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The true religion.

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    The true religion. (OP)

    In response to the hell-fire threat in this thread:

    Here is a partial list of religions. Many others have existed in the past and will exist in the future.

    In some only believers are saved, in others good people are saved, in others all people go to some kind of spirit realm, in others the soul is reincarnated, in others the ancestors live among us and can speak to us through the shamens,
    and in some... all are doomed.

    Take your pick. Just remember: the fate of your soul depends on your answer.

    Abrahamic religions
    Main article: Abrahamic religions

    A group of monotheistic traditions sometimes grouped with one another for comparative purposes, because all refer to a patriarch named Abraham.

    [edit] Bábism
    Main article: Bábism

    * Azali

    [edit] Bahá'í Faith
    Main article: Bahá'í Faith

    [edit] Christianity
    Main article: Christianity
    See also: List of Christian denominations

    [edit] Catholicism
    Main article: Catholicism


    * Chinese Patriotic Catholic Association

    * Independent Catholic Churches
    o Brazilian Catholic Apostolic Church
    o Heenum Catholic Church
    o Philippine Independent Church (In communion with the Anglican Church and the Union of Utrecht)
    o Polish National Catholic Church
    o Union of Utrecht (In communion with the Anglican Church)

    * Old Catholicism
    o Liberal Catholic Church

    * Roman Catholicism (Latin Rite)
    o Sui iuris (Including Byzantine Rite churches)
    o Traditionalist Catholicism


    * Eastern Catholicism (Eastern Churches in Communion with Rome)

    * Eastern Orthodoxy
    o Eastern Orthodox Church
    + Bulgarian Orthodox Church
    + Georgian Orthodox Church
    + Greek Orthodox Church
    + Romanian Orthodox Church
    + Russian Orthodox Church
    + Serbian Orthodox Church
    + Ukrainian Orthodox Church

    * Oriental Orthodoxy
    o Armenian Apostolic Church
    o Coptic Orthodox Church
    o Ethiopian Orthodox Church

    * Syriac Christianity
    o Assyrian Church of the East
    o Indian Orthodox Church
    + Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church (In full communion with the Oriental Orthodox Church)
    + Syriac Orthodox Church (In full communion with the Oriental Orthodox Church)
    o Mar Thoma Church (In full communion with the Anglican Church in India)
    o Syriac Catholic Church (In full communion with Rome)

    [edit] Protestantism
    Main article: Protestantism

    * Anglicanism (via media between the Roman Catholic Church and Protestantism)
    o Anglican Communion
    + Church of England
    + Church of Ireland
    + Church of Wales
    + Episcopal Church (United States)
    + Scottish Episcopal Church
    * Pre-Lutheran Protestants
    o Hussites
    o Lollards
    o Waldensians
    * Anabaptists
    o Amish
    o Brethren in Christ
    o Church of the Brethren
    o Hutterites
    o Mennonites
    o Old German Baptist Brethren
    * Baptists
    * Brethren
    * Catholic Apostolic Church
    * Charismatic movement
    * Christadelphians
    * Christian Israelite Church
    * Unification Church
    * Christian Science
    * Dispensationalism
    * Elitism
    * Esoteric Christianity
    * Evangelicalism
    * Free Presbyterian Church of Ulster
    * Lutheranism
    * Methodism
    * Messianic Judaism
    * Most Holy Church of God in Christ Jesus
    * New Thought
    * Pentecostalism
    o Oneness Pentecostalism
    * Pietism
    o Holiness movement
    * Quakerism
    * Reformed churches
    o Puritans
    o Presbyterianism
    o Congregational church
    * Religious Society of Friends
    * Spiritism
    o Espiritismo
    * Swedenborgianism
    o Christian Spiritualism
    * United and uniting churches
    * Unitarianism
    * Universalism

    [edit] Restorationism
    Main article: Restorationism

    * Adventism
    o Millerites
    o Sabbatarianism
    o Seventh-day Adventists
    * Christadelphians
    * Latter Day Saint movement (Mormonism)
    o Church of Christ (Temple Lot)
    o Community of Christ
    o Rigdonites
    o The Church of Jesus Christ (Bickertonite)
    o The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (a.k.a. LDS)
    + Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (a.k.a. FLDS)
    o The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Strangite)
    * Iglesia ni Cristo
    * Jehovah's Witnesses
    * Restoration Movement

