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Analysis of the Christian Doctrine

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    Analysis of the Christian Doctrine

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    Asalamu Alaikum.

    I prepared this over a year ago and would like to presentit to anyone inshallah

    Bismillahi ar-Rahmani ar-Raheem
    All Praise is do to Allah, I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah alone who has no partners in his dominion, who have no share in the Godly attributes that Allah has, and I also bear witness that Muhammad is his final prophet and messenger. To proceed.

    This is a small treatise that explains some of the fundamental beliefs of what is called modern day Christianity. This work also explains the resultant effects of the doctrine of Christianity. Although this work is compiled for two main groups of the world, Christians and Muslims, the first of which this work would be a benefit to them for reanalyzing and actually putting reason and logic into perspective while reading the biblical texts, and the latter people for reference purposes, this work will give a greater insight to the student of knowledge or history of the actual events and certain ideologies that where propagated after the rising of Jesus (Isa as). I, inshallah, am performing this work sincerely for the sake of Allah(swt) that this work may benefit the Muslims and that this can call the People of the Book (Jews and Christians) to the pure deen (religion)of Abraham(as) the upright.
    The following is number of arguments that some of which contradict reason and logic, some which contradict the religion of Abraham(as), and some which contradicts what was actually said or what happened.
    A} Biblical prophecies pertaining to the advent of Muhammad.
    1. The Old Testament Prophecy. If you would like to see look in the book of Deuteronomy chapter 18:18 it says “ I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their brethren, and will put my words in his mouth, and he shall speak to them all that I (God) command him”. If you examine this prophecy closer you will see that God is telling them ( the jews) that he will raise(send) a prophet from among their brethren( meaning from the descendants of Ishmael). The Christians claim this prophet to be Jesus. This claim will be refuted in more than one way. First, the prophecy says “I will raise up for them a prophet like you( meaning Moses(as)”. Jesus is not like Moses because one Jesus, according to the Christians is not a mere prophet but they say he is God(authubillah). Secondly, Moses was a lawgiver and Jesus was not a lawgiver, but Muhammad was a law giver. Jesus only came to strengthen or revive the law of Moses which will be discussed later inshallah( if Allah wills) Thirdly, God said according to the bible, “from among their (meaning the Israelites) brethren. The only brothers that the Israelite tribe in turns of lineage was none other than Ishmael, the first born son of Abraham, the brother if Israel himself. The lineage of the noble prophet Muhammad derived from Ishmael himself as is authentically reported by the messenger of Allah and through historical evidence since the Arabs were strong in the memory of poems and tribal lineage in that day in time.
    2. In Isaiah 29:12 the verse reads as “And the book is delivered to one who is illiterate, saying read this please, and he says I’am not literate”. This is a powerful proof that Muhammad is the one who fits the description narrated above.
    This is part of a narration from the mother of the believers Aisha (ra). “suddenly, the Truth descended upon him (Muhammad)while he was in the cave of Hira. The Angel came to him and asked him to read ( just like the verse in the bible). The prophet (saw) replied, “I don’t know how to read” (just as the verse above says). The biblical verse is in reference to the fact about the Jews and their lack of faith and it (the verse) is part of a poetic series of events that was happening to mankind in that day in time so according to the bible Allah has sent a message to them (the Jews) that the message will be taken from them and placed to someone not from them who is illiterate.

    Also if you read in Isaiah 42:1-4 God (if it’s true) is talking about his ultimate messenger and his characteristics. It would be errorenous to believe that this was Jesus because we all know (Muslims and Christians alike) that Jesus did not bring a new law, but to fulfill the old law. This means that God did not send him with a law. At the end of verse 4 it says “Till he has established justice in the earth; And the coastlands shall wait for HIS LAW. This verse clearly states that

    he will bring his law which in essence is Allah’s law. This cannot be Jesus since we know that Jesus did not bring a law and the only one on the face of the earth that brought the Law of God on earth was none other than the messenger Muhammad (saw).

    3. The Prophecy in the New Testament.
    This is the strongest prophecy concerning Muhammad in the new testament and possibly the bible itself. This prophecy is even more in depth than in the old testament since it would be reasonable since the time was getting closer for the advent of this great and noble messenger. We will examine this prophecy carefully. If you read in the book of John chapter 16:7 it says “Nevertheless I tell you the truth, it is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the helper will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you. Let’s take a look at what was said. If you look at the verse from a reasonable perspective you will see that the prophecy is conditional. Anyone in there right mind would have to agree with me that if Jesus does not depart from his disciples then this helper(counselor) will not come. So you see that the situation is conditional. Jesus says according to the bible, if I do not depart then he (the helper) will not come. Let’s go a little further with this. The word helper in the actual (original) Greek texts is called Paracletos. This word literally translated means “the praised one” or “one who is praised. For some strange reason it is apparent that the Christian scholars and translators deliberately mistranslated the Greek word Paracletos to mean the helper, the counselor, or even worse the holy spirit. The reason why this is a very bad and really an evil deed is because in a critical topic like this it is very important that when translating, you must present the clear or if not, the closest or most precise translation because in choosing a word to describe a word in another language and the meaning may be slightly off then in such a critical subject like this then the word that was used to translate another word can mean a world of a difference. These people who are scholars and translators should know this or if not then they are not fit to be in their own positions.
    B} The contradictions between the biblical texts and the doctrine taught by Christianity
    Below is a list of incidents compared with what is taught in the church and what is in the texts and one will see a world of a difference between the two starting from the old then the new testament

    The doctrine of original sin is a part of the tenants of faith in Christianity. The meaning is this. In the beginning when Allah (God) created Adam and Eve they were told to not eat of the tree (meaning the forbidden tree). So we all know that they ate of it. Now what the Christians say is phenomenal regarding this issue. They say that since They ate of the tree that means that Everyone in the whole world is upon sin and that they are destined to the hellfire and that the only way to stop this is to accept “the Lord Jesus Christ as your “saviour” This is the doctrine of Original Sin
    To find a refutation of this will not be hard at all. One will find it in none else but in the bible itself.
    In the book of Ezekiel chapter 18 verse 20 it says “The soul that sins shall die. The son shall not bear the guilt of the father nor the father shall bear the guilt of the son. The righteousness of the righteous shall be upon himself, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon himself”. This verse means exactly what it says. This is the law of God and in Islam (and there is no distinction between the two). We will not be asked why did your forefathers take of the tree nor will they be asked why did your offspring come out to millions of Buddhist or hindu idol worshipers or millions in these countries of America and Israel killing my slaves in the east. No this is wrong rather everyone will be asked of what they have brought forth.

    2. The Trinity

    In the book of Mathew 7:21-22 one will read the following
    “Not everyone who says to me “Lord, Lord” shall enter the kingdom of Heaven, but he who does the will of my Father in heaven” “Many will say to me on that day “Lord, Lord” have we not prophesied in thy name, and in thy name cast out devils, and in thy name we did many wonders” “ And them I will declare to them “I never knew you: Depart from me( baraa), you who practice lawlessness (bida, innovation).

    I must make one point here. In Islaam it is a fundamental that the Muslims call on God or call God with names that he has sanctioned himself with or that which His last and final messenger Muhammad (saw) called him with. So we reject that we can call Him (God) as Father or Father in heaven. As for Jesus calling God by this name then it maybe for two reasons. First, is that It could have been allowed for Jesus to call him by this name in that time and Allah (God) knows best, OR, ( and this might be better for the Muslim to accept) those who have written the texts of the bible wished for this name to be used to strengthen their teachings upon the masses. A third point on this is that this word “father” is or was used for emphasis to describe one in authority like God. Unfortunately, this expression that was understood by all the eastern semitic and phonecian languages to mean exactly this was understood in an improper way or intended to mean what the present day Christian world believe in as God the “father” and through this understanding, developed the anthropomorphic concept of God that He the Almighty begets.

    Now to analyze what was quoted. One notices that Jesus (as) said was that the only ones in the kingdom of heaven was the ones who does the will of the Father (God). Then it says on that day (day of judgement) “They” will say Lord, Lord Did we not do all these things in your name. Anyone with sound reason and knowledge of the reality can figure out from the quotes that the only people on the face of the earth that does things in the name of Jesus is none other than yes…we all know…the Christians. They are the only group on the face of the earth that does these things and more in the name of Jesus. So His reply to these people in what it says in the bible is like his reply in which Allah (God) has said Himself in the Quran that Jesus will disassociate himself from these people.

