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10-22-2012, 11:16 AM
Assalam o alikum

umm i've been having serious sleeping probs its been a month now n i hav no idea wht to do :S its weird i wake up at least once every night like once i slept around 11ish woke up at 12 sumthing then i slept again n woke up around 3 30ish n i slept again n woke up at around 5 sumfin just weird, sometimes its nightmares sometimes i just wake up suddenly :s srsly duno whts gng on n cuz of tht i havnt been sleeping properly n i get extremely tired.

this doesnt make sense buh sometimes it feels like m sleeping buh m awake at the sametime meaning i know whts gng on around me.

has anyone experienced this ??

i just wish this could stop n i could sleep properly plz pray n if u guys hav any tips tht could help me plz lemme knw i've tried a couple of things doesnt work.

Assalam o alikum


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10-22-2012, 01:44 PM
how active are you? maybe you need to make yourself more tired?

Try warm milk, I have horlicks sometimes.

.... I have experienced what you spoke of before... and I took it as a sign from Allaah that he doesnt want me to sleep so I got up and done what I thought I should. Then He granted me sleep when he willed.

Sleep is a gift from Allaah, dont forget that. Recite dua's too

10-22-2012, 02:06 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by IbnAbdulHakim
how active are you? maybe you need to make yourself more tired?

Try warm milk, I have horlicks sometimes.

.... I have experienced what you spoke of before... and I took it as a sign from Allaah that he doesnt want me to sleep so I got up and done what I thought I should. Then He granted me sleep when he willed.

Sleep is a gift from Allaah, dont forget that. Recite dua's too
Lol I teach 3 yr Olds I get really tired Wen I come home n I don't sleep so tht I cn sleep at nite .

Hmm warm milk will try tht

I do pray tahajjud sometimes Buh wht do u do Wen u wake up 2 or 3 times ? M just tired all the time just cuz I can't sleep properly

This mite sound crazy Buh I guess m scared of sleeping :p I Duno

N ur rite it is a gift from Allah n Alhumdulilah I do recite my morning n evening duas.

10-22-2012, 03:02 PM
the most ive woken up is twice during a night.

you said you dont sleep till night. I think you have a lot of fervor inside you at the moment.

Those close to Allah sometimes burn with so much passion inside that sleep at night becomes difficult, Allah wants them to worship.

Perhaps this is your time to worship much. Do you perform Qaylulah (i hope i spelt that correctly) which is sleeping mid morning or a power nap?

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sister herb
10-22-2012, 03:24 PM
I had same some years ago - I was awake a week with no sleep but was terrible tired. After week I started to hear voices and see things which weren´t real. After that I went to hospital and got medicine what really put me sleep (diapam).


Now I try to walk outside every day, make work what makes me tired and drink herb tea at evening.

10-22-2012, 03:55 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by IbnAbdulHakim
Those close to Allah sometimes burn with so much passion inside that sleep at night becomes difficult, Allah wants them to worship.

Perhaps this is your time to worship much.
I dont know i hope im close to Him cuz i feel like im dng nth at all :(

n i guess ur rite mayb this is my time to worship inshaAllah i will, i'll try JazakAllah khayrun akhi

format_quote Originally Posted by IbnAbdulHakim
Do you perform Qaylulah

format_quote Originally Posted by sister harb
After that I went to hospital and got medicine what really put me sleep
No no i dont want to eat medicines :heated:

sister herb
10-22-2012, 04:36 PM
Me too don´t want to eat medicine; thats why I try to take fresh air and walking every day.

Chemical sleeping is not similar than natural.

10-22-2012, 06:28 PM
Assalamu-alaikum ukthi,

The best advice that I can give you is: do not think/ worry too much about it.

The reason for this is that your sub-conscious mind starts to associate sleeping with a period of anxiety -- which results in you not being able to mentally relax at bed-time --> which results in even worse insomnia.
This can become a vicious cycle (which is why long-standing insomnia can be so difficult to treat).

Its amazing how powerful one's sub-conscious mind can be.

This is also the reason why sleeping pills are not a good idea: the mind associates the ability to sleep with a pill (i.e no pill means no sleep).
(Sleeping pills are only advisable for very short periods: e.g. insomnia in hospital/ during a long flight, etc).

Ukthi, just relax when bed-time is approaching.
- Switch off your TV (better still, get rid of it completely : ) ), laptops, etc and engage in zikr/ reciting quraan.
- Avoid caffeinated drinks in the eveings.
- And dont even THINK about the problems you had experienced in the previous nights.

Tell yourself that sleep is a natural process......and that you are about to enjoy a good nights rest, as a baby would : )

And if you do happen to wake up at night, dont stress about it - just relax, and let yourself drift into slumber again.

