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View Full Version : Dajjal's new Deadly, 5G Technology

09-19-2018, 12:07 AM

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I meant to post this on the Multimedia section of the forum.....(can a moderator change this please)

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09-19-2018, 12:55 AM
JazaakAllahu khair to brother Xboxisdead for raising concerning issues regarding radiation and technology, as I have become more aware of this situation. (also shared with families, friends and my social groups) Maybe, everyone here is already informed but irregardless there are some ways of resisting and protecting against the implementation of this technology.

Some of 5G Radiation Dangers Explained

Frightening Frequencies: The Dangers of 5G & What You Can Do About Them

By Jody McCutcheon
As the old saying goes, give us an inch and inevitably we’ll want a mile. And certainly, this sentiment is true with technology.
Who doesn’t want faster, bigger (or smaller), more efficient? Take wireless mobile telecommunications. Our current broadband cellular network platform, 4G (or fourth generation), allows us to transmit data faster than 3G and everything that preceded. We can access information faster now than ever before in history. What more could we want? Oh, yes, transmission speeds powerful enough to accommodate the (rather horrifying) so-called Internet of Things. Which brings us to 5G.
Until now, mobile broadband networks have been designed to meet the needs of people. But 5G has been created with machines’ needs in mind, offering low-latency, high-efficiency data transfer. It achieves this by breaking data down into smaller packages, allowing for faster transmission times. Whereas 4G has a fifty-millisecond delay, 5G data transfer will offer a mere one-millisecond delay–we humans won’t notice the difference, but it will permit machines to achieve near-seamless communication. Which in itself may open a whole Pandora’s box of trouble for us – and our planet.

More bandwidth – more dangers of 5G

Let’s start with some basic background on 5G technology. Faster processing speeds require more bandwidth, yet our current frequency bandwidths are quickly becoming saturated. The idea behind 5G is to use untapped bandwidth of the extremely high-frequency millimeter wave (MMW), between 30GHz and 300GHz, in addition to some lower and mid-range frequencies.
High-frequency MMWs travel a short distance. Furthermore, they don’t travel well through buildings and tend to be absorbed by rain and plants, leading to signal interference. Thus, the necessary infrastructure would require many smaller, barely noticable cell towers situated closer together, with more input and output ports than there are on the much larger, easier to see 4G towers. This would likely result in wireless antennas every few feet, on every lamp post and utility pole in your neighbourhood.
Here are some numbers to put things into perspective: as of 2015, there were 308,000 wireless antennas on cell towers and buildings. That’s double the 2002 number. Yet 5G would require exponentially more, smaller ones, placed much closer together, with each emitting bursts of radiofrequency radiation (RFR)–granted, at levels much lower than that of today’s 4G cell towers–that will be much harder to avoid because these towers will be ubiquitous. If we could see the RFR, it would look like a smog that’s everywhere, all the time.

Serious health concerns

First, it’s important to know that in 2011, the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer classified RFR as a potential 2B carcinogen and specified that the use of mobile phones could lead to specific forms of brain tumors.
Many studies have associated low-level RFR exposure with a litany of health effects, including:

  • DNA single and double-strand breaks (which leads to cancer)
  • oxidative damage (which leads to tissue deterioration and premature ageing)
  • disruption of cell metabolism
  • increased blood-brain barrier permeability
  • melatonin reduction (leading to insomnia and increasing cancer risks)
  • disruption of brain glucose metabolism
  • generation of stress proteins (leading to myriad diseases)

As mentioned, the new 5G technology utilizes higher-frequency MMW bands, which give off the same dose of radiation as airport scanners. The effects of this radiation on public health have yet to undergo the rigours of long-term testing. Adoption of 5G will mean more signals carrying more energy through the high-frequency spectrum, with more transmitters located closer to people’s homes and workplaces–basically a lot more (and more potent) RFR flying around us. It’s no wonder that apprehension exists over potential risks, to both human and environmental health.

Perhaps the strongest concern involves adverse effects of MMWs on human skin. This letter to the Federal Communications Commission, from Dr Yael Stein of Jerusalem’s Hebrew University, outlines the main points. Over ninety percent of microwave radiation is absorbed by the epidermis and dermis layers, so human skin basically acts as an absorbing sponge for microwave radiation. Disquieting as this may sound, it’s generally considered acceptable so long as the violating wavelengths are greater than the skin layer’s dimensions. But MMW’s violate this condition.
Furthermore, the sweat ducts in the skin’s upper layer act like helical antennas, which are specialized antennas constructed specifically to respond to electromagnetic fields. With millions of sweat ducts, and 5G’s increased RFR needs, it stands to reason that our bodies will become far more conductive to this radiation. The full ramifications of this fact are presently unclear, especially for more vulnerable members of the public (e.g., babies, pregnant women, the elderly), but this technology
Furthermore, MMWs may cause our pain receptors to flare up in recognition of the waves as damaging stimuli. Consider that the US Department of Defense already uses a crowd-dispersal method called the Active Denial System, in which MMWs are directed at crowds to make their skin feel like it’s burning, and also has the ability to basically microwave populations to death from afar with this technology if they choose to do so. And the telecommunications industry wants to fill our atmosphere with MMWs?

Other distressing research

Unfortunately, innocent animals have already been the victims of testing to see MMW’s effects on living cells. Extrapolating the results from animal testing to humans isn’t straightforward, but the results nonetheless raise some serious red flags. Perhaps most significantly, a US National Toxicology Program study noted that male rats exposed to RFR for nine hours a day over two years developed rare forms of tumours in the brain and heart, and rats of both sexes developed DNA damage.
The researchers noted that the increased risk to the rats was relatively small; but if these findings translate to humans, the widespread increase in cellphone use could have a significant impact on populations. Thus the NTP study served to renew the debate about the potential harmful effects of cellphones on human health. Not only that, it caused a significant shift in the American Cancer Society’s understanding of radiation and cancer, and sparked them to state that our ignorance of RFR’s impact on human health could be compared to our previous obliviousness to the connection between smoking and lung cancer.
Other animal research worldwide illustrates how microwave radiation in general and MMW’s in particular can damage the eyes and immune system, cell growth rate, even bacterial resistance. An experiment at the Medical Research Institute of Kanazawa Medical University showed that 60GHz millimeter-wave antennas produce thermal injuries in rabbit eyes, with thermal effects reaching below the eye’s surface. This study, meanwhile, suggests low-level MMW’s caused lens opacity–a precursor to cataracts–in rats’ eyes. A Chinese study demonstrated that eight hours’ of microwave radiation damaged rabbits’ lens epithelial cells. A Pakistani study concluded that exposure to mobile phone EMF prevented chicken embryo retinal cells from properly differentiating.
This Russian study revealed that exposing healthy mice to low-intensity, extremely high-frequency electromagnetic radiation severely compromised their immune systems. And a 2016 Armenian study concluded that low-intensity MMW’s not only depressed the growth of E. coli and other bacteria, but also changed certain properties and activity levels of the cells. The same Armenian study noted that MMW interaction with bacteria could lead to antibiotic resistance–distressing news, considering immunity to bacteria is already compromised due to the overuse of antibiotics.
Again, if these findings translate to humans, our rampant cellphone use would likely cause profound, adverse health effects; an increase in MMW’s as more bandwidth is introduced could further complicate the matter. But what’s also important to note here is that 5G technologies will not only have a profound impact on human health, but on the health of all living organisms it touches, including plants, as we shall see.

5G harms the planet, too

Equally disturbing, 5G technology puts environmental health at risk in a number of ways. First, MMWs may pose a serious threat to plant health. This 2010 study showed that the leaves of aspen seedlings exposed to RFR exhibited symptoms of necrosis, while another Armenian study suggested low-intensity MMW’s cause “peroxidase isoenzyme spectrum changes”–basically a stress response that damages cells–in wheat shoots. Plant irradiation is bad news for the planet’s flora, but it’s bad news for us, too: it could contaminate our food supply.
Second, the 5G infrastructure would pose a threat to our planet’s atmosphere. Network implementation will require the deployment of many, short-lifespan satellites via suborbital rockets propelled by hydrocarbon rocket engines. According to this 2010 California study, launching too many of these babies will vomit enough black carbon into the atmosphere to pollute global atmospheric conditions, affecting distribution of ozone and temperature. Worse, solid-state rocket exhaust contains chlorine, an ozone-destroying chemical. How can any government seriously concerned about climate change allow for this?
Third, 5G will potentially threaten natural ecosystems. According to several reports over the last two decades–some of which are summarized here–low-level, non-ionizing microwave radiation affects bird and bee health. It drives birds from their nests and causes plume deterioration, locomotion problems, reduced survivorship and death. And bee populations suffer from reduced egg-laying abilities of queen bees and smaller colony sizes. More evidence of ecosystem disruption comes from this 2012 meta-study, which indicates that 593 of 919 research studies suggest that RFR adversely affects plants, animals and humans.
It bears repeating: 5G is bad news for all living creatures and the planet we share.

Beware the propaganda deluge

Despite being fully aware of all these unsettling results, threats and concerns, the US corporatocracy continues to maintain a gung-ho attitude about 5G. The Mobile Now Act was passed in 2016, and many US states have since gone ahead with 5G plans. The telecom industry’s biggest players have basically co-opted government powers to enforce their 5G agenda, with companies like AT&T and Qualcomm having begun live testing. And despite research showing serious threats to humans and the planet, the FCC Chairman announced intentions to open low-, mid- and high-frequency spectrums, without even mentioning a single word about the dangers.
They’re going to sell this to us as ‘faster browsing speeds’ – but the truth is, you’ll barely even notice the difference. They’re going to call anyone who protests against 5G a ‘Luddite’ or ‘technophobe’. But why such a willingness to embrace another new technology – even though it carries serious risks and brings spurious benefits? Why not heed the lessons learned from killer products like asbestos, tobacco and leaded gasoline?
Because a tiny percentage of people will gain an awful lot of money, is one reason. And because companies and governments will be given unprecedented amounts of power over civilians is the other.
All isn’t doom and gloom, though. At least one US politician is maintaining some level-headedness: in October, California Governor Jerry Brown stopped legislation that would have allowed the telecom industry to inundate the state with mini-towers. Brown’s bold actions have permitted localities a say in where and how many cell towers are placed.
The state of Hawaii has stopped 5G and smart meters by collectively threatening to charge every person who installed such meters with liability for any health problems residents may suffer. Moreover, 180 scientists have started a petition to warn of 5G potential health effects. Maybe these actions will afford more time for additional studies and data collection. Just as importantly, maybe they’ll cause other politicians and figureheads to reflect on what they’ve been pushing for.
Take action

In the meantime, we as individuals must do everything we can to protect ourselves. Here’s what you can do:

  • Understand EMFs and their behaviours
  • Use EMF metres to measure, mark and avoid hotspots
  • Whenever possible, limit your exposure: use a headset or speaker mode while talking on a cellphone.
  • Refuse to use 5G phones and devices. Full stop. And discourage those you know from doing so.
  • Refuse to buy anything ‘smart’ – ‘smart’ appliances, ‘smart’ heaters, etc.
  • Carry shungite crystals to protect from radiation
  • No matter what, do NOT get a smart meter – these put high levels of 5G radiation right in your home
  • Join the growing numbers of dissenters. Get active with them here.
  • Do as the Hawaiians have done and threaten smart meter and 5G tech installers with liability. You can learn how to do that here.
  • Spread the word! Share this article with everyone you know


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Also, some general cautions about safety online:

1. Do not reveal on any social media/email where you are going to be (in the future). Which place, country you wish to travel .
2. Avoid as far as possible giving personal details of yourself online, unless you are absolutely certain about whom you are speaking with.
3. Even when you are certain, chances are there might be a third party involvement which/whom can intervene with your information/abuse it
4. Your Phone camera and microphone maybe spying on you.

I am getting slightly paranoid but it seems like it's more safer for meeting someone in the real world than online-whereby personal matters are concerned. Better be paranoid and safe? May Allah swt protect us all from the evils and harms which exists. Ameen.

09-19-2018, 02:07 AM
Censor, censor, censor, censor, censor, censor, censor, censor and one more censor right here.

