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Immunizations - Harmful to your Child or Not? By Dr. Aisha Hamdan

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    Immunizations - Harmful to your Child or Not? By Dr. Aisha Hamdan (OP)

    Immunizations - Harmful to your Child or Not?

    immunize 1 - Immunizations - Harmful to your Child or Not? By Dr. Aisha Hamdan

    By Dr. Aisha Hamdan

    “Immunizations the best thing to protect your child from a variety of diseases.”

    You hear this from your doctor from the media, from the brochures in the clinic, from your friends. But, did you ever stop to think twice about what it all means?

    Did you ever look deeper into the issue and the other side of the story?
    Well let’s read on…..

    Your child is just born and one of the first things you do is call the clinic to schedule an appointment for your first “well-baby” visit. During the visit, after about 1 or 2 months, you can expect your baby to be weighed, measured, and put through excruciating pain from several shots in the leg. Your baby has just received his first immunization (or vaccination) shots and you allow it to happen without even questioning. It is just assumed that your pediatrician has your best interests in mind and that immunizations are the best thing to protect your child from a variety of diseases. You hear this from your doctor, from the media, from the brochures in the clinic, from your friends. You figure that the pain your baby has just gone through is worth the protection that he receives.
    But, did you ever stop to think twice about what it all means? Did you ever look deeper into the issue and read the other side of the story? (The one that is not provided by your doctor). Did you know, for example, that immunizations may cause serious side effects in children, even as serious as death? Did you know that immunizations actually weaken the immune system and make it work less effectively and efficiently? Were you aware that immunizations contain harmful chemicals that are not indigenous to the body? Did you know that your child might still contract a disease even if he or she has been immunized against?

    If you have a new baby, a young child or are considering having children in the future, these are concerns that you want to investigate and learn more about. Many parents have, and they have decided NOT to immunise their children. Let us look into this matter more closely and also consider it form an Islamic perspective. The health and well being of your child may be at stake.

    Myths and Realities

    Myth 1. “Vaccines are effective at protecting people from diseases”
    Reality: Many studies in the medical literature have documented vaccine failure. Measles, mumps, small pox, polio and Hib outbreaks have all occurred in vaccinated populations. In 1989, for example measles outbreaks occurred in schools with vaccination levels greater than 98% (Centres for Disease Control). The World Health Organization has actually found that a person who is vaccinated for measles has a 15 times greater likelihood of contracting the disease than a person who is not. The effectiveness of the whooping cough (pertussis) vaccine has been reported to be around 50%. In an incident in Kansas in 1986, 90% of pertussis cases were found to have been vaccinated. In another study of rubella, 36% of adolescent females who had been vaccinated against the disease lacked evidence of immunity by blood tests. Following the introduction of the diphtheria vaccine in various countries, incidents of the disease actually increased phenomenally. In France, there was a 30% increase; in Hungary, a 55% increase; and in Geneva, Switzerland, there was a tripling of the disease. All of this occurring after the introduction of mass compulsory vaccinations in those countries. In Australia, where vaccinations are not mandatory and only about ½ of the population receives them, the rates of illness are the same for both the vaccinated and non-vaccinated groups.
    What all of these facts point to (and there are many more related to this) is that vaccinations are not as effective as people are made to believe. A person who has been vaccinated has no guarantee that he will not contract the disease and chances are that if he does, it will be at a later age when the consequences are much more serious. The truth of the matter is that when immunity to disease is acquired naturally (such as through breastfeeding or through contact at a young age), the possibility of re-infection is only 3.2%. If the “immunity” comes from the artificial means of vaccinations, the chance of re-infection is 80%. In any epidemic, only a small percentage of the population actually contracts the disease, many of them being naturally immune. If a person who has been vaccinated does not contract the disease, this proves nothing. Chances are that even without the vaccination, he or she would not have gotten the disease any way.

    Myth 2: “Vaccines are the main reason for declines in disease rates”
    Reality: Most declines in diseases occurred before the introduction of mass immunizations. Infectious disease deaths in the United States and England declined an average of 80% prior to vaccinations. The British Association for the Advancement of Science found that childhood diseases decreased by 90% between 1850 and 1940, long before mandatory vaccination programs. European countries that refused immunizations for small pox and polio saw these epidemics end along with countries that had mandated them. Other infectious diseases continued to decline even in the absence of vaccines for them. This included declines in tuberculosis, chicken pox, scarlet fever, typhus, typhoid and plague.

    So what, you may ask, were the reasons for the decrease in diseases at this point in time. Research has found that improved sanitation and hygienic practices; along with improvements in diet and other health factors were the main contributing factors in eradication many diseases. A recent report by the World Health Organization supported this fact. The report found that “disease and mortality rates in third world countries have no direct correlation with immunization procedures or medical treatment, but are closely related to the standard of diet and hygiene.” What this means is that it is not as important to be immunized as it is to eat healthily and maintain personal hygiene and environmental cleanliness.

    Myth 3: “Vaccines are completely safe for children.”

    Reality: Vaccines are much more dangerous than we are even aware of. This is information that you will probably not receive from your doctor and if you child does have a reaction, it is unlikely that your doctor will report it. In 1986, the United States Congress created The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, which acknowledges the reality of vaccine-caused injuries and death. This law requires doctors to provide parents with information about the benefits and risks of childhood vaccines prior to vaccination and also requires doctors to report vaccine reactions to federal health officials. The Food and Drug Administration, which monitors this (along with the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention), acknowledged that 90% of doctors do not report vaccine reactions as required by law.
    More than 12,000 adverse reactions to vaccines are reported each year. If the rate of under-reporting is considered, this number should be closer to 120,000. Vaccine-related deaths occurring each year may be over 1000. The compensation portion of the Vaccine Injury Act awards up to $250,000 if a child dies from a vaccination or millions in dollars to cover lifelong medical bills, pain and suffering in the case of a brain-damaged child. By 1997, more than $802 million had been awarded for hundreds of injuries and deaths (5000 cases, 700 of which were deaths). Thousands of cases are still pending and the estimated future liability for the government exceeds $1.7 billion. A portion of the money that parents pay for vaccinations goes to this congressional fund, which basically means that you are paying insurance each time your child is vaccinated.

    In many cases, vaccinations are more serious than the diseases they are meant to protect a person from. The pertussis (whooping cough) vaccine is probably the most dangerous. The chances of suffering a serious adverse reaction to DPT vaccines are 1 in 1750, while the chances of dying from pertussis each year are 1 in several million. A study at UCLA found that 1 in 13 children had persistent high pitched crying after the DPT shot. One in 700 had convulsions or shock, which may cause learning disabilities or brain damage. Vaccinations, in general, have been linked to disorders of the blood, brain, skin, and nervous system. This includes encephalitis (central nervous system disorder, brain damage), paralysis, nerve inflammation, diseases of the lymph glands, skin disorders, allergies, arthritis, cancer.
    National and International studies have shown a link between vaccinations and SIDS (sudden Infant Death Syndrome). One study found that the peak incidence of SIDS occurred at the ages of 2 and 4 months, the time when the first routine vaccinations are given. Another study concluded that ½ of SIDS cases (2500 of 5000) are related to vaccinations. In the mid-70’s, when Japan raised their vaccinations age from 2 months to 2 years, the incidence of SIDS dropped dramatically. The disturbing fact in the United State is that coroners refuse to check the vaccination state of SIDS victims, which makes it difficult to prove many cases.

    Other important truths to consider include the fact that vaccinations actually weaken the immune system rather than strengthen it. They only focus on one aspect of the immune system, which interferes with the body’s ability to initiate a “generalized response”. Only that one particular aspect of the system will function. What this means is that the vaccinations produce immune suppression which contributes to an increased susceptibility to other diseases and infections. This may explain why the rate of childhood illness has actually increased rather than decreased in this society. Vaccinations also contain additional chemicals such as formaldehyde, mercury (thimerosal), and aluminum phosphate, which are extremely toxic substances that can lead to hazardous effects. Microscopic doses may lead to cancer, neurological damage, and even death. Several of these may accumulate in the body such that the lethality increases as the number of vaccine increase.
    And the story continues. This is only the tip of the iceberg and there is a larger amount of information available for those who wish to learn more (see websites listed below). It is important that parents become educated and knowledgeable about immunizations so that they can make an informed choice rather than be manipulated by the medical establishment.
    It is important that parents become educated and knowledgeable about immunizations so that they can make an informed choice rather than be manipulated by the medical establishment.
    An Islamic Perspective
    From an Islamic perspective there are several issues that need to be considered in relation to this topic. This discussion goes much deeper than the mere physical effects of immunizations. We need to peruse the Creation of Allah, subhanahu wa ta’ala, and its perfection, the Provisions and Sustenance provided to us by Allah, and Will of Allah as it pertains to our existence. Let us proceed.

    Creation of Allah
    Allah says, “We have indeed created man in the best of moulds.” (95:4). The Arabic word in this verse is taqweem, which can be translated as mold, form, nature, constitution. Although this especially refers to the spiritual nature of man, it can also mean the mental and physical structure. There is no faulty in Allah’s creation. Allah gave man the purest and best nature, and perfection and balance are evident in man’s physical, mental, and spiritual composition.
    Allah, subhanahu wa ta’la, says,

    “O mankind! What has made you careless concerning your Lord, the Most Generous? Who created you, fashioned you, and gave you due proportion; in whatever form He willed, He put you together.” (Qur’an 82:6-8).

    Focusing on the physical aspect, one need only study the systems of the body to comprehend the significance of these verses and the wonder of Allah’s creation. The human body is composed of a number of specialized systems: the digestive system, the respiratory system, the nervous system, the muscular system, the blood circulation system, the skeleton, the skin, the senses, the immune system and so forth. Each one of these system is miraculous in nature and more amazing than any scientific advancement that man can achieve. (Sayyid Qutb, In the Shade of the Qur’an). Why then is man so heedless? Why does he overlook the wonders of his own constitution? Why does he neglect the One who gave him these special gifts? “O mankind! What has made you careless concerning our Lord, the Most Generous?” Why does he think that he can improve the perfect creation of Allah and make it work more effectively?

