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Is There Evidence of Allah's Existence?

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    Is There Evidence of Allah's Existence? (OP)

    I believe that there is no verifiable scientific proof that Allah (swt) exists. By this I mean that no one has ever seen, smelled or touched Him. Moses conversed with Him through the burning bush, but we don't have a tape recording of the conversation. No one has measured or defined His nature other than what He has revealed in the Quran. Belief in Allah (swt) is the most fundamental belief that we Muslims and other theists have. Why do you believe in His existence?

    My belief in Allah (swt) centers around the requirement I see for a Creator. This perceived need of a Creator is derived from my scientific knowledge (PhD in genetics and molecular biology, mash'Allah) and through the use of my mind to know that the universe and all life (as my friend Eric noted) did not arise by chance, but rather was created by a Higher Power that I know as Allah (swt). It is my choice to believe in Allah (swt) as it is the choice of others to disbelieve.

    I will use an analogy that I have stated elsewhere. If I were to walk upon a beach and came upon three bricks (_ _ _) that were stacked on top of each other perfectly aligned like:


    I would conclude that someone came before me and stacked them up in that matter. The fact that there were no footprints left in the sand would not be proof that I was wrong and that the bricks instead became stacked by the random crashing of the waves on the shoreline. Rather I would conclude that these waves erased the footprints of the person who stacked the bricks while leaving the bricks standing. How much more intricate is the design of life systems that are evidence of a Creator?

    Why do you believe in Allah (swt)?

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    Re: Is There Evidence of Allah's Existence?

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    format_quote Originally Posted by MustafaMc View Post
    So, yes, in a way this universe is direct evidence of the existence of Allah (swt) to those who have eyes to see, minds to reason and hearts to believe.
    It is evidence for Allah to you and other Muslims. To other theists it is evidence of their God or Gods. And as I outlined above, with the problem of suffering, etc, to atheists it is evidence against these particular Gods you theists claim to exist.

    The Quran is similar. It can be used as evidence in both directions. Muslims view it as a perfectly written book, which of course is subjective, and not something non-muslims agree with. To us it is just a book like any other so-called holy book. Muslims see prophecies in it which they believe came true and see that as further evidence. Non-muslims see this as little different from Nostradamus or astrology.

    Some atheists like myself further see the existence of holy books as evidence against the Gods they claim. I think that holy books being the means of communication shows that either the person with the message is limited in his means of communication (not all powerful) or that he does not intend his message to be heard and clearly understood by all. It seems very implausible to me that an all powerful being who has a message he wishes to be heard and understood by all of humanity, would choose to convey this message through ancient human messengers writing it down in an old book. Such a being would not be so limited in means of communication the way that those pretending to speak for him would. An all powerful being could simply have us all know and understand, and this would not interfere with our free will in deciding if we will follow and obey or not.
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    Re: Is There Evidence of Allah's Existence?

    The first word revealed to the messenger is: اقْرَأْ Read .. I find that the ultimate reasoned and seasoned message for mankind. Read in the name of they lord
    96:1 Read: In the name of thy Lord Who createth.
    Amazing indeed how the 'ancient book' millenniums gone by through an 'ancient people' - can have such relevance and transcendence for every people, through every age and every society. Truly a universal message for those of reflection & reason.
    And how does that exactly stand on equal footing with any other confusion of gods that die or gods of the occult or multiple gods who are sure to want to oneup each other?

    It would be a sad thing indeed for a God to create a people and leave them in confusion- they in fact choose their own confusion through their own hyperbole & ill gotten conclusions. The same comparison should and can be made of the lazy student, who isn't even read on the cliff notes yet argues against the teacher and the discipline of a field that should lead him or her to a certain desired end.

    We all apply for universities to mock the foundation, to mock the disciplines to mock the books to mock knowledge & scholarship and by the same token come up with most asinine conclusions and above all a sense of entitlement as if owed degrees or in this case salvation.
    Is There Evidence of Allah's Existence?

    Text without context is pretext
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  5. #263
    greenhill's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Is There Evidence of Allah's Existence?

    Wow!Going thru the thread was dizzying.. Some fantastic points, 'parable', plenty off topic too! Probably post some comments later... Since the thread is about evidence of Allah's existence and not about commenting on others' perception of evidence.

