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The Inevitable Collapse of Feminist Societies

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    The Inevitable Collapse of Feminist Societies (OP)


    Controversial but worth a watch.

    Click here
    Last edited by *charisma*; 12-23-2017 at 02:55 PM. Reason: video linked due to inappropriate language on thumbnail
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    Re: The Inevitable Collapse of Feminist Societies

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    format_quote Originally Posted by xboxisdead View Post
    Well....I am sorry. But all these man hating have went into my tole. Mentally I am permanently looking at marriage as something toxic for a man and he have no significant value at all, especially as a father and such I really can't see myself wanting to ever get married. I re-programmed myself to not needing women period and children and I am happy. This happiness I am getting I will never replace it for anything in this world and now I am only focusing on myself and it feels good. My heart beat with range and anger when society are pushing men to sacrifice for women and children, I hate that and I resent it and I get angry. When I see men singing songs for their wife I vomit, believing him to be weak. When I see him making poetry to his dead wife I resent it. I look at myself, here is my gender whose heart is broken for his dead wife where if it was reverse the wife will move on and not care for her dead husband as much as he does for her. Then I remember how Adam have his rib missing so he needs his wife more than she needs him when she doesn't have any rib missing and I feel down, I feel weak and I feel resentful in a way. I like talking this feelings out..perhaps it is way to remove these toxic thoughts from my head who knows, but I also like talking about it because I need someone to shed light on me, I don't want to these feelings to be my down fall when I die. I am revealing a little bit of my diseased heart perhaps..I don't know. But for me getting married is impossible now. It is irreversable and the more I hear women talk, the more I see how children treat their dads and how that is common and the more I see how media portray men, the more I go down to my knees, raise my hand high and weep and say, "THANK YOU ALLAH! THANK YOU THAT I AM SINGLE! Thank you Allah, that I do not have a wife! Thank you Allah, that I am not married. Thank you Allah that I do have not children! Thank you!!" and I mean it in my inner heart.

    The more I go older the more I am happier single, the more I am happier with the quiet around me, the more I am happy with the toys I have!! The more I am content. I have always wanted to make dua to Allah to give me strength not to need women in my life and in my heart....and it feels gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood not to need anyone!!! I find men needing women to be weak, weak, weak, weak, weak!
    And how do you cope with sexual urges if you don't need a woman? Either you are doing haram or you turned into an asexual male.
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    The Inevitable Collapse of Feminist Societies

    "When a person sees the road as too long, he weakens in his walk." - Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah

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  4. #22
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    Re: The Inevitable Collapse of Feminist Societies

    Bottom line, feminism has no place in Islam and feminism is achieving exactly what they want, that is superiority and power over men. The ignorant that embrace feminism end up paying for it or will as men start to turn against them.

    here's an example.

    Husband To Be Jailed, Flogged For Slapping Wife

    Judge says verdict based on need to respect spouse

    By Habib Toumi - November 13, 2015

    A court in Eastern Saudi Arabia has sentenced a Saudi husband toone week in jail and to 30 lashes for slapping his wife and spitting on her.

    The case was taken to the public prosecution by wife's brother who reported that her husband had an argument with her and slapped her twice and spat on her.

    Summoned by the police, the husband admitted he had abused his wife, arguing that he was angry with her for leaving the house several times, Saudi news site Al Marsad reported.

    The case was referred to the court and the judge ruled that the husband had violated the Islamic principle of respecting people and not hitting them.

    In his verdict, the judge asked the husband to give a pledge not to slap or spit on his wife again.

    The judge also told the wife that she should not leave the house without informing her husband.

    one week jail and 30 lashes is uncalled for. An equal punishment would've been to slap him back. But does the wife think she won? whats to keep this guy from going home and giving her talaq? as more feminist Muslims try to act like western feminists and do this crap, the more they will find muslim men retaliate and throw them out on the streets. It won't go well for them.

    - - - Updated - - -

    format_quote Originally Posted by xboxisdead View Post

    Now if we don't care about men's/boy's right at all and prefer only women and girls right I am also going the other extreme route. The route where we decrease the male population to a very few amount (feminist greatest utopia and fantasy) and turn women into worker bee. Look at the bee colony and see how it functions. In bee colony there is the queen, the female worker and the drone. This can work also in human civilization. We will have one queen, they will fight each other to become queen and one kills the other and who wins the battle become the queen of the nation. In this civilization we will have 98% of the population female. However, they are forbidden from making babies. They go out and work. These female works build society, they build high rises and buildings, teach at school and run business and invent things and do things that was one for men now women take complete over. Then we have the drone. The drone is simple, few male populations where they will be fed and taken care of to mate and only handful male children are born the rest are terminated. Or better, through scientific means, selective males are born and the rest are born female to replace the worker colony until a new female queen take over. All these workers are neutered, they have no sexual desire and have no partners or husbands or raise family. They have one function. Work. Some are given testosterone to become strong female, others are police officers, etc. Ones the male child is born they are to be taken care of the father. The male child doesn't see his mother at all and his role is to procreate and repeat cycle. We can go this route in civilization. It also works!!.
    Feminists do have an agenda and have openly stated of killing all men and keeping a few for procreation. Do you suppose that is how we will have 50 women to a man per one of the signs of the Hour ?