Ps. If you happen to be awake in the early hours of the morning, it would be a good idea to awaken and read tahajjud salaah.
Insha Allah, this may develop into a habit for you.....in which case, this may be a blessing in disguise : )


'Abd-al Latif
10-22-2012, 06:33 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Periwinkle18
Assalam o alikum

umm i've been having serious sleeping probs its been a month now n i hav no idea wht to do :S its weird i wake up at least once every night like once i slept around 11ish woke up at 12 sumthing then i slept again n woke up around 3 30ish n i slept again n woke up at around 5 sumfin just weird, sometimes its nightmares sometimes i just wake up suddenly :s srsly duno whts gng on n cuz of tht i havnt been sleeping properly n i get extremely tired.

this doesnt make sense buh sometimes it feels like m sleeping buh m awake at the sametime meaning i know whts gng on around me.

has anyone experienced this ??

i just wish this could stop n i could sleep properly plz pray n if u guys hav any tips tht could help me plz lemme knw i've tried a couple of things doesnt work.

Assalam o alikum
You're thinking too much and your heart is restless. Do the things that need to be done and seek the thing that which will remove the restlessness in your heart.

10-23-2012, 05:41 AM
Had a bad nite :( couldn't sleep at all kept waking up after almost every hour I remember the timings too :s even though I recited all the duas. plz pray for me lots .

Mayb I am thinking too much I Duno feel so sick rite now I should hav stayed home :s

10-23-2012, 09:17 AM
Go see a doctor sis.

10-23-2012, 09:39 AM
Guess I will. I how I sleep Wen I go home I Srsly need to. Remember me in ur duas jazakAllah everyone

10-23-2012, 09:58 AM
Wa alaykum assalam wa rahmatullahi Sis,

I think Sis Zaria gave great advice masha Allah. The only other thing I can suggest is drinking enough water (you know what they say "deemagh mein khushki ho gai hai isi liye neend nahi aati!". Also ask someone to massage oil into your head. A dehydrated brain can prevent sleep. And if you eat too many sugary foods and simple carbohydrates then cut down on them. Bad, bad stuff. Limit tea to just one cup a day. Caffeine is bad for your adrenal glands.

Those measures will help insha Allah, but you can further calm your mind with voluntary nawafils such as Ishraq, Chast, Awabeen and keep repentance on your tongue as if your life depends on it (well it does in the religious sense). Repentance brings instant peace to the heart and mind.

Another thing you can try and this has been known to help in most cases of insomnia, is to try not to sleep for one night. keep yourself awake. Do some extra ibadah. Spend some time here and have a cup of tea if you must, but do not sleep - even during the day. By the time night rolls round again you'll be so sleep deprived you should be able to sleep insha Allah. : )

10-23-2012, 10:33 AM
jazakillah khayrun sis someone has told me to recite ayat ul kursi n the last two surahs of the quran before gng to sleep n inshaAllah will try these things out.

n alhumdulillah i dont drink tea much n dont watch tv i guess bro abd al latif is rite mayb i hav alot on my mind i just need to relax.

sister herb
10-23-2012, 11:08 AM
Try to drink herb tea at evening. Some herbs are relaxing like chamomile, mints, thyme. And don´t use sugar but honey. If you can get them fresh thats better than dried.

I grew before chamomile in garden and when put half deciliter of flowers to one cup of hot water (yes it is a lot for using as tea) I really tumbled to bed and sleep. If you have only dried, use at least 5 tea bags to one cup.

But don´t use same herbs too many days - they too have medical effects.

10-23-2012, 11:28 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Periwinkle18
jazakillah khayrun sis someone has told me to recite ayat ul kursi n the last two surahs of the quran before gng to sleep n inshaAllah will try these things out.

n alhumdulillah i dont drink tea much n dont watch tv i guess bro abd al latif is rite mayb i hav alot on my mind i just need to relax.
Do you exercise sis? I know teaching 3 yrs olds is strenuous enough, but it doesn't have the benefits of exercise that gets the heart racing and feel good hormones being pumped out. And yes try to relax. Treat yourself. Go somewhere nice with family/friends so that you can unwind. May Allah bless you with peaceful sleep insha Allah. Ameen!!

10-23-2012, 01:02 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Snowflake
May Allah bless you with peaceful sleep insha Allah. Ameen!!
Aameen..sleep is such a great blessing! Subhanallah..:)

10-23-2012, 02:55 PM
^Subhan Allah it is. We can never be thankful enough.

