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Wondering When Help Will Come

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    madeenahsh's Avatar Full Member
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    Wondering When Help Will Come

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    Asallam alykum warahmatullahi wabarakhatuh

    The events of time run full circle. Lessons are taught again and again, but few are those who take heed. If Allaah has decreed a matter, yet every Muslim on the face of the earth were to gather together to reverse it, they would never be able to do it. If Allaah has not decreed a matter, and every Muslim on the face of the earth were to gather together to make it happen, they would never be able to do it. Only Allaah can help us. Over and over again Allaah has decreed that the Muslims be humiliated by their enemies as the Prophet (صلى الله عليه و سلم) warned:
    It will soon be that the nations invite to you, just as guests are invited to partake of a serving tray. They said, Is it because we will be few at that time? He (صلى الله عليه و سلم) said, Rather you will be numerous at that time. But you will be scum, like the scum of the torrent, and Allaah will remove the fear of you from your enemies chests,and Allaah will fill your hearts with wahn. They asked, O Messenger of Allaah! What is wahn? He (صلى الله عليه و سلم) said, The love of the world, and the hatred of death.[1]

    Yet few are those who take heed to this lesson. Rather, many are those who cast the blame. “It is because of these creatures that this is happening”, or “because of those”. “It is because these people have not done such and such”, or, “they should have done this”. Surely it is an offense for a Muslim to insult his brother. But advice is obligatory:
    ...Rather you will be numerous at that time. But you will be scum, like the scum of the torrent...
    ...And whoever opposes my command has been disgraced and made inferior... [2]

    He (صلى الله عليه و سلم) has conveyed the Message of His Lord, he (صلى الله عليه و سلم) has advised his ummah, and he (صلى الله عليه و سلم) is without sin. And who is it that filled their hearts with wahn and removed their enemies’ fear of them? And why is it that this fear was removed? The Prophet (صلى الله عليه و سلم) said:
    You must command good and forbid evil, or it will soon be that Allaah will send a punishment upon you, then you call upon Him, but He does not answer your supplication.

    He (صلى الله عليه و سلم) said:
    It will soon be that the nations invite to you...
    And he (صلى الله عليه و سلم) said the same here:
    ...or it will soon be that Allaah will send a punishment upon you, then you call upon Him, but He does not answer your supplication.

    So who was it that removed their fear, and sent them against us as a punishment? Was it really us that they didn’t fear any more? Why would He (سبحانه وتعالى) help us, if He has decreed punishing us?

    «If Allaah had willed, they would have had no help, but He tests some of you by others.» [ Muhammad 47:4 ]

    It must be that He has decreed that, but how can we change that, is it not so that each of us should be only concerned with ourselves and our families, after all that is quite a responsibility?

    The believer’s are to each other like [parts of] a building, each of them strengthens the other. [3]

    A few bad bricks can cause a lot of damage to a building, what about when they are:
    ...numerous at that time. But you will be scum...

    Didn’t He (صلى الله عليه و سلم) say:
    The believers are like one person, when his head bothers him, all of him is bothered, when his eye bothers him all of him is bothered. [4]

    Allaah has ordered us:
    «Say: My prayer, my sacrifice, my living and my dying are all for Allaah, the Lord of the Worlds - there are no partners for Him - and with this I have been commanded, and I am the first of the Muslims.»

    And He (سبحانه وتعالى) has warned:
    «Say: If your fathers, your sons, your brothers, your wives, your families, the wealth that you have gained, the commerce that you fear may decline, or the dwellings that bring you pleasure, are dearer to you than Allaah and His Messenger and jihaad in His cause, then wait until Allaah brings about His decree. And Allaah does not guide disobedient people.» [ At-Tawbah 9:23 ]

    Indeed the Prophet (صلى الله عليه و سلم) has given advice for those who will take heed:
    Be in this world as a stranger or a passer by.

    And Ibn ‘Umar used to say, “When you reach the night, do not consider that you will reach the morning, and if you reach the morning, do not consider that you will reach the night, take from your good health for your bad, and from your life for your death.” [5]

    Perhaps the building itself is the cause of its demise! Perhaps the body has committed suicide! But what is the purpose of this body and this structure, where could it have gone wrong?

    «I have not created jinns and humans but to worship Me.»

    And it is He who places the fear of the Muslims in the disbelievers hearts, it is not the Muslims who do that! And it is He who removes it!

    «Whatever sufferings afflict you, it is only by your own hands.»

    Now if He (سبحانه وتعالى) is in fact the one punishing us, then what of our supplication:
    «Guide us to the straight [mustaqeem] path...»

    And remember, Allaah’s Messenger (صلى الله عليه و سلم) drew a line then said,
    This is Allaah’s path , then he drew lines on its right and its left and said, These are the paths of separation, on every path among them there is a shaytaan inviting to it.

