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Sinners being destoyed and a good job too!

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    Sinners being destoyed and a good job too! (OP)

    This is referring to people who are NOT repenting. Not of those who will repent, and as per the "Collapse of these countries".

    The sole purpose of me in creating this thread was to highlight the fact that we are not starting from the beginning. I was unhappy that Muslims were treating people like if they never heard, and understand what is required of them to pass their tests. I was unhappy that they were treating the West like if they are going to start from the beginning of teaching them about Islam. So to get them to see that we are nearing the end and countries are finishing right now and we are heading towards the first Major signs of the Day of Judgement.

    This thread has already run its course, and I will not be posting on it. See on Ummah forum, as all relevant questions were answered. Which is even more beneificial as can quickly learn about issues.

    I created this on the 19/01/10 its on page 72 at the moment in the General sections on Ummah forum, if anyone likes to read the posts, which did do its job of highlighting the misconceptions that some Muslims were having about people being taught about Islam in this world.

    If anyone wants to post here, etc they can, but I am confident that all relevant questions have already been answered after having over 200 posts, so I will not be replying.

    ************************************************** *

    Sinners being destroyed and a good job too!

    What are sinners doing?

    1. Getting drunk
    2. Gambling
    3. Charging interest
    4. Being lewd-walking around naked even going to other countries to walk around naked on their beaches
    5. Having children outside of marriage
    6. Eating so much that Allah has provided without giving thanks
    7. Homosexuality is more acceptable then being a Muslim
    8. Not worshipping Allah as even the angels do.

    People are being critical of Muslims when we don't care that sinners will be destroyed! I am not praying for guidance for indecent people going out to nightclubs, pubs etc, its a joke, after all they have already received guidance, heard about Islam, seen natural disasters, even a volcano erupting in the US recently while they were murdering Muslims. They have received so much from Allah and they still reject Islam, living their sinful ways and even increasing them after the War on Terror-at the time people were talking about Islam more-but what do they do-make civil partnerships, increase in female's rubbish clothings etc.

    Some people have been saying that we can't say that people are being punished when a natural disaster strikes. They are going as far as saying we can't say that when the sinners are destroyed its a good thing! But its OK for them to say to kill Muslims abroad is OK.

    They are forgetting that Allah himself will be destoying them! Are people going to be saying that this is wrong?? If they want to criticise what I'm saying then are they saying that Allah is going to let the US, UK etc continue?? Allah has taught us that when people are being sinful, they are destroyed.

    On the Day of Judgement no one will be caring about you-so that is why I'm not going to say to sinful people that I care about them! I am not living a lie. They prefer to listen to people who claim they are caring etc when they are just liars-as I said they will not be supporting them on the Day of Judgement so why are they saying it in this world?

    This is what the Christians are doing, tell people what they want to hear, that is why they don't talk about the Day of Judgement, or people going to hell as much -to make them acceptable to people. They will not be supporting the sinners so they should not wrongfully using the words compassion-they even go as far as saying they forgive people-in Islam it is only Allah forgives, a Muslim does not care about wrong done on them as they are rewarded by Allah for being patient and being religious.

    The Christians have clearly changed religion and that has made the people's impression on religion change! No Prophet went around kissing and hugging people telling them that Allah loves them! Prophet Lut peace be upon him did not go around saying to the homosexuals that Allah loves them! He told them if they don't repent they will be destroyed.

    Prophet Noah peace be upon him never went around kissing and hugging people telling them that Allah cares about them-simply told them if they don't worship Allah and be good they will be destroyed-see the verses from the Quran below;-

    21:76 (Asad) AND [remember] noah - [how,] when He called out [unto Us], long before [the time of Abraham and Lot], We responded to him and saved him and his house*hold from that awesome calamity; [69]

    26:116 (Asad) Said they: “Indeed, if thou desist not, O noah, thou wilt surely be stoned to death!” [51]

    29:14 (Asad) And, indeed, [in times long past] We sent forth noah unto his people, [11] and he dwelt among them a thousand years bar fifty; [12] and then the floods over*whelmed them while they were still lost in evildoing:

    40:5 (Asad) to the truth gave the lie, before their time, the people of noah and, after them, all those [others] who were leagued together [against God’s message-bearers]; [2] and each of those com*munities schemed against the apostle sent unto them, [3] aiming to lay hands on him; and they contended [against his message] with fallacious arguments, so as to render void the truth thereby: but then I took them to task - and how awesome was My retribution!

    54:9 (Asad) [LONG] BEFORE those [who now deny resurrec*tion] did noah’s people call it a lie; and they gave the lie to Our servant and said, “Mad is he!” - and he was repulsed. [6]

    66:10 (Asad) For those who are bent on denying the truth God has propounded a parable in [the stories of] noah's wife and Lot's wife: they were wedded to two of Our righteous servants, and each one betrayed her husband; [21] and neither of the two [husbands] will be of any avail to these two women when they are told [on Judgment Day], "Enter the fire with all those [other sinners] who enter it!" [22]

    71:1 (Asad) BEHOLD. We sent noah unto his people. [saying:] "Warn thy people ere grievous suffering befall them!