Is it extreme if inside my heart I wish to kill them all?

Thank you sister Nuri and if you ever wondered why you are not getting sons and less boys being born...point the blame on that evilness and all the technology we are using here. If you find out more children are being born with health issues or born with brain tumor or with learning disabilities....look at the food intake, the carbohydrate intake...AND ESPECIALLY THE RADIO WAVE and radiation we have in our environment. Please for the sake of your children...lessen TV intake, lessen the intake of consoles and games. They should go outside and play and be rough with each other (especially for boys). Let them the explore the environment around them, let them use their imagination..let them fantasize an imaginary friend this is healthy for their brain development. Let them build a fort...let them imagine they are going to invent a new technology even if it is already invented all under the exercise of building their brain to help them in academic and outside academic development. Don't dismiss their imagination even if it is already invented. Another thing, home schooling is the way to go!!! Nowadays, is the only way to go! Schools right now are all about indoctrinating someone VS teaching someone. It is bad...in Canada and WAY BAD IN USA!!

Something else about children. Let the children get dirty. It is healthy for them to go in mud and get dirty and eeky so to speak...these are healthy way to increase their immune system. The more they get sick and dirty at young age the more their immune system develops and become stronger as old age and the more they breed healthier and stronger children. Let them get dirty. It is good for them. Let them be outside a lot...the beauty of children is hearing them screaming and shouting and playing outside the street..they pick pebbles, pick sticks..throw sticks..run around in the street, screaming running and playing are all THE HEALTHIEST way to have healthy human beings...and to be honest there is nothing more beautiful than hearing children playing in the street. Those days are long gone. Everyone is confined in their homes playing video games, crooking their backs and been bombarded by wave and waves of technology resulting in lesser and lesser and lesser attention span..issues in school and developing anti-social skills and other issues and weaker immune system.

I am buying lots of shungite crystals.

09-19-2018, 03:46 AM
I found this website https://store.shungite.com/shungite-pyramids.html and I am about to click buy it now. But I want to confirm with you guys if you think it is authentic shungite crystal. I am going to get me a dozen of those...and it is intended to purify the water. REAL AUTHENTIC filter.

If it is authentic I will have 4 or 5 around my laptop...I will have 5 or 6 in my pocket with my cellphone...and if I will have a necklace of it on my neck. I am going crystal mode hahahah!!

Oh one more advice for all brothers and sisters alike. Please download f.lux. It is a powerful program used in desktops and on iphones and androids. It is designed at night to remove all the blue colors from your screen. Blue color from monitors and tvs cause retinal damage to the eye and long term exposure could have effect in your visions and could even result in blindness if not taken care off. Another damaging factor of blue colors it disrupt your sleep cycle and could cause insomnia in long term exposure. Anything blue emitting from light will have the same effect, whether it is from light bulb to monitor screen or tv screen or LED lights...or even that tiny LED light emanating from your TV or keyboard or whatever. We need to demand no more blue lights LED or not LED otherwise. Orange light is superb to help in eyes and sleep cycle.

I am using f.lux in this monitor right now and I have it upstairs in my computer. Even at work I decided to use it at day time too because I sit in front of the computer for 6 to 7 hours. When I did not use it at work my eyes started to burn and tear and felt like needles are poking it....that is because constant exposure to blue lights does this to the eyes and as you age the effect worsen. When I used f.lux at work for the past two days...I felt like I am looking at a piece of paper instead of monitor...my eyes do not burn anymore..no dryness and never watered since then and I felt relaxed even mentally.

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09-19-2018, 05:05 AM
One easy way to scramble the signals on an electronic device is by using a powerful neodimium magnet - but this also affects the brain and blood since they contain various metals in order to operate so that's something to seriously take into consideration too.

I've posted some details on the effects of electro-magnetic radiation here:


God knows why there's not much detailed follow up on such experiments, it appears our leaders are more busy spending thousands or even millions of pounds and hundreds of hours of public servants' work to investigate and collect information on which person bleated like a goat in a council meeting - only to find that the councillor resigned a week before the investigation was concluded.

09-21-2018, 05:58 AM

JazaakAllahu khairan,

Spent some time drafting letters, doing a petition and writing to a TV station manager requesting educational programmes with experts. Maybe it will help relatively, I also strongly encourage others to do the same. Have been discussing with a few and really it seems most people are exhausted with the negativity in this world; from natural disasters, increasing crime rates and generally different social/political/religious affairs etc. There are some however, who seemed concern, so I'll keep nagging them (from time to time)! Really concerned with the protection of innocent children especially. Understanding that it's already a competitive world, how much hope are we going to give them when they become sick at such a young age. We cannot only safeguard our own home/family anyway since also walking into public spaces whereupon this radiation is pervasive and will be considerably damaging. (Based on the information and accounts by others available online).

Nevertheless, we can still in some ways protect our families/loved ones based upon the above recommended measures. There are also some resources online:


Have already removed my phone from my room to another. It's nearby but not in the same area, so can still hear the alarm. In Shaa Allah. Have not gotten the crystals yet, it might be available here so will be speaking to others more about that.

Also tried this remedy using a hot water bath - Salt and baking soda

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This doctor has written about epsom salt baths as a detoxifier pulling toxins out of your body

09-21-2018, 06:10 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Nuri

JazaakAllahu khairan,

Spent some time drafting letters, doing a petition and writing to a TV station manager requesting educational programmes with experts. Maybe it will help relatively, I also strongly encourage others to do the same. Have been discussing with a few and really it seems most people are exhausted with the negativity in this world; from natural disasters, increasing crime rates and generally different social/political/religious affairs etc. There are some however, who seemed concern, so I'll keep nagging them (from time to time)! I really hope that we can protect young innocent children especially. Understanding that it's a very competitive world to live in how much hope are we going to give children when they become sick with the possible advancement and progress of technology. We cannot only safeguard your own home/family since walking into public spaces whereby this radiation is pervasive will be considerably damaging. (Based on what I read and the accounts given by others).

Nevertheless, we can still in some ways protect our families/loved ones based upon the above recommended measures. There are also some resources online:


I have already removed my phone from my room to another. It's nearby but not in the same area, so I can still hear the alarm. In Shaa Allah. Have not gotten the crystals yet, it might be available here so will be speaking to others more about that.
Also tried this remedy using a hot water bath - Salt and baking soda

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This doctor has written about epsom salt baths as a detoxifier pulling toxins out of your body
The problem sister it is not the actual physical phone that is touching your hand is causing the problem. In fact...if we are to remove all these towers and eliminate radio wave tower (meaning no more radio working anymore), wifi tower and you have the phone beside you...it will not harm you. The computer will not harm you..THE LAPTOP WILL ONLY HARM BOYS AND MEN IF PLACED ON LAPS....it is damaging to the male sex exclusively....the problem sister.....is the towers. The towers you see as you walk on the street and in the night and you see that flashing red light in the air to prevent airplanes from crashing into it...those towers are destroying us. Not only is it damage boys and men's reproductive system...but it is damaging every creature on Earth and bees......beees are dying and if do not reverse this...eventually bees will be instinct...and in Canada it is an issue. We used to have sooo much bees that when you open the door of the house they buzz above your head and between your legs and now you can hardly see them. Reason been...IS THE CELL PHONE AND RADIO WAVE....the keyword here is wave that is cause the bees confused and instead of buzzing on the air from flower to flower...they are getting sick and confused and are on the floor. They are walking on the floor and not flying! I am seeing it on my very own eyes! I see so much bees on the floor..buzzing on the floor and not able to fly above the floor and they are walking on the floor randomly as if they are ants...and I can just step on them and kill them.

Are bees suppose to be on the floor like ants where you can step on them or are they suppose to fly and pollinate flower to flower...well...we have them on floors instead. Resulting in them dying out. If the bees die out...we lose over 70% of our food forever and that includes potatoes, tomatoes, all the nice fruits and vegetables we enjoy will disappear if the bees goes away.


As you can see not only waves...but chemicals..pesticides...etc We are having bees issue.

Alligators are also been effected...with all these female byproducts and hormones dumped into the water...alligators are UNABLE TO CONCEIVE BABY BOY ALLIGATORS....so the alligators and crocodiles are going to be extinct at that rate. So this is not just effecting humans...it is effecting every other creatures as well. For me right now...crystals is the way to go at my home to protect me from radiations and radio wave. I am so buying these crystals...tomorrow Insha'Allah I will order them.

09-21-2018, 07:03 AM
@Nuri :jz: for compiling your research and presenting what you found to be important.
The "active denial system" thing is quite an eye opener, appears to be a conttinuation of the research of that evil scientist jose delgado who was amongst the main faces of the brain implantable microchip, who then went on to produce the mood changing beam radiation.
It sounds so crazy that i never speak of it in face to face conversations simply because to the average person who's priority in life is knowing the latest sports score and mtv release this stuff sounds crazy or incredible without documented evidence.
Think of it, if you mention that "active denial system" to someone who's not reading it on the usgov website they'll probably look at you in a weird judgemental fashion. Sounds like something out of a P.K Dick novel.

09-21-2018, 10:55 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by xboxisdead
The problem sister it is not the actual physical phone that is touching your hand is causing the problem. In fact...if we are to remove all these towers and eliminate radio wave tower (meaning no more radio working anymore), wifi tower and you have the phone beside you...it will not harm you. The computer will not harm you..THE LAPTOP WILL ONLY HARM BOYS AND MEN IF PLACED ON LAPS....it is damaging to the male sex exclusively....the problem sister.....is the towers. The towers you see as you walk on the street and in the night and you see that flashing red light in the air to prevent airplanes from crashing into it...those towers are destroying us. Not only is it damage boys and men's reproductive system...but it is damaging every creature on Earth and bees......beees are dying and if do not reverse this...eventually bees will be instinct...and in Canada it is an issue. We used to have sooo much bees that when you open the door of the house they buzz above your head and between your legs and now you can hardly see them. Reason been...IS THE CELL PHONE AND RADIO WAVE....the keyword here is wave that is cause the bees confused and instead of buzzing on the air from flower to flower...they are getting sick and confused and are on the floor. They are walking on the floor and not flying! I am seeing it on my very own eyes! I see so much bees on the floor..buzzing on the floor and not able to fly above the floor and they are walking on the floor randomly as if they are ants...and I can just step on them and kill them.

Are bees suppose to be on the floor like ants where you can step on them or are they suppose to fly and pollinate flower to flower...well...we have them on floors instead. Resulting in them dying out. If the bees die out...we lose over 70% of our food forever and that includes potatoes, tomatoes, all the nice fruits and vegetables we enjoy will disappear if the bees goes away.


As you can see not only waves...but chemicals..pesticides...etc We are having bees issue.

Alligators are also been effected...with all these female byproducts and hormones dumped into the water...alligators are UNABLE TO CONCEIVE BABY BOY ALLIGATORS....so the alligators and crocodiles are going to be extinct at that rate. So this is not just effecting humans...it is effecting every other creatures as well. For me right now...crystals is the way to go at my home to protect me from radiations and radio wave. I am so buying these crystals...tomorrow Insha'Allah I will order them.
As, I have stated in the other thread, Allah would not place us in situations and in a time if we were not provided with what it takes to deal with it. Have seen this happening in my own life many times, Alhamdulilah. It's through a powerful spiritual connection to Him and His prophet Muhammad pbuh that will enable us to access this assistance to deal with things. Whichever level/hierarchy we are on a worldly or spiritual aspect, everyone of us have been assigned roles to play. And we can build upon that spiritual connection in various ways; through reciting and pondering upon the Quran, through meditation of Allah's 99 names and daroods; whilst not ignoring the fact that we have worldly actions to take. The more we recognise all the things mentioned; with our food like GMO's , radiation from cell towers upon living organisms, the effect of Riba on the economy etc, the more we can teach others and do something practical instead of feeling frustrated. This world is just for a short time anyway. Trust me, I'd love to have everything good and pure as an option but that's not how the world is, lots of things have been corrupted including us. I have to deliberately force myself over and over to chose the right things, some are more easier than others. Actually, with all that is bad, there are many things good, like this forum for instance, and people who are striving for the well-being of humanity. Anyway, I really didn't make that link with increasing radiation concerns ( although was looking into 5G since hearing a Tedx talk on it) and until you raised that point, thank you again.

