideas and concepts regarding a creator-being or a god.... We have no idea what they would think.
Let's say they discovered that these humans have many belief systems. First, they may try to explain and understand what 'belief' is. They would probably want to understand something that virtually all peoples are involved in, to some extent.

Certainly there is a difference between 'belief' and the reality of something. Like... 'I believe we have enough space-ship gas to make it to the next planet', versus... 'Oops! We just ran out of gas, fool!'
Anyway, that might be first; to refine or define some meanings we assume we understand perfectly, but perhaps don't, only realizing our half-understanding of so much, actually. Aliens would have to tease apart the tangle of information so they could
begin to get a clear understanding. They would have to be scholars of scholars and even go beyond that.

And the word, 'faith'. They would want to know about that and understand it well. They would have had to have 'faith' in their ship to travel in it, no doubt. Perhaps they would want to know about, 'blind faith', and just what it might mean also. They couldn't have blind faith in all their wonderous, advanced technology... what would be needed was a technician who knew all about it, could troubleshoot and repair and even create new, if need be.

Afterlife would be a concept to probe. They might discover why humans have this idea and why it seems so important.
They would wonder about these humans, clearly related to and evolved from primates, but who consider themselves so totally different from all other life-forms, with something they call a 'soul' and the thing of 'eternal life'. What would thorough investigations reveal? What would be discovered? Would certain 'unpleasant truths' be discovered which humans refuse to admit to themselves?

Would we end up hating aliens for things they may discover which we aren't ready to?
Would we want them to go away? Would they have overstayed their welcome if they make us nervous?

Would we embrace them if they could supply the missing piece of the puzzle for us, which would bring peace and happiness?

Would we like to BAN them?

Maybe we could write a book as well... a book of imaginary contact with aliens.

What if WE ARE THOSE ALIENS on a journey, attempting to KNOW OURSELVES?
Do we know ourselves? Can we know anyone else until we understad ourselves well? Really well?

Anyway, all imaginations aside... How about that cup of tea?

06-08-2011, 10:45 PM
Do what every Muslim should, give Dawah.

Dirt 101
06-08-2011, 11:46 PM
Aliens, it was, we were talking about...

'Alien', to me, means something strange, different, unusual, other, unfamiliar. Sure, there are movies showing the aliens
with a weirdly shaped head or cat-like eyes or a blue suntan, or something. But how about something really, 'different'?

How about this?

When the aliens from some space arrive, how about they say that they have come here because of their understanding and
compassion, and that there is so much more people need to know or, be gently reminded about, and that over ages, this happens again and again... Like that we humans are extremely rare and unique beings, and an integral part of all of life, are of this planet and universe, and nothing like people or any of this exists for millions and millions and billions of miles or kilometers anywhere, and it is real and not a dream. And here we all are, together, for a short time, like travelers on a journey.
And that the human mind is vast, both in understanding as well as misunderstanding, but the possibilities are huge... because all people have to do is honestly decide if they want the experience unique to peace which is... the experience of that god which dwells within, and seen in the form of pure and perfect light, to become a reality in their lives or not, so that they can most greatly enjoy this brief gift of life-time they are given... the finest, rarest gift anyone could ever imagine; a gift to understand and feel the gift of life and joy, and the beauty and the feeling of it inside, dancing, appreciating and loving it... And getting to work on solving the problems we have made in our rush!

That's one thing an alien might say to us all.

06-09-2011, 12:03 AM

to serve man à la King...

06-09-2011, 05:20 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by WRITER
the imam might ask about their belief, in God, in angels, etc. whether prophets came to them, whether books were revealed, etc.
but im pretty sure that would be of no use to us anyways right? i mean, its not like we are going to study whatever they believe in anyways. or should we?

06-09-2011, 02:42 PM
When I was kid I had an interest to extraterrestrial. I collect books about proofs of extraterrestrial presence on earth that written by Erich von Daniken. I also read several articles that written by Carl Sagan. That have been translated into Indonesian language, of course.

But later, when I started to learn history, and little knowledge of anthropology and archeology, I thought it's better if I 'throw out' hypothesis from Von Daniken, and find a proof of ET by myself.

However, I see some (or maybe many) scientists believe if ET had visited earth and made interaction with human in the past. In example, some scientists believe if similarity in some arts in ancient South America and ancient India is a proof if ET had visited those places and taught some arts. Also in a book about Hindu mythology, the author wrote, Indra, the God of War had laser gun.

