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Does secular education coincide with Islam?

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    Does secular education coincide with Islam? (OP)

    Does secular education coincide with Islam?

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    DanEdge's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Does secular education coincide with Islam?

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    Secular education is not necessarily anti-religion, nor is it necessarily false. Could one not have an Algebra class that is fully truthful, yet doesn't mention God? The same could be said for most subjects. And what of the necessity argument?

    I don't think it's "despicable" "trolling" to raise an interesting topic for discussion. Though it may qualify as trolling for one to insult a sincere questioner without adding to said discussion.

    --Dan Edge
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    Hamza Asadullah's Avatar Moderator
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    Re: Does secular education coincide with Islam?

    format_quote Originally Posted by DanEdge View Post

    Secular education is not necessarily anti-religion, nor is it necessarily false. Could one not have an Algebra class that is fully truthful, yet doesn't mention God? The same could be said for most subjects. And what of the necessity argument?

    I don't think it's "despicable" "trolling" to raise an interesting topic for discussion. Though it may qualify as trolling for one to insult a sincere questioner without adding to said discussion.

    --Dan Edge
    Greetings Dan

    There are many major problems with secular public school education, for example teaching children the "atheist science" agenda, that homosexuality and transgender-ism is the "norm". The disturbing implementation of sex education for younger and younger children even as young as 4 years of age in the UK, in order to desensitize and lower their sexual inhibitions at a younger age. The internet with the social media, mainstream media and advertising have been complimenting this agenda for a few decades now.

    Other issues are the fact that the power has been taken away from Teachers and handed over to children. To the point where teachers can no longer discipline children and you have children running riot causing all sorts of trouble and teachers are just far too scared to be able to do anything about it. On top of that there are just far too many distractions in secular public school education and the quality of education is awful. Public school education does more harm to children than good.

    The governments are to fully to blame for the collapse of public school education. They are consistently cutting spending on public services, healthcare, social care etc for a long time now which has caused a systematic deterioration of public services in the UK and I am sure the case is similar to the US where the healthcare system for example is abysmal. When our governments are told to spend on public services they say "money does not grow on trees, we just do not have the money". But when it comes to something that benefits them and their agenda, then all of a sudden like in the UK recently they spend over £2 billion to remain in power with another political party. Did the money suddenly grow out of a tree?

    Therefore we have to do our best to safeguard our children against this systematic attack on the moral, ethical and psychological development of our children so they grow up with good quality of education as well as Islamic principles and teachings.

    - - - Updated - - -

    format_quote Originally Posted by DanEdge View Post
    Are there any exceptions built in for the children of disadvantaged persons?

    In the US, private school is very expensive. Public schools are free, but they always mix the sexes, and there are strict laws against any form of discrimination (eg., against gays, transgenders) for schools that accept public money. If Muslim parents living in the US cannot afford to send their kids to private school, what recourse do they have to remain ethical in the eyes of Islam? How does one weigh the value of education vs. religious laws?


    --Dan Edge
    There is always the option of home schooling which many Muslims and non Muslims alike are adopting nowadays as a much better alternative to educate children. The following are some of the Academic advantages:

    Great Things About Homeschooling

    There are many advantages to homeschooling children. These benefits include the following:

    Excellent education. The overriding goal of homeschooling is to educate children. In this, homeschool excels. Because of the many advantages offered by homeschooling, there is simply no better way to educate a child. That homeschooling is a great way to educate a child can be shown in several ways. First, consider the items in this list. Many of these benefits are easy to understand and the positive impact they have on children are obvious. Second, homeschooled children perform better on standardized tests. For example, in a recent comparison of SAT scores, homeschooled children averaged 568 on the verbal test and 525 on the math; the national average was 506 on verbal and 514 on math. While those differences might not seem significant for individuals, as differences in averages for populations of students, they are very significant. Third, homeschoolers are becoming sought-after for higher education. Many colleges and universities have begun to modify their admission practices to not only allow for, but to encourage, homeschoolers to apply for admission.

    Dedicated teachers with a great teacher-to-student ratio. One factor that is known to be extremely important to educating a child effectively is the teacher-to-student ratio-that is, the number of students for which a teacher is responsible. Other factors include the degree of connection present between teacher and student and the amount of dedication a teacher has to a specific child. Homeschooling excels in both these areas. Who can be more dedicated to helping a child learn successfully than that child's parent? Parents love their children and dedicate their lives to helping their children successfully grow to maturity. So, no one is more dedicated to a child than the parent. And, homeschooling is done largely on a one-on-one basis; there can't be a better teacher-to-student ratio than that. In these two areas, which are both critical to a child's education, homeschooling is simply the best scenario.

    Education tailored to a child's capabilities and personality. Because homeschool is focused on children as individuals, a child's education can be tailored to her capabilities and personality. If a child excels in a specific area, his education in that area can be accelerated. If a child struggles in a particular area, additional resources can be brought to bear to help. Also, the way children are taught can be based on how the child best learns because of the child's personality. For example, if a child is a visual learner, more visual elements can be incorporated into that child's instruction. Instead of the cookie-cutter approach to education that is required in an intuitional setting, homeschool provides the opportunity for a child's education to be designed just for that child.

    Integrated and consistent education. Because a homeschooled child's education is managed by the same person over a long period of time, that education can be consistent with a long-term plan in which each topic taught and the experience gained benefits seamlessly with those that have come before. Because the parent is intimately involved with the student over that student's life, the parent understands the child's experiences and background and uses that knowledge to design future educational activities.

    Better teaching materials. Homeschoolers have access to the best teaching materials available. And, teaching materials can be selected based on a child's individual needs and capabilities.


    - - - Updated - - -

    An interesting article by sister Mariam I thought I would share on the negatives affects of public school on children's Imaan (faith)

    Negative affect of public school education on children's Imaan:


    This article explores issues in education from an Islamic perspective, more precisely the negative effect on iman for the children in the public school environment.

    Solutions to educate your child in accordance to Islam are also provided. The solutions are varied to give the parents some choice in regards to their children’s education.

    The negative effect on Iman in public schools:

    First of all we should start by mentioning that; it is the fact that Islam is a complete way of life. You cannot be a Muslim in the masjid – and while you leave the masjid or any Islamic environment – suddenly consider yourself out of Islam.

    It is well known that teachers and peers have great influence upon children of all ages, however, the younger the child is, the more influence the teacher has upon him/her. At the younger ages, although children may have some knowledge of Islam (such as between 7-10 years old) – they do not have enough firmness to implement that knowledge. Therefore, they will practice whatever they see it is being practiced in their environment. Also, if they grow in a non-Muslim environment, it is likely that in their youth or adulthood they will follow what they were taught throughout their childhood, and not live their lives according to Islamic values – although by then they may have enough Islamic knowledge to be able to implement it (at least the basics of Islam).

    The environment the child is exposed is a key factor. Now we have to deeply consider the environment our children are exposed to – that is The Public School System. Starting with grade one, they are in school typically from approximately 9 to 3:30, and even later if the mother is working outside (such as close to 6 o’clock in a daycare centre or after-school programs).

    Everybody has some basic understanding of the negative influence the public school has on the children. Parents may notice their child gradually or fast adopting a non-Islamic way of life, depending on how easily the child can be influenced. Assuming that the parents themselves are (somewhat) religious, they are struggling to teach their child that many of the things their kids pick up in school are not good for them, some being straight out haraam, while others makruh, while others – can we even find a category? However, think about the time the child spends with the parents (early morning – eating and changing// and late afternoon or evening) and all the remaining time spent in school with the majority of non- Muslim teachers and peers. Now – think about this: whose values is the child going to adopt? What are the real chances that the child will become a good Muslim, or even consider him/herself as being a Muslim – while practically surrounded by the non-Muslims/ disbelievers/ kufaars?