These are the links which I have used to create my letters to different Ministries. If anyone's interested in doing the same......

1. https://www.electricsense.com/12399/...ation-dangers/

2. http://emwatch.com/computer-radiatio...e-your-health/


@Br Abz, my way of "discussing" is very different to yours. Have only covered the basics with given suggestions. Initially, it was my family members and then friends, anyone else I know would have been bombarded with literature and videos in text. People don't want to realize the truth it is frightening now and for the future, but the Quran is our best companion, guide and strength. In shaa Allah.

Anyway, I'll leave you brothers to it, judging from that linked thread, I'm years behind!! Best wishes,

09-21-2018, 03:13 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Nuri
As, I have stated in the other thread, Allah would not place us in situations and in a time if we were not provided with what it takes to deal with it. Have seen this happening in my own life many times, Alhamdulilah. It's through a powerful spiritual connection to Him and His prophet Muhammad pbuh that will enable us to access this assistance to deal with things. Whichever level/hierarchy we are on a worldly or spiritual aspect, everyone of us have been assigned roles to play. And we can build upon that spiritual connection in various ways; through reciting and pondering upon the Quran, through meditation of Allah's 99 names and daroods; whilst not ignoring the fact that we have worldly actions to take. The more we recognise all the things mentioned; with our food like GMO's , radiation from cell towers upon living organisms, the effect of Riba on the economy etc, the more we can teach others and do something practical instead of feeling frustrated. This world is just for a short time anyway. Trust me, I'd love to have everything good and pure as an option but that's not how the world is, lots of things have been corrupted including us. I have to deliberately force myself over and over to chose the right things, some are more easier than others. Actually, with all that is bad, there are many things good, like this forum for instance, and people who are striving for the well-being of humanity. Anyway, I really didn't make that link with increasing radiation concerns ( although was looking into 5G since hearing a Tedx talk on it) and until you raised that point, thank you again.

These are the links which I have used to create my letters to different Ministries. If anyone's interested in doing the same......

1. https://www.electricsense.com/12399/...ation-dangers/

2. http://emwatch.com/computer-radiatio...e-your-health/


@Br Abz, my way of "discussing" is very different to yours. Have only covered the basics with given suggestions. Initially, it was my family members and then friends, anyone else I know would have been bombarded with literature and videos in text. People don't want to realize the truth it is frightening now and for the future, but the Quran is our best companion, guide and strength. In shaa Allah.

Anyway, I'll leave you brothers to it, judging from that linked thread, I'm years behind!! Best wishes,

Thank you so much sister! Thank you for those kind words and thank you for those links you posted. My Allah (Subhanahu Wa tala) raise you high level in Janna..ameen.!

As a side note...in addition to buying the crystals...I am also going to buy this https://www.electricsense.com/13622/...-trifield-tf2/. It seems useful to determine the harmful wave level in my home and then perhaps it may explain why I have so much eye pain, is it possible as a child I developed absent seizure from that or is it just because I had a long term high fever or is it genetic? I am trying to figure things out...and having a clear understanding make it better for me. At first I thought my grape plants turning yellow is natural thing or we failed in providing proper soil nutrition or the white flies or something. We are pointing blame on common sense reasons why our leaves getting yellow and look like burned and dying out...is it perhaps we got it all wrong and it is these towers that is damaging our plants? I will get the meter and learn to read it and determine the wave and radiation. If it is very high around the plant then I finally figure out the cause.

09-23-2018, 01:38 AM
JazaakAllahu khair brother xboxisdead, May Allah also give you the highest Jannah and cure you completely from all health problems. Ameen

Have you looked into a Ketogenic Diet?

"I’ve previously mentioned that ketogenic diets are being increasingly used as a nutritional treatment for epileptic seizures in children. However, after some digging, it turns out they are being prescribed for adults as well. [3]

The reason why they are being prescribed as a treatment for chronic and acute epilepsy more and more is mainly because they work verly well [4, 5]. A review of studies shows around 50% of children have at least a 50% reduction in epileptic seizures [6]. That is an impressive reduction when we consider the only change in their treatment is their diet.
Similar results have been found in adult people too. Adults, who start following a ketogenic diet, report reductions in the amount of their epileptic seizures as well [7, 8]. In one study, 52% of the patients had significant reductions in seizure frequency and about 45% reported a more than 50% reduction in seizures. However, around 10% reported a more than 50% increase in seizures. The rest were either unable to start it, follow through it, or saw no reductions or improvements. [9]

MCT ketogenic diet

There are different iterations of ketogenic diets which are being used as a treatment. I’d like to focus on the one with an emphasis on MCTs. This variation mainly uses MCTs in oil form as a dietary supplement. The oil is one option, coconut oil with high amounts of MCTs is another. One interesting advantage of a MCT-enhanced ketogenic diet is its viability for people with a carnitine deficiency.
Carnitine, a compound synthesized from two amino acids, has an important role in our bodies because it processes long-chain fatty acids. On the other hand, medium-chain fatty acids don’t have to be processed by carnitine and are more efficient in terms of their ketogenic potential, as I’ve already mentioned. This allows people to eat more carbs and proteins, compared to typical ketogenic diets. Consequentially it also allows them to add more variety and flexibility to their dietary choices. [9]
Another interesting factoid is that MCT ketogenic diets are one of the most effective therapeutic approaches for children who have epilepsy when the usual approach with drugs doesn’t help. [10, 11]
Furthemore, this treatment is sometimes the first line of treatment. People who have a GLUT-1 transport deficiency or a pyruvate dehydrogenase deficiency are two groups who seem to reap the most benefits. [11]


With all that said, we can see ketogenic diets, and especially MCT ketogenic diets, have their place in the treatment of epileptic seizures for children and adults. Coconut oil with its high contents of MCTs is a practical addition to a ketogenic diet, at least when we compare the price of MCT oil and coconut oil. Moreover, it gives people who suffer from epilepsy more room for flexibility and variability in their diets, considering more proteins and carbs can be added to it."



09-23-2018, 07:18 AM
(Just remembered to share this, for any interested, May Allah swt highly reward the person who informed me. Ameen)

Modern day problem of electromagnetic waves: Prostration on the ground the solution?

Our body receives a huge amount of electromagnetic waves daily from electrical equipment which have become indispensable part of our lives. These also include equipment such as street lights over which we have no control. As result we are charged with electromagnetic waves round the clock causing problems such as headache, feeling of uncomfortable, laziness and at times pain. The question is how we overcome this inevitable modern day problem. A non Muslim scientist in Europe who had done extensive research into this issue concluded that the best way to remove the positive electromagnetic charge which hurts the body is by placing the forehead on the ground. This helps discharge the harmful positive electromagnetic charges.

In fact this is somewhat similar to the grounding of the buildings where any positive electromagnetic signals such as thunder discharged through the ground. According to this research and findings the best way to put the forehead on the ground is by positioning to the centre of the earth.
Thus the prostration in prayer is not only regarded as the best way to discharge harmful electromagnetic signals from the body, but also the ideal way to get close to Almighty who created the universe. During the daily prayers Muslims throughout the world prostrate. However so far they did not know by doing so they were discharging electromagnetic waves. Thus they were not aware of this benefit. They prostrated only to obey the Almighty as they believe that there is always some wisdom behind what was told by the creator.

Meanwhile explaining the benefits of prostration Kalabooshanam M Y M Meeadh writes; the pineal gland in the brain plays an important part in directional sense. Damage to the pineal gland causes defective sense of direction, perhaps by altering the intrinsic intracranial electro-magneticenvironment and thus affecting the magnetic response mechanism. Mosque signifies a place of prostration and prayer in Islam comprises certain bodily positions.

Antenna emitting electromagnetic waves

Prostration, is the culminating point of complete submission to Allah. Prostration is an act of humility symbolizing total abandonment of oneself to the will of Allah. All the Prophets of the past prostrated. The Quran says, “Whatever beings there are in the heavens and in the earth, do prostrate themselves to Allah.” (Q. 13:15) Man becomes nearer to Allah’s attributes when he constantly strives for perfection. “It is not your wealth, nor your children that shall bring you nearer unto us.” (34:37) Imam Gazzali says: “There are qualities which will draw a man near God. They include Spiritual knowledge of duties, Self control 4 and Justice. We prostrate in the direction of the Qibla, Makka, which is the spiritual compass of the Muslim world. The central region of the earth encompasses Macca, the centre of the Muslim world and the point where for Muslims; the heavenly axis touches the terrestrial plane. Makka is also called themother of cities (Ummul Qurah) in the Holy Quran and in the popular literature the navel of the earth.

The Kaa’bah is now not only placed in the centre of the earth, but it also forms the central point of the whole universe. It is difficult to determine the real nature of the black stone (Hajar al Aswad) of the Ka’abah whether it was originally a meteorite or not, and if so, whether any electromagnetic waves are emitted from it in a radial direction. The pineal gland in the brain is also called the third eye. It plays an important part in directional sense. Damage to the pineal gland causes defective sense of direction, perhaps by altering the intrinsicintracranial electro-magnetic environment and thus affecting the magnetic response mechanism. There is a high concentration of magnetic (a magnetic oxide of iron) in man, in the bones of the base of the skull.

The billions of red blood cells circulating in the body contain iron, and could form a magnetic flux. It has not been worked out as to what effects these iron containing red blood cells produce when they come near the base of the brain and in turn, normalize the sense of direction through a neutral or numeral path way the pineal gland. Added to this, by putting our forehead to the ground during prostration, Sajda,so many times daily, it is not impossible to imagine that some electro magnetic waves radiating from the Kaa’ba through the earth would reach the pineal gland of the prostrated person and help to straighten the sense of direction (Sirathul Musthaqeem).

It is likely that the uprightness of a practicing Muslim is the result of the normalization of this sense of direction by the electro-magnetic waves radiating from Hajar al-Aswadthrough the earth to the pineal gland during prostration. Allah commands you to ‘Proclaim the Lord’s praise in the night and after the (prescribed) prostrations.” (Q. 50:40). There are those who spend the night in adoration of their Lord, prostrating and standing.” (25:64 ) Prophet Muhammad (Sal) said: “A man becomes near God at the time ofprostration.” Nearness to God does not mean nearness of place but nearness to the attribution of Allah.

Courtesy: This article is based on the research by

Dr. Ebrahim Kazim

from dailynews

09-23-2018, 12:37 PM
Its OK to show the harmful effects of 5G to health but I cant see how you relate it to Dajjal. Nowadays people invent several irrelevant ideas regarding Dajjal and promote them in net as if it is the Islamic view. I recommend the OP to learn what Dajjal is in the Islamic eschatology first and produce or promote such theories later. Promotion of irrelevant ideas regarding Dajjal is as dangerous as prohibition of warning people against him.

09-23-2018, 12:39 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by anatolian
Its OK to show the harmful effects of 5G to health but I cant see how you relate it to Dajjal. Nowadays people invent several irrelevant ideas regarding Dajjal and promote them in net as if it is the Islamic view. I recommend the OP to learn what Dajjal is in the Islamic eschatology first and produce or promote such theories later. Promotion of irrelevant ideas regarding Dajjal is as dangerous as prohibition of warning people against him.
You speak the truth brother. You live in Turkey? I would love to live there myself!! :D:D As a Canadian Citizenship do you think they would take me there and I can become a permanent citizen there?

09-23-2018, 06:57 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by xboxisdead
You speak the truth brother. You live in Turkey? I would love to live there myself!! :D:D As a Canadian Citizenship do you think they would take me there and I can become a permanent citizen there?
You can after three years of living and working. But if you dont speak Turkish your job options will be very limited.

09-23-2018, 07:44 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by anatolian
Its OK to show the harmful effects of 5G to health but I cant see how you relate it to Dajjal. Nowadays people invent several irrelevant ideas regarding Dajjal and promote them in net as if it is the Islamic view. I recommend the OP to learn what Dajjal is in the Islamic eschatology first and produce or promote such theories later. Promotion of irrelevant ideas regarding Dajjal is as dangerous as prohibition of warning people against him.