    Concerning immunizations, this is exactly what humans are attempting to do. The assumption behind them is that the body is not “perfect” enough to withstand infectious diseases; that somehow Allah did not complete his job or carry it out well enough (astaghfir Allah); that the immune system is faulty and needs correction; that a young baby, as little as 1 or 2 months old, is somehow flawed, incomplete, and in need of human intervention to survive. All of these assumptions are erroneous and reflect a skepticism that should not be present in the belief system of a Muslim. This may seem like an intense subject for what would appear to be a straight forward issue, but a deeper level of analysis is required here. One cannot doubt the verses of the Qur’an highlighted above nor expect that he can accomplish more than Allah. As Muslims we should not fall into this kind of trap. We must believe in the perfection of Allah’s creation and understand that immunizations are in no way able to improve upon it. Chances are that they will only disturb the system and introduce an imperfection, (which is already being determined by research).

    Provisions of Allah
    Allah, subhanahu wa ta’ala, not only created us in the finest form, but He also gave us the tools to maintain this form and to assist in its self-actualization. We are warned that our body and our health are gifts from Allah and that we will be held accountable on the Day of Judgment of them. The Prophet (pbuh) informed us, “Every servant of Allah will remain standing before Allah on the Day of Judgment until he has answered five questions about five things; his life – how he spent it; his knowledge – how much he acted upon it; his wealth – how he acquired it and how he spent it; and his body (and health) – how he used it.” (Muslims). The Prophet (Pbuh) also said, “There are two blessings which many people lose: (They are) health and free time for doing good.” (Bukhari)
    It is incumbent upon a Muslim to take care of his body to the best of his ability and to follow what Allah has ordained in this regard. The provisions of Allah are many. A mother is instructed to nurse her child from the moment of birth. Allah says,

    “Mothers shall nurse their children two complete years for whoever wishes to complete the nursing (period).” (Qur’an 2:233).

    Breast milk has been found to be the most beneficial substance for a baby and contains much more than nutrients. It also provides antibodies, strengthens the immune system, and protects the child from many diseases. This is a wondrous gift that gives an already healthy baby an even healthier start in life.

    Muslims are instructed to eat from the good and lawful food of the earth.
    “They ask you what is lawful to them (as food): say: Lawful unto you are (all) things good and pure.” (Qur’an 5:4)

    “O you people! Eat of what is on earth lawful and good; and do not follow the footsteps of the evil one for he is to you an avowed enemy.” (Qur’an 2:168).

    We now know the benefits of eating healthy and pure food and avoiding all that is harmful to our bodies. The use of honey, black seed, dates, olive oil, etc. are encouraged to prevent illness and as cures when the need arises. The type of food that we eat can affect all of our bodily systems, oftentimes in very insidious ways.
    Other provisions that Allah, subhanahu wa ta’ala, has given us include the command to avoid alcohol and all types of drugs, which can lead to serious consequences (health-related and others). Adultery and fornication are forbidden, which can cause various types of sexually transmitted diseases. Pork and pork products, which may lead to various illnesses, are also not allowed. And so on…..

    What this means in relation to immunizations is that they are really unnecessary. For one who follows the commands of Allah, the chances of having long-term health will be increased. Even if a disease is contracted, the person with a strong immune system will likely be able to combat it. This in turn, will strengthen the immune system more and give life-long immunity to that particular disease. As mentioned earlier, immunizations actually have weaken the immune system and led to all types of problems in children. Their use has even upset the epidemiology of illnesses, causing them to appear more often in adulthood when the effects are usually much more serious. It is evident from all of this that manipulation and altering Allah’s creation only leads to detrimental outcomes.

    Will of Allah

    We often forget that what happens in our lives comes from the Will and Power of Allah. Nothing occurs except what has been decreed by Allah. Although we do have some limited control over events, the ultimate control is with Us are its depositories, and We do not send it down except according to a known (specified) measure.” (15:21).

    “Say you (o Muhammad): ‘Indeed the affairs belong wholly to Allah.’ (Qur’an 3:154)
    If a child is to experience an illness, this is from the decree of Allah; and if he is to be cured from it, this is also from the decree of Allah. To rely upon humans to somehow prevent or cure the child without also trusting in Allah, is a sign of weakness in faith. Whatever good or bad happens to us we should say “Alhumdulillah” because it is from Allah and He has decreed it for some reason (either as a test or as punishment). Allah says,
    “No calamity befalls, but with the leave (decision and Qadar) of Allah, and whosoever believes in Allah, He guides his heart, and Allah is the all Knower of everything.” (Qur’an 64:11).

    We should rely upon Allah and ask Him to assist us in our times of need. The use of ruqya (supplication to Allah) is much more powerful than any medicine that is available because Allah is the only One Who can send the cure.


    Although Islam is not contrary to medical and technological “Development”, it is important to understand that these are not always in our best interests. Many of these “advancements” have actually led to serious, detrimental outcomes. Television, for example, has been lauded as one of the major inventions of this century, but at the same time it has lead to the numbing of children’s minds, a decline in communication within families, and misguidance for many. Immunizations are touted as a miraculous form of illness prevention, when in fact they are nothing more than a moneymaking scheme for doctors and pharmaceutical companies. They have, in actuality, caused more hams than benefits and have disrupted the natural order of Allah’s Creation.
    Before you take your child for; his or her next round of immunizations consider this important information and research the topic further. It is in the best interests of your child to do so. Look to Allah’s guidance (the Qur’an and Sunnah) for assistance in all matters, including physical health. If we follow Allah’s plan in creation and submit to His commands, there should be no need for artificial interventions. Allah, subhanahu wa ta’ala, ha provided us with bounties beyond our imagination and they are readily and naturally available to us. We only need to make use of them.
    The Shocking Facts:
    By the time a child enters first grade, he or she will have received as many as 10 different vaccines for a total of 19 shots. 98% of children living in the United State receive the recommended shots

    • The numbers of vaccines has doubled in the last decade
    • New vaccines are coming out on a more regular basis
    • The United Nations has committed $150 million to develop a “Super Vaccine” to provide immunity against 30 childhood diseases in a single shot.

    In 1950, before mass immunizations began, the United States had the third lowest infant mortality rate in the world. By 1995, it dropped to 23rd place and is world renowned for its appalling infant mortality rate.
    Vaccination Websites:
    Think twice Global Vaccine Institute.
    (Contains a link for the New Atlantean Press which publishes and sells book on vaccinations).
    Dispelling Vaccination Myths

    Vaccine and Immunization Information Links.
    National Vaccine Information Center
    Global Vaccine Awareness League
    Vaccines: The Truth Revealed


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    Re: Immunizations - Harmful to your Child or Not? By Dr. Aisha Hamdan

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    format_quote Originally Posted by Abz2000 View Post
    Sister lamees, I believe u r aware that politics does play a huge role in scientific journals, because u know that they hide the concept that we are created, while using totally irrational data and reasoning to prove to us that we're just beasts who need to submit to the beast who wants to dominate us while we feel helpless..

    I'm going to post a clip later when I'm on the pc which I hope you'll all watch, it may make us reflect.
    In the journals I was involved with one guy fudged data, we lost the funding and he was dismissed in a most humiliating fashion. Yes people want to get published and want to get govt. grants. I can't speak for the work that happens in the govt. But I can speak for what we independently publish and do the work, the research, collect the data and cross reference for originality i.e not plagiarized. So I have no idea what you're talking about nor understand where the whole we're just beasts is come from?
    It is your right to raise your kids as you please. But even if what you say were the truth, censorship isn't the way to raise strong seasoned Muslims, that comes from looking at both sides of the coin.. else we end up like the Zionists who capture Muslim kids at at 3 to teach them history as they want it taught not as it actually is..

    Immunizations - Harmful to your Child or Not? By Dr. Aisha Hamdan

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    Re: Immunizations - Harmful to your Child or Not? By Dr. Aisha Hamdan

    here, i found it:


    or go to 1hr 41mins 31 seconds

    but the whole documentary is just riveting.


    sister lamees, the tests and research you get to do in your local hospital or research center are nothing anywhere near what the big pharma heads, bankers, and politicians discuss and decide.
    find something out of place or scary which will affect their balance sheet and watch how quickly a national security gag gets slapped on you.

    and are you unaware that they even purposefully infected innocent people with syphilis through vaccination programs?
    this is not theory, it's documented fact.
    and there are even journals that claim it is "good for the teeth" to make you INGEST fluoride along with your tap water,
    do you believe them?
    maybe the nazi concentration camps fluoridated the water of the victims because they cared about their teeth.
    and the fact that more than THREE QUARTERS of the people in the City of Southampton in england signed a petition demanding that their water not be fluoridated fell on deaf ears when the judge over-ruled the case saying that forcefully fluoridating their water was not an infringement of their democratic rights - shows what they think of you.



    these people are evil.
    Last edited by Abz2000; 06-25-2012 at 04:41 PM.
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    Immunizations - Harmful to your Child or Not? By Dr. Aisha Hamdan

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    Re: Immunizations - Harmful to your Child or Not? By Dr. Aisha Hamdan

    I need science not movies
    Immunizations - Harmful to your Child or Not? By Dr. Aisha Hamdan

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    Re: Immunizations - Harmful to your Child or Not? By Dr. Aisha Hamdan

    show me your research
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    Re: Immunizations - Harmful to your Child or Not? By Dr. Aisha Hamdan

    format_quote Originally Posted by Abz2000 View Post
    show me your research
    My research was concerned with medications to minimize blood loss during back surgeries, & the other concerned with preventing blindness during a protracted surgical course from fluid overload. I don't have my doctorate in psychology and pretend for instance to be the authority on immunization, nor do I pretend Islamic scholarship whereby I make Haram what Allah swt made Halal.
    However, I do have a bachelors, masters and a doctorate which means a higher education affording me a chance to understand how science works vs. how movies are made (don't know how those are made either) but apparently they're quite convincing considering.