    This may not sound nice – but even many Christian people go by the same principle: Catholic schools hire only Catholic Teachers? Why – because the child learns from their teacher/peers first, and then from everybody else, including parents, while they reach a certain age.

    Furthermore, you can ask any white, older Canadian/American person about the value of current schools – you may be amazed to find out that most of them will tell you that the schools used to be better before. Kids were taught to respect the parents and teachers, and that teachers and parents used to be “in charge”/have authority. Even they recognize the current failing school system – which teaches kids about ‘Rights WITHOUT responsibilities”. The evil results of this sort of teaching are known by the majority – since the US has amazingly the largest % of prisoners in the world as part of their population, while all the other kinds of corruption (teenage pregnancies, etc. etc.) make the reality of waste-of-time TV shows.

    You do not need to have a PhD in child psychology to know what the kids are being taught in the public school system. The small kids (JK, SK) – taking pictures with Santa Clause – because “it is just cute”? HOW ABOUT EXPLAINING SHIRK TO YOUR CHILD – THE ONLY UNFORGIVABLE SIN BY ALLAH (swa). Even my daughter now is able to identify, Alhamdulilah, many stories (‘stones having powers”, “the unlucky number 13s”, “if a black cat crosses your way” ), which are all forms of shirk and she can recognize shirk far from the distance (an eight year old child).

    The sad reality of the current school is that school is a place to “dump your kids”, while the moms are too busy with numerous jobs and paying on their student loans, car or house mortgages, beauty products and the like. Do we not know as Muslims that we will be asked how we make our money – but also how we spend our income? There never was a more wealthy society in the history of mankind compared to the North American society – who represent about 20% of world population and spend 80% of its resources (world known fact). So, then – Alhamdulilah – even when we say we are “poor” – the true reality is that there are many more poor people out there in the world than us – and we should say Alhamdulilah that we have even the luxury of eating three times a day.

    And how can you protect your child from the school values? We Muslims do not keep Christmas, Easter, New Years, Halloween, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Valentines Day, birthdays, etc., etc. So can you tell your child not to celebrate any of these days, while most of their friends are celebrating these? It is like telling a child: “ok, darling, here’s the cake, but do not eat/touch it/smell it, etc.”

    The indoctrination of public schools is invisible; see, the parents go running around in circles when their child is physically hurt, but when their iman is affected – ‘oh, well – I guess they are too small to understand yet”, “there is no Islamic school nearby”, “they will get in when they grow up”, “the masjid is too far from our house” (could you move maybe?) – and there’s the list of complete set of illusions, or the mirage of lying to your own self and knowing it full well. Sadly some people may not even realize it too until it is too late.

    Of course, by the time they are in high-school, the majority of “Muslim” kids are way out of control with some or the majority of the known evils of “the teen age group”. The parents go on lamenting on how their kids are not listening to them. What can we do? – They desperately ask their imam/religious teacher? What can we do? – It’s the end of the world (for them and sadly it really is for them and the Muslim ummah in this sense). Many kids choose to go into kufr because “it is hard to pray five times a day”, etc. The parents may try to put them now in Islamic schools – which usually do not work because it is too late for the older kids who now have developed their personality by now – although it may straighten some, due to peers’ influence.

    The kids who enter the public school system in the higher grades (11 or 12) and have strong iman are less likely to be as affected by the negative environment, since their personality is fully developed and they are more likely to stick to their religious duties/way of life. However, caution is still necessary. Generally speaking, do not let them get involved in those “after school programs”, which usually are the icing on the cake in terms of wasting time or haram activities.

    On the whole, the high school is even more dangerous that the lower grades “education”, since the kids can easily slip into the worst things and have more independence. University is much better because the MSA provides salah rooms and at that point the kids are on the way of becoming adults and have to become responsible by themselves.

    The article says:

    By putting your child into a public school:
    · You are exposing them to too many things, which are straight out against our religion.

    · You are taking a big risk in regards to your child’s iman, so much so that especially after the whole 9-10 years in the public school system, they may go into kufr!

    The article does not say:

    That all kids will leave Islam, but that there is no guarantee that your child is going to turn out a Muslim, much less a good Muslim.

    Solutions to the problem:

    Alhamdulilah, it is not fair to complain without providing some kind of guidelines/solutions for the parents.


    · The one good part of the Western civilization is that it is so liberal that it gives much choice to the individual on how to lead his/her life. Thus, one of the parents’ rights is to home-school their children and teaches them in accordance to their values.

    · Many mothers are housewives, or it is not too late to become housewives until their children reach maturity; they can take the primary role of educating their children “the proper way”, both academically and spiritually. In fact, many Muslim ladies are highly educated, coming from their home-countries.

    · If you feel that your education is not up to standard in one subject (let’s say English) the moms can form a group and take turns, each teaching the subjects they are strongest in. Also, lots of help is available by using manuals, which cover the entire curriculum (English Smart, Math smart, etc.) and can be purchased in any Chapters or other libraries. Also, free lesson plans are available on different web-sites (check our web’ site – withkidsinmind.net, childlinkspage directory).

    · At the same time, if you feel that your education is not “good-enough” to teach your child, keep in mind that in the US many students in high-school cannot even point US on the map, while in Canada I myself witnessed many high-school kids who do not know their basic multiplication tables. So, there’s your green flag to gain some confidence.

    · The teachers have high academic skills, but the system is made in such a way that it literally distracts the child from studying - by providing too many activities that are only remotely related to schooling; the child is mainly indoctrinated into “the miracle of consumerism” (wow!) through all those holiday- days (and semi-holidays) provided in school. Even for Christian people, Christmas is perhaps the most highly exploited holiday on planet earth (otherwise why go major into credit cards to make the “necessary” Christmas expenditures? etc, etc.)

    Islamic Schools:

    · One other solution is to send your child to Islamic school, if you can afford it. This is also a good idea for the mothers who insist that they must work outside of their homes. Since you do make the extra income, why not spend a part in the way of Allah and get your kids into a good Islamic environment?

    · Many people argue that Islamic schools do not have “qualified staff, enough resources, such as good computer rooms, library, etc.” However, some of the staff do have Canadian bachelor degrees, while others have bachelor degrees or Masters from their back-countries (such as India, Algeria, Egypt, etc.). I saw many kids coming to Canada in both public and Islamic schools from India and had a very high education level compared to Canadian kids (therefore, know that those “middle and third world countries” – they still call them the third world) are really more advanced in the elementary and high-school levels compared to the Canadian system.

    · Also, it is true that public schools usually have more resources, but did you stop to think for a moment to what % do the kids really use these resources to the utmost benefit? How often do the kids go to the school’s library or computer room, and if they do – do they really read books or articles they borrow, or if they use the computers – do they use it for academic purposes, or simply use it for kids games (the kinds of “special games” where you click a button and after 3 hours of clicking you learn nothing out of it).

    · We know that both Islamic or government schools may be organized well or less well; however, the Islamic school offers salah (prayers) and thus prepares the child for the Akhira (life after death); while the public school primarily prepares the child to go running around making and spending money usually in a way which makes Allah T’Ala angry and brings no barakah to the individual and society. Strong morals are also not emphasised in public school: and we are all witness to what kinds of morals and lifestyle kids “learn there”.

    Going back to your own countries:

    · If you really feel that none of these are options for your child, and no matter how you organize your child’s schedule you still end up with nothing much – then go back to your countries and put your kids into strong Islamic schools and have them in an Islamic environment.

    · You got to pay attention though, because even in Islamic countries many unislamic things are going on, so the environment of the child is still an issue. However, there is a masjid pretty much on every corner – therefore, the chances of your kids being a good Muslim are good – if you put some effort into it. Also, the Islamic education is very cheap.

