God’s origin, based from thus inscriptions of clay tablets unearthed from the mound, believed to be the Kingdom of Mari, and the later refined-version found in the Dead Sea Scrolls was a cult-hypothetical creation of human prior to the first known kingdom. Like the present laws of the land, God indeed has several constitutions designed by individuals to suit their vested interest, to rule, control, govern and exploit humanity or even an essence to cling-on to enhance well-to-survive.
Most known pseudo-religious cult pioneering dogmas were Zoroastrianism, Buddhism and the combination of both. Then Mithraism resulted to the evolution of dogmas and Christianity sprung to life on the blurred border of Judaism. Although Islam came later and evolved from the combination of Judaism and Christianity, but practice the most fundamental, classical, rigorous and conservative dogma with punitive anathema. These pioneering cult-branches of religion and the latter-day sub-groupings of religious commercialism are all recipients and beneficiaries of the Creation of God by Mankind.
It is not the bible, quran and other religious texts, or a believe in God that is the cause of all the brutality and wars, it is not even the interpretations.
It is the indoctrination of those interpretations and the persecutions of those who dare to question, that is the cause. It created beliefs that make people blind to what is there to be seen. We look with our eyes, but we see with our mind, and it is unquestioned beliefs that blindfold the mind.
Interpretation can only be as good as reasoning and available knowledge can make it. But the suppression of further reasoning by intimidation and persecution of those who question was what made the evolution of organized religions the greatest disaster to befall this planet since that which wiped out the dinosaurs.
By their own actions organized religions proved the evolution they denied.
Animals fight for dominance, power and territory as a means of survival, and when religions did the same they proved their own evolution from the animals.
And that demonstrates the need to always be prepared to question beliefs when further evidence indicates an error.
Questioning does not mean abandoning a belief in God, or to abandon a religion, it just means to re-evaluate and re-interpret a belief to get closer to the truth, and that is what any God would want?
The purpose of questions is to find answers. There is no point in discussing any problem unless you are looking for a solution. A well proven philosophy, has always a logical answer, always a simple solution, if we are prepared to keep looking. When we find it, it is usually right under our nose where we could not see it because of our traditional fear and belief.