Al Kauthar Institute Presents
The Best Of The Best

Sheikh Bilal Ismail
2nd - 3rd April

“ And the foremost of the Muhâjireen and the Ansâr and those who followed them. Allâh is well-pleased with them as they are well-pleased with Him. He has prepared for them Gardens under which rivers flow, to dwell therein forever. That is the supreme success” [At-Tawbah:10

The Messenger said “Hold onto my sunnah and the sunnah of the rightly guided caliphs” [Abu dawood]

Ibn al Jawzi said “ The Salaf would teach their children the love of Abu Bakr and Umar as they would teach them a surah of the Quran”

Masrooq said “Love for Abu Bakr and Umar and knowledge of their virtues are from the sunnah”

AlKauthar Institute is pleased to present a detailed study of the lives of the giants of Islam, a journey through the golden era of Islam.

Be with them before Islam, as aids to the Messenger, as defenders of his honour and person, as followers of the letter, as leaders continuing the message.

Learn and study the unique traits that made each a leader par excellence.

Learn their manners and behavior, their faith and resolve, their social and political outlooks - their lives from beginning to end.

The history of the Caliphs is the History of Islam - They gave their lives and blood; you can give your time!!!

The Best of the Best is unique in its teaching of History because it:
• Emphasizes authenticity to the highest degree from the works of some of the best muhaqiqeen
• Encourages passionate discourse about the effect of each of the major incidents
• Encourages critical analysis of the series of events and attempts to draw the maximum benefit from each
• Attempts to paint a complete picture of their life
• Is filled with the most amazing details and benefits
• Includes a discussion of their family and social relationships
• Covers a discussion of major events which play a major role in Sunni-Shia polemics

Fore more info on the course:

or email: manchester[at]alkauthar[dot]org