Poga Humayun Dundiwala

He said BLACKSTONE is incapable to do good or bad
Then he said to add that the PROPHET indeed had
Kissed the BLACKSTONE with those rosy lit lips
Therefore it became the BARAKAH for those who keeps
The SUNNAH of Rasul ALLAH MUHAMMAD Sallal La Hu Alahi Wa Sallaim
Therefore BLACKSTONE is the BARAKAH for those who puts the SUNNAH on highest esteem
Therefore BLACKSTONE is the object of BARAKAH and BARAKAH is good
He said the BLACKSTONE is incapable to do good or bad because he did not understood
He said the BLACKSTONE nor benefits nor harms nor increase nor decrease
But he failed to understand the PROPHET wont behave without base or basis

Poga Say's in a Foolington Maze

Our PROPHET did not had habit of kissing Blackstone's or white crystal
Our PROPHET did not had habit crying for the minarets or wailing for the wall
He was city of knowledge with his wise gate
Who said oh Abu Hafz my Mumin mate
The BLACKSTONE was whiter then water
Sucking the dark sin by the power of the creator
It is the parchment paper where covenant of Adam
Written down by divine decree before the act of Gondom
Oh Abu Hafz my Mumin Adam
Our PROPHET did not kissed the BLACKSTONE except in wisdom