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Hadith and Women

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    Hadith and Women (OP)

    This thread is a discussion leading on from the thread at this link:


    " ...but he tells me that feeling is natural when someone converts and changes their whole lifestyle. "

    This is further evidence that her husband believes his attitudes are supported by Islam.

    He says that when someone (female, as in this case) converts to Islam, they should expect to be in such situations.

    So the connection once again must be established to the false and corrupt Hadith that have moulded the personalities of many men like him.
    Last edited by ameen; 03-17-2006 at 04:07 AM.

  2. #61
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    Re: Starting to have second thoughts.

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    format_quote Originally Posted by Ansar Al-'Adl View Post

    I never disputed that there are fabricated or unauthentic hadith out there. But our scholars and Muhaditheen have already studied them and classified them, and if someone reads a hadith they should ask the scholars concerning its authenticity and context.

    The issue here is your campaign against hadith and the fact that you attribute someone's bad manners to hadith without any basis for this at all!

    Yes, let's talk about Imam Adh-Dhahabi's book, Al-Kabâ'ir. First of all, if anyone read the book properly they would see that the chapter right after women is about men! And Imam Adh-Dhahabi begins the chapter by writing:
    Lest one should suppose that all the responsibilities are on the wife and all the rights belong to the husband, we mention that the husband is obliged to be gentle, kind, and loving to his wife. He must show forbearance and patience toward her in case she is occasionally abusive or ill-tempered. It is his duty to feed and clothe her and to provide for her needs well, within his means, according to the command of Allah Most High: Live with them on a footing of kindness and equity (4:19) and the advice of the Prophet: Consult with women. Indeed, you have some rights over your women and they have some rights over you. It is their right on you that you provide for their food and clothing generously, and your right on them is that they do not let anyone whom you dislike in the house, walking upon your floor. (Related by Ibn Majah and Tirmidhi who declared it Hasan Saheeh)

    He said:
    "The best among you is the one who is best to his wife" (Related by Ibn Hibban) in another version it is the one who is most kind to his wife. The Prophet himself was very gentle and kind in dealing with women.

    The Prophet saws also said:
    "If any man shows patience with his wife's bad temper, Allah will give him a reward similar to the reward of Ayyub (Job) for his patience, and if any woman shows patience with her husband's bad temper, Allah will give her a reward similar to the reward of Asiyah daughter of Muzahim, the wife of Pharoah (Cf. Qur'an 66:11)."

    It is reported that a man came to 'Umar ibn Al-Khattab raa to complain about his wife's ill-temper. While he was waiting for 'Umar to come out of his house, he heard 'Umar's wife scolding him and 'Umar quietly listening to her, and not answering her back. The man turned around and started walking away, muttering to himself: "If that is the case with 'Umar, the leader of the believers, who is famous for his uprighteness and toughness, then what about poor me?!" At that moment, 'Umar came out of his house and saw the man walking away. He called him and said, "What is it you want of me, O man?" The man replied: "O leader of the believers, I came to complain to you about my wife's bad-temper and how she nags me. Then I heard your wife doing the same to you, so I turned around, muttering to myself, 'If that is the situation of the leader of the believers, then what about me?'" 'Umar replied, "O my brother, I bear with her because of her rights over me. She cooks my food, bakes my bread, washes my clothes, breast-feeds my child...and yet none of these are her duty;* and then she is a comfort to my heart and keeps me away from forbidden deeds. Consequently, I bear with her." The man said, "It is the same with me, O leader of the believers." 'Umar said: "Then, O my brother, be patient with her, indeed this life is short. (Adh-Dhahabi, Al-Kabâ'ir 194)
    The last hadith about 'Umar is a beautiful example of the lofty status that Islam has given women. The Khalifa himself used to listen patiently while his wife scolded him and he instructed his followers to likewise be patient and grateful for all the favours their wives gave them. Dr. M. Moinuddin Siddiqui, who has translated Al-Kabâ'ir into english, includes the following footnote in the place I have marked above with an asterisk [*]:
    According to the Shari'ah, a Muslim wife has no obligation to do all this; rather, it is the husband's obligation to take care of it [either himself or] by hiring a servant (or even, in the case of breast-feeding, a wet-nurse). Therefore, if a woman does this, it is out of good-will and compliance on her part, not because it is obligatory on her, and conseuqnelty it is a cause for appreciation and helpfulness on the part of her husband. (Translator)
    So we can see quite clearly that far from being mysognistic, the book of Imam Dhahabi contains beautiful hadith which shed light on the equity and justice of Islam.

