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I want to convert but need questions answered

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    zzz1234's Avatar Limited Member
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    I want to convert but need questions answered

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    Over the past few weeks I've been doing a lot of research on Islam. I was born and raised Catholic, but after looking at the Muslim faith, I feel that it is the right religion. Despite this, I still have a few things I'd like to know the answers to before I convert.

    1. What is the full Islamic point of view on the "crucifixion" of Jesus. Is there more to it than a man being crucified in his place?
    2. Are all men granted 72 virgins in heaven? If so, is this not virtually driving a man's wife away from him while in the afterlife?
    3. I read on multiple sites that Muhammad allowed his soldiers to rape the wives of enemy soldiers after a particular battle. Is this correct? Why did he allow this?
    4. I also read something about Muhammad having sex with young servant boys. Is this also true?

    I apologize if any offence has been taken by anybody as it was truly not intended, I just need to clear things up before I make the big step of converting.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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    Arru34's Avatar Limited Member
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    Re: I want to convert but need questions answered

    1) Jesus wasn't crucified according to islam. It was made to appear to the jews.

    2) I can't post a link, since I'm new... so I think someone would give a better answer

    3) No, it is a false allegation... Rape is a great sin in Islam

    4) False, Islam condemns a person who engages in homosexual act.
    Last edited by Muhammad; 07-12-2014 at 03:33 PM. Reason: Edited the last sentence to avoid giving a wrong message - capital punishment is to be carried out by the state
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    Re: I want to convert but need questions answered

    format_quote Originally Posted by zzz1234 View Post
    Assalaam alaikum, welcome to islamicboard forum

    format_quote Originally Posted by zzz1234 View Post
    1. What is the full Islamic point of view on the "crucifixion" of Jesus. Is there more to it than a man being crucified in his place?
    And [for] their saying, "Indeed, we have killed the Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, the messenger of Allah ." And they did not kill him, nor did they crucify him; but it was made to appear so. And indeed, those who differ over it are in doubt about it. They have no knowledge of it except the following of assumption. And they did not kill him, for certain. [Quran 4:157]

    Rather, Allah raised him to Himself. And ever is Allah Exalted in Might and Wise. [Quran 4:158]

    format_quote Originally Posted by zzz1234 View Post
    2. Are all men granted 72 virgins in heaven? If so, is this not virtually driving a man's wife away from him while in the afterlife?
    There is nothing in the Quran regarding 72 virgins.

    You may want to look up agnostic Jewish lady Lesley Hazleton, who had given a TEDx lecture on the issue of 72 virgins - I say look up her so you can get an unbiased opinion on the matter.

    format_quote Originally Posted by zzz1234 View Post
    3. I read on multiple sites that Muhammad allowed his soldiers to rape the wives of enemy soldiers after a particular battle. Is this correct? Why did he allow this?
    This is simply false and propaganda which has been spread by the Islamophobes across the net - I would advise on reading this book (autobiography of prophet Muhammad pbuh) as an introduction into his remarkable life and achievements in pagan Arabia: The Sealed Nectar http://www.kalamullah.com/Books/Ar-R...Al-Makhtum.pdf <-free pdf download

    format_quote Originally Posted by zzz1234 View Post
    4. I also read something about Muhammad having sex with young servant boys. Is this also true?
    Again, this is false propaganda - but you'll find that the Greco-Romans were guilty of what Muhammad is accused of in the modern age. And where no proof of this claim that Muhammad pbuh had sex with little boys exist anywhere - there's plenty of proof for the Greco Romans being pedophiles of the worst type existing all over libraries in the world today.

    The autobiographies of the Prophet have been written by Muslims as well as non Muslims, and the lady i mentioned above (Lesley Hazleton) has also written an autobiography on him which reads better in English than the translations of said works, since she penned it in English after basing it off works of the same. It is called "The First Muslim: The Story of Muhammad"

    Finally I leave you with the first 36 ayaat (lit. signs) verses from Surah Maryam (Chapter: Mary) - a chapter named after the mother of Jesus (peace be upon him) which is only found in the Quran and not the bible(s)

    Open your heart to receive these words of truth, and you will be affected with the bounties which Allah - your God and my God - has placed herein for those who seek the truth and are from another Abrahamic faith such as your own:

    If you have any more questions, please do ask.