    This resembles what will happen on that day when the prophet Muhammad (saw) would try to intercede for them (meaning the muslims who innovated in the legislation) on the day of judgement and it will be said to him “You do not know what they have invented after you” This is what I can remember from the wording of the hadith (narration, tradition, actions, or sanctions from the noble prophet Muhammad (saw). Then he (Jesus) said “you who practice lawlessness”. This means that they have innovated in what he brought from the message. What was the innovation. There innovation may not be (and Allah knows best) is not that they call him lord, since in those times they used this term for a great form of respect and that even rabbis and priest were called by this (even though now the Christians, when they read these texts, they perceive it to mean something divine), but the innovation was that they do everything in his name and this is shirk (polytheism). Jesus would not utter such a falsehood to the people. There is not a text in the bible where Jesus says “to do everything in my name” or “I’m the Lord your God” wan audhu billah from such statements.

    There is a verse in Mathew 19:16-17. In it we read “Now behold, one came and said to him “Good Teacher” what good thing shall I do that I may have eternal life?

    Jesus response as you will see is in a refutational like manner in which he replies back by saying “Why do you call me good. There is only one who is good and that is God” Subhanallah. This statement refutes the basic doctrine of Christianity from two angles. The first is from a logical standpoint and that is if Jesus disclaims himself to be good and that the only one in the whole universe who is deserving of this title is God then by common sense this should tell you that he, Jesus, is not God. The second follows from the first and that is if Jesus disclaims himself to be God then that means that the doctrine of trinity was brought up by someone other than him and that this is a false belief.

    C. In Mark 13:32 it says “ But of that Day and Hour(meaning the day of resurrection) no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the son (Jesus), but only the Father. Look at this devastating statement against the ones who claim to follow Jesus.
    I must clarify the doctrine of trinity before I move on. The trinity is a belief that was invented after the birth and rising of Jesus (as) and what it is is that God, the holy Virgin Mary, and Jesus are one. (note that when Allah revealed about the trinity He used these three since this was what was being taught at that time before it was change to the holy spirit. Now in modern times it is not the Virgin May that is in the Godhead(only in catholocism) but the holy spririt). This, if one were to believe in this doctrine, means that God, Mary or Holy Spirit, and Jesus are one , equal, and coexistent which means that nothing is hidden from the other. If Mary knows then Jesus and God know. If God knows then Jesus and the holy sprit or Mary knows. This is the meaning of coexistence. So if it is proved by evidence that one that is coexistent with two more knows something that the other two don’t then guess what. The claim is nullified and rendered false. Anyone with reason and intellect can see this. And we know as Muslims and Christians that Allah (God) is knowledge of all things. This means that nothing is hidden from Allah and that there is not anything that exists except that it is in His knowledge. So if The Christians claim that Jesus is “God” then they are claiming or ascribing ignorance to God. If Jesus is God then it is in his knowledge to know when the hour will come, but your scripture says other wise. So two scenarios can be summarized by what this and that is one, if the Christian is right in their claim of Jesus being God then that means that there biblical texts has lied to them which means (in their eyes God has lied to them). Second is that if they are not right in their claim and what the bible says is true then that means that their doctrine of trinity which is what they waged war for and try so hard to teach the people of it is false. So the Christian finds him/her self at a lost from both angles.

    D. In John 5:30 Jesus says to the people “I can of myself do NOTHING. As I hear, I judge; and my judgement is righteous, because I do not seek my own will, but the will of my Father who sent me”.
    This is plenty and satisfactory evidence that Jesus clearly disowns himself from having any type of divinity and that he and Allah are different and not the same. Notice how he says that he does not seek his will but the will of Allah. The triune God does not have multiple wills since this will render the triune essence as false. Jesus also says in the texts that he can do nothing. Can anyone seriously believe a God who can do nothing (if Jesus is God). No. So this means again that either their claim is correct and the bible false or the bible correct and the claim ( the doctrine) false.

    E. If the Christian uses as evidence for him/her about the verse in John 10:30 “I and my Father are one” then the best advice is that you read from the same book and chapter and start from verse 23. This will show you the whole context of what was going on between him and the disbelieving jews. The Christian pulled it (the verse) out of context. If you read carefully then you would notice ( if this event did happen and Allah knows best) that he merely pointed out that he and Allah were united as one for one purpose and that was to guide mankind. This is like saying Muhammad and Jesus were one. And Muhammad and Noah or Abraham were one. They were one upon on creed and way and that was to guide mankind from the abominations and evils of shaytaan (the devil). This does not mean that Muhammad and the rest of the prophets were one in the same literally.

    F. A proof that the Christian world uses to prove the divinity of Jesus as God they use the passages throughout the new testament that state titles like “son of man”. There is no proof in the bible whatsoever where Jesus (the words of the supposedly words of Jesus are in red in some bibles) said to the people and refered to himself as God. There are passages where he states (according to the writing of the later day generations e.g. the canonical first four books) son of man. So as for this proof then here is a response in reply by what the Christians deem to be also the word of God.

    “God is not a man, nor is he the son of man” (Numbers 23:19)

    I need no further statements to clarify this as the very texts itself is self explanatory to even the children.

    C} Prophethood and the Law of Old

    1. I must start out with the true mission defined in the bible of Jesus.
    In Mathew 5:17-18 Jesus states “Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill. For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law until all is fulfilled”. He came to fulfill the old law. Why. It is because the Pharisees changed the word of Allah by meaning and action as it is stated in the Quran. These Pharisees issued false rulings and beliefs from their book and interpreted the revelation in a way other than its true meanings and they knew the true meanings. This made this evil much heavier upon them. This is why the tension between Jesus and the Pharisees was so great.

    2. As far as prophethood is concerned then there are reports that say Jesus is a prophet and He himself says this.

    On the road to Emmaus look in Luke 24:13. Also in Luke 24:19, Mathew 13:57, John 8:40, John 6:14 and from his own mouth in Luke 13:33, Luke 7:26-27, and Mathew 21:11

    D} Noninspirational, Contradictions, and Absurdness in religion from the biblical texts.

    a. Noninspirational.
    1. The Christian loves to quote from John chapter 1 verses 1 and 2. I must point out for the student if history that John received this formula of a statement from a geek philosopher named Philo. Philo has lived on earth decades before John and Jesus. John has used this statement to fit in his gospel if he really did write it.

    2. The second evidence I wish to bring forth for the people is in 2 Timothy 3:16. It says that “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, or for instructions unto righteousness”. This verse explains a criterion for everyone to use to evaluate weather any form of scripture is from God. Now we are going to use this verse as a criterion and apply it to some of the texts of the bible, but first I must clarify what these four rules means.
    The first one is doctrine and this means that all scripture is for teachings and rulings to benefit the people and to build the creed or firm creed in the hearts of men. The second one is reproof and this means that a certain scripture is for a refutation or like an admonition, or a rebuke. For example, God may have revealed something to a prophet about a city and the actual message is a warning and if they(the people of that city) don’t listen then God will destroy them. This is what a reproof is. Then comes correction which means for example, If a certain people did something wrong then God corrected him or them. Then comes instructions unto righteousness which is like scripture to purify the heart and to increase in imaan (faith) and good character.

    Now I can move on with some of the biblical texts that fit outside of these four categories in which scripture has a use in this life according to the bible.
    If you look in the book of Judges 16:1 you will read “Now Sampson went to Gaza and saw a harlot there, and went into her”. If you read further you will notice that there is no admonition anywhere for what Sampson did. This excludes the second and third proofs of reproof and correction. So now lets see if this verse is used for doctrine. Can the actual act of doing this can be taught as being religious or to teach people their beliefs. NO. So this excludes the first proof for doctrine. Does this act increase someone in faith. Can it purify his heart. We all know the answer to this. NO. So this excludes the forth reason which is instructions unto righteousness. So now I ask where does this verse fit in the so called book of God. It doesn’t. So now the question is that is it truly the book of God?

    3. Also in Genesis 38:15-19 you will read that Judah the father of the largest tribe of Israel saw a harlot on the street and he did not know it was his daughter in law
    So the story goes on as a ***** story and his daughter in law conceived from that event. There is no proof where there is a correction or a reproof, or that this act was an instruction unto righteousness, or for doctrinal purposes. I’m asking now where does this story fit in the so called word of God.

    b. Absurdness in religion.
    1. I will display a couple passages from the biblical texts. In Numbers 31:17. It is stated that Moses (as) gave the command which is “Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman who has known a man intimately.
    The next verse states “But keep alive for yourselves all the young girls who have not known a man intimately.
    Now I say that in that day in time how on earth can anyone determine any woman to be a virgin or not. Remember that this is in a time of war for the Israelite warriors. We all know that the only way a man can know if a woman was a virgin or not is to actually sexual relations. Can you o Muslim believe this order to come from the noble prophet Musa (Moses (as). If you read further along the narrative you will find that it says in verse 40 that 16000 persons (meaning the only ones alive who were the raped woman) and 32 of those raped woman where for the Lord (God). I’m asking how would anyone sacrifice 32 raped woman to God himself. This is barbaric and unacceptable in the true monotheism (Islam) of God.