    As for the other hadith Imam Dhahab quotes earlier in his chapter on women, yes some of them are unauthentic but he mentions this and gives the source each time. So if anyone reads his work they will not be misguided. Besides, when someone reads these things they can always confirm them with a scholar and find out from our shuyukh the status of these ahadith.

    As-salamu Alaykum,

    I don't know a lot about hadith yet. I am new to Islam. I think you made a point here. The Imam has marked all hadith (authentic and unauthentic). I think what Ameen is trying to say is that a person reading the hadith may decide on his own which one to follow and which one to push aside. I mean no disrespect to Ameen but I think he/she(sorry it doesn't say..) is putting blame on the wrong person (the author/Imam). If I don't like a certain hadith I can tell myself it is unauthentic or ignore it ( I shouldn't but I can) and if I like another I can run with it a base my lifestyle off of it. I think the abusive man from the other thread may be doing this or he may just be disturbed....
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    Re: Hadith and Women

    wsalam wr wb,

    The author quotes hadith (authentic or not - or even no source)


    so, for example, he will quote a hadith that says a woman's husband is her Heaven or Hell, and then go on to preach / convey / explain TO THE READER what this means - in terms of duties / obedience to the husband (this is only a mild example),

    if this is not the author's fault, then whose is it?
    Last edited by ameen; 03-16-2006 at 06:16 AM.
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  5. #63
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    Re: Hadith and Women

    Salaam o alaikum wa rahmatullah


    I felt that way at first as well, that the blame might be on the wrong side. But I now feel Ameen has a point too. At the end of the day, as I firmly believe, you can never blame one side alone, one thing alone. Cant clap with one hand. I personally tend to tilt more towards putting the blame on people who may not choose to gain more knowledge or to seek out the truth (May Allah have mercy and guide me and us all, Aameen). But it plays both ways. Indeed scholars should very well know, just as we do, that false ahadith are mis-used. So if ever they state or mention one, they should not do so in a way that could mislead people, and should be very clear about it's strength.
    To refuse all ahadith? well, the previous posts have been very clear about that.

    The scholars are relied upon by the majority, and sadly our majority is not literate (Islamically). That puts alot of responsibility on the scholars to be careful about what and how they portray anything. But after that, Shaitan is with everyone, and if one makes the wrong choice... To Allah is our final return, and to Him we shall all answer.

    JazakAllahu khairun for the very informative posts.

    May Allah guide and forgive us All. Aameen.

    Alaikum Salaam wa rahmatullah
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  6. #64
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    Re: Ahadith and Misogyny

    format_quote Originally Posted by seek.learn View Post
    Salaam o alaikum,

    May Allah guide us, Aameen.

    Just wanted to present an opinion.
    Without a doubt there are false hadith out there. What we need to do is educate ourselves and then, InshaAllah, educate people about it. No one denies that there are false hadith, but as brother Ansar says, can you completely ignore All hadith on that basis?

    And, about the author having quoted false or week hadith. First and foremost, please, I only present my opinion since I havent read this book completely. However, I remember reading a book on the stories of the Prophets (Apologies, I forget by whom it was). In this, the author mentioned three or four hadith in relation to Hadhrat Sulaiman (AS) and clearly said along the lines of 'however scholars think or say this is weak'. My first reaction to that was,'why on earth quote something that is weak? it shouldnt be mentioned at all!'. But, after a while, it occured to me that If he hadnt mentioned those hadith, in relation to that topic, and had only mentioned the authentic ones with no mention of which ones were weak, and I were to ever come across those false hadith in any manner, it would lead me to confusion. Since he DID mention all those hadith, in relation to the topic, if ever Iam to come across those weak hadith or if ever i hear someone quote them as authentic, Im in a better position to to know better for myself, and God willing let that person know the same.