    [edit] Gnosticism
    Main article: List of Gnostic sects

    Christian Gnosticism

    * Ebionites
    * Cerdonians
    o Marcionism (not entirely Gnostic)
    * Colorbasians
    * Simonians

    Early Gnosticism

    * Borborites
    * Cainites
    * Carpocratians
    * Ophites
    * Hermeticism

    Medieval Gnosticism

    * Cathars
    * Bogomils
    * Paulicianism
    * Tondrakians

    Persian Gnosticism

    * Mandaeanism
    * Manichaeism
    o Bagnolians

    Syrian-Egyptic Gnosticism

    Main article: Syrian-Egyptic Gnosticism

    * Sethians
    o Basilidians
    o Thomasines
    o Valentinians
    + Bardesanites

    [edit] Islam
    See also: Islam and Divisions of Islam

    Kalam Schools

    Main article: Kalam

    * Ash'ari
    * Kalam
    * Maturidi
    * Murji'ah
    * Mu'tazili


    Main article: Kharijite

    * Ibadi (Only surviving sect)
    * Azraqi
    * Harūriyya
    * Sufri

    Shi'a Islam

    Main article: Shi'a Islam

    * Ismailis
    o Mustaali / Bohra
    * Jafari
    o Twelvers
    o Alawites
    o Alevi / Bektashi
    * Zaiddiyah


    Main article: Sufism

    * Bektashi
    * Chishti
    * Mevlevi
    * Naqshbandi
    * Tariqah
    * Quadiriyyah
    * Suhrawardiyya
    * Tijani
    * Universal Sufism
    o Dances of Universal Peace

    Sunni Islam

    Main article: Sunni Islam

    * Hanafi
    o Berailvi
    o Deobandi
    * Hanbali
    * Maliki
    * Shafi'i

    Groups sometimes considered non-Islamic
    These religious traditions are not recognized as parts of Islam by mainstream Islamic fiqh, but consider themselves to be Muslim.

    * Ahl-e Haqq (Yarsan)
    * Ahmadiyya
    * Druze
    * Nation of Islam
    * Moorish Science Temple of America
    * United Submitters International
    * Zikri

    [edit] Judaism
    See also: Judaism and Jewish Denominations

    Rabbinic Judaism

    Main article: Rabbinic Judaism

    * Conservative Judaism
    o Masorti
    o Conservadox Judaism
    + Union for Traditional Judaism
    * Orthodox Judaism
    o Haredi Judaism
    o Hasidic Judaism
    o Modern Orthodox Judaism
    * Reform Judaism
    * Progressive Judaism
    o Liberal Judaism

    Karaite Judaism

    Main article: Karaite Judaism

    Modern Non-Rabbinic Judaism

    * Alternative Judaism
    * Humanistic Judaism (not always identified as a religion)
    * Jewish Renewal
    * Reconstructionist Judaism

    Historical groups

    * Essenes
    * Pharisees (ancestor of Rabbinic Judaism)
    * Sadducees (possible ancestor of Karaite Judaism)
    * Zealots
    o Sicarii

    Sects that believed Jesus was a prophet

    * Ebionites
    * Elkasites
    * Nazarenes
    * Sabbateans
    o Frankists

    [edit] Rastafari movement
    Main article: Rastafari movement

    [edit] Mandaeans and Sabians
    Main articles: Mandaeism and Sabians

    * Mandaeism
    * Sabians
    o Sabians of Harran
    o Mandaean Nasaraean Sabeans

    [edit] Samaritanism
    Main article: Samaritanism

    [edit] Unitarian Universalism
    Main article: Unitarian Universalism

    [edit] Indian religions
    Main article: Indian religions

    Religions that originated in Greater India and religions and traditions related to, and descended from, them.

