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Islam and Apostasy

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    Re: apostates (OP)

    EDIT: This post has been moved to the beginning of the thread.

    In order to understand this issue, we need to examine the Islamic law on apostasy. Since religion is looked on as a personal affair in western society, the notion of state intervention in one's personal choice would naturally seem excessive. However, from the Islamic perspective, a number of points must be observed with regard to apostasy:
    1. Islam has never compelled anyone to accept the religion. Anyone who becomes a Muslim does so purely through objective study of the religion. As Allah has informed us in the Qur'an:

    2:256 There is no compulsion in religion.
    10:99 So would you (O Muhammad) then compel people to become believers?

    Likewise, Islam encourages its followers to reflect and contemplate upon the universe around us and to ponder over the beauty of the Qur'anic message:

    47:24 Do they not ponder over the Qur'an or are their hearts locked up?

    51:20-21. And on earth are signs for those endowed with inner-certainty; and [likewise there are signs] in yourselves, do you not observe?

    29:20 Say: "Travel through the earth and see how Allah did originate creation; so will Allah produce a later creation: for Allah has power over all things.

    Thus, Islam requires that one's faith be constructed upon logical investigation and study of the universe in which we live. Through logical contemplation, one realizes the supreme authority of the Creator and the veracity of Muhammad's (saws) claim to prophethood. Thus we find that, in the history of Islam, no knowledgeable Muslim has ever left Islam. The only cases we find of former Muslims are people who were never practicing Muslims in the first place, nor did they ever have a good understanding of Islam. Yet on the other hand, the list of educated converts to Islam is immense, and it includes educated leaders such as priests, rabbis and atheists.

    2. Those who have left Islam have historically fallen under three categories: those who left having never properly understood the religion often due to social circumstances, those who faked a conversion into Islam in order to undermine the Islamic community from within, and those who left to support opposing forces in battle against the Muslims. Because of the first category, Islam requires that the person who has chosen to forsake the religion be consulted with in order that his doubts may be clarified to him if there is any specific issue of confusion, or so that he may learn the proper Islamic teachings that he may otherwise have not been exposed to. As for the second and third category, this was the original reason behind the Prophet's statement on apostasy. The Qur'an records (3:72) that the Jews of Madinah decided to initiate the practice of pretending to accept Islam and then publicly declare their rejection of it, so as to destroy the confidence of the newly-converted Muslims. Thus, the Prophet Muhammad pbuh ruled that a punishment should be announced so that those who decide to accept Islam do so because of a firm conviction not in order to harm the Muslim community from within.

    3. Coming to the actual law of apostasy, the Prophet Muhammad pbuh did say, in the above historical context, "Whoever replaces his religion, execute him" (Bukhari, Abu Dawud) but how exactly do we understand this statement and does it conflict with the principles of freedom? The Prophet Muhammad pbuh himself clarified this statement in another hadith narrated in Sahih Muslim where he mentioned that the one who was to be fought against was the one who "abandons his religion and the Muslim community". It should be noted that every country has maintained punishments, including execution, for treason and rebellion against the state (See Mozley and Whitley's Law Dictionary, under "Treason and Treason Felony," pp. 368-369). Islam is not just a set of beliefs, it is a complete system of life which includes a Muslim's allegiance to the Islamic state. Thus, a rejection against that would be akin to treason. Rebellion against God is more serious than rebellion against one's country. However, one who personally abandons the faith and leaves the country would not be hunted down and assassinated, nor would one who remains inside the state conforming to outward laws be tracked down and executed. The notion of establishing inquisition courts to determine peoples' faith, as done in the Spanish Inquisition, is something contrary to Islamic law. As illustrated by the historical context in which it was mandated, the death penalty is mainly for those who collaborate with enemy forces in order to aid them in their attacks against the Islamic state or for those who seek to promote civil unrest and rebellion from within the Islamic state. When someone publicly announces their rejection of Islam within an Islamic state it is basically a challenge to the Islamic government, since such an individual can keep it to themselves like the personal affair it is made out to be.