    · The One Evil happening in most Islamic countries (especially in the ex-colonies such as India, Pakistan, etc.) is that now the Islamic education (the Qur’an and Sunnah) is taught mostly only in Madrasahs, while the dunia education is taught in regular schools. And even Alims say that the curriculum after the Partition (1947) was never changed in countries like Pakistan (they still have the British curriculum there in public schools) - which explains the really low level of Islamic education there for the average Muslim.

    · Now think for a moment – who were those great Muslim explorers and scientists (such as Ibn Battuta – geographer and explorer, Avicena -Ibn Sina - great Muslim doctor, Imam Bukhari, and many others) - they were Alims and completed their Muslim and dunia education in their teens. Their education (Islamic and dunia was taught in the masjid, in the same place).

    · What does a teenager typically do nowadays? Wasting time on some kind of music styles, cannot tie his/her shoelaces properly (just kidding), cannot do the house chores and cannot wake up for Fajr. (The other evils we will not mention due to shyness/modesty in the paper-writing). This is the “modern miracle” of dunia education, strongly advertised as the “greatest education system – in the world!” (Wow!)


    Pay attention to your child’s education from the young age (elementary level and pre-elementary).
    Consider the suggested options in this article or find your own methods, which work for a complete Islamic education of your child.
    Do something about your child’s education early – or else later on it may become difficult for you or your child to get any real benefits and become a good Muslim.

    Source: http://en.islamway.net/article/13513...effect-on-iman
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    Does secular education coincide with Islam?

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    Re: Does secular education coincide with Islam?

    format_quote Originally Posted by DanEdge View Post

    Secular education is not necessarily anti-religion, nor is it necessarily false.
    The term secular means "without God" You proved my point when you used the term "necessarily", whereas it is clear that many corrupt governments have indeed attempted to criminally force children away from wearing even modest clothing as a "necessity" in the name of secularism (repentance is required). So again, we can see that it is really a label that is used to cheat people like a fox claiming to be fair and balanced.

    format_quote Originally Posted by DanEdge View Post
    Could one not have an Algebra class that is fully truthful, yet doesn't mention God? The same could be said for most subjects. And what of the necessity argument?
    When I teach my children math I rarely mention God - apart from the prayer for wisdom and knowledge at the beginning, but it is in no way secular (Godless) since our prayers, our sacrifices, our living, and our dying should all be for God - the Master of the universe.


    Tabbakhe’s home town of Chilly-Mazarin – a town of about 20,000 people in L’Essonne, which nudges up against Orly airport to the south of Paris – is the latest of several run by rightwing mayors to announce they will scrap pork-free options in school canteens in the name of secularism. For 30 years, Chilly-Mazarin has provided non-pork alternatives to Muslim and Jewish children. But from November, that will stop. On days when the menu features dishes such as roast pork with mustard and courgette gratin, or Strasbourg sausage and organic lentils, or ham pasta bake, children whose families don’t eat pork for religious reasons will be offered nothing but the side dishes.

    The new mayor, Jean-Paul Beneytou, from Nicolas Sarkozy’s rightwing Les Républicains party, says this is a commonsense way to preserve public sector “neutrality”. But many parents, teachers and leftwing opposition politicians call it a deliberate stigmatisation of Islam that is cruel to children by playing politics with school lunches.


    Notice how the God fearing conservative Muslims are thrown into the arms of the left wing liberals who are the source vehicle for "secularization" (satanization)
    It can feel a bit awkward to reject lewdness and sodomy after they scratch your back and come out in prayer to the Godless politician idols with you when you beg for lawful food.

    There's an old saying in Bangladesh - koyle jare bujhe na mayle bejar hoe - tahar shone pirit korle bikka noshto hoe.

    "The one to whom if you give advice, understands not, if you discipline him, he's sad. if you flirt with him, your alms are deprived. (And we're all needy beggars before God if one takes the time to think about it - also notice how we put out our hands).

    format_quote Originally Posted by DanEdge View Post
    I don't think it's "despicable" "trolling" to raise an interesting topic for discussion. Though it may qualify as trolling for one to insult a sincere questioner without adding to said discussion.
    I wasn't referring to the op as I believe the op has just absorbed the label along with the necessary bgi (brain generated imagery) illusion and has not stopped to think about what the label actually entails, and how once it is absorbed into the mass mindset, it is bait and switched from "think of it as "FREEDOM AND OPPORTUNITY FOR ALL", to "NEUTRAL", to "we actually meant LEWD, GODLESS and ANTI-GOD". and I was referring to the actions of those who push the secularism label.

    Below is a small collection of statements from an American Satanist explaining how Godless Atheism is really satanism, you will no doubt notice that much of his views and preferances coincide with those held by secular politicians and famous popular culture icons openly now as "normal". So when the press and politicians question whether the burqa or an islamic school or halal food fit in secular "culture" , those endued with intelligence ought to be able to corellate and beware when the label is used.

    Notice how he says he doesn't do human sacrifice because it's illegal. So regardless - there's always an awareness of the religion of the politicians and their ministers.

    Also notice how the violence of secularist re-legions is unfairly deducted from the narrative and the narrative is then devoid of essential factors required for making an accurate analysis.
    and tThe interviewee is basically saying in essence "I claim to be a scientist who researches the universe but I don't know how the universe began, and I don't want the answer even if it's reasonable if it includes God, because I have an unscientific unjustly prejudiced approach to science, I hate texts claiming to be from God, even though I know that a true scientist studies and often relies on observations penned down in ancient journals for guidance, and also new journals which contain statements from past writers during college and university studies, and the fact that evolutionary research often involves archaeology along with ancient heiroglyphics and inscriptions - and that these are all factored in during research - is beyond my logical analysis capability..I also think science can't tell what's good and bad, but I fail to mention all the nhs health adverts, and laws against drinking battery acid, I claim to believe that each person is free to choose how they live, but I also think that corrupt politicians can force a way of life on people..... in essence, I am dorkins.

    It's as if the secularist re-legion forbids it. I think boko haram is better than Theos haram since theos haram is based on falsehood and rejection of the obvious facts whilst busy handing out condoms to children - saying, don't use them all at once, and chucking them out of school for coming in with a shoe length skirt.
    In any decent society, schools and government approved ngo's would not be allowed to hand out condoms to little children or demand that they wear skimpy clothing, and if such a criminal act did take place, a father who took a sword to the perpetrator would be celebrated as a hero. Ever read the carl lee hailey story?

    وَيْلٌ لِّكُلِّ أَفَّاكٍ أَثِيمٍ
    Woe to each sinful liar,

    يَسْمَعُ آيَاتِ اللَّهِ تُتْلَى عَلَيْهِ ثُمَّ يُصِرُّ مُسْتَكْبِرًا كَأَن لَّمْ يَسْمَعْهَا فَبَشِّرْهُ بِعَذَابٍ أَلِيمٍ {8

    Who hears the Verses and signs of Allah (being) rehearsed to him, yet persists with pride/arrogance/obstinacy as if he had not heard them. So announce to him a painful torment!

    وَإِذَا عَلِمَ مِنْ آيَاتِنَا شَيْئًا اتَّخَذَهَا هُزُوًا أُوْلَئِكَ لَهُمْ عَذَابٌ مُّهِينٌ {9

    And when he learns something of Our Verses and signs, he takes them as something for mockery. For such there will be a humiliating torment.
    Last edited by Abz2000; 07-12-2017 at 09:28 PM.
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    Re: Does secular education coincide with Islam?

    Excellent, excellent responses to my questions -- as I've come to except from Islamic Board. I may not always agree, but it's always interesting

    --Dan Edge
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    Re: Does secular education coincide with Islam?

