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The Marriage of Aisha to the Prophet(PBUH)

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    The Marriage of Aisha to the Prophet(PBUH) (OP)


    found a good article on this refuting that the Prophet pbuh wasn't a pedophile.However it doesn't mention about Aisha's engagement to Mumin.

  2. #21
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    Re: The Marriage of Aisha to the Prophet(PBUH)

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    bin direnken,
    format_quote Originally Posted by bin direnken View Post
    Please forgive me but this whole conversation is giving me the creeps. Here we are, grown men in the 21st century, making excuses for morally disgusting and dangerous behavior in any culture.
    The above is agains nothing more than unsubstantiated claims against the Prophet saws which I just refuted. If you want to label it as 'morally disgusting' you will have to provide definitive criteria by which you can do such a thing. This is nothing but an evasion from responding to my points.

    Barbarism marked most of ancient history, from human sacrifice that was acceptable in many pagan cultures, to barbaric colonolism to spread faith through religious wars. But being humans we have evolved and should treasure that ability that we have in ourselves. It's what separates us from animals if we allow ourselves the room for change and self discovery.
    Perhaps you should read up on the logical fallacy known as a RED HERRING.

    No, I am not a practicing Muslim, but I was born Muslim and profess to no other faith. I enjoy Islams simple approach to monotheistic faith but have a hard time swallowing some of the things that the prophet said and did.
    Thank you for the clarification. Do you realize that failure to accept the Prophet as a Messenger of God nullifies your Islam?

    I was once told that Muslims in the east are 800 years behind the modern west and from the way this thread is heading, I'm beginning to believe it.
    Another red-herring. Currently the so-called 'modern' west is embracing homosexuality, a practice that was only socially acceptable thousands of years ago to the ancient greeks. Who really is backward?

    All of your definitions of pedophile fit the prophet, unfortunately, and no sidestepping and fancy talk is going to excuse what he did.
    It seems that either you did not read my post carefully or you had no comprehension whatsoever of what you read. The definition of a paedophile is one who seeks sexual gratification with prepubescent children. I already provided this definition is my previous posts. And the simple fact is that Aisha attained puberty. That was the whole purpose of delaying the consummation of the marriage until Madinah.

    If he wasn't a pedophile and was just looking to spread Islam by marriage, he would have married Aisha and refused sexual relations with a prepubescent.
    I already told you that she was not prepubescent. She was past puberty. And the Prophet married her for the same reason he married Umar b. Khattab's daughter. Abu Bakr and Umar rda were two of his closest companions who took leadership after him.

    I read one hadith that spoke of the prophet "setting down Aisha's dolls" when she sat on his lap.
    If you wish to discuss hadith you will have to cite them properly.

    Do you realize that in African countries and other third world countries where Islam is practiced, prepubescent brides become pregnant and during delivery develop fistula's (openings) which never heal. For the rest of their lives they drop urine and feces as they walk because the operation needed to correct their deformity is not available to them. They smell so bad that families often ban them to a backyard outhouse and their new husbands divorce them to live in solitude to live out the rest of their lives.
    This is another red-herring. Even if the above were true (and you've provided no reliable statistics to indicate that) it still would not prove anything about the Prophet's marriage because the Prophet married Aisha after she reached puberty. She had her menses before she moved in with the Prophet saws.

    So please don't excuse something that we all know is wrong.
    If you want to prove that something is wrong your going to have to do a much better job than posting red-herrings and making unsubstantiated claims.

    The Marriage of Aisha to the Prophet(PBUH)

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    Re: The Marriage of Aisha to the Prophet(PBUH)

    bin direnken

    I've already shown you that the definition of a paedephoile is someone sexually attracted to children that are prepubescent, which Aisha wasn't.

    Also, she didn't have a problem with the marriage, to the contrary, she loved her husband, so it's pathetic that you try to talk in her name and try to make it seem as if you know better than her how she feelt.

    And it isn't strange that she was happy with the marriage since it is well known among psychologists that a marriage where the age difference is big is often harmonious.

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    h1jabi_sista's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: The Marriage of Aisha to the Prophet(PBUH)

    as salam alikum, Peace

    in the name of God, Most merciful, Most kind.

    Now, im not a scholar, nor do i know everything there is to know about islam.

    But i do know that the prophet peace be upon him, was not a paedophile. He possessed no qualities of a paedophile. Majority of his marriages were to older women. His intentions were pure, his actions were pure, and he was pure!
    I think that we have to remember, this was decreed by Allah subhanawatha allah.