    4. From Islamic history, we can gain a better understanding of how this law has been implemented. Although the Prophet Muhammad pbuh threatened the death penalty in response to the attempts against the Muslim community, no such executions took place in his time (Imam Shawkani, Nayl Al-Awtar, vol. 7, p. 192) even though there is a report that a Bedouin renounced Islam and left Madinah unharmed in his time (Fath Al-Bari vol. 4, p.77 and vol. 13 p. 170; Sahih Muslim biSharh An-Nawawi, vol. 9, p. 391). Thus, we find that context plays an important role in determining how to deal with apostates. The case of one who enlists nations to fight against the Islamic state is more serious, for example. That is why the scholars of the Hanafi school of thought felt that the punishment only applies to the male apostate and not the female apostate because the latter is unable to wage war against the Islamic state. If someone simply has some doubts concerning Islam, then those doubts can be clarified.
    So an Islamic state is certainly justified in punishing those who betray the state, committing treason and support enemy forces. As for anyone else, if they do not publicly declare their rejection of Islam, the state has no interest in pursuing them; if their case does become public, however, then they should be reasoned with and educated concerning the religion so that they have the opportunity to learn the concepts they may not have understood properly and they can be encouraged to repent.

    From another of my posts:
    format_quote Originally Posted by Ansar Al-'Adl
    format_quote Originally Posted by blunderbus View Post
    If a predominantly Christian country were going to execute a former Christian who converted to another religion (in this hypothetical case, Islam) would you be ok with that?
    As a side note, this has already happened, examples include the spanish inquisition. But on to your question...

    First of all, the law on apostasy has been explained here and here. It is commonly taken out of context, but the point to note is that the Prophet Muhammad (saws) clarified that the one to be punished was the one who rebelled against the community. This is quite similar to state laws on treason. A state is justified in taking action against those who pose a significant threat. But the idea of setting up an inquisition to examine the beliefs of the people is against Islamic teachings, so someone who personally changes their religious convictions will be insignificant in the eyes of the state. It is the one who publically announces his rebellion, stirring civil unrest, who must be opposed. While the Christian inquisitions were bent on examining (through the use of torture) the beliefs of those Muslims and Jews who outwardly professed conversion to Christianity, in an Islamic state, someone who even outwardly professes acceptane of Islam is left alone because they cause no harm to society, and the Islamic state is only interested in the security of its society.

    If someone poses a threat to a state's security, then they are justified in taking action against them. But if someone changes their personal religious views, then it is quite extreme for the state to attempt to pry into the hearts of its citizens to determine their faith and punish them.


    Material from this post has been added to this article:
    Islam and Apostasy

    The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:
    "Surely I was sent to perfect the qualities of righteous character" [Musnad Ahmad, Muwatta Mâlik]

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    Re: Islam and Apostasy

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    Syed Nizam
    There are no such things like a PERFECT plans, the best there are only PERFECT intentions. I like that! Kind of sorry that you don’t want to debate. I find it an interesting and informative process. But surly it is not every one’s desire to engage.
    Wishing you the best,

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    Re: Islam and Apostasy

    Islamic Kuri, honestly do u ever think that ur statement should ever be considered as being Islamic? I do believe that the question whether the Apostates should be put to death have been answered in the previous message in this thread. However, just for a matter of thought, please consider this:

    1. The Prophet (pbuh) have NEVER EVER put any Apostates to death in his life time. Surely, he has all the power in his hands if he surely believes in that kind of judgement. So, why dont he?

    2. There are even various verses in the Quran which clearly stated that all of us should not ever asked for speedy doom for the Apostates.

    Therefore patiently persevere, as did (all) messengers of inflexible purpose; and be in no haste about the (Unbelievers). On the Day that they see the (Punishment) promised them, (it will be) as if they had not tarried more than an hour in a single day. (Thine but) to proclaim the Message: but shall any be destroyed except those who transgress?

    Leave Me alone, (to deal) with the (creature) whom I created (bare and) alone!-

    If anyone desires a religion other than Islam (submission to Allah), never will it be accepted of him; and in the Hereafter He will be in the ranks of those who have lost (All spiritual good).