    2. In 1 Samuel 18:27 we read that prophet David (as) killed two hundred men from the philistines and took their forskin (meaning the skin over the genitals) and used this as currency to buy a wife for himself from the king Saul.

    These are just a few of much of the absurdness in the biblical texts and I must note I do not mock for mere amusement or to make people feel bad or to degrade them (the people). This is done so that people may reflect on the reality of their own beliefs and to make the last message of the Lord of the worlds which has no falsehood in it, known to the people.

    C. Contradictions

    In the Quran it is stated by Allah to the disbelievers “Have you not reflected over it (the book, Quran), and see that if it was brought by other than Allah then you would have found many contradictions in it.
    I will apply this beautiful criterion for determination. This criterion should be used for any book that claims to be from God.

    Of the many contradictions that are contained throughout the bible I will list only a few of them.

    1. In John 18:9 Jesus says “Of those you gave me I have lost none”. Compare this to what is said in the same book in chapter 17:12 while talking about the same thing it says “While I was in the world I kept them in Your name; Those whom you gave me I have kept; And none of them is lost EXCEPT (meaning with the exception of one) the son of perdition, that the scripture might be fulfilled.

    As you see in one narrative Jesus says that none was lost and in another narrative one is lost. Can someone explain? This is not criticism against Jesus (as), but of those who have claimed that the scripture is an inspiration from Allah (God). This is one of the weak contradictions and I will provide even more proofs in which is not easily explained AT ALL.

    2. In Exodus 33:23 it says at the end of the verse “My face shall not be seen”. This is in reference to the prophet Moses (as) seeing Allah. Now if you look in the same chapter in verse 11 it says that the Lord spoke to Moses face to face, as a man speaks to his friend. The verse is an explanation of itself. How did the Lord speak to Moses face to face. The explanation is as a man speaks to his friend. Does anyone of us speak to our friends through a veil. I believe not. This verse clearly states that Moses saw the face of God by the way it has explained itself. This is clear contradiction from the first verse that I posed.

    3. In Mark 10:27 you read that Jesus said “With men, it is impossible, but not with God; For with God all things are possible. We must agree as Muslims that with Allah all things are possible. Now what we cannot agree upon is that in Judges 1:19 it says “And the LORD was with Judah (meaning Allah, God). And they drove out the mountaineers, BUT THEY (meaning Allah and Judah) COULD NOT drive out the inhabitants of the lowlands, because they had chariots of iron”. This verse clearly shows the unpowerfullness of God or that he is incapable. While the first verse indeed testifies of Gods ultimate powers. So which one should we take and reject? If the Christian rejects the second verse then in reality he/she is rejecting what they claim to be the word of God which means that this in of itself is disbelief.

    4. In Hebrew 4:15 it states that Jesus was tempted in everyway just as we are yet without sin. Now compare this with James 1:13 which states that the true God cannot be tempted. This is a contradiction from the text to doctrine in Christianity. These are just some of the contradictions amongst others that are rampant throughout the bible.

    This is just a critical analysis of the fundamental beliefs of the doctrine of Christianity and the book that is suppose to support them, which in reality is also a proof against them. The reason why for this analysis is for the main reason which is the belief in the trinity and the misconception that the Muslims are polytheist or that they worship Muhammad (saw)

    Oh Muslims and Christians. The reason for the misguided beliefs is do to one reason. The methodology of innovation. I shall explain. In Islam, innovation is a misguidance for many reasons amongst which is the fact that the one who innovates is in reality saying that they are not pleased with what God (Allah) has given them of guidance so they add other beliefs in the religion. Or that the innovator believes that Allah did not provide sufficient guidance for our times (modern). Or that the innovator is so evil that he wishes to change the legislation of Allah and to misguide the people. In Islam innovation is worse than sin and the second less to polytheism, because the one who does sin knows that they have done wrong. So the door for repentance is open, but when they practice innovation then they believe that they are doing the right thing hence they never repent. The main reason for innovation is so the adherent of it (innovation) can get closer to Allah. This is why it is misguidance since they (the people of innovated beliefs) believe that whatever practice they are doing is correct.

    The chief innovator and the true father of what is Trinitarian Christianity is none other than Paul (Saul) of Tarsus. One reason why the sending of Muhammad (saw) to mankind was first and foremost the will and decree of Allah (God) swt. Then it is also because of the greatest misguidance that the world has ever witnessed in the guise of the truth from this individual named Paul. Paul was not even in the scene when Jesus was around. It is said about this man that he was an advocate against the true followers of Christ. Then in a vision Paul has seen Jesus and was told what to do and propagate the belief in shirk (polytheism) in the guise of monotheism and the message of Jesus. In Islam, once the soul has departed from the body, but in Jesus case he was raised, then they are in what is called al-Barsakh or the grave by which the servant in the grave is being blessed with wonders and in happiness and the one of evil is tormented.

    To the heavens by the decree of Allah, then the soul is in the grave with the body once it is buried and it starts the beginning stage of the next life. This leaves no room for the belief that spirits of the dead visit the people or protect them since this would leave the door open for the people to believe that something other than Allah has divine powers. This would lead to polytheism. So the Muslims are in agreement that if indeed something like a spirit visits any human then that being is a shaytaan (a jinn or devil). In Islam we know that these jinn can take the form of anybody they want and there are many narrations regarding encounters with them from the Muslims. So this being that visited Paul was none other than the shaytaan (since shaytaan is man’s worst enemy) saw an opportunity to misguide mankind from the message that they have received from the prophet Jesus (as) then Paul was the bait. What made the deception work with a greater effect is that it ( the innovated message) was under the banner of “The Gospel”. No doubt that the Injeel (Gospel) was revealed by God through Jesus, but what we have now in the first four books of the new testament is not the Gospel.

    Once Paul managed to bring forth followers believing in what he brought, then a split came about in the ranks of the early true followers of Christ which they were called the Nazarenes. There was much infighting between the two groups. This is why you find narrations that some of the disciples of Christ in opposition to Paul since they knew that his message was not Jesus’s message. Throughout the years the followers of Paul increased greatly (as is the case with all people of falsehood) to the point that they managed to convert the Roman Empire into their doctrine of trinity. The followers of Christ became known as the Unitarians or the arians while the followers of Paul were known as the athnasian creed. Once the Roman Empire saw the ability to wipe out these arains there was war for three centuries until the Romans finally wiped out the arians and there was none left to preach the true teachings of Christ. There were some people far out as abbysinia (Ethiopia) who still held on to those original beliefs but there number was small. So now the innovated trinity doctrine was made as the orthodox and anything that was contrary was rendered heretical.

    As the prophet Muhammad (saw) said EVERY bida (innovation) is misguidance, and every misguidance is in the hellfire. This is warning enough that we should not innovate in the religion of God for that would be distortion of the truth.

    Whatever I have said that was the truth is from Allah almighty, the Sublime, Most High, and whatever I have said of falsehood is from my ignorance and the shaytaan

    Abu Naima Ali Abdul-Malik (ach-Chigagowee al-Floridee) al-Boriqee
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    re: Analysis of the Christian Doctrine

    Deu 18:15 Jehovah your God shall raise up to you a prophet from among you, of your brothers, one like me; you shall listen to him,

    First, this was addressed to the tribes of Israel, the sons of Jacob. Ishmael's clan would have been considered distant cousins, at best, by this time, not brothers.

    Joh 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
    Joh 14:7 If ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also: and from henceforth ye know him, and have seen him.
    Joh 14:8 Philip saith unto him, Lord, show us the Father, and it sufficeth us.
    Joh 14:9 Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Show us the Father?

    No other prophet in the Bible would have dared make this statement. Jesus is saying to know Him is to know God exactly. If true, then there is no other person who could of been more like God, then Jesus. Christians will say that Jesus was more then a prophet, but this does not mean that Jesus wasn't a prophet.

    Mat 13:55 Is not this the carpenter's son? is not his mother called Mary? and his brethren, James, and Joses, and Simon, and Judas?
    Mat 13:56 And his sisters, are they not all with us? Whence then hath this man all these things?
    Mat 13:57 And they were offended in him. But Jesus said unto them, A prophet is not without honor, save in his own country, and in his own house.
    Mat 13:58 And he did not many mighty works there because of their unbelief.

    >In Isaiah 29:12 the verse reads as “And the book is delivered to one who is illiterate, saying read this please, and he says I’am not literate”. This is a powerful proof that Muhammad is the one who fits the description narrated above.