    Genuine inquirers like to think deeply and move forward logically, whereas decepticons just care about stealing energon - thereby admitting that they recognize energon and thus lose the credibility and the moral victory when they continue on falsehood, and end up losing themselves in the process.

    Think carefully about which one you fit.
    Last edited by Abz2000; 07-12-2017 at 09:14 PM.
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  9. #26
    habiba2017's Avatar Limited Member
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    Re: Does secular education coincide with Islam?

    Asalaamu alaykum,

    A lot of muslims decide to home school their children so that they can be sure of what their children are learning and can protect them from Haram.

    If you can not afford to send your children to an Islamic private school then my advice would be to home school.
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    Re: Does secular education coincide with Islam?

    format_quote Originally Posted by habiba2017 View Post
    Asalaamu alaykum,

    A lot of muslims decide to home school their children so that they can be sure of what their children are learning and can protect them from Haram.

    If you can not afford to send your children to an Islamic private school then my advice would be to home school.

    Easier said than done in most places - especially with the burdens carried by parents and the fact that people were prevented from moving to a country where the education for the majority chosen way of life began to flourish and it was - along with the social wealth distribution offices was bombed because it didn't fit the model of those who bombed it, they claimed to be concerned about people's right to wear skintight clothing in public.


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    Re: Does secular education coincide with Islam?

    Here's an example of what I see as closed minded bigotry:
    (If shortened it to a small clip in order to make it easier).

    Here's a good example of how education is reinforced with truth and justice instead of a void or falsehood and some corrupt oligarchy's corruptive agenda:

    Use logic to see if learning about sodomy in a positive way fits in with corruption and Godlessness, and whether the truth and justice can have the most profound parts deducted massively and then the remainder bundled in with the sodomy and be called "neutral secularism", and therefore be acceptable to all.
    Think for yourselves with a clear mind, taking all variables into account with truth and justice in sight. I know Islam requires discipline, but does secularism accept anarchy? or does it only require discipline for the sake of churning out efficient human labour from the masses whilst the masses go corrupt in all other spheres?
    Last edited by Abz2000; 07-13-2017 at 03:28 AM.
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    Re: Does secular education coincide with Islam?


    If people think that Islamic education the way its taught now is any good are kidding themselves. There needs to be a much more broader education that synthesizes Islamic sacred knowledge and practical sciences (maths, science, languages) and liberal arts (history and literature). Some projects are out there but are very few.
    Does secular education coincide with Islam?

    Do you think the pious don't sin?

    They merely:
    Veiled themselves and didn't flaunt it
    Sought forgiveness and didn't persist
    Took ownership of it and don't justify it
    And acted with excellence after they had erred - Ibn al-Qayyim
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    Re: Does secular education coincide with Islam?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Zafran View Post

    If people think that Islamic education the way its taught now is any good are kidding themselves. There needs to be a much more broader education that synthesizes Islamic sacred knowledge and practical sciences (maths, science, languages) and liberal arts (history and literature). Some projects are out there but are very few.

    I take it you haven't ever been to a higher level Islamic school, college, or universtity....

    ....or maybe you're attempting to conjure an image of the deprived areas recently out of colonization and highly in debt since, or maybe you'll say the same thing about secularist institutions after they're destroyed and surrounded by induced poverty.....
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    Re: Does secular education coincide with Islam?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Abz2000 View Post
    I take it you haven't ever been to a higher level Islamic school, college, or universtity....

    ....or maybe you're attempting to conjure an image of the deprived areas recently out of colonization and highly in debt since, or maybe you'll say the same thing about secularist institutions after they're destroyed and surrounded by induced poverty.....
    Name me one "high level Islamic school/college or university" that has a grasp on a wide range of subjects and is in the top 100 institutions in the world?
    Does secular education coincide with Islam?

    Do you think the pious don't sin?

    They merely:
    Veiled themselves and didn't flaunt it
    Sought forgiveness and didn't persist
    Took ownership of it and don't justify it
    And acted with excellence after they had erred - Ibn al-Qayyim
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    Re: Does secular education coincide with Islam?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Hamza Asadullah View Post
    Greetings Dan

    There are many major problems with secular public school education, for example teaching children the "atheist science" agenda, that homosexuality and transgender-ism is the "norm". The disturbing implementation of sex education for younger and younger children even as young as 4 years of age in the UK, in order to desensitize and lower their sexual inhibitions at a younger age. The internet with the social media, mainstream media and advertising have been complimenting this agenda for a few decades now.

    Other issues are the fact that the power has been taken away from Teachers and handed over to children. To the point where teachers can no longer discipline children and you have children running riot causing all sorts of trouble and teachers are just far too scared to be able to do anything about it. On top of that there are just far too many distractions in secular public school education and the quality of education is awful. Public school education does more harm to children than good.

    The governments are to fully to blame for the collapse of public school education. They are consistently cutting spending on public services, healthcare, social care etc for a long time now which has caused a systematic deterioration of public services in the UK and I am sure the case is similar to the US where the healthcare system for example is abysmal. When our governments are told to spend on public services they say "money does not grow on trees, we just do not have the money". But when it comes to something that benefits them and their agenda, then all of a sudden like in the UK recently they spend over £2 billion to remain in power with another political party. Did the money suddenly grow out of a tree?

    Therefore we have to do our best to safeguard our children against this systematic attack on the moral, ethical and psychological development of our children so they grow up with good quality of education as well as Islamic principles and teachings.

    - - - Updated - - -

    There is always the option of home schooling which many Muslims and non Muslims alike are adopting nowadays as a much better alternative to educate children. The following are some of the Academic advantages:

    Great Things About Homeschooling

    There are many advantages to homeschooling children. These benefits include the following:

    Excellent education. The overriding goal of homeschooling is to educate children. In this, homeschool excels. Because of the many advantages offered by homeschooling, there is simply no better way to educate a child. That homeschooling is a great way to educate a child can be shown in several ways. First, consider the items in this list. Many of these benefits are easy to understand and the positive impact they have on children are obvious. Second, homeschooled children perform better on standardized tests. For example, in a recent comparison of SAT scores, homeschooled children averaged 568 on the verbal test and 525 on the math; the national average was 506 on verbal and 514 on math. While those differences might not seem significant for individuals, as differences in averages for populations of students, they are very significant. Third, homeschoolers are becoming sought-after for higher education. Many colleges and universities have begun to modify their admission practices to not only allow for, but to encourage, homeschoolers to apply for admission.

    Dedicated teachers with a great teacher-to-student ratio. One factor that is known to be extremely important to educating a child effectively is the teacher-to-student ratio-that is, the number of students for which a teacher is responsible. Other factors include the degree of connection present between teacher and student and the amount of dedication a teacher has to a specific child. Homeschooling excels in both these areas. Who can be more dedicated to helping a child learn successfully than that child's parent? Parents love their children and dedicate their lives to helping their children successfully grow to maturity. So, no one is more dedicated to a child than the parent. And, homeschooling is done largely on a one-on-one basis; there can't be a better teacher-to-student ratio than that. In these two areas, which are both critical to a child's education, homeschooling is simply the best scenario.

    Education tailored to a child's capabilities and personality. Because homeschool is focused on children as individuals, a child's education can be tailored to her capabilities and personality. If a child excels in a specific area, his education in that area can be accelerated. If a child struggles in a particular area, additional resources can be brought to bear to help. Also, the way children are taught can be based on how the child best learns because of the child's personality. For example, if a child is a visual learner, more visual elements can be incorporated into that child's instruction. Instead of the cookie-cutter approach to education that is required in an intuitional setting, homeschool provides the opportunity for a child's education to be designed just for that child.

