header 1 - Annual Muslim Conference - "Allah's Messenger"

In a time of uncertainty and confusion, where the truth is covered up, propaganda and misinformation are the message of mass media there has never been a greater need for certainty, clarity and guidance.

There is only one man who can offer the world the peace, justice and the solutions it requires. That is Muhammad, Allah’s Messenger (sallallah alaihi wa sallam). His is the only legacy that remains to influence over a billion followers around world. As the most significant personality in history it is no surprise that he has enemies.

It is not the person rather the message which they dislike. His message is timeless and for all people in all places.

Come and discover how you can increase your love for the Messenger and defend him. See how you can gain his company.

Ummah Voice presents

Allah’s Messenger (sallallah alaihi wa sallam)

A full day conference packed with lectures on the exceptional character and inspiring examples from the life of Allah’s Messenger.

Tickets: £5 @ the door

Stalls and Food available at the event


TRAILER: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=2zwA3rfR8Ss