as salaam alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatu,

summerda3wapt7 - ::RM Summer Da3wa Tour:: ~NYC~

Revolution Muslim will be, inshallah, giving da3wa in the NYC area this summer and would like to present an opportunity for individuals to participate. Brothers and Sisters dedicated to seeing the aqeedah of ahlhus sunnah wa jamaah spread thought the North American community can help by logging on to's forum and joining the discussion on each topic that may inshallah be posted soon.
We would like to include the opinions of Muslims about each of the topics below and discuss the platform. In addition, those that may have competent knowledge could participate by presenting a segment of the street da3wa.
Of course, we also always need sadaqah to advance our mission and there are many other ways you can help by donating equipment, production expertise, making posters fliers, etcetera.
We believe that a jamaah must function like one and would appreciate all input into this project. Inshallah, it would put revolutionmuslim and the aqeedah of ahluhus sunnah as taught by Sheikh Faisal (HA) in competition with the deviant religious teachings of U.S. imams and leaders.
There is no one carrying the banner of tauhid in its truest sense in the U.S. at this time and we ask for your support and assistance.

Please remember us in your duaas.
Younus Abdullah Muhammad
Yousef Al-Khattab
Abu Sabah -


Islam is the Solution - outside 96th street mosque
Morality in the West - Times Square - 42nd Street
U.S. Foreign Policy - World Trade Center
Side Effects of Globalization - Diamond District
Central Banking - Federal Reserve
International Affairs - UN Building
Interest Based Economies - Wall Street
Monotheism and Religion - St. Patrick's Cathedral