Bismillah wasalaatu wasalaam alaa rasullulah

Look in the Mirror

For surely, the one who looks in the mirror and is able to see the truth, the truth unadulterated, has been blessed. Walhamdulillah.

Iyaas Ibn Mu’aawiyah (d.122H) – rahimahullaah – said: “There is no one who does not know his own faults, except that he is stupid.”

Of course, we have our faults, but the reality is many of us, we do not see them. Rather, we busy ourselves with the faults of others. Perhaps this preoccupation with the mistakes of others is to mask our own faults, mistakes, and transgressions, putting the spotlight on their shortcomings and forgetting our own. Be it criticism, be it nameemah [gossip], be it backbiting, the poisons of the tongue are rampant.

One of the Salaf said, “One of you might see his own faults but he still loves himself. He then hates his Muslim brother on suspicion. So where is the logic?” Perhaps our chief problem lies in the fact that we don’t see these faults. In this respect, one who recognizes their faults has truly been blessed, for bi’idhnillah now they may remedy them. But what of the one who is blind to his faults, who looks in the mirror and sees perfection, who doesn’t turn back to Allah in tawbah for he sees nothing wrong with himself – and is this not the scarier of the two? SubhaanAllah. And it is true, that we may dismiss such a notion of ever becoming the latter – that is, one who is heedless, such that he sees no fault within himself – but is it not a possibility I ask, if we do not frequent this mirror, if we go about our daily business without truly looking at our reflection and assessing our character. And we pray inshaaAllah never to be amongst such people.

Let us heed the words of ‘Eesa ibn Maryaam (alayhi salaam), who said:
“Do not look at the people’s faults as if you are lords, but look at your own faults as if you are slaves, because people are of two types: afflicted and pardoned. So have mercy on the afflicted and thank Allaah for pardoning you and protecting you from it.”
InshaaAllah ta’ala, may our trips to this mirror become frequent, through contemplation, reflection and self-assessment.
A reminder for myself, and then my fellow Muslimeen.
Wa Salamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatu


Begin with Yourself

A man went to Ibn ‘Abbas radiAllaahu ‘anhu and said, “O Ibn ‘Abbas, I want to enjoin people to do good and forbid them from doing evil.” Ibn ‘Abbas said, “And have you reached that level?” He said, “I hope that that is so.” He said, “If you do not fear to be exposed by three verses of Allah’s Book, then do so.” The man asked, “And what are they?” He mentioned this verse:

Enjoin you Al-Birr (piety and righteousness and each and every act of obedience to Allâh) on the people and you forget (to practise it) yourselves.” (Baqarah 2:44)

And then asked, “Have you applied the implications of this verse?” He said, “No.” Ibn ‘Abbas then mentioned the second verse:

O you who believe! Why do you say that which you do not do? Most hateful it is with Allâh that you say that which you do not do. (As-Saff 61:2-3)

After that he asked, “Have you applied the implications of this verse?” He said, “No.” He then mentioned the third verse regarding Shu’aib alayhi salaam:

“I wish not, in contradiction to you, to do that which I forbid you.” (Hud 11:88)

And then he asked, “Have you applied the implications of this verse? He said, “No.” Ibn ‘Abbas said, “Then begin with yourself.”

