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Love and compassion

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    yasoooo's Avatar Full Member
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    The prophet’s mercy to animals, Even the bird found a place in his heart

    The prophet’s heart would be shaken to its very foundations if he saw a distressed bird that lost its babies. A wounded animal, a hungry animal, a sick animal , insects burnt, water being polluted moved his heart, too, and stirred his compassion, yet on his shoulder he onus of imparting God’s message to the whole of the world. How great is such a prophet!

    How miraculous is this prophet!

    He is the message of heavens to the earth, the message of mercy, the exemplary to be followed. God says in the Holy Quran what means; “you have in the Messenger of Allah an excellent exemplar for him who hopes in Allah and the latter day and remembers Allah much. (21)

    Prophet Muhammad called not to kill even a frog and he said, “Its croaking is tasbeeh (praising God).” Always with this litany was capped his words” Those who are not merciful will not find mercy( on the part of God).”

    Such is his mercy that inspired his followers such as Um’ar ibn Al-Kahtab to the extent that he, too, was so worried if an animal was stumbled in the far east or west and feared that he would be held responsible for it before his Lord; he says” I fear that If an animal is stumbled in the far east or west that I will be held accountable before my Lord on the Day of Judgment.”

    This is Mohammed, who rebuked the tyrannies of his times including emperors, notwithstanding he would be moved for a bird that lost its babies.

    It is narrated that someone took two chicks of a bird (hamra), which came in panic searching for its chicks. Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him and his house) then asked, “Who has distressed it by taking its chicks?” Then he asked them to return the chicks.

    Perhaps people lavish animals with their care because of their beauty unmindful of their being entities created by God, The case is different in Islam. The following Hadith lays credence to this fact. It is narrated that the prophet once passed by a burned out anthill. When the Prophet saw it he asked, “Who has burned it?” When he was informed of who had done it, he said, “Only the Lord of Fire has the right to punish with fire.” Is there any beauty in ants?!

    His mercy was not only confined to caring about animals but it goes even more, Seeing a hungry animal would move his heart so much to the extent that he would go to its owner rebuking him for not feeding his animal.

    Once the Prophet passed by a camel that was so emaciated its back was one with its abdomen. Upon that, the Prophet said, “Fear Allah with regard to livestock. Ride them in a fitting way and eat them when they are in good condition.”

    In his heart, everything has a portion, the distressed among people would go to him to ease their hearts even the distressed animals would do the same thing. He once entered the garden of man from the Ansar (Muslims of Madinah) and there was a camel. When the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him and his house) saw the camel it froze and its eyes started watering. Then the Prophet of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him and his house) came to it and rubbed its ears so it calmed down. Then the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him and his house) said, “Who is the owner of this camel? Whose camel is this?” A young man from the Ansar told him (peace and blessings be upon him and his house),”O Messenger of Allah, it belongs to me.” Then he told him (peace and blessings be upon him and his house), “Do you not fear Allah with regard to this beast which Allah has let you own? It complained to me that you starve it and tire it by overworking it and using it beyond its capacity.”
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    Re: Love and compassion

    informative ! Beautiful !
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    Love and compassion

    Allah (swt) knows best
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    yasoooo's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Love and compassion

    thank you
    جزانا واياك

    The prophet was so emphatic on feeding animals; feeding animals or helping them to drink may remit your sins regardless of what great they are. Planting a tree that a wild bird may eat from will surely bring you may rewards. Starving an animal to death will be mete out with hell. There are many Hadiths in this regard, it should be noted here that the prophet is not expressing his personal opinion, his words are minute understanding of God’s word to him- The Holy Quran.

    The Prophet said, “If any Muslim plants any plant and a human being or an animal eats of it, he will be rewarded as if he had given that much in charity.” – (Al-Bukhari)

    The prophet, in order to urge people to feed helpless animals, says” there was a Jewish -----, who used to commit adultery, took it as craft. It happened that she passed by a well and, as she was thirsty, she came down to the well to quench her thirst. When she ascended to the brim of the well, she found a dog out of breath from the blunt of thirst.

    “It must have been suffering exactly like me” she thought.

    She took off her shoes and went down to the well and filled it with water and stretched her hand and quenched the dog’s thirst. When this ----- died, she was let into heaven and her long series of sins were remitted because of just quenching the dog’s thirst.