    God bless you,

    Last edited by Scimitar; 07-11-2014 at 09:31 PM.
    I want to convert but need questions answered

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    zzz1234's Avatar Limited Member
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    Re: I want to convert but need questions answered

    Thank you for your excellent reply. Despite wanting to join Islam, as a Christian believing Jesus was crucified and resurrected my whole life is something very hard to quit believing in. Are there not eye witness accounts for the crucifixion? It's not that I'm reluctant to let my views go, it's just difficult.

    Also, despite performing the 5 daily prayers and going to mosque on Fridays, what else should I be doing as a Muslim?

    Again, any feedback is greatly appreciated.
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    greenhill's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: I want to convert but need questions answered

    The Quran itself says that Jesus was never killed at the cross. As a muslim we really cannot go against what is declared there. But on the other question, it has been quoted that (aside from the obligatory prayers and stuff) a true muslim is he who wishes upon his neighbors what he wishes for himself. Really, charity, kindness caring for others and guarding what you say (if we have nothing nice to say, don't say) etc.

    Bottom-line is our intention. Intention drives the action. If the intention is bad, the result of the action will be bad...

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    Muhammad's Avatar Administrator
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    Re: I want to convert but need questions answered

    Hello zzz1234 and welcome to the forum,

    Despite wanting to join Islam, as a Christian believing Jesus was crucified and resurrected my whole life is something very hard to quit believing in. Are there not eye witness accounts for the crucifixion? It's not that I'm reluctant to let my views go, it's just difficult.
    If we say that someone else was crucified in the place of Jesus , that would mean regardless of whether there were eye witness accounts or not, it would not prove it was Jesus who died on the cross. We've had some discussions in the past on the crucifixion - the points discussed therein might be of use to you:
    The Paradox Of The Resurrection
    The Crucifixion and the Quran
    The Invalidity of the Crucifixion of Jesus

    The transition from Christianity to Islam may not be as difficult as you think. That is because as a Muslim you will continue to believe in, respect and love Jesus , as with all the Prophets sent by God:

    format_quote Originally Posted by Insaanah View Post
    Islam is the only non-Christian religion which makes it an article of faith to believe in the central figure of Christianity, i.e. Jesus Christ (peace be upon him). If a person calls himself a Muslim and doesn't believe in, respect, or love Jesus (peace be upon him) then he is NOT a Muslim. NO other religion has this stipulation.

    We believe that Jesus (peace be upon him) was one of the mightiest messengers of God.
    We believe that he was the messiah, translated as christ.
    We believe he was born miraculously without any male intervention, which many modern day Christians today do not believe.
    We believe that he gave life to the dead with Gods permission.
    We believe he healed those born blind and lepers with Gods permission

    However we don't believe that Jesus ever claimed divinity, or that he was God, son of God, or that he said worship me. We also do not believe that he was crucified.

    We believe in all prophets whether we have heard of them or not. That includes the final Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). We are not allowed to pick and choose those we believe in. We also believe in the existence of all the books of God i.e. Bible, Torah, Psalms of David (peace be upon him), and any other books that we have not been told about, revealed before our time. We also believe in the angels, and day of judgement.
    Some of the reverts from Christianity have said on this very forum that:

    format_quote Originally Posted by Woodrow View Post
    I know one question I frequently get asked is how could a seminarian ever leave Christianity. Oddly, I feel that the more I learned about Isa(as) the more I was led to search for the truth and that search eventually brought me to Islam. I believe I finally found Jesus(as) through Islam and that the truth is much more beautiful than what I had been taught.
    format_quote Originally Posted by believer View Post
    to add... there were books written like "Imitation of Christ"... and other similar to it which we have come across in the seminary. And if we really seek and observe the way of life of Issah (Aleihi Salaam) - it is no different than a real Muslim.
    Regarding your other question:

    Also, despite performing the 5 daily prayers and going to mosque on Fridays, what else should I be doing as a Muslim?
    God has taught us that He created us in order to worship Him. The teachings of Islam give guidance in all aspects of what we do. By striving to follow that, seeking God's pleasure, we will be successful.