    How shall Allah Guide those who reject Faith after they accepted it and bore witness that the Messenger was true and that Clear Signs had come unto them? but Allah guides not a people unjust.

    Of such the reward is that on them (rests) the curse of Allah, of His angels, and of all mankind;-

    In that will they dwell; nor will their penalty be lightened, nor respite be (their lot);-

    Except for those that repent (Even) after that, and make amends; for verily Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

    But, SURELY the MOST COMPELLING revelations is REVEALED in the following verse:

    But those who reject Faith after they accepted it, and then go on adding to their defiance of Faith,- never will their repentance be accepted; for they are those who have (of set purpose) gone astray.

    As to those who reject Faith, and die rejecting,- never would be accepted from any such as much gold as the earth contains, though they should offer it for ransom. For such is (in store) a penalty grievous, and they will find no helpers.

    How could the Verse 003.090 be possible if the punishment of those Apostates are a certain death? Those who rejects faith, then repented, then goes on rejecting the faith for the second time? I think I do have to the earlier posts in this Thread that death sentences for Apostates is only permissible within some limit only if some preconditions existed (such if they poses a threat to the ummah in general etc.).

    I do believe when the prophet reminds us in his last summons on the reference to the Quran & As-Sunnah should be made precedence above all.

  5. #83
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    Re: Islam and Apostasy

    Hi Wilber,
    This isn't for me, but it contains relevant points. If you want to reply to my present post, please do so after replying to the previous one.
    format_quote Originally Posted by wilberhum View Post
    When I talk about an Islamic State, I’m talking about countries that conceder themselves Islamic and the world at large conceders them Islamic.
    Muslims are all agreed that there is no state in the world that can be described truly as an Islamic state, because we know that the Islamic state is a khilafa. I already said this in my last post.
    I’m not talking about some mythological state that does not and did not exist.
    As I already told you the Islamic state has existed for centuries; it was after the Muslim lands were ravaged and destroyed by invading forces that the Muslim world fell into chaos and disarray.
    The practices of Muslims cannot be taken as evidence against Islam unless it can objectively be demonstrated that they are founded upon Islamic teachings.
    Also, every country has problems and none is perfect. It is inherently fallacious to take these problems as evidence against the specific religion or ideology behind the state. If you say that country X forbids murder can I say, "Well I don't want to talk about your mythological ideals. I want to talk about reality - the reality is murders still are committed in the country!" The comment has no relevance.

    This thread is about Islamic law and what Islam says. It is not 'mythyological', it is our religion. I see that many Non-muslims like yourself have a very difficult time comprehending the plain and simple fact that we follow Islam as it was revealed in the Qur'an and the Sunnah, not how this Muslim acts or that Muslim acts. If you have a problem with a specific country you can discuss that elsewhere. From your posts in this thread I am assuming you have a problem with Islamic law and how an Islamic state is to be run. If not then please be clear - Is your objection against Islam or the malpractice of some Muslims ?

    When I talk about the excessive taxes laved or any other item that I conceder discriminatory, I’m talking about what was practiced, not what is prescribed.
    I quoted for you the ruling of a leading Muslim Judge in the eleventh century, speaking on what was being practiced in his time. He was the judge and he was giving the rulings, and the ruling was that the taxes were to be negotiated with the non-muslim minorities. Now if you are so closeminded that you can't accept that this was the reality of the Islamic state in that period, that's your problem. But here we have explicit historical evidence which debunks your claims that non-muslim minorities have always been oppressively taxed in the Muslim state.

    When I talk about Suria Law, I’m talking about how it is implemented and used
    Then you have absolutely no understanding of Shari'ah law. Shari'ah law is based on what is in the Qur'an and Sunnah BY DEFINITION. if you are talking about the laws of a particular country, then by definition you are NOT talking about Shari'ah law. I strongly suggets you learn the definitions of the terms before you use them.
    So if you want to talk about the “Real World” and not “Fantasy Land”, I would enjoy the challenge.
    Please keep your insults to yourself. This forum is for respectful dialogue; your comments about Islamic law being 'fantasy land' are unwanted, unncessary and unproductive.
    Kind of sorry that you don’t want to debate. I find it an interesting and informative process.
    It is only such when both sides are willing to learn and correct their views. You are not an expert on Islamic law so you should be willing to law the truth and rationality behind the law rather than advancing your own negative and misinformed percpetion about Islam.