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    Re: Love and compassion

    Another story that the prophet narrated is a blood-curdling story for those who prevent animals from food; the prophet says” a woman entered the hell because she imprisoned a cat, she neither fed it nor did she set it free to eat.”

    Burdening animals with that they could not bear also would move his heart, it should be noted that the prophet’s words concerning animals or whatever are not mere pieces of advice, the prophet’s words are rules and legislations that man should stand accountable for here in this life and the hereafter if he violates these rules.

    It happened that he saw some people sitting on animals so he commented, “Keep them safe and sound when riding them and when leaving them, don’t use them as chairs for your side talks in the streets and markets. A ridden animal might be better than its rider and might remember and mention God more than its rider does.”


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    Re: Love and compassion

    The prophet prohibits blood animals sports

    Blood animal sports was a long entrenched habit at the time of the prophet, and even is still ongoing, this was opposed by the prophet and even made prohibited. It was reported that Prophet Muhammad prohibited the killing of a bird for the sake of pleasure and not for a specific beneficial need, the Prophet said, “Anyone who would kill a bird, this bird would come on Doomsday and say, “God, this person killed me for pleasure and not for benefit.” He prohibited taking any animal or any living creature as a target for shooting.

    The Prophet (PBUH) said; “Do not clip the forelock of a horse, for decency is attached to their forelock, for it protects it; nor their tail, for it is fly-flap.” (Narrated by Utba bin Farqad abu abd)

    In this respect as Ibn Umar said; “I heard the Messenger of Allah, , say, whoever mutilates a living creature and then does not repent, Allah will mutilate him on the Day of Judgment”

    Jabir told that God’s Messenger forbade the striking the face or branding on the face of any animal. He said when an ass, which had been branded on his face, had passed by: “God curse the one who branded it.” (Narrated by Jabir bin Abdullah)


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    Re: Love and compassion

    اخطاء علمية في الكتاب المقدس لا يستطيع ويليام كامبل الرد عليها - ذاكر نايك Zakir Naik

    تجربه اجتماعيه شخص يعتدى على المسلمين فى شوارع استراليا, شاهد رد فعل الناس

    انجليزية تقول لزاكر نايك ان الحجاب مهين للمراة شاهد كيف رد عليها

    د زاكر نايك يسحق عالم امريكى جاء يدعى خطا القرآن (الجبال اوتادا)
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    Re: Love and compassion

    For the sake of brevity, we condense animals rights granted by Mohammed the messenger of Islam in the following points:

    1-Animals are to be protected against any harm.

    2-Animals are to be given utmost care

    3- Animals are to be lavished with mercy

    4- Animals are to be fed

    5-Animals are not to be overburdened or oppressed


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    yasoooo's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Love and compassion

    6-Animals are to be given health care.

    7-Animals are to live in clean environment

    8-Animals are not to be cursed

    9-Animals are not to be mutilated.

    10-Animals are not to be killed unless for food


    11-Nothing to be held in their necks lest they are suffocated.

    12-Baby animals are to given full suckling

    13-Animals are not to be burnt with fire

    14-Animals are not slaughtered in the best way and not before other animals

    15-Animals are not to be given bad food.


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    yasoooo's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Love and compassion

    Should avoid touching their mouth, because the saliva of the dog full of germs
    And should eat in a bowl away from your food your
    in order to get rid of the microbe of the saliva of the dog if it fell into the pot should be washed the pot 7 times the first time with

    soil and the rest of the 6 with water and thus ends the microbe and the scientists discovered a truth the Prophet Muhammad

    peace be upon him and the Prophet said that 1400 years ago, then his knowledge that God because he was not there Maikarscop

    Uniqueness of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him only
    Does anyone in the past knows about these bacteria and germs and how to treat them?

    And see the result you will not find any bacteria
    And confirmed by the microscope
    This shows the sincerity of the Prophet Mohammad peace be upon him
    Because he did not have a microscope at the time
    God guided you to the right

    Dog is used in agriculture and guard, fishing and livestock and for the purposes of the arrest of criminals
    Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him does not hate the dog
    Select the rules to deal with it

    There is a Hadith that suggests kindness to dogs and animals:

    Volume 3, Book 43, Number 646:

    Narrated Abu Huraira:

    The Prophet said, "A man felt very thirsty while
    he was on the way, there he came across a well.
    He went down the well, quenched his thirst and
    came out. Meanwhile he saw a dog panting and
    licking mud because of excessive thirst. He said
    to himself, "This dog is suffering from thirst as I
    did. "

    So, he went down the well again and filled
    his shoe with water and watered it.