    Reread this passage starting with Isa 29:1 "Woe to Ariel, to Ariel, the city where David dwelt! add ye year to year; let them kill sacrifices." Isaiah is saying that God is ready to pass judgement on Israel at this time because they are so blind to God's laws, which they had, that they are like an illiterate man with a book. This passage has nothing to do with Muhammad, unless you wish to argue that he was totally blind to God as well.
    A number of problems with the mis-information on Paul. First the Apostles accepted him as one of their own. Second they considered his writing as Scripture. In the only reported dispute recorded in the New Testament, the Apostles bowed to Pauls wisdom on the matter about eating with Gentiles, which the Jews forbid. Lastly, the Apostles set up leaders in the early church who believed in what we call traditional Christianty today. There is not a shred of historical evidence that the Apostles or early church did not believe that Jesus was God made flesh, who died for the sins of the world.
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    re: Analysis of the Christian Doctrine

    Sinner, what's your opinion on this article:

    Why I am Not A Christian

    By Ali Ataie

    Before reading this article, clear your mind of all things and be HONEST with yourself.

    Paul says in 1 Cor 14:33: “God is not the author of confusion.” I agree. Therefore, you be the judge. Are the following statements logical? Reasonable? Free of Confusion? Do they make sense to your heart and mind? Perhaps this article unfairly presents an overly-simplistic view of Christian dogma. If so, all readers are recommended to correct any of these statements for further “clarification.”

    1. God told God to inform His Mother that she will soon bear and conceive a son...God!!! -- Is this not true according to Christianity?

    2. The Father is the first PERSON of the Trinity "separate and distinct" from the Son and Holy Spirit. The Son is the second PERSON in the Trinity "separate and distinct" from the Father and Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the third PERSON in the Trinity "separate and distinct" from the Son and Father. "But there are not three persons, but ONE person." - Nicene Creed, circa 325 CE.

    It continues...The Father is GOD, the Son is GOD, and the Holy Spirit is GOD, "but there are not three Gods, but ONE God."

    PERSON: occurs three times. GOD: occurs three times. Is God the author of this confusion?

    3. God decided to come to earth in the form of a Jewish man 2000 years ago just so people that He created could murder Him. When He's dying, He asks Himself why He has forsaken....Himself! Then He commends His Spirit into His own Hands, dies, and resurrects...Himself

    4. A Parable…

    A thief breaks into my house. He rushes in and takes a handful of my wife’s finest jewelry and bolts out the door. Before he makes it down the street he is spotted by a cop and taken into custody. In court, he looks me in the eye and tells me that he is sorry. He was stealing so that he could feed his family currently living in a homeless shelter. I no longer decide to press charges and resolve that I will forgive him. With much sorrow, the thief vows that he will work for me to make up his sin.

    "Just don't do it again," I say.

    The thief realizes his wrong and walks away. Suddenly, I pull my only begotten son whom I love out of the crowd and slice his throat ear to ear. The thief turns back and is horrfied by the spectacle.

    "Why!?" he says.

    I respond by saying, "Because of your sins."


    5. A Second Parable…

    My great grandfather killed a man many years ago without just cause. He was sent to prison for many years. After about 50 years of hard time he was released and the family of the deceased became grateful that he paid his debt to them. He spent the rest of his life in a tropical Paradise. A couple years later he got married and had a son. As soon as his son was born, the baby was rushed to the same prison where his father served for 50 years. When my great grandfather asked why, he was told, "Because of your original crime of murder. And from now on, every one of your descendants will come first to this prison to live."

    Is this justice??

    6. A Final Parable…

    My dog Max was barking all night long. My neighbor, frustrated beyond belief, storms out of his house and throws a brick at Max to scare him; maybe that would shut him up. Unfortunately, the brick finds its mark and Max is struck dead. The next morning I discover Max’s corpse outside my front door.

    Then I spot my neighbor coming towards me with tears in his eyes saying, “I am SO sorry. I got really angry last night and killed your dog. I don’t know what came over me…I had a really bad day at work and….”

    I interrupt him, “Hey bro, don’t worry about it. I understand. I FORGIVE YOU.”

    My neighbor suggests, “I will kill my dog as well, so justice can be served. It would be the right thing to do.”

    I tell him, “Because you sinned against ME, and I have forgiven you, killing your dog would be a great INJUSTICE. Why would you kill an innocent dog for the sin of another?”

    Analysis of the Christian Doctrine

    The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:
    "Surely I was sent to perfect the qualities of righteous character" [Musnad Ahmad, Muwatta Mâlik]

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    re: Analysis of the Christian Doctrine

    God told God to inform His Mother
    The eternal God has no mother. Mary was the vehicle by which God took on human form, through the power of the Holy Spirit.
    The Roman Catholic Church has used the words "Mother of God" to confuse people into elevating Mary to a much higher status then Scripture allows.

    "But there are not three persons, but ONE person." - Nicene Creed, circa 325 CE.
    This is not part of the Nicene Creed which has came down to us. It is possible that this idea was debated when the Nicene Creed was first made, but it is way outside of mainstream Christian thought today.

    It continues...The Father is GOD, the Son is GOD, and the Holy Spirit is GOD, "but there are not three Gods, but ONE God."
    Yes, this doesn't sound logical but it does say there are three WHOS who make up one WHAT. There is no contraction involved when seen this way.

    "As the Trinitarian doctrine maintains, each of the persons of the Godhead is distinct, yet they are all each, by nature, God. The same idea can be presented in the above examples. With time, for example, the past is not the same as the present, which is not the same as the future. Each is simultaneous (according to some time theoriests). Yet, they are not three 'times,' but one. That is, they all share the same nature: time.
    With space, height is distinct from width, which is not the same as depth, which is is not the same as height. Yet, they are not three 'spaces,' but one. That is, they all share the same nature: space.
    With matter, solid is not the same as liquid, which is not the same as gas, which is not the same as solid. Yet, they are not three 'matters,' but one. That is, they all share the same nature: matter.

    3. God decided to come to earth in the form of a Jewish man 2000 years ago just so people that He created could murder Him. When He's dying, He asks Himself why He has forsaken....Himself! Then He commends His Spirit into His own Hands, dies, and resurrects...Himself
    When phrased like that, it makes no sense. Allow me to phrase it differently, and better in line with Scripture (I hope) - God decided to take on human form so that the sins of the world, past, present and future, could be forgiven. The Second Person of the Godhood sacrifices his earthly life , by taking on all the punishment for all of mankinds sins. Part of the punishment, the First Person of the Godhood, totally withdraws his Presence from the Second Person. Upon the death of his human body, the Second Person of the Trinity enters Heaven, to reassume the former glory He had with the Father since all of Eternity.

    I will only touch on your Parables briefly. There is a vast difference in justice between someone who is willing to pay off your debts (whatever they may be) and someone being forced to against their will.
    In Christianty there is the doctrine of Totally Depravity. It does not mean that people are as evil as they can possibly be, but rather that every aspect of our being has been affected by Adams fall. I could be wrong, but I believe that the idea of original sin is not that we are born with other peoples sin debts, but rather we are born with a fallen nature which its naturally prone to sin. And sin is something we all do. It is a Christian teaching that those who die in Christ will be completely transformed and that sin nature will be no more. The thought that I could be transformed, free of all my faults and failings once and for all, is more exciting then the idea of living in Heaven. Heaven would not be perfect if it was inhabited by flawed people.
    Last edited by Sinner; 03-29-2005 at 06:55 AM.
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    re: Analysis of the Christian Doctrine

    format_quote Originally Posted by Sinner
    The eternal God has no mother. Mary was the vehicle by which God took on human form, through the power of the Holy Spirit.
    The Roman Catholic Church has used the words "Mother of God" to confuse people into elevating Mary to a much higher status then Scripture allows.
    I am not going to argue with you on if Mary was his mother or not. Clearly, that ois not a stretch of Christian beliefs to say so, as it is a widely held perception. But that's not the point of the quote. Read it again, just put Mary's name instead of his mother.

    Yes, this doesn't sound logical
    I'm glad we have agreed on this. Christians often come up withj bizarre explanations for trinity, as if it can be explained by logic. But it can't and we'll only be able to move forward in discussions when Christians admit that trinity is illogical, as you have done.

    but it does say there are three WHOS who make up one WHAT.
    yet it also says that each part of a WHAT is fully a WHAT on its own.
    There is no contraction involved when seen this way.

    "As the Trinitarian doctrine maintains, each of the persons of the Godhead is distinct, yet they are all each, by nature, God. The same idea can be presented in the above examples. With time, for example, the past is not the same as the present, which is not the same as the future. Each is simultaneous (according to some time theoriests). Yet, they are not three 'times,' but one. That is, they all share the same nature: time.
    See? Christians are now coming up with bizarre analogies because they're afraid to admit their doctrine is illogical.