    Integrated and consistent education. Because a homeschooled child's education is managed by the same person over a long period of time, that education can be consistent with a long-term plan in which each topic taught and the experience gained benefits seamlessly with those that have come before. Because the parent is intimately involved with the student over that student's life, the parent understands the child's experiences and background and uses that knowledge to design future educational activities.

    Better teaching materials. Homeschoolers have access to the best teaching materials available. And, teaching materials can be selected based on a child's individual needs and capabilities.


    - - - Updated - - -

    An interesting article by sister Mariam I thought I would share on the negatives affects of public school on children's Imaan (faith)

    Negative affect of public school education on children's Imaan:


    This article explores issues in education from an Islamic perspective, more precisely the negative effect on iman for the children in the public school environment.

    Solutions to educate your child in accordance to Islam are also provided. The solutions are varied to give the parents some choice in regards to their children’s education.

    The negative effect on Iman in public schools:

    First of all we should start by mentioning that; it is the fact that Islam is a complete way of life. You cannot be a Muslim in the masjid – and while you leave the masjid or any Islamic environment – suddenly consider yourself out of Islam.

    It is well known that teachers and peers have great influence upon children of all ages, however, the younger the child is, the more influence the teacher has upon him/her. At the younger ages, although children may have some knowledge of Islam (such as between 7-10 years old) – they do not have enough firmness to implement that knowledge. Therefore, they will practice whatever they see it is being practiced in their environment. Also, if they grow in a non-Muslim environment, it is likely that in their youth or adulthood they will follow what they were taught throughout their childhood, and not live their lives according to Islamic values – although by then they may have enough Islamic knowledge to be able to implement it (at least the basics of Islam).

    The environment the child is exposed is a key factor. Now we have to deeply consider the environment our children are exposed to – that is The Public School System. Starting with grade one, they are in school typically from approximately 9 to 3:30, and even later if the mother is working outside (such as close to 6 o’clock in a daycare centre or after-school programs).

    Everybody has some basic understanding of the negative influence the public school has on the children. Parents may notice their child gradually or fast adopting a non-Islamic way of life, depending on how easily the child can be influenced. Assuming that the parents themselves are (somewhat) religious, they are struggling to teach their child that many of the things their kids pick up in school are not good for them, some being straight out haraam, while others makruh, while others – can we even find a category? However, think about the time the child spends with the parents (early morning – eating and changing// and late afternoon or evening) and all the remaining time spent in school with the majority of non- Muslim teachers and peers. Now – think about this: whose values is the child going to adopt? What are the real chances that the child will become a good Muslim, or even consider him/herself as being a Muslim – while practically surrounded by the non-Muslims/ disbelievers/ kufaars?

    This may not sound nice – but even many Christian people go by the same principle: Catholic schools hire only Catholic Teachers? Why – because the child learns from their teacher/peers first, and then from everybody else, including parents, while they reach a certain age.

    Furthermore, you can ask any white, older Canadian/American person about the value of current schools – you may be amazed to find out that most of them will tell you that the schools used to be better before. Kids were taught to respect the parents and teachers, and that teachers and parents used to be “in charge”/have authority. Even they recognize the current failing school system – which teaches kids about ‘Rights WITHOUT responsibilities”. The evil results of this sort of teaching are known by the majority – since the US has amazingly the largest % of prisoners in the world as part of their population, while all the other kinds of corruption (teenage pregnancies, etc. etc.) make the reality of waste-of-time TV shows.

    You do not need to have a PhD in child psychology to know what the kids are being taught in the public school system. The small kids (JK, SK) – taking pictures with Santa Clause – because “it is just cute”? HOW ABOUT EXPLAINING SHIRK TO YOUR CHILD – THE ONLY UNFORGIVABLE SIN BY ALLAH (swa). Even my daughter now is able to identify, Alhamdulilah, many stories (‘stones having powers”, “the unlucky number 13s”, “if a black cat crosses your way” ), which are all forms of shirk and she can recognize shirk far from the distance (an eight year old child).

    The sad reality of the current school is that school is a place to “dump your kids”, while the moms are too busy with numerous jobs and paying on their student loans, car or house mortgages, beauty products and the like. Do we not know as Muslims that we will be asked how we make our money – but also how we spend our income? There never was a more wealthy society in the history of mankind compared to the North American society – who represent about 20% of world population and spend 80% of its resources (world known fact). So, then – Alhamdulilah – even when we say we are “poor” – the true reality is that there are many more poor people out there in the world than us – and we should say Alhamdulilah that we have even the luxury of eating three times a day.

    And how can you protect your child from the school values? We Muslims do not keep Christmas, Easter, New Years, Halloween, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Valentines Day, birthdays, etc., etc. So can you tell your child not to celebrate any of these days, while most of their friends are celebrating these? It is like telling a child: “ok, darling, here’s the cake, but do not eat/touch it/smell it, etc.”

    The indoctrination of public schools is invisible; see, the parents go running around in circles when their child is physically hurt, but when their iman is affected – ‘oh, well – I guess they are too small to understand yet”, “there is no Islamic school nearby”, “they will get in when they grow up”, “the masjid is too far from our house” (could you move maybe?) – and there’s the list of complete set of illusions, or the mirage of lying to your own self and knowing it full well. Sadly some people may not even realize it too until it is too late.

    Of course, by the time they are in high-school, the majority of “Muslim” kids are way out of control with some or the majority of the known evils of “the teen age group”. The parents go on lamenting on how their kids are not listening to them. What can we do? – They desperately ask their imam/religious teacher? What can we do? – It’s the end of the world (for them and sadly it really is for them and the Muslim ummah in this sense). Many kids choose to go into kufr because “it is hard to pray five times a day”, etc. The parents may try to put them now in Islamic schools – which usually do not work because it is too late for the older kids who now have developed their personality by now – although it may straighten some, due to peers’ influence.

    The kids who enter the public school system in the higher grades (11 or 12) and have strong iman are less likely to be as affected by the negative environment, since their personality is fully developed and they are more likely to stick to their religious duties/way of life. However, caution is still necessary. Generally speaking, do not let them get involved in those “after school programs”, which usually are the icing on the cake in terms of wasting time or haram activities.

    On the whole, the high school is even more dangerous that the lower grades “education”, since the kids can easily slip into the worst things and have more independence. University is much better because the MSA provides salah rooms and at that point the kids are on the way of becoming adults and have to become responsible by themselves.

    The article says:

    By putting your child into a public school:
    · You are exposing them to too many things, which are straight out against our religion.

    · You are taking a big risk in regards to your child’s iman, so much so that especially after the whole 9-10 years in the public school system, they may go into kufr!

    The article does not say:

    That all kids will leave Islam, but that there is no guarantee that your child is going to turn out a Muslim, much less a good Muslim.

    Solutions to the problem:

    Alhamdulilah, it is not fair to complain without providing some kind of guidelines/solutions for the parents.


    · The one good part of the Western civilization is that it is so liberal that it gives much choice to the individual on how to lead his/her life. Thus, one of the parents’ rights is to home-school their children and teaches them in accordance to their values.

    · Many mothers are housewives, or it is not too late to become housewives until their children reach maturity; they can take the primary role of educating their children “the proper way”, both academically and spiritually. In fact, many Muslim ladies are highly educated, coming from their home-countries.

    · If you feel that your education is not up to standard in one subject (let’s say English) the moms can form a group and take turns, each teaching the subjects they are strongest in. Also, lots of help is available by using manuals, which cover the entire curriculum (English Smart, Math smart, etc.) and can be purchased in any Chapters or other libraries. Also, free lesson plans are available on different web-sites (check our web’ site – withkidsinmind.net, childlinkspage directory).