    Btw, you are welcome to be anti-feminist because they are anti-men. But I don't think you should be anti-women though, not all women are like the feminists.
    Last edited by Zzz_; 03-26-2018 at 04:47 PM.
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    Re: The Inevitable Collapse of Feminist Societies

    Prophet peace be upon him is the strongest man and no I do not think of him weak for getting married. I think of him strong and compassionate and best of all creations. I love him and I believe on him and I worship only Allah (Subhanahu Wa Talaa) only Allah deserves to be worshiped.
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    Re: The Inevitable Collapse of Feminist Societies

    format_quote Originally Posted by Zzz_ View Post
    Bottom line, feminism has no place in Islam and feminism is achieving exactly what they want, that is superiority and power over men. The ignorant that embrace feminism end up paying for it or will as men start to turn against them.
    It is haram to slap in the face. Muslim men need to remember that before she is your wife, she is your sister in Islam and it is obligatory to treat a fellow Muslim with respect and spitting on her is beyond disrespectful.
    The Inevitable Collapse of Feminist Societies

    "When a person sees the road as too long, he weakens in his walk." - Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah

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    Re: The Inevitable Collapse of Feminist Societies

    format_quote Originally Posted by Misbah-Abd View Post
    It is haram to slap in the face. Muslim men need to remember that before she is your wife, she is your sister in Islam and it is obligatory to treat a fellow Muslim with respect and spitting on her is beyond disrespectful.
    My older brother he had issue with marriage in the end he wants a divorce. So he went to the mosque with him and his ex-wife and her mother and said to divorce to her, she said no..I want you to say talag by 3...and he was like why..one divorce is enough, the mother and daughter made a stink demanding him to say talaq by three. So when he said ok fine. He said talaq by three, the ex-wife stood up and made a huge spit and spit on my brother's face. Now we talk about it and laugh about it, but there we go. Sister spit on a brother's face just because a divorce have happened. Naturally this made my brother swear off marrying any arabic women for life. He is into asian women now, hoping he will get better treatment than arabic women. So he is leaving to asian world to find a job there and hopefully a wife. My brother he have very bad experience with Arabic women in general. He went through many marriage with arabic women and they all failed and all went through divorce and all went with big financial lose for him.

    Watch the video below to see how fathers and men are treated:

    This is also my favorite part

    Last edited by xboxisdead; 03-26-2018 at 07:21 PM.

  9. #26
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    Re: The Inevitable Collapse of Feminist Societies

    format_quote Originally Posted by Zzz_ View Post
    Bottom line, feminism has no place in Islam and feminism is achieving exactly what they want, that is superiority and power over men. The ignorant that embrace feminism end up paying for it or will as men start to turn against them.

    here's an example.

    one week jail and 30 lashes is uncalled for. An equal punishment would've been to slap him back. But does the wife think she won? whats to keep this guy from going home and giving her talaq? as more feminist Muslims try to act like western feminists and do this crap, the more they will find muslim men retaliate and throw them out on the streets. It won't go well for them.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Feminists do have an agenda and have openly stated of killing all men and keeping a few for procreation. Do you suppose that is how we will have 50 women to a man per one of the signs of the Hour ?

    Btw, you are welcome to be anti-feminist because they are anti-men. But I don't think you should be anti-women though, not all women are like the feminists.
    I am not anti-women. I just am indifference. No longer care what women do. I just resent have to protect for them. As I see they can do everything a man can do and better I see no reason for me to die for them. That's it. I have my life to focus. My need to focus and my happiness to focus. I am just not going to get this happiness sacrifice for some women and her children, honestly. Now, women can humiliate men more and further feminize the men if they want and they can proof further how better women are than men by being chivalrous themselves, by women opening doors for women, by women sacrificing herself for women and men, by they women carrying heavy objects, by they women themselves build buildings themselves, by they women being the protector and maintainer of themselves and other women. But for me, it does not humiliate me. It doesn't make me resent it or feel emasculated if women do all of these things. All this would do for me is focus more on my needs and men's right. If women want to do all of this to destroy men or proof how men are useless and unnecessary then I will shrug and don't care and be indifference also. Because I don't look at some women with born with two XX chromosomes to determine my worth and value. It is Allah who judge my worth. If women think men are useless then all I will say, "Whatever float your boat dear. Want to be lesbian or asexual do it. Want to be a female working bee, do it. Want to raise children on your own and focus on your gender exclusively and focus only women right, if that makes you feel happy do what makes you feel happy." Me? I have one focus. One worry, one concern. If I die..would I die entering paradise or hellfire? You see, ones I enter paradise (ameen) then I am the king in paradise and have own chair to sit on and I can wish whatever I want. Whatever desire I want is mine. I do not get sick. I do not get tired. I do not need to eat or drink. I will have hoor of ein, a wife that will not nag me, demean me, put me down or be ungrateful. Better than any wife here, let me tell you that. I wouldn't have to deal with angry women and they are so beautiful. That is my focus. Is afterlife. I do not care myself if women can be the ultimate warrior and enter highest level of Jannah also...my focus is me. Would I enter paradise or not? Because all of this is pointless when in the end these women have power here and jannah and I have hellfire in afterlife and power here. Don't you think?