Dirt 101
06-09-2011, 04:15 PM
Shall we study what aliens believe?

One thing... people are really excited about the whole space-thing. There is the international station orbiting and
the Hubble telescope and all of it. Now people are looking for other planets out there which may be able to support life of some kind.
I wonder if some of that interest is trying to find a planet where humans could move to? I think it's a bit premature, but that's how it is. Wouldn't it be 'nice' to have a fresh, clean, unspoiled world to move to? Kind of like moving to a new apartment
with fresh paint and new appliances.

I don't think it is realized that the life which may develop on any world is totally unique and an integral part of whatever system that life is a part of. And I mean the entire system! Life on earth is totally influenced by, for example, the sun. That is obvious.
But life here has also been formed by everything from nasty volcanic gases to the stardust which falls when meteorites burn in the atmosphere. It is also influenced by the planets, and certainly the moon, which affects tides in water and the earth. There are subtle influences as well. It is all about... location, location, location. It is like the difference between our land-dwelling and water-dwelling beings here on earth.
You can't jerk one organism out of it's natural place and jam it into some other place where it has no relation/integration.
If people would be able to set foot on another world, before long that total system's influences would transform people,
very gradually, into an upgraded system. Do we recall our ancestor's life up in the trees or in the jungle? No. But we were there, at one time, long ago, and that experience is... has become, us, as we are today.

Instead of people travelling into space so human life may continue,( a very ego-driven desire), it would be better to send something very basic, like seeds or DNA/RNA or bacteria or cockroaches (radiation-resistant!),
which could stand the trip, lasting dozens and dozens or more years, through hazardous radiation or whatever.
If the seeds land somewhere with the correct, basic conditions, and there are niches where new life could flourish and develop, perhaps the seeds would grow, develop, and over time, mutate again and again, transforming the basic building blocks into whatever the total environment allows or encourages or demands organisms to become in that situation. And this is a process that would take repeated 'seedings' and, for the evolutionary process to unfold, probably some several tens of thousands of years to show some results.
Not quite like planting carrots in your little garden out back!

Who Am I?
06-09-2011, 05:21 PM
I think that in all of the vastness of the universe, it would be almost impossible that this is the only planet with life on it. It is rather arrogant for us to assume so anyway. We don't know what other worlds Allah has created.

The Qu'ran doesn't really tell us that, from what I have read of it. It doesn't say for sure that this is the only planet with life, so I believe there are aliens out there somewhere.

06-09-2011, 05:47 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Dirt 101
Shall we study what aliens believe?

One thing... people are really excited about the whole space-thing. There is the international station orbiting and
the Hubble telescope and all of it. Now people are looking for other planets out there which may be able to support life of some kind.
I wonder if some of that interest is trying to find a planet where humans could move to? I think it's a bit premature, but that's how it is. Wouldn't it be 'nice' to have a fresh, clean, unspoiled world to move to? Kind of like moving to a new apartment
with fresh paint and new appliances.

I don't think it is realized that the life which may develop on any world is totally unique and an integral part of whatever system that life is a part of. And I mean the entire system! Life on earth is totally influenced by, for example, the sun. That is obvious.
But life here has also been formed by everything from nasty volcanic gases to the stardust which falls when meteorites burn in the atmosphere. It is also influenced by the planets, and certainly the moon, which affects tides in water and the earth. There are subtle influences as well. It is all about... location, location, location. It is like the difference between our land-dwelling and water-dwelling beings here on earth.
You can't jerk one organism out of it's natural place and jam it into some other place where it has no relation/integration.
If people would be able to set foot on another world, before long that total system's influences would transform people,
very gradually, into an upgraded system. Do we recall our ancestor's life up in the trees or in the jungle? No. But we were there, at one time, long ago, and that experience is... has become, us, as we are today.

Instead of people travelling into space so human life may continue,( a very ego-driven desire), it would be better to send something very basic, like seeds or DNA/RNA or bacteria or cockroaches (radiation-resistant!),
which could stand the trip, lasting dozens and dozens or more years, through hazardous radiation or whatever.
If the seeds land somewhere with the correct, basic conditions, and there are niches where new life could flourish and develop, perhaps the seeds would grow, develop, and over time, mutate again and again, transforming the basic building blocks into whatever the total environment allows or encourages or demands organisms to become in that situation. And this is a process that would take repeated 'seedings' and, for the evolutionary process to unfold, probably some several tens of thousands of years to show some results.
Not quite like planting carrots in your little garden out back!
Don't you know how difficult to find a planet like that ?. Many planets are consist of rocks, or metal, or even gas. Without soil, without water, without air. Many planet are too close or too far from its star. If you can find one from million planets, where that seeds can grow, you are lucky.