    Is this anal;ogy of time correct? No it is not, because it paints past, present and future as distinct parts, whereas they are merely relative descriptions. The past is past, and the present cannot influence the past. The past is not a real concept but an abstract relartivity, that does not interact with anyone. The past is dead, in a sense. Likewise, the future has no impact either on the present. The future is another abstract concept that we cannot reach. And the present is no longer the present. After you read those words, the present became the past. So the major problem with this analogy is that it doesn't serve this statement:
    each of the persons of the Godhead is distinct
    Time is relative, and dependent upon the observer. Time can speed up or slow down depending on velocity. If I move really fast, will Christ become the Holy Spirit? Oh no! the father just turned into Christ!

    If you think about it, this analogy causes more problems than it solves.

    With space, height is distinct from width, which is not the same as depth, which is is not the same as height. Yet, they are not three 'spaces,' but one. That is, they all share the same nature: space.
    Another ridiculous idea. Do these missionaries not understand the fundamentals of geometry? Do they really wish to claim that each person is a dimension? This clearly means that there is no interaction amongst the dimensions, and each is restricted to its own linear path. So let me ask you, when the son died, did the universe become 2d?!
    Again, this creates more problems than it solves.

    With matter, solid is not the same as liquid, which is not the same as gas, which is not the same as solid. Yet, they are not three 'matters,' but one. That is, they all share the same nature: matter.
    I have seen this one before. Any Christian who thinks about it will realize that this is unacceptable for Christians. First of all, the claim that they are 'one matter' has no meaning. Matter is a classification, not an object.
    What are liquids, solids and gases? Let's think about this analogy. A solid occurs when the molecules have little energy, and cohesive bonds bind them together tightly. Now, if we being to add energy to the solid, the molecules gain kinetic energy. The substance thus expands.

    You can already see the problems if we apply this to God. These are states. While the trinity claims that the persons are distinct. Something must be either solid or liquid or gas. The same substance cannot exist in all three forms at the same time.

    So tell me, sinner, is God right now a Son, a Father, or a Holy Spirit? How hot does it get before the Father sublimates into the Holy Spirit? Or the Holy Spirit condenses into the Son?

    But wait, it gets better. How do we explain the Son dying?!

    Thanks for goving me the source for this baloney. Now I know which Christians sources are intellectually lacking.

    When phrased like that, it makes no sense.
    You bet.
    Allow me to phrase it differently, and better in line with Scripture (I hope) - God decided to take on human form so that the sins of the world, past, present and future, could be forgiven. The Second Person of the Godhood sacrifices his earthly life , by taking on all the punishment for all of mankinds sins. Part of the punishment, the First Person of the Godhood, totally withdraws his Presence from the Second Person. Upon the death of his human body, the Second Person of the Trinity enters Heaven, to reassume the former glory He had with the Father since all of Eternity.
    So did God die? And what does God become once he withdraws himself from...himself?

    I will only touch on your Parables briefly. There is a vast difference in justice between someone who is willing to pay off your debts (whatever they may be) and someone being forced to against their will.
    Okay, but would we ever blame the creditor?

    It is a Christian teaching that those who die in Christ will be completely transformed and that sin nature will be no more.
    Thank you so much for bringing up this point. I hjave been waiting for ages to discuss hitler in Christianity and the doctrine of salvation.

    What is meant by the phrase "those who die in Christ"?

    Thanks for your time.
    Analysis of the Christian Doctrine

    The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:
    "Surely I was sent to perfect the qualities of righteous character" [Musnad Ahmad, Muwatta Mâlik]

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    re: Analysis of the Christian Doctrine

    What is meant by the phrase "those who die in Christ"?
    Those who are redeemed at the time of death. Big debate in Christiandom if a truly saved person can ever lose their salvation.

    Thank you so much for bringing up this point. I have been waiting for ages to discuss hitler in Christianity and the doctrine of salvation.
    Hitler had total contempt to Christians. If he ever said that he was one, he was lying in order to get support from people ignorant enought to give him the benefit of a doubt.

    Okay, but would we ever blame the creditor?
    Sorry, I don't understand the question you are asking, could you re-state it?

    bizarre analogies
    Not as bizarre as they are imperfect. The bottom line is that we as humans can not understand Gods nature fully because we do not and can not experience it. In the Gospels Jesus makes a clear distinction between the persons of the Father and Holy Spirit. Even if you do not wish to believe Jesus own claims to divinity, and dismiss the idea of the Trinity, we are still left with a Duality.

    How do we explain the Son dying?!
    His human shell died, his Spirit lived on. The pain and suffering that human body Jesus had before he died, was very real.

    Mary was his mother
    The Roman Catholic church says this - Jesus was God. Jesus earthly mother was Mary, therefore Mary is the Mother of God.
    For those who have little or no understanding of Christianity, the term "Mother of God" makes it sound like that the eternal God had a mother, like some pagan god. The Mormon Chruch believes this, and this is one of many reasons we do not consider them Christians.
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    re: Analysis of the Christian Doctrine

    Greetings Sinner,
    format_quote Originally Posted by Sinner
    Those who are redeemed at the time of death. Big debate in Christiandom if a truly saved person can ever lose their salvation.
    And what is necessary for a person to do to be redeemed at the time of death?

    Hitler had total contempt to Christians. If he ever said that he was one, he was lying in order to get support from people ignorant enought to give him the benefit of a doubt.
    I won't argue that, but if you read the thread on Hilter in Christianity, you will see exactly what point I'm making abiut salvation. And I don't need to use Hitler as an example, I could use the crusaders.

    Sorry, I don't understand the question you are asking, could you re-state it?
    Sorry for not making myself clear. You compared the situation of Christ's sacrifice to that of a debt. I will ask directly this time, are the Jews blamed for what they did to Christ?

    Not as bizarre as they are imperfect. The bottom line is that we as humans can not understand Gods nature fully because we do not and can not experience it.
    I agree that the Trinity defies logic and reason, if that's what you are suggesting in the first half of the statement, but I disagree with the reason you have added to it.

    I think this is why Christians have been reduced to drawing triangles and coming up with crazy analogies because they know that there is no other way out. It's not a question of understanding God's nature or not, as I explained in a previous post of mine:
    format_quote Originally Posted by Ansar Al-'Adl
    When we say that the trinity is illogical, are we trying to comprehend God's nature within our limited scope of comprehension? Is that why we cannot comprehend trinity? Or is it because of something else?

    There is a distinct difference between admitting that we cannot comprehend God's nature or appearance, and attributing something to God which defies reality. Allow me to elaborate.

    1 is not equal to 3 (provided that the units are consistant). Those three units cannot operate with the same properties as the one unit. If one was equal to three then it wouldn't be one. Is this a matter of attempting to comprehend God? No, it is simply a matter of defining constant values in our universe.

    According to trinitarian Christianity, God sent the Son to the world. The sender and the one being sent cannot be the same. Jesus called out to God and prayed to Him. The caller and the one being called upon cannot be the same.

    So the notion that there are three persons in one God, 3 in 1, is really nothing more than polytheism, because 1 God is 1 person, not three.

    Now a trinitarian may argue, "Well God can do everything. Why are you placing limits on God?"

    The answer is yes, God can do anything and we are not placing limits on God, BUT within the scope of reality of our universe, certain properties are real and defined. We live in a real universe, therefore, all elements within this set must be real.

    Can the immortal die? A trinitarian will say, "God can do anything" but the correct answer is no, the immortal cannot die because that defies his attribute of immortality. If you die, you aren't immortal! It's not a matter of setting limits on God, its a matter of consistency in describing our universe. Can the All-Mighty be overcome? A trinitarian would say, "God can do anything" but again, this has nothing to do with God's potential.
    Death and being overcome, these are not abilites they are inabilities. Death is the inability to live, therefore, the Eternal cannot die. NOT because of any lack in His potential, but because it defies His set attributes.

    Moving on, trinitarians ask muslims, "you believe in the virgin birth of Christ. If you believe in the biologically impossible, why do you blame us for believing in the mathematically impossible?"

    The answer is that those two beliefs are not analogous. What the trinitarian is describing as biologically impossible is still CONCEIVABLE. We can understand the notion of God placing an already fertilized zygote within Mary, or acheiving this virgin brith through some similar mechanism. When God suspends the standard laws which govern the universe, we term this a miracle. In this case, it is a biological miracle. It is conceivable because we are not bringing equality between two unequal elements. Nor are we interchanging elements of disjoint sets. In the real universe, all properties are real. in the real universe, God is One.

    But trinity is not a mathematical miracle the way that the virgin birth is a biological miracle. Trinity is inconceivable. It defies the attributes that have been set in stone. When God says He is ONE, it means He is ONE. Not three. Trinity attempts to make the Eternal/immortal die. Trinity attempts to make the unequal equal.

