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Why should I wear hijab?

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    Exclamation Why should I wear hijab? (OP)

    Where I live there are so many young Muslim women today who tell me that it doesn't exactly say in the Qur'an that a woman should cover her hair. Now, I've seen the verses in the Qur'an in reference to it so I don't need those to be quoted but please do it if it's beneficial to what you're trying to explain for me and maybe other non-Muslims who may be lurking here and have the same question.

    On my campus at the university the women are split into two groups. The girls who wear the hijab and the girls who don't. The girls who wear the hijab are seen as more religious and respected whereas the girls who don't wear the hijab are more so outcasts and frowned upon. Especially in MSA. This is the behavior that I am seeing as a non-Muslim. To learn more about Islam I have started to hang out with more sisters and this divide that I am seeing is a bit troubling. I've been told by the girls who don't wear it that hijab has much more to do with culture than it has to do with Islam. What are your thoughts on this?

    I know my religious status here says Christian but this is something that I would like to be informed about. For all of the sisters out there why do you or don't you wear the hijab? To the men, what is your take on women who wear it in comparison to those who don't?

    Just so you all know I am not against wearing hijab. In fact I respect the Muslim women so much who wear it and it puts a smile on my face every time I see a young woman with her hijab on because I see the presence of the ummah in my area which could be a reason in and of itself to wear it.

    But convince me. As a non-Muslim, show me evidence, give me a reason to wear the hijab. (I am aware that there is a verse about it in the Bible)

  2. #21
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    Re: Why should I wear hijab?

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    abdussattar, I really liked your reply. I now have many more examples when I talk to people about why Islam protects women as opposed to oppressing them

    One question I have on the topic: When a women converts to Islam, does she have to start wearing a headscarf right away? Also, at what age to girls who were born muslim usually start wearing the scarf?
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    Re: Why should I wear hijab?

    I should amend my post, it has been correctly pointed out to me that Islam is not an entity that accepts or approves things. It would have been better had I asked if the Bantu women's dress (scarf, long dress, colorful) is consistent with the teachings contained in the Qur'an and Hadiths.

    I would welcome suggestions for a more elegant way of phrasing that which is still precise.
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    Re: Why should I wear hijab?

    Jazak Allahu Khair
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  6. #24
    Just_A_Girl13's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Why should I wear hijab?

    Salaam sister,

    I am new to Islam but I love wearing hijab. And not just the headscarf, but the whole idea of loose clothing that covers the entire body. Dressing this way makes me feel beautiful and strong and helps me remember Allah (s.w.t.) I do get hot (as it is summer now where I live), and that, admittedly, does take some getting used to. But in my experience, the hijab has actually helped keep me cooler than when I used to let my hair down on hot days. It's a small price to pay, after all Shaytan is going to put hardships in our way but we have to overcome them-- and if we can do that then that is how we will get to Jannah. Again, I'm probably not qualified to even be posting here as I only began wearing hijab a short time ago but I wanted to share my opinion.

    Peace be with you
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    Re: Why should I wear hijab?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Starrynight View Post
    One question I have on the topic: When a women converts to Islam, does she have to start wearing a headscarf right away? Also, at what age to girls who were born muslim usually start wearing the scarf?
    Being a muslim is lifelong, and it is impossible to implement every single commands from Allah SWT and all the sunnah from Rasulullah SAW instantly. However, we must strive to fulfill our obligations as we must submit to Allah SWT, so please try as much as you can possibly do. Allah understands our difficulties and Allah does not make things more difficult than we can bear, but it is not a free card to do things as we please.