Whilst the health impact is important I focused on that only mainly believing that other members here are more qualified to give opinions on the relationship between 5G and Dajjal. Honestly, I haven't studied detailed in these areas, nor was I interested in doing so until certain information kept coming my way and connections starting being made. So, recently renewed in finding out more and I'll accept your advice on pursuing Islamic eschatology further. Can you recommend some references? (I'll add them to what I have)

For the connections already made these are as follows:

In my understanding there are both figurative and literal interpretations for dajjal which are not isolated. Additionally, two factors in consideration namely 1. Dajjal himself - a man
2. The Dajjal System - which is put in place for Dajjal to rule over the world.

I'm inclined towards understanding that 5G technology falls under no 2. with the use of science and paper money, banking system. (thanks to some here)

This technology, when fully implemented, could intrude into people’s privacy by revealing their location to those who want to know where and when someone travels. In addition to tracking one’s movements, it has the potential for providing access to everything one does with cell phones, computers, or other electronic devices that are in our homes.

Beyond the intrusion into our private lives, it could be used to alter the way one thinks, used to weaken one’s health, and even used to facilitate death.
Undoubtedly the rationalization of using this technology in such a way would be to fight “terrorism.” But what would stop law enforcement and government agencies from using it against U.S. citizens who are political dissidents, or oppose the government’s position on issues like mandatory vaccines, or GMO foods, for example?

.......(return to my first post, I gave some important instructions on internet safety for those who would have otherwise been unknowing) And, have a look at this video- What your smart devices know and share about you

Let me ask you this: how in your understanding Dajjal will rule the world? Would it be supernatural power only (from jinns, black magic) and would it be having those forces work for him giving the ability to perform these incredible things as a man only, when he arrives? (for instance in a similar mannner how Allah bestowed Suleiman a.s a kingdom, ruling over the jinns and mankind - but in a truly evil way? Or are you influenced to think as I do (Owed to the scholarly insights of others, research available online-not credited to my own thoughts) that the way is being paved for dajjal to rule the world?

Would our test be so great to fulfill the understanding of this hadith?

Hadith No: 296
From: Sahih Muslim. Chapter 1, Faith (Kitab Al Iman)
Narrated/Authority of Abu Huraira

that the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) observed: When three things appear faith will not benefit one who has not previously believed or has derived no good from his faith: the rising of the sun in its place of setting, the Dajjal, and the beast of the earth.

(At the time of dajjal's ruling would faith in Allah be so greatly difficult and impossible to those who have now entered this world? And those who have not yet accepted Islam i.e due to the fitnah/temptations/power of Dajjal and his impressive knowedge-because this will allow him to misuse/manipulate the truth in order to mislead others)

Hadith No: 184
From: Sahih Bukhari. Chapter 4, Ablutions (Wudu')
Narrated/Authority of Asma bint Abu Bakr

I came to 'Aisha the wife of the Prophet during the solar eclipse. The people were standing and offering the prayer and she was also praying. I asked her, "What is wrong with the people?" She beckoned with her hand towards the sky and said, "Subhan Allah." I asked her, "Is there a sign?" She pointed out, "Yes." So I, too, stood for the prayer till I fell unconscious and later on I poured water on my head. After the prayer, Allah's Apostle praised and glorified Allah and said, "Just now I have seen something which I never saw before at this place of mine, including Paradise and Hell. I have been inspired (and have understood) that you will be put to trials in your graves and these trials will be like the trials of Ad-Dajjal, or nearly like it (the sub narrator is not sure of what Asma' said). Angels will come to every one of you and ask, 'What do you know about this man?' A believer will reply, 'He is Muhammad, Allah's Apostle , and he came to us with self-evident truth and guidance. So we accepted his teaching, believed and followed him.' Then the angels will say to him to sleep in peace as they have come to know that he was a believer. On the other hand a hypocrite or a doubtful person will reply, 'I do not know but heard the people saying something and so I said the same.'"


Narrated Abu Saeed (radi Allahu anhu): “One day Rasul Allah narrated to us a long narration about Ad-Dajjal and among the things he narrated to us was: ‘Ad-Dajjal will come, and he will be forbidden to enter the mountain passes of Madina. He will encamp in one of the salt areas neighboring Madina and there will appear to him a man who will be the best or one of the best of the people. He will say ‘I testify that you are Ad-Dajjal whose story Rasul Allah told us.’ Ad-Dajjal will say (to his audience), ‘Look, if I kill this man and then give him life, will you have any doubt about my claim?’ They will reply, ‘No.’ Then Ad-Dajjal will kill that man and then will make him alive. The man will say, ‘By Allah, now I recognize you more than ever!’ Ad-Dajjal will then try to kill him (again) but he will not be given the power to do so.” [Sahih Bukhari]

SCIENTISTS are looking to use artificial intelligence to build androids that "fully conscious copies" of dead loved ones and are looking for volunteers to offer up their deceased relatives for the study.

As you can determine there are sometimes more questions than answers.

09-24-2018, 01:04 AM
Sorry for saying this but the title is out of place, misleading and completely off topic. What dose someone creating 5G have anything to do with Dajjal.

Dajjal is a man? Not a technology or someone based on technology. He would be performing things that is not magic but real acts.

The closest way you can understand him is that he would be something like a very powerful mutant who can do many things at once like telekintic, controll objects and metals, moving at the speed of the wind or even faster and being able to single handily conqueror the world and the ability to destroy armies by himself.

Not only that he can also controll the weather and we have seen some mutants do it like storm but they are nothing more then fantasy but what he will do is real acts.

Some people will wonder why his so powerful? But the answer is even tho his evil his still carrying out the work of Allah hence why Allah has granted him these powers and he couldn't possess them without it being grant to him by Allah so that he can become a trial upon people and test.

To put it short Dajjal is a man who has been grant superpowers never before granted to a human or atleast of what have been narrated to us so far regarding the past.

To give you another example if Dajjal existed in the fake X-men universe he would destroy them all and be stronger then them all gathered powers like Magneto, Xavier, Jean grey, Storm etc etc and all the other freak ones.

Dajjal will be granted incredible powers in order to test humans? He would be a phenonomen and majority of the world would fall for the phenonomen that is going to be dajjal

09-24-2018, 01:13 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by urkahnkhan
Sorry for saying this but the title is out of place, misleading and completely off topic. What dose someone creating 5G have anything to do with Dajjal.

Dajjal is a man? Not a technology or someone based on technology. He would be performing things that is not magic but real acts.

The closest way you can understand him is that he would be something like a very powerful mutant who can do many things at once like telekintic, controll objects and metals, moving at the speed of the wind or even faster and being able to single handily conqueror the world and the ability to destroy armies by himself.

Not only that he can also controll the weather and we have seen some mutants do it like storm but they are nothing more then fantasy but what he will do is real acts.

Some people will wonder why his so powerful? But the answer is even tho his evil his still carrying out the work of Allah hence why Allah has granted him these powers and he couldn't possess them without it being grant to him by Allah so that he can become a trial upon people and test.

To put it short Dajjal is a man who has been grant superpowers never before granted to a human or atleast of what have been narrated to us so far regarding the past
Like the shiekh said in the previous videos....

Dajjal is PROGRAMMED by Allah to do all of this Fitna (everything is by Allah's will and decreed by Allah alone). Dajjal is nothing more than a tool so that Allah (Subhanahu Wa Talaa) exam the people and based on how people pass or fail that is where they will be in the afterlife. Allah have given dajjal all these powers and he is a tool created by Allah to test and trail people. Remember...everything happens only by the will of Allah to see what his slaves do.

09-24-2018, 01:55 PM
Dajjal is a mysterious stranger who's absolutely unknown in our reality, but there are only the authentic descriptions about him, about his physical appearance, his might and supernatural abilities(he probably will gather all the similar powers that were given to all prophets by Almighty Lord) gave by Allah swt and possible place where he will appear in the future, however no one knows.. prophet said it would be east, but where? Only Allah swt knows. The thread's title really misleads some random non-Muslim visitors, that confused even me lol

09-25-2018, 12:16 AM
JazaakAllahu khairan, I'm unable to change the title of the thread and it was taken from the video. You might be right br urkahnkhan possibly all the X-Men powers in addition to this guy. !

The Mind Control thread is really enlightening with respect to the use of electromagnetic wave to controlling the mind and behavior of an individual....

"Today's super technology, connecting our brain functions via microchips (or even without them, according to the latest technology) to computers via satellites in the U.S. or Israel, poses the gravest threat to human-ity. The latest supercomputers are powerful enough to monitor the whole worlds population. What will happen when people are tempted by false premises to allow microchips into their bodies? One lure will be a micro-chip identity card. Compulsory legislation has even been secretly pro-posed in the U.S. to criminalize removal of an ID implant.

Are we ready for the robotization of mankind and the total elimination of privacy, including freedom of thought? How many of us would want to cede our entire life, including our most secret thoughts, to Big Brother? Yet the technology exists to create a totalitarian "New World Order." Covert neurological communication systems are in place to counteract independent thinking and to control social and political activity on behalf of self-serving private and military interests."


Let's all strive to at least recite the first 10 ayats of Surah Al-Kahf in our 5 daily prayers or even more if possible. In Sha Allah.


09-27-2018, 11:05 PM

Recently subscribed to Eschatology Channel and was viewing this clip, it's taken from a longer lecture; link in the description box. Relevant to this thread. (Just stopping by to share ....it's duly noted that some of you are very familiar with this topic and hopefully not repeating a lecture already posted- JazaakAllahu khair!)


09-28-2018, 02:03 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Nuri
JazaakAllahu khairan, I'm unable to change the title of the thread and it was taken from the video. You might be right br urkahnkhan possibly all the X-Men powers in addition to this guy. !

The Mind Control thread is really enlightening with respect to the use of electromagnetic wave to controlling the mind and behavior of an individual....

"Today's super technology, connecting our brain functions via microchips (or even without them, according to the latest technology) to computers via satellites in the U.S. or Israel, poses the gravest threat to human-ity. The latest supercomputers are powerful enough to monitor the whole worlds population. What will happen when people are tempted by false premises to allow microchips into their bodies? One lure will be a micro-chip identity card. Compulsory legislation has even been secretly pro-posed in the U.S. to criminalize removal of an ID implant.

Are we ready for the robotization of mankind and the total elimination of privacy, including freedom of thought? How many of us would want to cede our entire life, including our most secret thoughts, to Big Brother? Yet the technology exists to create a totalitarian "New World Order." Covert neurological communication systems are in place to counteract independent thinking and to control social and political activity on behalf of self-serving private and military interests."


Let's all strive to at least recite the first 10 ayats of Surah Al-Kahf in our 5 daily prayers or even more if possible. In Sha Allah.


I believe that the ahadith regarding the opening verses are stronger than the ahadith which mention the first ten verses - due to the fact that the story of the youth comprise of the first story - and there are various ahadith which recommend the least participation in aspects of society where injustice is unavoidable, eg the one lying down is better than the one sitting, and the one sitting is better than the one standing, and the one standing is better than the one walking, and the one walking is better than the one riding and so on.
Another where the one clinging to a tree stump in his farm with cattle is better than the one joining in the confusing fitnahs.
But again, it depends really on the circumstances - since there are aspects and situations where not making a stand for Allah :swt: 's sake is basically a betrayal of the ummah.
We need more strong support from Allah :swt: and also need to be calling people to the truth so that dajjal melts away by Allah's leave and only the truth remains.
I tried going and staying at my very remote farm but we'd sometimes experience sabotage, fear in locals, and twin-rotor military helicopters flying 30 ft directly above the less than our 580sq ft house whilst flashing lights - along with the fact that most people weren'rlt really that bothered about trading in rice so as to stockpile better - so i realised that it may come to a situation where there's an all-out clash.

After looking at how the secularists were commiting atrocities in the name of ISIS, I did play with ideas such as returning to the ukgb and emptying banks and off-licences with zionist armbands and jewish accents but decided it could be detrimental to the propaganda campain we need to be winning if i got caught - especially since i get followed around by secularist shill ar$eholes most places i go.

