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Transparency and credibility of factual facts

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    Thumbs up Transparency and credibility of factual facts (OP)

    For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished.

    Matthew 5:18
    The Prophet Jesus peace be upon him,
    came to complete the law of the ancient prophets
    Without decrease or increase
    The remaining authentic verses in the Old Testament cannot be omitted

    Why such variance in viewpoints? To begin with, different theological camps disagree on which books should be included in the Bible. One camp’s apocrypha is another’s scripture. Secondly, even among those books that have been canonized, the many variant source texts lack uniformity. This lack of uniformity is so ubiquitous that The Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible states, “It is safe to say that there is not one sentence in the NT in which the MS [manuscript] tradition is wholly uniform.”[2]

    Not one sentence? We can’t trust a single sentence of the Bible? Hard to believe.

    The fact is that there are over 5700 Greek manuscripts of all or part of the New Testament.[3] Furthermore, “no two of these manuscripts are exactly alike in all their particulars…. And some of these differences are significant.”[4] Factor in roughly ten thousand manuscripts of the Latin Vulgate, add the many other ancient variants (i.e., Syriac, Coptic, Armenian, Georgian, Ethiopic, Nubian, Gothic, Slavonic), and what do we have?
    A lot of manuscripts

    A lot of manuscripts that fail to correspond in places and not infrequently contradict one another. Scholars estimate the number of manuscript variants in the hundreds of thousands, some estimating as high as 400,000.[5] In Bart D. Ehrman’s now famous words, “Possibly it is easiest to put the matter in comparative terms: there are more differences in our manuscripts than there are words in the New Testament.”[6]
    How did this happen?

    Poor record keeping. Dishonesty. Incompetence. Doctrinal prejudice. Take your pick.

    None of the original manuscripts have survived from the early Christian period.[7]/[8] The most ancient complete manuscripts (Vatican MS. No. 1209 and the Sinaitic Syriac Codex) date from the fourth century, three hundred years after Jesus’ ministry. But the originals? Lost. And the copies of the originals? Also lost. Our most ancient manuscripts, in other words, are copies of the copies of the copies of nobody-knows-just-how-many copies of the originals.
    No wonder they differ

    In the best of hands, copying errors would be no surprise. However, New Testament manuscripts were not in the best of hands. During the period of Christian origins, scribes were untrained, unreliable, incompetent, and in some cases illiterate.[9] Those who were visually impaired could have made errors with look-alike letters and words, while those who were hearing-impaired may have erred in recording scripture as it was read aloud. Frequently scribes were overworked, and hence inclined to the errors that accompany fatigue.

    In the words of Metzger and Ehrman, “Since most, if not all, of them [the scribes] would have been amateurs in the art of copying, a relatively large number of mistakes no doubt crept into their texts as they reproduced them.”[10] Worse yet, some scribes allowed doctrinal prejudice to influence their transmission of scripture.[11] As Ehrman states, “The scribes who copied the texts changed them.”[12] More specifically, “The number of deliberate alterations made in the interest of doctrine is difficult to assess.”[13] And even more specifically, “In the technical parlance of textual criticism—which I retain for its significant ironies—these scribes ‘corrupted’ their texts for theological reasons.”[14]

    Errors were introduced in the form of additions, deletions, substitutions and modifications, most commonly of words or lines, but occasionally of entire verses.[15] [16] In fact, “numerous changes and accretions came into the text,”[17] with the result that “all known witnesses of the New Testament are to a greater or lesser extent mixed texts, and even several of the earliest manuscripts are not free from egregious errors.”[18]

    In Misquoting Jesus, Ehrman presents persuasive evidence that the story of the woman taken in adultery (John 7:53-8:12) and the last twelve verses of Mark were not in the original gospels, but added by later scribes.[19] Furthermore, these examples “represent just two out of thousands of places in which the manuscripts of the New Testament came to be changed by scribes.”[20]

    In fact, entire books of the Bible were forged.[21] This doesn’t mean their content is necessarily wrong, but it certainly doesn’t mean it’s right. So which books were forged? Ephesians, Colossians, 2 Thessalonians, 1 and 2 Timothy, Titus, 1 and 2 Peter, and Jude—a whopping nine of the twenty-seven New Testament books and epistles—are to one degree or another suspect.[22]
    Forged books? In the Bible?

