Our goal is to help you get maximum benefits of this blessed month

Bismillaah, wal-hamdulillaah, was-salaatu was-salaam `alaa Rasoolillaah wa

Beloved brothers and sisters in Islaam:

As-salaamu`alaykum warahmatullaahi wabarakaatuh.

All praise and thank are for Allaah Alone who has favored us and allowed us to
reach the blessed month of Ramadhaan, that we may strive to increase our acts of
worship sincerely for His Sake Alone. May He, subhaanahu wa ta'Alaa, grant us
all the tawfeeq to successfully complete our fasting and worship for His Good
Pleasure, aameen.

We at http://www.albaseerah.org are truly grateful that we are able to provide you with the authentic and correct statements of the senior scholars of our Ummah regarding the blessed month of Ramadan and all aspects of worship and faith that come with it.

Our goal is to help you get maximum benefits of this blessed month.

We would like to help you get closer to Allaah and get your Duaas accepted.

We strive to provide you with proper tools so you may protect yourself from that which does not benefit and get you busy in acts which are more pleasing to Allaah.

Our Duaas are to see every single one of you in Jannah and drinking from the
Hawd Al-Kawther.

Our Duaas are that every single one of you is forgiven by Allaah during this
blessed month and graduates from the School of Ramadaan with the certificate of eternal happiness.

We invite you to visit our Audio Lounge and listen to the words of our Senior
scholars and Mashaaykh.

For your convenience we are also very pleased to present you lectures in text
format so you may print it and read it at your convenient time and place. May
Allaah reward the transcription team for doing an excellent job and may Allaah
write their names among the inheritors of the paradise of Firdaws and give them tawfeeq to live a happy and succesful life.

We invite you to visit "Lectures in text format"
section and choose any of the transcriptions concerning Ramadhaan to read with your family, your friends, your community. There you will find many questions and answers regarding our contemporary concerns for making a righteous and acceptable fast. Questions such as:


What is the ruling for the one who delays fasting missed days for an entire year without making up the fast until another Ramadaan?

What is the latest time for sahoor (predawn meal)? Is it the time of the adhaan of fajr or can one consume food until the Muadhdhin finishes the adhaan?

What is the ruling on using eye, nose and ear drops during the day in Ramadaan and is using kohl on the eyes permissible during the day?

I have an illness and this illness is continuous and I have to take medicine
every four (4) hours. Should I fast and take my medicine only, every four hours?

Could we still pray our tahajjud prayers in the last third of the night after we
pray Taraaweeh and the Witr prayers in the masjid, or should we postpone our witr until after the last third?

Can a person make iÂ’tikaaf in the night and go out to work in the morning?

In our local masjid it is such that one Imaam will lead the first 8 rakaat of
taraawih and then they will take a break so that the brothers and sisters who
believe that one should only pray 11 can leave. They do not pray witr but just
the 8 and then leave. So, these people leave and then another Imaam will come forward and finish praying the 21 rakaat. We have heard the hadeeth that the one who starts and finishes with the Imaam he gains the reward of praying the entire night. So, in this situation if one stops at the 8 would this be considered finishing with the Imaam or should one finish the 21 to gain the reward of praying all night?

Is it permissible to decorate the home with lights and balloons for Ramadaan
and/or ‘Eed?

If a woman sees a gynaecologist and gets examined during the time of fasting. Does this break her fast?

Could you please tell us the ruling on young children learning about Islaam and
Ramadaan through nasheeds, videos, cartoons and the like?

A person masturbated during the daytime in Ramadaan and he was saddened and wants to know how to make amends for this.

Could you give the children any gifts for ‘Eed, or does it have to be clothes
or money?

If a person is fasting and takes a pill without water for a pain due to a tooth
does it break the fast?

What is allowed between the spouses that will not break the fast, (excluding
intercourse, is there anything allowed)? According to the madhhab of Imaam
ash-ShaafiÂ’ee رØ*مه الله touching your husband or wifeÂ’s skin breaks your wudÅ«Â’ and hence, kissing them also breaks the wudÅ«Â’. How strong is this ruling in terms of dalaail (evidences) and what is the strongest opinion?





Brothers and sisters, please take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to
read the words and advices of our Scholars, words and advices based on the
Glorious Qur'aan, and the Prophetic Sunnah as understood by the most righteous of this Ummah - the companions and followers of our beloved Prophet (sallaallaahu`alayhi was-salaam). May Allaah bless you in this holy month and
always, Aameen.

Always at your service,