So yup, best bet is to keep up the dawah and concentrate enough spiritual power to call on Allah :swt: so that prayers are worth responding to whilst continuing to work in service to Allah :swt: the best possible way -given the circumstances of which He is fully aware and able to sort out.

Anyways, this might all be a part of Allah :swt: 's wake up campaign before He makes a complete response, or we may simply have to persevere until we meet Him - like so many before us have.

One thing for sure is that the complete accounting and rewarding will be done on the day of judgement so it's better to focus on that as we make decisions.

- - - Updated - - -

Regarding the opinion that there is a need to participate whilst staying true to Allah :swt: and being honest and sincere -please check out this series:

(They are very informative and worth the lengthy watch).


10-04-2018, 12:56 AM
JazaakAllahu khair brother, It is quite justified to be angry in the mentioned circumstances. Thank you for the videos. To any brother or sister reading this I truly recommend being involved in communities which gives strength. Inshallah(Do not be a lone sheep) It will help in making a stand for His sake. May Allah protect us wherever we are, give patience, success and grant us good leadership and unity. Ameen! Verily, there is no power and might except from Allah!


10-22-2018, 12:58 PM
I believe dajjal to be a devilish...satanic learned strong man that knows how to meddle the truth with his tongue

10-22-2018, 06:33 PM
What about 2G,3G,4G....?

Is it also from Dajjal...?

10-22-2018, 07:24 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by azc
What about 2G,3G,4G....?

Is it also from Dajjal...?
IT IS MAN MADE INVENTION THAT IS DESTROYING THE Y CHROMOSOME AND destroying the minds of people...especially children and it is used as weapon to brainwash people and causes brain cancer and other health issues, numbing of the brain and fogging the brain and causes difficulty of concentration and in additional to all of that....we have discovered that bees are dying...dying. IN Canada...I am seeing more and more and more and more bees on the ground between people's foot...unable to fly. It cannot fly..it just CANNOT FLY ...and they are dying and dying...cell phones and wifi are affecting their ability to coordinate in the air and causes them confusion and they are dying. No more bees...OVER 75% OF THE FOOD WE ENJOY WILL GO WITH THE BEES IN EXTINCTION!

These technologies are as harmful as iron! It doesn't help that companies toke plastic cables and put them in the ocean which is spreading plastic in fishes and causes estrogen effect into the human babies and animals which increase cancen, plastic in food and feminization.

Well I am glad I am in my 40's ;D :D :D :D It is the new generations that will have it haaard! Al-hamdolillah I am born in the 80's...phew!! How many years I have left? What 20 or 30 years...hehe...and I am out of here!!! :D :D ;D :D

10-23-2018, 01:44 AM
It's harmful- agree
but why is it attributed to dajjal.

10-23-2018, 01:58 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by azc
It's harmful- agree
but why is it attributed to dajjal.
One factor it is attributed to Dajjal because using these technologies and wifi and all that are used to spread propaganda to brainwash people and spread the dajjal system so that when he is released, everything is handed to him in silver plate for easy mind control and manipulation. Not that it matters because the powers that Allah have given him is enough of people with only the strongest of faith not to fall for him. Add to the fact that by using these technologies we are building a dajjal system so that it is even much easier for people to fall to his trap. Also when there will be fewer boys born...women are much on their own to defend for themselves against the dajjal (any women out there who thinks she is strong and can handle it without need a man is a fool. Even the men themselves will be running away from the dajjal than face his trail. Let us not underestimate the fitna that he will bring into this world. Even a believing person who thinks they have HIGHEST OF IMAN must run away from the dajjal and not face him head on thinking he can deal with him......you cannot. And it will take a man only and a special man at that to fight him off.) Don't forget the dajjal he plays a special music that attracts people who listen to music...and by using these 5g and technology we are spreading music on TVs and so on.

10-23-2018, 03:45 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by xboxisdead
One factor it is attributed to Dajjal because using these technologies and wifi and all that are used to spread propaganda to brainwash people and spread the dajjal system so that when he is released, everything is handed to him in silver plate for easy mind control and manipulation. Not that it matters because the powers that Allah have given him is enough of people with only the strongest of faith not to fall for him. Add to the fact that by using these technologies we are building a dajjal system so that it is even much easier for people to fall to his trap. Also when there will be fewer boys born...women are much on their own to defend for themselves against the dajjal (any women out there who thinks she is strong and can handle it without need a man is a fool. Even the men themselves will be running away from the dajjal than face his trail. Let us not underestimate the fitna that he will bring into this world. Even a believing person who thinks they have HIGHEST OF IMAN must run away from the dajjal and not face him head on thinking he can deal with him......you cannot. And it will take a man only and a special man at that to fight him off.) Don't forget the dajjal he plays a special music that attracts people who listen to music...and by using these 5g and technology we are spreading music on TVs and so on.
By this definition every scientific invention which spreads evil should be attributed to dajjal. Then every person who spread evil should be considered as a dajjal. So dajjal has been existing on this planet since mankind came into existence....?

But all this concept contradicts the ahadith concerning advent of dajjal in end era of human life. He will be a ' living person', not a technology or an ideology.

10-23-2018, 04:52 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by azc
By this definition every scientific invention which spreads evil should be attributed to dajjal. Then every person who spread evil should be considered as a dajjal. So dajjal has been existing on this planet since mankind came into existence....?

But all this concept contradicts the ahadith concerning advent of dajjal in end era of human life. He will be a ' living person', not a technology or an ideology.
He is a living entity and you are correct and he have been around since the day of the prophet in an island with chains and chackels since the time of the prophet. So picture how old he is and how long he lived in that island. So yes, he is real. I am talking about that this technology we are living in and this world is preparing for his welcome and making a dajjal system. Let us face it...if we are falling pray in the system itself...we need to look at ourselves when he does show up. But I did tell mom that the dajjal will not come out until people no more mention his name, or think about him or believe he even exists period. THAT IS WHEN HE WILL COME out. As long as his name is mentioned in tongues of people and there are lectures and lectures about him and people believe he exist he will not show up.

The trail have to be hard right? What makes it more harder than people forget he even exist or believe he even exists or even prepare themselves when he does show up. Remember, the dajjal is the ANTI-CHRIS...meaning he opposite of the prophet in every shape or form..he is evil, evil, evil and he is PROGRAMMED by Allah to test human beings. Who here can say they are ready to pass such test?

10-23-2018, 11:56 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by azc
By this definition every scientific invention which spreads evil should be attributed to dajjal. Then every person who spread evil should be considered as a dajjal. So dajjal has been existing on this planet since mankind came into existence....?

But all this concept contradicts the ahadith concerning advent of dajjal in end era of human life. He will be a ' living person', not a technology or an ideology.
In some Muslim societies the word "dajjal" commonly used as adjective to describe evil in general without need to refer to the true dajjal. In example, evil behavior is called dajjal behavior, evil ideology is called dajjal ideology. Even a man with evil behavior can be called "the dajjal" by people around him.

10-24-2018, 08:53 PM
I think dajjal is PlayStation and anything going on in Hollywood

Please who can be so ungodly???...

Also I think anyone who is following any Abraham Faith is going to jannah ...

This thing called dajjal is satanic.

I mean imran hosein...is sort of off track about what it is but it's good this old man does admit it's the end of times just like me...alhamdulilah...May Allah give him jannat firdaws

10-24-2018, 09:00 PM
I just saw nuriya's video i agree a man like samari...could be dajjal

10-24-2018, 09:08 PM
Subhan Allah imran nazar is telling the truth I'm shocked smart phones thinking for us as well as tv...

10-27-2018, 09:38 PM
Dajjal is someone who is a liar. The prophet (S) said there would come 30 dajjals after me. These are not the real deal that will come after the mahdi, rather these are the small fish that will come before the big fish. And by dajjal system, means we are a living in a society where those who are paving the way for the ad-dajjal to come are in control and influencing everything to that end. The satanic music lyrics, hidden messages in movies and cartoons, promotion of witchcraft and magic (harry potter written by a real witch). The GMO, vaccines, dangerous pesticide, harmful technology (5G, body scanners, cell phones/wifi, etc) and other things that lead to harm to society/nature/humans are all dajjal based. The goal of the elites is to kill off all of human population till only 500 million are left, enough sustain by the earth and for slave labor in post apocalyptic world according to them.

here's an eye opener on this - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wWCisgNZzIo

10-28-2018, 06:38 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Desert
I think dajjal is PlayStation and anything going on in Hollywood

Please who can be so ungodly???...

Also I think anyone who is following any Abraham Faith is going to jannah ...

This thing called dajjal is satanic.

I mean imran hosein...is sort of off track about what it is but it's good this old man does admit it's the end of times just like me...alhamdulilah...May Allah give him jannat firdaws
So you think that Jews and Christians are also going to jannah....?

If not, then who are they...?

10-28-2018, 02:37 PM
We have 4,5 G in Turkey. Erdoğan invented this. So he did it to protect us from dajjal’s 5G :D

10-28-2018, 06:12 PM
Fearing the divine can save us from doing the complete work on God's help and faith, Allah purifies us all

10-28-2018, 06:55 PM
Brother azc...I'm retarded i don't know what I'm talking about rather learning Islamic knowledge is dangerous for me

I read one of your posts and I discovered i have a very retarded mind i do but guess to act smart it's not a joke it's dangerous...

10-30-2018, 03:35 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by ardianto
In some Muslim societies the word "dajjal" commonly used as adjective to describe evil in general without need to refer to the true dajjal. In example, evil behavior is called dajjal behavior, evil ideology is called dajjal ideology. Even a man with evil behavior can be called "the dajjal" by people around him.
it's something like a naughty boy is called as shytan.

10-30-2018, 03:45 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Desert
Brother azc...I'm retarded i don't know what I'm talking about rather learning Islamic knowledge is dangerous for me

I read one of your posts and I discovered i have a very retarded mind i do but guess to act smart it's not a joke it's dangerous...

Sister....the true retard...THE REAL RETARD are not the mentally handicapped (I just realized it), or scientifically labeled retard or a person with ADD or a person who cannot read or write or have hard time at school...:cry:

THE TRUE RETARDS ARE THE PEOPLE WHO DISBELIEVE in Allah, the prophets, the afterlife...those people are either the Mushriks, Kafirs or atheists. Sister...THOSE ARE THE VERY DEFINITION OF RETARD!! Not only are they retards...BUT THEY ARE TRUE CRIMINALS...not the person who did drugs, or raped or killed...THE REAL CRIMINALS are disbelievers...and not only are they retards and not only are they true criminals but in sight of Allah their blood is worthless. Sister what is more worse and disaster than that? Maybe...we should all ponder deeply on this for a while and picture it as if it was us in that place...your face will pale as if no blood filled the veins for decades, and the back of your hair will stand-up like that of a cactus spike.

If I take the smartest non-Muslim person on planet Earth who was able to speak at age 1 year old and matured to grown up level at age 8 and is articulate and never failed ones at school and got honor degree and awards and have changed the world eight times over and have shown scientifically that that person is so smart is one inch away of performing mental power but is a non-Muslim and you bring a person who is so mentally slow they cannot formulate two words to save their life and many times drool from their mouth..but the slow person at his heart believe in Allah and worship him with full conviction and the smartest person is an atheist THAT SMARTEST PERSON is REALLY retard and the slow person is the SMARTEST person.

10-30-2018, 04:31 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Desert
Brother azc...I'm retarded i don't know what I'm talking about rather learning Islamic knowledge is dangerous for me

I read one of your posts and I discovered i have a very retarded mind i do but guess to act smart it's not a joke it's dangerous...
sister, why do you think being retarded...?

We being common Muslims do mistakes, it's not a big deal, however, we shouldn't be adamant. I also do mistakes, don't worry. It's very common.

Getting knowledge is easy but practicing upon what we know, invariably, is always difficult.

Take it easy. Do lots of dua to Allah :swt1:

And what you do, do for the sake of Allah :swt1: that's it.

10-30-2018, 04:35 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Nuriya_

Recently subscribed to Eschatology Channel and was viewing this clip, it's taken from a longer lecture; link in the description box. Relevant to this thread. (Just stopping by to share ....it's duly noted that some of you are very familiar with this topic and hopefully not repeating a lecture already posted- JazaakAllahu khair!)