    People say history is like a different planet, well yes it is. It wasn't uncomman for girls' to be married after puberty. After all, this was the most beloved of all creation, the blessed prophet, the merciful prophet, the seal of the prophets.

    Instead of thinking of this a 'morally disgusting', think back to the time the prophet peace be upon him, was alive. He came with miracles, blessing, teachings.He was kind, gentle and generous. He form this empire, built on faith. It was an honour for ANY girl to be married to him. This was the last of all the prophets!!!

    a lack of love and understanding for the prophet peace be upon him, leads to ignorance. We must try not to go there. This marriage had no negative result, Only good came from it. Allah wanted this to happen, and it did!


    allah knows best

    wa alikum as salaam
    The Marriage of Aisha to the Prophet(PBUH)

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    Re: The Marriage of Aisha to the Prophet(PBUH)

    I hope ppl arent saying that sayidna muhammad is a paedophile.:mad:

    Allah ma3akum
    The Marriage of Aisha to the Prophet(PBUH)

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    Re: The Marriage of Aisha to the Prophet(PBUH)

    SUM1 was, but i think bro.Ansar put him right. i hate it when people slander the Prophets Alayhimus-Salaam. it makes me shiver. these were a set of people who were sent for the Guidance of mankind. i dont understand how any1 can stand to slander them. wassalam.

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    Re: The Marriage of Aisha to the Prophet(PBUH)

    well, that sum1 ought to get his/her facts right.:mad:
    Sayidna muhammad was not a........He was a truely loving person. He would never have done such a....horrid thing to any child.

    If u give the Prophet of Allah a bad name...u are giving the rest of the Muslims a bad name and that INCLUDES me....so, I suggest....u watch ur mouth!!!!

    The Marriage of Aisha to the Prophet(PBUH)

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    libyanhero's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: The Marriage of Aisha to the Prophet(PBUH)

    format_quote Originally Posted by bin direnken View Post
    In order to have sex with a 9 year old girl, don't you have to be "sexually attracted" to her?

    Unfortunately, the prophet grew up as an orphan, jumping around from home to home, never really feeling the love or attachments to a real family. He grew up almost powerless as he watched others come and go out of his life. And this lack of family stability was a tragic strike to his emotional well being. Quite possibly he used the innocence and naivity of young girls as a crutch of such, in order to regain some stability, control and comfort in his life. After all, this young girl was someone who truly needed him, as all young girls need adults for guidance in their lives. As was the other virgin minor that the prophet married later on.

    But that need for "dependence" doesn't excuse transgressing the boundaries of moral integrity by engaging the young child in sexual relations. A nine year old and a fifty three year old simply have nothing in common and putting the title of 'marriage' on their relationship still categories this whole scenario as pedophilia in any light. It was nothing but a dangerous health risk for little Aisha.
    Istighfarillah brother don't be brainwashed,

    I am sure the prophet wasn't a sex freak, I think he was more experienced than anyone of you and I and I can tell you he isn't depressed about it and the prophet probably had his wisdom of marrying the 9 year old girl and a 9 year old girl wouldnt be given to the man if he wasn't well trusted by her father.

    Life now is depressing for a virgin yet years ago it was a normal thing to be a virgin but today you look around and you see the temptations and perceptions are different now from decades ago.

    Why is sex the first thing that pops in a man's mind before even sex there is sexual stimulation of the mind with through the sweet talking, romance and company of the married couple together is satisfying enough. Who knows when the prophet first had sex with Aishah (RA) and don't make assumptions, you don't gotta marry someone first night and get her laid that shows how horny a dog you are and it shows that you probably weren't virgin in the first place. Come on, you wait or your life until you get married say 22 or 25 years and you can't wait the first night without nailing your wife, oh maybe your answer is like I gotta breathe again man, breathe what. I don't think a 9 year old wants sex anyway and they say she consummated marriage a 9 but she really married at 13 or 14 don't question the prophet he is wiser than you so and even after Aishah grew and she related the hadiths and she never complained of the prophet taking her at 9 or 13.
    The Marriage of Aisha to the Prophet(PBUH)

    “If you punish, then punish with the like of that wherewith you were afflicted. But if you endure patiently, indeed it is better for the patient. Endure you patiently. Your patience is not except through the help of Allah." (al-Nahl 16:126-127)

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    Re: The Marriage of Aisha to the Prophet(PBUH)


    I'm going to leave the discussion of Aisha to others, because I've no interest in attacking the Prophet (pbuh) on this basis and upsetting people. I've made my point and I still find this situation disturbing; I've said all I want to say on the matter.

