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How can I know if Allah loves me?

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    Studentofdeed's Avatar Full Member
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    How can I know if Allah loves me?

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    I'm scared that Allah no longer loves me because I sinned. Sometimes when my self esteem is really low or when I get episodes of small anxiety modes, I freeze up. So many thoughts wash over me and I'm scared. I'm trying to be sinless and I keep making mistakes. I want allah to love me yet I sinned and if though I repent how can I be the same in his eyes when I sinned? How can I make dua to Allah for a perfect pious wife when I'm not perfect?
    I know I wanted to get married but I'm scared...I'm starting to think what if I do not deserve marriage or what I hurt my future wife? I'm scared what if i abuse her or hurt her feelings or get bored of her? I would never do that to her but I'm scared of hurting someone and getting hurt by her. Please keep me in ur duas and give me advice on how to stop sinning
    Jazakallah khayran
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    taha_'s Avatar Full Member
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    Re: How can I know if Allah loves me?

    Salaam brother.

    Don't get stressed. Calm down, dont despair Allah's mercy... One of His beautiful name is Al Wadud.. Allah is Most Loving. These thoughts you are getting, could be waswas. Do more dikhr and ignore them as possible as you can. Seek protection from Allah. You need to keep your intention pure toward Him. Do more good deeds, as good deeds erases more bad deeds. Seek more knowledge from Holy Quran and Hadith. follow the sunnah of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) only. Apperantly you can download quran and hadith apps if you have phone, it would be very benefitcal as you can read it everywhere. Understand the meaning of Quran, read the tasfir. I suggest installing Ayat Al Quran app. which i am using. it has its tasfir. You also should try to help any people especially these who are oppressed. If you have money, you should sponsor an orphan too. Try show mercy to animals, even they can be way to enter Paradise. A prosituitue gave water to a thirsty dog and she was forgiven by Allah, SubnAllah.

    We are human beings not angels, we commit sins. But Allah loves it when we feel regretful and turn back to Him. About your future marriage, i really can't say anything about it. Allah knows best. Ask Allah to guide you and grant you strength and patience daily. Don't even think if your duas are ignored, Allah is All Hearing. That's all I could say. Also I love you for Allah's sake

    Hope this helps you

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    Studentofdeed's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: How can I know if Allah loves me?

    What can i recite for ruqiah on myself? I do not know if this thoughts come because of harassment and abuse I suffered at college because I have such fragile self esteem or if its strong waswas. Its not that I do not have faith in Allah, I'm just angry at myself.
    Jazakallah khayran brother, that means alot. I love you too for the sake of Allah. please keep me in your duas.
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    taha_'s Avatar Full Member
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    Re: How can I know if Allah loves me?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Studentofdeed View Post
    What can i recite for ruqiah on myself? I do not know if this thoughts come because of harassment and abuse I suffered at college because I have such fragile self esteem or if its strong waswas. Its not that I do not have faith in Allah, I'm just angry at myself.
    Jazakallah khayran brother, that means alot. I love you too for the sake of Allah. please keep me in your duas.

    I don't really know much about ruqyah. You should put your trust in Allah only. Seek protection from Him against your enemies and whatever bad things happen to you. Remember these happens by will of Allah. So put your trust in Allah and fear Him. He will not let you go down, my brother. May Allah grant you strength and patience , may He make you happy while still suffering .
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    'Abdullah's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: How can I know if Allah loves me?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Studentofdeed View Post
    I'm scared that Allah no longer loves me because I sinned. Sometimes when my self esteem is really low or when I get episodes of small anxiety modes, I freeze up. So many thoughts wash over me and I'm scared. I'm trying to be sinless and I keep making mistakes. I want allah to love me yet I sinned and if though I repent how can I be the same in his eyes when I sinned? How can I make dua to Allah for a perfect pious wife when I'm not perfect?
    I know I wanted to get married but I'm scared...I'm starting to think what if I do not deserve marriage or what I hurt my future wife? I'm scared what if i abuse her or hurt her feelings or get bored of her? I would never do that to her but I'm scared of hurting someone and getting hurt by her. Please keep me in ur duas and give me advice on how to stop sinning
    Jazakallah khayran