    Why are we not surprised? After all, even the gospel authors are unknown. In fact, they’re anonymous.[23] Biblical scholars rarely, if ever, ascribe gospel authorship to Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John. As Ehrman tells us, “Most scholars today have abandoned these identifications, and recognize that the books were written by otherwise unknown but relatively well-educated Greek-speaking (and writing) Christians during the second half of the first century.”[24] Graham Stanton affirms, “The gospels, unlike most Graeco-Roman writings, are anonymous. The familiar headings which give the name of an author (‘The Gospel according to …’) were not part of the original manuscripts, for they were added only early in the second century.”[25]

    So what, if anything, did Jesus’ disciples have to do with authoring the gospels? Little or nothing, so far as we know. But we have no reason to believe they authored any of the books of the Bible. To begin with, let us remember Mark was a secretary to Peter, and Luke a companion to Paul. The verses of Luke 6:14-16 and Matthew 10:2-4 catalogue the twelve disciples, and although these lists differ over two names, Mark and Luke don’t make either list. So only Matthew and John were true disciples. But all the same, modern scholars pretty much disqualify them as authors anyway.

    Good question. John being the more famous of the two, why should we disqualify him from having authored the Gospel of “John”?
    Umm … because he was dead?

    Multiple sources acknowledge there is no evidence, other than questionable testimonies of second century authors, to suggest that the disciple John was the author of the Gospel of “John.”[26] [27] Perhaps the most convincing refutation is that the disciple John is believed to have died in or around 98 CE.[28] However, the Gospel of John was written circa 110 CE.[29] So whoever Luke (Paul’s companion), Mark (Peter’s secretary), and John (the unknown, but certainly not the long-dead one) were, we have no reason to believe any of the gospels were authored by Jesus’ disciples

    New Testament of the Bible regarding Jesus by Yusha ...


    هندوسية تدخل الإٍسلام بعد سؤال مترجم A hindu woman is accepting Islam


    مسيحي يعتنق الإسلام في حوار مع عباس ...


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    yasoooo's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Transparency and credibility of factual facts

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    https://surahquran.com/Surah-transla...anguage-2.html Link to the Holy Quran in English and its interpretation Click on the surah, then click on the verse, and the interpretation of the verse will appear These testimonies, all as different from each other, do not allow us to conclude anything. Evangelists do not agree on how Christ ('aleyhi Salam) was arrested, nor on who was present at the time of the crucifixion, nor on the time of the crucifixion, nor on the inscription on the crucifix, neither on the discussion with the two thieves, nor on whether or not Jesus (as) tasted the wine before refusing it, nor on his last words, nor on the people who went to the sepulcher, nor on the people who were there, neither on what was said at the sepulcher, nor on the fact that the women announced or not to the disciples the return of Jesus (as), nor even on the place where the latter sees his disciples again after the crucifixion? Rather, we have the impression that Christians are just guessing. Besides, how were they supposed to report these facts, if they themselves had not witnessed it at all because, as the Gospels say, " 50 Then everyone deserted him and fled. »(Mark 14.50). To validate an event, wouldn't it be better if we found converging stories? How did the evangelists collect these testimonies? Did they make sure to report the reliable information instead of reporting the rumors that were circulating ? We will unfortunately never know, although all of this evidence points to the “non-serious” collection of information. We can only conclude This discourse with the expression of Mark 14,59: "Yet even about this their testimony did not agree. How can your salvation be based on a handful of anonymous scribes? Those who are rejected by Christian scholars and doubt their words in the Bible ؟ || ?How Did Jesus (as) Pray https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e9KxlbMOJPI الدعوة في العرين - مناقشة مع لورين الجزء الأول https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yuU01JgmEoA&t=3s الدعوة في العرين - مناقشة مع لورين الجزء الثاني https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3iCme0Lyvc من قام بصلبه؟ هاشم في حوار مع مسيحي الجزء الأول https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TnvalFsSoi4&t=12s من قام بصلبه؟ هاشم في حوار مع مسيحي الجزء الثانى https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FlHXY55rEBQ من قام بصلبه؟ هاشم في حوار مع مسيحي الجزء الثالث https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iCKFVVGxLCM
    Last edited by yasoooo; 01-12-2024 at 04:30 PM.
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    yasoooo's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Transparency and credibility of factual facts

    These testimonies, all as different from each other, do not allow us to conclude anything. Evangelists do not agree on how Christ ('aleyhi Salam) was arrested, nor on who was present at the time of the crucifixion, nor on the time of the crucifixion, nor on the inscription on the crucifix, neither on the discussion with the two thieves,

    nor on whether or not Jesus (as) tasted the wine before refusing it, nor on his last words, nor on the people who went to the sepulcher, nor on the people who were there, neither on what was said at the sepulcher, nor on the fact that the women announced or not to the disciples the return of Jesus (as), nor even on the place where the latter sees his disciples again after the crucifixion?

    Rather, we have the impression that Christians are just guessing. Besides, how were they supposed to report these facts, if they themselves had not witnessed it at all because, as the Gospels say, "

    50 Then everyone deserted him and fled.
    »(Mark 14.50).

    To validate an event, wouldn't it be better if we found converging stories? How did the evangelists collect these testimonies? Did they make sure to report the reliable information instead of reporting the rumors that were circulating ?