    Ansar, you mentioned Islamic law as saying that after a girl has had her menses she is considered to be a young woman. Is that law current? I know different countries have different laws, but what I'm getting at is this: could a Muslim man have sex with a nine-year old girl today and use that law to justify himself?


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    bin direnken's Avatar
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    Re: The Marriage of Aisha to the Prophet(PBUH)

    Oh I'm sorry for not citing my sources. As a physicians assistant I speak from a scientific standpoint almost daily, and sometimes I forget that others do not have this kind of foundation to build upon.

    When I spoke of fistulas, you may verify these early childbirth dangers on the following webpage:


    And as for puberty occurring with a young girls first menses, there are many complex factors that go into influencing sexual maturity. It cannot be solely defined by physical means, such as at the onset of menses, rather, it should be seen as the combination of physical and psychological changes, that together signify the emergence into adulthood.

    There is also condition called central precocious puberty and can affect young girls as young as four. These girls develop genital hair, budding breasts, active sweat glands and active menstrual cycles. In no way should they be considered sexually mature at this young age. In my professional opinion, the same can be said for menstruating nine year olds. If you want to verify this, please google the condition. There are a plethora of active links to help you in your search.

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    Re: The Marriage of Aisha to the Prophet(PBUH)

    Salaam o 'alykum warahmatulahi wabarakatuh.

    i agree with most of the brothers and sisters. if you look into the depth of it, this was happening all around the world at that time. in places in europe men didn't treat women with any respect, and they would marry anyone they wanted, no matter what the age of the girl, maybe even before she was an adolescent?

    what about in india at that time when men married girls before they were even born? yeh that did happen and it still does happen nowadays in the hindu society. the parents have already prepared who the child is going to get married to when the child is only a baby.

    in arabia, other men got married to younger girls - so if someone was living in a society where that happend, why is it so wrong to marry someone of a young age within that society too?

    cultural customs happen all around the world yet no-one questions them.. but why is this so shocking just because one man did the same? just because hes a Prophet, does it not give him the right to marry someone of a younger age, follow the culture of his country? he (peace be upon him) wore the same clothes as the arabs, ate the same food as the arabs, so why cant he (peace be upon him) get married the same way the arabs did? didn't he (peace be upon him) treat his wife with respect? treat her like any other wife?

    dont peadophiles go for kids because they feel that they cant have a proper relationship with an adult? then how come our beloved Prophet sal Allaahu alayhi wasalam got married earlier to hadhrat Khadija (r.a)?

    its common sense and was practiced all around the world at that time so if he (peace be upon him) did not get married, it would be weird and as times change, actions change/ cultures change. so the same way you guys think it was weird that our beloved Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) got married to someone younger, the same way the people of that time would think that it was weird that our beloved Prophet sal Allaahu alayhi wasalam never got married to someone younger.

    not all humans can be pleased, and no matter how hard you try to please people - not everyone will agree with you. so if you believe that Allaah subhanahu wa ta'aala really exists, you would know that it is written in the qadr (destiny) for our beloved Prophet sal Allaahu alayhi wasalam to get married to hadhrat Aa'isha (r.a).

    Allah and His angels send blessings on the Prophet: O ye that believe! Send ye blessings on him, and salute him with all respect. (qur'an 33:56)

    Our beloved Prophet sal Allaahu alayhi wasalam said: "None of you believes until he loves me more than he loves himself." (sahih Bukhari - authentic)

    so if you really love our beloved Prophet sal Allaahu alayhi wasalam, you should be proud that he has brought us islam, because without it.. verily we would be astray...

    Allaah u a'lam
    (Allaah subhanahu wa ta'aala knows best.)

    wasalam o 'alykum warahmatulahi wabarakatuh.