    Personally, I have never truly felt Allah's presence. I guess I am not sensitive that way. I don't really feel he answers my prayers either. But that does not mean he does not exist, or cares for His creation, me included. Sometimes I feel my heart is cold, mmm most of the time, but that is probably from not wanting to get hurt. So, I cannot blindly listen to my heart as it does not speak much. I have to use my mind more.

    To me, the evidence is also in the Grand and Divine story from creation to doomsday. The Plot, of what we know about and the plot we know nothing of. And we know ridiculously little of what knowledge is out there. ---

    There is a link between us and the unseen world. Of what happened prior to our creation (which is a very long time indeed). Of angels and jinns, and the stories of the prophets, the messages for humanity throughout. Only what is relevant to 'us' is revealed, and we have pieced it together via the continuous evolution of intellect how an 'unseen God' can be worshipped by a vast number of people.

    But how can you really substantiate an 'unseen God'? One that 'works in mysterious ways'? And also One that has not directly communicated with His slaves? - with the exception of very few people in the lifetime of humanity.

    Needing proof is one thing, the 'scientific descriptions about embryo, or living things made out of water, etc shows already that the Quran is no guess work. Its concise language and linguistic excellence, is already proof. The prophet, Muhammad s.a.w. was a living example. Quran cannot demonstrate but it can guide. To demonstrate, we need a person.

    Although it is the inevitable end (doomsday) that convinces me (although it does not constitute as evidence), that every created form will have an ending, but it is the story line for humans that gives me the best evidence of Allah as the Creator. Allah writes the best story line, fully interactive with a complete appraisal system.

    p.s. I'm not sure if I make sense as it is rather difficult to put in words the thoughts
    Last edited by Muhammad; 06-15-2013 at 09:45 AM. Reason: Removed some parts regarding the first creation which did not appear to have any basis
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  6. #264
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    Re: Is There Evidence of Allah's Existence?

    format_quote Originally Posted by marwen View Post

    Jazakom Allah khyran all of you brothers and sisters. I think the above posts are perfectly describing what is belief and how it's not a matter of direct proof or evidence.
    In the same idea, I want to add some input about a subtle concept, which is :
    the importance of the heart in the process of eemaan
    Something that non-believers don't know, and many muslims tend to forget when trying to call non-believers to the truth.
    May Allah give us all the purity of the heart and husn al khateema. Aameen !

    I'll start from these 2 verses, which I think, summarize all the story of Imaan (faith) :

    Surat Alshuaraa': verses 88-89:
    "The day when wealth and sons avail not (any man) (88)Save him who bringeth unto Allah a whole heart."
    يَوۡمَ لَا يَنفَعُ مَالٌ۬ وَلَا بَنُونَ  ٨٨ إِلَّا مَنۡ أَتَى ٱللَّهَ بِقَلۡبٍ۬ سَلِيمٍ۬ ٨٩

    One of the conditions of the test on this earth is that Allah will not give us a strong explicit evidence of His existence. If we can see Allah with our eyes, or hear Him with our ears, then all the men on earth will believe automatically in His existence, like they believe in the existence of the sun, or in the existence of thunder. And thus, the hell and the jannah, the punishment and the reward will be irrelevant. People will never do sins, and the test in this dunya will be useless.

    So for brothers and sisters who want to do dawah and try to find answers for the unbelievers, and who want to find explicit proofs or evidences about the existence of Allah, they should know that there is no segmental and final response that will work for all, and that will make all the people believers.
    There is always people who will find their way easily, with the help of Allah. And also those who will stray from the right path.

    Allah only gave us signs of his existence. And He gave us a mind and a heart. And we can easily get to Allah through our mind, by following the signs and the basic 'fitra' (innate common sense). That combination (mind or intelligence or fitra + the signs) theoretically can simply lead all the humans to believe in Allah. But why unbelievers still exist ? => Because there is another little thing that make the process of belief a little bit more complex and difficult : the heart. Your heart may cast you away from the way of Allah !

    The process of belief, as simple as it is, is also a little bit delicate; Because it depends on two factors : the mind and the heart.