    If a scholar mentions all the hadith in relation to a topic, and he clearly specifies which ones are weak and unauthentic, how can he possibly be using it to prove what ever you say he's trying to prove? Allah (SWT) knows the state of hearts. We are in no place to judge. What matters is what I do about it! If an author mentions a weak hadith and Says it is weak, that is for me to know and remember and let all those around me Know about its weakness! The hadith about knowledge and china is not authentic as brother Ansar mentioned but its taught in Schools!! I was taught it from grade 5 onwards!

    Mentioning which hadiths are out there and which are considered false or weak is a far better way of ensuring that, God willing, their usage will decrease than by not mentioning them at all.

    And people even distort our Quran to get their own meanings out of it. We cant possibly abandon that can we? ofcoarse not!
    Yes scholars are only Human. But is it Just of me to classify ahadith unauthentic because other [B]Humans[B] misunderstand and misuse them?

    May Allah guide us all. Aameen.

    Salaam o alaikum wa rahmatullah

    very well said brother
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    Re: Hadith and Women

    It is unfortunate that you continually refuse to meet my request. Instead of bringing me a hadith you feel promotes a negative view towards women, you say:
    format_quote Originally Posted by Ameen- View Post
    You make it sound as if I am here talking about just one or two hadith,

    well sorry to bust your bubble, but that just is not the case -

    Sorry but this kind of stunt is not going to work. I'm not some ignorant person who has never read ahadith; I know what the hadith say and I know that YOU have yet to provide evidence to back up your wild claims.

    and even in this thread - just how many hadith have been mentioned so far?
    Quite a few and all of them promoting women's rights and showing the elevation of women in Islam.
    The Prophet singled out the education of women and their kind treatment by promising paradise to those who fulfilled this right of women:
    Anyone who cares for three daughter, gives them a good upbringing, marries them to good husbands and treats them well, they will enter paradise. (Abu Dawud)
    Notice that he didn't mention sons in the above hadith. In another hadith, the companions asked him about 2 daugthers and he said, "even two". They asked about one and he said, "even one".

    He emphasized education for both males and females:
    "Seeking knowledge is mandatory for every Muslim". (Al-Bayhaqi).

    The Prophet Muhammad pbuh describes the righteous woman in the most beautiful way:
    The life of this world is bountiful, and the best of the bounties of this world is the righteous woman. (Muslim)

    The Prophet Muhammad pbuh makes kindness and compassion to women integral to one's piety:
    The best of you is the one who is best to his wife. (Ibn Hibban)

    "None but a noble man treats women in an honourable manner. And none but an ignoble treats women disgracefully". (Tirmidhi)

    The Prophet Muhammd pbuh supported women's freedom of choice in marriage:
    Ibn Abbas reported that a girl came to the Messenger of Allah, and she reported that her father had forced her to marry without her consent. The Messenger of God gave her the choice...(between accepting the marriage or invalidating it) (Ahmad).
    another version of the report states that
    "the girl said: 'Actually, I accept this marriage, but I wanted to let women know that parents have no right to force a husband on them.'" (Ibn Majah)

    Once a virgin girl came to the Prophet (peace be upon him) and said that her father had married her to a man against her wishes. The Prophet gave her the right to repudiate the marriage. (Abu Dawud).