    Allah say in the Quran:

    And [mention, O Muhammad], when your Lord said to the angels, "Indeed, I will make upon the earth a successive authority." They said, "Will You place upon it one who causes corruption therein and sheds blood, while we declare Your praise and sanctify You?" Allah said, "Indeed, I know that which you do not know.[Quran 2:30]
    If Allah only needed someone to be perfect and worship Allah all the time, angels were already doing that. Why would Allah create you and I?
    When we read Quran, we also see that even Prophets have made mistakes. Why did Allah tell us these stories in Quran? If is because Allah want to show us that He knows His creation very well. Allah says that He has created human beings who are weak. They will make mistakes and all they need is to repent sincerely and get back on the right path. You may fall 100 or 1000 or countless times, don't loose hope in Allah and keep coming back to Him and keep asking for forgiveness. This is the only way to our salvation.

    I suggested this before and let me restate that you should make a list of Allah's blessings on you. Compare that to someone who is lesser than you in wealth, health and faith. You will see that Allah has not forgotten you. Allah is with you and loves you more than anything else. Keep adding on to your list and keep reading it before you go to sleep. This will make you more thankful.

    Also read Surah Al-Duha, I am copy/pasting the translation of first few verses below:

    1. By the morning brightness
    2. And [by] the night when it covers with darkness.
    3. Your Lord has not taken leave of you, [O Muhammad], nor has He detested [you].
    4. And the Hereafter is better for you than the first [life].
    5. And your Lord is going to give you, and you will be satisfied.
    7. And He found you lost and guided [you].
    [Quran Chapter 93, verses 1-5 & 7]
    Now there are two ways you can understand this Surah. One way is to apply in its historical context and you know this Surah was revealed to console our beloved Prophet Muhammad PBUH. There was a period of time when revelation was stopped and people were making fun of Prophet Muhammad PBUH that his God has left him. In response this Surah was revealed. One can also understand this Surah by applying to your own context when one feels hopeless. Imagine Allah talking to you through this Surah and giving consoling you that He has not left you alone. Indeed, He is testing you so that He can raise your ranks in life after death. Imagine that Allah is saying that He will give you so much in reward for your patience and trust in Allah that you will be satisfied in life after death. If you still have doubts, just look that how lost you were and did not Allah guide you to the right path? Is this not a sign that Allah is with you and love you?

    Subhanallah I love reading this Surah whenever any negative thought crosses my mind. Try this and inshallah you will find peace in your heart.

    Regarding your fears to get married and the trauma you went through, I would advise that overcome your fears.
    Marriage is also a big test and for that you need to in the right state of mind.
    Get your confidence back before you commit to marrying anyone. It is very important that you start thinking positively and have a clear vision of who you want to marry and why. May be for now, put this off until you graduate and get a job.

    May Allah keep you firm on the right path. Ameen!
    May Allah give you a righteous wife in this world! Ameen!

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    Studentofdeed's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: How can I know if Allah loves me?

    Jazakallah khayran brother. May allah bless you with the best in both worlds. I'm going to speak to the imam today and see if maybe this waswas might me more than it is. I think I'm going to try to read ruqiah on myself and inshallah this self doubts and anxiety will go away. I have written a journal and keep my notes in there to make me feel at ease. But keep me in ur duas
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  9. #7
    'Abdullah's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: How can I know if Allah loves me?

    Allah say:

    For indeed, with hardship [will be] ease.
    Notice Allah says that ease is with hardship. The fact that you have these hardships means ease is just around the corner. Stay firm and keep your hope/trust in Allah.

    Of course I do make dua every time I read your posts. May Allah make it easy for you my brother! Ameen!
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