So you're ready to change?
To make a complete turn in your life toward the right direction?

So how does one prepare to accept Islam as their complete way of life?

Steps, of course!

This a basic, elementary AND ESPECIALLY INSPIRATIONAL guide to self-improvement, based on books I've read. I'll be adding to InshaAllah every few days, or maybe daily.

THE path to God is only illuminated when a person recognises the central place of God in his life and strives to develop his self accordingly. The Messenger of God said:
If someone wants to know what position he enjoys in the eyes of God, he has only to look at what place he gives to God (in his heart and life. (Hakim)

The term nearest in meaning to self development in the Quranic vocabulary is tazkiya. Tazkiya means purification and refers to the cleansing of the human self from all that is unwholesome, undesirable and unwelcome. It also refers to the nurturing and strengthening of all the qualities

I've be mainly picking and choosing from this work

Just a few daily reminders