    The mind is so simple and correct (though limited), you are not able to force it to be incorrect, or to change the way your mind works : "1+1=2"; "cause preceeds effect"; "I think, therefore I am"; etc. You can lie on others, but you cannot lie on yourself, because your mind will not let it pass, as simple as that.

    But there is the heart. The other part of the game. The heart is not as rigourous as the mind, in fact it has no reason.
    And the problem is that, the heart can influence on your mind, and can make you a believer or non-believer. How ?

    Let's go back to the 2 verses in the beginning :
    "The day when wealth and sons avail not (any man) (88)Save him who bringeth unto Allah a whole heart. (89)"
    يَوۡمَ لَا يَنفَعُ مَالٌ۬ وَلَا بَنُونَ  ٨٨ إِلَّا مَنۡ أَتَى ٱللَّهَ بِقَلۡبٍ۬ سَلِيمٍ۬ ٨٩

    ==> The day of Judgement. Only the believers will come through. But Allah said that only will win those who come with a whole heart : that means a whole sane heart, a whole clean heart, a heart that is entirely intact and not affected with diseases.
    From Arabic : Qalbun Saleem : a heart which is sane, or which is entirely devoted to Allah. This describes also a heart which is totally submitted (musallam) to Allah, the true meaning of Islam !

    Diseases of the heart is what makes it so hard for unbelievers to believe,
    and cleanness of the heart is what makes it so easy for believers to see Allah in such a clearness, that true believers don't understand how some people cannot see the clear truth.

    The heart is what makes difference, between believing and not believing.

    To really see the truth, as clear as the sun, one should cleanse his heart first, from diseases and impurities that may affect it, like : arrogance and pride, anger and hatered, earthly desires and interests, etc.
    And then one should fill his heart with sincere will to seek truth, with justice and objectivity, with respect for others and for other ideas.
    Now after being done with the heart, the way will be clear for our mind, all we have now is to open our mind for all the possibilities and to seek the truth everywhere, to discuss with people who claim that they have the truth, to read books and not to be stubbern if we see the convincing evidences and the clear truth. With that done I don't believe anyone will remain unbeliever.

    But be careful, the job of the heart does not finish here. The heart always controls the level of your eeman (faith) : Working on your heart, by purifiying it and by increasing the amount faith in it.
    We, Ahlu-s-Sunnah w'al Jama'ah ( who believe in Quran and Sunnah), believe that the level of faith in the heart is not constant. It fluctuates according to the state of the heart : eeman in the heart decreases by doing sins and by catching diseases in the heart, and it increases by doing purification and acts of worship (prayer, dua, fasting, quran, etc.).
    Eeman in our heart moves up and down, from level0 = 0 belief = disbelief, to the highest levels of eeman : when you reach these highest levels, you will be hating the material pleasures of this life, and you will enjoy and delight the worship of Allah.

    The more eeman increases in your heart the more your belief in Allah increases, that means the more your feeling of the existence of Allah gets stronger, and you feel that Allah is more close to you in all your states of life, and if this feeling of the existence of Allah in your life is so strong, you will be feeling that you live with Allah, and Allah is supporting you in all your matters. You will not feel the existence of other people around you or anything else, there is only Allah in your life and in your conscience, all the rest has no value for you. But few are who reach this level, let alone who stay in it.

    Hadeeth : on the variation of the level of imaan through acts of worship (In Ryadhu-s-Saliheen, Imam Nawawi) :
    Abu Rib'i Hanzala ibn ar-Rabi' al-Usaydi the scribe, one of the scribes of the Messenger of Allah, said, "Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with him, met me and said, 'How are you, Hanzala?' I said, 'Hanzala is a hypocrite!' I said, Glory be to Allah! What are you saying!' I said, 'We were with the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, who reminded us of the Garden and the Fire and it was as if we could see them with our eyes. When we leave the presence of the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, we attend to our wives, children and estates in a state of great heedlessness.' Abu Bakr said, 'By Allah, we have experienced the same as this!' So Abu Bakr and I went to visit the Messenger of Allah and I said, 'Hanzala is a hypocrite, Messenger of Allah!' The Messenger of Allahmay Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, 'Why is that?' I said, 'Messenger of Allah, when we are with you,you remind us of the Garden and Fire and it is as if we could see them with our eyes. When we leave your presence, we attend to our wives, children and estates in a state of great heedlessness.' The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, 'By the One in whose hand my soul is, if you were to remain in the state you are in when you are in my presence and in the dhikr, the angels would shake hands with you on your bed and in the street, but, Hanzala, different times are not the same.' three times." [Muslim]

    This post just inspired to make an account . I really needed this quote jzk

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    Re: Is There Evidence of Allah's Existence?