    When woman has reached puberty, is when they are supposed to wear hijab, because they have matured sexually.
    However, you may notice that many muslimah do not wear hijab until they become adult or very mature or even at all, but we don't dwell on that, each individual have different circumstances, and we don't use individual cases as guideline on how we should live our life in Islam according to the Qur'an and sunnah.
    I give you an example: During Suharto (our former president for 30 years) rule, he practically oppress Islam even though Indonesia is the largest muslim country in the world. He did to Indonesia what Kemal Attaurk did to Turkey: marginalize Islam and secularize the country. Hijab was not allowed in schools, universities, government offices etc. In the 80s and early 90s I actually personally knew extremely few women who wore hijab. However, Islam started to flourish again in the 90s, and especially after the fall of Suharto in 1998. Now more and more muslimah are starting wearing hijab for the first time. My mother wore hijab for the first time in the 1994 and in the past year I had three work colleagues wearing hijab for the first time.
    The moral of this example is: If it is free for you to wear hijab and you don't counter extremely difficult situation to wear one, then do not hesitate to do it. Remember that our life is short, and we do what we can to please Allah SWT, not please ourselves or other human beings.
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    Re: Why should I wear hijab?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Mister Agenda View Post
    My Somali Bantu friends here in the USA who are women wear scarves and long dresses, but do not veil. From what they wear, most assume they are Muslim, so they are not trying to conceal their religion. Is this acceptable to Islam? I know some at their mosque have tried to persuade them to wear the hijab, but they feel so awkward in it that they usually return to their traditional clothing.
    format_quote Originally Posted by Mister Agenda View Post
    I should amend my post, it has been correctly pointed out to me that Islam is not an entity that accepts or approves things. It would have been better had I asked if the Bantu women's dress (scarf, long dress, colorful) is consistent with the teachings contained in the Qur'an and Hadiths.
    The purpose of hijab is not primarily to show that they are muslims, first and foremost, it is to fulfill the command of Allah SWT for the believing women as stated in the Qur'an:
    "And tell the believing women to lower their gaze and guard their private parts from sin and not show of their adornment except only that which is apparent, and draw their headcovers over their necks and bosoms and not reveal their adornment except to their husbands, their fathers, their husbands' fathers, their sons, their husbands' sons, their brothers, or their brothers' sons, or their sisters' sons, or their women (i.e., their sisters in Islam), or their female slaves whom their right hands possess, or old male servants free of physical desires, or small children who have no sense of women's nakedness. And let them not stamp their feet so as to reveal what they hide of their adornment. And turn unto Allah altogether, O you Believers, in order that you may attain success.[An-Nur, 24:31]
    O Prophet, Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their outer garments about themselves (when they go out). That is better so that they may be recognised and not annoyed/disturbed. And Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. [Al-Ahzaab, 33:59]

    Abu Dawood narrates that `Aishah (RAA) said: "Asmaa' the daughter of Abu Bakr (RAA) came to see the Messenger of Allah (SAAWS) wearing a thin dress; so Allah's Messenger (SAAWS) turned away from her and said: O Asmaa', once a woman reaches the age of menstruation, no part of her body should be seen but this-and he pointed to his face and hands.
    The word khumur (pl. of khimar) refers to a cloth which covers the head (including the ears), hair, neck and bosom. The esteemed mufaasir (Quranic interpreter) Al-Qurtubi explains: "Women in the past used to cover their heads with the khimar, throwing its ends over their backs. This left the neck and the upper part of the chest bare, in the manner of the Christians. Then Allah commanded them to cover those parts with the khimar."

    The only major difference between scholars is what can be shown, whether face and hands are allowed to be shown or whether they shouldn't (in the tradition of the wives of Rasulullah SAW).

    These days many muslimah are too busy trying to cover their hair but have forgotten the other equally, if not more, important requirement: modesty.
    Modesty includes the choice of fabric (not too thin so you can see underneath or too tight that they basically cling onto the body leaving nothing to imagination) and color (loud colors that scream "look at me, I'm beautiful" should be avoided).

    As I have written in response to your introduction post, the choice of styles might be different depending on custom. What believing women wear in Indonesia might be different than those in Saudi.
    This is what observing muslimah commonly wear in Indonesia:
    muslimahsholehahamiiiiiiinjakartaindones 1 - Why should I wear hijab?