    · At the same time, if you feel that your education is not “good-enough” to teach your child, keep in mind that in the US many students in high-school cannot even point US on the map, while in Canada I myself witnessed many high-school kids who do not know their basic multiplication tables. So, there’s your green flag to gain some confidence.

    · The teachers have high academic skills, but the system is made in such a way that it literally distracts the child from studying - by providing too many activities that are only remotely related to schooling; the child is mainly indoctrinated into “the miracle of consumerism” (wow!) through all those holiday- days (and semi-holidays) provided in school. Even for Christian people, Christmas is perhaps the most highly exploited holiday on planet earth (otherwise why go major into credit cards to make the “necessary” Christmas expenditures? etc, etc.)

    Islamic Schools:

    · One other solution is to send your child to Islamic school, if you can afford it. This is also a good idea for the mothers who insist that they must work outside of their homes. Since you do make the extra income, why not spend a part in the way of Allah and get your kids into a good Islamic environment?

    · Many people argue that Islamic schools do not have “qualified staff, enough resources, such as good computer rooms, library, etc.” However, some of the staff do have Canadian bachelor degrees, while others have bachelor degrees or Masters from their back-countries (such as India, Algeria, Egypt, etc.). I saw many kids coming to Canada in both public and Islamic schools from India and had a very high education level compared to Canadian kids (therefore, know that those “middle and third world countries” – they still call them the third world) are really more advanced in the elementary and high-school levels compared to the Canadian system.

    · Also, it is true that public schools usually have more resources, but did you stop to think for a moment to what % do the kids really use these resources to the utmost benefit? How often do the kids go to the school’s library or computer room, and if they do – do they really read books or articles they borrow, or if they use the computers – do they use it for academic purposes, or simply use it for kids games (the kinds of “special games” where you click a button and after 3 hours of clicking you learn nothing out of it).

    · We know that both Islamic or government schools may be organized well or less well; however, the Islamic school offers salah (prayers) and thus prepares the child for the Akhira (life after death); while the public school primarily prepares the child to go running around making and spending money usually in a way which makes Allah T’Ala angry and brings no barakah to the individual and society. Strong morals are also not emphasised in public school: and we are all witness to what kinds of morals and lifestyle kids “learn there”.

    Going back to your own countries:

    · If you really feel that none of these are options for your child, and no matter how you organize your child’s schedule you still end up with nothing much – then go back to your countries and put your kids into strong Islamic schools and have them in an Islamic environment.

    · You got to pay attention though, because even in Islamic countries many unislamic things are going on, so the environment of the child is still an issue. However, there is a masjid pretty much on every corner – therefore, the chances of your kids being a good Muslim are good – if you put some effort into it. Also, the Islamic education is very cheap.

    · The One Evil happening in most Islamic countries (especially in the ex-colonies such as India, Pakistan, etc.) is that now the Islamic education (the Qur’an and Sunnah) is taught mostly only in Madrasahs, while the dunia education is taught in regular schools. And even Alims say that the curriculum after the Partition (1947) was never changed in countries like Pakistan (they still have the British curriculum there in public schools) - which explains the really low level of Islamic education there for the average Muslim.

    · Now think for a moment – who were those great Muslim explorers and scientists (such as Ibn Battuta – geographer and explorer, Avicena -Ibn Sina - great Muslim doctor, Imam Bukhari, and many others) - they were Alims and completed their Muslim and dunia education in their teens. Their education (Islamic and dunia was taught in the masjid, in the same place).

    · What does a teenager typically do nowadays? Wasting time on some kind of music styles, cannot tie his/her shoelaces properly (just kidding), cannot do the house chores and cannot wake up for Fajr. (The other evils we will not mention due to shyness/modesty in the paper-writing). This is the “modern miracle” of dunia education, strongly advertised as the “greatest education system – in the world!” (Wow!)


    Pay attention to your child’s education from the young age (elementary level and pre-elementary).
    Consider the suggested options in this article or find your own methods, which work for a complete Islamic education of your child.
    Do something about your child’s education early – or else later on it may become difficult for you or your child to get any real benefits and become a good Muslim.

    Source: http://en.islamway.net/article/13513...effect-on-iman
    As a muslim who has grown up in the public education system, I can confirm that this is quite accurate. Does secular education coincide with Islam?Does secular education coincide with Islam?
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    Re: Does secular education coincide with Islam?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Zafran View Post
    Name me one "high level Islamic school/college or university" that has a grasp on a wide range of subjects and is in the top 100 institutions in the world?
    You appear to have chosen to evade the question.
    But i already had an idea of what the answer would be....

    I doubt they waste resources and time bundling in trash such as "david beckam studies" just to bloat their portfolio and promote soccer players who are actually a real life version of "the joneses" ...and I see absolutely no need for a single specialist educational institution which is based on substance and not logo promotion and boasting to have to attempt to join the "bloat it so you can flaunt it" bandwagon of heedless materialists churning out degrees and graduates simply for the economic market.

    They are obviously unlikely to get anywhere near so called top 1,000,000,000 if they are going to be evaluated according to the above mentioned standards that are not standards.

    The task of an Islamic institution is to teach people truth and to produce real human beings who have a sense of moral justice and uprightness - but then, I wouldn't expect you to know about that, it would be naive of me to do so when taking into consideration past encounters.

    Research the term bourgeois and go grab a mirror. That'll be educational.
    Last edited by Abz2000; 07-14-2017 at 02:37 AM.
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    Re: Does secular education coincide with Islam?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Abz2000 View Post
    You appear to have chosen to evade the question.
    But i already had an idea of what the answer would be....

    I doubt they waste resources and time bundling in trash such as "david beckam studies" just to bloat their portfolio and promote soccer players who are actually a real life version of "the joneses" ...and I see absolutely no need for a single specialist educational institution which is based on substance and not logo promotion and boasting to have to attempt to join the "bloat it so you can flaunt it" bandwagon of heedless materialists churning out degrees and graduates simply for the economic market.

    They are obviously unlikely to get anywhere near so called top 1,000,000,000 if they are going to be evaluated according to the above mentioned standards that are not standards.

    The task of an Islamic institution is to teach people truth and to produce real human beings who have a sense of moral justice and uprightness - but then, I wouldn't expect you to know about that, it would be naive of me to do so when taking into consideration past encounters.

    Research the term bourgeois and go grab a mirror. That'll be educational.
    I'll ask again show me a single Islamic Institution right now that is producing and I quote

    format_quote Originally Posted by Abz2000 View Post
    I take it you haven't ever been to a higher level Islamic school, college, or universtity....
    If such a place exists I want to know of it?

    The rest of the post takes the stupidest example and runs with it - Beckham studies??? do you even know what IT is? That might be a good place to start - or Quantum Physics - or the study of history and literature, language or mathematics. This should be fused with the Islamic sacred sciences. Cannot think of a single place that has produced such people in most Muslim majority countries in the recent times.
    Does secular education coincide with Islam?

    Do you think the pious don't sin?

    They merely:
    Veiled themselves and didn't flaunt it
    Sought forgiveness and didn't persist
    Took ownership of it and don't justify it
    And acted with excellence after they had erred - Ibn al-Qayyim
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    Re: Does secular education coincide with Islam?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Zafran View Post

    If people think that Islamic education the way its taught now is any good are kidding themselves. There needs to be a much more broader education that synthesizes Islamic sacred knowledge and practical sciences (maths, science, languages) and liberal arts (history and literature). Some projects are out there but are very few.

    I studied in faculty of economics in a private Islamic university, then moved to an university which not carried name "Islam". The only difference was, in that Islamic university ability of reciting Qur'an was condition for graduation while in the another university was not. But the rest were not different.
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    Re: Does secular education coincide with Islam?