    God has placed upon us certain obligations and prohibitions we must strive to fulfil. The greatest of all that God has commanded is Tawheed, which is to single out God with all worship. The most serious thing He forbade is Shirk, which is to invoke others besides Him, along with Him. Acts of worship include prayer (for men, they should strive to pray their daily prayers in congregation at the Mosque, not only on Fridays). Other key acts of worship include obligatory charity (Zakah), fasting and pilgrimage for those who are able. Moreover, we have responsibilities towards other people such as our parents, relatives and the poor. The following verse from the Qur'an lists some of these, starting with the most important:

    Worship Allah and join none with Him (in worship); and do good to parents, kinsfolk, orphans, Al-Masakin (the poor), the neighbour who is near of kin, the neighbour who is a stranger, the companion by your side, the wayfarer (you meet), and those (slaves) whom your right hands possess. Verily, Allah does not like such as are proud and boastful. [Qur'an 4:36]

    Other passages in the Qur'an similarly mention what is required of us:

    Say (O Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم): "Come, I will recite what your Lord has prohibited you from: Join not anything in worship with Him; be good and dutiful to your parents; kill not your children because of poverty - We provide sustenance for you and for them; come not near to Al-Fawahish (shameful sins, illegal sexual intercourse) whether committed openly or secretly; and kill not anyone whom Allah has forbidden, except for a just cause (according to Islamic law). This He has commanded you that you may understand.

    "And come not near to the orphan's property, except to improve it, until he (or she) attains the age of full strength; and give full measure and full weight with justice. We burden not any person, but that which he can bear. And whenever you give your word (i.e. judge between men or give evidence), say the truth even if a near relative is concerned, and fulfil the Covenant of Allah. This He commands you, that you may remember .

    "And verily, this is My Straight Path, so follow it, and follow not (other) paths, for they will separate you away from His Path. This He has ordained for you that you may become Al-Muttaqun (the pious)."
    [Qur'an 6: 151-153]

    We are also taught in Islam that all human acts are acts of worship if they are done for God alone and in accordance to His Divine Law. As such, worship in Islam is not limited to religious rituals. The teachings of Islam act as a mercy and a healing for the human soul, and such qualities as humility, sincerity, patience and benevolence are strongly encouraged.

    I hope this has helped to give you some idea. There is much to learn but the key is to start slow and gradually learn more. Start with the basics and most important things, and go from there. In-sha-Allah (God Willing) you will gain a much better understanding over time.

    May Allaah open your heart to the light of Islam, guide you and make this step easy for you, Aameen.
    I want to convert but need questions answered

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    Re: I want to convert but need questions answered

    Thank you Muhammad, that has made things a lot clearer for me. I am now willing to join the beautiful religion that is Islam.


    Would you suggest that I read up more about Islam (for example learning the daily prayers in Arabic, reading about other prophets etc) before I officially convert, or should I convert as soon as possible?

    Thanks again for all your help!
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    Re: I want to convert but need questions answered

    That's wonderful news. If you understand the meaning of the testimonies of faith, and are ready to accept it and all that it entails, then without a doubt you should convert as soon as possible. That is because learning is an ongoing process until death, and gradually learning the daily prayers and further reading is something you will do at your own pace. But entering into the fold of Islam is key to salvation and must be done before death, which can come at any moment.

    Here's a reminder about the two testimonies of faith:

    As for the two testimonies of creed, the first is

    "ash-hadu an laa ilaaha illa allah"
    (I testify that there is no deity other then Allah), which means that one believes and confirms that there is nothing to be worshipped other than Allah and that one is prepared to implement His divine rulings and guidlines (shari'a) for all aspects of life.