10-23-2012, 03:10 PM
i slept!!! for 49 mins :p buh alhumdulillah i did :)

aww sleep surely is a blessing srsly

ameen to the dua sis :) jazakillah

sister herb
10-23-2012, 03:18 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Periwinkle18
i slept!!! for 49 mins :p buh alhumdulillah i did :)

aww sleep surely is a blessing srsly

ameen to the dua sis :) jazakillah

Good sleep also at next night.

10-23-2012, 04:20 PM
Stay away of screens they kill the sleep specially before going to bed.Almost i hour before you sleep,turn off all the screens i.e,Computer Screen,mobile screen,tv screen.Oil your hairs,have a glass of warm milk and Aaaaa.....buh....go to sleep.



10-23-2012, 07:35 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Periwinkle18
i slept!!! for 49 mins :p buh alhumdulillah i did :)

aww sleep surely is a blessing srsly

ameen to the dua sis :) jazakillah

Alhamdulillah sis.

Sleep is one of those blessings that we truly take for granted.

Its only those who have suffered sleepless nights, that know how precious the gift of sleep actually is.

Has anyone read 'Macbeth' by Shakespear? (it was our prescribed text in high school).
Here, Macbeth kills King Duncan in his sleep.......and therefore could no longer sleep himself.

Look how beautifully sleep is described here:


Methought I heard a voice cry:
“Sleep no more!
Macbeth does murder sleep”
—the innocent sleep,
Sleep that knits up the raveled sleave of care,
The death of each day’s life, sore labor’s bath,
Balm of hurt minds, great nature’s second course,
Chief nourisher in life’s feast."


And just as a reminder: dont forget to read the recommended duaas before sleeping and on awakening, insha Allah:


اللهم بسمك اموت واحيا

“Allahumma bismika amuutu wa ahyaa”.
O Allah (SWT)! With your name I die and I live.


الْحَمْدُ للهِ الَّذِي أَحْيَانَا بَعْدَ مَا أَمَاتَنَا وَإِلَيْهِ النُّشُورُ

“Alhamdulillaahillazi ahyaanaa ba’da maa amaata-naa wa ilaihinnushuur”.
All praise to Allah (SWT), Who revived us to life after givening us death, and to him we shall have to return.

joyous fairy
10-23-2012, 07:55 PM

Do lots of Dhikr at night while youre in bed.. InshaAllah it will help clear your mind of other thoughts.

10-24-2012, 08:26 AM
Al hamdulillah you slept some! :statisfie

10-24-2012, 08:42 AM
Yup Alhumdulilah :) woke up twice last nite Buh Alhumdulilah I slept

10-24-2012, 11:35 AM
are you sure it isnt just your sleeping arrangement?

matress/pillow/environment? lighting?

10-24-2012, 04:03 PM
Nope it's not tht, I wake up suddenly as if something happend n Wen I look around Everyones asleep n everythings k. Guess m just too stressed or worried I Duno.

I've been told to recite alot duas for protection against the evil eye n all n Alhumdulilah I do recite before sleeping .

I just pray tht this never happens to anyone it's just makes I tired all the time n sick n scared :s

10-27-2012, 04:17 AM
OMG Alhumdulillah i slept n i didnt wake up at nite :) Alhumdulillah i feel so good =)

i kept reciting ayat ul kursi n astaghfirullah n i fell asleep n woke up at fajr time :) lol i can't believe i actually slept no nightmares nth Alhumdulillah

ok lol now im gng crazy

JazakAllah khayrun everyone May Allah love u , forgive all ur sins, bless u n grant u jannah ul firdos AMEEN =)

10-27-2012, 10:58 PM
its funny isnt it

when we're deprived of something we take for granted until it is yet again normal for us we become ecstatic.

imagine if the faculty for urinating was taken away from us and then one day Allaah gave it back...

10-28-2012, 11:32 AM
guess we just forget to thank Allah for everything we have...

10-28-2012, 11:36 AM
Yup,Alhamdulillah for biryoni i ate too much today aye :nervous:

12-25-2012, 01:53 AM
Asalaam alaykum, I have this problem too had it since Ramadhan this year I cant sleep till like 3-4am. I'm pretty active as I work too.

format_quote Originally Posted by IbnAbdulHakim
Those close to Allah sometimes burn with so much passion inside that sleep at night becomes difficult, Allah wants them to worship.

Perhaps this is your time to worship much.
What do you mean by 'Those close to Allah burn with passion'?

^ this really has made me think. I usually pray before I sleep and read extra duas, do zikr etc, I'm guessing Allah swt wants me to pray more? I've become so much closer to Allah Subhan wa Ta'ala in the past month or two. Remember me in your duas brothers and sisters, Jazak'Allah :)

12-25-2012, 04:50 AM
^ mashaAllah

Plz do recite:

Rabbana la tuzigh quloobana bada is hadaytana WA banwana miladunka rahma innaka antal wahaab.
Surah Al imran ayah 8

12-26-2012, 11:52 PM

Happens to me occasionally, I end up sleeping fine until I wake up before Fajr(couple hours prior) then I cannot seem ti sleep till well after Fajr and the cycle repeats sometimes. It gets frustrating but I do not take much heed into it as it only occurs once or twice every month. Your problem seems to occur more frequently,may Allaah make it easier for you,ameen.

