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Celebrating the brith of Prophet Muhammad (saw)

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    siFilam's Avatar Full Member
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    Celebrating the brith of Prophet Muhammad (saw)

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    I wanted to know if anyone on this forum celebrate the birth of Prophet Muhammad (saw)? I heard that it is not allowed while others say its ok. I'm confused. We never celebrated the Prophet's (saw) birthday while growing up in my family. Is this another innovation?

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    Re: Celebrating the brith of Prophet Muhammad (saw)

    yup an innovation like xmas....
    Celebrating the brith of Prophet Muhammad (saw)

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    Re: Celebrating the brith of Prophet Muhammad (saw)

    i've never attended a mawlid in my life, but this year, insha'allah i will go to my local mosque while the Mawlid is happenin'. I want to see what happens. As far as i am aware, it is a celebration of the life/birth of the prophet(saw), they read the Seerah of the prophet (saw) and make dua for him, then have a meal.

    I don't see anything wrong with that.

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    IbnAbdulHakim's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Celebrating the brith of Prophet Muhammad (saw)

    Last edited by IbnAbdulHakim; 03-24-2007 at 07:10 PM.
    Celebrating the brith of Prophet Muhammad (saw)

    My tears testify that i have a heart
    yet i feel me and shaytan never part

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    mohammed farah's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Celebrating the brith of Prophet Muhammad (saw)

    i swear its haram to celebrete birthdays.

  8. #6
    IbnAbdulHakim's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Celebrating the brith of Prophet Muhammad (saw)

    format_quote Originally Posted by mohammed farah View Post
    i swear its haram to celebrete birthdays.
    ye... it kinda is an innovation. and to attach it to the prophet... audhubillah

    i might hav to edit my previous post..
    Celebrating the brith of Prophet Muhammad (saw)

    My tears testify that i have a heart
    yet i feel me and shaytan never part

  9. #7
    siFilam's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Celebrating the brith of Prophet Muhammad (saw)

    I did some searches in askimam and sunnipath. the respected Ulema of askimam.com advised against it in this Fatwa:
    "Many people repeatedly ask what is the Sharée status of "Éid-e-Meelad-un-Nabee'. Moreover, What is the ruling of the Shariáh with regard to standing up in reverence and reciting Salaat and salaam during the customary Meelad proceedings?

    Answer: The establishment of ceremonial gatherings under the banner of "Éid-un-Nabee" is prohibited according to the Shariáh. Attaching importance and significance to such functions is purely Bidáh and an innovation in Deen, because neither did Rasulullah himself indulge in it, nor did the illustrious Khulafaa-e-Raashideen (Radhiyallaahu-Ánhum) organise such functions. Similarly, neither did any of the other Sahaaba-e-Kiraam (Radhiyallaahu-Ánhum) participate in such gatherings, nor is there any incident on record during the blessed era of the taabi'een or tab'e taabi'een (Rahmatullaahi Álayhim) that can, in any way, substantiate this innovation. No proof whatsoever can be found, in spite of the fact that these were people who were best acquainted with the Sunnah of Rasulullah (Sallallaaahu Álayhi Wasallam) and had total love for him. They were staunch followers of the Shariáh.

    Rasulullah (Sallallaaahu Álayhi Wasallam) has in no unclear terms, said: - "whoever introduces anything that is not part of Deen, into this Deen of ours, it shall be rejected." (Bukhari/Muslim)

    In another Hadith he says: - "Hold steadfast onto my Sunnah and the Sunnah of the rightly-guided Khulafaa, after me. Hold steadfast onto it firmly, and beware of newly-introduced practices, for every new practice is an innovation and every innovation leads one astray." (Abu Dawood/Tirmizi)

    Severe warnings have been sounded in the above-mentioned Ahaadith with regard to introducing and implementing innovations in Deen. The holy Qur'an enjoins: - "And whatsoever the messenger giveth you, take it. And whatsoever he forbiddeth, abstain (from it). And keep your duty to Allah. Lo! Allah is stern in reprisal." (59:7)

    "Verily in the messenger of Allah, ye have a good example for him who looketh unto Allah and the last day, and remembereth Allah much." (33:21)

    "This day have I perfected your religion for you and completed my favour unto you, and have chosen for you a religion, al-Islam." (5:3)

    There are numerous other Aayaat and Ahaadith that can be quoted. But from no Aayat or Ahaadith can the current form of "Eid-e-Meelad-un-Nabee (Sallallaaahu Álayhi Wasallam)', be proved. In spite of this, the people that revel in establishing and participating in such functions, and regard the same as a form of reward, insist on forging ahead with their carnal ideals. This attitude of theirs causes some serious questions to be posed: -

    Did Allah Ta'ala not perfect Deen-e-Islam for this Ummah?