  15. #31
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    Re: The Marriage of Aisha to the Prophet(PBUH)

    format_quote Originally Posted by czgibson View Post
    Ansar, you mentioned Islamic law as saying that after a girl has had her menses she is considered to be a young woman. Is that law current?
    Islamic law indeed places physical changes as the limit for marriage and once someone is past puberty they are considered a young man or a young woman. This concept is medically accurate in comparison to setting artificial limits. As far as marriage is cocnerned, then in previous times, even in the west, it was typical for marriage to occur early as children needed to take an active part in helping out around the house, farm, etc. It was not like today where people usually wait until after completeting their education.
    I know different countries have different laws, but what I'm getting at is this: could a Muslim man have sex with a nine-year old girl today and use that law to justify himself?
    As I repeatedly emphasized this is not about just 'sex' it is about marriage. Marriage is a life-long commitment that needs approval from both partners. See here for the conditions of marriage:

    Customs or 'urf plays a role as well. Depending on the society, in some cases marriage is done earlier than in others. But the bottom line is that it is done after puberty with the consent of both parties.
    I've made my point and I still find this situation disturbing
    What is disturbing about a girl being married after puberty by consent and being happy with her marriage as well? Just because today people get married later, why are historical customs 'disturbing'? Do you have any medical evidence to support your view?

    And don't feel that you have to withdraw from the discussion at the risk of offending others. It is better to discuss these issues and research them properly, rather than let them fester within and create more misunderstandings. I have always been an advocate of evidence-based and respectful dialogue.

    bin direnken,
    Oh I'm sorry for not citing my sources. As a physicians assistant I speak from a scientific standpoint almost daily, and sometimes I forget that others do not have this kind of foundation to build upon.
    That's not what I'm criticising you for. I am criticising you for building your claims on fallacious arguments such as red-herrings and strawmen and blatantly ignoring the evidence that has already been presented.

    Let's deal with the claim of central precocious puberty first.
    There is also condition called central precocious puberty and can affect young girls as young as four. These girls develop genital hair, budding breasts, active sweat glands and active menstrual cycles. In no way should they be considered sexually mature at this young age. In my professional opinion, the same can be said for menstruating nine year olds. If you want to verify this, please google the condition. There are a plethora of active links to help you in your search.
    For someone who should be educated on this issue, you shall a remarkable lack of understanding. As per the Medline plus Medical Encyclopedia:
    Precocious puberty is premature development of body characteristics that normally occur during puberty. (Puberty is the period in life when the body changes rapidly and develops reproductive capability). Puberty normally occurs between 13 and 15 years old in boys, and between 9 and 16 years old in girls.

    In girls, precocious puberty is when any of the following develop before 8 years of age:
    Armpit or pubic hair
    Mature external genitalia
    First menstruation

    (SOURCE, emphasis added)
    The Nemours Foundation concurrs with the description as well:
    Precocious puberty - the onset of signs of puberty before age 7 or 8 in girls and age 9 in boys - can be physically and emotionally difficult for children and can sometimes be the sign of an underlying health problem. (SOURCE)
    So our Medical references confirm that it is normal for girls to attain puberty at the age of nine, and it is only abnormal if it occurs before the age of 7/8. As we know from the hadith, Aisha was certainly passed the age of nine!

    Furthermore, the medical encyclopedia also notes:
    Children of both sexes with early sexual development are more likely to have psycho-social problems. Children and adolescents generally want to be the same as their peers, and early sexual development can make them appear "different". This can result in self-esteem problems, depression, acting out at school and home, and alcohol and illegal substance abuse.(SOURCE)
    Now we also know that Aisha rd did not fit these characteristics in the slightest way possible. She was then and remained since a confident, in fact very bold young women who took an active part in her community later assuming the role of leadership on a military level as well as an educational level.

    And the major part that demonstrates that you didn't do your homework is the fact that this is an abnormality. But we have already established that the marriage was absolutely normal then. In fact Aisha was engaged to someone else before the Prophet Muhammad pbuh. Please read the following links as you still have not addressed any of the points that were previously mentioned, and you continue to use red-herrings as your primary method of argumentation:

    When I spoke of fistulas, you may verify these early childbirth dangers on the following webpage:
    Did you even read what I wrote in response?! I said it was a red-herring. In other words fistulas have nothing to do with the marriage of the Prophet Muhammad pbuh. This is all related to prepubescent brides and the Prophet saws married Aisha rd after puberty!

    Bin direnken, I highly suggest that you review the material posted here and provide evidence to support your conclusions about the Prophet's marriage as opposed to building your arguments on conjecture.