    Such things are not properties of the universe we live in. So the trinity canot be accepted by anyone because it is logically self-contradictory. Furthermore, it finds no support in the Tanakh, the New Testament, or the Qur'an.
    In the Gospels Jesus makes a clear distinction between the persons of the Father and Holy Spirit. Even if you do not wish to believe Jesus own claims to divinity, and dismiss the idea of the Trinity, we are still left with a Duality.
    First of all, I believe that jesus never claimed divinity. The word trinity is not to be found anywhere in the Bible. I believe that the only verses which come even close to attributing divinity to Jesus are those that were later added by John, to work this idea of trinity into the Bible.

    But let's go along with what you have said and for now just focus on the 'duality'. Can you show me the proof that the Holy Spirit is God? And a 'person' of this Trinity?

    Because the Muslim belief about this is two points:
    -Holy Spirit often refers to Angel Gabriel
    -The Spirit may also refer to our soul bestowed upon us by God (this one you and I agree on)

    His human shell died, his Spirit lived on. The pain and suffering that human body Jesus had before he died, was very real.
    This is another one of the problems with this doctrine. If the human shell only died, then it would be incorrect to say that God died to save us. Because only some flesh encasing God died.

    And saying he was 'fully God' yet 'fully man' is as logical as saying a planar shape is 'fully square' and 'fully circle'.

    Looking forward to your response,
    Ansar Al-'Adl
    Analysis of the Christian Doctrine

    The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:
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    re: Analysis of the Christian Doctrine

    Too much to respond to for one night. This will take awhile.

    If the human shell only died, then it would be incorrect to say that God died to save us
    Would it then be incorrect to say anyone truly dies, because both the Bible and Quran says that there is an everlasting existance after death? It is safe to say the physical death of the body is what we call death. Anyother way of looking at it, comes under semantical games I would think.

    Heb 9:27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:
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    re: Analysis of the Christian Doctrine

    As I explained in one of my paragraphs, God can't die because He is eternal. Death is the inability to hold onto life.

    But I guess we'll deal with the rest later. Whenever you get a chance.
    Analysis of the Christian Doctrine

    The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:
    "Surely I was sent to perfect the qualities of righteous character" [Musnad Ahmad, Muwatta Mâlik]

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    re: Analysis of the Christian Doctrine

    Not feeling well today, so just one short post on the Holy Spirit -

    The Spirit has the attributes of God :

    * eternal, having neither beginning nor end (Hebrews 9:14),
    * omni-potent, having all power (Luke 1:35);
    * omni-present, being everywhere at the same time (Psalm 139:7); and
    * omni-scient, understanding all matters ( 1 Corinthians 2:10,11).

    Thus the Holy Spirit can not be a created being such a human or an angel.

    The Holy Sprit is distinct from the Father and Son:

    Mat 3:16 And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and, lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon him:
    Mat 3:17 And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.

    Luk 11:13 If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children: how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him?

    Mat 28:18 And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.
    Mat 28:19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:

    Joh 14:26 But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.
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    re: Analysis of the Christian Doctrine

    Peace, thanks for the post Sinner.
    format_quote Originally Posted by Sinner
    Not feeling well today, so just one short post on the Holy Spirit
    Hope you get well soon.

    First of all, both you and I agree that the spirit takes many different meanings in the Bible. The only definition we are not agreed upon is that you say it is a person in a trinity, while I say that it is the Angel Gabriel.

    Perhaps it would be better if our Jewish members answered your quotes from the Old testament. For now I will comment in general.

    One of the meanings of the 'spirit of God' is seen in the following verses:

    Isaiah 11:1-3
    A shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse; from his roots a Branch will bear fruit.
    The Spirit of the LORD will rest on him (Jesus)-- the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding, the Spirit of counsel and of power, the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD (Jesus fearing his GOD)--
    and he will delight in the fear of the LORD. He will not judge by what he sees with his eyes, or decide by what he hears with his ears;

    As we see in Isaiah 11:1-3, there is:
    1-* Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding.
    2-* Spirit of Counsel and of power.
    3-* Spirit of Knowledge.
    4-* Spirit of the fear of the LORD.

    So a vast majority of these biblical references to the spirit are really metaphorical. And I showed you many many people in the Bible who recieve the 'spirit of God'.

    Judges 14:6 "The Spirit of the LORD came upon him in power so that he tore the lion apart with his bare hands as he might have torn a young goat. But he told
    neither his father nor his mother what he had done."

    Here we see that the spirit is power here. Its like if we say, "Lets have a discussion in the spirit of peace and unity" we do not mean an actual spirit but the nature of our feelings.

    So that is one meaning and that explains many of your quotes. The Bible also speaks of the spirit of inspiration which is Angel Gabriel.

    The Spirit has the attributes of God :
    * eternal, having neither beginning nor end (Hebrews 9:14)
    * omni-potent, having all power (Luke 1:35);
    Luke 1:35 The angel answered, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God.
    I don't see how you got the omnipotent idea here. This could mean a number of things. Either it refers to the personal human soul of Prophet Jesus. Or it refers to the Angel Gabriel who appeared to Mary. Or it refers to the 'spirit of God' in one of the metaphorical meanings given above i.e. power, wisdom, peace, etc.

    As far as eternal spirit is considered, this can also be interpreted in the above manner.

    * omni-present, being everywhere at the same time (Psalm 139:7); and
    * omni-scient, understanding all matters ( 1 Corinthians 2:10,11).
    If you read the context, you can see that this is just referring to God. There is no indication that it refers to a distinct person.

    Thus the Holy Spirit can not be a created being such a human or an angel.
    In such passges it cannot. But as we have already agreed it does not have the same meaning throughout the Bible.

    The Holy Sprit is distinct from the Father and Son:

    Mat 3:16 And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and, lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon him
    Mat 3:17 And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.
    But how do we know that the spirit of God does not refer to the meanings already outlined? Here it could easily refer to the Angel Gabriel.

    Luk 11:13 If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children: how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him?
    I think this refers to the metaphorical usage of 'spirit'. Peace, security, harmony, etc.

    Mat 28:18 And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.
    Mat 28:19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
    Well, let's see what your own Biblical scholars say about this verse.

    John W. Ritenbaugh writes the following:

    Matthew 28:19

    Speaking "in the name of" something does not necessarily mean that one is speaking of the name of a personality. A cliché we hear frequently in old crime movies illustrates this. Sometime during the film, a policeman invariably comes running out with his gun drawn and aimed at the suspect, and he says, "Stop in the name of the law!" Does the law have personality? Is it a personality? No, it is an inanimate thing. The policeman was commanding the robber to stop in the name of an authority, the law.

    So just because the baptism formula includes within it the authority of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit does not mean that the Holy Spirit is a Person. It is mentioned, undoubtedly, as the means through which the repentant sinner is brought to the point of being baptized. God tells us clearly that the Holy Spirit is given to convict us of sin (John 16:8-9). God stirs up our minds by the power of His mind, using His Spirit to lead us to think of things in a way that we never have before, and He thereby brings us to repentance.

    By the same means, He also reveals to us the real Jesus, and by the same means, He gives us the power to believe in Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sin. The Holy Spirit, then, is the power that God uses to bring us to that point.

    Joh 14:26 But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.
    I'm glad you brought up this verse.

    The Promised Comforter of the Gospel
    The prophecy runs as follows:

    "If ye love me, keep my commands. And I will pray to the Father and He shall give you another Comforter. That he may abide with you forever; even the Spirit of truth." (John 14:15-17).

    "But the Comforter which is the Holy Ghost whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things.." (John 14:26).
    "Nevertheless, I tell you the truth; it is expedient for you that I go away, for if I go not away the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you." (John 16:7).

    "I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now. Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth; for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak; and he will shew you things to come. He shall glorify me." (John 16:12-14).
    John 14:26 says that the Holy Ghost is the Comforter. This claim is contrary to the plain and unambiguous words of John 16:7, wherein Jesus (AS) says that his going away, i.e., the death of Jesus is inevitably necessary of the coming of the Comforter. The New Testament says that John was filled with the Holy Ghost even before he was born (Luke 1:14), and speaks of Jesus (AS) himself as receiving the Holy Ghost in the form of a dove (Matthew 3:16).

    Thus, the Holy Ghost was wont to visit men before Jesus as well as in his own time. To what, then is the reference in the words, "If I go not away the Comforter will not come unto you." Surely not to the Holy Ghost; for it is a matter of common knowledge that the Holy Ghost was co-existing with Jesus, and it would be sacrilegious to think for a moment that Jesus was without the Holy Ghost. So, the Comforter was someone other than the Holy Ghost.

    This also supports our assertion that there have been many interpolations in the existing Christine Bible. It is quite obvious that the Comforter cannot be the Holy Ghost, as Jesus use the pronoun "he" instead of "it" in connection with the Comforter.