    Allah thanked
    him for that deed and forgave him.

    The people
    said, "O Allah's Apostle! Is there a reward for us
    in serving the animals? "He replied:" Yes, there is
    a reward for serving any animate (living being). "

    (See Hadith No. 551)

    I wish for everyone to benefit
    Search on scientific evidence

    This is the real man

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    yasoooo's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Love and compassion

    Cats hold a special place to the Muslims, since Prophet Muhammad is very fond of cats.

    One story mentioned that a cat saved Prophet Mohammad from being bitten by a deadly snake.

    There was also a story of the Prophet cutting off his shirt sleeve rather than disturbing his sleeping cat when it was time for prayers. When people at the mosque noticed him wearing a torn sleeved robe, they asked "Holy Prophet, why is your garment torn?"

    The Prophet simply replied that his cat is sleeping soundly upon the sleeve of his robe and rather than disturbing the cat, he cut the sleeve and put on what remained of his garment. The Prophet is so kind to animals that he would not pull the garment or awaken the cat, instead he rather cut his robe and let the cat sleep undisturbed.

    It is a well-known fact that the Prophet is a cat lover and respect animals. Muslims are taught to follow his exemplary behaviour on kindness to animals.

    A companion of the Prophet was given the name Abu Hurairah. The name Abu Hurairah means 'father of the cats'. Abu Hurairah was given this name because where ever he goes, he always had a kitten with him.

    The Prophet also mentioned "To catch birds and imprison them in cages without any special purpose is considered abominable." Hence if you have birds living in cages, set them free.

    In Hadith (Muslim religious text) of Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 4, Book 56, Number 673, narrated by Abu Huraira: The Prophet said, "While a dog was going round a well and was about to die of thirst, an Israeli prostitute saw it and took off her shoe and watered it. So Allah forgave her because of that good deed. "

    In another Hadith text, the Prophet told his companions of a woman who would be sent to Hell for having locked up a cat; not feeding it, nor even releasing it so that it could feed herself. "

    So what you think?
    Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is the most kindest person this universe.

    Hadith narrated by Abdullah Ibn Umar (R.A.) that once a person came to the Prophet of Allah (PBUH) and asked "O Prophet of Allah! To what extent should we forgive the mistakes and faults of our slaves and servants?"

    The Prophet (PBUH) remained silent whereupon the man repeated this question. The Prophet (PBUH) again, remained silent and when the man asked for a third time, he replied "Seventy times a day."
    (According to Anas): I was eight years of age when I became the Holy Prophet Mohammad's (SAWS) servant and served him for 10 years. He never rebuked me even when I broke or damaged something. If his family said something strong, then he would tell them leave it & to forget about it. Whatever Allah has destined will happen".


    محاضرة الهدف من الخلق كاملة || ذاكر نايك - The Purpose of the Creation Full || Zakir Naik

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    Re: Love and compassion

    أقوى اقناع بالدين الاسلامي على الاطلاق للدكتور زاكر نايك HD 2016.
    أصعب سؤال طرح على د.ذاكر نايك عن الزنا ... شاهد اقتناع المسيحين بالجواب ( خطير جدا )

    لم يصلب المسيح والدليل من الكتاب المقدس - ذاكر نايك Zakir Naik \
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    Re: Love and compassion

    MashaAllah what a wonderful role model for all humanity we have in our beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
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    yasoooo's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Love and compassion

    The calendar year of Islam begins not with the birthday of our prophet (peace be on him), not from the time that the revelation came to him (Bethat) nor from the time of his ascension to heaven, but with the migration (Hijra) from an undesirable environment into a desirable place to fulfill Allah's command. It was migration from a plot that was set by the leaders of the Quraysh who were plotting to kill prophet Muhammad, and to destroy the truth that today is being conveyed to mankind everywhere against tyranny and injustice. Their purpose was to destroy the foundation of the Islamic state, the Sunnah of the tradition of the prophet, and to prevent the revelation being delivered by Allah's messenger to mankind.