    So all these feminist crap, these gender wars, these these are all distracting me from one very important thing..remembering Allah. That is where feminist is doing and THAT IS MY ULTIMATE enemy the feminist by distracting me from remembering Allah. That is what the Shaitan wants. To make me focus on silly things like this and not focus on remembering Allah (Subhanahu Wa talaa). I do not care much for wife or children myself..they all distraction. As for your question concerning feminist, maybe. Now if I really, really hate women like you think I do this is what I would desire in my heart if I REALLY HATE women. If I hate women I would want all men to be extinct, all and it is impossible for male children to ever be conceived ever until end of time. Then the entire population will be female. Many women perhaps would love this world, but if only they knew that is the worst thing to ever happened to them. Because then they alone will be dealing with the horror of end of time and dajjal and there will be no men to protect them from dajjal or tie them in chair. Now because I do not hate women, I feel sad when i see them go astray and pray that Allah guide them. So no. I do not hate women.
    Last edited by xboxisdead; 03-26-2018 at 07:41 PM.

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    Re: The Inevitable Collapse of Feminist Societies

    format_quote Originally Posted by Misbah-Abd View Post
    It is haram to slap in the face. Muslim men need to remember that before she is your wife, she is your sister in Islam and it is obligatory to treat a fellow Muslim with respect and spitting on her is beyond disrespectful.
    I'm away of the hadith of not striking the face. I didn't say what the guy did was right. however, the punishment he got was also not just, not by islamic standards or western standards.

    - - - Updated - - -

    format_quote Originally Posted by xboxisdead View Post
    My older brother he had issue with marriage in the end he wants a divorce. So he went to the mosque with him and his ex-wife and her mother and said to divorce to her, she said no..I want you to say talag by 3...and he was like why..one divorce is enough, the mother and daughter made a stink demanding him to say talaq by three. So when he said ok fine. He said talaq by three, the ex-wife stood up and made a huge spit and spit on my brother's face. Now we talk about it and laugh about it, but there we go. Sister spit on a brother's face just because a divorce have happened. Naturally this made my brother swear off marrying any arabic women for life. He is into asian women now, hoping he will get better treatment than arabic women. So he is leaving to asian world to find a job there and hopefully a wife. My brother he have very bad experience with Arabic women in general. He went through many marriage with arabic women and they all failed and all went through divorce and all went with big financial lose for him.
    your brother may not have much luck if locals are aware of what other arabs have been doing, namely going to other Muslim nations (india, egypt, malay, etc) for 2 weeks to 3 month summer vacation where they marry underage girls for some "halal" fun and then dump them and run back home.

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    Re: The Inevitable Collapse of Feminist Societies

    format_quote Originally Posted by Zzz_ View Post
    I'm away of the hadith of not striking the face. I didn't say what the guy did was right. however, the punishment he got was also not just, not by islamic standards or western standards.

    - - - Updated - - -

    your brother may not have much luck if locals are aware of what other arabs have been doing, namely going to other Muslim nations (india, egypt, malay, etc) for 2 weeks to 3 month summer vacation where they marry underage girls for some "halal" fun and then dump them and run back home.
    Then the blame should be exclusive into the parents who allow this, don't you think? Also the poor parents who willing to sell their daughters like that for some money they will be accountable for their actions in the afterlife. Not saying there are no evil men out there, we have millions of years to show there are indeed evil men out there. However, instead of focusing on poor girls and evil men who take advantage of them alone, also put the focus and put the blame where it really belongs! The parents! The parents who have daughters should be protecting them like precious gems and not allow evil eyes to linger on them. It sound to me these parents have failed in their duty and they will be accountable in the day of judgement. But I do not see how your story by any chance negate what I said earlier. It sound to me you want throw down the most horrible story to somehow water down what my brother went through and as if what he went through is trivial. I can also tell you there are poor little boys who are forceabely castrated when they are only 8 years old, but I do not see this being thrown around. I don't see you throwing out little boys even as babies being raped as something to talk about either.
    Last edited by xboxisdead; 03-26-2018 at 08:32 PM.