    [edit] Ayyavazhi
    Main article: Ayyavazhi

    [edit] Buddhism
    Main article: Schools of Buddhism

    * Nikaya schools (which have historically been called Hinayana in the West)
    o Theravada
    + Sri Lankan Amarapura Nikaya
    + Sri Lankan Siam Nikaya
    + Sri Lankan Ramañña Nikaya
    + Bangladeshi Sangharaj Nikaya
    + Bangladeshi Mahasthabir Nikaya
    + Burmese Thudhamma Nikaya
    # Vipassana tradition of Mahasi Sayadaw and disciples
    + Burmese Shwekyin Nikaya
    + Burmese Dvaya Nikaya
    + Thai Maha Nikaya
    # Dhammakaya Movement
    + Thai Thammayut Nikaya
    # Thai Forest Tradition
    * Tradition of Ajahn Chah
    * Mahayana
    o Humanistic Buddhism
    o Madhyamaka
    + Prāsangika
    + Svatantrika
    + Sanlun (Three Treatise school)
    # Sanron
    + Maha-Madhyamaka (Jonangpa)
    o Nichiren
    + Nichiren Shū
    + Nichiren Shōshū
    + Nipponzan Myōhōji
    + Soka Gakkai
    o Pure Land
    + Jodo Shu
    + Jodo Shinshu
    o Tathagatagarbha
    + Daśabhūmikā (absorbed into Huayan)
    + Huayan (Avataṃsaka)
    # Hwaeom
    # Kegon
    o Tiantai
    + Tendai
    + Cheontae
    o Yogācāra
    + Cittamatra in Tibet
    + Wei-Shi (Consciousness-only school) or Faxiang (Dharma-character school)
    # Beopsang
    # Hossō
    o Chan / Zen / Seon / Thien
    + Caodong
    # Sōtō
    * Keizan line
    * Jakuen line
    * Giin line
    + Linji
    # Rinzai
    # Ōbaku
    # Fuke Zen
    # Won Buddhism: Korean Reformed Buddhism
    + Kwan Um School of Zen
    + Sanbo Kyodan
    * Vajrayana
    o Shingon Buddhism
    o Tibetan Buddhism
    + Bön
    + Gelukpa
    + Kagyupa
    # Dagpo Kagyu
    * Karma Kagyu
    * Barom Kagyu
    * Tsalpa Kagyu
    * Phagdru Kagyu
    * Drikung Kagyu
    * Drukpa Kagyu
    # Shangpa Kagyu
    + Nyingmapa
    + Sakyapa
    # Jonangpa
    * New Buddhist movements
    o Aum Shinrikyo (now known as Aleph)
    o Diamond Way
    o Friends of the Western Buddhist Order
    o New Kadampa Tradition
    o Share International
    o True Buddha School
    o Vipassana movement

    [edit] Hinduism
    See also: Hindu denominations and Contemporary Hindu movements

    * Agama Hindu Dharma
    * Hindu revivalism
    * Lingayatism
    * Hindu reform movements
    o Arya Samaj
    o Brahmo Samaj
    * Shaivism
    * Shaktism
    * Tantrism
    * Smartism
    * Vaishnavism
    o Gaudiya Vaishnavism
    + ISKCON (Hare Krishna)

    Major schools and movements of Hindu philosophy

    Main article: Hindu philosophy

    * Nyaya
    * Purva mimamsa
    * Samkhya
    * Vaisheshika
    * Vedanta (Uttara Mimamsa)
    o Advaita Vedanta
    o Integral Yoga
    o Vishishtadvaita
    o Dvaita Vedanta
    * Yoga
    o Ashtanga Yoga
    o Bhakti Yoga
    o Hatha yoga
    o Siddha Yoga
    o Tantric Yoga

    [edit] Jainism
    Main article: Jainism

    * Digambara
    * Shvetambara

    [edit] Sikhism
    Main article: Sikhism

    * Khalsa
    o Nihang
    * Namdhari or Kuka Sikhs
    * Sahajdhari Sikh
    * Ravidasi

    [edit] Persian religions
    Main article: Iranian religions

    * Manichaeism
    * Mazdakism
    * Yazdânism
    o Alevi
    o Yarsani
    o Yazidi
    * Zoroastrianism
    o Zurvanism

    [edit] East Asian religions
    Main article: East Asian religions

    [edit] Confucianism
    Main article: Confucianism

    * Neo-Confucianism
    * New Confucianism

    [edit] Shinto
    Main articles: Shinto and Shinto sects and schools

    [edit] Taoism
    Main article: Taoism

    [edit] Other

    * Caodaism
    * Chondogyo
    * Chinese folk religion
    * Falun Gong
    * I-Kuan Tao
    * Jeung San Do
    * Legalism
    * Mohism

    [edit] African diasporic religions

    African diasporic religions are a number of related religions that developed in the Americas among African slaves and their descendants in various countries of the Caribbean Islands and Latin America, as well as parts of the southern United States. They derive from African traditional religions, especially of West and Central Africa, showing similarities to the Yoruba religion in particular.
    See also: African diasporic religions

    * Batuque
    * Candomblé
    * Dahomey mythology
    * Haitian mythology
    * Kumina
    * Macumba
    * Mami Wata
    * Obeah
    * Oyotunji
    * Quimbanda
    * Santería (Lukumi)
    * Umbanda
    * Vodou

    [edit] Indigenous traditional religions
    See also: Paganism and Folk religion

    Traditionally, these faiths have all been classified "Pagan", but scholars prefer the terms "indigenous/primal/folk/ethnic religions".