    Last edited by جوري; 06-25-2012 at 05:15 PM.
    Immunizations - Harmful to your Child or Not? By Dr. Aisha Hamdan

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    Re: Immunizations - Harmful to your Child or Not? By Dr. Aisha Hamdan

    format_quote Originally Posted by Abz2000 View Post
    and are you unaware that they even purposefully infected innocent people with syphilis through vaccination programs?
    Rather they wanted to see tertiary syphilis by experimenting on blacks and not offering treatments. From that 'documented fact' new very rigid ethical laws were born.

    Immunizations - Harmful to your Child or Not? By Dr. Aisha Hamdan

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    Re: Immunizations - Harmful to your Child or Not? By Dr. Aisha Hamdan

    bro abz, honestly you want us to make up our mind by these movies? these movies have more research than peer-reviewed experimental studies?
    Immunizations - Harmful to your Child or Not? By Dr. Aisha Hamdan

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    Re: Immunizations - Harmful to your Child or Not? By Dr. Aisha Hamdan

    format_quote Originally Posted by CosmicPathos View Post
    bro abz, honestly you want us to make up our mind by these movies? these movies have more research than peer-reviewed experimental studies?
    Br. ABZ is a genuine good guy almost precludes me from countering some of the stuff he posts at times but I feel that would be dishonest on my part. Problem with this, when I see one unusual claim after the next, I start doubting the entire source of information. It becomes to me like Christianity.. sure there are truths but so marred by falsehood that leaves the whole tainted as I can't sort through it..
    Immunizations - Harmful to your Child or Not? By Dr. Aisha Hamdan

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    Re: Immunizations - Harmful to your Child or Not? By Dr. Aisha Hamdan

    Anyone have any comment to make about my research on the previous pages?

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    Re: Immunizations - Harmful to your Child or Not? By Dr. Aisha Hamdan

    Br. Scimi,
    youtube clippings various comments isn't research! other than that I believe Zaria countered it substantially well.
    Research means independent trials, with neither researchers nor participants know of whether or not they're participating in placebo, or receiving vaccines, or have any bias that could invalidate the results. There's power to the study, there's a pool, cohorts, cross sections, confounders, relative risks, P values etc. etc that are involved to give us the final picture.. I don't think anyone has done that here.

    Immunizations - Harmful to your Child or Not? By Dr. Aisha Hamdan

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    Re: Immunizations - Harmful to your Child or Not? By Dr. Aisha Hamdan

    Sis Bluebell. I only pasted excerpts that were relevant... but you know I also posted links, and the info within is "leaked" from the BIG PHARMA's... and VALID.

    I ask you to take a look at the reports and then comment. Or choose to stay oblivious to that which is a bane in the industry you are involved in.


    EDIT: for the sake of keeping it on topic, a short excerpt from the (kinda dark) history of vaccinations:

    As has been stated before, all medical and non-medical authorities on vaccination agree that vaccines are designed to cause a mild case of the diseases they are supposed to prevent. But they also know and admit that there is no way whatsoever to predict whether the case will be mild or severe – even deadly. With this much uncertainty in dealing with the very lives of people, it is very unscientific and extremely dangerous to use such a questionable procedure as vaccination.

    Many vaccines also cause other diseases besides the one for which they are given. For instance, smallpox vaccine often causes syphilis, paralysis, leprosy, and cancer. (See the chapters on smallpox and plagues.) Polio shots, diphtheria toxin-antitoxin, typhoid vaccine, as well as measles, tetanus and all other shots often cause various other stages of disease such as post-vaccinal encephalitis (inflammation of the brain,) paralysis, spinal meningitis, blindness, cancer (sometimes within two years,) tuberculosis, (two to twenty years after the shot,) arthritis, kidney disease, heart disease (heart failure sometimes within minutes after the shot and sometimes several hours later.) Nerve damage and many other serious conditions also follow the injections.

    When several shots are given (different vaccines) within a few days or a few weeks apart, they often trigger intensified cases of all the diseases at once, because the body cannot handle such a large amount of deadly poison being injected directly into the bloodstream. The doctors call it a new disease and proceed to suppress the symptoms.

    When poison is taken by the mouth, the internal defense system has a chance to quickly eject some of it by vomiting, but when the poisons are shot directly into the body, bypassing all the natural safeguards, these dangerous poisons circulate immediately throughout the entire body in a matter of seconds and keep on circulating until all the cells are poisoned.

    I heard that seven men dropped dead in a doctor’s office after being vaccinated. This was in an army camp, so I wrote to the Government for verification. They sent me the report of U.S. Secretary of War, Henry L. Stimson. The report not only verified the report of the seven who dropped dead from the vaccines, but it stated that there had been 63 deaths and 28,585 cases of hepatitis as a direct result of the yellow fever vaccine during only 6 months of the war. That was only one of the 14 to 25 shots given the soldiers. We can imagine the damage that all these shots did to the men. (See the chapter on What Vaccinations Did to Our Soldiers.)

    The first World War was of a short duration, so the vaccine makers were unable to use up all their vaccines. As they were (and still are) in business for profit, they decided to sell it to the rest of the population. So they drummed up the largest vaccination campaign in U.S. history. There were no epidemics to justify it so they used other tricks. Their propaganda claimed the soldiers were coming home from foreign countries with all kinds of diseases and that everyone must have all the shots on the market.

    The people believed them because, first of all, they wanted to believe their doctors, and second, the returning soldiers certainly had been sick. They didn’t know it was from doctor-made vaccine diseases, as the army doctors don’t tell them things like that. Many of the returned soldiers were disabled for life by these drug-induced diseases. Many were insane from postvaccinal encephalitis, but the doctors called it shell shock, even though many had never left American soil.

    The conglomerate disease brought on by the many poison vaccines baffled the doctors, as they never had a vaccination spree before which used so many different vaccines. The new disease they had created had symptoms of all the diseases they had injected into the man. There was the high fever, extreme weakness, abdominal rash and intestinal disturbance characteristic of typhoid. The diphtheria vaccine caused lung congestion, chills and fever, swollen, sore throat clogged with the false membrane, and the choking suffocation because of difficulty in breathing followed by gasping and death, after which the body turned black from stagnant blood that had been deprived of oxygen in the suffocation stages. In early days they called it Black Death. The other vaccines cause their own reactions — paralysis, brain damage, lockjaw, etc.

    When doctors had tried to suppress the symptoms of the typhoid with a stronger vaccine, it caused a worse form of typhoid which they named paratyphoid. But when they concocted a stronger and more dangerous vaccine to suppress that one, they created an even worse disease which they didn’t have a name for. What should they call it? They didn’t want to tell the people what it really was — their own Frankenstein monster which they had created with their vaccines and suppressive medicines. They wanted to direct the blame away from themselves, so they called it Spanish Influenza. It was certainly not of Spanish origin, and the Spanish people resented the implication that the world-wide scourge of that day should be blamed on them. But the name stuck and American medical doctors and vaccine makers were not suspected of the crime of this widespread devastation — the 1918 Flu Epidemic. It is only in recent years that researchers have been digging up the facts and laying the blame where it belongs.

    Some of the soldiers may have been in Spain before coming home, but their diseases originated in their own home-based U.S. Army Camps. Our medical men still use that same dodge. When their own vaccines (required for travel) cause vaccine diseases abroad they use this as grounds for a scare campaign to stampede people into the vaccination centers. Do you remember the Hong Kong Flu and the Asian Flu and the London Flu scares? These were all medically-made epidemics mixed with the usual common colds which people have every year.

    In 1976 we were being worked on again by the vaccine -epidemic makers in their effort to force another multi million dollar vaccine sale caper. Their con men have already talked President Ford into handing over $135 million dollars to start their vaccine racket. Even the insurance companies refused to become involved with such an obviously dangerous and crooked scheme. So, again the medical and drug con men induced the appropriate government officials to guarantee insurance against the, possible billions of dollars in law suits which could be brought against the vaccine promoters if the vaccine campaign is carried out as planned. It’s a good thing Ford was voted out of office. It’s too bad he wasn’t “dumped” before he paid the poison squad the MONEY’ to poison the whole population. However, we don’t yet know if President Carter will be any better. Will he be held in the grip of the medical and drug dictatorship? Or will he investigate — learn the truth — reverse the decisions and make the vaccine makers return the money taken from the taxpayers under false pretenses?

    The statement of the swine flu vaccine promoters to the effect that the vaccine is harmless, is false, and the statement that it will protect against flu is false. Fifty-six people died after the shots, some within 48 hours. There is confusion and disagreement among the doctors about all aspects of the vaccine, from the safety and effectiveness to the necessity for it, who should have it and who should be warned against it.

    Their scare-head campaign cry is that the swine flu is like the 1918 flu which killed 20,000,000 people. They don’t have any usable and provable blood samples from the 1918 flu epidemic to prove it. That was 58 years ago, and the doctors were just as confused and inefficient then as now. However, one thing is certain — the 1918 Spanish Influenza was a vaccine-induced disease caused by extreme body poisoning from the conglomeration of many different vaccines. The soldiers at Fort Dix who were said to have had Swine Flu had been injected with a large variety of vaccines like the vaccines which caused the 1918 flu epidemic. The flu epidemic at Fort Dix was in no way related to swine. There were no swine at camp (unless we want to sarcastically call the vaccine promoters who caused the diseases -”swine.”)