Do not quote this Murtadd he only spreads deviance and lies

10-30-2018, 04:36 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by JustTime
Do not quote this Murtadd he only spreads deviance and lies
Are you calling the shiekh murtadd? O_O

10-30-2018, 04:21 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by JustTime
Do not quote this Murtadd he only spreads deviance and lies
Bro, Do you not fear Allah :swt1: .........?????

10-30-2018, 06:25 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by azc
Bro, Do you not fear Allah :swt1: .........?????
I have sufficient evidence he is a Murtadd I have posted such evidence in a multi-pointed essay that was removed, Takfeer is indeed a difficult subject and something not to be toyed with but with evidence that is clear and reasonable it is obligatory to make takfeer and warn of it.

- - - Updated - - -

format_quote Originally Posted by xboxisdead
Are you calling the shiekh murtadd? O_O
Imran Hosein is a Murtadd the fact he fails to call the Rafida the Kuffar that they are is within itself grounds for Takfeer

10-30-2018, 07:48 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by JustTime
I have sufficient evidence he is a Murtadd I have posted such evidence in a multi-pointed essay that was removed, Takfeer is indeed a difficult subject and something not to be toyed with but with evidence that is clear and reasonable it is obligatory to make takfeer and warn of it.

- - - Updated - - -

Imran Hosein is a Murtadd the fact he fails to call the Rafida the Kuffar that they are is within itself grounds for Takfeer
I don't think it's a valid reason.

10-30-2018, 07:51 PM
How does one knows that the person did not repent from whatever did cause him or her to leave Islam and did istigfar and refused to repeat it. One have to be EXTREMELY care when declaring anyone takfir. VERY DANGEROUS....even when I have thoughts in my head and don't utter it...I get scared and do shahada in my heart in case I went astray.

10-31-2018, 01:04 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by azc
I don't think it's a valid reason.
You may not think it is but the Prophet :saws1: did and Allah does and we follow them as we are Muslims, it is obligatory to make Takfeer on the Murtadd, Munafiq and Kafir this is basic Fiqh and denial of this would make you a Murji.

- - - Updated - - -

format_quote Originally Posted by xboxisdead
How does one knows that the person did not repent from whatever did cause him or her to leave Islam and did istigfar and refused to repeat it. One have to be EXTREMELY care when declaring anyone takfir. VERY DANGEROUS....even when I have thoughts in my head and don't utter it...I get scared and do shahada in my heart in case I went astray.
Because he continues to slander, lie, and say the things that make him a Murtadd in the first place. This man thinks its okay for Russia to exterminate Muslims in Syria and calls the Shia his brothers as part of this Ummah and he even goes so far to defend the Iranian Rafida he denies Hadiths about the Dajjal and his arrival in Iran he is a clear Murtadd there is no doubt in mind about this he lies about our brothers, he makes our blood Halal and he has not made Takfeer on the Rafida.

10-31-2018, 02:57 AM
@JustTime :

You mean if a Muslim doesn't consider Rafidhis as kafir is murtad.

‘Abbad b. Ya’qub al-Rawajini and ‘Abd al-Malik b. A’yan al-Kufi etc were the worst rafidhis but they're considered as reliable narrators in Bukhari and other books of sihah sitta.

Q: Why did Muhaddisin accept their hadith..?

Will you apply the same fatwa here too..?

10-31-2018, 03:22 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by azc

You mean if a Muslim doesn't consider Rafidhis as kafir is murtad.

‘Abbad b. Ya’qub al-Rawajini and ‘Abd al-Malik b. A’yan al-Kufi etc were the worst rafidhis but they're considered as reliable narrators in Bukhari and other books of sihah sitta.

Q: Why did Muhaddisin accept their hadith..?

Will you apply the same fatwa here too..?
This has nothing to do with Takfeer but is a matter of Hadith science itself, you do realize even pagans of Quraysh were quoted in Sahih Bukhari such as the meeting with Byzantine backed King of Egypt who asked about Muhammad.

10-31-2018, 08:35 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by JustTime
This has nothing to do with Takfeer but is a matter of Hadith science itself, you do realize even pagans of Quraysh were quoted in Sahih Bukhari such as the meeting with Byzantine backed King of Egypt who asked about Muhammad.
You mean rafidhis can be accepted as reliable Muslims in hadith by muhaddisin, but this shaykh becomes murtad for considering them as Muslims...... Right.....?

10-31-2018, 01:13 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by azc

You mean if a Muslim doesn't consider Rafidhis as kafir is murtad.

‘Abbad b. Ya’qub al-Rawajini and ‘Abd al-Malik b. A’yan al-Kufi etc were the worst rafidhis but they're considered as reliable narrators in Bukhari and other books of sihah sitta.

Q: Why did Muhaddisin accept their hadith..?

Will you apply the same fatwa here too..?
The Raafidi of then were different from the Raafidi of the latter generations.

Ibn Hajar al-asqalaani points this out.

Hence, your comparison is incorrect.

10-31-2018, 03:24 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by azc
You mean rafidhis can be accepted as reliable Muslims in hadith by muhaddisin, but this shaykh becomes murtad for considering them as Muslims...... Right.....?
I recommend you watch this video it would be beneficial for you


11-01-2018, 07:54 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by ZeeshanParvez
The Raafidi of then were different from the Raafidi of the latter generations.

Ibn Hajar al-asqalaani points this out.

Hence, your comparison is incorrect.
This Bro is of the opinion that shaykh imran husain is murtad because he doesn't say that rafidhis are kafir, in order to refute him I quoted names of 2 rafidhi narrators.

Now, what you've said isn't correct as they're rafidhis who would curse sahaba ikram RA in past and this tradition is still followed.

11-01-2018, 10:18 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by azc
This Bro is of the opinion that shaykh imran husain is murtad because he doesn't say that rafidhis are kafir, in order to refute him I quoted names of 2 rafidhi narrators.

Now, what you've said isn't correct as they're rafidhis who would curse sahaba ikram RA in past and this tradition is still followed.
You mean what Ibn Hajar al-asqalaani, the commander of the believers in hadiith, has said is incorrect.

التشيع في عرف المتقدمين هو اعتقاد تفضيل علي على عثمان ، وأن عليا كان مصيبا في حروبه ، وأن مخالفه مخطئ ، مع تقديم الشيخين وتفضيلهما ، وربما اعتقد بعضهم أن عليا أفضل الخلق بعد رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ، وإذا كان معتقد ذلك ورعا دينا صادقا مجتهدا فلا ترد روايته بهذا ، لا سيما إن كان غير داعية .
وأما التشيع في عرف المتأخرين فهو الرفض المحض ، فلا تقبل رواية الرافضي الغالي ولا كرامة

He says (paraphrase):

The Shia in the 'urf of the earlier generations were those who believed that Ali was better than Uthmaan and that Ali was right in his decision while those who opposed him were wrong and along with this they gave precedence to Abu Bakr and Umar. And how many times some believed that Ali was the best of creation after the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam). If someone believed that and was pious in Diin, truthful, and a Mujtahid then his narration was not rejected especially if he was not one who called toward his Shiaism.

As for the Shia in the urf of the later generations then they are the Raafidi and their narrations are not accepted...

Now, you say Ibn Hajar was wrong.

Tell us the narrators from whom al-Bukhaari narrated who were Raafidi who cursed the Companions. Please provide reference where these narrators cursed the Companions.

Can you do that or do you admit your comparison was completely incorrect?

11-01-2018, 02:05 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by ZeeshanParvez
You mean what Ibn Hajar al-asqalaani, the commander of the believers in hadiith, has said is incorrect.

التشيع في عرف المتقدمين هو اعتقاد تفضيل علي على عثمان ، وأن عليا كان مصيبا في حروبه ، وأن مخالفه مخطئ ، مع تقديم الشيخين وتفضيلهما ، وربما اعتقد بعضهم أن عليا أفضل الخلق بعد رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ، وإذا كان معتقد ذلك ورعا دينا صادقا مجتهدا فلا ترد روايته بهذا ، لا سيما إن كان غير داعية .
وأما التشيع في عرف المتأخرين فهو الرفض المحض ، فلا تقبل رواية الرافضي الغالي ولا كرامة

He says (paraphrase):

The Shia in the 'urf of the earlier generations were those who believed that Ali was better than Uthmaan and that Ali was right in his decision while those who opposed him were wrong and along with this they gave precedence to Abu Bakr and Umar. And how many times some believed that Ali was the best of creation after the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam). If someone believed that and was pious in Diin, truthful, and a Mujtahid then his narration was not rejected especially if he was not one who called toward his Shiaism.

As for the Shia in the urf of the later generations then they are the Raafidi and their narrations are not accepted...

Now, you say Ibn Hajar was wrong.

Tell us the narrators from whom al-Bukhaari narrated who were Raafidi who cursed the Companions. Please provide reference where these narrators cursed the Companions.

Can you do that or do you admit your comparison was completely incorrect?
Does it not mean that followers of ibn saba were ''righteous Muslims'' in past. They wouldn't curse sahaba ikram RA at all but later generations (after 3rd or 4th century..?) started tabarrah.

Can you tell me the name of the rafidhi who invented ''Tabarrah'' in later generation...?

11-02-2018, 01:10 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by azc
Does it not mean that followers of ibn saba were ''righteous Muslims'' in past. They wouldn't curse sahaba ikram RA at all but later generations (after 3rd or 4th century..?) started tabarrah.

Can you tell me the name of the rafidhi who invented ''Tabarrah'' in later generation...?
The bottom lines it the Shia are Kuffar Murtaddin, I am not sure if you watched the video or not but that pointed out some things, perhaps you should read this also for clarifications:
A refutation of the Aqeedah of al-Hazimi

11-02-2018, 05:12 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by JustTime
The bottom lines it the Shia are Kuffar Murtaddin, I am not sure if you watched the video or not but that pointed out some things, perhaps you should read this also for clarifications:
A refutation of the Aqeedah of al-Hazimi
There are more or less 40 sects in shia and most of them kafir but a few.

At least, us, laymen shouldn't label any scholar as murtad or kafir for not calling shias as kafir, this I say,

- - - Updated - - -

Allah :swt1: says in Surah Jaathiyyah:

محمد رسول الله والذين معه أشداء على الكفار رحماء بينهم تراهم ركعاً سجداً يبتغون فضلاً من الله و رضواناً سيماهم في وجوههم من أثر السجود ذلك مثلهم في التوراة و مثلهم في الإنجيل كزرع أخرج شطئه فآزره فاستغلظ فاستوى على سوقه يعجب الزراع ليغيظ بهم الكفار

(Muhammad is the Messenger of Allaah and those with him are harsh with the disbelievers and gentle among themselves. So that the disbelievers may become enraged with them.)

Ibn Katheer said in his Tafseer (4/219):

ومن هذه الآية انتزع الإمام مالك رحمة الله عليه في رواية عنه بتكفير الروافض الذين يبغضون الصحابة رضي الله عنهم قال : لأنهم يغيظونهم ومن غاظ الصحابة رضي الله عنهم فهو كافر لهذه الآية ووافقه طائفة من العلماء رضي الله عنهم على ذلك

(And in this verse Imaam Maalik (رحمه الله) used as evidence for the Takfeer of the Rawaafidh, those who are enraged with the Sahaabah رضي الله عنهم. He said:

“That is because they become enraged with them and whoever is enraged with the Sahaabah رضي الله عنهم then he is a Kaafir (disbeliever) due to this verse” and a group of the Ulemaa (scholars), may Allaah be pleased with them, agreed with him on that.)