    Did Rasulullah (Sallallaaahu Álayhi Wasallam) not disclose to us all the facets and aspects of Islam that required being put into practice?

    The bitter truth for the exponents of Bid'a is that it was only many centuries after the righteous and golden era of Islam that people began to fabricate innovations under the h00d of "Éid-e-Meelad-un-Nabee (Sallallaaahu Álayhi Wasallam)" and "Mahfeel-e-Meelad", which were, practices not ordained by Allah Taãla to any of His Ambiyaa Álayhimus salaam.

    Will such innovations grant proximity to Allah Taãla? Never! On the contrary, these innovations should be a cause of great concern and alarm for the Ummat-e-Muslimah! Na-oothu-billahi-min-thalika! We seek Allah Taãla's refuge from innovations that tantamount to levelling mind-boggling accusations against the pure and venerable personality of Rasulullah (Sallallaaahu Álayhi Wasallam) by innovating such practices, one is indirectly suggesting that Rasulullah (Sallallaaahu Álayhi Wasallam) concealed from the Ummah, aspects of Deen that were of immense benefit t0 it. How can this be possible when Allah Ta'ala himself categorically declares that he perfected this religion for us and completed his favour upon us, which means that Rasulullah (Sallallaaahu Álayhi Wasallam) conveyed every single aspect of Deen to the Ummah and that he left no stone unturned in showing us every road leads t0 Jannah and every road that takes one to Jahannam so that we may adopt the former and avoid the latter.

    Hence, it is mentioned in one Hadith: - "It was the incumbent duty of every Nabee Álayhis-salaam to guide his Ummah towards that which was beneficial for it and warn it against that which was detrimental for it." (Muslim)

    It is a known fact that Rasulullah is the most superior of all the Ambiyaa Álaihimus-salaam and also that he is the seal of all the prophets Álayhimus-salaam. He left no stone unturned in conveying Deen to us and rendering precious advice to us. If the "Éid-e-Meelad-un-Nabee (Sallallaaahu Álayhi Wasallam)" was a divinely inspired act, then surely Rasulullah would have commanded the Muslimeen to it, or at least, either he or his beloved Sahaaba (Radhiyallahu-Ánhum) would have practised it. When it cannot be substantiated by any of their actions, then it is a crystal clear fact "Éid-e-Meelad-un-Nabee (Sallallaaahu Álayhi Wasallam)" or "Mahfeel-e-Meelad" (call it what you may), has absolutely no relationship with Islam instead, it is Bidáh (innovation) against which we have been soundly warned by Rasulullah (Sallallaaahu Álayhi Wasallam) as was noted from the tw0 Ahaadith mentioned at the beginning of this discussion and, apart from them, many more can be quoted to prove the fallacy of innovation in Islam. That is why, in the light of these unambiguous proofs, the Úlama-e-Haqq have always refuted and rejected the customary form of "Éid-e-Meelad-un-Nabee.(Sallallaaahu Álayhi Wasallam)" and Mahfeel-e-Meelad and have also always discouraged people from participating in such gatherings.

    If a careful and proper dissection of this "Éid-e-Meelad-un-Nabee (Sallallaaahu Álayhi Wasallam)" is made, it will be found that, apart from it being a manifestation of Bid'at, it also encompasses 0ther evils such as the intermingling of sexes, usage of musical instruments and many other such evils which wildly flaunted under the banner of "Éid-e-Meelad-un-Nabee (Sallallaaahu Álayhi Wasallam)" and under the deception that reward is being accrued. The most abhorring and shocking evils in these functions are the acts of shirk that take place. With hollow claims of "Hubbe-Rasul (Sallallaaahu Álayhi Wasallam)" (love for Rasulullah (Sallallaaahu Álayhi Wasallam)), entreaties and supplications are made to beings other than Allah, namely to Ambiyaa Álaihimus-salaam and Auliaa-e-Kiraam Rahmatullaahi-Álaaihum. The exponents of "Éid-e-Meelad-un-Nabee (Sallallaaahu Álayhi Wasallam)" also blindly acknowledge and believe that Rasulullah (Sallallaaahu Álayhi Wasallam) comes to this function and due to this belief, they stand up in respect and veneration to welcome him. This belief is a blatant fabrication and a sign of compound ignorance. The true and down t0 earth fact is that Rasulullah (Sallallaaahu Álayhi Wasallam) does not arrive at any "Éid-e-Meelad-un Nabee (Sallallaaahu Álayhi Wasallam)" function and that he is in his Rawdha-e-Mubarak (grave) at Madinah Munawwarah and will emerge from it at the onset of Yawmul-Qiyaamah.