    [edit] African
    Main article: African traditional religions

    West Africa

    * Akan mythology
    * Ashanti mythology (Ghana)
    * Dahomey (Fon) mythology
    * Efik mythology (Nigeria, Cameroon)
    * Igbo mythology (Nigeria, Cameroon)
    * Isoko mythology (Nigeria)
    * Yoruba mythology (Nigeria, Benin)

    Central Africa

    * Bushongo mythology (Congo)
    * Bambuti (Pygmy) mythology (Congo)
    * Lugbara mythology (Congo)

    East Africa

    * Akamba mythology (East Kenya)
    * Dinka mythology (Sudan)
    * Lotuko mythology (Sudan)
    * Masai mythology (Kenya, Tanzania)

    Southern Africa

    * Khoikhoi mythology
    * Lozi mythology (Zambia)
    * Tumbuka mythology (Malawi)
    * Zulu mythology (South Africa)

    [edit] American
    Main article: Native American mythology

    * Abenaki mythology
    * Aztec mythology
    * Blackfoot mythology
    * Cherokee mythology
    * Chickasaw mythology
    * Choctaw mythology
    * Creek mythology
    * Crow mythology
    * Ghost Dance
    * Guarani mythology
    * Haida mythology
    * Ho-Chunk mythology
    * Hopi mythology
    * Huron mythology
    * Inca mythology
    * Inuit mythology
    * Iroquois mythology
    * Kwakiutl mythology
    * Lakota mythology
    * Leni Lenape mythology
    * Longhouse religion
    * Maya mythology
    * Midewiwin
    * Native American Church
    * Navajo mythology
    * Nootka mythology
    * Olmec mythology
    * Pawnee mythology
    * Salish mythology
    * Seneca mythology
    * Selk'nam religion
    * Tsimshian mythology
    * Urarina
    * Ute mythology
    * Zuni mythology

    [edit] Eurasian
    Main article: Eurasian Indigenous Religions


    * Bön
    * Chinese mythology
    * Japanese mythology
    * Koshinto
    * Siberian Shamanism
    * Tengriism


    * Estonian mythology
    * Eskimo religion
    * Finnish mythology and Finnish paganism
    * Hungarian folk religion
    * Sami religion (including the Noaidi)
    * Tadibya

    [edit] Oceania/Pacific

    * Australian Aboriginal mythology
    * Austronesian beliefs
    o Balinese mythology
    o Javanese beliefs
    o Melanesian mythology
    o Micronesian mythology
    + Modekngei
    + Nauruan indigenous religion
    o Philippine mythology
    + Anito
    + Gabâ
    + Kulam
    o Polynesian mythology
    + Hawaiian mythology
    + Maori mythology
    # Maori religion
    + Rapa Nui mythology
    # Moai
    # Tangata manu

    [edit] Cargo cults
    Main article: Cargo cults

    * John Frum
    * Johnson cult
    * Prince Philip Movement
    * Vailala Madness

    [edit] Historical polytheism
    Further information: Prehistoric religion and History of religion

    [edit] Ancient Near Eastern
    Main article: Ancient Near Eastern religions

    * Ancient Egyptian religion
    * Ancient Semitic religions
    * Mesopotamian mythology
    o Arabian mythology (pre-Islamic)
    o Babylonian and Assyrian religion
    + Babylonian mythology
    + Chaldean mythology
    o Canaanite mythology
    + Canaanite religion
    o Hittite mythology
    o Persian mythology
    o Sumerian mythology

    [edit] Indo-European
    Main article: Proto-Indo-European religion

    * Proto-Indo-Iranian religion
    o Zoroastrianism
    o Historical Vedic religion
    * Baltic polytheism
    * Celtic polytheism
    o Brythonic mythology
    o Gaelic mythology
    * Germanic polytheism
    o Anglo-Saxon religion
    o Norse religion
    o Continental Germanic religion
    * Greek polytheism
    * Hungarian polytheism
    * Finnish polytheism
    * Roman polytheism
    * Slavic polytheism