12-29-2012, 01:18 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Periwinkle18
Assalam o alikum

umm i've been having serious sleeping probs its been a month now n i hav no idea wht to do :S its weird i wake up at least once every night like once i slept around 11ish woke up at 12 sumthing then i slept again n woke up around 3 30ish n i slept again n woke up at around 5 sumfin just weird, sometimes its nightmares sometimes i just wake up suddenly :s srsly duno whts gng on n cuz of tht i havnt been sleeping properly n i get extremely tired.

this doesnt make sense buh sometimes it feels like m sleeping buh m awake at the sametime meaning i know whts gng on around me.

has anyone experienced this ??

i just wish this could stop n i could sleep properly plz pray n if u guys hav any tips tht could help me plz lemme knw i've tried a couple of things doesnt work.

Assalam o alikum

Have a bath before you sleep. It might help you to sleep. Exercise and then have a shower. It might help you to sleep. Read a book. Drink warm milk. Count sheep.

I always behave strange when I don't get some sleep. I laugh a lot and get hysterical.

12-29-2012, 02:49 AM
you have a bad routine. thats what needs to change.

12-29-2012, 03:35 AM
yea i had the same problem, i just exercised for like 20-30 minutes a day. just do anything that gets you sweaty, so like maybe while you watch some halal entertainment videos, just keep doing jumping jacks or something, lol. i watch cricket highlights on my laptop while i workout on my air climber. Pakistan owned India! :D then the reverse happened...:cry:
lol, i love my indian friends.:shade:

12-30-2012, 02:52 AM
Assalamu Alaikum

I've been having episodes of insomnia for a longgg time. It's gotten MUCH better over the years alhemdulilah. I decided to make a little list of what helps/helped me:

*Getting my mind ready for lucid dreaming. I know it sounds weird, but basically just imagine a scenario until you actually get into your REM cycle.

*Making lists during the day of what I have to do for the next day or next week, that way I won't be thinking about what I have to do as I fall asleep.

*Not going online as often or using bright devices, especially before bed. I don't know, it's like the light from the computer affects my sleep, not sure, but that's what it feels like to me lol.

*Not eating a lot of processed foods. There's foods that have MSG in them or certain chemicals that will cause insomnia over time.

*One really good advice someone gave to me was if you continue to recite quran before you sleep, you will fall asleep simply because shaytan would rather have you sleeping than keeping with the dhikr of Allah.

*If none of that helps, then just use your time to pray so that your time doesn't go to waste. It will make you feel kind of special cuz everyone else is asleep and you're having a one-on-one with Allah. :D

Inshallah it will get easier for you (: Just don't take sleeping pills because they prescribed those for me once a long time ago, and instead of falling asleep, I started to hallucinate. Never again for me after that first dose! Inshallah khair!

fi aman Allah

12-30-2012, 03:48 AM
JazakAllahu khayrun sis :)

12-30-2012, 09:19 AM
use these times for a good purpose..allah swt is testing you so do one thing when you get up at night read nawfil namaz until you feel sleepy..try it out may allah solve your problem..

01-16-2013, 07:38 AM
Sleep probs again :S

n i kinda know y i can't sleep i just keep thinking n thinking :S how do u stop thinking?? no matter wht i do i just can't sleep :( m just tired and cranky all the time.

01-16-2013, 08:45 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Periwinkle18
Sleep probs again :S

n i kinda know y i can't sleep i just keep thinking n thinking :S how do u stop thinking?? no matter wht i do i just can't sleep :( m just tired and cranky all the time.
:/ I too have been having some 'sleep problems' lately. It's been so humid lately, aircon broke down at home, been using a small fan at night. Like because of the heat I start falling asleep but at the same time I'm still awake, and then I just find myself having this weird jerking feeling as if I am falling down. Its a freaky feeling, feels like your falling off your bed or off a cliff and that wakes me up; my whole body jerks and feels as if someone electricuted me lol...

How about this, stay up later than usual so that your actually tired when you do go to sleep, so the minute you put head to pillow your will be knocked out. Stay up to like fajr one day to try it... (mind be dumb advice, but give it a try).

"how to stop thinking" ahhh :D dno, I try to make myself stop thinking by thinking more about ways to stop thinking, causing me to think more -_-....

Good luck :D

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