    71:5 (Asad) [And after a time, noah] said: "O my Sustainer! Verily, I have been calling unto my people night and day

    71:21 (Asad) [And] noah continued: "O my Sustainer! Behold, they have opposed me [throughout], for they follow people whose wealth and children lead them increasingly into ruin, [13]

    71:26 (Asad) And noah prayed: "O my Sustainer! Leave not on earth any of those who deny the truth:

    They quickly be on the defensive, using their children to say they are innocent, well why are they bringing up caring about their children-what have they showed them? Not to worship Allah, don’t pray, fast, give thanks for their food etc. They even are being lewd in front of their children-and then claim they are being more kinder! Well see the above verses from the Quran, Allah just didn’t spare the children, we don’t care as they would have made it to paradise, while their parents are going to hell. Why should a Muslim care when people go to paradise, the children were not separated from their parents when the flood overtook them etc. If they claim to be kinder why are they feeding their children pork? In Islam children don’t belong to us, they are entrusted onto us,

    Now if you went to paradise and there were beautiful children running around, and lets say you wanted to look after one-is it not disgusting to give them pork to eat? Its also inappropriate to take them from heaven to this earth and then walk around indecently in front of them. The females are showing themselves naked in front of children at beaches etc, sharing the same pool-and they claim to be kind. They dare to criticise people who don’t care about their people being destroyed. Note we have been kind to their children, as we have not disrespected them, and talk about Allah!

    I see liars, and when people say they should just pray to Allah about them-why would it be accepted when they are in clear wrong??? Homosexuality etc, they rather have a gay parade in Jerusalem but rather stop Muslims living there! When did the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him pray for homosexuals??

    They use the word kindness, Muslims have already been don't they see this? The majority have been patient, and even when non-Muslims have visited Muslim countries they have said they were welcomed.

    We have already been kind to them -by telling them that if they don't repent they will go to hell! This is nothing different to what Muslims say to another Muslim, its is no different to what we teach our children, it is no different to what the Prophets have said and of course no different to what Allah has said-and he is Merciful and compassionate.

    If somebody told you not to touch something because you will be burned-that's a kind thing-and that's what Islam has been doing -telling people not to go to hell as its a terrible place! How can anyone else claim to be kinder when they are not warning people of this? When if people join them they end up going to hell. They have been warned and they are not repenting, they are treating this as a political issue, were they are expecting to recover from this war and live side by side with the Muslims-we Muslims don’t have to think about this, its not going to happen, its not our doing, this world is run by religion, they can’t just forget what they are taught and carry on after rejecting Islam. They could not just reject Prophet Noah, Lut peace be upon him and continue to live in their sinful ways. After all they have done, yes I pray that sinners be destroyed! There is nothing wrong with praying for evil people to be destroyed and I don’t care about dying with them either-better to die with them then live with them. They have not left one country alone for people to be ok -even Allah has said they claim to be peaceful but they go around causing trouble around the world.

    If anyone has a problem with this then tell me that Allah is going to let the US, UK ,Belgium etc countries continue. As soon as these countries collapse -so will Saudi Arabia etc as there aren’t businesses running today-please see the Major signs of the Day of Judgement thread. I have said that even if my whole year is rubbish, and there is so much evil in this world, its worthwhile hearing that one person has repented and not going to hell. But the sinners claim kindness belongs to them because they allow people to continue with their sin. Even the people at the time of Prophet Lut peace be upon him that he is one telling us to be good-and they wanted to get rid of him, they threw Prophet Ibrahim peace be upon him into the fire-for just telling them to repent, there is reference to the Prophet Noah peace be upon him being treated unkindly-and all of the came with a message to repent to Allah! They were not being violent (I am against terrorist activities-just believe that Allah will destroy these countires), They west is doing the exact same thing as these non-believers in the past=-get rid of people who talk about Islam-go against indecent behaviour, so they can continue to live in sin-there is nothing about freedom-it has always been about being in open sin.

    Again if people disagree then pray to Allah for him not to destroy US, UK etc. Also say they believe that Allah is going to let them continue! Do not lie about kindness, when this message has not been changed, rather that people just don’t talk about it in the west and then think its not about being kind-when actually it is about being told to save yourself from hell, the same message that all the Prophets have given.

    Last edited by h-n; 07-12-2010 at 05:54 PM.

  2. #41
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    Re: Sinners being destoyed and a good job too!

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    format_quote Originally Posted by h-n View Post
    I don't need to be told by someone who frankly looks less towards the Day of Judgement then I do, and don't bother making excuses, your intentions have been less then honourable.
    Allah knows best what's in my heart. How do you expect others to listen to you when you don't listen to them yourself?

    People don't have time to learn about Islam in their own sweet time, [/B]countries are finishing, they should have done that before, as I am only summarising.
    People will have time to learn about Islam until the sun rises from the west or before the soul reaches the throat [at death] bi ithnil-Laah.

    Don't bother telling me to be kind, if you were kinder then me, then you would have heeded the signs of the Day of Judgement around you and stopped wasting my time.
    Yeah, I should indeed change myself till I have time. Allah is the best of Judges.

    Your not free to derail and waste people's time, so the next time you derail the thread, I will be asking for the post to be removed.
    If I have said anything wrong, then I welcome mods to remove my posts. I've said wrong things in the past, and I'm very grateful to the mods who corrected my mistakes al-hamdulillah. Jazahumullah.

    Commenting on a post made or the tone used in a post isn't off-topic in my opinion.

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    Re: Sinners being destoyed and a good job too!

    format_quote Originally Posted by h-n View Post
    Even still that is derailing the thread, when clearly I have mentioned on post 1 that it is about people who are NOT repenting.

    Sister, please understand that not everyone will read every single post on a thread. They usually just skim through or jump to the end. I'm sorry that you've already mentioned it in the original post, but I was just trying to explain what sis muslimah meant when she said "im a sinner".

    Don't take such a small thing to offense sister, my intetnion is not to derail your thread.

    Sinners being destoyed and a good job too!

    So glorify the praises of your Lord and be of those who prostrate themselves (to Him).
    Surah al-Ĥijr(The Rocky Tract) 15:98

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