    The Marriage of Aisha to the Prophet(PBUH)

    The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:
    "Surely I was sent to perfect the qualities of righteous character" [Musnad Ahmad, Muwatta Mâlik]

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    Re: The Marriage of Aisha to the Prophet(PBUH)

    Oh my, Ansar, please review your information once again and open your mind to my words.

    My point for bringing up precocious puberty was to emphasize that even children of four years of age have reached menses. You were associating females menstrual cycles with puberty and sexual readiness. And this is simply not the case as illustrated by the before mentioned. Sexual activity should only occur after a child has passed all of the 'milestones' of adulthood, and to do so prematurely is child endangerment. You can argue this point until you are blue in the face but the fact remains that it is not "normal" for a child to have sex. Period. (no pun intended And technically, because of this fact, Aisha was still a child and still socially considered a prepubescent.

    If you review the material posted on the fistula webpage, you will see that this condition can occur in teens as well. Until a body is ready mature enough to handle all the demands that pregnancy brings, sexual intercourse should be avoided and frowned upon.

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    Re: The Marriage of Aisha to the Prophet(PBUH)

    Again bin direnken, you failed to provide any evidence to support your claims.

    Not only did you make a blunder by bringing up precocious puberty which doesn't apply to Aisha since she was past 9 years of age, but you failed to respond to the major points mentioned. The following two points have been established:

    - it is normal for a girl to achieve puberty anywhere between nine and sixteen years of age (as per the medical references quoted previously)
    - Aisha rd consummated her marriage after the age of nine
    ->therefore there is no reason to believe that Aisha was prepubescent, especially since many of the physical milestones of puberty such as menses, were recorded as happening before consummation of the marriage

    For your case aginst the Prophet's marriage you would have to refute these points. If you cannot refute these points then your case is destroyed. So, no more evasions, no more red-herrings. I challenge you to respond to these points.

    format_quote Originally Posted by bin direnken View Post
    My point for bringing up precocious puberty was to emphasize that even children of four years of age have reached menses.
    But the point is erroneous because precocious puberty is a specific condition that Aisha did not have, since she was past the age of nine. You ahve only demonstarted to us that you have no understanding of what you're talking abotu since precocious puberty only applies before the age of eight!!
    You were associating females menstrual cycles with puberty and sexual readiness. And this is simply not the case as illustrated by the before mentioned.
    As I pointed out before Aisha married the Prophet after the age of nine after the physical changes indicating puberty, one of which was her menses. Can you prove to me that the other changes did not occur? Your argument is the fallacy known as appeal to probability. Your argument can be expressed as follows:
    1-it is possible that she did not go through puberty completely at the age of nine and only went through menses
    2-therefore she did not go through puberty completely at the age of nine and only went through menses
    Quite clearly 1 does not necessitate 2. So as I already demonstrated that it is normal for a girl to go through puberty at the age of nine (as per the medical references) especially in hot climates, then there is no reason to believe that she did not go through puberty.

    Sexual activity should only occur after a child has passed all of the 'milestones' of adulthood, and to do so prematurely is child endangerment.
    Can you prove to me that Aisha did not pass all the milestones of adulthood? You seem to have a difficult time comprehending the clear quote from the encyclopedia which demonstartes that it is perfectly normal for a girl to go through puberty at the age of nine.

    And technically, because of this fact, Aisha was still a child and still socially considered a prepubescent.
    Which fact? You've been arguing on the basis of fallacies, biased opinions and remote possibilites all along! Prove to me that Aisha was prepubescent.

    If you review the material posted on the fistula webpage, you will see that this condition can occur in teens as well.
    Then if fistulas can occur in post-pubescent women as well what does it prove?! Anyone in the world could be alleged to have had a fistula! Provide evidence.

    Until a body is ready mature enough to handle all the demands that pregnancy brings, sexual intercourse should be avoided and frowned upon.
    Prove that Aisha was not mature enough to handle all the demnads that pregancy brings. I have already provided the references that show that it is perfectly normal for a nine-year old girl to attain puberty. Refute the medical references I have provided.

    The Marriage of Aisha to the Prophet(PBUH)

    The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:
    "Surely I was sent to perfect the qualities of righteous character" [Musnad Ahmad, Muwatta Mâlik]

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    Re: The Marriage of Aisha to the Prophet(PBUH)

    I am not here to teach simple concepts as I do with my patients, I am here to lend an understanding to a dangerous practice that people like you keep endorsing. I also am not a student in which I feel required to further demonstrate simple concepts that are elementary to even undergraduates. Let me assure you that I am fully qualified to pass judgment, based on the simple facts presented, from my studies, as well as from my years of practical experience. You are not facing a child.