    To add to the confusion, the doctors tell the people that there are a lot of various kinds of flu; the one which the soldiers at Fort Dix had was AVictoria flu, there are other strains of flu virus, and also, that the swine flu vaccine which so many people have taken already will not protect them against the many other types of flu. This will be used as an “out” in case of law suits later on when more casualties begin to show up. The doctors will say that the vaccine failed because it was the wrong kind of flu for the vaccine. Of course, no one can prove it one way or the other because viruses are illusive, invisible organisms which are unstable and unpredictable. One dictionary definition of virus is “a morbid poison.” The vaccines injected into the body are poison and cause the typical poison reactions. Virus (poison) does not fly around and attack people.

    Therefore, there will be no swine flu epidemic unless the vaccine promoters make one like they did in the 1918 flu epidemic. It will not kill 20,000,000 people unless the people submit to the disease-producing shots. There are also, other causes of disease besides vaccines, such as bad food, which has been devitalized and contaminated with poison preservatives and artificial drug concoctions. There are many more causes of disease but no diseases are contagious(See the chapter on the germ theory).

    Vaccine drives come and go as often as the vaccine promoters can cook up the slightest pretense of a reason.n Back in1957 they were trying to stir up a vaccination campaign for what they decided to call Asiatic flu. An editorial in the Herald and Express for August 29, 1957 was captioned, “Fear of Flu Propaganda.” Part of the piece is as follows:

    “What a tempest in a teapot has been blown up over the probability that this country will experience an epidemic of the Asiatic flu in the fall and winter months ahead.

    “Even the United States Department of Health is stooge for the panic — and has issued statements which are frightening the public, rather than reassuring them by pointing out that this epidemic, while widespread, gives no indication of being any more dangerous than our usual flood of influenza-like colds when winter comes on.

    “Those who read between the lines even wonder whether the whole thing might not be a bit of super salesmanship on the part of those who are making and selling the vaccines which are being prepared.. . .”


    All the doctors and people who were living at the time of the 1918 Spanish Influenza epidemic say it was the most terrible disease the world has ever had. Strong men, hale and hearty, one day would be dead the next. The disease had the characteristics of the black death added to typhoid, diphtheria, pneumonia, smallpox, paralysis and all the diseases the people had been vaccinated with immediately following World War 1. Practically the entire population had been injected “seeded” with a dozen or more diseases — or toxic serums. When all those doctor-made diseases started breaking out all at once it was tragic.

    That pandemic dragged on for two years, kept alive with the addition of more poison drugs administered by the doctors who tried to suppress the symptoms. As far as I could find out, the flu hit only the vaccinated. Those who had refused the shots escaped the flu. My family had refused all the vaccinations so we remained well all the time. We knew from the health teachings of Graham, Trail, Tilden and others, that people cannot contaminate the body with poisons without causing disease.

    When the flu was at its peak, all the stores were closed as well as the schools, businesses — even the hospital, as the doctors and nurses had been vaccinated too and were down with the flu. No one was on the streets. It was like a ghost town. We seemed to be the only family which didn’t get the flu; so my parents went from house to house doing what they could to look after the sick, as it was impossible to get a doctor then. If it were possible for germs, bacteria, virus, or bacilli to cause disease, they had plenty of opportunity to attack my parents when they were spending many hours a day in the sick rooms. But they didn’t get the flu and they didn’t bring any germs home to attack us children and cause anything. None of our family had the flu — not even a sniffle— and it was in the winter with deep snow on the ground.

    When I see people cringe when someone near them sneezes or coughs, I wonder how long it will take them to find out that they can’t catch it — whatever it is. The only way they can get a disease is to develop it themselves by wrong eating, drinking, smoking or doing some other things which cause internal poisoning and lowered vitality. All diseases are preventable and most of them are cureable with the right methods, not known to medical doctors, and not all drugless doctors know them either.

    It has been said that the 1918 flu epidemic killed 20,000,000 people throughout the world. But, actually, the doctors killed them with their crude and deadly treatments and drugs. This is a harsh accusation but it is nevertheless true, judging by the success of the drugless doctors in comparison with that of the medical doctors.

    While the medical men and medical hospitals were losing 33% of their flu cases, the non-medical hospitals such as BATTLE CREEK, KELLOGG and MACFADDEN’S HEALTH-RESTORIUM were getting almost 100% healings with their water cure, baths, enemas, etc., fasting and certain other simple healing methods, followed by carefully worked out diets of natural foods. One health doctor didn’t lose a patient in eight years. The very successful health treatment of one of those drugless doctors who didn’t lose any patients will be given in the other part of this book, titled VACCINATION CONDEMNED, to be published a little later.

    If the medical doctors had been as advanced as the drugless doctors, there would not have been those 20 million deaths from the medical flu treatment.

    There was seven times more disease among the vaccinated soldiers than among the unvaccinated civilians, and the diseases were those they had been vaccinated against. One soldier who had returned from overseas in 1912 told me that the army hospitals were filled with cases of infantile paralysis and he wondered why grown men should have an infant disease. Now, we know that paralysis is a common after-effect of vaccine poisoning. Those at home didn’t get the paralysis until after the world-wide vaccination campaign in 1918.

    Swine Flu Expose
    a book by Eleanora I. McBean, Ph.D., N.D.
    Last edited by Scimitar; 06-27-2012 at 02:38 PM.
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    Immunizations - Harmful to your Child or Not? By Dr. Aisha Hamdan

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    Re: Immunizations - Harmful to your Child or Not? By Dr. Aisha Hamdan

    A. Majid Katme, MBBCh, DPM (medical doctor)
    Spokesman, Islamic Medical Association (UK)

    January 21, 2011

    A. Majid Katme, MBBCh,DPM

    We are giving our innocent children haraam (forbidden) substances and harmful chemicals that destroy their natural immune systems, causing disease, suffering and death. All Muslim doctors and parents should be aware of vaccine ingredients, and of the failed efficacy of vaccines. The harm is clearly greater than the benefit. The time has come to take a stand for truth.

    Vaccine Ingredients

    Vaccine ingredients include heavy metals, pus from sores of diseased animals, horse serum, calf serum, faecal matter, foetal cells, urine, macerated cancer cells, sweepings from diseased children, formaldehyde (a carcinogen used in embalming fluid), phenol (a carcinogen capable of causing paralysis, convulsions, coma, necrosis and gangrene), lactalbumin hydrolysate (an emulsifier), aluminium phosphate (an aluminium salt that is corrosive to tissues), retro-virus SV-40 (a contaminant virus in some polio vaccines), antibiotics (e.g., neomycin tm) that lead to antibiotic resistance, chick embryo (as a growth medium for the virus), sodium phosphate (a buffering salt), and foreign animal tissues containing genetic material (DNA/RNA) from the growth medium. Vaccines are also contaminated with mycoplasma, bacteria, monkey viruses and various adjuvants. Heavy metals include thiomersal (mercury) as a preservative and aluminium as an adjuvant. Mercury and aluminium have each been proved to damage the brain and nervous system. In some cases, thiomersal has been replaced by another neurotoxin known as 2PE. Vaccines also contain monosodium glutamate (MSG), sorbitol, and gelatine. Many of these ingredients are not allowed for Muslims, Jews, Hindus or vegetarians.

    A Fatally-flawed System of Intervention

    Vaccination is based on the long-discredited theory that stimulation of antibodies in the human body equals protection from disease. This theory has not only failed to be proved, but has been repeatedly disproved. Stimulation of antibodies does not equal immunity and certainly does not equal permanent immunity. The presence of antibodies is merely a sign of exposure to a disease, which is just one small aspect of what makes up the immune system. Children, with underdeveloped and immature immune systems, receive today about 25 separate vaccines by the age of 13 months. There is no doubt this irresponsible system disrupts and can even destroy the development of their immune systems forever.

    Vaccines commonly given to children in the United Kingdom today include – TWO MONTHS: diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis, HIB meningitis and polio + pneumococcal (six components, two needles); THREE MONTHS: diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis, HIB meningitis and polio + meningitis C (six components, two needles); FOUR MONTHS: diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis, HIB meningitis and polio + pneumococcal + meningitis C (seven components, three needles); 12 MONTHS: HIB meningitis and meningitis C (two components, two needles); 13 MONTHS: measles, mumps, rubella + pneumococcal vaccine (four components, two needles). This reflects a grave medical assault inflicted on the small, weak, defenceless bodies of our innocent children.

    Just a Few of the Monstrous Problems

    Unthinkably, vaccine studies do not include placebo groups. Instead, they use other vaccines in “control” groups, making it impossible to properly note actual rates of adverse events between a test group and real control group. No research has been done on the long-term effects of vaccines. Post-marketing data of reactions, injury and death go ignored. Moreover, the system lacks individualization. Apparently, one size fits all. There is no pre-screening for immune problems and allergies. Overloading the human body with infections and sub-infections will irreparably disrupt and destroy the immune system. Chemicals in vaccines induce allergies, asthma, and autoimmune disease, including autism. By the way, don’t let any indoctrinated doctor tell you vaccines do not cause autism. Do your own research. Sexual immorality and adultery are stirred by offering our daughters HPV vaccination against cervical cancer. Notably and incredibly, the HPV vaccine is shown to make some recipients even more susceptible to cervical cancer. According to many scientific reports, there is additional concern that some vaccines cause infertility and are used for clandestine population control. The proper role of medicine is to work to find and prevent the root cause of disease, not treat symptoms or fill the body with chemicals and vaccines.

    Islam and Medical Science Must Oppose Vaccination

    The case against vaccination is first an Islamic one, based on Islamic ethos regarding the perfection of the natural human body’s immune defence system, empowered by great and prophetic guidance to avoid most infections. The case against vaccination is also a medical and health-related one. Incredible evidence, unbeknownst to most, has emerged in the West regarding the many serious health hazards that affect those who have been vaccinated.