    The following Aayaat and Hadith testify to this fact: -

    The Qur'an, addressing Rasulullah (Sallallaaahu Álayhi Wasallam), announces explicitly: - "Lo! Thou wilt die, and Lo! They will die. Then Lo! On the day of resurrecti0n, before your sustainer, you will dispute." (39:30,31)

    At another juncture, Rasulullah (Sallallaaahu Álayhi Wasallam) is addressed together with the rest of mankind: - "Then Lo! After that ye surely die, then Lo! On the day of resurrection ye are raised (again)" (23:16)

    Rasulullah (Sallallaaahu Álayhi Wasallam) himself has said in a Hadith: - "My grave will be the first to be opened on the day of Qiyaamah and I shall be the first person to intercede and the first person whose intercession shall be accepted."

    The above mentioned Aayaat and Hadith as well as other similar Aayaat and Ahaadith prove that all of mankind will be raised from their graves on the day of Qiyaamah, with Rasulullah (Sallallaaahu Álayhi Wasallam) being no excepti0n. This is a belief that revolves around the consensus of opinion of the entire Ummat-e-Muslimah, hence the need for all Muslims to believe that Rasulullah (Sallallaaahu Álayhi Wasallam) is in his Rawdha-e-Mubarak and does not frequent any "Éid-e-Meelad-un-Nabee (Sallallaaahu Álayhi Wasallam)" programme. All Muslims must be made aware of this so that unsuspecting ones do not fall prey to the Bid'at and innovations introduced into Deen by ignoramuses of this Ummah.

    We make Duáa to Allah Ta'ala that he keeps us on the correct Deen-ul-Islam and that he gives guidance to those that goes astray. May Allah Ta'ala's Durood and salaam descend upon Rasulullah (Sallallaaahu Álayhi Wasallam).

    The Importance of Durood and Salaam

    Instead of squandering our money and time on futile acts 0f Bidáh let us rather utilise our precious time, as much as possible on the recitation of Durood and salaam upon our beloved Rasulullah, which is indeed, a highly meritorious and virtuous act. The Qur'an enjoins: - "Lo! Allah and his Malaaikah shower blessings on the Nabee 0 ye who believe ask for the descent of blessings on him and salute him with a worthy salutation." (34:56)

    Rasulullah (Sallallaaahu Álayhi Wasallam) has said: - "Whosoever sends one Durood upon me, Allah Ta'ala will shower ten mercies upon him." (Muslim)

    Particularly on the day of Jumuáh one should increase the recitation of Durood and salaam. May Allah Taãla give us the guidance to recite Durood abundantly and grant us 'Hubbe-Rasul (Sallallaaahu Álayhi Wasallam)" in the true sense of the word.

    Warning to Úlama

    Hadhrat Muádh bin Jabal (Radhiyallaahu Ánhu) narrates the following Hadith, 'Rasulullah (Sallallaaahu Álayhi Wasallam) said, 'whenever a Bidáh originates in my Ummah and the Úlama do not prevent it, the laánat of Allah, of his angels and of mankind descend upon them (the Úlama who refrain from prohibiting the innovation).' (Mishkãt).

    Published by: Jamiatul Ulama (Transvaal) - Azaadville branch

    So I think I'll stay away from it.
    I think askimam are more strict than others and I like that .

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    Irfan's Wife's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Celebrating the brith of Prophet Muhammad (saw)

    I celebrate it and personally i don't think it's 'haraam'.

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    siFilam's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Celebrating the brith of Prophet Muhammad (saw)

    format_quote Originally Posted by Irfan's Wife View Post
    I celebrate it and personally i don't think it's 'haraam'.
    how do u celebrate it? just curious.