    [edit] Hellenistic
    Main article: Hellenistic religion

    * Mystery religions
    o Eleusinian Mysteries
    o Mithraism
    o Orphism
    * Pythagoreanism
    * Early Christianity
    * Gallo-Roman religion

    [edit] Neopaganism
    Main article: List of Neopagan movements

    [edit] New Age, Esotericism, Mysticism
    Main articles: New Age, Esotericism, and Mysticism

    * Anthroposophy
    * Christian mysticism
    * Esoteric Christianity
    * Hindu mysticism
    * Martinism
    * Meher Baba
    * Nazi mysticism
    * Occultism
    * Rosicrucian
    o Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis
    o Ancient Order of the Rosicrucians
    o Rosicrucian Fellowship
    * Surat Shabd Yoga
    o Tantra
    + Ananda Marga Tantra-Yoga
    * Sufism
    * Thelema

    [edit] Left-Hand Path
    Main article: Left-Hand Path and Right-Hand Path

    * Luciferianism
    * Satanism
    * Setianism

    [edit] Magic
    Main article: Magic (religion)

    * Hoodoo (Rootwork)
    o New Orleans Voodoo
    * Kulam - Filipino witchcraft
    * Magick
    o Chaos magic
    o Enochian magic
    o Demonolatry
    + Goetia
    * Pow-wow
    * Seid (shamanic magic)
    * Vaastu Shastra
    * Witchcraft

    [edit] New religious movements
    Main article: List of new religious movements

    [edit] Shinshukyo
    Main article: Shinshūkyō

    * Church of World Messianity
    * PL Kyodan
    * Seicho-No-Ie

    [edit] Fictional religions
    Main article: List of fictional religions

    [edit] Parody or mock religions

    * Church of Euthanasia
    * Church of the SubGenius
    * The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster
    * Invisible Pink Unicorn
    * Kibology
    * Landover Baptist Church
    * Church of Milesology

    [edit] Others

    * Unitarian Universalism
    * Discordianism
    * Ethical Culture
    * Fellowship of Reason
    * Humanism
    * Secular Humanism
    * Juche
    * Subud

  2. #41
    soloqi's Avatar
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    Re: The true religion.

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    Following my whims as you call them can also be refered to as instinctual.
    My awareness however allows me to over ride my whims as you call them.
    Phrases of fanaticism, I didnt think it would come across as that, The devils know their own i guess.

    Awareness is knowing the truth of things, the truth is vvery simple. consciousness is awareness, higher consciousness....well that speaks for its self. That takes dedication and patience, and knowing thy self.

    We all know the prophet meditated, he increased his perception/ consciousness/ awareness. And awareness is knowning the truth of things.
    Something we all should do, being more aware of ourselves.
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  4. #42
    جوري's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: The true religion.

    being aware of self is great indeed, it falls in the range and scope of what is perceived.. but what is perceived and what is, differ!...

    religion is an institution.. self-awareness is an individual affair...

    all the best
    The true religion.

    Text without context is pretext
    If your opponent is of choleric temperament, seek to irritate him 44845203 1 - The true religion.

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  5. #43
    rpwelton's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: The true religion.

    First of all, not all of those "religions" believe in God.

    Secondly, even fewer of those on the list believe in an afterlife. Some believe in only heaven, others in heaven and hell, and others believe in some other concept like reincarnation or nirvana or something similar of the sort.

    Thirdly, even fewer than that are those religions that are exclusive (ie, you must believe in them to get to heaven).

    I believe the only two religions you have left after narrowing the list down are Christianity and Islam out of the world's major religions or "religious philosophies".
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  6. #44
    Gubbleknucker's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: The true religion.

    format_quote Originally Posted by rpwelton View Post
    First of all, not all of those "religions" believe in God.

    Secondly, even fewer of those on the list believe in an afterlife. Some believe in only heaven, others in heaven and hell, and others believe in some other concept like reincarnation or nirvana or something similar of the sort.

    Thirdly, even fewer than that are those religions that are exclusive (ie, you must believe in them to get to heaven).
    I stated the bulk of this in my original post

    I believe the only two religions you have left after narrowing the list down are Christianity and Islam out of the world's major religions or "religious philosophies".
    So you're saying that only the religions that offer a threat of some kind to the nonbelievers really count as religion?


    What about Judaism?

    The Sabbateans believe in one god ( I don't understand why this is a criteria for whether a religion is a religion, however) and an exclusive afterlife.