    Islam and the Immune System

    Colostrum in breast milk, a rich source of myriad antibodies, is extraordinarily important in conveying immunity to the child during the first few days after birth. Breastfeeding up to two years gives incredible immunity into the future. Medical studies evidence the amazing protection of breastfeeding against infections, even including poliomyelitis. The first two years of life are a crucial time during which the child’s body will develop a natural and mature immune system. Vaccination disrupts and damages the natural process of human development. God (Allah), the Creator, the Designer, has organised for the destruction of most germs and viruses through the natural process of entry-and-defence via skin, mucous, and the stomach. This process is very different from injection of a vaccine directly into the body without crossing natural defence barriers. Twenty-five weakened diseases are destructively pushed by needlepoint into the bodies of our fragile children at a stage when they are developing their own natural defence systems.Infection and disease are medically proven to regularly succumb to spontaneous, self-remitting recovery. Childhood bouts with infectious disease help build the immune system against future attacks. As our beloved physician and prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, has told us, for every disease there is a cure. The final holy book, Al Qur’an, is an awesome medical source for both prevention and cure of disease. To best prepare the body, the Muslim should use natural and permissible nutrition from Yayyib (natural) food and drink. Of further importance, we need to address the root causes of morbidity and mortality: poverty, malnutrition, lack of clean drinking water, lack of a healthy and natural foods, lack of proper sewage, and toxins in the environment and body.The Islamic behaviour of seeking halal (lawful) and avoiding harram has been linked to health throughout time by many Muslim doctors and scientists, especially in the field of preventative medicine. Great care should be given to personal hygiene, including hand washing at about 25 times per day (15 times before the five daily prayers during wudu [absolution]). Properly practising daily personal hygiene will avoid many infections. Many fruits and other healthy foods prescribed in Islam have been found to prevent disease and strengthen the immune system, including olive and olive oil, ginger, grapes, pomegranate, vinegar, rosemary and figs. Islamic-prescribed complementary medicine protects us from disease and strengthens our natural immune system, including honey, fasting, prayer (meditation), Du’A (special prayer) for the sick, black seed, Hijama (blood cupping), holy fruits and foods, breastfeeding, aromatherapy, Zam Zam (drinking holy water at Makkah, Saudi Arabia at the time of pilgrimage), and laying on of hands with a special prayer. Frequent exposure to the sun for vitamin D and a diet rich in vitamin D prevents many diseases. Islam prohibits Muslims from taking any harmful medicine or substance. Even where there is doubt or controversy, Islam orders us to leave it completely. This applies to vaccines.

    The Truth Be Told

    Harram in many vaccines include human foetuses, gelatine from pork, alcohol, and human and animal parts. These najis (unclean), haraam ingredients are not given in a state of emergency to save life at present. It is ridiculous to introduce myriad infective agents into millions of people as a “just in case” prevention of future infection. It is very wrong that Muslim doctors have adopted a medical intervention that contains so many haraams and harmful chemicals.

    In Islam, the human body is holy. We should protect and keep it natural, pure, healthy and safe. As vaccines are neither pure nor natural, it is no wonder that science and medicine have found them to be so incredibly dangerous. A well-orchestrated pharmaceutical industry plan of scaremongering exists to create fear in parents who do not vaccinate their children. Doctors and governments have been indoctrinated and corrupted by a gigantic and incredibly powerful industry into advocating obligatory vaccination, contrary to health and human and religious rights. This has happened not to advance health, but for profit. Vaccines should not be pushed or forced on anyone.

    The Case for Opposing Vaccination

    * It disrupts and destroys the natural immune systems of our innocent children

    * It produces many physical and medical problems

    * It increases antibiotic resistance among many patients

    * It can make many people sterile or infertile

    * It contains many harmful chemicals like mercury and aluminium

    * It lacks scientific, independent evidence of efficacy and safety

    * It contains many haraam substances for the 1600 million Muslims in the world (the latest of which is the vaccine for Meningitis for the Muslim Pilgrims who are going to Hajj was found to contain pork, which is harram.)

    * It also contains substances which are prohibited for Jews, Hindus and vegetariansIt is unhygienic and full of filth

    * It wastes trillions of dollars and is making the people and governments in poor third world countries poorer and more in debt, and the drug companies filthy rich

    * It is medically unethical, as it took us away from dealing with the causes of the diseases and work on prevention. It is a very wrong medical practice to use a vaccine against every ill

    * It lacks transparency and informed consent. Most parents, the public, and even doctors are not aware of its harms, ingredients and cost

    * A rising number of doctors, health professionals and parents are joining the campaign against vaccination (websites below)

    We have many natural ways to build a natural strong immune system to fight most infections
    We have many natural, safe alternativesIncredibly, the Big Pharma producers of vaccines are exempt from any liability or prosecution, regardless of the number of people who die or are injuredOur innocent children are suffering and they gave no consent at all for the vaccines forced on them. This constitutes a medical assault
    Web Resources

    Muslim site containing a wealth of health and vaccine information http://www.missionislam.com/health
    HeathyMuslim.com http://www.healthymuslim.com
    International Medical Council on Vaccination http://www.vaccinationcouncil.org

    Oh it get's a lot more interesting...

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    Immunizations - Harmful to your Child or Not? By Dr. Aisha Hamdan

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    Re: Immunizations - Harmful to your Child or Not? By Dr. Aisha Hamdan

    SPECIAL REPORT - THE NEEDLE & THE DAMAGE DONE - http://www.wddty.com

    10 September 2011

    Before it reaches its first birthday, a baby born in America will be given 26 innoculations as part of the most intensive vaccination programme in the world—and it is the least likely of any child born in a developed country to reach the age of one. This pattern is repeated in every nation with a concentrated immunization
    schedule, demonstrating a direct link between the numbers of doses given in the first year of life and infant death rates. The US has the worst infant mortality rate of 34 countries assessed in a new research study, with 6.22 infants out of 1000 dying before the age of one. As around 4 million babies are born each year in the US, this means that 24,800 will die before their first birthday, and many could be the result of over-vaccination. This is the worst infant mortality rate of all the developed nations.

    It’s a far different picture from that presented by the US National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program which, last year, accepted that only 107 children had died as a direct result of a vaccine, and paid out $110 million in compensation to the families.

    Researchers Neil Miller and Gary Goldman, who carried out the study, believe that many vaccine-related deaths are being ‘reclassified’ to obscure any such association. They suggest, for instance, that some infant deaths attributed to ‘sudden infant death syndrome’ (SIDS) are the result of over-vaccination. There is also evidence that the true harm that vaccines cause has never been published, and that drug companies and health regulators have colluded in the cover-up—possibly due to the belief that vaccines are a force for good, and that any harm they cause is far outweighed by their benefits.

    However, there are two other possibilities for a cover-up. Any suggestion that multiple vaccinations could be harmful—or, worse, a killer—would spread doubt among parents who are always being assured by doctors that vaccines are safe, and compensation costs would put an enormous strain on a public purse that is already being tightened.

    Over-vaccination appears to be the major problem—as was seen among the soldiers who suffered from Gulf War syndrome after being given an accelerated cocktail of vaccines.

    But there is something else that is being added to this already toxic brew. Former drug-company researcher Helen Ratajczak has discovered that 23 different vaccines given to infants contain human DNA. Of these, the polio vaccination, which is developed in human fetal tissue, is given to babies at the age of two months.

    Infant deaths

    Miller and Goldman’s research draws a direct line between the intensity of a nation’s vaccination
    programme and its infant mortality rate. Close behind the US in their 34-nation survey is Cuba, which administers 22 vaccine doses to infants under the age of 12 months, and has a mortality rate of 5.82 per 1000

    Factfile: The bottom 10

    Here are the 10 developed countries, out of a selection of 34, with the worst infant
    mortality rates.

    Position Country (no. of shots) IMR/1000
    34 United States (26) 6.22
    33 Cuba (22) 5.82
    32 San Marino (18) 5.53
    31 Italy (19) 5.51
    30 Greece (23) 5.16
    29 Ireland (23) 5.05
    28 Canada (24) 5.04
    27 Monaco (23) 5.00
    26 New Zealand (17) 4.92
    25 United Kingdom (19) 4.85

    IMR/1000: infant mortality rates per 1000 children; numbers in parentheses signify the
    number of vaccine shots given in the first year of life in the nation’s vaccination programme

    Source: CIA. Country Comparisons: Infant mortality rate (2009).
    The World Factbook (http://www.cia.gov)

    The UK also fares badly; its infants are given 19 vaccine doses in their first year, and it stands 25th in the table of worst infant mortality rates with 4.85 deaths per 1000.

    Conversely, Sweden and Japan have two of the lowest infant mortality rates—2.75/1000 and 2.79/1000, respectively—and they include just 12 doses in their national vaccination programmes, the lowest in the survey. On average, infant mortality rates were 3.36/1000 in nations that had 12–14 doses in their
    vaccination programmes, 3.89 for 15–17 doses, 4.28 for 18–20 doses and 5.19 for 24–26 doses
    (Hum Exp Toxicol, 2011; doi: 10.1177/0960327111407644).

    The SIDS connection

    If vaccines are a major cause of infant death, especially in the developed world, why hasn’t this been picked up before? Miller and Goldman believe that other causes—especially SIDS—are being cited, and it is also possible that over-vaccination may be playing a participatory role in the deaths even if it’s not the sole cause.
    SIDS—or ‘crib death’, as it was once called—was such a rare phenomenon in the 1960s that it was not even included in the list of possible causes of infant death. Then, towards the end of the decade, a vaccination programme was introduced and, for the first time, American infants were required to have the DPT [diphtheria–tetanus–pertussis(whooping cough)], polio and MMR (measles–mumps–rubella) jabs. By 1969, a new cause of infant death—dubbed ‘sudden infant death syndrome’ or SIDS—had entered the medical lexicon, and it was sufficiently prevalent by 1973 to be included in the US National Center for Health Statistics. By 1980, it had become the leading cause of death among infants aged from 28 days to one year in the US (Pediatrics, 2002; 109:274–83).