Shaykh al-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah mentioned in his Majmoo’ al-Fataawa (4/435):

قيل للإمام أحمد‏:‏ من الرافضي‏؟‏ قال‏:‏ الذي يسب أبا بكر وعمر‏.‏ وبهذا سميت الرافضة، فإنهم رفضوا زيد بن علي لما تولى الخليفتين أبا بكر وعمر، لبغضهم لهما، فالمبغض لهما هو الرافضي، وقيل‏:‏ إنما سموا رافضة لرفضهم أبا بكر وعمر

(It was said to Imaam Ahmad: “Who is the Raafidhee?” He said: “Those who insult Abaa Bakr ra and ‘Umar ra. And by this they were named the Raafidah, for they rejected Zayd bin ‘Alee when he gave allegiance to the two Khaleefah’s Abu Bakr ra and ‘Umar ra, because of their hatred for them. And the one who hates them is the Raafidhee.” And they were named as the Raafidhah because of their rejection of Abu Bakr ra and ‘Umar ra.)

Al-Khallaal also reported (2/557 – 558) that Imaam Ahmad said:

من شتم أخاف عليه الكفر مثل الروافض

(The one who reviles the Companions, I fear for him the disbelieve like that of the Rawaafidh)

Ibn Taymiyyah recorded in his Minhaaj as-Sunnah (1/69):

قال أبو حاتم الرازي سمعت يونس بن عبد الأعلى يقول قال أشهب بن عبد العزيز سئل مالك عن
الرافضة فقال لا تكلمهم ولا ترو عنهم فإنهم يكذبون وقال أبو حاتم حدثنا حرملة قال سمعت الشافعي يقول لم أر أحدا أشهد بالزور من الرافضة

(Aboo Haatim ar-Raazee (d.277H) said, “I heard Yoonus bin ‘Abd al-A’laa saying: Ashhaab bin ‘Abdul’Azeez asked Maalik (d.179H) about the Raafidah, so he said, “Do not speak to them and do not narrate from them, since they lie. And Aboo Haatim said, “Harmalah related to us saying: I heard ash-Shaafi’ee (d.204H) saying, “I have not seen anyone testifying for more evil than the Raafidah.”)

11-02-2018, 11:19 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by azc
Does it not mean that followers of ibn saba were ''righteous Muslims'' in past. They wouldn't curse sahaba ikram RA at all but later generations (after 3rd or 4th century..?) started tabarrah.

Can you tell me the name of the rafidhi who invented ''Tabarrah'' in later generation...?
Let's not go off topic.

You read things and combined them to reach an incorrect conclusion.

Raafdi curse the Companions.

al-Bukhaari narrated from the Raafidi.

You read those two facts online and came with with an incorrect conclusion that al-Bukhaari narrated from those who cursed the Companions.

This is not how things work.

What you now need to do is tell us all the Shia al-Bukhaari narrated from. Then, you have to tell us which ones cursed the Companions. Only then can your deduction be deemed correct. (FYI I already have the list of the most extreme Shia he narrated from).

So, if you cannot do that, then it means you said something based on an incorrect deduction. Please be careful next time.

Ibn Hajar has made clear he did not narrate from those who cursed the Companions and had other kufr the later Raafidi had.

If you want to prove Ibn Hajar wrong, let's look at all the Shia he narrated from and what their extremism was.

I think you already know he never narrated from the types you portrayed for the sake of comparison.

So, shall we begin with the list of each of the Shia or are you willing to accept you made an incorrect comparison?

11-02-2018, 03:44 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by azc
There are more or less 40 sects in shia and most of them kafir but a few.

At least, us, laymen shouldn't label any scholar as murtad or kafir for not calling shias as kafir, this I say,

- - - Updated - - -

Allah :swt1: says in Surah Jaathiyyah:

محمد رسول الله والذين معه أشداء على الكفار رحماء بينهم تراهم ركعاً سجداً يبتغون فضلاً من الله و رضواناً سيماهم في وجوههم من أثر السجود ذلك مثلهم في التوراة و مثلهم في الإنجيل كزرع أخرج شطئه فآزره فاستغلظ فاستوى على سوقه يعجب الزراع ليغيظ بهم الكفار

(Muhammad is the Messenger of Allaah and those with him are harsh with the disbelievers and gentle among themselves. So that the disbelievers may become enraged with them.)

Ibn Katheer said in his Tafseer (4/219):

ومن هذه الآية انتزع الإمام مالك رحمة الله عليه في رواية عنه بتكفير الروافض الذين يبغضون الصحابة رضي الله عنهم قال : لأنهم يغيظونهم ومن غاظ الصحابة رضي الله عنهم فهو كافر لهذه الآية ووافقه طائفة من العلماء رضي الله عنهم على ذلك

(And in this verse Imaam Maalik (رحمه الله) used as evidence for the Takfeer of the Rawaafidh, those who are enraged with the Sahaabah رضي الله عنهم. He said:

“That is because they become enraged with them and whoever is enraged with the Sahaabah رضي الله عنهم then he is a Kaafir (disbeliever) due to this verse” and a group of the Ulemaa (scholars), may Allaah be pleased with them, agreed with him on that.)

Shaykh al-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah mentioned in his Majmoo’ al-Fataawa (4/435):

قيل للإمام أحمد‏:‏ من الرافضي‏؟‏ قال‏:‏ الذي يسب أبا بكر وعمر‏.‏ وبهذا سميت الرافضة، فإنهم رفضوا زيد بن علي لما تولى الخليفتين أبا بكر وعمر، لبغضهم لهما، فالمبغض لهما هو الرافضي، وقيل‏:‏ إنما سموا رافضة لرفضهم أبا بكر وعمر

(It was said to Imaam Ahmad: “Who is the Raafidhee?” He said: “Those who insult Abaa Bakr ra and ‘Umar ra. And by this they were named the Raafidah, for they rejected Zayd bin ‘Alee when he gave allegiance to the two Khaleefah’s Abu Bakr ra and ‘Umar ra, because of their hatred for them. And the one who hates them is the Raafidhee.” And they were named as the Raafidhah because of their rejection of Abu Bakr ra and ‘Umar ra.)

Al-Khallaal also reported (2/557 – 558) that Imaam Ahmad said:

من شتم أخاف عليه الكفر مثل الروافض

(The one who reviles the Companions, I fear for him the disbelieve like that of the Rawaafidh)

Ibn Taymiyyah recorded in his Minhaaj as-Sunnah (1/69):

قال أبو حاتم الرازي سمعت يونس بن عبد الأعلى يقول قال أشهب بن عبد العزيز سئل مالك عن
الرافضة فقال لا تكلمهم ولا ترو عنهم فإنهم يكذبون وقال أبو حاتم حدثنا حرملة قال سمعت الشافعي يقول لم أر أحدا أشهد بالزور من الرافضة

(Aboo Haatim ar-Raazee (d.277H) said, “I heard Yoonus bin ‘Abd al-A’laa saying: Ashhaab bin ‘Abdul’Azeez asked Maalik (d.179H) about the Raafidah, so he said, “Do not speak to them and do not narrate from them, since they lie. And Aboo Haatim said, “Harmalah related to us saying: I heard ash-Shaafi’ee (d.204H) saying, “I have not seen anyone testifying for more evil than the Raafidah.”)
Sheikh Muhammad Bin Abd al-Wahhab (may God Almighty have mercy on him) mentioned: "Whoso does not declare takfir on the idolaters or doubts their kufr is himself a disbeliever."

Sheikh Ibn Baz said: "Supporting and assisting the polytheists against the Muslims. The proof for this is the saying of Allah (Exalted be He): And if any amongst you takes them as Auliyâ’, then surely he is one of them. Verily, Allâh guides not those people who are the Zâlimûn (polytheists and wrong-doers and unjust)." (Just listen to how he praises Iran and Russia)

Sheikh Ibn Baz also said: "Whoever believes that it is permitted for some people to be free of (implementing) the Shari`ah (Islamic law) brought with Muhammad (peace be upon him), then he is a disbeliever. Allah (Exalted be He) says: And whoever seeks a religion other than Islâm, it will never be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers." (He has condemned Islamic conquests such as that of Constantinople from the Byzanintes which could also be related to the above quote)

Sheikh Ibn Baz has also said: "Whoever hates something that the Messenger (peace be upon him) came with, even though he may act on it, has disbelieved. Allah (Exalted be He) says: That is because they hate that which Allâh has sent down (this Qur’ân and Islâmic laws, etc.); so He has made their deeds fruitless." (On numerous occaions he has casted doubt on Sahih Hadith of the Prophet (SAAWS) and righteous companions in favor of his love to the Rafidhi Mushrikin which is related to the nullification of supporting the disbelievers against the believers)

Sheikh Ibn Baz has also agreed with Sheikh Ibn Abdul Wahab in saying: "Whoever does not hold the polytheists to be disbelievers, has doubts about their disbelief or considers their ways and beliefs to be correct has committed disbelief." (There is Ijma on this)

11-02-2018, 06:46 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by ZeeshanParvez
You mean what Ibn Hajar al-asqalaani, the commander of the believers in hadiith, has said is incorrect.

التشيع في عرف المتقدمين هو اعتقاد تفضيل علي على عثمان ، وأن عليا كان مصيبا في حروبه ، وأن مخالفه مخطئ ، مع تقديم الشيخين وتفضيلهما ، وربما اعتقد بعضهم أن عليا أفضل الخلق بعد رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ، وإذا كان معتقد ذلك ورعا دينا صادقا مجتهدا فلا ترد روايته بهذا ، لا سيما إن كان غير داعية .
وأما التشيع في عرف المتأخرين فهو الرفض المحض ، فلا تقبل رواية الرافضي الغالي ولا كرامة

He says (paraphrase):

The Shia in the 'urf of the earlier generations were those who believed that Ali was better than Uthmaan and that Ali was right in his decision while those who opposed him were wrong and along with this they gave precedence to Abu Bakr and Umar. And how many times some believed that Ali was the best of creation after the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam). If someone believed that and was pious in Diin, truthful, and a Mujtahid then his narration was not rejected especially if he was not one who called toward his Shiaism.

As for the Shia in the urf of the later generations then they are the Raafidi and their narrations are not accepted...

Now, you say Ibn Hajar was wrong.

Tell us the narrators from whom al-Bukhaari narrated who were Raafidi who cursed the Companions. Please provide reference where these narrators cursed the Companions.

Can you do that or do you admit your comparison was completely incorrect?
Allah says in Surah Jaathiyyah:
محمد رسول الله والذين معه أشداء على الكفار رحماء بينهم تراهم ركعاً سجداً يبتغون فضلاً من الله و رضواناً سيماهم في وجوههم من أثر السجود ذلك مثلهم في التوراة و مثلهم في الإنجيل كزرع أخرج شطئه فآزره فاستغلظ فاستوى على سوقه يعجب الزراع ليغيظ بهم الكفار
(Muhammad is the Messenger of Allaah and those with him are harsh with the disbelievers and gentle among themselves. So that the disbelievers may become enraged with them.)

Ibn Katheer said in his Tafseer (4/219):
ومن هذه الآية انتزع الإمام مالك رحمة الله عليه في رواية عنه بتكفير الروافض الذين يبغضون الصحابة رضي الله عنهم قال : لأنهم يغيظونهم ومن غاظ الصحابة رضي الله عنهم فهو كافر لهذه الآية ووافقه طائفة من العلماء رضي الله عنهم على ذلك
(And in this verse Imaam Maalik (رحمه الله) used as evidence for the Takfeer of the Rawaafidh, those who are enraged with the Sahaabah رضي الله عنهم. He said:
“That is because they become enraged with them and whoever is enraged with the Sahaabah رضي الله عنهم then he is a Kaafir (disbeliever) due to this verse” and a group of the Ulemaa (scholars), may Allaah be pleased with them, agreed with him on that.)

Shaykh al-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah mentioned in his Majmoo’ al-Fataawa (4/435):
قيل للإمام أحمد‏:‏ من الرافضي‏؟‏ قال‏:‏ الذي يسب أبا بكر وعمر‏.‏ وبهذا سميت الرافضة، فإنهم رفضوا زيد بن علي لما تولى الخليفتين أبا بكر وعمر، لبغضهم لهما، فالمبغض لهما هو الرافضي، وقيل‏:‏ إنما سموا رافضة لرفضهم أبا بكر وعمر
(It was said to Imaam Ahmad: “Who is the Raafidhee?” He said: “Those who insult Abaa Bakr ra and ‘Umar ra. And by this they were named the Raafidah, for they rejected Zayd bin ‘Alee when he gave allegiance to the two Khaleefah’s Abu Bakr ra and ‘Umar ra, because of their hatred for them. And the one who hates them is the Raafidhee.” And they were named as the Raafidhah because of their rejection of Abu Bakr ra and ‘Umar ra.)