    The second is

    "ash-hadu anna muhammad ar-rasool ullah"
    (I tesitfy that Muhammad is the Messenger of God) which means the belief that Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the seal of the prophets (i.e. the final one), whom Allah has sent with the Islamic religion to supercede all other previous religions and that it is obligatory to comply with what he has enjoined, and to abstain and renounce all that he has prohibited and restrained.
    Truly the Shahadah is not an empty phrase, it is not just a few words spoken but is coupled with sincerity of intention and determination to struggle, strive and sacrifice along the straight path.
    Some further information at these links:


    Let us know if there's anything else you need.
    I want to convert but need questions answered

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    Re: I want to convert but need questions answered

    Yes, I am ready! But one last quick question. Do I need to perform prayer in Arabic? Obviously I will try to learn some as my journey progresses but for the moment is it ok to pray in English?

    Thank you so much for all your help.
    God bless.
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    zzz1234's Avatar Limited Member
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    Re: I want to convert but need questions answered

    Can I also ask, why were slaves acceptable in Islam years ago? Surely God would look down upon this? Plus, why would sex be permissible to perform on slaves, surely this is wrong?
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    Re: I want to convert but need questions answered

    Slavery was an accepted practice in the world, including pre-Islamic pagan Arabia.

    Through the revelation of the Quran, and the prophetic narratives it is clear that the first abolishment of slavery actually happened because it was an Islamic teaching.

    It was a gradual process, one that had to reform societal views on an already accepted social practice, which God did not approve of.

    And so, first, slaves were given "rights" in Islam - a first for the socio-econmic order of the time. It was a revolutionary concept - secondly, it was propagated that freeing slaves was a good deed, one very beneficial to the one who owned a slave, and one who was a slave... third, after the majority of Muslims had freed their slaves, the propagation was to abolish slavery for all men are equal in the sight of God.

    With this understanding we can see that God is subtle - and HE wishes for us to come to the truth of existence.

    There is no racism in Islam, no national pride in Islam, and no cultural bias in Islam - the Islamic tradition is wholly what I call the "human tradition of championing ones own existence". A complete system, a law mandated by God Himself, which when understood in context - is truly a very beautiful thing.

    However, as someone who is wishing to come into the fold of Islam, I have to ask you a few questions in order to guage your sincerity - because I cannot see into your heart.

    1) Are you prepared for hard times? NO Muslim has it easy - especially in the modern age - but we know one thing, this life is temporary - the next is eternal. And balance is always achieved

    2) Would you prefer for me to cite non-Muslim sources in order to show you the legitimacy of Islam, or Muslim sources?

    3) what are your motivations for wanting to be a Muslim

    4) does your family know of what you are considering, and if not - will that be a problem for you?

    remember, I am only asking because I want to guage your sincerity.

    God bless you brother.

    I want to convert but need questions answered

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    Cyberiminal's Avatar Limited Member
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    Re: I want to convert but need questions answered

    I was in a Catholic primary school, so I got Catholic put into my head since a boy, but round about 11 or 12 years old, I stopped believing in God, but recently, I'm 15 now, recent weeks I too have been wanting to study Islam and convert, I said my Shahadah but only Allah is my witness, and I want to learn the basics of Islam then travel to the closest Mosque to me, which is far away in Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom and take my Shahadah there.

    I really want to know the basics of Islam and learn Islam so I can become a Muslim and have knowledge of my faith.
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    Re: I want to convert but need questions answered

    Hello zzz1234,

    format_quote Originally Posted by zzz1234 View Post
    Do I need to perform prayer in Arabic? Obviously I will try to learn some as my journey progresses but for the moment is it ok to pray in English?
    The prayer needs to be in Arabic and you should try to learn the minimum required phrases (and the first chapter of the Qur'an) as soon as possible. There are many resources available to help you learn these.

