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Questions about Judaism answered by a Jew!

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    Questions about Judaism answered by a Jew! (OP)

    Shalom (Peace), and welcome to the "Questions about Judaism answered by a Jew!" thread. I am sorry to inform you that not many Jews post on this forum so we are very tied up in trying to reveal what Judaism is to Muslims, so we can establish a bond of common understanding. Below is a list of commonly asked questions which we have answered:

    Heaven and Hell
    Do only Jews go to heaven?
    What is the logic behind why non-Jews can go to heaven?

    What is "Kashruit"?
    Can a Jew eat "Halal" meat?
    How do you know something is Kosher?

    The Torah
    How do we know the Torah has not been corrupted?

    Other Religions
    How can Judaism say that our "prophet" performed miracles, but still reject us!?!
    Does Judaism believe in Jesus? (NO.)

    If you wish to find something that has not been answered as much please feel free to use the search button for this thread:


    Have a great day!
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    Re: Questions about Judaism awnsered by a Jew!

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    LAvikor this is fron the Jewish tanakh..

    If it pleases you to confirm its veracity..

    [PIE]Devarim - Deuteronomy
    Chapter 12

    1 These are the statutes and the ordinances, which ye shall observe to do in the land which HaShem, the G-d of thy fathers, hath given thee to possess it, all the days that ye live upon the earth.

    2 Ye shall surely destroy all the places, wherein the nations that ye are to dispossess served their gods, upon the high mountains, and upon the hills, and under every leafy tree.

    3 And ye shall break down their altars, and dash in pieces their pillars, and burn their Asherim with fire; and ye shall hew down the graven images of their gods; and ye shall destroy their name out of that place.

    4 Ye shall not do so unto HaShem your G-d.

    5 But unto the place which HaShem your G-d shall choose out of all your tribes to put His name there, even unto His habitation shall ye seek, and thither thou shalt come;

    6 and thither ye shall bring your burnt-offerings, and your sacrifices, and your tithes, and the offering of your hand, and your vows, and your freewill-offerings, and the firstlings of your herd and of your flock;

    7 and there ye shall eat before HaShem your G-d, and ye shall rejoice in all that ye put your hand unto, ye and your households, wherein HaShem thy G-d hath blessed thee.[/PIE]

    The link is here


    Again the word are clear,you are to take over a land,disposses it of the early inhabitant,destroy their idols and religion and kill every person or destroy any semblance that an earlier people stayed there

    But no where does it mention that you are to build a temple a fixed temple,but you are to go to the land and pray to god for the blessings.

    Again i would ask you post all relevant verses that say you are to build a temple at that location.

    PS,can you provide a website for the prophecies in time line form of your messiah??
    Last edited by Zulkiflim; 08-04-2006 at 03:04 AM.

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    Re: Questions about Judaism awnsered by a Jew!

    But no where does it mention that you are to build a temple a fixed temple,but you are to go to the land and pray to god for the blessings.
    Again it is not in the Torah to build the Temple. It is in the Tanakh. The book of Deuteronomy is in the Torah. The Tanakh not Torah. The Books of the Prophets where G-d showed them where to build it.

    Again i would ask you post all relevant verses that say you are to build a temple at that location.
    The Tanakh is huge. I do not know off hand the exact verses, but I can search if it means a lot to you, or ask a Rabbi if that will please you. I have read the verses so I know they are there. I don't memorize verse numbers however.

    Again the word are clear,you are to take over a land,disposses it of the early inhabitant,destroy their idols and religion and kill every person or destroy any semblance that an earlier people stayed there
    I would not judge to quickly. Islam does not exactly have friendly ties or a good relationship with Pagans either.

    But in case you are wondering.

    These Pagans that the people of Israel conquered were known for sacrificing children, murder, sinning, rape, worshiping of many gods, and disrespecting any type of 'moral' laws.

    To stop there civilization from destroy humanity any further it was nessesary for them to be destroyed.
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    Re: Questions about Judaism awnsered by a Jew!

    Abraham sacrificing Isaac...

    I'm terribly sorry, I mixed up Jacob and Isaac lol. My bad. I'm terribly sorry again. I just straight up mixed up the names.

    you know when you mentioned earlier about the Tallit katan do they need to be blessed?
    You have to say a prayer before you put them on each day.