  12. #29
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    Re: The Inevitable Collapse of Feminist Societies

    People we have to walk the middle path between extremes...

    we have to treat women with respect.

    In my opinion, it's not about men or women. It's about families and it's about children. And it's about the future.

    Both genders need to sacrifice. They need to sacrifice for the sake of family and children.

    We can't be selfish and think in a one-sided way, only considering one gender.

    I'm not against feminism because I'm against women. I'm against feminism because we need to put family first. Promoting division hurts the children. And it hurts families.

    Evidently, even Muhammad (may peace be upon him), I think must have dealt with some sort of trouble. If I remember correctly, there is a Surah that specifically address his wives.

    Creating some sort of weird gender-nationalism... it's not like, say, NOI-era Malcolm X saying he wants to separate from white people and not integrate. If pre-Mecca Malcolm X wanted, he could go live in a black neighborhood or go to Africa or whatever. If black people or white people want to separate, I don't think it's really all that big a deal. They can go live in separate communities.

    But we can't have this with men and women. Men and women need each other. We need women and women need us. We love women by our very nature and women love us by their nature.

    We do not and can not hate women if we wanted to. It's against our nature as men. Because very powerful forces wish to turn us against each other, many women are being programmed against their own nature. If they succumb, they bear a certain amount of responsibility. But on the other hand, they should be protected so that they're not subjected to this programming.

    Because I am for the natural love between men and women, because I believe that we must as a society put our children first, because I believe that we should have strong, healthy and growing families- I am against both feminism and MGTOW- which is basically just feminism for men.

    And if we are against feminism and MGTOW- we should also oppose these ideologies when they appear in disguise. In fact, these ideologies are more dangerous in disguise than when openly proclaimed.

    If you wanna be single, you can make that decision. And if your prospects aren't so great and the pool is toxic, you don't need to enter the water.

    But good men and good women are out there.

    You are the best nation produced [as an example] for mankind. You enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong and believe in Allah . If only the People of the Scripture had believed, it would have been better for them. Among them are believers, but most of them are defiantly disobedient.

    -Surah Ali 'Imran [3:110]

    I really hope we appreciate what a wonderful verse this is. Our humble ummah is the best nation produced [as an example] for mankind. Not according to me but according to Allah. What an honor! What a wonderful thing.

    Not only is our ummah the best nation (and may Allah forgive me if I feel a lil pride hehe) but we are produced- as an example.

    While the non-believers allow their families to shatter, allow their children to be born into brokenness, produce angry, damaged children and while their women and men turn against each other, while love between the sexes breaks down among them- all that is horrible.

    But I can't help but feel we should be above that. We don't have to go that route. We can be setting an example. We are people with a mission. Many of the non-believers feel their lives are empty, devoid of meaning. Hopefully, we do not have that probem. Hopefully, we sense that our lives are full of meaning and that Allah did not create all this for nothing. We have purpose. We don't have to fall into the same traps as the others.

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    Re: The Inevitable Collapse of Feminist Societies

    format_quote Originally Posted by AllahIsAl-Malik View Post
    People we have to walk the middle path between extremes...

    we have to treat women with respect.

    In my opinion, it's not about men or women. It's about families and it's about children. And it's about the future.

    Both genders need to sacrifice. They need to sacrifice for the sake of family and children.

    We can't be selfish and think in a one-sided way, only considering one gender.

    I'm not against feminism because I'm against women. I'm against feminism because we need to put family first. Promoting division hurts the children. And it hurts families.

    Evidently, even Muhammad (may peace be upon him), I think must have dealt with some sort of trouble. If I remember correctly, there is a Surah that specifically address his wives.

    Creating some sort of weird gender-nationalism... it's not like, say, NOI-era Malcolm X saying he wants to separate from white people and not integrate. If pre-Mecca Malcolm X wanted, he could go live in a black neighborhood or go to Africa or whatever. If black people or white people want to separate, I don't think it's really all that big a deal. They can go live in separate communities.

    But we can't have this with men and women. Men and women need each other. We need women and women need us. We love women by our very nature and women love us by their nature.

    We do not and can not hate women if we wanted to. It's against our nature as men. Because very powerful forces wish to turn us against each other, many women are being programmed against their own nature. If they succumb, they bear a certain amount of responsibility. But on the other hand, they should be protected so that they're not subjected to this programming.