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  9. #266
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    Re: Is There Evidence of Allah's Existence?

    format_quote Originally Posted by MustafaMc View Post

    My belief in Allah (swt) centers around the requirement I see for a Creator. This perceived need of a Creator is derived from my scientific knowledge (PhD in genetics and molecular biology, mash'Allah) and through the use of my mind to know that the universe and all life (as my friend Eric noted) did not arise by chance, but rather was created by a Higher Power that I know as Allah (swt). It is my choice to believe in Allah (swt) as it is the choice of others to disbelieve.
    br that chapter right there ^ is the verifiable scientific proof of Allah's existence.

    probability calculations are a part of scientific evidences and if that proves it couldn't have come about by chance and there must have been a All powerful All knowing creator, than this is what science itself is proving

    science doesn't have to be just about empirical evidences, it's also about logical facts

    The scientists of today are controlled by a materialism agenda so they won't ever admit that
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    Re: Is There Evidence of Allah's Existence?


    format_quote Originally Posted by AbdullahAziz View Post
    br that chapter right there ^ is the verifiable scientific proof of Allah's existence.
    If what you say was true, then scientists everywhere would believe in God with a similar level of certainty to the way they believe in the existence of gravity.

    The scientists of today are controlled by a materialism agenda so they won't ever admit that
    In fact, scientists are guided by an evidence agenda. A good scientist is not ashamed to admit having been wrong in the face of stronger evidence. If compelling evidence for God's existence were to arise, scientists would definitely take it seriously.

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    Re: Is There Evidence of Allah's Existence?

    format_quote Originally Posted by czgibson View Post

    If what you say was true, then scientists everywhere would believe in God with a similar level of certainty to the way they believe in the existence of gravity.

    In fact, scientists are guided by an evidence agenda. A good scientist is not ashamed to admit having been wrong in the face of stronger evidence. If compelling evidence for God's existence were to arise, scientists would definitely take it seriously.

    bro, you havnt read about the materialists at the top who control the rest have ya?; see:


    There are also additional mechanisms that force scientists to be evolutionist and materialist. In Western countries, a scientist has to observe some standards in order to be promoted, to receive academic recognition, or to have his articles published in scientific journals. A straightforward acceptance of evolution is the number-one criterion. This system drives these scientists so far as to spend their whole lives and scientific careers for the sake of a dogmatic belief. American molecular biologist Jonathan Wells refers to these pressure mechanisms in his book Icons of Evolution published in 2000:

    ...Dogmatic Darwinists begin by imposing a narrow interpretation on the evidence and declaring it the only way to do science. Critics are then labeled unscientific; their articles are rejected by mainstream journals, whose editorial boards are dominated by the dogmatists; the critics are denied funding by government agencies, who send grant proposals to the dogmatists for "peer" review; and eventually the critics are hounded out of scientific community altogether. In the process, evidence against the Darwinian view simply disappears, like witnesses against the Mob. Or the evidence is buried in specialized publications, where only a dedicated researcher can find. Once critics have been silenced and counter-evidence has been buried, the dogmatists announce that there is scientific debate about their theory, and no evidence against it.5

    This is the reality that continues to lie behind the assertion "evolution is still accepted by the world of science". Evolution is kept alive not because it has a scientific worth but because it is an ideological obligation. Very few of the scientists who are aware of this fact can risk pointing out that the king isn't wearing any clothes.


    this comment right here from an evolutionist scientist says it all about coming across evidence of God in science:

    A few lines written by one of the prominent evolutionist biologists of Turkey is a good example that enables us to see the disordered judgement and discretion that this blind devotion leads to. This scientist discusses the probability of the coincidental formation of Cytochrome-C, which is one of the most essential enzymes for life, as follows:

