My friend made my life as happy as can be,
My friend is my Protector, He gives me the sense of security,
My friend is who i cry out to, when my life is full of stress,
My friend is the one who helps me sort out my worldly mess,
My friend is there to guide me,when i'm walking all alone,
My friend comes and picks me up, His favours always shown,
My friend catches my every tear and gives me unaccountable chances,
My friend is willing to forgive me when i can't fulfil his wish due to circumstances.
My friend is by my side and i often call out his name,
My friend is sometimes ignored by me, this puts me down to shame,
My friend wants me to praise Him and i'm willing to night and day,
My friend i wish wouild be pleased with me when to him i have to pray,
My friend has put together a book, He is the best author of all,
My friend always comes running to me whenever i give Him a call,
My friend ,Allah, is my Guardian who helps me along,
how i wish this friendship between us will always remain strong!!!