    Islam and Apostasy

    The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:
    "Surely I was sent to perfect the qualities of righteous character" [Musnad Ahmad, Muwatta Mâlik]

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    Re: Islam and Apostasy

    How can someone who leaves Islam be put to death, how does the prosecutor know that the person will not come back to Islam a few years later?

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    Syed Nizam's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Islam and Apostasy

    format_quote Originally Posted by Islamic Kuri View Post
    Yes Allah knows. But how do u know that they WILL come back to Islam? U dont!
    Leave Me alone, (to deal) with the (creature) whom I created (bare and) alone!-

    That is the saying of Allah, Islamic Kuri. So, can we please DONT play God here?

  9. #86
    Ansar Al-'Adl's Avatar
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    Re: Islam and Apostasy

    Hi j4763,
    Thanks for your post.
    format_quote Originally Posted by j4763 View Post
    How can someone who leaves Islam be put to death, how does the prosecutor know that the person will not come back to Islam a few years later?
    You are correct; I've explained this issue in the first post in the thread - no one is immediately executed for changing their religious beliefs. Please read the first post in the thread and then if something is still unclear, feel free to ask.

    Islam and Apostasy

    The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:
    "Surely I was sent to perfect the qualities of righteous character" [Musnad Ahmad, Muwatta Mâlik]

    Visit Ansâr Al-'Adl's personal page HERE.
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    Re: Islam and Apostasy

    Ansar Al-‘Adi
    If no Islamic State exists, what is the point of any discussion?
    As I already told you the Islamic state has existed for centuries. Would you provide a time frame?
    If you have a problem with the term “mythological', how about “historical”? Again, I would need a time frame.
    I am assuming you have a problem with Islamic law and how an Islamic state is to be run.I have no problems if we are talking about laws in a nonexistent place. There you can make any law you want and no one will be affected.
    Then you have absolutely no understanding of Shari'ah law. Of course I don’t. As I said “I’m talking about how it is implemented and used”. So I would assume that no place in the world does Shari'ah law exist in its proper form. If so, then there is no discussion because the answer to every question is “They got the law wrong
    “So if you want to talk about the “Real World” and not “Fantasy Land”, I would enjoy the challenge.” An Insult? I address what exists and you address what doesn’t exist. I feel insulted, deceived. You play with the rules of the game, then say you loose.
    It is only such when both sides are willing to learn and correct their views. But then one needs to know what is being discussed before one can learn. If I think you are teaching me French when it is really German, what learning do you think will take place?

    The actuality of the situation is I’m discussing practice and you are discussing theory. I have neither the knowledge nor desire to discuss theory. If you want to discuss what is practiced, I’m interested. I assume that you are not. So unless I here differently, I will assume that our dialog is done.

    But before we drop the debate, more that anything else I really would love to have an example of one of your “Rational proofs". I experienced someone else that used that term. Repeated requests for a definition or example from multiple people were always left unanswered. So I would truly appreciate and example.
    Will you provide me with one?

  11. #88
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    Re: Islam and Apostasy