    The probability of the formation of a Cytochrome-C sequence is as likely as zero. That is, if life requires a certain sequence, it can be said that this has a probability likely to be realised once in the whole universe. Otherwise, some metaphysical powers beyond our definition should have acted in its formation. To accept the latter is not appropriate to the goals of science. We therefore have to look into the first hypothesis.2

    This scientist finds it "more scientific" to accept a possibility "as likely as zero" rather than creation. However according to the rules of science, if there are two alternative explanations concerning an event and if one of them has "as likely as zero" a possibility of realisation, then the other one is the correct alternative. However the dogmatic materialistic approach forbids the admittance of a superior Creator. This prohibition drives this scientist-and many others who believe in the same materialist dogma-to accept claims that are completely contrary to reason.


    - - - Updated - - -
    format_quote Originally Posted by czgibson View Post
    In fact, scientists are guided by an evidence agenda. A good scientist is not ashamed to admit having been wrong in the face of stronger evidence. If compelling evidence for God's existence were to arise, scientists would definitely take it seriously.

    this is true in most matters but when it comes to philosophical matters the scientists do have biases:

    most people accept everything they hear from scientists as strictly true. It does not even occur to them that scientists may also have various philosophical or ideological prejudices. The fact of the matter is that evolutionist scientists impose their own prejudices and philosophical views on the public under the guise of science. For instance, although they are aware that random events do not cause anything other than irregularity and confusion, they still claim that the marvellous order, plan, and structure seen both in the universe and in living organisms arose by chance.

    read on http://evolutiondeceit.com/en/books/...t/chapter/3288
    Last edited by AbdurRahman.; 11-10-2017 at 04:36 PM.
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  12. #269
    AabiruSabeel's Avatar Administrator
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    Re: Is There Evidence of Allah's Existence?

    format_quote Originally Posted by czgibson View Post
    If what you say was true, then scientists everywhere would believe in God with a similar level of certainty to the way they believe in the existence of gravity.

    In fact, scientists are guided by an evidence agenda. A good scientist is not ashamed to admit having been wrong in the face of stronger evidence. If compelling evidence for God's existence were to arise, scientists would definitely take it seriously.
    This is an old thread. It seems like I will have to invite you to re-read the thread from the beginning once again.

    By saying that scientist do not find compelling evidence for the existence of God, you are reducing God to a material level. Science deals with physical things and their properties, and God is beyond the realm of physics and chemistry. As indicated in the first post of the thread, you cannot touch, smell or measure God or His attributes. He is not bound by the boundaries and limitations of human experimentation. To understand God and to feel His existence, ponder over His creations and you will find His wisdom in every atom.
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    Re: Is There Evidence of Allah's Existence?

    format_quote Originally Posted by AabiruSabeel View Post
    By saying that scientist do not find compelling evidence for the existence of God, you are reducing God to a material level. Science deals with physical things and their properties, and God is beyond the realm of physics and chemistry. As indicated in the first post of the thread, you cannot touch, smell or measure God or His attributes. He is not bound by the boundaries and limitations of human experimentation. To understand God and to feel His existence, ponder over His creations and you will find His wisdom in every atom.
    Hot, off the baking tray:

    Perfect timing, have a coffee (or chai) ready!
    Is There Evidence of Allah's Existence?

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  15. #271
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    Re: Is There Evidence of Allah's Existence?

    *Rational and logical argument*

    · _Anything that has a beginning cannot be the cause_
    _of its own existence._
    · _A deterministic system needs a designer._

    context of cosmology, then it becomes a necessity that there exist an
    uncaused, intelligent (agency, source, entity) which caused all that

    You were not responsible for your own birth nor, the smartphone you use came into existence on its own.

    it has been established that our universe was indeed created and did
    not exist, it had a beginning, *not only that scientist tells us that it*
    *came out of nothing…!!!*

    “All the evidence seems to indicate, that the universe has not existed forever, but that it *had a beginning*” : Stephen Hawking

    “*entire universe, from the fireball of the Big Bang to the star-studded cosmos we now inhabit, popped into existence from nothing at all.*

    But remember *nothing cannot create something… you still need something to create something out of nothing.*

    Absolute nothing cannot exist because absolute nothing has no properties therefore neither can it act nor it can be acted upon.
    So if absolute nothing existed nothing would exist.