    The average annual SIDS rate fell by 8.6 per cent between 1992 and 2001 following the success of the ‘back to sleep’ campaign, where babies were placed on their backs for sleeping. However, critics argued that this supposed decrease was achieved by merely massaging the figures. Other inexplicable causes of death
    among newborns—such as ‘suffocation in bed’, ‘suffocation–other’ and ‘unknown and unspecified causes’—increased dramatically. Rates of ‘suffocation in bed’ alone rose by more than 11 per cent, and the overall increase in the other categories more than wiped out any reduction achieved by the campaign.
    SIDS is defined as ‘the sudden and unexpected death of an infant which remains unexplained after a thorough investigation’ and, although specific symptoms are not detected, autopsies have often discovered congestion and oedema of the lungs, and inflammation in the respiratory tract (National Center for Health
    Statistics. Vital Statistics of the United States 1988, volume II, Mortality, Part A. Washington, DC: Public Health Service, 1991).

    One study revealed that two thirds of SIDS victims had been given the DPT vaccination. Of these, 6.5 per cent died within 12 hours of vaccination, 13 per cent within 24 hours and 26 per cent within three days. The researcher concluded that the vaccine “may be a generally unrecognized major cause of sudden infant and early childhood death, and that the risks of immunization may outweigh its potential benefits

    (Presentation at the 34th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Neurology, April 25–May 1, 1982, Washington, DC).
    Other researchers discovered a similar pattern. One study found that the SIDS mortality rate was 7.3 times higher in the first three days following DPT vaccination compared with the 30-day-plus period (Am J Public Health, 1987; 77:945–51), a conclusion shared by another research team which estimated that the risk increased eightfold during the first three days following vaccination (Am JEpidemiol, 1992; 136: 121–35).

    The immune system

    Doctors reassure parents that their babies can withstand multiple vaccinations—but their advice is at odds with biology. Vaccination programmes tend to start at the age of two months when the DPT, polio and the 5-in-1 DTaP/IPV/Hib jab are administered, but this is also a critical point in the development of the immune system. Although specific immune functions are competent, many cellular activities are not fully operational, and the overall immune system is compromised at that age. Yet, this immature immune system is supposed to handle vaccines that have been grown in human fetal tissue, which introduces alien DNA into the body. The polio vaccine, administered to a two-month-old baby, is developed that way, as are 22 other vaccines. Helen Ratajczak, formerly a researcher with Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, discovered that the rubella component of the MMR jab and the chickenpox vaccine are both prepared with human DNA (J Immunotoxicol, 2011; 8: 68–79).

    Overall, many millions of lines of vaccine have been developed from the lung cells of aborted human fetuses since 1961 in the US and 1966 in the UK— although this has never been revealed to parents when seeking their consent for vaccination. These living hosts are essential elements in the manufacture of antiviral vaccinations.

    This throws up an ethical dilemma for pro-life parents, and it also presents a potential biological hazard. Swiss researchers at the University of Geneva discovered that RNA taken from frogs’ hearts could interlink with bacterial DNA in a process known as ‘transcession’, where information is exchanged between two genetic materials (World Medicine,1971; September 22, 69–72). Dr Maurice Stroun, who headed up the study, said: “Since we know that no bacteria got into the frog hearts, we can only conclude that the bacterial DNA must have been exuded from the bacteria and absorbed by the animal cells.” Other scientists have also observed such a process. In one study where a virus was passed through cell cultures 24 times, researchers noted regular insertions and deletions in the virus, suggesting that the virus exchanged genetic material with the tissues in which it was cultured (Virus Res, 1987; 7: 335–49).

    These results were replicated at a research laboratory in Geneva, where researchers introduced human cells into bacterial DNA (Ann N Y Acad Sci, 2004; 1022: 195–201).

    Scientists speculate that trancession is the cause of heart damage following rheumatic fever and bacterial infections. Dr Howard Urnovitz, of the University of Michigan, who has studied genetic mutations caused by vaccines, argues that our body has a ‘genetic memory’ of foreign substances it encounters, including vaccines.

    However, there is a limit to the amount the body can handle before genetic damage occurs or progresses to chronic disease. That limit varies from person to person, depending on his or her unique immune capability.

    Urnovitz’s theory would explain why over-vaccination could result in chronic disease or even death. As Dr Harold Buttram, a specialist in environmental medicine, has commented: “The implications of this work on transcession are enormous and reflect something that may be commonly taking place in human bodies. From the standpoint of future generations, the possibility that vaccines may be bringing about genetic hybridization in our children may represent far and away the greatest hazard of today’s childhood vaccine programmes.”

    Factfile: Vaccines for the young

    Infants in the UK are expected to have the following
    vaccine schedule by the time they reach their first
     At two months
     The 5-in-1 (DTaP/IPV/Hib), to protect against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (whooping cough), polio
    and Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib), first dose
     Pneumococcal infection, first dose
     At three months
     The 5-in-1, second dose
     Meningitis C, first dose
     At four months
     The 5-in-1, third dose
     Pneumococcal infection, second dose
     Meningitis C, second dose
     By 12–13 months
     Meningitis C, second dose
     Hib, fourth dose
     MMR (measles–mumps–rubella), given as a single jab
     Pneumococcal infection, third dose

    -Source: National Health Service

    Other problems

    Buttram, Ratajczak and others believe that the early introduction of alien DNA via vaccination into an immature immune system could be responsible for a range of chronic childhood conditions.

    American paediatrician Dr Kenneth Brock has coined the term the ‘four-A disorders’— autism, ADHD, asthma and allergies—to describe the major problems that together affect around a third of all children in the US (Bock K, Stauth C. Healing the New Childhood Epidemics. New York:Ballantine Books, 2007).

    Sudden, and sharp, increases in all four childhood conditions happened around 20 years ago, and coincided with the introduction of the MMR II and chickenpox vaccines, which are both developed in human fetal tissue.

    Between 1983 and 1990, when the take-up of the new MMR vaccine increased, the incidence of autism in the US spiked from four cases per 10,000 children to one case per 500 children. By 1988, two doses of MMR II were being given.

    A similar pattern was seen in the UK where MMR II was used for the first time in 1988; in that year, autism rates jumped alarmingly to one per 64 children. Canada, Denmark and Japan reported similar phenomena. A second spike in autism levels happened in 1995 with the introduction of the new chickenpox vaccine, also developed in human fetal tissue (J Immunotoxicol, 2011; 8: 68–79).

    Today, the autism rate in the US stands at one in every 100 children, and at one in 86 children in the UK.

    Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has increased by 400 per cent in the past 20 years, and affects around 3.5 million American children and 500,000 in the UK. Again, a similar pattern that coincides with the introduction of MMR II and the chickenpox vaccines can be traced. Over the same time period, asthma cases increased by 300 per cent and allergies by 400 per cent in children.

    Factfile: The developing world

    In the developing nations, the figures are far worse, as would be expected and, yet, the association between intensive vaccination programmes and high infant death rates persists.

    Gambia and Mongolia have a 22-dose programme and infant mortality rates of 68.8 and 39.9 per 1000, respectively. However,many of these deaths could also be caused by contaminated water, malnutrition and poor hygiene.

    These other possible causes of death were taken into account in one study in Guinea-Bissau in West Africa, which has one of the highest infant mortality rates in the world. The study involved 15,351 children, born between 1990 and 1996, who were monitored by Dutch researchers during the recommended vaccination programme. The children were given the polio and BCG (tuberculosis) vaccinations at birth, the DTP vaccination at age six, 10 and 14 weeks, and the measles inoculation at nine months.

    The researchers found that the BCG and measles vaccines had beneficial effects, and halved the mortality rate. However, the death rate increased 1.84 times among children given the DPT and polio vaccines (BMJ, 2000; 321: 1435–8).

    A cover-up?

    Although the alarming explosion of cases of the four-A disorders correlates with the introduction of vaccines processed in human fetal tissue, it does not provide definitive proof of a causal connection.

    Neurosurgeon Russell Blaylock, who has studied the impact of vaccination on children’s neurological development, believes that researchers have never been encouraged to look for a link because no one even accepts the possibility. As the UK National Health Service emphatically advises parents on its NHS Choices website, “There is no evidence that having more than one vaccine at a time will adversely affect you or your child’s health. There is also no limit to the number of vaccines you can have in your life.” - (yeah right!!!)

    On the very rare occasions that research has examined any possible reactions, the results may be massaged or lost. Dr Blaylock cites one occasion of a cover-up between vaccine manufacturers and health regulators when they were presented with evidence that the vaccines caused neurodevelopmental disorders and ADD
    (attention-deficit disorder).

    In 2000, a private meeting was held between 51 scientists— including representatives from vaccine manufacturers—and US government health officials to discuss the alarming findings of a vaccine safety study prepared by Dr Thomas Verstraeten.

    The study analyzed the reactions in 110,000 children from four regions, or health maintenance organizations (HMOs), after vaccination. In particular, Verstraeten and his research team were monitoring the effects of thimerosal, an ethylmercury compound that was used as a preservative in vaccines until 2000.
    Astonishingly, the ‘controls’ for the study were children who had been given lower doses of thimerosal rather than children who had not been exposed at all. The results were nonetheless worrying. ‘Misery and unhappiness disorder’—where babies cry uncontrollably and are fretful—was significantly higher in babies given a thimerosalcontaining vaccine at one month, and the disorder was worse in babies given the higher doses of
    the mercury. There was also a “significant increased risk” of ADD and, by three months, there was a clear increased risk of neurodevelopmental disorders, including speech problems (Medical Veritas, 2008; 5: 1714–26).