    Hello Wilber,
    format_quote Originally Posted by wilberhum View Post
    Ansar Al-‘Adi
    If no Islamic State exists, what is the point of any discussion?
    The point of discussion is to discuss what Islam teaches with regard to apostasy and what an Islamic state should implement. Your comment is like saying to someone who has a design for a new invention, "Well if none of them exist, what is the point of discussin your design?" It is a non-sequitor logical fallacy. The reason we should discuss these issues is to spread the true understanding of what Islam teaches, educate people to clear their misconceptions about Islamic law, and implement Islamic law more accurately in our Muslim countries. Wanting to only discuss what is being practiced is illogical because no one is perfect; everyone makes mistakes but that doesn't mean that we should reject the system they are trying to follow entirely.
    As I already told you the Islamic state has existed for centuries. Would you provide a time frame?
    Sure. The Islamic state has existed since the time of the Prophet Muhammad pbuh until around the 16th century - this isn't to say that all the Muslim countries throughout that period were perfect; obviously the best was the state during the time of the Prophet Muhammad pbuh and the four rightly guided khalifa's, but after that they always had there good points and their bad points.
    If you have a problem with the term “mythological', how about “historical”?
    Mythological implies that it is a figment of one's imagination. Historical means that it has existed, so obviously I would prefer the latter.
    I am assuming you have a problem with Islamic law and how an Islamic state is to be run.I have no problems if we are talking about laws in a nonexistent place. There you can make any law you want and no one will be affected.
    But if someone made a law that said theft is legal, I would object to the law in theory and in practice.
    Then you have absolutely no understanding of Shari'ah law. Of course I don’t.
    Then you shouldn't use the term to mean something that it doesn't mean.
    So I would assume that no place in the world does Shari'ah law exist in its proper form.
    In its complete form. In many places some aspects are being implemented others are not. There is obviously a lot of room for improvement.
    I address what exists and you address what doesn’t exist.
    Islamic law exists; it is in the Qur'an and the Sunnah.
    The actuality of the situation is I’m discussing practice and you are discussing theory.
    The title of this thread is Islam and Apostasy. I hope you can appreciate the difference between that and 'Afghanistan and Apostasy' or 'Sudan and Apostasy' or 'Malaysia and Apostasy' or 'Kuwait and Apostasy'. We are discussing Islam here.
    But before we drop the debate, more that anything else I really would love to have an example of one of your “Rational proofs". I experienced someone else that used that term. Repeated requests for a definition or example from multiple people were always left unanswered. So I would truly appreciate and example.
    Will you provide me with one?
    I already did in this post:

    Islam and Apostasy

    The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:
    "Surely I was sent to perfect the qualities of righteous character" [Musnad Ahmad, Muwatta Mâlik]

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    Re: Islam and Apostasy

    Ansar Al-‘Adi
    Wanting to only discuss what is being practiced is illogical because no one is perfect;
    Now I think it is illogical dismiss what is be practiced.
    Obviously the best was the state during the time of the Prophet Muhammad pbuh and the four rightly guided khalifa's,
    I will do some research on that. That will obviously take some time, but I will be back. Either with an apology or with some unpleasant facts.
    But if someone made a law that said theft is legal, I would object to the law in theory and in practice.
    But what difference would it make if no government in the world recognized the law?
    Then you shouldn't use the term to mean something that it doesn't mean. (Shari'ah law)
    Please point out where I incorrectly used the term.
    I must apologize; I missed your response about “Rational proofs”.
    Since the answer is a pointer to another post that points to another post, it will take some time to digest. But as Arnold says “Ill be back”.

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    Re: Islam and Apostasy

    Ansar Al-‘Adl, I am not sure if this has been addressed before or not.

    What about the person who converted away from Islam to a different faith (Or no faith at all), who moves away to a non-Muslim area.
    Are they still subject to the Islamic penalty for apostasy?

    A second question, just who is allowed to carry out the punishment? Who isn’t allowed to carry out the punishment?

    Ansar Al-‘Adl, I understand you are presenting your posts in light of what Islam teaches and not trying to address the state of Islam as it exists today.

    That being said, is it still fair to punish folks who have never had the chance to fairly judge their choice in a faith before they chose?

    Are there any provisions in Islamic teachings that allow any allowances to be made for such a case?

    Say a child grows to the age of 17 and publicly makes a commitment and swears his allegiance to Islam. The child has never been more than a 100 miles from home. The country he lives in is Afghanistan and in his area there is no one to teach about what the Bible states.

    Sometime later the young man meets some American soldiers and they invite him to study with them. The young man agrees to study with them.