    And this is what they wear in Saudi:
    OverheadAbayaEssenceofBlack 1 - Why should I wear hijab?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Mister Agenda View Post
    I notice there doesn't seem to be any effort to influence the boys and men to wear clothing that marks them as Muslims. I say 'seems', I don't attend mosque and just because I'm not aware of it doesn't mean it doesn't happen.
    Again, as long as the command of Allah is fulfilled, there is no obligation over certain choice of clothing, although it is sunnah to dress up as Rasulullah SAW did. And before you scream "gender discrimination", here's what Allah SWT has commanded muslimin:

    "Say to the believing man that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that will make for greater purity for them; and Allah is well acquainted with all that they do. (QS. 24:30)
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    Re: Why should I wear hijab?


    I would say it depends on individual's intention and so we cannot judge, some Muslims do not wear hijab coz they fear about the cruelty of society, some Muslims do not wear Hijab coz they argue it is not explicitly well explained in Quran (altho no Scholars disagree that women should wear Hijab), and many others...

    In top of all, whatever the case, one must not wear something seductive, if she want to be respected.
    Why should I wear hijab?

    The HIGHEST accomplishment I can achieve in this worldly life is to be a TRUE MUSLIM. (me)

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    Re: Why should I wear hijab?

    I'll admit, before I started studying Islam, I had misconceptions about the hijab and about the status of women in Islam. I had the traditionally Western view that it was a symbol of oppression and that women had very little status in Islamic society.

    Of course, now I know better.

    I do have to admit that it was still a bit odd the first time I went to the masjid and saw my first hijabis, but I'm getting used to it now.
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    Re: Why should I wear hijab?

    Thanks, all, I appreciate the attention you've given my question. Don't worry about me screaming gender discrimination, as long as a particular costume isn't imposed by force (barring reasonable requirements for the sake of modesty) I have no personal issues with what people wear. I do have issues with France's recent ban ('liberate' women by forcing them not to wear something? I don't get it) I'm a little concerned that a particular element at the local mosque may be placing undue pressure on the Somali Bantus to change the way they dress. What they wear looks to me like it falls well within the standards you describe. Some of the women do wear the hijab, but not consistently.

    When I am a full member I will post a link to their website, so you can see how they dress for yourselves if you are interested.
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    Re: Why should I wear hijab?

    Yeah, that whole France hijab ban bothers me as well. If France is supposed to be a secular state, why is their government making rulings on religious matters? It smells of Islamophobia to me. Much like how in the UK they are panicking over 3% of the British population being Muslim. 3%? Really? Since when is that an "Islamic Invasion?"
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    Re: Why should I wear hijab?

    Yes, the hijab ban in France is disturbing to me as well. I consider it an honor to wear hijab, and I'm sure there are a lot women who would most likely agree. I don't see why some people view it as a sign of extremism.
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    Re: Why should I wear hijab?

    Thank you for answering my question!
    For any of the women from western places or who converted, was it hard at first wearing a hijab? Did you family, extended family, co-workers, friends, ect. give you very much trouble for it? I feel like my grandparents would be so upset...

    Oh, and another question. Is it hard to exercise (like running) while wearing it?
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    Re: Why should I wear hijab?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Mister Agenda View Post
    Thanks, all, I appreciate the attention you've given my question. Don't worry about me screaming gender discrimination, as long as a particular costume isn't imposed by force (barring reasonable requirements for the sake of modesty) I have no personal issues with what people wear. I do have issues with France's recent ban ('liberate' women by forcing them not to wear something? I don't get it) I'm a little concerned that a particular element at the local mosque may be placing undue pressure on the Somali Bantus to change the way they dress. What they wear looks to me like it falls well within the standards you describe. Some of the women do wear the hijab, but not consistently.

    When I am a full member I will post a link to their website, so you can see how they dress for yourselves if you are interested.
    As I promised:

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  18. #34
    Riana17's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Why should I wear hijab?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Starrynight View Post
    Thank you for answering my question!
    For any of the women from western places or who converted, was it hard at first wearing a hijab? Did you family, extended family, co-workers, friends, ect. give you very much trouble for it? I feel like my grandparents would be so upset...

    Oh, and another question. Is it hard to exercise (like running) while wearing it?