    Yet, when the study was finally published three years later, the reactions had all but disappeared and the effects were described as “insignificant” (Pediatrics, 2003; 112:1039–48). pfft. In those years, a fifth HMO—the Harvard Pilgrimage— was added to the study, but children receiving the highest dose of thimerosal were excluded and the study entry parameters were altered.

    US Congressman Dave Weldon, who read the original study, told the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) of his concerns about the inclusion of the Harvard Pilgrimage group as it was in receivership, and its records were “a shambles”. Weldon wanted to release the original data to independent researcher Dr Mark Geier for reanalysis, but the CDC reported that the datasets had been “lost”. Verstraeten’s own provenance was also ambivalent; in the published study, he described himself as an employee of the CDC and, yet, at the time that he was preparing the study, he worked for GlaxoSmithKline, the manufacturer of one of the vaccines being analyzed. In his commentary, Dr Blaylock cautions against blaming thimerosal—it is now used only in flu vaccines—and says that the real culprit is the intensive vaccine programme itself. “Too many vaccines are being given to children during the brain’s most rapid growth period,” he writes (Medical Veritas,2008; 5: 1714–26).

    The path to hell

    During the meeting with drug company representatives in 2000, the CDC’s head of vaccine safety, Dr Robert Chen, stated that “the issue is that it is impossible, unethical, to leave kids unimmunized, so you will never, ever resolve that issue [of vaccine safety].”
    Indeed, this belief would propel a cover-up of any damage, or even deaths, that the vaccines might cause. These children would be collateral damage—the unfortunate victims of a programme that benefits the vast majority, or so our health regulators believe. But suppose that the intensive vaccine programme, and the way the vaccines are manufactured, combine to kill many thousands of infants around the world every year, and are also causing long term chronic health problems in up to a third of our children. Do the scales then shift and the harm begin to outweigh any benefits?
    The path to hell may indeed be paved with good intentions.

    Bryan Hubbard

    There is more.

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    Re: Immunizations - Harmful to your Child or Not? By Dr. Aisha Hamdan

    Cancer vaccine warning

    By Jennifer Hough

    Monday, August 30, 2010

    MEET the Gardasil girls. They are from Florida and Wisconsin, Texas and Tennessee, New Mexico, New Zealand and Australia.

    There’s Savanna from Ohio, Kahlia from New Zealand, and Kristyn from Washington State. They are just a handful of the girls whose pretty smiling faces peer back from the website Sanevax.org.

    What binds them together? Suspected serious adverse reactions to cervical cancer vaccine Gardasil, and the fact that they were all perfectly healthy prior to receiving the vaccine.

    Savanna was 12 when she got the vaccine. Since then her list of symptoms has included vision problems, twitching, numbness, memory loss, trouble concentrating, confusion, brain fog (can’t find the right words), trouble breathing, sleep paralysis (can’t move upon first waking) and hair loss.

    Her mother spends almost every waking moment trying to warn people. Her mission is to make sure no one else has to watch their child go through the traumatic, life-changing events her daughter has experienced.

    And there’s Kristyn Allen. On March 2009, the day after her 16th birthday, she received her second Gardasil injection. Shortly after, she started complaining about odd symptoms and eventually ended up in the emergency room. She was having severe pain in both legs, tingling sensations in both legs and one arm, and terrible weakness. Multiple blood tests and a CT scan could uncover no reason for the symptoms.

    Her list of symptoms now includes back pain from her neck to her feet, terrible pressure in her head, involuntary muscle spasms, nausea, diarrhoea, weight loss, severe fatigue, chest pains, rib pain, rapid heart beat, dizziness, vision problems, difficulty breathing, brain fog and hair loss.

    There’s also 17-year-old Kahlia, who says her family have suggested Gardasil as a cause for her illnesses to the doctors. "They will not say it is 100% the cause, because they cannot prove it. On the other hand, they can’t say it’s not 100% the cause, because they cannot prove that either."

    Jessica Ericzon was one of the first recorded Gardasil-associated fatalities. Until receiving her third injection of HPV vaccine, Jessica was healthy, happy, active, never smoked or took drugs. On February 20, 2008, less than 48 hours after her last Gardasil shot, her parents found her dead on the bathroom floor. She was only 17. According to her coroner, the death was unexplainable.

    Speaking to the Irish Examiner, Scottish political activist and Sanevax.org co-founder Freda Birrell said it was imperative people were aware of the risks, even if there were not being taken seriously by politicians and the drug company.

    Birrell told the Irish Examiner that politicians here were "closing their ears" to the other side of the story in relation to the vaccine. Ms Birrell, who has written to Minister for Health Mary Harney, said if there are no serious adverse reactions associated with the vaccine’s use in Ireland, it will be the only country in which it has not happened.

    In March, Birell, who is working for a formal investigation, along with five other campaigners, addressed the US Food and Drug Authority (FDA). During the teleconference with several FDA officials, the women presented documents, charts and discussed details of the cases they have collected from various countries in hopes of convincing the agency to take a tougher look at the Merck product.

    However, the FDA remains satisfied these events are rare, coincidental and probably not related to HPV vaccines. It insists underlying conditions must have caused the reactions.

    More worryingly, no one in this country seems to be aware of the possible side affects of Gardasil, and no one is warning parents of the possible dangers so they can make an informed decision on the issue.

    For those who might be sceptical about the claims of the "Gardasil girls" and campaigners like Birrell, it is worth looking at an extraordinary turn of events in India this year.

    In April, the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) ordered the nation’s Health Ministry immediately to suspend a cervical cancer vaccination programme after reports of four deaths and 120 complications in girls receiving Merck’s Gardasil. The move came after concerned NGOs and activists submitted a memo to the health minister claiming: "It is beyond doubt the worst case of human rights violation, where young healthy girls have to die for being part of a state-endorsed experiment, initiated by a profit-making private company."

    All of those given the vaccine were from poverty-stricken regions. The girls complained of stomach disorders, epilepsy, headaches and early menstrual cycles. But, while administration of the vaccine has been suspended "as a precautionary measure", the ICMR insist the girls died of extraneous reasons, not due to the vaccine.

    Dr Diane Harper, who carried out safety and effectiveness studies to get Gardasil approved, and has been a paid speaker and consultant to Merck, wrote about the incident in a Discovery Medicine article. "The most disquieting objection to the programme, voiced by over 70 civil society groups, public health organisations, medical professionals, human rights organisations, women’s groups and others, was the lack of information provided to the public so that each participant could be afforded the opportunity for informed decision making about their cervical cancer protection."

    This desire for information is not limited to India. With the vaccine set to be rolled out fully in Irish schools next month, Dr Harper’s article, which reviews the current information on cervical cancer prevention, is surely a must read for the Department of Health, the HSE, parents and schools. There are very real concerns and taking the word of the drug company who made, tested and marketed the product is not good enough.

    No one can prove why all these young girls are getting sick and worse dying, but they and their families, and sometimes their doctors, believe it could be because of the vaccine.

    Birrell maintains the denial will go on because of the power big-pharmaceutical companies have.

    "The simple truth is we don’t want there to be any Irish stories telling of more young girls being harmed by Gardasil," she said. "How many more deaths and how many more serious illnesses will they ignore before they ask for an investigation? These young lives are precious and should be protected, not ignored."

    Ms Birrell says the women have requested a second meeting with the FDA, which she says, treats them "with respect". She maintains that along with the reported adverse reactions, there must be a raft which are going un-reported. "As we told the FDA, it is not normal for young healthy teenagers to get sick or just drop dead. If there are no serious adverse reactions associated with the vaccine in Ireland, it will be the only country without any side effects."

    Indeed, it is estimated VAERS reports only make up a small percentage of actual bad reactions.

    Here a HIQA report, much misquoted as it has been, clearly states: "Vaccination against HPV infection does not get rid of the need for routine cervical cancer screening, as the vaccines only target the two HPV types that cause seven out of ten cases of cervical cancer.

    "Also, the vaccines may not be 100% effective, their long-term efficacy has not yet been established in clinical trials longer than five years, and the vaccines are not effective in women already infected with those specific types of HPV."

    According to Dr Harper, 11 to 12 year olds are not promised protection until they leave the age range for highest acquisition of high risk HPV infections, which is 36. So, even if there was a chance it would last 15 years – which is highly unlikely – girls vaccinated at 12 still would not be fully protected. As things stand, there is no evidence showing it remains effective beyond five years.

    "This makes Gardasil very expensive with very limited, if any, clinical benefit," Dr Harper said.

    Indeed, such is the mis-information around the marketing of these vaccines (there is another Cervarix which Britain opted for) there are fears women will believe they are fully protected from cervical cancer by getting it, and so will not continue with essential screenings.

    Officially, Gardasil is deemed to be safe by all the regulatory bodies. The current post-marketing commitment between Merck and the FDA is to recognise a rate of serious adverse events that exceed two in 10,000 women in a cohort of 44,000 women who have received all three doses of Gardasil. This means any serious reactions which do not satisfy this clause will not be acted upon – even if they are as severe as death.

    In her yet unpublished survey assessing all published research relating to the safety of the vaccine, Dr Harper stresses that independent scientists and clinicians reports of bad reactions are a valid source of information, and are of great value for safety issues.

    What the end result of what Dr Harper calls a "public health experiment" will be no one knows. But one thing is clear, the HPV vaccine is unnecessary as it does not prevent cervical cancer.


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    Re: Immunizations - Harmful to your Child or Not? By Dr. Aisha Hamdan

    format_quote Originally Posted by Scimitar View Post
    Sis Bluebell. I only pasted excerpts that were relevant... but you know I also posted links, and the info within is "leaked" from the BIG PHARMA's... and VALID.