    The Prophet Muhammad pbuh supported women's choice to travel to the mosque at night:
    Do not prevent women from going to the mosques at night. (Bukhari)

    The Prophet Muhammad pbuh supported women's freedom of choice in divorce:
    Barira's husband was a slave called Mughith, as if I am seeing him now, going behind Barira and weeping with his tears flowing down his beard. The Prophet said to 'Abbas, "O 'Abbas ! are you not astonished at the love of Mughith for Barira and the hatred of Barira for Mughith?" The Prophet then said to Barira, "Why don't you return to him?" She said, "O Allah's Apostle! Do you order me to do so?" He said, "No, I only intercede for him." She said, "I am not in need of him." (Bukhari)

    The Prophet Muhammad pbuh orders consulting with women:
    Consult with women. Indeed, you have some rights over your women and they have some rights over you. It is their right on you that you provide for their food and clothing generously, and your right on them is that they do not let anyone whom you dislike in the house, walking upon your floor. (Related by Ibn Majah and Tirmidhi who declared it Hasan Saheeh)

    The Prophet Muhammad pbuh describes men and women equally:
    "If any man shows patience with his wife's bad temper, Allah will give him a reward similar to the reward of Ayyub (Job) for his patience, and if any woman shows patience with her husband's bad temper, Allah will give her a reward similar to the reward of Asiyah daughter of Muzahim, the wife of Pharoah (Cf. Qur'an 66:11)." (Adh-Dhahabi in Al-Kabâ'ir)

    The Prophet Muhammad pbuh told his followers not to marry women for some superficial/external benefit but for their piety:
    A woman may be married for four reasons: for her property, her status, her beauty, and her religion; so marry one who is religious, may you be blessed (Bukhari)
    This is of course, at a time when women were only used and valued for external appearance of some other superficial characteristic.

    The Prophet Muhammad pbuh described a man who fights with his wife as one driven by the most evil devil:
    Iblees sets up his throne on the water, then he sends out his raiding parties. The closest to him of these troops are the ones who cause the most tribulation (fitnah). One of them comes and says, 'I have done such and such.' He (Iblees) says, 'You have not done much.' Then another one comes and says, 'I never left him alone until I created trouble and caused division between him and his wife.' Then he (Iblees) comes close to him and says, 'How good you are!' (Muslim)

    The Prophet Muhammad pbuh said the most evil person is a man who divulges his wife's secrets:
    Verily among the most evil of people with Allah in ranking on the Day of Resurrection is a man who goes to his wife and whose wife goes to him, and then he spreads her secrets. (Muslim 1437, Ahmad 11258, and Abu Dawud 4870)

    The Prophet Muhammad pbuh used to help his wives doing housework at home:
    A'isha, the wife of the Prophet, was asked, "What did the Prophet used to do at home?" She answered, "He kept himself busy helping the members of his household, and when the time for prayer came, he would go out for the prayer". (Bukhari)

    The Prophet Muhammad pbuh said to Abd-Allah ibn 'Amr ibn al-'Aas, who used to fast all day and pray all night:
    Do not do that. Fast and break your fast, pray qiyaam and sleep, for your body has a right over you, your eyes have a right over you, your wife has a right over you and your visitors have a right over you. (Bukhari 1874, Muslim 1159)

    And of course there is the lofty status of a mother, which the Prophet Muhammad pbuh described:
    "A man asked the Prophet: 'Whom should I honor most?' The Prophet replied: 'Your mother'. 'And who comes next?' asked the man. The Prophet replied: 'Your mother'. 'And who comes next?' asked the man. The Prophet replied: 'Your mother!'. 'And who comes next?' asked the man. The Prophet replied: 'Your father'" (Bukhari and Muslim).

    And the Prophet pbuh emphasized that paradise could only achieved through serving one's mother with kindness, respect and obedience:
    Paradise lies at the feet of your mother (Ahmad, An-Nasaa'i and Ibn Majah)
    Now I've quoted for you a list of hadith, so please tell me which hadith it is that you feel are against women.