    We will unfortunately never know, although all of this evidence points to the “non-serious” collection of information. We can only conclude This discourse with the expression of Mark 14,59: "Yet even about this their testimony did not agree.

    How can your salvation be based on a handful of anonymous scribes?

    Those who are rejected by Christian scholars and doubt their words in the Bible

    ؟ || ?How Did Jesus (as) Pray


    الدعوة في العرين - مناقشة مع لورين الجزء الأول


    الدعوة في العرين - مناقشة مع لورين الجزء الثاني


    من قام بصلبه؟ هاشم في حوار مع مسيحي الجزء الأول


    من قام بصلبه؟ هاشم في حوار مع مسيحي الجزء الثانى

    من قام بصلبه؟ هاشم في حوار مع مسيحي الجزء الثالث

    - - - Updated - - -


    Link to the Holy Quran in English and its interpretation
    Click on the surah, then click on the verse, and the interpretation of the verse will appear
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  5. #63
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    Re: Transparency and credibility of factual facts

    Peace be with you yasoooo,

    format_quote Originally Posted by yasoooo View Post
    Evangelists do not agree on how Christ ('aleyhi Salam) was arrested, nor on who was present at the time of the crucifixion, nor on the time of the crucifixion, nor on the inscription on the crucifix, neither on the discussion with the two thieves,
    I go out with a team of three or four volunteers, occasionally we see things that might require a witness statement from each volunteer. I know we are all present at the event. which could last up to an hour. We might be 10 - 20 meters apart, we might hear and see things the other person does not observe. I believe everyone is telling the truth as they see it. The same with the crucifixion. Like the Quran, it is not only written by humans, we believe it comes from God.

    May Allah bless you on your journey,
    Transparency and credibility of factual facts

    You will never look into the eyes of anyone who does not matter to God.
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    Re: Transparency and credibility of factual facts

    You cannot obtain your salvation from a false book that has been tampered with by human hands, and this one said such-and-such, and this one said such-and-such, etc., and contradictions in the same story.

    Does the God of the Bible leave people without proof that he is a God or was he never a God?

    Does the God of the Bible leave people without definitive proof that He was truly crucified or was He not crucified?

    Does the God of the Bible leave people without evidence that He is one God or three united?

    All of this is the heresy of the church that followed Paul’s doctrine of crucifixion, redemption, the divinity of Christ, and the Trinity

    Everything is clear: the church and its followers, the employees, aim to preserve their salaries and the stupid structure of the church to mislead people

    The church will not save you from death and Christ will not bear your sins

    Islam has been the religion with God since the beginning of time.

    Allah says, “Say (O Muhammad to the people), ‘O mankind! Verily, I am sent to you all as the Messenger of Allah’ (7:158). Another verse reads, “And We have not sent you (O Muhammad) except as a giver of glad tidings and a warner to all mankind” (34:28). There are yet other verses giving the same purport. The Prophet Muhammad also stated that he was distinguished from the earlier prophets by five matters. The last he mentioned was, “The prophet would be sent to his people only while I have been sent to all of mankind.”

    Allah decreed that this Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) should be His final messenger. Allah says, “Muhammad is not the father of any man among you, but he is the Messenger of Allah and the seal of the Prophets. And Allah is Ever All-Aware of everything” (33:40). The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) himself said, “I have been sent to all of the creation and the prophets have been sealed by me.”14 Again, he said, “The Children of Israel were led by the prophets; whenever a prophet died, a prophet succeeded (him). Lo! There will be no prophet after me”

    Hence, no one has the right to accept the other prophets while rejecting the Prophet Muhammad. No one has the right to say that Muhammad was truthful but, “I chose to still follow Jesus or Moses instead.” Logically speaking, one should not expect this to be acceptable to Allah. Allah has sent His final messenger to be believed in and followed, superseding and canceling what is left of the teachings of earlier prophets. In the Quran, Allah describes such an attitude: “And when it is said to them, ‘Believe in what Allah has sent down,’ they say, ‘We believe in what was sent down to us.’ And they disbelieve in that which came after it, while it is the truth confirming what is with them” (2:91).

    Allah has further declared people of this nature to be disbelievers. He has said, “Verily, those who disbelieve in Allah and His Messengers and wish to make distinction between Allah and His Messengers (by believing in Allah and disbelieving in His Messengers) saying, ‘We believe in some but reject others,’2009 and wish to adopt a way in between. They are in truth disbelievers. And We have prepared for the disbelievers a humiliating torment. And those who believe in Allah and His Messengers and make no distinction between any of them, We shall give them their rewards, and Allah is Ever Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful” (4:150-152).