    "Ba-ruch A-tah Ado-nai E-lo-he-nu Me-lech Ha-olam A-sher Ki-de-sha-nu Be-mitz-vo-tav Ve-tzi-va-nu Al Mitz-vas Tzi-tzit

    65190 1 - Questions about Judaism answered by a Jew!

    Yes Muslims accept the torah as the book of God I believe we have mentioned that before...
    The Torah specifically mentions that Isaac was almost sacrificed.

    Ishmael was not.

    Remember people. Please refrain from posting huge amounts of the Quran to try and justify an argument.

    This is not an argument. This is me awnsering questions, and sometimes I am not the most all knowing qualified source. If I make a mistake I will immediatly correct it and let you know.

    The Quran has absolutly no value in Judaism. By Jewish Law and the law of the Torah it is a book written by a false prophet.

    The Quran has absolutly nothing to do with Judaism. It is a non-existant factor.
    Last edited by lavikor201; 08-04-2006 at 02:45 PM.
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  6. #244
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    Re: Questions about Judaism awnsered by a Jew!

    I am not posting the Quran to argue with you ... rather to answer your Q of whether or not Muslims think the Torah is a book from God ... the answer would be YES ... yes is better when it isn't just me personally saying so....I wanted clarifications on the practices of Jews not Judaism.... To me there is one God, one religion ... many different messengers ... stating essentially the same exact thing.... Islam came to abrogate some and enforce what was in the previous books.... And set the finality on how to practice ones religion and live ones life.... Thanks for your time....
    Questions about Judaism answered by a Jew!

    Text without context is pretext
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    Re: Questions about Judaism awnsered by a Jew!

    format_quote Originally Posted by PurestAmbrosia View Post
    I am not posting the Quran to argue with you ... rather to answer your Q of whether or not Muslims think the Torah is a book from God ... the answer would be YES ... yes is better when it isn't just me personally saying so....I wanted clarifications on the practices of Jews not Judaism.... To me there is one God, one religion ... many different messengers ... stating essentially the same exact thing.... Islam came to abrogate some and enforce what was in the previous books.... And set the finality on how to practice ones religion and live ones life.... Thanks for your time....
    Alright. That is fine.

    The Jewish theory on this is much different.

    Since Judaism holds that by the teachings of the Torah Jesus, and Muhammod were false prophets Islam is completly irrelavent as is Christianity.

    The New Testemant and the Quran under Jewish belief are completely false on all accounts.
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  9. #246
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    Re: Questions about Judaism awnsered by a Jew!

    format_quote Originally Posted by lavikor201 View Post
    Again it is not in the Torah to build the Temple. It is in the Tanakh. The book of Deuteronomy is in the Torah. The Tanakh not Torah. The Books of the Prophets where G-d showed them where to build it.

    The Tanakh is huge. I do not know off hand the exact verses, but I can search if it means a lot to you, or ask a Rabbi if that will please you. I have read the verses so I know they are there. I don't memorize verse numbers however.

    I would not judge to quickly. Islam does not exactly have friendly ties or a good relationship with Pagans either.

    But in case you are wondering.

    These Pagans that the people of Israel conquered were known for sacrificing children, murder, sinning, rape, worshiping of many gods, and disrespecting any type of 'moral' laws.

    To stop there civilization from destroy humanity any further it was nessesary for them to be destroyed.

    So i take it that you did not visit the link provided?

    Also would really appreciate it if you can provide the verses that say you are to built a temple ...a fixed temple...where other temple wont do.

    You can ofcourse post your idea of Islam destroying another civilisation completely to usurp their place,thank...

    Like i say,that verse
    [PIE]2 Ye shall surely destroy all the places, wherein the nations that ye are to dispossess served their gods, upon the high mountains, and upon the hills, and under every leafy tree.

    3 And ye shall break down their altars, and dash in pieces their pillars, and burn their Asherim with fire; and ye shall hew down the graven images of their gods; and ye shall destroy their name out of that place.[/PIE]

    It mean to destroy,whereas in Islam we are told to guide people to the correct path.
    So when you saw these people you did not talk nor negotiate to them you just murdered and destroyed every trace of their existance.