    Vesicovaginal fistulas happen for a reason. They are medically defined as an abnormal passage from an internal organ to the outside body surface and do not spontaneously occur in healthy individuals. Something is required to tear the opening and in this case it's too small of a passage that ruptures the upper reaches of the vagina during childbirth. According to a World Health Organization study conducted over 16 years ago, over two million women were living with obstetric fistulas. And most of these women were living in sub-Saharan Africa where early marriage and child pregnancy are the culprits of shame. I am failing to understand why this obvious evidence is so elusive to you but I really wish that you would put as much effort into women's studies and the safety of an entire gender as you do into prepubescent sex validation. Try Amnesty International if you would like specifics.

    While it is true that menses is the textbook start of puberty, you cannot forget the other facets that have to be considered when speaking of a childs well being. Some young girls have one period and then it stops for a year or so. And others do not have "regular" menstrual cycles for quite a while. There are natural stages in this process such as prepuberty, where sexual development begins and lasts for about two years or so. And then there is postpuberty in which a person is first able to create offspring. What this boils down to is this. Just because a young girl is able to conceive does not mean that it is safe for her to carry an infant to term. And the elderly husbands/fathers who offer their consent to these crimes should really be more concerned about the safety and well being of their loved ones. A lack of education is mostly to blame.

    In our day and age I think it is a waste of time to argue the point that fifty-some year old men should not be having sex with nine year old girls. That's why in civilized countries we have laws in place to protect those who need protecting. So I will leave this argument for more intellectually stimulating grounds. Thanks for your time and God help your daughters.

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  20. #35
    Ansar Al-'Adl's Avatar
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    Re: The Marriage of Aisha to the Prophet(PBUH)

    Hello bin diorenken,
    I gave you a very simple and basic challenge and that was to respond to the two points I gave.
    format_quote Originally Posted by Ansar Al-'Adl
    - it is normal for a girl to achieve puberty anywhere between nine and sixteen years of age (as per the medical references quoted previously)
    - Aisha rd consummated her marriage after the age of nine
    ->therefore there is no reason to believe that Aisha was prepubescent, especially since many of the physical milestones of puberty such as menses, were recorded as happening before consummation of the marriage
    Unfortunately, it seems that either you didn't understand the challenge, or you have stubbornly refused to answer it. Again and again I have exposed the fallacious arguments you emplyed, yet you persist in completely ignoring the points made and bringing up more irrelevant issues. And simply feigning knowledge or authority is not going to work either. You need to provide accurate and relevant evidence to support your claims. So the following is not an example of relevant evidence:
    format_quote Originally Posted by bin direnken View Post
    Vesicovaginal fistulas happen for a reason. They are medically defined as an abnormal passage from an internal organ to the outside body surface and do not spontaneously occur in healthy individuals. Something is required to tear the opening and in this case it's too small of a passage that ruptures the upper reaches of the vagina during childbirth. According to a World Health Organization study conducted over 16 years ago, over two million women were living with obstetric fistulas. And most of these women were living in sub-Saharan Africa where early marriage and child pregnancy are the culprits of shame.
    Fistulas have absolutely no relevance here. As I pointed out in my very first post on the issue, what causes a fistula or who gets a fistula has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not Aisha was past puberty when she married the Prophet Muhammad pbuh. You need to provide evidence that she had not reached puberty at that age even though medical texts affirm that is perfectly normal for such a thing to occur.
    I am failing to understand why this obvious evidence is so elusive to you but I really wish that you would put as much effort into women's studies and the safety of an entire gender as you do into prepubescent sex validation. Try Amnesty International if you would like specifics.
    I already demonstrated that Aisha was post-pubescent. Thus, we have another example of a strawman fallacy.

    While it is true that menses is the textbook start of puberty, you cannot forget the other facets that have to be considered when speaking of a childs well being. Some young girls have one period and then it stops for a year or so. And others do not have "regular" menstrual cycles for quite a while. There are natural stages in this process such as prepuberty, where sexual development begins and lasts for about two years or so. And then there is postpuberty in which a person is first able to create offspring.
    Again you refuse to accept the fact that all medical encyclopedias have classified attaining puberty at the age of nine as NORMAL. Hence, there is no reason for us to believe that Aisha attained puberty any later.