    - and no, when the believers say 'we hear and we obey' (referred to in the Qur'an), this does NOT include the hadith, which did not even exist (like they do now) during the time of the Prophet!
    This misconception has been refuted by br. Kadafi here:

    then we'd be treading on a similar path to that of previous misguided generations
    I've never heard the companions and early Muslim scholars referred to as 'misguided generations'!
    Hadith and Women

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    "Surely I was sent to perfect the qualities of righteous character" [Musnad Ahmad, Muwatta Mâlik]

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    Re: Hadith and Women

    Good post bro, Ameen caught contradicting himself. Its funny how he can't bring forward one hadith. It happens all the time, just because some people can't understand something themselves, they think everyone else is just like them and think the same and that this is the only possible interpretation, instead of considering that there are people who have studied hadith for years and years and they would be best to interpret hadith
    Hadith and Women

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    Re: Hadith and Women

    we can only make dua that allah gives and increases our knowledge inshallah as no one is perfect
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  11. #68
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    Re: Starting to have second thoughts.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Ameen- View Post

    yes - his name is Shamsu ed-Deen adh-Dhahabi.

    The point is that THERE ARE these hadith out there and they are BEING PUBLISHED under the name of people with 'Imam' as their title like the person mentioned above.

    This means that there are people who will / do believe in such lies and adopt obnoxious attitudes toward women.

    Since you know the book, perhaps you can see for yourself what I'm talking about?

    I really do hate jum[ing in here in the middle of u two's decussion....But what do we as reverts do, concerning Haddith's...I was told to look for reference...Now i feel concerned even about that:X ....maybe later in u decussion, that can be answered for us that converted...peace to u
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  12. #69
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    Re: Hadith and Women

    format_quote Originally Posted by metsudaistwice View Post
    we can only make dua that allah gives and increases our knowledge inshallah as no one is perfect
    Salaam o alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu


    May Allah guide us and forgive us.

    Alaikum Salaam wa rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu
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    Re: Hadith and Women


    So as to not confuse, thats "Aameen!" there.

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  15. #71
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    Re: Starting to have second thoughts.

    format_quote Originally Posted by songinwind View Post
    I really do hate jum[ing in here in the middle of u two's decussion....But what do we as reverts do, concerning Haddith's...I was told to look for reference...Now i feel concerned even about that:X ....maybe later in u decussion, that can be answered for us that converted...peace to u
    Sister Songinwind,
    If you'll read my posts you'll notice that I pointed out that the hadith have been classified according to their authenticity by scholars. It helps to know which hadith compilation the hadith s from. The hadith in Sahih Bukhari are all completely authentic. Almost all the hadith in Sahih Muslim are authentic as well. Sunan Abi Dawud and Sunan An-Nasaa'i come next in authenticity, as the vast majority of hadith in them are authentic, and then comes Sunan Ibn Majah and Sunan At-Tirmidhi which also have a majority of authentic hadith. Together, these compilations are considered the six major compilations of hadith.

    What Muslims need to do when they come across a hadith is first inquire as to its authenticity from a scholar (note: this is different from asking a layman their opinion on the hadith). If the hadith is in Bukhari then it is known to be authentic. Secondly, for any hadith one does not understand they should seek explanation and clarification from the scholars. Sometimes people only look at one isolated statement in a narration without considering the historical context, similar narrations, extended narrations and other such material that helps one to understand the hadith.

    All one has to do is ask the scholars. An excellent and reliable website which answers questions on Islam is IslamToday.com. To begin learning about the hadith, I strongly suggest that one take a look at the resources listed here:

    I hope this helps.
    Hadith and Women

    The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:
    "Surely I was sent to perfect the qualities of righteous character" [Musnad Ahmad, Muwatta Mâlik]

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    Re: Hadith and Women

    format_quote Originally Posted by Moss View Post
    Good post bro, Ameen caught contradicting himself. Its funny how he can't bring forward one hadith. It happens all the time, just because some people can't understand something themselves, they think everyone else is just like them and think the same and that this is the only possible interpretation, instead of considering that there are people who have studied hadith for years and years and they would be best to interpret hadith
    yea bro he is making stuff up as he goes without any credible evidence.. wonder what her real intention is
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  17. #73
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    Re: Hadith and Women

    The problem with haddith's is that people don't understand them, and the mis-understanding leads to women being mistreated. I didn't understand many of the hadiths until bro Ansar cleared it up! (thx btw)

    Many Muslim men I talk with have a very negative attitude about girls. Like their "objects," either their to be pious and follow the husband, do their duties, and if they mess up they get labelled as "inferior." And some of the other guys I know think of these girls as mere sex objects, and I think it's because of their ignorance to the real meanings of the haddith on women.