    The Islamic calendar is reckoned from the time of migration (Hijra) of Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him) from Mecca to Madina. The Prophet's decision to migrate from Mecca came after several years of inhuman treatment of the faithful by the powerful tribes who were united despite all their feuds to stop the spread of Islam.

    Prophet Mohammad's decision to leave Mecca coincided with the infidel's plan to assassinate him. In 622 AD, the Quresh tribesmen held a meeting and decided that a band of young men, one from each tribe, should assassinate Prophet Mohammad collectively so that their responsibility for the murder could not be placed on any particular tribe.

    On the eventful night, the Prophet asked his cousin Ali Ben Abutalib to take his place in bed to make the Meccans think that he was asleep. The Prophet himself slipped out unobserved alongwith his loyal follower Abu Bakr (who was chosen as the first C aliph after the death of the prophet). They secretly made their way to a cave named Thawr, not far from Mecca and lay in hiding there for a day or two until Abu Bakr's son reported that the search for him had been given up. Then the two set out from Madina on camel back. They reached Quba, on the edge of the Madina oasis, on 12th Rabiul Awwal. With Mohammad's arrival in Quba a new phase of his career and glory of Islam started.

    This migration has a special significance in the history of Islam. It ended the Meccan period of humiliation and torture and began the era of success. His own people to whom he preached Islam for 13 years neglected the Prophet of Islam. But he was cordially received in Madina as an honored chief.

    In Madina his power enhanced day by day. Here he was not only the religious leader but took the role of a politician and statesman too. Prophet Mohammad expired ten years after his migration to Madina but only in one decade he changed the course of human history.

    In view of this special significance of the Prophet's migration the consultative body advised the Second Islamic Caliph, Omar ben Khattab, to start the Islamic year from the date of migration of the Prophet from Mecca to Madina.

    According to early Moslem scholars, Abu Musa Al Shari drew attention of Omar to an improperly dated debenture or IOU which was payable in the month of Shaban but it was not clear which Shaban was actually meant, the present one or the coming one. Omar called the dignitaries for consultation who made several suggestions to begin the Islamic calendar.

    Ali (who later became the fourth caliph) suggested the Hijra as the beginning of the Islamic year with Moharram as its first month. Consequently, Caliph Omar in 21 A.H. or 641 A.D introduced the Islamic calendar in its present form.


    The guidance about the Islamic calendar is taken from the following verses from the Holy Quran: (In the name of GOD most gracious and most merciful)

    "Lo the number of the months with God is twelve months." IX:36.

    "They ask thee, of new moons. Say: They are fixed seasons for mankind and for the pilgrimage." II:189.

    "He it is who appointed the sun a splendor and the moon a light, and measured for her stages, that ye might know the number of the years, and the reckoning." X:5

    The Islamic Calendar of 12 Lunar Months is determined by observation of the new moon with no effort by intercalation (addition) or other means to synchronize the Lunar year with the Solar year.

    Seerah of Prophet Muhammed 27 - The Hijrah - Emigration to Madinah - Yasir Qadhi | March 2012

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    Re: Love and compassion

    Among the miracles that were granted to the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, as divine support for his Da‘wah (call) and a means of uplifting his status, was the speech of inanimate objects and animals to him. This matter had a great effect on souls, stimulated minds and drew people's attention to the Da‘wah. It also proved to people that the Da‘wah was true and real and supported by arguments and evidence. Therefore, it was only appropriate for sensible people to accept it and follow the great religion of Islam which brings them benefits, wards off harm, elevates their position among nations and guarantees for them happiness in both worlds.

    Indeed, inanimate objects and animals spoke: food exalted Allaah The Almighty, stones and trees saluted the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, the trunk of a palm tree yearned for him, and a camel complained to him. These miracles and lessons certainly occurred and were authentically narrated so that they would be believed and accepted - even if they might contradict human reason.