Al-Khallaal also reported (2/557 – 558) that Imaam Ahmad said:
من شتم أخاف عليه الكفر مثل الروافض
(The one who reviles the Companions, I fear for him the disbelieve like that of the Rawaafidh)

Ibn Taymiyyah recorded in his Minhaaj as-Sunnah (1/69):
قال أبو حاتم الرازي سمعت يونس بن عبد الأعلى يقول قال أشهب بن عبد العزيز سئل مالك عن
الرافضة فقال لا تكلمهم ولا ترو عنهم فإنهم يكذبون وقال أبو حاتم حدثنا حرملة قال سمعت الشافعي يقول لم أر أحدا أشهد بالزور من الرافضة

(Aboo Haatim ar-Raazee (d.277H) said, “I heard Yoonus bin ‘Abd al-A’laa saying: Ashhaab bin ‘Abdul’Azeez asked Maalik (d.179H) about the Raafidah, so he said, “Do not speak to them and do not narrate from them, since they lie. And Aboo Haatim said, “Harmalah related to us saying: I heard ash-Shaafi’ee (d.204H) saying, “I have not seen anyone testifying for more evil than the Raafidah.”)

- - - Updated - - -

Regarding Abbad bin yaqub being narrator of Bukhari we discussed this issue last year if your memory isn't weak and you accepted his only narration in Bukhari as maqroon.

Interesting thing is that I took help of muslimscholars.info to prove it and now when I searched this narrator again on this site, there is no abbad bin yaqoob...?

Anyways, I saw something here.

2. Abbad bin Ya’qoob: is a rafidhi.

However, he only has one narration in Saheeh Al-Bukhari which is maqroon, which means that there were two chains that narrated the same hadith. So, this doesn’t imply a strengthening of his hadith by Al-Bukhari.

3. Abdulmalik bin A’ayan:
seems to be a rafidhi.

However, he only has one narration in Saheeh Al-Bukhari which is maqroon, which means that there were two chains that narrated the same hadith. So, this doesn’t imply a strengthening of his hadith by Al-Bukhari.

Bukhari did include other narrators that have narrated the same hadiths ofAbbad bin Ya’qoub and Abdulmalik bin A’ayan & therefore due to same matn bukhari authenticated it. Below is that chain:

حدثني سليمان حدثنا شعبة عن الوليدحو حدثني عباد بن يعقوب الأسدي أخبرنا عباد بن العوام عن الشيباني عن الوليدبن العيزار عن أبي عمرو الشيباني عن ابن مسعود رضي الله عنه
أن رجلا سأل النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم أي الأعمال أفضل قال الصلاة لوقتها وبر الوالدين ثم الجهاد في سبيل الله


حدثنا الحميدي حدثنا سفيانحدثنا عبد الملك بن أعينوجامع بن أبي راشدعن أبي وائل عن عبد الله رضي الله عنه قال
قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم من اقتطع مال امرئ مسلم بيمين كاذبة لقي الله وهو عليه غضبان قال عبد الله ثم قرأ رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم مصداقه من كتاب الله جل ذكره
{ إن الذين يشترون بعهد الله وأيمانهم ثمنا قليلا أولئك لا خلاق لهم في الآخرة ولا يكلمهم الله }

11-03-2018, 01:34 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by azc
Allah says in Surah Jaathiyyah:
محمد رسول الله والذين معه أشداء على الكفار رحماء بينهم تراهم ركعاً سجداً يبتغون فضلاً من الله و رضواناً سيماهم في وجوههم من أثر السجود ذلك مثلهم في التوراة و مثلهم في الإنجيل كزرع أخرج شطئه فآزره فاستغلظ فاستوى على سوقه يعجب الزراع ليغيظ بهم الكفار
(Muhammad is the Messenger of Allaah and those with him are harsh with the disbelievers and gentle among themselves. So that the disbelievers may become enraged with them.)

Ibn Katheer said in his Tafseer (4/219):
ومن هذه الآية انتزع الإمام مالك رحمة الله عليه في رواية عنه بتكفير الروافض الذين يبغضون الصحابة رضي الله عنهم قال : لأنهم يغيظونهم ومن غاظ الصحابة رضي الله عنهم فهو كافر لهذه الآية ووافقه طائفة من العلماء رضي الله عنهم على ذلك
(And in this verse Imaam Maalik (رحمه الله) used as evidence for the Takfeer of the Rawaafidh, those who are enraged with the Sahaabah رضي الله عنهم. He said:
“That is because they become enraged with them and whoever is enraged with the Sahaabah رضي الله عنهم then he is a Kaafir (disbeliever) due to this verse” and a group of the Ulemaa (scholars), may Allaah be pleased with them, agreed with him on that.)

Shaykh al-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah mentioned in his Majmoo’ al-Fataawa (4/435):
قيل للإمام أحمد‏:‏ من الرافضي‏؟‏ قال‏:‏ الذي يسب أبا بكر وعمر‏.‏ وبهذا سميت الرافضة، فإنهم رفضوا زيد بن علي لما تولى الخليفتين أبا بكر وعمر، لبغضهم لهما، فالمبغض لهما هو الرافضي، وقيل‏:‏ إنما سموا رافضة لرفضهم أبا بكر وعمر
(It was said to Imaam Ahmad: “Who is the Raafidhee?” He said: “Those who insult Abaa Bakr ra and ‘Umar ra. And by this they were named the Raafidah, for they rejected Zayd bin ‘Alee when he gave allegiance to the two Khaleefah’s Abu Bakr ra and ‘Umar ra, because of their hatred for them. And the one who hates them is the Raafidhee.” And they were named as the Raafidhah because of their rejection of Abu Bakr ra and ‘Umar ra.)

Al-Khallaal also reported (2/557 – 558) that Imaam Ahmad said:
من شتم أخاف عليه الكفر مثل الروافض
(The one who reviles the Companions, I fear for him the disbelieve like that of the Rawaafidh)

Ibn Taymiyyah recorded in his Minhaaj as-Sunnah (1/69):
قال أبو حاتم الرازي سمعت يونس بن عبد الأعلى يقول قال أشهب بن عبد العزيز سئل مالك عن
الرافضة فقال لا تكلمهم ولا ترو عنهم فإنهم يكذبون وقال أبو حاتم حدثنا حرملة قال سمعت الشافعي يقول لم أر أحدا أشهد بالزور من الرافضة

(Aboo Haatim ar-Raazee (d.277H) said, “I heard Yoonus bin ‘Abd al-A’laa saying: Ashhaab bin ‘Abdul’Azeez asked Maalik (d.179H) about the Raafidah, so he said, “Do not speak to them and do not narrate from them, since they lie. And Aboo Haatim said, “Harmalah related to us saying: I heard ash-Shaafi’ee (d.204H) saying, “I have not seen anyone testifying for more evil than the Raafidah.”)

- - - Updated - - -

Regarding Abbad bin yaqub being narrator of Bukhari we discussed this issue last year if your memory isn't weak and you accepted his only narration in Bukhari as maqroon.

Interesting thing is that I took help of muslimscholars.info to prove it and now when I searched this narrator again on this site, there is no abbad bin yaqoob...?

Anyways, I saw something here.

2. Abbad bin Ya’qoob: is a rafidhi.

However, he only has one narration in Saheeh Al-Bukhari which is maqroon, which means that there were two chains that narrated the same hadith. So, this doesn’t imply a strengthening of his hadith by Al-Bukhari.

3. Abdulmalik bin A’ayan:
seems to be a rafidhi.

However, he only has one narration in Saheeh Al-Bukhari which is maqroon, which means that there were two chains that narrated the same hadith. So, this doesn’t imply a strengthening of his hadith by Al-Bukhari.

Bukhari did include other narrators that have narrated the same hadiths ofAbbad bin Ya’qoub and Abdulmalik bin A’ayan & therefore due to same matn bukhari authenticated it. Below is that chain:

حدثني سليمان حدثنا شعبة عن الوليدحو حدثني عباد بن يعقوب الأسدي أخبرنا عباد بن العوام عن الشيباني عن الوليدبن العيزار عن أبي عمرو الشيباني عن ابن مسعود رضي الله عنه
أن رجلا سأل النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم أي الأعمال أفضل قال الصلاة لوقتها وبر الوالدين ثم الجهاد في سبيل الله


حدثنا الحميدي حدثنا سفيانحدثنا عبد الملك بن أعينوجامع بن أبي راشدعن أبي وائل عن عبد الله رضي الله عنه قال
قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم من اقتطع مال امرئ مسلم بيمين كاذبة لقي الله وهو عليه غضبان قال عبد الله ثم قرأ رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم مصداقه من كتاب الله جل ذكره
{ إن الذين يشترون بعهد الله وأيمانهم ثمنا قليلا أولئك لا خلاق لهم في الآخرة ولا يكلمهم الله }
Here's the thing, the Shia have the worst traits of the Khawarij and the Mushrikin combined yet have the nerve to claim Islam as their religion, Muhammad as their Prophet, and Ali as their Amir

11-03-2018, 08:49 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by JustTime
Here's the thing, the Shia have the worst traits of the Khawarij and the Mushrikin combined yet have the nerve to claim Islam as their religion, Muhammad as their Prophet, and Ali as their Amir
I have no sympathy with shia. Also I dislike labeling any scholar as murtad

11-04-2018, 03:47 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by azc
I have no sympathy with shia. Also I dislike labeling any scholar as murtad
How is he a scholar? Who has he studied under and where?

11-04-2018, 07:54 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by azc
- - - Updated - - -

Regarding Abbad bin yaqub being narrator of Bukhari we discussed this issue last year if your memory isn't weak and you accepted his only narration in Bukhari as maqroon.

Interesting thing is that I took help of muslimscholars.info to prove it and now when I searched this narrator again on this site, there is no abbad bin yaqoob...?
Searching in English has its perils. He is still on the website here with a misspelled name in English.

His case is a bit perplexing because Saalih bin Muhammad who Imaam al-Dhahabi terms an Imaam and haafiz and hujjah claimed that Abbaad bin Ya'quub reviled Uthmaan (may Allaah be pleased with him).

That leaves you to wonder why Ibn Hajar said what he said about al-Bukhaari not narrating from those who reviled the Companions.

11-04-2018, 07:55 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by ZeeshanParvez
Searching in English has its perils. He is still on the website here with a misspelled name in English.

His case is a bit perplexing because Saalih bin Muhammad who Imaam al-Dhahabi terms an Imaam and haafiz and hujjah claimed that Abbaad bin Ya'quub reviled Uthmaan (may Allaah be pleased with him).

That leaves you to wonder why Ibn Hajar said what he said about al-Bukhaari not narrating from those who reviled the Companions.
It wonders me to read when Ibn hajar rh writes in tahdhib:

''Ibn ‘Adi rh said: He used to denounce the Salaf.

Salih b. Muhammad rh said: He used to denounce ‘Uthman RA.''

Imam Bukhari rh accepted his hadith.....?

And what have you been claiming about ibn hajar rh, so far...?

11-07-2018, 02:53 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by azc
It wonders me to read when Ibn hajar rh writes in tahdhib:

''Ibn ‘Adi rh said: He used to denounce the Salaf.

Salih b. Muhammad rh said: He used to denounce ‘Uthman RA.''

Imam Bukhari rh accepted his hadith.....?

And what have you been claiming about ibn hajar rh, so far...?
Your English is very weak.

I haven't been claiming anything. He said it.

If you can't find it that shows you cannot properly research

11-07-2018, 05:18 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by ZeeshanParvez
Your English is very weak.

I haven't been claiming anything. He said it.

If you can't find it that shows you cannot properly research
Do you have ability to understand your own post....?
If yes, then read again: #56,#60,#66 and then the link of muslimscholars you gave concerning Abbad b yaqub.

If not, then accept and InshaAllah I'll let you know what you have written...

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