    In the Order of the Invisible Pink Unicorn, the nonbelievers are crushed beneath Her golden hooves.

    In the Mayan traditions the world will literally end if the gods are not worshiped.

    Furthermore, there is a chasm in between the divisions of those faiths that fit your criteria.
    Bahá'í Faith/Islam
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  8. #45
    Zafran's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: The true religion.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Gubbleknucker View Post
    I stated the bulk of this in my original post

    So you're saying that only the religions that offer a threat of some kind to the nonbelievers really count as religion?


    What about Judaism?

    The Sabbateans believe in one god ( I don't understand why this is a criteria for whether a religion is a religion, however) and an exclusive afterlife.

    In the Order of the Invisible Pink Unicorn, the nonbelievers are crushed beneath Her golden hooves.

    In the Mayan traditions the world will literally end if the gods are not worshiped.

    Furthermore, there is a chasm in between the divisions of those faiths that fit your criteria.
    Bahá'í Faith/Islam
    Slowly your reducing the religions down.

    What about Judaism?
    Jews believe that you dont have to be jew to achieve "salvation" anyway. Heavily exclusive religion.

    The others are near to exitinction or are extinct

    Bahai realy doesnt have a great a bases anyway -

    The root to salvation is similar with the above.
    Last edited by Zafran; 07-07-2009 at 03:45 PM.
    The true religion.

    Do you think the pious don't sin?

    They merely:
    Veiled themselves and didn't flaunt it
    Sought forgiveness and didn't persist
    Took ownership of it and don't justify it
    And acted with excellence after they had erred - Ibn al-Qayyim
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  9. #46
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    Re: The true religion.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Zafran View Post
    Slowly you're reducing the religions down.
    No, I'm not.

    I don't see why the criteria of an exclusive afterlife should be applied beyond Pascal's wager, which doesn't qualify as belief, anyway.

    What if there is a mighty pig god?
    Most of the non-Muslims (and non-Jews) would be just as bad off as they would be if Allah was real.
    However, He would not appreciate your view of Him as filthy, and would probably punish you, as well.

    The only people who would be spared would be the vegetarian atheists, unless the pig god wanted the humans to somehow discover his existence without any evidence.

    I've eaten a lot of bacon, and this pig god is probably very displeased with me.
    Last edited by Gubbleknucker; 07-07-2009 at 03:27 PM.
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  10. #47
    rpwelton's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: The true religion.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Gubbleknucker View Post
    I stated the bulk of this in my original post

    So you're saying that only the religions that offer a threat of some kind to the nonbelievers really count as religion?


    What about Judaism?

    The Sabbateans believe in one god ( I don't understand why this is a criteria for whether a religion is a religion, however) and an exclusive afterlife.

    In the Order of the Invisible Pink Unicorn, the nonbelievers are crushed beneath Her golden hooves.

    In the Mayan traditions the world will literally end if the gods are not worshiped.

    Furthermore, there is a chasm in between the divisions of those faiths that fit your criteria.
    Bahá'í Faith/Islam
    Judaism nowadays says that you don't have to be a Jew to go to heaven (you just have to adhere to the 7 Noah-tide laws). This is one of the reasons why Jews no longer proselytize their faith.

    As for the Sabbateans, this is an offshoot cult from Judaism, so it's natural to see many of the older Judaic teachings present within it (when Judaism used to be an exclusive religion.

    The Mayans believed in cycles of time. As for the world being destroyed after the gods are no longer worshipped: what does that mean? Not a whole lot is known about their religion beyond that.

    Nice try with the pink unicorn thing; basically it's just a satire of religion in general.

    Regarding the choosing of various sects within Christianity and Islam (and by the way, Baha'ism is not a sect of Islam, but its own separate religion), it makes the most sense to see what was practiced at the time of the Messenger of that religion according to scripture and traditions.

    Thus, for Islam it makes most sense to look at the life of Muhammad and what he and his companions practiced. Any acts of worship or belief that they did not take part in, is not considered an authentic part of the religion.

    Likewise for Jesus.

    Anyways, the reason why exclusivity matters is because if a religion is inclusive, then who cares if you believe in it or not? If a religion doesn't have an afterlife, then again, why should you need to believe in it? If a religion doesn't even believe in God, then of course you wouldn't need to believe in that religion because salvation is a moot point.

    So you can see how we can most easily reduce that list down to Christianity and Islam.
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    Re: The true religion.