    They also take the verses from surah 4 and twist them a little to make it seem like women are "lower." Women aren't lower, we just have different roles. It's pretty obvious, just look at our nature.

    And if two people, man and women, are both humble they would never think one race to be better than the other. They would realize they both have strengths and weaknesses, and different rights over the other.

    If anything we should try to understand Ameen-, I do. Its horrible how the haddith and quran get twisted and then people end up abusing women.
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  18. #74
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    Re: Hadith and Women

    Sorry to butt in but i felt that that i had to say something.

    For those who have no confidence in the hadiths, how do you pray? If you have no confidence in your scholars, who explains the Quran? Talking of the Qurtan, how did it come to us if we dont trust those who perserved it for us with the permission of Allah?

    Forgive me if i am wrong, but i think you may be Submitters or Quranites who completely disgard the hadiths. Granted there are hadiths that are not authentic and it is for our benefit that we should know about them lest it is misused for their own convenience. We should educate ourselves.
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    Re: Hadith and Women

    format_quote Originally Posted by swanlake View Post

    Sorry to butt in but i felt that that i had to say something.

    For those who have no confidence in the hadiths, how do you pray? If you have no confidence in your scholars, who explains the Quran? Talking of the Qurtan, how did it come to us if we dont trust those who perserved it for us with the permission of Allah?

    Forgive me if i am wrong, but i think you may be Submitters or Quranites who completely disgard the hadiths. Granted there are hadiths that are not authentic and it is for our benefit that we should know about them lest it is misused for their own convenience. We should educate ourselves.

    I'm Muslim. It's not possible to reject all hadith. I reject the ones that are said to be un-authentic. How can we pray without hadith? I thought about it, and for a while I rejected some things, but you can't just pick and choose.

    I accepted hadiths again after I read all the "good" ones, which outweigh anything that might look bad by so much. They're aren't "bad" haddiths, but the ones that if misunderstood appear to bad, I rejected some of them because I didn't know what they meant. Like more women in hell for example (thx again Ansar may God's blessing be upon you).

    My point is that the mis-understanding of haddith causes the prejudice against women, not the haddith itself.
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  21. #76
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    Re: Hadith and Women

    I stand by my position that just because a hadith is in Bukhari, it does not gurantee it to be the Prophet's nerration. It is only wishful thinking to believe so.

    Worrying aspect of it all is Muslims have become diverted from the book of God. Disunity, powerlessness, frustation and factions are the result.
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  22. #77
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    Re: Hadith and Women

    And you, Companion, only say that of hadeeth, because you see a few hadeeths that you dont agree with, and because you dont know anything about it.

    I request for you to study Mustalah, before you go and say that hadeeths are all fabricated.
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    Re: Hadith and Women

    format_quote Originally Posted by Nawal89 View Post
    before you go and say that hadeeths are all fabricated.

    I didnt say that, you did.
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  24. #79
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    Re: Hadith and Women

    format_quote Originally Posted by Companion View Post
    I stand by my position that just because a hadith is in Bukhari, it does not gurantee it to be the Prophet's nerration. It is only wishful thinking to believe so.

    Worrying aspect of it all is Muslims have become diverted from the book of God. Disunity, powerlessness, frustation and factions are the result.

    What proof do you have for your claims?
    Are you just making an assumption without even studying hadith.I got to say I've never,to this day, ever met a person who rejects authentic hadith such as Bukhari (Like yourself) who at the same time has studied the science of hadith his or herself. Name me one hadeeth you think is fabricated and why.