    Among the inanimate objects that Allah The Almighty made to speak to the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, was food. Once, while it was being eaten, some food exalted Allaah The Almighty and the Companions heard its exaltation. ‘Abdullaah ibn Mas‘ood said,"We were with the Messenger of Allaah, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, on a journey, and we ran short of water. He said: ‘Bring the remaining water with you.’People brought a utensil containing a little water. He dipped his hand in it and said:'Come to the blessed water - and the Blessing is from Allaah!’ I saw the water flowing from among the fingers of the Messenger, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, and we certainly heard the food glorifying Allaah when it was being eaten [by him]." [Al-Bukhaari]

    In Al-Fat’h, Al-Haafith Ibn Hajar mentioned that grapes, ripe dates and gravel all exalted Allaah The Almighty.

    It is also mentioned in this regard that stones, mountains and trees would greet the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. It was narrated on the authority of Jaabir ibn Samurah that the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, said: "I recognize a stone in Makkah which would salute me before my commissioning as a Prophet. I still recognize it." [Muslim]

    As another example, ‘Ali ibn Abi Taalib said,“I was once with the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, in Makkah and we went out to some location. Every mountain and tree which the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, passed by would salute him,[(saying], 'Peace be upon you, O Messenger of Allaah.''' [At-Tirmithi and Ad-Daarimi. Saheeh - Al-Albaani]

    Moreover, the tree-trunk which the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, would stand beside while giving his Khutbah (Friday sermon) was one of the inanimate objects which talked to the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. Ibn ‘Umar said,“The Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, would deliver his Khutbah while standing beside a trunk (of a palm-tree). When he had the pulpit made, he used it instead. The trunk therefore began weeping, and so the Prophet went to it and rubbed his hand over it [to stop it crying]." [Al-Bukhaari]

    Another wording states, "The trunk bellowed like a bull such that the mosque shook." [Ad-Daarimi]

    A third wording states, "The trunk bellowed until it cracked and split." [Ahmad]

    Also, the speech of animals was another miracle with which Allaah The Almighty honored His Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. There was a camel who complained to the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, about the injustice of its owner. ‘Abdullaah ibn Ja‘far said,The Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, let me ride behind him one day and told me something in secret which I will not divulge to anyone. The Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, would mostly prefer to relieve himself whilst hiding behind a high object or in a garden of small palm-trees. He once entered a garden that belonged to a man from Al-Ansaar. There he found a camel which moaned and shed tears when it saw the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. The Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, went to it and rubbed the top and bottom of its ears, and it consequently stopped moaning. The Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, then asked:'Who is the owner of this camel? Whose camel is this?'A young man from the Ansaar [helpers] came and said, ‘It is mine, O Messenger of Allaah.’ Thereupon, the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, said:‘Will you not fear Allaah with regard to this beast which Allaah The Almighty caused you to possess? It complained to me that you starve it and exhaust it."” [Ahmad and Abu Dawood. Al-Albaani - Saheeh]

    Exalted is Allaah who made inanimate objects and animals speak to the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, and made this a miracle that proved the veracity of his Prophethood and Da‘wah!


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    Re: Love and compassion

    Allaah's Messenger was the kindest of men in the same way as he excelled all others in courage and valour. Being extremely kind-hearted, his eyes brimmed with tears at the slightest sign of inhumanity. A Companion, Shaddaad bin 'Aws reported the Apostle as saying: "Allaah has commanded you to show kindness to everyone, so if you have to kill, kill in a good manner, and if you slaughter an animal, slaughter it gently.

    If anyone of you has to slay an animal, he should sharpen the blade first and treat the animal well." Ibn 'Abbaas relates that a man threw a goat on its side and then started sharpening his knife. When the Prophet saw him he said: "Do you want to kill it twice? Why did you not sharpen the knife before throwing it on the ground?"

    A Mercy for the Believers
    The Messenger’s compassion towards the believers was of the utmost degree. The Quran describes his compassion in the following verse, which means: “There has certainly come to you a Messenger from among yourselves. Grievous to him is what you suffer; [he is] concerned over you [i.e., your guidance] and to the believers is kind and merciful.” [Quran: 9:128]
    Sa‘d bin ‘Ubaadah once became ill, so Allaah’s Messenger visited him in his house. On seeing his faithful Companion in a pitiful state, he was moved to tears. Then, he said: “Allaah does not punish because of tears, nor because of grief, but he punishes because of this."- and he pointed to his tongue. [Al-Bukhaari]
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    Re: Love and compassion

    Thank you for this thread, as a vegetarian Muslim I appreciate these verses about the love of Allah for His creatures.
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  21. #17
    yasoooo's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Love and compassion

    format_quote Originally Posted by Kawlah View Post
    Thank you for this thread, as a vegetarian Muslim I appreciate these verses about the love of Allah for His creatures.
    thank you

    Dr Zakir Naik Intelligent Answer Why Muslims Kill Animals .. ...