    Comforter Was To Bring Complete Teachings
    According to the prophecy: The Comforter, the Spirit of truth, "will guide you into all truth". The Holy Prophet Muhammad was (SAW) the only prophet who claimed to have brought the complete teachings through the Holy Quran about which Devenport Says:

    " The Quran is the general code of the Muslim world; a social, civil, commercial, military, judicial, criminal, penal and yet religious code; by it everything is regulated; from the ceremonies of religion to those of daily life; from salvation of the soul to the health of the body; from the rights of general community to those of society, from morality to crime, from punishment here to that of the life to come."
    According to the prophecy: the Comforter would not speak of himself but "whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak". The spirit descended upon the Apostles at Pentecost was not the Comforter who should not speak of himself, for this spirit broke even the body in which it dwelt. "Me, I, my, we, ourselves" were words uttered by Peter, John, Phillip, James, and by twelve when they assembled together. Hence, the words of prophecy cannot be twisted to the Holy Ghost, which was given to them already as is clear from John 20:22 -- "And when he (Jesus) had said this, he breathed on then, and saith unto them. Receive ye the Holy Ghost."

    Moreover, the Holy Ghost, being the third person of the Trinity, is a co-partner in the God-head and has a fair claim to at least one third of it. Why, then should it be reduced to the status of a recipient, hearing anything from any other person. It is, on the hand, the active agent imparting words to others who should communicate them to mankind. Obviously, the passage refers to a man inspired by God, who will transmit to others nothing beyond what is revealed to him. "He doth not speak of himself, but it is the word of God that is revealed to him" says the Holy Quran (53:4-5).

    The Comforter is repeatedly spoken of in the Bible as the "Spirit of Truth" and it may be observed here in passing that the word Comforter cannot, by stretch of fancy, be twisted to fit in with the Holy Ghost, for nowhere in the Bible is the latter called the Spirit of Truth. Furthermore, Jesus (AS) speaks of Him as another Comforter. Jesus (AS) himself, of course, was one Comforter. The other Comforter foretold, therefore, must also be mortal like himself.

    The Quranic picture is the same in this respect when it proclaims the advent of the Holy Prophet thus: "Qul Jaa'al Haqqo Wa Zahaqal Baatilo, Innal Baatila Kaana Zahooqa" -- Say, the Spirit of Truth is come and falsehood is vanished. (Al-Quran 17:82).

    It is futile to object that the Holy Prophet was a man and not a "Spirit". The Bible itself has used the word "Spirit" in a large variety of senses, as for example: "The Spirit is willing but flesh is weak" where it signifies the spiritual part of man. Again, it is also used to stand for God, both in the Holy Quran and the Bible, as descending upon the righteous, and yet again it signifies a holy person: That which is born of the spirit is spirit". The Christian contention that the word "spirit" cannot apply to corporal being is therefore without basis.

    Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) Cleared Jesus of All False Charges
    Another function of the Comforter is: "He shall glorify me," which implies the presence of a human being to bear evidence. What the Holy Ghost can, at best, do is no more than to install into human minds. This, however, is anything but glorifying. Even granting, for the sake of argument, that the Holy Ghost did actually bear witness through human beings, the question arises whether he did purify Jesus of the false charges laid at his door.

    The Jews heaped curses upon him and alleged that he had died on the cross, which they regarded according to the Scriptures as an accursed death. Did the Christians, inspired by the Holy Ghost, clear him of this? No! On the contrary, they assisted the Jews in their blasphemous propaganda, by admitting his death on the cross. Furthermore, they imputed to him the most abominable offense, namely, that he called himself the son of God in the literal sense.

    The Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing of God be upon him) alone fulfilled these prophetic words of the Gospel. He it was who emphatically pronounced the divine word: "I shall purify thee (O Jesus) of all the false charges imputed to thee by the disbelievers." (Al-Quran 3:56). How far the Holy Prophet (SAW) succeeded in achieving this can be judged from the fact that every Muslim looks upon Jesus (peace be upon him) as the righteous servant of God, as His Prophet. Belief in Jesus (AS) forms a part of Muslim's faith.

    Another characteristic of the Promised Comforter, as set forth in the Gospel, has proved another stumbling block to the Christians. "That he (the Comforter) may abide with you for ever" gives them the erroneous impression that the Comforter, in order to be immortal, must need be a "spirit" and not a human being, which betrays their ignorance of the Bible itself.

    The very words of Jesus (AS) in this connection will suffice to remove this erroneous idea: "He shall give you another Comforter that he may abide with you for ever", clearly indicate that the Comforter will abide for ever in a certain sense in which Jesus himself shall not.

    As a matter of fact, when Jesus (AS) spoke of the cessation of his own life and the continuation of that of Comforter, he implicitly referred to the duration of their existence through their teachings and their spiritual influence on mankind.

    When a Prophet is raised up for the reformation of a people, he is equipped with a two-fold weapon - a code of laws wherewith to regulate the life of man, and a personal magnetism exercising an ennobling influence upon whomsoever he may come in contact with. In both these respects, Jesus has ceased to exist long since, while the Holy Prophet of Islam lives on to this day and shall live on for ever.

    Jesus came with a set of laws and spiritual force, whereby he effected a considerable reformation among his own people for a time. But, by and by the laws that were suited to the stage of society ceased to be of practical utility when found with the subsequent growth and development of that society, and the spiritual force that had wrought miracles of old, lost its efficacy and vanished. Thus arose the need for another Comforter who should bring with him a perfect law, not for a particular clan or clime but for the whole of the human race.

    Civilization was, by this time, sufficiently grown up, to receive teachings which went far beyond the mental capacity of the Jews of his time. A perfect law to regulate the whole human society was thus required to replace the inadequate code of Jesus. Muhammad was raised to meet the need in reference to which the Holy Quran says: "And We have not sent thee but as an embodiment of mercy for all the worlds (i.e., for all peoples and all ages)". (Al-Quran 21:108).
    To understand this significant prophecy by Jesus one has to begin with the First Epistle of John, Chapter 2, Verse 1, in which Jesus Christ the righteous, is called a "Paraclete" (Parakletos, Advocate, Comforter, Helper) by John. The same term "Paraclete" is repeatedly used by the apostle in connection with the prophecy made by Jesus.

    "And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Paraclete, that he may be with you into the age (to come)." John 14:16

    Note: "into the age" is a literal translation of the Greek phrase; `eis ton aiona' used by John.

    This shows that Jesus Christ, while speaking of "another Paraclete", was speaking of the coming of "another male figure" like himself, at a future date. The historical documents show that this also was the original concept among the Christian scholars and populace, but later on the concept of "male figure" was confused with the concept of "Holy Spirit". Below is an extract from the world renowned and distinguished Anchor Bible Volume 29A:

    "The word parakletos is peculiar in the NT to the Johnannine literature. In 1John ii1 Jesus is a parakletos (not a title), serving as a heavenly intercessor with the Father. ...Christian tradition has identified this figure (Paraclete) as the Holy Spirit, but scholars like Spitta, Delafosse, Windisch, Sasse, Butlmann and Betz have doubted whether this identification is true to the original picture and have suggested that the Paraclete was once an independent salvific figure, later confused with the Holy Spirit." (page 1135).

    The Bible tells us that Jesus Christ, besides being a "Messiah", the "Son" (not "Begotten Son") of God and the "Son" of man, was also a prophet like Moses, by his own admission. Please see John 5:46 and 9:17. Hence to say that the coming of "another Paraclete" was similar to the coming of "another Prophet" like Jesus and Moses, would not be inaccurate. OTOH, the concept of "Holy Spirit" is unequivocally negated by the following verse:
    "But I tell you the truth, it is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Paraclete shall not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you." John 16:7
    Note: This verse clearly tells us that the coming of the Paraclete was subject to the departure of Jesus. Whereas, the "Holy Spirit" was already existing since the day of the Creation and was hovering upon the surface of the earth (Genesis 1:2). The same "Holy Spirit" was also present with the prophets of the Old Testament and at the river Jordan when Jesus Christ was Baptised by John the Baptist.

    "When the Paraclete comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, that is the Spirit of Truth, who proceeds from the Father, he will bear witness of me." John 15:26
    Note: The Paraclete is called the "Spirit of Truth" and not the "Holy Spirit". These are two separate terms and independent entities. The first one takes the pronoun "he" and the second one "it".

    "But the Paraclete, the Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you." John 14:26
    Note: In the older MSS, e.g. Codex Sinaiticus, as well as in the palimpest of Codex Syriacus discovered in 1812 on Mount Sinai by Mrs.Agnes S. Lewis (and Mrs. Bensley), the text of 14:26 reads; "Paraclete, the Spirit"; and not "Paraclete, the Holy Spirit". "The Spirit" is a reference to "the Spirit of Truth" as in 15:26. The word spirit, Greek. `pneu'ma', is of neutral gender and takes pronoun "it". In almost all the verses referring to Paraclete quoted above and below, the pronoun used is "he". This clearly indicates that the prophecy was not for the "Holy Spirit" but for a "male figure" called the "Spirit of Truth". Prophet Muhammad was known for his Truth and Honesty, even before he received the first Revelation.