    But until you memorise the above, then you may consider the following advice which is given on: A new Muslim finding it difficult to recite al-Faatihah - islamqa.info, and it is also mentioned in 'A guide for the New Muslim' (page 146) written by Jamal Ad-Din Zarabozo who is also a revert to Islam (although the fifth phrase is slightly longer there): http://d1.islamhouse.com/data/en/ih_books/single/en_A_guide_for_the_new_Muslim.pdf

    See also: Declaring shahaadah and performing salaat for a new non-Arabic speaking Muslim - islamqa.info

    If a person does not know any Qur’aan, and he cannot learn it before the time for prayer is over, then he must say (1) Subhaan-Allaah (2) wa’l-hamdu Lillaah (3) wa laa ilaaha ill-Allaah (4) wa Allaahu akbar (5) wa laa hawla wa la quwwata illa Billaah ((1) Glory be to Allaah, (2) praise be to Allaah, (3) there is no god except Allaah, (4) Allaah is Most great and (5) there is no power and no strength except with Allaah), because Abu Dawood narrated that a man came to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and said, “I am not able to learn anything of the Qur’aan, so teach me something that will suffice me.” He said, “Say, Subhaan-Allaah wa’l-hamdu Lillaah wa laa ilaaha ill-Allaah wa Allaahu akbar wa laa hawla wa la quwwata illa Billaah.” The man said, “This is for my Lord, what is there for me?” He said, “Say: Allaahumma ighfir li warhamni warzuqni wahdini wa ‘aafini (O Allaah, forgive me, have mercy on me, grant me provision, guide me, and give me good health).”

    But he does not have to do more than say the first five phrases, because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) only said that, and he only told him more when he asked for more.
    And Allaah knows best. It is best to contact an Imam or scholar for confirmation.
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    Re: I want to convert but need questions answered

    format_quote Originally Posted by zzz1234 View Post
    Can I also ask, why were slaves acceptable in Islam years ago? Surely God would look down upon this? Plus, why would sex be permissible to perform on slaves, surely this is wrong?
    The following are taken from different websites and may help to shed light on this question:

    Islam came at a time when slavery was widespread among all nations of the earth. According to the people of that period, it made no difference if the slave was captured in a lawful war, aggressive hostility or by way of trickery or betrayal. When Islam came, it narrowed and restricted this system. It strongly condemned selling and enslavement of free men and restricted slavery to the captives captured by way of lawful Jihad. It then made efforts to liberate the slaves and vividly encouraged their freedom by opening and widening ways that led to slave manumission, like expiation for a false testimony, Zihaar and murder. This is in addition to encouraging and emphasizing being kind to the bondmen, teaching them, honouring them and assisting them...
    Having a mistress in Islam - Islam web - English

    Although Islam established equity in dealing with slavery, it gave the Imam (leader) of the Muslims the freedom to treat the prisoners in one of three ways:

    1) Free them without a ransom.
    2) Free them against a ransom.
    3) Enslave them.

    In Islam a clear, practical and systematic way to free slaves was established:

    1) It made freeing slaves a highly desirable act.
    2) Freeing slaves by paying expiations.
    3) Granting emancipation through al-Mukataba (the slave buys himself from his master by paying installments).
    4) Granting freedom through the state welfare.
    5) Freeing any woman with a child from her master as soon as the latter dies.
    6) Freeing any slave who was beaten unfairly.

    After this introduction we dare saying that Islam is the freer of slaves and the equitable with human beings. We are very proud of this. So, if the world now gets together and forbids slavery, Islam will welcome such an initiative as it fits into its aims and objectives. It is lawful for the Muslim leader to sign a convention forbidding slavery.

    But this does not mean that slavery was abrogated definitely and has become legally inexistent. If the world returns back to enslaving prisoners of war, Muslims will treat their enemies equally.

    Slavery in Islam - Islam web - English

    ...Allah allowed us to enslave the captives, but encouraged us to free them. So if the different countries of the world sign treaties by which they exchange the captives during the time of war, we would be the first to sign such a treaty that will be a double win for us. On one side, we will reclaim our own people, and on the other side we will free the captives, as we are encouraged by God and His Messenger.'
    Excellent treatment of slaves in Islam

    Concerning having relations with slave women:

    Islam ensured that the slave girl’s duties were not restricted merely to domestic chores but also gave her master permission to copulate with her. This concession created an atmosphere of love and harmony between the slave girl and her master. Islam thereby raised the status of the war captive-maidens close to that of wives. It was a psychological cure to her grief-stricken heart, being deprived of her family and thrown into the hands of a strange society.

    Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) enjoined his followers to treat the slaves kindly, gently, and, above all, to regard them as members of the family. In this way, they were made to feel wanted; which was far better than treating them as outcasts and leaving them to wander the streets of a strange society in a peniless, destitute condition. Such treatment would have ultimately forced them to take up evil occupations such as prostitution in the case of slave woman in order to fill their hungry stomachs. The First World War in 1914 was a clear reflection of the evils involved in setting captive women free to roars about in a strange society with strange surroundings. During that war, German and English women prisoners on either side were set free to roam the streets with no-one to feed them. The result was obvious that they resorted to other unrefined and uncivilised methods of income on the streets. Thus, it is evident that the Islamic treatment of women prisoners of war was conducive towards better social relations and led to the refinement of their overall social lives.
    Over and above all this, History will show that Islam did not encourage slavery but rather encouraged moves towards the extirpation of slavery...
    Is having a Slave (girl) for sex nowdyas is allowed? | IslamQA

    ...Having explained what the social customs were at the time, it should be understood that sexual intercourse with one's slave was considered part of the norm. The slaves too saw nothing wrong in this. In fact, before the advent of Islam the slaves were considered no more than their master's possessions and therefore absolutely anything could be done with them. In other words, they could even take their slaves' lives when and as they pleased. Islam removed such vices and raised them to the position of fellow humans with similar rights. However, as long as slavery was not completely removed, having sexual relations remained part of the master-slave relationship.

    Concerning the master-slave relationship, I think it is but natural to assume that it was very close. It seems obvious enough that the master and slave would be around each other a lot of the time. Therefore, it would probably have been difficult to expect them not to have a sexual relationship, especially if the slave happened to be very attractive. However, depicting it as the master “raping” and “abusing” his slave is far from the truth. The slave was fully aware that this was a part of the relationship much like the husband and wife knows that sexual relations are a part of the couple’s relationship. Such was not a hidden relationship; it was known and was also legally and morally accepted, both in the society and the world at large. So, it was not fornication. Quite to the contrary, the exceptions to the impermissibility of having sexual relationships are those under marriage and those with one’s slave. Therefore, it is also incorrect to term it “fornication” (do note that of course, the only permanent exception to the impermissibility of having sexual relations was that under marriage).

    Had slavery been abolished on the spot it would have caused chaos in the society and the world at large. It just was not possible. However, the Prophet (p) changed their status and tried to get his people into treating them as fellow members of the family. For this reason, a “master-slave” relationship turned into more of a Father-son, or husband-wife relationship.

    The “slaves” were to be fed with the same food as that of the master, clothed with the same clothes (yes, same clothes!), and not asked to do more than they could handle. Nay, the master was even told to assist the slave if the slave was found to be having any difficulties. They were not to refer to them as “slaves” anymore. These are your brothers and sisters, it was declared. Yet further, they were not allowed to hit their slaves. If these slaves objected to their position and desired to be freed, then if the potential and ability to live and cope independently was seen in them, they should be helped toward being freed. Accordingly, what Islam envisaged and wanted to produce, was a treatment of “slaves” that was absolutely free of cruelty and harm. Actually, keeping such things in mind probably renders this undeserving of the term “slavery”.
    ... whom your right hand possesses

    We have many other threads and posts on this topic which serve to demonstrate that the concept of slavery in Islam is totally different to what the western (or Judaeo-Christian) concept of slavery has traditionally involved.Muslims are commanded to treat slaves with mercy and compassion, as fellow human beings and even as one's own brothers. Please browse the following threads for details from Islamic teachings and even quotes from non-Muslims:

    Status of women and Slavery in Islam
    Excellent treatment of slaves in Islam
    Sex with slaves in Islam

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    Re: I want to convert but need questions answered

    Hello Scimitar

    Many thanks for your response.