    Because I am for the natural love between men and women, because I believe that we must as a society put our children first, because I believe that we should have strong, healthy and growing families- I am against both feminism and MGTOW- which is basically just feminism for men.

    And if we are against feminism and MGTOW- we should also oppose these ideologies when they appear in disguise. In fact, these ideologies are more dangerous in disguise than when openly proclaimed.

    If you wanna be single, you can make that decision. And if your prospects aren't so great and the pool is toxic, you don't need to enter the water.

    But good men and good women are out there.

    You are the best nation produced [as an example] for mankind. You enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong and believe in Allah . If only the People of the Scripture had believed, it would have been better for them. Among them are believers, but most of them are defiantly disobedient.

    -Surah Ali 'Imran [3:110]

    I really hope we appreciate what a wonderful verse this is. Our humble ummah is the best nation produced [as an example] for mankind. Not according to me but according to Allah. What an honor! What a wonderful thing.

    Not only is our ummah the best nation (and may Allah forgive me if I feel a lil pride hehe) but we are produced- as an example.

    While the non-believers allow their families to shatter, allow their children to be born into brokenness, produce angry, damaged children and while their women and men turn against each other, while love between the sexes breaks down among them- all that is horrible.

    But I can't help but feel we should be above that. We don't have to go that route. We can be setting an example. We are people with a mission. Many of the non-believers feel their lives are empty, devoid of meaning. Hopefully, we do not have that probem. Hopefully, we sense that our lives are full of meaning and that Allah did not create all this for nothing. We have purpose. We don't have to fall into the same traps as the others.

    You keep talking about children. Let me tell you my nature. In my nature I do something where I know I will get the best reward and where Allah (Subhanahu Wa Talaa) says where my most value is in that role and not in something less than that. It makes no sense for a person to do something and struggle on something where the best of reward in something else. Don't you agree. In this case I am talking about fathers. We know in Islam mothers are more valued and more important than fathers and in Islam Husbands are giving bigger reward. You see prophet peace be upon him says your mother three times and your father ones. However, he said that Allah have given husbands a greater value. So for a woman it is her husband and for a man it is his mother. As such children are not really my main focus or concern and such do not care if fathers are removed from the equation or not. Fathers are not that of importance as said mothers and children by nature belong to the mothers not the fathers. You know it, I know it. So these children are like what my oldest brother said to me, "rented". I am only allowed to have access to them as long as marriage is available and ones marriage is done they do not belong to me and I have no authority or right to see them after that. I accept this role and such I do not care when you say for children because that is not my concern. My concern what am I getting out of it. If marriage becomes hostile then I prefer the route of living along and be self focused and self centered. What happened to children is not my concern. Whether they genetically morph into strong offspring who do not need their father or they defective is not my problem. It is really 100% up to the mother if she really loves her children to make connection between father and children healthy. It is not my job. My job is money. This is where Allah (Subhanahu Wa talaa) put the big role in me and this I will fulfill 100% if I had children (Al-hamdolillah I do not). If there is no connection between me and them is not my concern. Did I give them money? Do they have money from me? Yes? Then I can sleep happy knowing I have fulfilled my role.

    Can my role be replaced. Sure. Can my role be replaced by government? Yes. Of course, my role is replaceable and such I need not grab into something that is replaceable and focus into something people cannot take away from me. My imaan. My istigfar to Allah (Subhanahu Wa Talaa) and focus on getting best deed. This is something no women or child can take away from me and this...belongs to me!! THIS IS WHAT will come with me in the grave. Not my wife or child!

    Personally, I do not think mgtow and feminist are the same nor do I think they are as bad as you make them out to be. A man should be entitled to live a life that makes him happy. It should not be his responsibility to take care of women by force. If he wants to take this role he takes it, if not then it is his right not to get married or have children. If there are not enough men available women should not be complaining where are the good men, either? They have no right. Women by nature are build complete. They are build not needing men and build stronger than man. As such if they have no partner they should find other means to fulfill their needs without needing a partner and not complain they can't find a partner. It is men who cannot live alone without a partner and not women. By the way, there are so many means for women to having children without a man. She doesn't need a man to make babies and if she have them without a husband then the child belongs to her anyways. The child will inherit from the mother and have the mother's last name. I advice if women want to go this route to only have girls. It is easier for you and you can never raise boys into men. You just don't have that in you. Just my advise.

    This is my favorite rant:

    Last edited by xboxisdead; 03-27-2018 at 06:30 PM.

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    Re: The Inevitable Collapse of Feminist Societies


    Good to know

    quotethecompletedestructionoftraditional 1 - The Inevitable Collapse of Feminist Societies

    Learn from history.

    D7y1LGK 1 - The Inevitable Collapse of Feminist Societies
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    سيف الله's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: The Inevitable Collapse of Feminist Societies


    Another update. A (male) perspective on the nature and future directions of the feminist movement.