    Then, perhaps, the, now 18 year old, man decides he agrees more with the teachings of the Bible than the Qur’an and converts.

    The message that really influenced the young man’s decision was the answer he received from the Christian soldier/teacher “Yes, when the Bible state’s that if you reject Jesus as Lord, you, young man, are condemned to Hell”.

    Does the young man have to die if he doesn’t reject his new found faith in what the Bible teaches?

    What of the one who converted the young man, is he to be punished? If yes, then what is the prescribed punishment?


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    Re: Islam and Apostasy

    have you read the 1st thread... i think it can explain to some of your questions.

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    Re: Islam and Apostasy

    Hi all

    I have tried to read this entire thread as best I can.

    I understand (I think!) what it says in the Qu'ran about apostates and death penalty.
    Personally, I am appalled and deeply distressed about it! What kind of religion has to prevent it's followers from ever leaving by threatening them with death??
    (There is no need to answer that question. It is purely rhetorical.)

    For now there is just one question that seems to remain unanswered in this thread (or perhaps have missed it).

    I live in the UK, where the secular law clearly forbids the death penalty (as somebody has mentioned before)
    So, if a Muslim living in the UK apostates, what happens then???

    Do any of you know anybody like that? What happened to them after they apostated?
    I would love to know - for my peace of mind!

    Just as I was gettin to respect Islam for it's peaceful and caring attitude, I come across this issue ...
    I am so sad!:'(
    Islam and Apostasy

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  17. #93
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    Re: Islam and Apostasy

    format_quote Originally Posted by glo View Post
    ...I live in the UK, where the secular law clearly forbids the death penalty (as somebody has mentioned before)
    So, if a Muslim living in the UK apostates, what happens then???
    Then his sentence is determined by the law of the land on which he lives. In the case you provided the person would be commiting no crime. However, certain "muslims" like to take matters into their own hands by trying to implement sharia law (not that sharia law is bad, no, just when it's not the law of the land and people try to enforce it on others)

    Just as I was gettin to respect Islam for it's peaceful and caring attitude, I come across this issue ...
    I am so sad!:'(
    Care for an explanation?
    Last edited by aamirsaab; 04-28-2006 at 01:11 PM.
    Islam and Apostasy

    Book on sharia law Updated!
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    Re: Islam and Apostasy

    format_quote Originally Posted by aamirsaab View Post

    Care for an explanation?
    I should probably not answer right now, because I feel really emotionally about this at the moment, and my reply may not be too rational! :X

    It's just that threatening believers with death, should they ever wish to leave the faith, seems such a cruel thing to do!
    If a Christian friend left the faith (or should I say 'when', because it does
    happen), I would help him/her, pray for him/her and love him/her all the more!

    I won't say any more on this, until I feel I can rationally deal with this.

    But you haven't really anwered my question:
    Sharia? What's that? Does that mean other Musim believers may take it upon themselves to kill the apostate anyway, against British law?

    What if the person's life is spared? Are they cast out of the Muslim community? Divorced? Separated from their children?
    Islam and Apostasy

    glocandle ani 1 - Islam and Apostasy

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    [Psalm 95]

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    Re: Islam and Apostasy

    Sharia? What's that?
    The Islamic Law.

  21. #96
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    Re: Islam and Apostasy

    Hello Wilber,
    format_quote Originally Posted by wilberhum View Post
    Now I think it is illogical dismiss what is be practiced.
    I am not dismissing it, I am saying it is wrong and needs to be corrected so that it is in accordance with Islamic teachings.
    Obviously the best was the state during the time of the Prophet Muhammad pbuh and the four rightly guided khalifa's,
    I will do some research on that. That will obviously take some time, but I will be back. Either with an apology or with some unpleasant facts.
    To help you with your research, I will provide you with some references.
    There is some good introuctory material on the Prophet's life here:
    Muhammad: The Man & the Message
    And more detailed accounts here:
    The Islamtoday.Com English section supervised by Sheikh Salman Al-Oadah
    The Islamtoday.Com English section supervised by Sheikh Salman Al-Oadah