    The Prophet said, “[I swear] by [God], the One in whose hand is my soul, there will be none of my addressed people, be he Jew or Christian, who hears of me and dies without believing in that with which I was sent except that he will be from the inhabitants of the Hell-fire.”16 The Prophet even told one of his companions, “If my brother Moses were alive today, he would have no option but to follow me.”17

    Is the Islam True Religion If Yes, How? Answered By Dr. Zakir Naik


    زائر محترم يسأل منصور: هل ادعى محمداً النبوة لأجل الشهرة والسلطة؟


    Is 'Christianity' leading you to Paradise or Hell? - Dr Zakir Naik

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    Re: Transparency and credibility of factual facts

    Here's a must watch source trust me bro lecture - my stomach was actually hurting from laughing.


    [TABLE="class: grid, width: 100%, align: center"]
    [TR][TD][B][url=https://youtube.com/shorts/LeJhlYa8nyQ]Catholics started Islam?
    Transparency and credibility of factual facts

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  9. #66
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    Re: Transparency and credibility of factual facts



    Judaism, Christianity, and the Qur’an are messages from God


    As I said, the Bible is distorted and manipulated by human hands to destroy the original message of God

    Judaism and Christianity have been distorted

    And violating the teachings of the Prophet Moses and the Prophet Jesus, peace be upon them

    We find the Bible contains the words of God and the words of men

    But the Quran cannot be manipulated or changed by people

    The Qur’an is the word of God, which He promised to protect from distortion

    God revealed the Qur'an to the Prophet Muhammad to correct the previous books

    God forbids usury, adultery, alcohol, gambling, pork, incest,

    However, we find in the Bible that these calamities are not prohibited in some parts of it

    And Christians do it openly and attribute it to Christ and they are not ashamed

    Christians are deceived by the devil

    Because their book contains these taboos

    But the Qur'an forbids that

    see here
    You will be shocked

    Debate: Dr. Zakir Naik vs. Dr William Campbell - The Quran and the Bible in the Light of Science


    How the Bible was corrupted by Dr. Bart Ehrman YouTube


    New Testament of the Bible regarding Jesus by Yusha ...

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    Re: Transparency and credibility of factual facts

    هل الإسلام إيمانٌ أعمى؟! من أفضل الحوارات مع الشيخ عثمان


    يهودي أمضى عمراً في فلسطين المحتلة حتى رفضه الإسرائيليون! فأحتضنه الإسلام بصدرٍ رحب! قصة مؤثرة

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    Re: Transparency and credibility of factual facts

    Ishmael or Isaac - Who Was To Be Sacrificed?

    M. Why did Isma'il (Ishmael) and his mother Hajar (Hagar) leave Sarrah?

    C. After Isaac was weaned, his mother Sarah saw Ishmael mocking him. After that, she didn't want Ishmael to be heir with her son Isaac: Genesis 21:8-10: "And the child grew, and was weaned, and Abraham made a great feast the same day that Isaac was weaned. And Sarah saw the son of Hagar the Egyptian, which she had born unto Abraham mocking. Wherefore she said unto Abraham: 'Cast out this bondwoman and her son, for the son of this bondwoman shall not be heir with my son, even with Isaac."'

    M. Isaac was about two years old when he was weaned. Ishmael was then sixteen years is the profile of a baby, not of a teenager. So Ishmael and his mother Hagar left Sarah long before Isaac was born. According to the Islamic version, Abraham took Ishmael and Hagar and made a new settlement in Makkah, called Paran in the Bible (Genesis 21:21), because of a divine instruction given to Abraham as a part of God's plan. Hagar ran seven times between two hills, Safa and Marwa, looking for water. This is the origin of one of the rituals that is performed during the pilgrimage to Makkah. The well of water mentioned in Genesis 21:19 is still present and is known as called Zamzam. Both Abraham and Ishmael later built the Ka'bah in Makkah. The spot where Abraham used to perform prayers near the Ka'bah is still present and is known as the Maqam Ibrahim, i.e., the Station of Abraham. During the pilgrimage, pilgrims in Makkah and Muslims all over the world commemorate the offering of Abraham and Ishmael by slaughtering cattle.

    C. But the Bible mentions that Isaac was to be sacrificed.

    M. The Islamic version states that the covenant between God, Abraham, and his only son Ishmael was made and sealed when Ishmael was supposed to be sacrificed. On the very same day, Abraham, Ishmael, and all the men of Abraham's household were circumcised. At that time, Isaac had not even born: Genesis 17:24-27: "And Abraham was ninety years old and nine when he was circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin. And Ishmael his son was thirteen years old, when he was circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin. In the selfsame day was Abraham circumcised, and Ishmael his son. And all the men of his house, born in the house, and bought with money of the stranger, were circumcised with him."