    To make objectives a little clearer and in order to prevent blackwashing and hit and run trolling disguised as testimonial, I'll again re-assert, rephrase, and expand on my assumption that you have no direct or indirect experience with genuine higher level Islamic education - formal or otherwise (I'm not talking about learning to read the Quran after school for the purpose of chanting it at mum and dad's funeral in total ignorance of it's contents).

    With regard to your first challenge for me to show a bloated portfolio, I'll again clarify that Islamic education is not dependent upon bloated resumes and it is not necessary to provide a bloated portfolio in order for it to be deemed acceptable by people who pretend to be Muslim whilst slithering amongst the ranks without realising the indignity of such a position. The following should give an idea of what I mean:

    Mickey Mouse degrees (or Mickey Mouse courses, known as bird courses in Canada[1]) is a term for university degree courses regarded as worthless or irrelevant. The term is a dysphemism, originating in the common usage of "Mickey Mouse" as a pejorative. It came to prominence in the UK after use by the country's national tabloids.

    Another factor is the correct or incorrect perception that the take up of these subjects, and the decline of more traditional academic subjects like science, engineering, mathematics,[7] is causing the predictable annual grade rise in the United Kingdom.

    A 2007 report stated that the sciences were more challenging than subjects such as Media Studies, which might be taken by students to get higher grades for university applications.[9] An American example is a degree in physical education. These have been issued to members of the college's athletics teams, to make them eligible to play; otherwise they would fail to pass traditional subjects.


    Credentialism and educational inflation are any of a number of related processes involving increased demands for formal educational qualifications, and the devaluation of these qualifications. In Western society, there have been increasing requirements for formal qualifications or certification for jobs, a process called credentialism that is not easily differentiated from valid professionalization. This process has, in turn, led to credential inflation (also known as credential creep, academic inflation or degree inflation), the process of inflation of the minimum credentials required for a given job and the simultaneous devaluation of the value of diplomas and degrees. These trends are also associated with grade inflation, a tendency to award progressively higher academic grades for work that would have received lower grades in the past. In countries in the Middle East, where the rulers have traditionally used public sector jobs as a form of political appeasement for the middle classes, this has resulted in many youth seeking university degrees that are only suited for work in public sector roles, making them unqualified for private sector roles.[1]Although it is perceived as a recent phenomenon, accusations of "dumbing down" have historical roots.

    With regard to your demand/challenge/request (lol) to inform you of what a higher level Islamic educational establishment is "if such a thing exists" i will do my best to explain for readers despite your insolence....

    It is a place where truth is taught in a lawful (halal) manner and environment with priority given to the creator of the heavens and the earth, and the acceptance of life after death.

    I will now explain my own experiences in the formal education field and in further private study alone so that readers can get an understanding of my personal experiences and limitations - and hopefully gain an insight as to why I say what I say, and then research for themselves further. This is more constructive in complementing the thread.

    I went to a couple of Islamic schools (one private secondary in the uk, and one government secondary in bangladesh) and a couple of "secular" schools (one government primary in the uk, and another private secondary in bangladesh) weird and amazing - I know - and "secular" college in the uk but my heart just wasn't really in it as it felt frivolous and superficial - a few non-college related incidents, and I just left.

    As for schools, I can assure you that the Islamic school in the uk had less resources at the time than the public schools, the teachers were paid less than their government counterparts, yet the fact that some came from other countries and had a more privileged education so that less pay was acceptable balanced that, it did mean that we learned urdu in order to compensate. it worked efficiently and had it's own science lab etc, and national curriculum math eng sci, history, along with fiqh, tajweed, arabic, etc totalling more subjects with condensed substance than my brother two years older than me took for gcses.
    The DIFFERENCE was that he was corrupted badly by his Godless influences and didn't have any inhibitions in going corrupt - this, along with other factors including "secular" tv and non-Islamic school friends wore off on me to an extent but couldn't go far into my school friend circles because Islamic school was an atmosphere that had more taqwa and discipline - in spite of the fact that most students were from "secular" primary schools, most of the criminality, disruptions, and corrupt influences came from students who moved in later from "secular" secondary schools. I myself was a bit of everything.
    When presented with immorality, those in the Islamic grounding and atmosphere were more immune.

    Another thing I did notice though was that I was always made to feel oppressed and cheated by certain people older than me at home, gatherings etc, my oldest brother whom i really looked up to was apparently charged with the duty of devil's advocate and caused a fuss at home before I even started until I almost pulled out at the last second, then started with a confused mind, older girls at extended family gatherings would ask me why my mum "didn't let me" (she had given me the choice) go to a "real school" and would talk to each other as if i was being deprived, I really started getting depressed and hating it all, especially since everyone else was having "so much fun" (an ironic lol). Not really encouraging for a child to be derided and their teachers derided as "molla betas" in a derogatory manner in front of them - due respect tends to wither and you stop looking up at them.
    Wasn't long before I was becoming unruly to the extent of firing mini rocket fireworks into the classroom after getting chucked out of class (bag packed and ready hidden in an empty classroom as I'd engineer the much hoped for "get out!" at the last class of the day) and then got taken to bangladesh for a few weeks (where my dad had already moved to and settled at) I decided to stay - loved the village life - and my brother kicked up a fuss, and went back to bloat his criminal record and rapport amongst his circles
    One thing to note is that all my siblings would get "intelligent", "ability" in our end of term reports, just that me and the one older would get "but....".
    Looking back, I am certain that my Islamic High wasn't as plush or bourgeouis, but it made do with it's resources and taught us to have good character.

    In Bangladesh....
    (a country that was colonized by the opium smuggling british east india company and it's government (having employed native officers who cared little for justice or honour and were willing to work for the criminal and corrupt abusers and were therefore naturally prone to taking bribes), then went through another two wars that killed millions of people, and thereby became a country with low manpower and financial resources and with huge debt)
    .... found the government sponsored village Islamic school to be not much different from what I heard about the government "secular" schools in terms of quality, the level of education wasn't excellent and statistical analysis and feedback didn't appear to be much of a factor, the atmosphere again though was more modest, the girls had separate long tables from the boys, and even though we could talk, going overboard was a transgression in the climate and nobody with dignity wants to do what is hypocritical, we (males) prayed in jamaat (gathering) in the mosque next door at prayer times, and learned what we could. Again, I wasn't really immersed, and bunked off as much as I could so I could go sit at my cousins shop and smoke biri.
    Next, we moved to the city where we have a small housing complex and I was told I had to study so I went to a private international school, surah fatihah along with national anthem and excercise during morning drill, expensive teachers who had travelled the world, one white dude, and most of the students from uk and the u.s, o'level standard curriculum, and no cutting paper with scissors and making huge bar charts with blocks or paper mache, just constant pen, paper and lectures, I'd say good quality teaching, "but....." it was frivolous - like something out of "friends", kissing in the bathrooms as others stood guard etc. Uphill in terms of materialism, downhill in terms of community and character.

    Finished those, hung out with the local political college boys gangs, got into a few fights, back to uk, work, and then college, a beautiful girl, a decent job in comparison to other students, partying, etc, not long before it lost it's novelty and became monotonous.

    Was advised to try tableegh jamaat for a couple of months - but was highly corrupted by then and it felt hypocritical even though the ameer was easy going and always gave priority to the youth.
    Umrah, marriage (woman in a red dress), work, etc and loads of huge international events happened - had a huge wake up call at hajj.
    Tried tableegh jamaat again, but this time it felt different, was surrounded by shills and a home office guy and the real stuff from last time was gone, anyone that had high intelligence was removed from my group and only the home office types were there, they droned on like robots, it felt like a cult that wasn't really a cult but a bunch of "secularists" who'd held the markaz hostage and were running a superficial cult in order to discredit it.