    What Is The Goal Of Feminism?

    Reader corvinus paraphrases a recent Chateau contribution to our collective understanding of feminism:

    Feminism: teaching women to be second-rate men rather than first-rate women.

    An earlier Chateau definition of feminism stated the following:

    The goal of feminism is to remove all constraints on female sexuality while maximally restricting male sexuality.

    The two CH definitions are related, the first being a subset of the second. To the second, I would only add “sexuality and morality” for completeness, as the sexes in their natural states tend to stress accordance to differing, yet complementary, moralities.

    The goal of feminism is thus the destruction of the feminine in women and of the masculine in men. Feminism as an ideology seeks the annulment of sex-based distinctions and dichotomy, to be replaced by an androgynous slop that vulgarizes women and enfeebles men, and is at its heart dehumanizing.

    Brief historical aside: The origin of American feminism as an organizing principle goes back to the 19th century, although there were rare, individual (European) women who lived well before then authoring proto-feminist books, and probably not coincidentally, these women were usually ugly and/or forced by circumstance to provide for themselves.

    As was the case with Rome, the rise of feminism parallels the accumulating wealth and prestige of nations or empires. Affluence may be a causative factor of feminist idiocy, or it may be a correlative factor. Either way, once a nation has succumbed to materialism, it has succumbed to feminism, and once a nation has allowed feminism a toehold in the body politic, decadence and decline are not far behind.

    The roots of feminism are found primarily in the suffrage movement, and secondarily in the effects that growing wealth have on the behaviors of men and on social equality. (It’s not well-known that many of the American first-wave feminists were Evangelical Christians who wanted the government to have a stronger role promoting morality, e.g., the temperance movement. These ur-feminists were in many respects decidedly conservative women.)

    As the wealth disparity between the mass of beta male providers and the fat cats grew, women began to feel insecure that marriage to the average joe would save them from a life of penury. It was from this seed that the feminist “careergrrl” movement germinated, and it was this seed that the proto-globalist cosmopolitan fat cats wanted so eagerly to plant, to enlarge their customer base and divide families against themselves.

    Whatever righteousness there could be found in the ideology’s original intent, feminism regressed rapidly (in nation-state life-cycle times) to a twisted, brutish, stupid dogma, that today has reached its inevitable nadir in campus rape hoaxes, Title IX, and fat acceptance, among many other bizarro world feminist social incursions that blatantly defy human nature. Inevitable, because as with all leftist missions, satisfaction from earlier victories only encourages more bloodlust, and the course of conquest always ends in desolation when the last enemy of the movement has been picked clean to the bone.

    So we have as explanations for the rise of feminism affluence, wealth and income inequality, and decadence. To this we can add out-breeding, the marriage pattern among White Europeans (and, later, Americans) that split cousin-marriage kinship ties and created evolutionary selection pressures leading to a people with a high degree of trust and out-group altruism. Taken to extremes, this characteristic feature of Whites, genetically embedded for maximum staying power, promotes the beliefs and consequent social policies of “gender egalitarianism”, which is nothing less than the total rebuke of the existence of natural, organic, and psychologically healthy sex-based differences in mind and body.

    Feminism is lies, ugliness, and malevolence, and that is why it must be opposed by any shiv necessary.


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    Re: The Inevitable Collapse of Feminist Societies

    To all you delusional, insecure grown men who made this thread and actively take part in it: I feel sorry for your wives, daughters, and mostly you. If you want to continue to fantasize about a world were women are imprisoned and on their knees, move this forum to the men-only section, as some of us females find it rather offensive. That is all I can ask of such an outrageous bunch. Thank you.

    - - - Updated - - -

    And you might want to get rid of a few every day or important things from your life, as they were invented by women: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-40923649

    - - - Updated - - -

    And just so your ignorant brains know (though reading your posts, I highly doubt it, but I will still try <3), most of us (me included) fight for other things alongside women's rights, like men's mental health, as it is often disregarded considering they carry the (annoyingly generalized) label of the "stronger sex." We literally do not want men to lose their rights; you generalize too much (or your sources, if you may). You called me naive and young in another post, Mr. @Junon , but you yourself seem far more naive than me. And yes, @Mandy , this was the type of disrespect I was referring to. Just see how these absolute imbeciles have no regards for our struggles and pain -- of how many restrictions we face on a daily basis.
    Last edited by FilleTriste; 01-30-2019 at 07:00 AM.

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    Re: The Inevitable Collapse of Feminist Societies

    format_quote Originally Posted by Pink_Uniqueorn View Post
    To all you delusional, insecure grown men who made this thread and actively take part in it: I feel sorry for your wives, daughters, and mostly you. If you want to continue to fantasize about a world were women are imprisoned and on their knees, move this forum to the men-only section, as some of us females find it rather offensive. That is all I can ask of such an outrageous bunch. Thank you.