    After reading the material on the websites, I would recommend that you take a look at the resources I have listed here:
    But if someone made a law that said theft is legal, I would object to the law in theory and in practice.
    But what difference would it make if no government in the world recognized the law?
    If they had not implemented it but there was a desire to implement it.
    Then you shouldn't use the term to mean something that it doesn't mean. (Shari'ah law)
    Please point out where I incorrectly used the term.
    You said
    When I talk about Suria Law, I’m talking about how it is implemented and used

    Islam and Apostasy

    The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:
    "Surely I was sent to perfect the qualities of righteous character" [Musnad Ahmad, Muwatta Mâlik]

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    Re: Islam and Apostasy

    Hello Nimrod,
    Thank you for your post.
    format_quote Originally Posted by nimrod View Post
    Ansar Al-‘Adl, I am not sure if this has been addressed before or not.

    What about the person who converted away from Islam to a different faith (Or no faith at all), who moves away to a non-Muslim area.
    Are they still subject to the Islamic penalty for apostasy?
    I mentioned in the first post in this thread, that someone who leaves the country will not be hunted down by the Islamic state; he is not disturbing their society so he is of no significance to them. The Islamic state is only concerned with the protection of the society.
    A second question, just who is allowed to carry out the punishment? Who isn’t allowed to carry out the punishment?
    Only the Islamic state, i.e. the government, is allowed to carry out the punishment. All legal procedures must be directed by the state, no one can take matters into their own hands.

    Ansar Al-‘Adl, I understand you are presenting your posts in light of what Islam teaches and not trying to address the state of Islam as it exists today.

    That being said, is it still fair to punish folks who have never had the chance to fairly judge their choice in a faith before they chose?
    Again, keep in mind the issue of causing harm to society, because that is when the Islamic state takes action. And then on the topic of those who leave Islam because of their doubts or confusion, they are given the opportunity to have their misunderstandings clarified and explained to them. They have the opprtunity to learn and find out which is the true path. Punishment would only happen if they are causing problems to society.
    What of the one who converted the young man, is he to be punished? If yes, then what is the prescribed punishment?
    There is no prescribed punishment for such actions, in Islamic law. The issue is discretionary.

    Islam and Apostasy

    The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:
    "Surely I was sent to perfect the qualities of righteous character" [Musnad Ahmad, Muwatta Mâlik]

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    Re: Islam and Apostasy

    Hello glo,
    There seems to be a misunderstanding, so I suggest you re-read the first post in this thread. The Islamic state is only concerned with the protection of the society, so someone who is not causing a disturbance to the society is not subject to state actions. And the punishments can only be implemented by the state.
    Islam and Apostasy

    The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:
    "Surely I was sent to perfect the qualities of righteous character" [Musnad Ahmad, Muwatta Mâlik]

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    Re: Islam and Apostasy

    format_quote Originally Posted by Ansar Al-'Adl View Post
    Hello glo,
    There seems to be a misunderstanding, so I suggest you re-read the first post in this thread. The Islamic state is only concerned with the protection of the society, so someone who is not causing a disturbance to the society is not subject to state actions. And the punishments can only be implemented by the state.
    Thank you.

    That is not what people in my 'leaving the faith' thread have said!!
    Clearly there are at least some people here who whole-hearted subscribe to the death penalty idea>
    (I don't know how to create a link to it. It is in the basics of Islam folder)

    I am still waiting to hear what reaction somebody who does apostate in the UK can expect from their Muslim community??!
    I wonder why there are no replies?
    Is it just a quiet day in the forum?
    Or does apostasy in the UK not happen??? (I find that hard to believe)
    Or do people not know what happens?
    Or do people not want to say?
    Islam and Apostasy

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    May God help me.

    Come, let us worship and bow down •
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    [Psalm 95]

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    Re: Islam and Apostasy

    format_quote Originally Posted by glo View Post

    Just as I was gettin to respect Islam for it's peaceful and caring attitude, I come across this issue ...
    I am so sad!:'(
    i would urge you not to judge islam by the dominant thinking on this forum.
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