    I am sure you know of the cannibals in Asia and Africa? they still do exist and their races are still called canniblas but they no longer practise it.
    they stopped practising it casue they now know better.

    But in your case you say just exterminate them completely.

  10. #247
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    Re: Questions about Judaism awnsered by a Jew!

    This is not a debate thread.

    If you feel that G-d was to harsh in his judgements of people who murdered, raped, and stole, then take it up with G-d.

    If your curious about the where it says in the Tanakh to build the Temple on the Temple Mount go look in the books of:

    Melachim 1

    Where there are refrences to where and how the temple should be built.

    In the Torah it also says to built the Temple where G-d shows you, and the temple mount is where he showed us.

    G-d let David know via prophecy that He wanted it built on the Temple Mount.

    If you care so much about the pagans that were conquered by the Hebrews in the Holy Land then do this:

    Ask G-d why he had no mercy on the pagans who raped, stole, and murdered the righteous, and ask G-d why he wanted all traces of there corrupted society that presented no morals eradicated from the land he would make Holy.

    Or why do you not just declare that you believe G-d to be wrong in his descion. Go tell him that.

    As for Islam's 'mercy' on others.... We aren't going to debate this here. So if you have anymore questions about anything ask but do not continue a debate or ask me to locate the exact verses of the temple mount. I do not know the exact verses and I'm not going to skim through and look for the verses because I do not have endless free time.

    Good day.

    Next Question.
    Last edited by lavikor201; 08-04-2006 at 06:30 PM.
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  11. #248
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    Re: Questions about Judaism awnsered by a Jew!

    What is the difference between a "Rebbe" and a "Rabbi"?

  12. #249
    lavikor201's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Questions about Judaism awnsered by a Jew!

    format_quote Originally Posted by ManchesterFolk View Post
    What is the difference between a "Rebbe" and a "Rabbi"?
    They have come to mean different shades of the same idea.

    “Rebbe” is usually associated with the spiritual leader of a Chassidic group; an especially inspiring, saintly and holy individual. [Depending on context, “rebbe” can also be used to mean any teacher, not just the leader of a Chassidic group.]

    “Rabbi” is the English rendering of the aforementioned “rabi”, and will often refer to anyone who has received rabbinical ordination and 1) occupies a pulpit, or 2) is involved in another “religious” occupation such as a principle or teacher in a Yeshiva.
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    Re: Questions about Judaism awnsered by a Jew!

    What do you have to do to be a Rabbi?

  15. #251
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    Re: Questions about Judaism awnsered by a Jew!

    • Be Jewish or convert to Judaism. Conversion is a multistep process with different requirements for the different branches of Judaism.

    • Be a good speaker and a good listener. Your success as a rabbi hinges on interacting well with people to gain their confidence.
    • Get a college degree. Most Jewish seminary programs require it. Your major isn't crucial. Seminaries look for qualities that will make you a successful spiritual leader. They weigh your academic success, volunteer work, psychological makeup and more.
    • Gain substantial life experience. Many lawyers, doctors and business people become rabbis as a second career. They view their religious calling as a way to give back to the community.
    • Complete a four- or five-year seminary program. Each branch of Judaism has its own requirements, but you can usually expect an academic program plus internships and field training. The religious curriculum includes the Torah, Jewish history and Hebrew, and you'll also study psychology, education, public speaking and community problem solving.
    • Graduate as a rabbi with a master's degree in Hebrew letters. Or study longer and earn a doctorate in Hebrew letters.
    • Get hired by a congregation and receive direction from your congregation's board of trustees. Judaism doesn't have a religious hierarchy, so rabbis don't report to a superior such as a bishop or a pope.
    • Expect to start small in your first job. Competition is stiff for large congregations. You can become an assistant rabbi, a leader of a small congregation, a chaplain in the military or the director of a college Hillel center. You can also teach at a college or seminary or work for a Jewish social-service agency.
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    Re: Questions about Judaism awnsered by a Jew!

    format_quote Originally Posted by lavikor201
    Be Jewish or convert to Judaism. Conversion is a multistep process with different requirements for the different branches of Judaism.
    The Torah provides the guidelines to be a Jew (which are quite simple to do).