    A year later, Isaac was born and circumcised when he was eight days old: Genesis 21:4-5: "And Abraham circumcised his son Isaac being eight days old, as God had commanded him. And Abraham was an hundred years old, when his son Isaac was born unto him." So when the covenant was made and sealed (circumcision and sacrifice) Abraham was ninety-nine and Ishmael was thirteen. Isaac was born a year later, when Abraham was one hundred years old.

    As you know, Kedar is a descendent of Ishmael (Genesis 25:13), and Ishmael is the the base for the Family Tree of Prophet Muhammad through Kedar. The followers of Ishmael, Prophet Muhammad and all Muslims, remain faithful until today to this covenant of circumcision. In their five daily prayers, Muslims include the praise of Abraham and his followers with the praise of Muhammad and his followers.

    C. But in Genesis 22 it is mentioned that Isaac was to be sacrificed.

    M. I know, but you will see the contradiction there. It is mentioned "shine only son Isaac." Shouldn't it be "shine only son Ishmael," when Ishmael was thirteen years old and Isaac had not even been born? When Isaac was born, Abraham had two sons. Because of chauvinism, the name of Ishmael was changed to Isaac in all of Genesis 22. But God has preserved the word "only" to show us what it should have been.

    The words "I will multiply thy seed" in Genesis 22:17 was applied earlier to Ishmael in Genesis 16:10. Was not the whole of Genesis 22 applicable to Ishmael then? "I will make him a great nation" has been repeated twice for Ishmael in Genesis 17:20 and Genesis 16:10: "And the angel of the Lord said unto her [Hager]: 'I will multiply thy seed exceedingly, that it shall not be numbered for multitude."'

    Genesis 17:20: "And as for Ishmael, I have heard thee. Behold, I have blessed him, and will make him fruitful, and will multiply him exceedingly. Twelve princes shall he beget, and I will make him a great nation."

    Genesis 21:13: "And also of the son of the bondwoman will I make a nation, because he is thy seed."

    Genesis 21:18: "Arise, lift up the lad [Ishmael], and hold him in shine hand, for I will make him a great nation."

    Prophet Ismail was a legitimate son, and so was Prophet Ishaq, a legitimate son
    God has honored the prophets. It is not permissible for a prophet to have a mistress or an adulterer
    The history of the Jews is known because they distorted the Bible

    They accused the mother of Christ, peace be upon him, of adultery and tried to kill Christ, peace be upon him

    And they tried to kill the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, and of course they falsified the facts about the Prophet Ismail and his mother and made her a mistress

    Deuteronomy 21:15-17: "If a man have two wives, one beloved and another hated, and they have born him children, both the beloved and the hated; and if the firstborn son be hers that was hated: Then it shall be, when he maketh his sons to inherit that which he hash, that he may not make the son of the beloved firstborn before the son of the hated, which is indeed the firstborn: But he shall acknowledge the son of the hated for the firstborn, by giving him a double portion of all that he hash: for he is the beginning of the strength; the right of the firstborn is his." Islam does not deny God's blessings on Isaac and his descendants, but the son of promise is Ishmael, from whom arose Muhammad as the seal of the prophets.

    C. Can you prove that Jews changed the name of Ishmael to Isaac because of chauvinism?

    M. The Encyclopaedia Judaica says:

    It is related that a renowned traditionalist of Jewish origin, from the Qurayza tribe, and another Jewish scholar, who converted to Islam, told that Caliph Omar Ibn 'Abd al-Aziz (717-20) that the Jews were well informed that Ismail was the one who was bound, but that they concealed this out of jealousy. The Muslim legend also adds details of Hajar, the mother of Ismail. After Abraham drove her and her son out, she wandered between the hills of al-Safa and al-Marwa (in the vicinity of Mecca) in search for water. At that time the waters of the spring Zemzem began to flow. Her acts became the basis for the hallowed custom of Muslims during the Hajj.

    Encyclopaedia Judaica, Volume 9, Encyclopaedia Judaica Jerusalem, pp. 82 (Under 'Ishmael').

    The testimony of the former Jew as mentioned hadith literature as quoted in the Encyclopaedia Judaica reads:

    Another proof of our speech [i.e., that sacrificed was Ishmael (P)] is reported by Ibn Ishaaq: "Muhammad Ibn Ka'b narrated that 'Umar Ibn 'Abd al-'Aziz sent for a man who had been a Jew then converted to Islam and showed signs of true Islam. [Before his conversion], he was one of their scholars [i.e., he was a Jewish scholar] So he [i.e., 'Umar] asked him: which son did Abraham (P) sacrifice? He replied: 'It is Ishmael(P). By God, O Commander of the Believers, the Jews know that but they envy you - the Arabs.'

    C. But Ishmael was an illegitimate son.

    M. That is what you say, but not what the Bible states. How could such a great prophet as Abraham have an illegal wife and a son out of wedlock!