    Then he recited:
    «Surely this is my straight [mustaqeem] path, so follow it, and do not follow the [other] paths, separating you from His path.» [ Al-An‘aam 153 ][6]

    And we ask Him (سبحانه وتعالى):
    «Not the path of those who have incurred your wrath....»[ Al-Fatihah ]

    And Allaah (سبحانه وتعالى) gave no excuses, saying about His Messenger (صلى الله عليه و سلم):
    «...Let those who oppose his command be warned, lest some fitnah afflict them or they be afflicted by a painful punishment.» [ An-Noor 24:63 ]

    And He (سبحانه وتعالى) warned:
    «Indeed Allaah will not change a people’s circumstances until they change themselves...» [ Ar-Ra‘d 11 ]

    The favor that He granted before us has gone.

    «That is because Allaah does not change a favor that He has granted a people until they change that themselves. Indeed Allaah is hearing, knowing.» [ Al-Anfaal 53 ]

    So when will Allaah’s help come?

    «When Allaah’s help comes, and you see people entering the religion in multitudes, then glorify the praises of your Lord and seek forgiveness, surely He is always turning [to accept repentance]» [ An-Nasr 110 ]

    Here we can see an indication of a sign of His help:

    «...you see people entering Allaah’s religion in multitudes...» [7]

    But how could this be, since they invite the other nations to eat from us rather than joining us. Perhaps that is because a large portion of the body is infected with disease? Yet there is good news for the believers.

    «That is because Allaah is the protector of those who believe, but those who disbelieve, they have no protector.» [ Muhammad 47:11 ]

    «By time, indeed mankind is lost, except for those who believe, do righteous deeds, and exhort each other with the truth, and exhort each other with patience.» [ Al-‘Asr ]

    And the believers already know what he (صلى الله عليه و سلم) said:
    There will always remain a group among my ummah, victorious, [aided] upon the truth...

    And they will invite the people to Allaah’s religion as described by Allaah:
    «Say: I invite to the way of my Lord with clarity...»

    And then the help described will come. So I, like one body or structure, will not blame others for what I have done to myself that has incurred Allaah’s wrath, I will remember that He (سبحانه وتعالى) said:
    «I have not created jinns and humans but that they worship Me»

    So I will realize that if I do not invite the creatures to their Lord, they have no reason to fear anymore! And I know that Allaah is always turning to accept my repentance. And I know that if I follow His commands, and stay away from His prohibitions, that if I follow His Messenger (صلى الله عليه و سلم) as He (سبحانه وتعالى) has ordered this body and structure to do, then each part of the body, helping the others to do the same, will be changed, it will become stronger and it will properly perform the duty that it was constructed for. And when that body is strong with faith, then Allaah will love it, and when Allaah loves it, the fear of Allaah will manifest itself in the chest of the disbelievers, as fear of the Muslims, and the people will enter Allaah’s religion in multitudes, and the Muslims will no longer love the world and hate death, the gate to gazing eternally at their Lord. Rather that body or structure will say:
    «My prayer, my sacrifice, my living and my dying are all for Allaah, the Lord of the Worlds - there are no partners for Him - and with this I have been commanded, and I am the first of the Muslims.»

    And Allaah will have brought about a people that love Him and that He loves, not a people that have incurred His wrath. And that group - the group that will always be aided and victorious - will succeed in upholding the truth.

    It is good to know that they exist now as they have since the Prophet (صلى الله عليه و سلم) told us about them. That is truly a blessing for them and those who would learn from the lessons of their Lord (سبحانه وتعالى).

    Abu Daawood, Ahmad and others. Al-Albaanee graded it saheeh in as-Saheehah no. 958.
    Part of a hadith recorded by Ahmad and others. Shaykh al-Albani graded it Sahih in al-Jaami as-Sagheer no. 2831 (3rd. Ed.). See also Irwaa’ al-Ghaleel no. 1269 for its refrences. Ibn Rajab has written a booklet explaining the hadith entitled al-ikam al-Jaridah. After this part of the text he comments: “This proves that might and honorable rank in this life and the herafter is achieved by following the orders of Allaah’s Messenger (صلى الله عليه و سلم) through adherence to Allaah’s commands....”
    Al-Bukhaaree, Muslim and others.
    Ahmad and Muslim
    Al-Bukhaaree and others.
    An authentic hadeeth recorded by Ahmad, an-Nasaa’ee and many others.
    Take note that this was the last soorah revealed. Such help did not occur with the little effort that people think it should these days!
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    Lateralus63's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Wondering When Help Will Come

    very accurate article, i mean, some muslims i know go around life blaming the west for all our problems as an ummah but ironically this is only but of our own doing. We are getting this bad treatment now because we have neglected islam and we deserve it. A shame really, how those people have to ruin it for the rest of the ummah.
    Wondering When Help Will Come

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    Khayal's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Wondering When Help Will Come

    MashaAllaah, very beneficial.....jazaakAllaah khayr.

    Wondering When Help Will Come

    Even a Smile is charity!

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