    A Mercy Towards his Enemies
    The prisoners of war taken captive at the battle of Badr were amongst his bitterest enemies. Nevertheless, he made sure that they were given the best of treatment. Among them was Suhayl bin 'Amr who was a fiery speaker and was denouncing the Prophet . 'Umar one the Prophet’s closest companions, suggested that two of his lower teeth be pulled out so that he might not be so vile in his speeches. The Prophet replied: “Were I to do this, Allaah would disfigure me on the Day of Judgement, despite the fact that I am His messenger.”

    In Makkah, his people inflicted him with every kind of suffering, eventually forcing him to emigrate to Madeenah, and then waged war on him for five years. However, when he conquered Makkah without bloodshed in the twenty-first year of his Prophethood, he asked the Makkan unbelievers who were awaiting his decision about them: “How do you expect me to treat you?” They responded unanimously: "You are a noble one, the son of a noble one." He announced to them his decision:
    “You may go free! No reproach this day shall be on you; may God forgive you.”
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    شاب يسأل لما لم يتغير لباس المرأة المسلمة مع مرور الزمن مقل بقية الديانات || رد عجيب د.ذاكر نايك

    أحمد ديدات - محمد النبى الأعظم – مترجم

    New Converts to Islam - June 2016 / Ramadan 1437


    Jesus told me to convert to ISLAM ll NEW

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    A Mercy for Women
    Prophet Muhammad was also very kind and affectionate towards women. Women were very badly treated in those times. The Noble Prophet gave them honour and dignity at par with men in the community. 'Umar reported: "We did not have much regard for women while we were at Makkah, but they were better treated in Madeenah. Allaah's Messenger established women's rights through his sayings and commandments, which improved their position and status."
    A Mercy for Children
    Allaah’s Messenger was particularly compassionate towards children. When he saw a child crying, he sat beside him or her and shared his or her feelings. He felt the pain of a mother for her child more than the mother herself. Once he said: “I stand in prayer and wish to prolong it. However, I hear the cry of a child and cut the prayer short for the anxiety which the mother is feeling.” [Al-Bukhaari]
    He would take children in his arms and embrace them. He was once hugging his beloved grandsons, Hasan and Husayn, when Aqrah bin Haabis told him, ‘I have got ten children. So far, I have not kissed any of them.’ Allaah’s Messenger responded: “The one with no pity for others is not pitied.” [Al-Bukhaari and Muslim]
    According to another version, he said: “What can I do for you if Allaah has removed from you the feeling of compassion?” [At-Tirmithi]
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    The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was a man loved by 1.2 billion Muslims worldwide. This is the man who taught us patience in the face of adversity and taught us to live in this world while keeping in mind the eternal life of the Hereafter. This is the Prophet Muhammad, whose behavior and high morality are examples for us, that God revealed the Qur'an. The whole life of Mohammed was an expression of the Qur'an. He understood this book to perfection, he loved all his life and founded on its precepts. He taught his followers to recite the Qur'an in its principles and love. When Muslims profess belief in one God, they also attest to their belief in Muhammad as a servant and final messenger of God.
    When a Muslim hears the name of Mohammed, he asks God to send His blessings. The Prophet Muhammad was a human being like any other; but his love for humanity that distinguished him from others. We Muslims love the Prophet Muhammad; but it is his love for us that made him a man like no other

    . He wanted to enter Heaven, yes, but he wanted too, with the same intensity for all of us. And he happened to cry, not for himself, but for his Ummah [1] (the community) and for humanity. Was often heard to cry, saying: "O my God, my ummah, my ummah! »
    Muslims believe in the same prophets as those mentioned in the Bible and the Torah, including Noah, Moses, Abraham and Jesus, and believe that every prophet was sent with the same message, ie to worship God totally exclusive . There is one difference between the other prophets and the Prophet Muhammad. Before Muhammad, the prophets were sent to private people in particular places. Mohammed, however, was sent to all mankind, with a final message to guide men to the end of time.
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