    Hi sis, at the beginning its little awkward just because its NEW for us & for people to see, however if Islam is really in your heart you wont be bother whatever people thinks of you.

    I know someone who's a bit worried like you, she wears hijab at night and roam around and observe her feelings, u know its hot in ME,, eventually she realized its OKAY and she feels good about it and since then she didnt remove it, alhamdollelah

    its a process for her and its not wrong, there is no compulsion, otherwise you will get rid of it easily and its not good for your image, for people would think you are playing around

    May this help a bit.
    Why should I wear hijab?

    The HIGHEST accomplishment I can achieve in this worldly life is to be a TRUE MUSLIM. (me)

    wwwislamicboardcom - Why should I wear hijab?
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    Re: Why should I wear hijab?

    Riana17, thank you that is really good advice. I think it will be one of those things, like you said, that takes getting used to.
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  21. #36
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    Re: Why should I wear hijab?

    Personally, as a non-Arab, non-Muslim male I find the concept of Hijab commendable. The reasons have all been said before. Personally I believe that any woman deserves to be treated equally despite one's level of attractiveness. For that matter, separates those who want to be your friend because you're an interesting/unique/good person and those who simply want to get in your pants. I don't believe that you need to wear a Hijab to dress modestly, it certainly accomplishes that goal.
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    Re: Why should I wear hijab?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Aprender View Post
    Where I live there are so many young Muslim women today who tell me that it doesn't exactly say in the Qur'an that a woman should cover her hair. Now, I've seen the verses in the Qur'an in reference to it so I don't need those to be quoted but please do it if it's beneficial to what you're trying to explain for me and maybe other non-Muslims who may be lurking here and have the same question.

    On my campus at the university the women are split into two groups. The girls who wear the hijab and the girls who don't. The girls who wear the hijab are seen as more religious and respected whereas the girls who don't wear the hijab are more so outcasts and frowned upon. Especially in MSA. This is the behavior that I am seeing as a non-Muslim. To learn more about Islam I have started to hang out with more sisters and this divide that I am seeing is a bit troubling. I've been told by the girls who don't wear it that hijab has much more to do with culture than it has to do with Islam. What are your thoughts on this?

    I know my religious status here says Christian but this is something that I would like to be informed about. For all of the sisters out there why do you or don't you wear the hijab? To the men, what is your take on women who wear it in comparison to those who don't?

    Just so you all know I am not against wearing hijab. In fact I respect the Muslim women so much who wear it and it puts a smile on my face every time I see a young woman with her hijab on because I see the presence of the ummah in my area which could be a reason in and of itself to wear it.

    But convince me. As a non-Muslim, show me evidence, give me a reason to wear the hijab. (I am aware that there is a verse about it in the Bible)

    So you want to understand why you should cover your beauty . ?

    If you need to go out and show your beauty to everyone in the street.Why ? What are you trying to troll for ? What are you trying to catch on your hook there ?Whats going on with your life ?If this your case , then you need to get some counselling before you get into trouble

    When you walk down the streets half naked , they get raped , and abused or they wind up with people who were only after their physical beauty and btw you've heard the expression beauty is only skin deep , well It doesnt take long for people skin to change when you get older Then the skins just gett saggy and wrinky and all of sudden you're going to be thrown in the garbage. Lots of people have been thrown into the garbage just because they didnt have those so called good looks"" anymore .Lot of them wind up on drugs and drugs dont take long to destroy your good looks . do they ?. Not at all.

    Islam is protecting your beauty and you're showing it to the right oneWho should you be beautiful for ?, Your husband .
    Why somebody else''s husband ? Are you trying to make that Girl upset and jealous of you , is that how you get your happy mood to come to you . Huh ?So Islam is showing that your beauty is to be protected from people who dont need to see it. But if you want to show your beauty around your home ,husband , family etc , then thats fine

    But the problem is women want to put all stuff on and see if their face is made up ",their hair is made up , dress is made up and you out with almost being dressed , not quite.. And you go down the street and strangers -total stranger come and say "hey babe,come here "" WHo is that ? what is that ? You see these guys , right ? This is so superificial and its trashy.