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    Umar001's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Celebrating the brith of Prophet Muhammad (saw)

    format_quote Originally Posted by Irfan's Wife View Post
    I celebrate it and personally i don't think it's 'haraam'.
    wa aleykum salam wa rhametullah sis

    how and why do u celebrate it?
    Celebrating the brith of Prophet Muhammad (saw)

    The path is long but I hope we meet,
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    A traveler traveling - travelled from shirk to tawheed,
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  14. #11
    Ibn Abi Ahmed's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Celebrating the brith of Prophet Muhammad (saw)

    Will you do an act that the Companions of the Messenger never did? They loved the Messenger more, they honored him more, and they understood the texts better, and yet they did not do this, will you then step past them? What sufficed them, will it not suffice you? If there had been any good in celebrating the birthday of the Messenger, they would have been the very first people to do it. However, they did not celebrate it, and thus it isn't part of this religion, so we don't celebrate it either.

    Look at the different sects, they all started out with some small innovation into the religion, and look where it led them! The Shias started by saying, Ali is the cousin of the Messenger therefore he is better then Abu Bakr and Umar, and now they make takfir of them and the other Sahaba thus apostating from the religion themselves. All that started by a small innovation into the religion.


    Look at the statements of the Salaf.

    'Abd-Allah ibn 'Umar (R) said: "Every bid'ah is misguidance, even if people think it is good." Al-Laalkaa'i in Sharh Usool I'tiqaad Ahl as-Sunnah wal-Jamaa'ah.

    It was narrated that Ibn al-Majishoon said:
    "I heard Maalik say, ' Whoever introduces an innovation into Islam thinking that it is good is implying that Muhammad betrayed his mission, because Allah (SWT) says:
    {...This day, I have perfected your religion for you...} (Qur'an 5:3)

    So, whatever was not part of the religion on that day, cannot be part of the religion today.'"
    Al-I'tisaam by Imam Ash-Shaatibi.

    Imaam ash-Shaafi'ee said:
    "Whosoever considers an innovation to be good has corrected the Prophet."
    [Bulghul Maraam of Ibn Hajar (available in English) p190 footnote 2]
    These are the commandments of the Imams of the Sunnah and they are the ones we follow. You can search the forums for this topic, as there were other threads started about it.

    Celebrating the brith of Prophet Muhammad (saw)

    Do not argue with your Lord on behalf of your soul, rather argue with your soul on behalf of your Lord.” - Dhul-Nun

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  15. #12
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    Re: Celebrating the brith of Prophet Muhammad (saw)

    "And do not be among the polytheists. Of those who split up their religion and became sects, each sect rejoicing in that which is with it." Surat-ur-Room [30:31-32]

    3. The Messenger of Allaah said: "I counsel you to have Taqwaa of Allaah and to hear and obey, even if an Abyssinian slave were to command you. For, verily, whoever amongst you lives (to grown old), he will see many differences. So stick to my Sunnah and the Sunnah of the rightly guided khaleefahs. Cling tightly onto it and hold onto it with your molar teeth. And beware of newly invented matters. For, indeed, every newly invented matter is an innovation, and every innovation is a thing that leads astray, and everything that leads astray is in the Hellfire." 2

    4. And he also said: "Indeed those from before you from the People of the Book divided into seventy-two groups. And, indeed, this group (Muslims) will divide into seventy-three. Seventy-two groups will be in the Hellfire and one of them will be in Paradise. And it is the Jamaa'ah (group)." 3

    And in another narration, he said: "Everyone of them in the Hellfire, except for one group that which I and my companions are upon." 4

    5. Ibn Mas'ood said: "The Messenger of Allaah drew a line for us and then said: 'This is the Straight Path of Allaah.' And he drew lines on the left and right of it, and then said: 'These are paths of which there is not one except that there is a devil upon it calling towards it.' Then he recited the statements of Allaah 5: 'And verily, this is My Straight Path, so follow it, and do not follow (other) paths for they will separate you away from His path." 6

    The Prophet himself never celebrated his birthday, nor did his companions. And the Messenger of Allaah said the saved sect is the one who follows the way of him and his companions. The best three generations of the muslims never celebrated it either, the first time it started was when the Shi'a dynasty of the Fatimids ruled in Egypt - 300years after Hijrah. Because they imitated the coptic christians there who celebrated Jesus son of Maryam's 'birthday.'

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