    I ask you to take a look at the reports and then comment. Or choose to stay oblivious to that which is a bane in the industry you are involved in.


    EDIT: for the sake of keeping it on topic, a short excerpt from the (kinda dark) history of vaccinations:
    "Big Pharma' isn't going to leak something and withhold it from the Medical community.
    When I say I need research & scientific articles from an esteemed journal I mean something that comes looking like this:

    15026225 - Immunizations - Harmful to your Child or Not? By Dr. Aisha Hamdan

    with tables of statistics like this so I can sort through the data:
    80667741 - Immunizations - Harmful to your Child or Not? By Dr. Aisha Hamdan

    and articles that look like this:
    39800586 - Immunizations - Harmful to your Child or Not? By Dr. Aisha Hamdan

    I don't take my information on something this serious and this personal from various quotes posted on the web. It took me personally a very long time to actually understand how to read and interpret data. Statistics & Epidemiology wasn't my strong suit but had to learn it because if ever a person needs to understand how to toss or keep research data, THE NUMBERS NOT THE WORDS ARE WHAT MATTER...

    Immunizations - Harmful to your Child or Not? By Dr. Aisha Hamdan

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    Re: Immunizations - Harmful to your Child or Not? By Dr. Aisha Hamdan

    format_quote Originally Posted by Scimitar View Post
    The study analyzed the reactions in 110,000 children from four regions, or health maintenance organizations (HMOs), after vaccination. In particular, Verstraeten and his research team were monitoring the effects of thimerosal, an ethylmercury compound that was used as a preservative in vaccines until 2000.
    Astonishingly, the ‘controls’ for the study were children who had been given lower doses of thimerosal rather than children who had not been exposed at all. The results were nonetheless worrying. ‘Misery and unhappiness disorder’—where babies cry uncontrollably and are fretful—was significantly higher in babies given a thimerosalcontaining vaccine at one month, and the disorder was worse in babies given the higher doses of
    the mercury. There was also a “significant increased risk” of ADD and, by three months, there was a clear increased risk of neurodevelopmental disorders, including speech problems (Medical Veritas, 2008; 5: 1714–26).
    If you have any idea what sort of concoctions that they put in those vaccines, you will feel like throwing up. But anyhow, as for mercury laced thimerosal that they put in those vaccines as preservatives, there is no such thing as low exposure measure for mercury.

    To not finding the real facts of vaccines, then the deaths of millions upon millions in Africa from the AIDS alone is not enough evidence to see their genocidal agenda? THen what does it take to see for what it really is. That's a great travesty against humankind.

    Let's take a peek at the common 'INGREDIENTS' of vaccines and see whether they whet your appetite:

    ammonium sulfate
    amphotecirin B
    animal tissues (eg: monkey kidney, chick embryo, eggs)
    calf (bovine serum)
    fetal bovine serum
    human diploid cells (from aborted human fetal tissue)
    monosodium glutamate (MSG)
    phenoxethanol (antifreeze)
    VERO cells (continous lines of monkey kidney cells)
    thimerosal (mercury)
    porcine (pig) pancreatic hydrolsate of casein
    washed sheep red blood cells

    all of the above is nasty stuff.

    To think that western medicine has gotten to the stage where Pig hearts and Monkey cells are used to "fix" humans... just think:

    Bukhari 7.494B:
    Narrated Abu 'Amir or Abu Malik Al-Ash'ari:
    that he heard the Prophet saying, "From among my followers there will be some people who will consider illegal sexual intercourse, the wearing of silk, the drinking of alcoholic drinks and the use of musical instruments, as lawful. And there will be some people who will stay near the side of a mountain and in the evening their shepherd will come to them with their sheep and ask them for something, but they will say to him, 'Return to us tomorrow.' Allahwill destroy them during the night and will let the mountain fall on them, andHe will transform the rest of them into monkeys and pigs and they will remain so till the Day of Resurrection."

    Abu Dawud, Book 32, Number 4028:
    Narrated Abu Amir or Abu Malik:
    AbdurRahman ibn Ghanam al-Ash'ari said: Abu Amir or Abu Malik told me--I swear by Allah another oath that he did not believe me that he heard the Apostle of Allah say: There will be among my community people who will make lawful (the use of) khazz and silk. Some of them will be transformed into apes and swine.

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    Re: Immunizations - Harmful to your Child or Not? By Dr. Aisha Hamdan

    There's something wrong with the forum again, I can't see the last page.. so I don't if you can see this or if it is loading for you:

    Immunizations - Harmful to your Child or Not? By Dr. Aisha Hamdan

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    Re: Immunizations - Harmful to your Child or Not? By Dr. Aisha Hamdan

    Yes I can see it, the last post on that page is yours. Sis, I posted articles from Doctors who know their stuff. Not being a Doctor myself, you cannot ask me to give you the specific data you request. However, you can deduce that the Doctors who wrote the articles I posted - did not come to their conclusions willy nilly, but thru a sound process, one which you yourself are willing to do...

    ...You don't have to accept what I have posted, all I'm saying is that there is plenty of evidence to suggest that the pharma industry is a joke where they laugh longest and hardest, while babies cry til they sometimes die.

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    Re: Immunizations - Harmful to your Child or Not? By Dr. Aisha Hamdan

    A list of vaccines and their ingredients:


    A list of TOXIC substances:


    How many of the TOXIC substances do you find in the list of vaccine ingredients? Why would anyone knowingly inject even one of these into themselves or into their children...especially a newborn infant who weighs less than 10 lbs?

    Toxins are cumulative...they build up over time and are very difficult if not impossible to remove. I'd rather take my chances with these "killer" diseases.

    Also, some of the more "benign" ingredients can be and probably are derived from GMOs: citric acid; dextrose; sucrose; fructose; vitamins; gelatin (from GMO grain-fed animals - possibly derived from pork?); albumin/egg protein (from eggs - GMO grain-fed chickens?); etc,. etc.

    EEK! Look at the vaccine for Zoster (Shingles - Zostavax) - "hydrolyzed porcine gelatin" Porcine = PIG/PORK!

    Human diploid cells...from ABORTED fetuses? Really? Do you really want this in your body? Abortion, last I knew, was haraam. Do you want to support this horrible atrocity by allowing this sick disgusting thing into your body or the bodies of your children/loved ones?

    No thanks! Not I!
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    Re: Immunizations - Harmful to your Child or Not? By Dr. Aisha Hamdan

    The floowing is from the Britist medical Journal Website:

    Scandals - Does rubella vaccination prevent congenital rubella syndrome?

    Vaccination is known to result in a subclinical or mild case of the disease for which one is being vaccinated against.
    Rubella (German measles) is a disease for which there is a widely used vaccine. (It is generally administered via the MMR vaccine.) It is, in itself, a mild, often evensubclinical disease. The reason it is recommended/mandated is to protect the developing fetus, which if it is exposed to the virus during a critical period while still in the womb, can develop a serious condition called congenital rubella syndrome.

    There is evidence that the rubella vaccinated, including pregnant women, are getting subclinical cases of rubella, just as is the rest of the population. What does vaccination accomplish if all it does is result in a subclinical case of an already mild or subclinical disease? Moreover, what does vaccination accomplish if previously vaccinated pregnant women not only can get subclinical cases of rubella, but that such a cases can result in congenital rubella syndrome (CRS)?

    Unfortunately rubella vaccine immunity also appears to wane over time. On the other hand, natural immunity to rubella is thought to generally be lifelong.
    Would it not be better to expose children, particularly non-immune teenage girls, to rubella in order to increase the likelihood that one would be immune during pregnancy, rather than to risk the possibility of getting rubella while pregnant? As Dr. Hugh Paul stated in "The Control of Diseases", which was written in 1964, before formulation of the rubella vaccine, "The disease (rubella) cannot be prevented, and in view of its very mild character, and the possibility that it may have catastrophic effects if contracted by an expectant mother, it is questionable if it should be prevented in childhood and adolescence even if this were possible. It has been suggested that female children should be deliberately exposed to infection in order to achieve a life-long immunity from the disease and possibly from malformation in the offspring in later life. This idea is not an unreasonable one... Rubella does not kill, and even complications are uncommon."

    And if rubella during pregnancy is often subclinical among the vaccinated, how diligent are we being in evaluating newborns for congenital rubella syndrome sinceserological testing is necessary to confirm CRS and often even rubella itself?

    There are a number of symptoms associated with the condition. Two of the possible symptoms are "developmental delay" and hearing loss, both of which might not be noticed immediately. Are we assuming something isn't congenital rubella syndrome simply because the mother was vaccinated? Are we testing every infant or child who shows "developmental delay" or hearing loss for CRS?

    The textbook "Vaccines" lists a group of "prominent clinical findings in congenital rubella syndrome". Among them are autism and diabetes. Are we testing every infant and child with autism or diabetes for CRS?
    Some of these conditions, including autism and diabetes, are even thought to be on the rise. The question was just raised whether we might be assuming conditions cannot be related to pregnancy-acquired rubella merely because of widespread rubella vaccination. Are we even doing this with conditions thought to be increasing?

    Could these increases possibly even have something to do with rubella vaccine causing more women of child-bearing age to be vulnerable to the disease, now that they no longer achieve natural immunity during childhood?

    Are we conducting laboratory testing of every infant or child who shows one or more of the numerous symptoms associated with CRS? If not, isn't it possible that we have been overestimating rubella vaccine's success in eliminating congenital rubella syndrome? Of even more concern, might rubella vaccine be at least partly responsible for the rising incidence of some CRS-associated conditions?

    Sandy Mintz

    Source: http://www.bmj.com/rapid-response/2011/10/29/does-rubella-vaccination-prevent-congenital-rubella-syndrome

    ...gotta admit, there is loads more - from irrefutable sources.

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