Dirt 101
06-09-2011, 05:55 PM
I don't think aliens will believe, because seeing first and then believing is how it should be,
and not the other way around. I would think they would have that
worked out... seeing as how they are advanced beings.

When I see one, then I'll believe in extraterrestrial life.

06-09-2011, 06:13 PM
Universe is extremely big. No one can count how many stars and planets in the universe.

Maybe extraterrestrials are exist in some places, but I am not sure we would meet them in this life.

06-09-2011, 07:03 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Just a Guy
I think that in all of the vastness of the universe, it would be almost impossible that this is the only planet with life on it. It is rather arrogant for us to assume so anyway. We don't know what other worlds Allah has created. The Qu'ran doesn't really tell us that, from what I have read of it. It doesn't say for sure that this is the only planet with life, so I believe there are aliens out there somewhere.

Actually, the Qur'an give some hints, among others:

"Among His (God's) signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the living creatures that He has scattered through them : and He has power to gather them together when He wills. (QS. 42:29)

note that when the expression "heavens and earth" (samawaat wal ard) used together in the qur'an, that means "the whole universe"
heaven does not mean paradise, but means everything above us (samawaat).


"Not one of the beings in the heavens and the earth but must come to (God) Most Gracious as a servant. He does take an account of them (all), and hath numbered them (all) exactly. And everyone of them will come to Him singly on the Day of Judgement. On those who believe and work deeds of righteousness, will (God) Most Gracious bestow love" (QS: 19:93-96).

Allahu alam.

Dirt 101
06-09-2011, 07:13 PM
I DO realize how difficult and what a chance to find a planet which is 'just right'.
The odds are probably greater than a million-to-one, as it was said.
After all, astronomers and astrophysicists write that more stars exist in the universe than all the grains of sand
on all of the beaches in this world. And for each star, the potential for any number of planets.

That is precisely the reason why we must all begin to, somehow, have some recognition of this planet, our home, and the only one we know where anything like this is happening. Some recognition of ourselves would be nice, too.
Recognition, respect, appreciation. These are some of the powers we possess as human beings.
But, who are we? Who are we, really? Sometimes, we are aliens to ourselves...

This is all so awesome to look upon and to contemplate. Who cannot be in awe of this 'big blue marble' just hanging out here in
the middle of nowhere, hanging in the blackness and coldness of space... with a fantastic light show! Lightning in the clouds and the moon doing it's thing night-by-night and month-by-month... and doing it perfectly. Just look at the beautiful blue of the beautiful blue sky. It's blue for whatever the reason, and the sun probably doesn't even know we exist down here.

The next time you see a sunset, look at that sunset. Just look at that sunset and appreciate, not just the sunset
and the beautiful, changing colors and clouds, but look at who is looking at that sunset. Feel your breath come in and feel
that you are alive, and really, really appreciate. That is beyond any perfection we can even imagine.

We can think and speculate about alien extraterrestrial life, no problem. They may be out there. I don't know.
What I do know, and what is important, is that I'm right here, right now. I also know I won't be here forever.
My awareness of this breath in this moment... the perfect rhythm of it, the joy in it, the peacefulness of it, that is the height of such awesome and total perfection of this entire one-ness, we can't even comprehend.
All we can do is be humble and be thankful. There aren't even words for it.

Who Am I?
06-09-2011, 07:44 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Ramadhan

Actually, the Qur'an give some hints, among others:

"Among His (God's) signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the living creatures that He has scattered through them : and He has power to gather them together when He wills. (QS. 42:29)

note that when the expression "heavens and earth" (samawaat wal ard) used together in the qur'an, that means "the whole universe"
heaven does not mean paradise, but means everything above us (samawaat).


"Not one of the beings in the heavens and the earth but must come to (God) Most Gracious as a servant. He does take an account of them (all), and hath numbered them (all) exactly. And everyone of them will come to Him singly on the Day of Judgement. On those who believe and work deeds of righteousness, will (God) Most Gracious bestow love" (QS: 19:93-96).

Allahu alam.
I stand corrected then. Thanks for the information. I will have to read those surahs myself.

Maybe even in Arabic, one day.

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