For anyone who wants lectures from the Ulamaa of Islaam and du'aat from the West, insha'Allaah you can find much of what you're looking for here:

*Note: All Arabic lectures are translated into English.

Plus: Anyone who wants to here Imaam Ibnul-Uthaymeen (rahimullaah) or Imaam Al-Albaanee (rahimullaah) read a surah (only one each, Al-Araaf and Yusuf respectively), you can find it here: Just go down to where it says: "Callaamah Moxamed Ibnu Saaxli Al-Cutheymiin
raximahullah", "Callamah Nasirudiin Al-albaani As-salafi as-sunni".

Bonus: Free lectures 24/7 at !

Enjoy. :]