    I dont see why Jews make it hard for others to convert to their faith. Or is it that they are the "choses people," ie. the are superior to other human beings?

  17. #253
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    Re: Questions about Judaism awnsered by a Jew!

    format_quote Originally Posted by lavikor201 View Post
    This is not a debate thread.

    If you feel that G-d was to harsh in his judgements of people who murdered, raped, and stole, then take it up with G-d.

    If your curious about the where it says in the Tanakh to build the Temple on the Temple Mount go look in the books of:

    Melachim 1

    Where there are refrences to where and how the temple should be built.

    In the Torah it also says to built the Temple where G-d shows you, and the temple mount is where he showed us.

    G-d let David know via prophecy that He wanted it built on the Temple Mount.

    If you care so much about the pagans that were conquered by the Hebrews in the Holy Land then do this:

    Ask G-d why he had no mercy on the pagans who raped, stole, and murdered the righteous, and ask G-d why he wanted all traces of there corrupted society that presented no morals eradicated from the land he would make Holy.

    Or why do you not just declare that you believe G-d to be wrong in his descion. Go tell him that.

    As for Islam's 'mercy' on others.... We aren't going to debate this here. So if you have anymore questions about anything ask but do not continue a debate or ask me to locate the exact verses of the temple mount. I do not know the exact verses and I'm not going to skim through and look for the verses because I do not have endless free time.

    Good day.

    Next Question.


    Thank for the reply but then again it is very very obscure,i mean you gave me the chapter not the verses.

    As you said earlier ,you can provide me the verses relevant or even ask the rabbi,and now you are wihtdrawing the knwoledge.

    But Inshallah,i shall try and find FREE TIME,to learn especially if it is my religon.Once i find some verses that do have some part to the temple,inshallah i shall post it.


    Melachim 1



    For all the chapter for those and for lavikor to confirm..

    As for Islam mercy,i did say you can open another thread so we can talk/debate about it,and since you made the accusation that islam destroyed an entire civilisation then you should provide proof,should you not?

    Inshallah i shall wait your thread...as i will find free time to asnwer those who wish to learn.

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    Re: Questions about Judaism awnsered by a Jew!

    format_quote Originally Posted by QuranStudy View Post
    The Torah provides the guidelines to be a Jew (which are quite simple to do).

    I dont see why Jews make it hard for others to convert to their faith. Or is it that they are the "choses people," ie. the are superior to other human beings?
    Unlike Christianity, and Islam Jews never forced conversion on anyone, and actually Jews do not make it hard to convert. You just have to really want to convert to become a Jew. Something that seperates Judaism from Islam and Christianity is that Judaism teaches that any righteous person can go to heaven, while many other religions will tell you that if you do not affiliate with there religion and read there book, than you will not go to heaven.

    For your information in America there are around 5.6 Million Jews, and 200,000 are converts.

    Christians and Muslims, can be put off by the Jewish religion's propensity not to actively solicit converts. Some Christians and Muslims interpret this lack of active solicitation to mean that Jews don’t want or respect converts. Those who come from some backgrounds may be used to a conversion that takes place in a moment of high feeling and see ‘Introduction to Judaism’ classes as making someone jump through hoops. Within Jewish culture, the lack of proselytizing stems naturally from a respect for each person’s faith, after all the Talmud teaches that “the righteous of all nations have a place in the world to come”, and the idea of learning before converting seems natural, as learning is so central to our tradition.

    Converts, or Jews by Choice as they are often called today, have been part of Jewish religious life from the beginning and the halakhah(Jewish law) is very strong on insisting that a convert is fully Jewish and not a second class citizen.

    Second, off. You have no clue what the term 'chosen people' is actually refering to, and you have no idea obviously that it is no reference to anyone being superior to anyone.

    If you have a question on what the term 'chosen people' means, please ask instead of making uneducated assumptions.
    Last edited by lavikor201; 08-04-2006 at 08:22 PM.
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    Re: Questions about Judaism awnsered by a Jew!


    Melachim 1



    For all the chapter for those and for lavikor to confirm..
    I do believe those are where you can find where they talk about temple. I sent an e-mail to a Rabbi to confirm since I do not have the whole Tanakh memorized.