    I am offering you a final opportunity - either refute the following or admit your incapability to do so:
    format_quote Originally Posted by Ansar Al-'Adl
    - it is normal for a girl to achieve puberty anywhere between nine and sixteen years of age (as per the medical references quoted previously)
    - Aisha rd consummated her marriage after the age of nine
    ->therefore there is no reason to believe that Aisha was prepubescent, especially since many of the physical milestones of puberty such as menses, were recorded as happening before consummation of the marriage
    No more red-herrings about fistulas, etc. Prove that Aisha could not have been post-pubescent when she consummated her marriage with the Prophet Muhammad pbuh. No more off-topic rants will be tolerated; they will be deleted.
    The Marriage of Aisha to the Prophet(PBUH)

    The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:
    "Surely I was sent to perfect the qualities of righteous character" [Musnad Ahmad, Muwatta Mâlik]

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    Re: The Marriage of Aisha to the Prophet(PBUH)

    And technically, because of this fact, Aisha was still a child and still socially considered a prepubescent.

    Are these your arguments?

    * She was pubescent, but kind of "socially prepubescent" although socially, she was expected to marry.
    * Well, in some parts of the world some people suffer from fistula.

    The first argument is pathetic and the second one is irrelevant.

  22. #37
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    Re: The Marriage of Aisha to the Prophet(PBUH)

    nice one brother. I like the ending to ur post.

    Allah ma3ak
    The Marriage of Aisha to the Prophet(PBUH)

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  23. #38
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    Re: The Marriage of Aisha to the Prophet(PBUH)

    Astaghfirullah bin direnken!! why are you questioning this!
    Allahu Alam. If Allah subhana wa t'ala excepted this then shouldn't we all.
    After all, Allah is the creator and Allah has all the knowledge of the world a lot more than us. I would not bad mouth the Prophet sallahu alayhi wasalam, Astaghfirullah!!

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    Re: The Marriage of Aisha to the Prophet(PBUH)

    as salam alaikum,
    sista i totally agree, this was a command from allah subhana watha allah. who are we to question His intelligence? allah is the most knowledgble. That is, knowledge of the past, present and future. asthagirullah indeed!

    The Marriage of Aisha to the Prophet(PBUH)

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    Re: The Marriage of Aisha to the Prophet(PBUH)

    Do you not know that Allah knows what is in the heaven and the earth? Surely this is in a book; surely this is easy to Allah. (22:70)

    if Allaah subhanahu wa ta'aala has decreed something, we have to believe it no matter what it is. if one is rejecting the qadr (fate), then they are not believing what is mentioned in the qur'an.

    our beloved Prophet Muhammad sal Allaahu alayhi wasalam got married to hadhrat Aa'isha (r.a) and this was written in the qadr (fate) of our beloved Prophet Muhammad sal Allaahu alayhi wasalam, this has happened and therefore it is obligatory for you to believe it and to accept the idea that our beloved Prophet sal Allaahu alayhi wasalam did get married to hadhrat Aa'isha r.a even if it was at a young age.

    O you who believe! do not raise your voices above the voice of the Prophet, and do not speak loud to him as you speak loud to one another, lest your deeds became null while you do not perceive. (49:02)

    if Allaah subhanahu wa ta'aala forbade the sahabah from raising their voices against our beloved Prophet sal Allaahu alayhi wasalam, then how can you insult our beloved Prophet sal Allaahu alayhi wasalam repeatedly - isn't this disobeying Allaah subhanahu wa ta'aala? how can you question what Allaah subhanahu wa ta'aala has decreed already? if your really going to ask why all this happened then at least do it with respect.

    Verily in the messenger of Allah ye have a good example for him who looketh unto Allah and the Last Day, and remembereth Allah much. (33:21)

    remember, if one does not accept what Allaah subhanahu has ordained, then what do you think thats leading to?

    It was reported that a man who was caught stealing was brought to 'Umar bin Al-Khattaab, may Allaah be pleased with him, who ordered that this man’s hand be cut off. The man said: “Wait, O leader of the believers! I only stole because this was in the Qadr of Allaah." 'Umar, may Allaah be pleased with him, replied “And we are amputating your hand because it is in the Qadr of Allaah.”

    Allaah u a'lam. Allaah subhanahu wa ta'aala knows best.

    wa Salaam o 'alykum warahmatulahi wabarakatuh.

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