    Again, that's just Pascal's wager...
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    Re: The true religion.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Gubbleknucker View Post
    Again, that's just Pascal's wager...
    Only if you choose not to look at evidence.

    Most people assume that God can in no way be proven or that there is no such thing as "evidence" for a religion.

    This is largely due to the influence of Christianity. While I don't want to get into a tangent here and would rather not start debating about Christianity, it basically stems from the notion that you really just need to have faith. In Christianity, there is no emphasis on knowledge or evidence about God; it's really just about believing.

    Islam approaches it from an entirely different angle. It says you need knowledge about God before you can have faith. As Muslims we believe that there is so much evidence out there for not only the existence of God, but for Islam as a religion.

    A person does need faith, but it's not blind faith. It's faith based upon sound reasoning, logic and evidences.
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    Re: The true religion.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Gubbleknucker View Post
    No, I'm not.

    I don't see why the criteria of an exclusive afterlife should be applied beyond Pascal's wager, which doesn't qualify as belief, anyway.

    What if there is a mighty pig god?
    Most of the non-Muslims (and non-Jews) would be just as bad off as they would be if Allah was real.
    However, He would not appreciate your view of Him as filthy, and would probably punish you, as well.

    The only people who would be spared would be the vegetarian atheists, unless the pig god wanted the humans to somehow discover his existence without any evidence.

    I've eaten a lot of bacon, and this pig god is probably very displeased with me.

    Theres very little warning on that - But the warning By the God of Abhrham pbuh are many. Its up to you turn away.
    The true religion.

    Do you think the pious don't sin?

    They merely:
    Veiled themselves and didn't flaunt it
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    Took ownership of it and don't justify it
    And acted with excellence after they had erred - Ibn al-Qayyim
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    Re: The true religion.

    I tried to trap the tooth fairy when I was little.
    I needed proof of her existence, as I suspected that there were other explanations for the money that I found under the pillow.
    This is how I view the non-threatening religious faiths.

    Put fear in the mix, and you discover what I did to Santa Clause.

    I didn't want that creepy old man coming in my house! I didn't care whether it would get me presents. I blocked up the chimney and got my parents to take down all the lights!

    This was when I was three years old...
    Last edited by Gubbleknucker; 07-07-2009 at 03:54 PM.
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    Re: The true religion.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Gubbleknucker
    I tried to trap the tooth fairy when I was little.
    I needed proof of her existence, as I suspected that there were other explanations for the money that I found under the pillow.
    This is how I view the non-threatening religious faiths.

    Put fear in the mix, and you discover what I did to Santa Clause.

    I didn't want that creepy old man coming in my house! I didn't care whether it would get me presents. I blocked up the chimney and got my parents to take down all the lights!

    This was when I was three years old...
    First off; God does not equate to Santa or Tooth fairy. Apples and orange argument.

    Second of all, you keep ignoring what religion has to offer, specifically Islam: legal systems, inter-banking relationships, economical theories and practical solutions to TODAYS problems; animal welfare; warfare; medical; scientific; social and psychological.

    All of those are covered by Islam; your methodology of comparing God/Religion to Santa and Tooth fairy is very oversimplified if not downright wrong.
    The true religion.

    Book on sharia law Updated!
    Someone said to the Prophet, "Pray to God against the idolaters and curse them." The Prophet replied, "I have been sent to show mercy and have not been sent to curse." (Muslim)
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    Re: The true religion.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Gubbleknucker View Post
    I tried to trap the tooth fairy when I was little.
    I needed proof of her existence, as I suspected that there were other explanations for the money that I found under the pillow.
    This is how I view the non-threatening religious faiths.

    Put fear in the mix, and you discover what I did to Santa Clause.

    I didn't want that creepy old man coming in my house! I didn't care whether it would get me presents. I blocked up the chimney and got my parents to take down all the lights!

    This was when I was three years old...

    You think you're on the truth simply because certain stories were told to you as a child, which don't even make logical sense. Then due to these stories, you make a sweeping generalisation that everything else is false which doesn't fit in with your paradigm. Hence its a logically flawed argument and subjective.

    Believing in God is more than that, many intelligent people come to the belief in God simply because its logically plausible and is the best explanation of the universe and its precision around us.
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    Re: The true religion.

    Sob7an Allah.. are we humoring the derisions of atheists now?

    [53:29] Therefore shun those who turn away from Our Message and desire nothing but the life of this world.
    [53:30] That is as far as knowledge will reach them. Verily thy Lord knoweth best those who stray from His Path, and He knoweth best those who receive guidance.
    The true religion.