    Try this site: http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/...le/jpstoc.html

    Or this site: http://breslov.com/bible/
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    Re: Questions about Judaism awnsered by a Jew!

    If you have a question on what the term 'chosen people' means, please ask instead of making uneducated assumptions.
    It means you are superior to other humans because God said so.

    I will reply to the rest of your post later. I would advise you not to clump Islam with Chrsitainity, for all your "assumptions" are misguided in your post.

  22. #257
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    Re: Questions about Judaism awnsered by a Jew!

    How does Judaism claim the world is a little over 5700 years old?
    Questions about Judaism answered by a Jew!


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    Re: Questions about Judaism awnsered by a Jew!

    format_quote Originally Posted by QuranStudy View Post
    It means you are superior to other humans because God said so.

    I will reply to the rest of your post later. I would advise you not to clump Islam with Chrsitainity, for all your "assumptions" are misguided in your post.
    The Jews were 'chosen' to follow the 613 Laws and Good Deeds of the Torah. In no way does it mean we are superior to anyone. I suggest you remove the Anti-Semetic and pathetically unfactual propoganda fed to you by Nazi's and others who hate the Jews.

    You obviously have no understanding of the Torah and that is fine! If you have a question, then just ask! :-)

    I refuse to let you lie about the Torah, and make a fool out of yourself by lieing about it in public though, because when you lie about such a holy scripture you shame yourself.

    In the Talmud, the blessings for the Torah are codified and they come to us in the Siddur as "Blessed are You, G-d, who has chosen us from among the nations by giving us the Torah." We are chosen among all the nations for bringing G-d's message of goodness and righteousness to the world as set down and defined by the laws and good deeds in the Torah. Hence so many of our blessings say, "...Who sanctified us with His commandments..." In Hebrew, the word "sanctified" can also be rendered as "set apart." Thus we have been "set apart" from the other nations by way of our receipt of the Torah and mitzvot. It is our duty in having been so chosen to bring the Holiness inherent therein to the nations of the world that they may be blessed through us. Again, note that our chosen state requires us to be cognizant of the burdens and responsibilities we have to others.

    format_quote Originally Posted by abdmez View Post
    How does Judaism claim the world is a little over 5700 years old?
    Torah and science can never contradict each other, because two truths cannot be contradictory. When we find an apparent contradiction between the two, it is generally due to a misunderstanding regarding what one is saying.

    Science cannot really prove the age of the universe. All that scientists can do is speculate about the age of the universe by extrapolating from observed phenomena. No scientist alive today can say that he or she has first-hand information regarding the beginning of the universe.

    The Torah tells us how old the universe is.

    Science tells us how old the universe seems to be.

    The scientist that does not believe in G-d has no reason to assume that the age of the world is different than what it appears to be To give a simple example: how old was Adam when he was first created? Was he a baby? Young man? Old man?

    Our sages tell us that he had the body and maturity of a 20-year-old man. Now, let us imagine Adam going for a medical exam a day after he was created. The receptionist asks for his age and he answers: “one day”. “You must be kidding me,” she would reply. “You seem to be at least 20 years old!”

    They are both right. Adam is saying how old he really is, while the receptionist is estimating his age based on “scientific proof.”

    The scientist that does not believe in G-d has no reason to assume that the age of the world is different than what it appears to be. The one who believes in G-d, however, can perfectly accept the fact that the world was created in a mature state and therefore does not contradict the fact that it is really younger than it seems to be.
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    Re: Questions about Judaism awnsered by a Jew!

    I apologize for my rude comments.

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    Re: Questions about Judaism awnsered by a Jew!

    format_quote Originally Posted by QuranStudy View Post
    I apologize for my rude comments.
    Thank you.

    Anytime you have any questions about Judaism, or are confused about anything just come here and ask and I will provide you with an awnser to the best of my ability.
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  2. Re: Questions about Judaism answered by a Jew! - New
    By Ebtisweetsam in forum Comparative religion
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    Last Post: 08-09-2007, 12:21 AM
  3. want all your questions answered
    By danbilal in forum Share Your Links
    Replies: 10
    Last Post: 03-05-2007, 09:27 PM
  4. Questions still to be answered
    By Rabi'ya in forum Share Your Links
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    Last Post: 11-22-2005, 10:08 PM

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