    So what caused, created, our universe?

    Simple logical and rational reasoning suffice.

    Let’s assume ‘A’ created our universe.

    Now there are *only two possibilities* for existence of ‘A’.

    This is a true dichotomy.

    _If there is a third possibility let me know…_

    First possibility: ‘A’ itself was created by say ‘B’ and then ‘B’ was created by ‘C’,

    This is infinite regression which is *inconclusive, irrational and impossible.*

    Let’s say you have 1000 dominoes lined up, to begin domino effect you need first initial push to the first domino.


    If you have infinite number of dominoes lined up, it means there is no
    First domino and therefore there cannot be first initial push and hence
    Domino effect cannot exist, _the sequence will never start._
    Because if there is no first domino then the dominoes do not exist but our universe exist and it had a beginning.

    *The first scenario for ‘A’ is therefore impossible.*

    The second possibility for ‘A’ is the most *reasonable, rational, logical,* and the only possibility.

    Never had a beginning, it always existed, we can further expound that
    ‘A’ possesses intelligence (including all the knowledge and information
    Present in our universe) and

    *’A’ is capable of bringing things into existence out of nothing.*

    By being able to create things out of nothing *’A’* is *De-linked* from the *chain of cause and effect, and is not a part of it*

    *A* is not the first cause but causes the first cause in the chain of cause and effect and since it is De-linked from the chain, *it requires no cause for itself to exist* and eliminates the problem of infinite regression.*

    Since ‘A’ always existed, it has no end and no beginning, which means it is truly infinite, unchanging, therefore it does not require the function of time for its existence *or* cause for its existence , since it has no beginning .

    Moving on to second statement…

    *A deterministic system requires a Designer.*

    _A deterministic system cannot arise out of randomness because randomness and determinism are inimical to each other._

    Actually there is no such thing as true randomness, there is no such thing as *by chance.*

    We have is *bounded uncertainty*, for example no matter how many times
    You throw a dice, throw it for a zillion times, *you will never ever get a 7.*

    What we have is a *bounded uncertainty* that any number from 1 to 6 may show up.

    If you plant an apple seed you don’t get randomly an orange tree (unless Monsanto is involved…).

    Even the uncertainty that exist at quantum level is a bounded uncertainty.
    And randomness and uncertainty are two different things.

    Tells us that it is Higgs boson that is responsible for giving mass and
    Properties to all the matter that exists in our universe.

    True randomness existed we would be seeing all kind of different matter
    Popping out into existence. In fact our universe will collapse due to
    Random process taking place,

    “Stephen Hawking Says ‘God Particle’ (Higgs boson
    ) Could Wipe Out the Universe” : http://goo.gl/k2LHnE

    Do you think a unicorn is yet to pop out into existence?

    Ask Higgs boson, and there you have a nice little unicorn.!!!

    A Deterministic system comes into existence, its parameters, its
    Specifications, its possible states, needs to be *pre-determined.*

    Example our humble electronic calculator which is a deterministic
    System, before it can be manufactured (created) its specification needs
    To be pre-determined, how many digits it can display, to what level of
    Accuracy it can perform calculation and so on.

    Our universe is a deterministic system and it is governed by laws of the nature which gives it a deterministic attribute.

    Before our universe came into existence, it had to be pre-determined
    What type of laws of nature it will have, what possible state it can
    Have, its behavior and so on.
    *And this can only come about if it has a Designer.*

    Where does God come in here?

    There are two mistakes that an atheist makes.
    They club Gods of different religions under one roof and reject them lock stock and barrel.
    This is like saying all bacteria’s are harmful for health, which is factually incorrect.

    _A spoon by any other name is a spoon but A spoon by any other function is not a spoon_

    The second logical fallacy an atheist commits is asking for empirical evidence for existence of God.

    god that has empirical evidence is a false god because anything that
    Has empirical evidence means it obeys the law of nature and anything
    That is subservient to the law of nature cannot be the creator of that

    Let’s talk about God of Islam Allah (swt).

    *Remember ‘A’ it is always existing?*

    In the noble Quran Allah (swt) describes himself.

