Asalaam alaikum warahmatulah wabarakatuh

Were they Jinn??

On the mention of the brothers in the prisons of the interior, overhead tyrants [in the secret dungeons of Jordan], I find it of fidelity to mention a story that happened to my brother Abu Muhammad al Misri (may Allah have mercy on him).. and with the brother Abu Saleh (may Allah release him.):
They made brother Abu Saleh enter by mistake on a group of ghosts, in a place which was nothing less than a red hell, or the house of Jinns or the trash containers or gutters. What is important is that it was a place where there were no similitudes of men. There were people squatting, on them was nothing more than what what concealed their private parts, very long hairs, nails like the claws of a beast, and the smell of carrion was emanating from everything, and complete silence. A man carrying a weapon in his hand and a whip sat infront of them but he was away from them where he would not get affected by the smell, and they made my companion enter into this place.

He [Abu Baseer] said: When I saw that, my heart fell between my legs, and I felt a fear that was cutting my sides from their place, they made me sit beside one of them. I turned a little and tried to talk to one of them, and there wasn't (a response).

All of them, even the tears had stoned like the stoning of their sides, everything was silent, unmoving.

After several hours they called him and he understood that he was entered by mistake, and what he saw was not a scene from the fears of the Day of Judgement, and that he was really not in a coma or a painful, disturbing nightmare but what he saw were his [Muslim] brothers, one of the days before more than 20 years.. and others and from that time onwards till our this day and they are in this condition for more than 20 years, no talk nothing, no sun, no, no, no.

Extract From the book; Undead Warriors P30.

We ask Allah to ease the affairs of our brothers and sisters oppressed everywhere. ameen.