    - - - Updated - - -

    And you might want to get rid of a few every day or important things from your life, as they were invented by women: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-40923649

    - - - Updated - - -

    And just so your ignorant brains know (though reading your posts, I highly doubt it, but I will still try <3), most of us (me included) fight for other things alongside women's rights, like men's mental health, as it is often disregarded considering they carry the (annoyingly generalized) label of the "stronger sex." We literally do not want men to lose their rights; you generalize too much (or your sources, if you may). You called me naive and young in another post, Mr. @Junon , but you yourself seem far more naive than me. And yes, @Mandy , this was the type of disrespect I was referring to. Just see how these absolute imbeciles have no regards for our struggles and pain -- of how many restrictions we face on a daily basis.
    You are slave...so am I. We are slave to Allah (Subhanahu Wa Talaa) and you are in prison. Actually you are imprisoned and so am I. Actually as soon as the baby boy or baby girl is born we are prisoner and this world is a prison. Actually in Islam it clearly indicates marriage is a prison..especially for a woman...and for men we are slaves of the women by marriage...we WORK for you...we slave for YOU...we are taught to die FOR YOU....so in fact you are my prisoner and I am your prisoner. Actually in this word you are imprisoned to your parents and so on. You obey your parents, remember? There you are their prisoners...THIS WORLD is not paradise for you.

    But I did not realize you are a feminist. That is great. Now we know you are a feminist. Men's right and women's right already placed on the table by ALLAH himself...and he put boundaries SO NEITHER OF THE SEXES ARE ALLOWED TO CROSS. I am surprised that was insufficient for you...decided to join the feminist because you believe they give women their rights better than Allah? Sorry...it is not for you to say where this post goes or not.

    JUST A REMINDER you are working for someone in this world, you obey someone in this world...just as a man works for someone in this world AND HE OBEYS SOMEONE in this world...we all have rights ON EACH OTHER ALL OF US

    AND IF YOU GO OUT of your way and join a group so you have the cake and pie and turkey at the sametime or you have rights on someone and that someone have no rights on you...

    you are an oppressor.

    You obey your mother and father..remember? GREAT do you think that is imprisoning you and putting you on your knees?

    Remember when you get married YOUR MOTHER AND FATHER'S THRONE IS HANDED TO THAT HUSBAND...YOU OBEY HIM...you think that is imprisoning and putting you on your knees? You don't like the rule of Islam then be the CEO of feminist. Allah said women have full custody of the children..yet scientists have proven that single fathers DO 100% better job than single mothers..especially when comes to raising children.....I could do like you and join an organization to fulfill my desires to have full custody of the child and demand equality in custodial rights.

    BUT I DO NOT. BECAUSE I KNOW ALLAH KNOWS WHAT I DO NOT KNOW. He assigned gender roles. I obey. I submit. I don't get upset. If Allah was to decree that women are the rulers of men...and that I as a husband must obey my wife, must obey my sister, must obey my daughter and must obey my mother...you know what I will do?


    Because Allah commanded to do it...but he did not. He told me to obey my mother three times over my father. He told me that paradise is under the feet of the mother. So I obey. I submit. I am a man. I could be a father one day. I did not resent it. Because Allah decreed it. I am a muslim. I submit. Allah created girls with special abilities over boys. Allah favored girls with special abilities over boys. I do not go in some corner and weep and go, "WHY!? WHY OH ALLAH WHY!??" I am his property. His slave. I submit and obey. Simple. No if's or but's about it. Allah created the genders different and he commanded us to admire the beauty of the gender difference..up to and including to birds, animals and insects...I do it.
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    Re: The Inevitable Collapse of Feminist Societies

    Indeed. But not only that, matriarchy where a society in which women dominate over men, is bound for collapse. Patriarchy has worked exceedingly well for muslims last 1,400 years. Should not change it because of some angry women.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Black Pigeon Speaks is very much a WN, but in this videos he spills the naked truth.

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    Re: The Inevitable Collapse of Feminist Societies

    format_quote Originally Posted by cinnamonrolls1 View Post
    This is completely nonsensical.Your assumptions about women need to stop. How the hell do you know if a woman cares for her husband or not? You're talking a load of nonsense. Do you think the prophet pbuh was weak for getting married?
    But I know for a fact back then in the day of prophet when false allegation was shown the person who does the false allegation get punished. NOT HERE.

    That makes marriage VERY DANGEROUS.

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    Re: The Inevitable Collapse of Feminist Societies

    My biggest fear...I marry a woman..she calls the cup says I did this or that to her and I have done nothing...I AM IN FOR A LONG TROUBLE. EVEN YOU WILL BELIEVE HER OVER ME. EVEN YOU WILL DO IT. DON'T DENY THAT.