    If that is your idea of beauty , then you need to redefine beauty and you need to go back to the dictionary and start all over again, because true beauty comes from a person who is humble , kind and sincere . truth beauty comes from a person who uses his thinking process to benefits other and society .One who is willing to sacrifice himself for his beliefs and is willing to stand up for what is right and what is wrong NOT somebody that is gonna take off their clothes and walk down the streets thinking that is going to get something going on

    If that is your idea of beauty , then you you need to go back and start all over again. coz its ugly
    To me the most beautiful are the ones that cover themselves ,so then I can appreciate them for who they are(muslimah) rather than what they are (objects of desire )

    The same lost souls who run around run like that are the same ones that say "I dont wanna be treated like an object ". Islam is protecting from being treated like an object.

    They say a picture is worth a thousand words. So here you go

    hijab - Why should I wear hijab?
    Last edited by Afifa; 06-24-2011 at 10:19 PM. Reason: changed words in caps to lowercase...
    Why should I wear hijab?

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    Re: Why should I wear hijab?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Aprender View Post
    But convince me. As a non-Muslim, show me evidence, give me a reason to wear the hijab. (I am aware that there is a verse about it in the Bible)

    Well humans usually judge other people based on their looks. The fashion industry has a detrimental impact on the society. Many people are constantly worried about how they look. Some want to remain very slim and others do not want to age. We are not living in a healthy society where looks are very important. Most people cannot change how they look.

    Islam provides a dress code for both Muslim men and women. This is to ensure that people are not judged based on their looks.
    Why should I wear hijab?

    I was looking at myself talking to myself and I realized this conversation...I was having with myself looking at myself was a conversation with myself that I needed to have with myself.
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    Re: Why should I wear hijab?

    I think that girls who don't want to wear hijab, are seriously suffering from some low self esteem or some kind of an image complex where they think that wearing it hinders their self projection as a sound person or gets in the way of their 'true personality" .

    i dont intend to sound mean, but they should really refresh their concept of tauheed. (oneness of Allah swt). WAllahe when guidance comes to you, how can you doubt one commandment from Allah swt deeming it insignificant, and yet arrogating one's closeness to deen in spirit/actions and whatever else they hang on to. And most who vehemently defy the hijab are so hell bent against it, they claim to interpret the verses with their own limited intellect and expect the audience to applause in awe of their wisdom!

    There is only one thing that can be said to them, one must strive to achieve guidance from Allah swt and one must pray SINCERELY to Him to show them the right way if they really seek it, it is the promise of Allah swt that He never rejects the prayer for true guidance. unless they 're afraid that their conviction for non-hijbiness will falter, if they are sincere muslims they will be rightly inspired and if not, they're only fooling themselves.
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    Re: Why should I wear hijab?

    I don't currently wear a hijab, but I wanted to add something. Since I decided to take my Shahada a few weeks ago I made a real effort to dress more modestly. Now that I am Muslim, I am very careful about my dress. At first it was hard on me because people close to me kept telling me that I didn't need to cover up so much, etc. But yesterday and today I've felt very happy because boys don't look at me like they used to, judging me based on how I looked in that shirt and skirt. Now that hardly any skin shows I feel like God is protecting me from their judgmental stares.
    I've also grown up with self esteem issues and obsessively worrying about being fat. Now, I feel no need to try and look good in the clothing fads I'm told I'm supposed to wear. I want to be healthy because it feels good, not because I feel I have to fit into a specific size. I used to take a self esteem hit whenever I saw girls in magazines wearing swimming suits, and now I don't care. I'm focusing on working on my brains and kindness instead of obsessing about my body.
    I think I would like to wear a hijab. But this will be after I have done all of my research on it so that I can prove to people I am doing it because I feel it is the right thing for me instead of because people in person, or on a forum have told me that I should. I am hoping this will further peoples respect (and my own respect) for my character.

    Anyways, wear it or don't. Whatever you choose just love yourself
    Why should I wear hijab?

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