    Decided to take a break and study for myself this time and that's when it all started to make sense.
    I believe that Allah was making sure that I knew that I was being given a choice, the devils inadvertently made sure I knew that they were trying to drag me away and corrupt me, were willing to wipe my record clean as many times as needed as long as I continued in corruption, but harassed the hell out of me when I took the steep path that seemed to fit logically.

    Now that you have a basic background, back to the educational establishments.
    If I tell you that Islamic universtities would be including subjects such as quantum physics etc on a deeper level, but are constrained by puppet leaders who are busy filling their pockets and listening to their secularist taskmasters, a climate of suspicion and harassment, sabotage https://www.theguardian.com/world/20...ducation.books , and lack of funding due to international corruption and forced deprivation via usury, you will no doubt accuse me of playing the victim card,
    If I tell you that we should do the same in just retaliation (bomb a few universities, hospitals, welfare offices etc in secular majority countries) - you will no doubt falsely accuse me of "extremism" and "terrorism" and try to get my post deleted.
    If I tell you that we need to establish an Islamic state and unify all Muslim majority countries so that we can use our resources and manpower more efficiently and begin to attract all the intellectuals we have been losing to colonist countries and gain more - you will no doubt accuse me of "fundamentalism" and "dissent".

    The best thing I can do in such a situation is to state that everyone who can should do their best for Allah's sake according to circumstances and abilities, and the priority is to stand on truth and to focus on the subjects that are most Islamically relevant in order to assist in the global Islamic awakening, that we should be assertive in teaching about Jihad in Allah's path - especially given the current aggressions by secularist satanists and their allies - who wish they can use low intelligence mujahideen for military and propaganda motives (helped along and often replaced by secularist special forces disguised as mujahideen), and who seek to illegitimately stifle a genuine and well calculated return of islam in the political sphere and intellectual circles in any way that includes the use of legitimate and justified warfare against criminal invaders, and that we should realise that Islam holds the only key to success in this life and in eternity. That everything that exists will perish except Allah, and that each person will be resurrected and judged justly according to intentions, actions, and circumstances.
    If there is the time and resources to teach quantum physics, there is no harm in doing so, but we should not be made to feel inferior by hellbound secularist boureois trolls who sing the "my milkshake's better than yours" song in absence of context or priorities.

    @ardianto and everyone else.
    Genuine purely Islamic universities wouldn't teach usury based economics but rather would focus on stable and Islamically sound economics - it appears that ardianto's Islam based universtity was doing it's best to juggle and churn out graduates to serve according to the current political economic climate. And that's where there is a need to place emphasis on a return to genuine and non-criminal economic practices that are sound in Islam. The secularist mafia-based financial system is teetering on the verge of total collapse by it's own hands due to it's crooked and illogical practices.

    Now that i've answered according to the best of my abilities, I find it relevant to ask you for your position on the topic so that attacks and beligerent propaganda aren't disguised as genuine testimonials from Muslims

    1. Do you accept that Allah is the creator and sustainer of the universe, who knows more about quantum physics than all humans put together, and that Allah is the ultimate and supreme authority and lawmaker?
    (This is relevant since anyone setting up a university takes the political climate into account).
    2. Do you accept that there is life after death?
    3. If so, do you believe that human beings will die, then be resurrected again for life ad-infinitum, and will be judged justly, and then rewarded or punished?
    4. If so, do you accept that this matter takes priority in all circumstances?
    5. Is an Islamic climate that makes do with less, but more sound subjects that have depth - better than a lewd, corrupt, and Godless climate with more subjects.
    Last edited by Abz2000; 07-15-2017 at 02:02 AM.
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    Re: Does secular education coincide with Islam?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Abz2000 View Post
    You appear to have chosen to evade the question.
    But i already had an idea of what the answer would be....

    I doubt they waste resources and time bundling in trash such as "david beckam studies" just to bloat their portfolio and promote soccer players who are actually a real life version of "the joneses" ...and I see absolutely no need for a single specialist educational institution which is based on substance and not logo promotion and boasting to have to attempt to join the "bloat it so you can flaunt it" bandwagon of heedless materialists churning out degrees and graduates simply for the economic market.

    They are obviously unlikely to get anywhere near so called top 1,000,000,000 if they are going to be evaluated according to the above mentioned standards that are not standards.

    The task of an Islamic institution is to teach people truth and to produce real human beings who have a sense of moral justice and uprightness - but then, I wouldn't expect you to know about that, it would be naive of me to do so when taking into consideration past encounters.

    Research the term bourgeois and go grab a mirror. That'll be educational.
    Well said brother. May Allah Swt guide him to the haqq. Ameen
    Last edited by Hamza Asadullah; 07-14-2017 at 11:33 PM. Reason: Correction added to post
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    Re: Does secular education coincide with Islam?

    format_quote Originally Posted by ardianto View Post

    I studied in faculty of economics in a private Islamic university, then moved to an university which not carried name "Islam". The only difference was, in that Islamic university ability of reciting Qur'an was condition for graduation while in the another university was not. But the rest were not different.
    exactly my point - what about hadiths, Fiqh and other Islamic topics, Do they teach them in Institutions you went to? - how is the education system in general in Indonesia (maths, science, history and literature)?

    - - - Updated - - -

    format_quote Originally Posted by habiba2017 View Post
    Well said brother. May Allah Swt guide him to the haqq. Ameen
    what was well said exactly??
    Does secular education coincide with Islam?

    Do you think the pious don't sin?

    They merely:
    Veiled themselves and didn't flaunt it
    Sought forgiveness and didn't persist
    Took ownership of it and don't justify it
    And acted with excellence after they had erred - Ibn al-Qayyim
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    Re: Does secular education coincide with Islam?

    format_quote Originally Posted by habiba2017 View Post
    Well said brother. May Allah Swt guide him to the haqq. Ameen

    76. So Let not their speech grieve you. Verily We know what they conceal as well as what they disclose.

    77. Does not al-Insaan (the human being) see - that it is We Who created him from a tiny drop? yet behold! he (stands forth) as an open opponent!

    78. And he makes similitudes for Us, and forgets his own Creation: He says, "Who can give life to (dry) bones and decomposed ones (at that)?"

    79. Say, "He will give them life Who created them the first time! And He is knowledgeable in every kind of creation!-

    80. "The same Who produces for you fire out of the green tree, when behold! you kindle therewith!

    81. "Is not He Who created the heavens and the earth with control and power able to create the like of them?" - Yes, indeed! for He is the all knowing Creator Supreme,

    82. Verily, His command, when He intends anything, is nothing but that He says to it: "BE"....and it IS.

    83. So glory be to Him in Whose hands is the dominion of all things: and to Him will you all be brought back.

    From Quran, Chapter 36
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    Re: Does secular education coincide with Islam?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Abz2000 View Post
    76. So Let not their speech grieve you. Verily We know what they conceal as well as what they disclose.

    77. Does not al-Insaan (the human being) see - that it is We Who created him from a tiny drop? yet behold! he (stands forth) as an open opponent!

    78. And he makes similitudes for Us, and forgets his own Creation: He says, "Who can give life to (dry) bones and decomposed ones (at that)?"

    79. Say, "He will give them life Who created them the first time! And He is knowledgeable in every kind of creation!-

    80. "The same Who produces for you fire out of the green tree, when behold! you kindle therewith!

    81. "Is not He Who created the heavens and the earth with control and power able to create the like of them?" - Yes, indeed! for He is the all knowing Creator Supreme,

    82. Verily, His command, when He intends anything, is nothing but that He says to it: "BE"....and it IS.

    83. So glory be to Him in Whose hands is the dominion of all things: and to Him will you all be brought back.

    From Quran, Chapter 36
    Subhaan Allah wa bihamdi
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