    Text without context is pretext
    If your opponent is of choleric temperament, seek to irritate him 44845203 1 - The true religion.

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    Re: The true religion.

    format_quote Originally Posted by - Qatada - View Post
    You think you're on the truth simply because certain stories were told to you as a child, which don't even make logical sense. Then due to these stories, you make a sweeping generalisation that everything else is false which doesn't fit in with your paradigm. Hence its a logically flawed argument and subjective.

    Believing in God is more than that, many intelligent people come to the belief in God simply because its logically plausible and is the best explanation of the universe and its precision around us.
    "Believing in God is more than that, many intelligent people come to the belief in God simply because its logically plausible and is the best explanation of the "

    Could you list some please , otherwise some may feel that this statement is a type of generalisation
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    Re: The true religion.

    let's see
    there is Dr. Jeffrey Lang
    Dr. Dr. Laurence B. Brown, MD

    Dr. Hoffman

    and here is a whole bunch of videos to make your search easier..

    A German Physician and His Wife Converted to Islam

    YouTube - A German Physician and His Wife Converted to Islam

    Science students turn to islam :

    YouTube - Canadian Science student Revert find peace & logic in Islam

    Czech and European Scientists Revert to Islam

    YouTube - Czech Scientist Reverts to Islam

    Scientist Converts/Reverts to Islam after Studying Qur'an

    YouTube - Scientist Converts/Reverts to Islam after Studying Qur'an

    Scientists testify to islam with islamic proof

    YouTube - scientists testify to islam with islamic proof

    Western Scientists Embracing Islam

    YouTube - Western Scientists Embracing Islam

    Yusuf Estes - Science proves Quran is from Allah 1/7- Watch all 7 parts


    Prof. of Mathematics (Ex-Atheist) on Accepting Islam 1/3

    YouTube - Prof. of Mathematics (Ex-Atheist) on Accepting Islam 1/3

    Prof. of Mathematics (Ex-Atheist) on Accepting Islam 2/3

    YouTube - Prof. of Mathematics (Ex-Atheist) on Accepting Islam 2/3

    Prof. of Mathematics (Ex-Atheist) on Accepting Islam 3/3

    YouTube - Prof. of Mathematics (Ex-Atheist) on Accepting Islam 3/3

    Christian Professor converts to Islam

    YouTube - Christian Professor converts to Islam

    Dr.Webber from England converts to ISLAM

    YouTube - Dr.Webber from England converts to ISLAM

    What Scientists Said About Quran !!!A MUST SEE 4 EVERYONE!!!

    YouTube - What Scientists Said About Quran !!!A MUST SEE 4 EVERYONE!!!

    British Catholic Priest Converted To ISLAM

    YouTube - British Catholic Priest Converted To ISLAM
    Last edited by Muezzin; 07-07-2009 at 07:00 PM. Reason: Removed personal comment
    The true religion.

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    Re: The true religion.

    format_quote Originally Posted by barrio79 View Post
    "Believing in God is more than that, many intelligent people come to the belief in God simply because its logically plausible and is the best explanation of the "

    Could you list some please , otherwise some may feel that this statement is a type of generalisation

    Intelligent people refers to people from all fields of life, throughout history and even in the present.

    Believing in God isn't a scientific issue only, it involves way more than that. Many who affirm their belief in God agree that they don't use science to argue in favour of His existence.
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    Re: The true religion.

    I was not saying that religion was exactly equal to a belief in the tooth fairy.

    I was just saying that I am obviously a born skeptic.

    Who are you to question Allah's wisdom in making me this way?
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    Re: The true religion.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Gubbleknucker View Post
    I was not saying that religion was exactly equal to a belief in the tooth fairy.

    I was just saying that I am obviously a born skeptic.

    Who are you to question Allah's wisdom in making me this way?

    Being a skeptic is one thing, denying facts or the most plausible conclusions when they come to you is a sign of arrogance.

    Allah gave you the choice to believe or disbelieve, but you will be held accountable for your ownself on Judgment Day.
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    Re: The true religion.

    "Being a skeptic is one thing, denying facts or the most plausible conclusions when they come to you is a sign of arrogance."

    this may well be true but it does not exactly specify who are the deny-ers , perhaps it means all those who deny the power of the original greek deities or the dreamtime stories of aboriginal peoples
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