    Genesis 16:3: "... and [Sarah] gave her [Hager] to her husband Abram to be his wife." If the marriage was legal, how could their offspring be illegal? Is a marriage between two foreigners, a Chaldean and an Egyptian, not more legal than a marriage between a man with a daughter of his father? Whether it was a lie of Abraham or not, it is stated in Genesis 20:12: "And yet indeed she [Sarah] is my sister, she is the daughter of my father, but not the daughter of my mother; and she became my wife."

    The name Ishmael was also chosen by Allah Himself: Genesis 16:11: "And the Angel of the Lord said unto her [Hager]: 'Behold, thou art with child, and shalt bear a son, and shalt call his name Ishmael, because the Lord hath heard thy affliction."' Ishmael means "God hears." Where in the Bible is it written that Ishmael was an illegitimate son?

    C. Nowhere.

    M. Long before both Ishmael and Isaac were born, Allah made a covenant with Abraham:

    Genesis 15:18: "... saying Unto thy seed have I given this land, from the river of Egypt unto the great river, the Euphrates." Doesn't the greater part of Arabia lie between the Nile and the Euphrates, where all the descendants of Ishmael settled at a later date?

    Do you see also the difference that Abraham was called "a stranger" in Canaan but not in the land between the Nile and the Euphrates? As a Chaldean, he was more Arab than Jew.

    That covenant was made with Abraham and Ishmael:

    Genesis 17:10 This [is] my covenant, which ye shall keep, between me and you and thy seed after thee; Every man child among you shall be circumcised.

    Genesis 17:13 He that is born in thy house, and he that is bought with thy money, must needs be circumcised: and my covenant shall be in your flesh for an everlasting covenant.
    Taken from: http://islamicweb.com/sacrifice.htm

    Q&A: Ishmael or Isaac - Who Was To Be Sacrificed? | Dr. Shabir Ally


    How can prove Ismail (Pub) is Sacrificed Not Ishaaq (Pub) . Answered By Dr. Zakir Naik.flv


    المسلمون يفوتهم الكثير من المتعة - حوار حمزة مع زائر لديه فضول للتعرف على الإسلام


    من هم الغير مؤمنين؟
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    Virgins in Paradise (houri)

    Many non -Muslims are surprised by the presence of a Virgins in Heaven in Islam and they make fun of that

    I say to everyone who marvels at God’s bliss in heaven

    in Christianity, (Virgins) in eternal life.

    But we find that the Christian knows nothing about his book

    Was Christ lying when he said?

    29 And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife[a] or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life.
    Matthew (19:29)

    That is, one who leaves a woman (wife). Ascetic in this world for the sake of Christ
    He will receive a hundredfold from women in the afterlife

    Virgins (houri) in the Quran

    God’s bounties are many in Paradise, not only women and money, but many things that you cannot imagine

    God promised Paradise to believers in the One God (the Father) along with their good deeds
    Whether Jews, Christians, Muslims, or others

    God says in the Qur’an

    (62) Indeed, those who believed and those who were Jews or Christians or Sabeans [before Prophet Muḥammad (ﷺ)] - those [among them] who believed in Allāh and the Last Day and did righteousness - will have their reward with their Lord, and no fear will there be concerning them, nor will they grieve[29].

    In Paradise, our bodies that exist now will be transformed and will be able to receive all kinds of bliss

    We will live forever for millions and millions of years and so on

    So why be surprised? that God will give you hundreds of thousands of blessings?

    Whether fields, money, wives, siblings, and others

    . Islam is pretty clear in saying that guiltless sex is a reward in Paradise.

    There is no direct evidence in the Qur’an to support there being 70 or 72 for each person.


    whoever believes that Jesus is God or equal to God will get nothing but hell and Christ will expel him on the Day of Resurrection

    Because Christ, peace be upon him, is the prophet of God

    3 Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.

    John 17:3

    “Sir,” the woman replied, “I see that You are a prophet.” (John 4:19 HCSB)

    Christ also did not claim divinity and restricted divinity to God (the Father) alone
    He did not say that he is a god or that the Holy Spirit is a god

    the divinity of Christ was adopted in the fourth century, since the Council of Nicaea in the year 325 AD, and since its convening, belief in the divinity of Christ became the official position of the church, contradicting the teachings of Christ, who commanded the worship of the Father alone.

    On the Day of Resurrection, Christ will expel Christians who are considered God or equal to God

    22 Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ 23 Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’
    Matthew 7:22-23

    see here

    Why will Jesus Christ, peace be upon him, return??


    Christ rejects Christians on the Day of Judgment! ...


    Is the Hadith Of 72 Virgins Authentic? Shamsi ..