    Say: He is Allah, the One and Only;
    Allah, the Eternal, Absolute;
    He begetteth not, nor is He begotten;
    And there is none like unto Him.
    (Chapter 112)

    Allah does not have size , form or shape that can be described as we understand how things exists , because there is nothing that exists that can be compared with Allah.
    So how do we know who is Allah?
    _Through his attributes._

    Allah (swt) has at least 99 names or attributes, some relevant one are…

    Allah is also known as *‘al-Bâqî’* meaning…
    The One whose existence has neither beginning nor end. The One whose existence is beyond the realm of time.

    *‘A’ possesses all intellect present in our universe.*

    Allah is also known as *‘al-‘Alîm’* meaning…
    The One who is intuitively aware of all things, even before they happen.
    One from whom no knowledge is concealed. The One who is aware of the complete details of all matters.

    *‘A’ is capable of bringing things into existence out of nothing.*

    “Creator of the heavens and the earth from *nothingness*, He has only to say when He wills a thing: “Be”, and it is.”: Translation by Ahmed Ali


    Verily, His command, when He intends a thing, is only that He says to it, “Be!”– and it is!)
    [Noble Quran 36:82)

    be to Allah, Who created (out of nothing) the heavens and the earth,
    Who made the angels, messengers with wings,- two, or three, or four
    (pairs): He adds to Creation as He pleases: for Allah has power over all
    (Noble Quran 35:1)

    *Our universe is deterministic.*

    This is in compliance with Islamic view.

    ” Verily, all things have We created in proportion and measure..” [Al-Qur’an 54:49]

    One of the article of faith in Islam is Al-Qada’ and Al-Qadr, of Allah.

    al-Qada’ and al-Qadr mean the predestination of an action or an event.
    However if they are combined then al-Qadr means the predestination of an
    Act or event before it occurs and al-Qada’ refers to act or event after
    It takes place.

    As you must have realized ‘A’ is the only rational and logical Agency, entity, source that is capable of creating our universe

    And by function ‘A’ fits Allah. (Remember spoon?)

    _Now all you have to acknowledge is that.._

    *’A’ is for Allah.*

    But of course…

    _there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from Error:_
    _whoever rejects evil and believes in Allah hath grasped the most_
    _trustworthy hand-hold, that never breaks. And Allah heareth and knoweth_
    all things._

    Noble Quran-2:256

    Islam is the most logical and rational religion.
    _It offers rational explanation for any query you may have._

    And …Allah alone knows best.

    *Related Topic:* free will predestination and determinism

    #islam #religion #atheism
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  16. #272
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    Re: Is There Evidence of Allah's Existence?

    format_quote Originally Posted by AabiruSabeel View Post
    This is an old thread. It seems like I will have to invite you to re-read the thread from the beginning once again.

    By saying that scientist do not find compelling evidence for the existence of God, you are reducing God to a material level. Science deals with physical things and their properties, and God is beyond the realm of physics and chemistry. As indicated in the first post of the thread, you cannot touch, smell or measure God or His attributes. He is not bound by the boundaries and limitations of human experimentation. To understand God and to feel His existence, ponder over His creations and you will find His wisdom in every atom.
    Science isn't limited to the physical/material. The scientific method is based on careful observation, such as measurement and experiment. Nothing says that scientists aren't allowed to measure or observe non-physical phenomena. It just so happens that there is no good evidence indicating the existence of a god.
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    Re: Is There Evidence of Allah's Existence?

    format_quote Originally Posted by hatsoff View Post
    Science isn't limited to the physical/material. The scientific method is based on careful observation, such as measurement and experiment. Nothing says that scientists aren't allowed to measure or observe non-physical phenomena. It just so happens that there is no good evidence indicating the existence of a god.
    Yes science is limited to the physical universe. Let it be material or energy, science is not interested in anything out of these two. Since God is not a phenomenal being, you cannot observe Him with scientific evidence.
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    Re: Is There Evidence of Allah's Existence?

    Imran Hussein, tells Mohsen and Asim how Atheism is debunked by the first verse from the opening chapter of the Qur'an!Grab yourself some tea! It's time for another Thought Revolution!!!

    Don't forget to subscribe! www.youtube.com/DawahDigital
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