    Then how can I proof my innocence? Tell me how? She says I beat her. Raped her. Did this to her. I said..no...she is lying. How do you proof that I am innocent or not. Automatically you will believe her first. She could weep, cry, hurt herself to show I did damage to her body. Now what. I sit there and accept that my head will be cut off because I have no proof. All I have is my word. That will not fly.

    Well..sorry. I do not want that. I want peace and harmony.

    She could kill me at night and say she was doing it as self defense. She could make a beautiful story that is believable...i am dead. I cannot defend my case. Again...no thanks.

    She could kick me out of the home and deny me rights to see and raise the children and do parental alienation.

    ALL OF THAT was not in the day of prophet and if it was...the laws there resolved the issue and protected the victim.

    NO SUCH law here. No ma'am.

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    Re: The Inevitable Collapse of Feminist Societies

    Yeah, buddy, this whole "You WeRe CreATED ThiS WaY StOoP CrYiNG!1!" thing going on, @xboxisdead , total BS. Apparently, you have absolutely no idea on what I was talking about. But since you all are so delusional and insecure, have it your way. You may continue to live in your perfect, sexist world, where everything is backward. And quote where I said I wanted to break free from my parents -- I will wait. And whichever mysterious post you saw of me wanting to not be God's slave. But living a life independent of a man? Yes, please. I do not care who alienates me -- it is what I wish for.

    And who are you to tell me how to live? My grave, my wish. We will all be judged on the day of judgement, so God will do what he pleases with me. And why exactly would this forum not be moved? So that more women can hate on you and your fellow misogynists? Just go express your insecurities on a gender-restricted area; it is the only deed I ask of you. Is it really that hard?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Needless to say, my views on your sexism and ignorance were just my two cents. If I can not change your mind, then all right. Not like you could change my mind, either. I just had the urge (and right) to state my views, so I did just that.
    Last edited by FilleTriste; 01-30-2019 at 06:41 AM.

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    Re: The Inevitable Collapse of Feminist Societies

    I've ever observed feminist movement in Indonesia, and I made conclusion :

    The feminist movement in Indonesia is not driven by true feminists who are fighting for women's rights, but by a group of women who have had bad experiences with men and want revenge. They brought many personal agendas into the feminist movement, which overlapped each other, and finally made the direction of the feminist movement in Indonesia become unclear. In other hand, the true feminists who truly fight for women's rights actually launch their movement not with the label of feminism.

    Maybe this also happens in the feminist movements in other countries.
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    Re: The Inevitable Collapse of Feminist Societies

    format_quote Originally Posted by FilleTriste View Post
    Yeah, buddy, this whole "You WeRe CreATED ThiS WaY StOoP CrYiNG!1!" thing going on, @xboxisdead , total BS. Apparently, you have absolutely no idea on what I was talking about. But since you all are so delusional and insecure, have it your way. You may continue to live in your perfect, sexist world, where everything is backward. And quote where I said I wanted to break free from my parents -- I will wait. And whichever mysterious post you saw of me wanting to not be God's slave. But living a life independent of a man? Yes, please. I do not care who alienates me -- it is what I wish for.

    And who are you to tell me how to live? My grave, my wish. We will all be judged on the day of judgement, so God will do what he pleases with me. And why exactly would this forum not be moved? So that more women can hate on you and your fellow misogynists? Just go express your insecurities on a gender-restricted area; it is the only deed I ask of you. Is it really that hard?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Needless to say, my views on your sexism and ignorance were just my two cents. If I can not change your mind, then all right. Not like you could change my mind, either. I just had the urge (and right) to state my views, so I did just that.
    Illusion, insecure, can't handle a strong woman, sexism, your brain of that a caveman, etc...all these shaming tactics I have developed immunity through it and doesn't cause me a to quiver an inch in a corner. Apparently the concept of example and metaphor seems to have flown above your head. Simply I was explaining that no one is free. Everyone is confined and imprisoned and working for someone.

    The idea you defend feminism and say it gives women rights and you believe it is the best thing for womenfolk tells me much about your imaan and what happens if the Dajjal where to show up now. You will be the 1st among the other women to join Dajjal.

    Allah have given women equality to men.

    Allah have raised women statues high as men.

    Allah have given women three rights over men.

    Why do you fail to mention Allah for women rights and equality and you mention feminism as if somehow feminism have power over Allah?

    You should be saying that in Muslim countries women right are stripped away because we are straying far from the path of Allah and Allah have given us women our rights and we demand it. FIGHT FOR ISLAM! I should see women having signs on their heads FIGHT FOR ISLAM and not feminism.

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