    1. Yes, I am prepared for hard times, I am willing to make sacrifices in this life so that I may be rewarded in the next.
    2. Either or, but any help is appreciated.
    3. I am fading more and more away from Catholicism. I'm not saying I don't believe in Jesus etc, but in terms of the trinity, communion, confession, there's a lot I don't agree with. I don't think a priest has the ability to absolve you from your sins, only God does. Praying to saints is regular in Catholicism, whereas in Islam all prayer is to God, which I've always agreed with. Most of the beliefs I held before even studying Islam were in fact part of Islam, if that makes sense. There are no contradictions in the Quran like there are in the Bible. There are many reasons why I have chosen to join Islam. Obviously, I have still and very long way to go in my Islamic journey, but I want to start my journey now.
    4. My family understand I am considering it, they are very very religious Catholics, but they have no problem with me converting, as long as I have put a lot of effort into studying Islam and to not make a decision too early.

    Once again, thanks for all the help.
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  20. #16
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    Re: I want to convert but need questions answered

    format_quote Originally Posted by zzz1234 View Post
    Would you suggest that I read up more about Islam (for example learning the daily prayers in Arabic, reading about other prophets etc) before I officially convert, or should I convert as soon as possible?
    That is not so easy to answer... It is best to convert without delay as we do not know when our final hour in this life is... but of course it is very important that we have absolute faith when we do convert and not doubts.

    I am a firm advocate for reading the stories of the prophets in order to understand the repeated messages throughout the ages about the calling of humans to the worshipping of the One God and to leave idolatry or association of other Gods to Allah.

    If these messages are believed, it makes it clearer that the message of the Bible does seem a bit off with regards to the holy trinity when all other prophets called to the One God, suddenly the Bible talks about 3.

    It cannot be seen in isolation but as a continuum and in that, clearly the message of the holy trinity does not fit with the rest of the Books.

    So, it is important for you to clear this matter up for your self if not you will face doubts.

    May you find what you are looking for.

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  21. #17
    Hamza Asadullah's Avatar Moderator
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    Re: I want to convert but need questions answered

    format_quote Originally Posted by zzz1234 View Post

    Over the past few weeks I've been doing a lot of research on Islam. I was born and raised Catholic, but after looking at the Muslim faith, I feel that it is the right religion. Despite this, I still have a few things I'd like to know the answers to before I convert.

    1. What is the full Islamic point of view on the "crucifixion" of Jesus. Is there more to it than a man being crucified in his place?
    2. Are all men granted 72 virgins in heaven? If so, is this not virtually driving a man's wife away from him while in the afterlife?
    3. I read on multiple sites that Muhammad allowed his soldiers to rape the wives of enemy soldiers after a particular battle. Is this correct? Why did he allow this?
    4. I also read something about Muhammad having sex with young servant boys. Is this also true?

    I apologize if any offence has been taken by anybody as it was truly not intended, I just need to clear things up before I make the big step of converting.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    You will find this very useful:

    Was Jesus crucified?


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    What is Islam?

    Category: What is Islam - The Religion of Islam

    Introduction to Islam

    Free eBooks in English

    Download the full Qur'an - Abdullah Yusuf Ali


    The Benefits of Islam

    Category: The Benefits of Islam - The Religion of Islam

    How I Embraced Islam


    How to Convert to Islam and Become a Muslim


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    The Holy Quran


    Quranic Science


    The Prophet Mohammed (pbuh)


    Companions of the Prophet (Sahabah)


    Men in Islam


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    Islam: Beliefs and Teachings


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    Islamic Resources and Hadith


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    If there is any help you need or any questions you have then please do not hesitate to ask. Thank you
    Last edited by Hamza Asadullah; 07-16-2014 at 08:07 PM.
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    How to get through Hardships & trials in life:


    How to overcome Waswas (insinuating whispers of shaythan) in Worship:


    10 Steps to Increasing Imaan & getting closer to Allah:


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  22. #18
    hisnameiszzz's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: I want to convert but need questions answered

    format_quote Originally Posted by zzz1234 View Post
    Thank you Muhammad, that has made things a lot clearer for me. I am now willing to join the beautiful religion that is Islam.


