
I love this dua and nasheed from our local artist 'unic'. But the thing is the video i shared is in malay translations.

i found a link that share the meaning but i'm not sure its accuracy.

“Oh Allah, verily the time of Dhuha is but Your time of Dhuha, all beauty is but Your beauty, all strength is but Your strength, all power is but Your power and all protection is but Your protection.”

”Oh Allah, if my rezqi is still in the the skies, please let if down and if it’s still in the ground, please let it out. Please make it easier if it is hard, if it is haraam please make it halal and please make it nearer if it is still far away. The blessings of the time of Dhuha, Your greatness, Your beauty, Your strength and Your power; bestow upon us all that you have bestowed unto Your righteous servants.”