    Jesus Christ did indicate what the Paraclete to come will do in his time. Did prophet Muhammad do those things? Let's examine;
    1. "But when he, the Spirit of Truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth; for he will not speak on his own initiative, but whatever he hears, he will speak..." Jn.16:13

    Note: The Quran is a compilation of the "Divine Revelations" that were received by prophet Muhammad, over a period of 23 years, through the arch angel Gabriel. The prophet used to recite whatever he used to hear. Prophet's companions used to write down whatever was recited. The Quran does not contain the writings or teachings of or by Muhammad, as often mentioned by some misinformed authors.

    2. "He shall glorify me." John 16:14

    Note: The Quran glorifies the birth of Jesus through Virgin Mary. The Quran also confirms, Jesus was a Messiah; a Messenger of God; the Spirit from God; the Word of God and the Righteous Prophet.

    3. "He shall take mine and shall disclose it to you." Jn.16:14

    Note: Muhammad did declare himself a Messenger of God like Abraham, Moses and Jesus.

    4. "He will teach you all things." John 14:26

    Note: The Quran teaches a way of life. It guides mankind, how to live a pious life socially, politically and spiritually.

    5. "He will bring to your remembrance all that I said to you." Jn.14:26

    Note: The Quran speaks about the teaching of the righteous Jesus and even quotes him.

    6. "He will bear witness of me" John 15:26

    Note: The Quran attests the miracles performed by Jesus the Messiah. It also mentions one astonishing miracle performed by Jesus that the Gospel writers have failed to record. The Quran acknowledges that these miracles and signs were performed by Jesus with the leave of Allah. The same is also attested in the Book of Acts, 2:22.

    Prophet Muhammad was a descendant of Abraham through his son Ishmael and grandson Kedar. In the next section, Insa`Allah (God Willing), will examine the prophecy by Isaiah for the "new things" to happen in "the wilderness and cities" of the Land of Kedar. And, examine from the Book of Genesis the Promise of God to Abraham for the making of "a Nation also", through the son of his wife Haggar.
    Dr. Jamal Badawi has written:

    Up to the time of Jesus (peace be upon him), the Israelites were still awaiting for that prophet like unto Moses prophecied in Deuteronomy 18:18. When John the Baptist came, they asked him if he was Christ and he said "no". They asked him if he was Elias and he said "no". Then, in apparent reference to Deuteronomy 18:18, they asked him "Art thou that Prophet" and he answered, "no". (John 1: 1 9-2 1).

    In the Gospel according to John (Chapters 14, 15, 16) Jesus spoke of the "Paraclete" or comforter who will come after him, who will be sent by Father as another Paraclete, who will teach new things which the contemporaries of Jesus could not bear. While the Paraclete is described as the spirit of truth, (whose meaning resemble Muhammad's famous title Al-Amin, the trustworthy), he is identified in one verse as the Holy Ghost (John 14:26). Such a designation is however inconsistent with the profile of that Paraclete. In the words of the Dictionary of the Bible, (Ed. J. Mackenzie) "These items, it must be admitted do not give an entirely coherent picture."

    Indeed history tells us that many early Christians understood the Paraclete to be a man and not a spirit. This might explain the followings who responded to some who claimed, without meeting the criteria stipulated by Jesus, to be the awaited "Paraciete".

    It was Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) who was the Paraclete, Comforter, helper, admonisher sent by God after Jesus. He testified of Jesus, taught new things which could not be borne at Jesus' time, he spoke what he heard (revelation), he dwells with the believers (through his well-preserved teachings). Such teachings will remain forever because he was the last messenger of God, the only Universal Messenger to unite the whole of humanity under God and on the path of PRESERVED truth. He told of many things to come which "came to pass" in the minutest detail meeting, the criterion given by Moses to distinguish between the true prophet and the false prophets (Deuteronomy 18:22). He did reprove the world of sin, of righteousness and of judgement (John 16:8-11)

    I'll leave you with this for now, Sinner.

    Analysis of the Christian Doctrine

    The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:
    "Surely I was sent to perfect the qualities of righteous character" [Musnad Ahmad, Muwatta Mâlik]

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    re: Analysis of the Christian Doctrine

    Analysis of the Christian Doctrine

    The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:
    "Surely I was sent to perfect the qualities of righteous character" [Musnad Ahmad, Muwatta Mâlik]

    Visit Ansâr Al-'Adl's personal page HERE.
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    re: Analysis of the Christian Doctrine

    In regards to the opening post. When you present this article to a true Christian it will not hold weight with them.
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    Thumbs up re: Analysis of the Christian Doctrine

    :brother: SubhanAllah I always knew christianity contradicted itself but never knew how much. I also knew the bible spoke of Muhammed[S.A.W] but didnt know where to look. Alot of what you wrote about I did not know till now cause I was never really a bible thumper plus even though I grew up alot of the fundementals that my mom taught me were Islamic I turned towards the true way and she chose the wrong way :confused: :wilted_ro . I still make dua that Allah guides her to Islam. InshAllah she will take shahada before she goes back to Allah!!!
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    re: Analysis of the Christian Doctrine

    format_quote Originally Posted by mule
    In regards to the opening post. When you present this article to a true Christian it will not hold weight with them.
    Greetings mule, nice to have you back with us. Would you like to comment on the points that I have written?

    Sister Shaakira,
    format_quote Originally Posted by shaakira
    SubhanAllah I always knew christianity contradicted itself but never knew how much. I also knew the bible spoke of Muhammed[S.A.W] but didnt know where to look. Alot of what you wrote about I did not know till now cause I was never really a bible thumper plus even though I grew up alot of the fundementals that my mom taught me were Islamic
    Alhamdulilah, I am so glad you found my psts useful. May Allah Glorified and Exalted continue to bless all of us with knowledge.

    I turned towards the true way and she chose the wrong way . I still make dua that Allah guides her to Islam. InshAllah she will take shahada before she goes back to Allah!!!
    Ameen, O Allah.

    Analysis of the Christian Doctrine

    The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:
    "Surely I was sent to perfect the qualities of righteous character" [Musnad Ahmad, Muwatta Mâlik]

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    re: Analysis of the Christian Doctrine

    Would you like to comment on the points that I have written?
    Sure....because you don't believe that the bible is reliable it seems to me that you can not prove that Muhamed is a prophet from its pages. You are trying to prove something is true from what you think is a corrupted and bad source.
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    re: Analysis of the Christian Doctrine

    format_quote Originally Posted by mule
    Sure....because you don't believe that the bible is reliable it seems to me that you can not prove that Muhamed is a prophet from its pages. You are trying to prove something is true from what you think is a corrupted and bad source.
    I think what he is trying to do is prove to Christians and Jews that Muhammad (pbuh) is a true Prophet by using the scriptures that they believe to be true. A Muslim already believes that Muhammad (pbuh) is a Prophet of Allah, so he isn't trying to prove Muhammad's (pbuh) Prohpethood to Muslims using the Bible, rather he is trying to prove it to the people who follow the Bible. Make sense?
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    re: Analysis of the Christian Doctrine

    In addition to what Br. _salam_ has said, I would like to re-iterate that Muslims believe the Bible wasa originally from God but has become tampered and changed. Therefore, some parts are stil true, while some parts are false. We need the Qur'an as a criterion to discern between the truth and falsehood. The Qur'an itself mentions that the previous revelations prophesized Muhammad saws. If you read the classical tafseers of the Qur'an by the ancient scholars you will see that they also believed Prophet Muhammad saws was prophesized in the previous scriptures. Much of the prophecies have been removed, but there are still some traces.

    Analysis of the Christian Doctrine

    The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:
    "Surely I was sent to perfect the qualities of righteous character" [Musnad Ahmad, Muwatta Mâlik]

    Visit Ansâr Al-'Adl's personal page HERE.
    Excellent resources on Islam listed HERE.
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  23. #19
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    re: Analysis of the Christian Doctrine

    There are scriptures within the Bible that warns the Christian not to look towards religions such as Islam. The bible makes a certain pridiction(sp?) about the nature of these religions.

    When in one breath a muslim says the bible is corrupt and then the next says that the founder of Islam is prophesied within its pages it looks really bad.
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    re: Analysis of the Christian Doctrine

    think what he is trying to do is prove to Christians and Jews that Muhammad (pbuh) is a true Prophet by using the scriptures that they believe to be true. A Muslim already believes that Muhammad (pbuh) is a Prophet of Allah, so he isn't trying to prove Muhammad's (pbuh) Prohpethood to Muslims using the Bible, rather he is trying to prove it to the people who follow the Bible. Make sense?
    You would need more proof then the few verses. I have dozens of verses that prophecy about Jesus.
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