    Let me give you an example. If the prophet said something, and Person A heard this saying, then A told person B, and B told C, then Bukhari took this narration. Then the exact same hadeeth was heard directly from the prophet by a person D, D told E, E told F then Bukhari heard this narration, and same again with several other narrations, is it then possible for such a hadeeth to be weak when so many different chains of narrations are saying exactly the same thing?
    How about this now, say Prophet told something to a companion, lets call thim person A again. obviously as a Sahaabi, he is bound to be pious and honest. lets say this Sahaabi a few years later meets B, someone really really pious, known never to lie, would do so many good things only for sake of Allah, he wouldn't forego even one sunnah, he wouldnt ever be seen drinking water standing up, would never be seen without wearing a hat, would do every possible sunnah possible, so this Sahabi A tells B this narration knowing B is not going to change something so important and crucial as he doesn't ever even commit the smallest of lies, so how can he committ such a big lie about the prophet SAW. similarly B then meets a person C who is also known for his piety, and eventually the chain goes to Imam Bukhari, and he adds it to his book. now how can you class such a hadeeth as weak

    I'm not a scholar of hadith, these are simple examples i have been given by students of knowledge and hadith, but it should inshallah help you understand

    Now before making such a drastic claim, you really should study the science of hadith before making such strong claims.Have you got any basis for what you say. what argument do you possess that even one Bukhari hadith is weak?

    I await your answer
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    Re: Hadith and Women

    The problem is, a chain does not just consist of A, B and C [that would make it pretty reliable!]. A typical Bukhari hadith has roughly 20 to 30 nerrators in its chain, I got this info from somebody who has studied hadiths for years under guidance.

    Verify this for your self. Think about it reastically and not in wishful-thinking mode. The only person you know who actually said the hadith is the individual who Bukhari got the hadith from. Practically all the 20-30 individuals are dead. That is why you cannot verify for sure it is 100% from the Prophet, rather you can, based purely on the given chane make a judgment of which has the best chance of being from the Prophet/being true.

    It is said Imam Bukhari collected over 300,000 hadiths and he himself memorized 200,000 of which some were unreliable. He was born at a time when Hadith was being forged either to please rulers or kings or to corrupt the religion of Islam... So it was a great task for him to sift the forged hadiths from the authentic ones. He laboured day and night and although he had memorised such a large number he only chose approximately 7,275 with repetition and about 2,230 without repetition of which there is no doubt about their authenticity...Many religious scholars of Islam tried to find fault in the great remarkable collection, Sahih Al-Bukhari, but without success. It is for this reason, they unanimously agreed that the most authentic book after the Book of Allah is Sahih Al-Bukhari.

    'Sahih Al-Bukhari' Arabic-English translated by Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khan, publishers Darussalam, Vol. 1, pp 18/19.
    [note I have crossed checked the above and found it to be in the Muhsin Khan Bukhari translation]

    This is why one cannot say everything in Bukhari or any hadith book written is the infallible truth. Is it not possible he may have included something that is a lie during his process of filtering the forged from the authentic? Is he incapable of making mistakes? Only Allah is infallible.

    DISCLAIMER: I am not saying everything is false and has to be rejected.

    You wanted proof, I am giving you them. Here is a hadith I find difficult to believe:

    Bukhari Volume 5, Book 58, Number 188:

    Narrated ‘Amru bin Maimun: "During the pre-lslamic period of ignorance I saw a she-monkey surrounded by a number of monkeys. They were all stoning it, because it had committed illegal sexual intercourse. I too, stoned it along with them."

    [Note: Pre-Islamic period does not nullify the impossibility of the scenario presented in this hadith. The hadith is not attributed to the prophet.]

    Number of things lead me to reject this particular nerration.

    1) Since when do monkeys get married?
    2) Since when monkeys stone another monkey for a crime?
    3) How did the companion know the She-monkey was married?

    Several things are wrong with this hadith. Studying under an ulema a lifetime to understand it would still leave me baffled.
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