    If men receive houris (hoor al ayn) in Paradise, what will women receive? - Assim al hakeem


    مغنو الراب الأمريكيين يدخلون الإسلام بعد طرح عدة أسئلة فقط! الشيخ عثمان فاروق
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    Re: Transparency and credibility of factual facts

    Allah sent the prophets as a mercy to the slaves and supported them with miracles to indicate the truthfulness of their message. Of all the prophets, our Prophet, Muhammad, was blessed with the most miracles. Al-Isra 'and al-Mi ^ raj are among the many miracles of Prophet Muhammad.

    The miracle of al-Isra 'is confirmed in the Qur'an. In Surat al-Isra ', Ayah 1, Allah said:

    which means: [Praise be to Allah Who enabled His slave, Muhammad, to make the journey at night from Masjid al-Haram in Makkah to Masjid al-Aqsa in Jerusalem, which is surrounded a blessed land.] This journey is also confirmed in the sahih hadith. As such, there is scholarly consensus (ijma ^) Prophet Muhammad journeyed in body and soul the night of al-Isra 'from Masjid al-Haram in Makkah to Masjid al-Aqsain Jerusalem. Moreover, these scholars indicated the person who denies al-Isra 'is a blasphemer for belying the explicit text of the Qur'an.

    Al-isra And Al-miraj ....... )scenes From Paradise And Fire

    1- On Prophet Muhammad's journey from Masjid al-Haram to Masjid al-Aqsa, Allah enabled him to see some of His wondrous creations. Allah enabled the Prophet to see the world (dunya) like an old woman. However, this old woman was wearing a great deal of jewelry, and in this there is an indication signifying the reality of the world.

    2- Allah enabled the Prophet to see Iblis. The Prophet saw something on the side of the road which did not dare to stand in his way or speak to him. What the Prophet saw was Iblis. Originally, Iblis was a believer and lived with the angels in Paradise. When Allah ordered the angels to prostrate (sujud) to Prophet Adam, Iblis was ordered to prostrate to him as well. The angels prostrated to Adam in obedience to Allah, because angels do not disobey Allah. However, Iblis did not obey, and he objected to the order of Allah. He said, "You created me out of fire, and You created him out of clay. How do You order me to prostrate to him?" So this objection by Iblis to the order of Allah was the first blasphemy he committed.

    3- On his journey, the Prophet smelled a very nice odor. He asked Jibril about this pleasant scent and Jibril informed him this good smell was coming from the grave of the woman whose duty used to be to comb Pharaoh's daughter's hair. This woman was a good, pious believer. One day, as she was combing Pharaoh's daughter's hair, the comb fell from her hand.

    At this she said, ""Bismillah. "Pharaoh's daughter asked her, "Do you have a god other than my father?" The woman said, "Yes. My Lord and the Lord of your father is Allah." Pharaoh's daughter told her father what had happened. Pharaoh demanded this woman blaspheme and leave Islam, but she refused. At that, Pharaoh threatened to kill her children. He brought a great pot of water and built a great fire under it. When the water boiled, Pharaoh brought her children and started to drop them into that pot one after the other.

    Throughout all this, the woman remained steadfast to Islam, even when Pharaoh reached her youngest child--a little boy still bosom feeding--but she felt pity for him. At that, Allah enabled this child to speak. He said to his mother, "O Mother, be patient. The torture of the Hereafter is far more severe than the torture of this life, and do not be reluctant, because you are right." At this the woman requested Pharaoh collect her bones and the bones of her children and bury them in the same grave. Pharaoh promised her that--then dropped her into that boiling water. She died as a martyr. The good odor the Prophet smelled coming from her grave is an indication of her high status.

    4- During his trip, the Prophet saw people who were planting and reaping in two days. Jibril told the Prophet, "These were the people who fight for the sake of Allah (mujahidun). "wink."

    5- The Prophet also saw people whose lips and tongues were clipped with scissors made of fire. Jibril told the Prophet, "These are the speakers of sedition (fitna) who call people to misguidance."

    6- He also saw a bull which exited a very small outlet, then was trying in vain to return through that small outlet. Jibril told the Prophet, "This is the example of the bad word--once spoken, it cannot be returned."

    7- The Prophet saw people grazing like animals, with very little clothing on their private parts. Jibril told the Prophet, "These are the ones who refused to pay zakat. "."

    8- The Prophet saw angels smashing some people's heads with rocks. These heads would return to the shape they had been, and then the angels would smash their heads again--and so on. Jibril told the Prophet, "These are the ones whose heads felt too heavy to perform prayer--the ones who used to sleep without praying."

    9- On his journey the Prophet saw people who were competing to eat some rotten meat--ignoring meat that was sliced and unspoiled. Jibril told the Prophet, "These are people from your nation who leave out that which is permissible (halal), and consume that which is forbidden ((haram). "This reference was to the fornicators, that is, the ones who left out the permissible (marriage) and committed sins (fornication).