    Would you suggest that I read up more about Islam (for example learning the daily prayers in Arabic, reading about other prophets etc) before I officially convert, or should I convert as soon as possible?

    Thanks again for all your help!

    Whereabouts are you based? Try and research if there are any other "new Muslims" in your area. If so, ask if they attend any groups. Our Masjid (mosque) has a weekly session each Tuesday evening where all the "new Muslims" meet and sit down with a scholar and discuss things. They find it very useful from what I have heard and it's good that a scholar actually makes time for them. If there are no such groups, see if you can have 1 2 1 contact with a scholar as they will be able to answer any questions you have (which you no doubt will).
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    Re: I want to convert but need questions answered

    format_quote Originally Posted by zzz1234 View Post
    Hello Scimitar

    Many thanks for your response.

    1. Yes, I am prepared for hard times, I am willing to make sacrifices in this life so that I may be rewarded in the next.
    2. Either or, but any help is appreciated.
    3. I am fading more and more away from Catholicism. I'm not saying I don't believe in Jesus etc, but in terms of the trinity, communion, confession, there's a lot I don't agree with. I don't think a priest has the ability to absolve you from your sins, only God does. Praying to saints is regular in Catholicism, whereas in Islam all prayer is to God, which I've always agreed with. Most of the beliefs I held before even studying Islam were in fact part of Islam, if that makes sense. There are no contradictions in the Quran like there are in the Bible. There are many reasons why I have chosen to join Islam. Obviously, I have still and very long way to go in my Islamic journey, but I want to start my journey now.
    4. My family understand I am considering it, they are very very religious Catholics, but they have no problem with me converting, as long as I have put a lot of effort into studying Islam and to not make a decision too early.

    Once again, thanks for all the help.
    Masha-Allah, you have a heart that is guided to truth from a young age it seems. It's difficult to leave behid the belief system we are born into - but once conviction enters the heart, there really is no denying the path one must follow,

    so walk with us, towards God, and get to know the great prophets and messengers such as Jesus and Muhammad (peace be upon them both) in context, along the way.

    As others have advised, the declaration of faith should be made as soon as conviction enters the heart, for we know not when God will decide to take our lives from us - and better to have declared, than not.

    As for everything else, such as learning the Arabic surahs, don't sweat - Arabic is easy to recite - i don't even understand it (still learning on my own) but recitation has become naturalised to me as it does to anyone who appreciates the prose and balance of the Quranic revelation when heard.

    The shorter surahs, which are found at the end of the Quran are the easiest to memorise, and also hold much benefit in them.

    I would take that leap, and remember that the leap one takes is not as dangerous as landing on the moon "one small step ofr man, one giant leap for mankind" - rings truer for one taking the shahadah than it ever did for N Armstrong in that sense

    Do it bro, you don't even need a space suit

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    Re: I want to convert but need questions answered

    1) Jesus wasn't crucified according to the holy quran. He was lifted from the earth and will be back to live his life and die like normal people.
    2) The afterlife is a different place from this life, and everything that was wrong and right here is nothing there, you'll feel different and act different there and all the bad things would be gone so worrying about one's wife or husband is not an issue in there.

    3) No, The Prophet Mohammed always told the soldiers not to harm women and children and those who cannot fight back, he also met his enemies in the battle field, not in their homes, the purpose from the fight was to bring Islam to those who want it and stop those who don't want it and won't allow other to convert.

    4) False, those times were different than today and he married a young girl, that was the norm then and we shouldn't judge those times based on today's rules and laws, it's even different from country to country. He never had sex with boys because that would be against Islam.

    Stay away from shady books and websites and stick to the Quran and Hadith, those allegations are there to make people like you question their belief. Talk to an Imam if you can get to one, I'm sure he'll provide you with enough information that you need to convert to Islam with a clear mind.
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