    10- Also, the Prophet saw people who were drinking from the fluid coming from the bodies of the fornicators, (water mixed with blood). Jibril indicated to the Prophet these were the ones who were drinking the alcohol which is prohibited in this world.

    11- The Prophet saw people scratching their faces and chests with brass finger nails. Jibril said, "These are the examples of those who commit gossip ((ghibah). "



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    معالج روحي مجاني مسيحي يفضح ألاعيبه مسلم حتى إنهار! هاشم يواجه مسيحي

    إنجليزي يترك المسيحية ويقرّ بنبوة محمد لكن لديه سؤال واحد☝ فهل سيسلم؟

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    An example of true love

    How can we understand the importance and benefits of loving and being acquainted with our Prophet Muhammadﷺ ; mercy to all creation and the greatest gift Allah has given mankind?

    Firstly, it is integral for our syahadah. it is important to be acquainted with Prophet Muhammad ﷺ because Allah has commanded His servants to believe in this noble Messenger [Quran 64:8]. To believe in Him demands that we come to know about our Prophet Muhammadﷺ: his merit, his perfections, his refined and noble manners, exalted character and beautiful attributes.

    Secondly, Allah linked and promised His love, forgiveness and guidance to those who follow the Prophet Muhammad. Inhere, to follow requires one to love and in turn requires one to be acquainted with the Rasulullah ﷺ Quran 3:31, Quran 7:158]

    Thirdly , loving Prophet Muhammad ﷺ will earn us Allah’s favours and gifts. [Quran 4:69]

    Forth, Allah has warned against loving and prioritising our worldly desires and possessions ahead of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. Allah has made it obligatory for believers to love the Prophet more than their fathers, children, spouses, families, businesses and wealth. [Quran 9:24] Prioritising one’s lowly desires and worldly possessions above the teachings of the Prophet ﷺ causes one to fall into misdeeds, dangers, loss, emotional instability and bad ending.

    Fifth, loving Prophet Muhammad ﷺ is a manifestation of one’s obedience and love to Allah. As the Prophet mentioned, “Whoever loves me, indeed he has loved Allah. And anyone who obeys me, indeed he has obeyed Allah”.

    Sixth, one will taste the sweetness of faith and will attain the perfection of faith [iman].

    Seventh, one will be with the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ in the day of resurrection, in the hereafter.

    Reasons how loving Prophet Muhammad ﷺ will make you victorious and successful.

    It is a formula guaranteed by Allah Almighty that will guarantee success for the one to adopts it. One who loves and obeys the Prophet ﷺ will be given Divine favours, guidance and help. Moreover, the one who is attached and follows the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ is loved by Allah. When Allah is with you, will there be anyone or anything who can overcome you?

    The Prophet ﷺ is the perfect role model. No one is better than him in knowledge, strength nor anything else. The Prophet ﷺ never acted and instructed from his own whims and desires, except that it was the command of Allah Almighty. Learning and adhering to the Prophet’s ﷺ teachings will allow one to unpack all the recipes, secrets and treasures there is about life in this world and hereafter. Striving to emulate him will allow one to be as close to perfection as possible, thus attaining happiness and success.

    It is tried and tested formula achieve by many of our predecessors. The achievement these great individuals attained are not only limited to this world and also assured paradise, high ranks and salvation in the hereafter. For example, Sayyidina Umar, is one of those companions promised by Allah in the Quran and through the words of the Prophet Muhammad to have attained paradise and Allah’s pleasure. During the time he became Caliph, Islam spread throughout the world under his leadership. Many great scholars in recent times also succeeded in benefit humanity greatly because of their love of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.

    It addresses the trials and tribulations of the end of times. Loving the Prophet ﷺ necessitates that one learns about the Prophet ﷺ and this is only attainable through acquiring of knowledge about the religion from the proper teachers and proper methodologies. When an individual studies about the shamail (characteristics) of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, one becomes aware of who the true guide is who is also known as the Muhammadan inheritor. A means and fruit of being attached to Prophet Muhammad ﷺ is to do selawat. When one does selawat, Allah, the Prophet Muhammad will pray and guide you in return bringing you from darkness to light, difficulty to ease, confusion and uncertainty to certainty and clarity.

    How then do we bring ourselves to love our Prophet ﷺ?

    Amongst the ways as taught by scholars is to:
    - be in the company of those who love him
    - be making abundance of selawat upon Rasulullah ﷺ
    - learning about him


    How to Love Allah and Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) more than Oneself and become a True Momin? – Dr Zakir


    Loving the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

    نصارى يتعرفون على سبب بطلان دينهم | محمد علي

    American boxer Gervonta Davis converts to Islam


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