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28 ways for Youth to Spend Everyday of their Lives

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    Hamza Asadullah's Avatar Moderator
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    28 ways for Youth to Spend Everyday of their Lives!

    We all know how uncertain life is and most of us may directly or indirectly know of young people who have passed away. Knowing this fact then what is it that is fooling us into thinking that we may not be next? What is stopping us from thinking that the next grave to be filled is not ours?

    Our youth will come and go very quickly and if we waste it then we will regret it forever in the Hereafter without a doubt. Therefore the best time in a persons life to do good deeds is whilst in our youth. This is the time to gain good habits that we can adopt and practice for the rest of our lives inshaAllah. So rather than spending endless hours on video games, movies etc then we should be spending our time wisely by doing good deeds that will benefit us and our communities. This is the best time in our lives to get closer to Allah! There is no time like the present and there may not be a tomorrow! So now is the time to make the changes is now before it is too late!

    Remember that we are on a journey in this life to the Hereafter which will last forever. This short temporary life can end any second for us. We are being tested like we are in an examination room and Allah is the examiner. However in this exam we know not at which moment it will end. Therefore we must be prepared just like we prepare for a journey or an exam. If we are unprepared and have nothing to show when we face Allah then we would have failed this exam and missed out on the one opportunity we have in this life to be the best we can possibly be in order to please Allah and achieve the highest Jannah possible!

    Here are some tips on how the youth should spend everyday of their lives in pleasing Allah and getting closer to him before death overtakes us:

    1. Having a good sleeping pattern

    We need to structure our day and also get ourselves into a proper sleeping pattern where we sleep and wake up around the same times so our body gets used to it. The best time to sleep would be around half 10 no later than half 11 and this ensures that we can easily wake up for Fajr Salah and even wake up for Tahajjud which is one of the best prayers after Fard Salah and the best way to get closer to Allah and achieve high ranks in Paradise!

    We should try to sleep and wake up around the same time so our body would then adjust to this pattern and we would even end up waking up naturally around the same time.

    Sleep is meant to be for nights and the day is meant to be for activity so make sure you don't spend the nights awake if there is no valid reason for it or if it is not necessary to be awake after 11.

    2. Exercise

    We should try and exercise at least 30-45 minutes a day. The best exercise is in the morning where one can go for a jog or swift walk or a gym which may be better motivation for most. It is best to do some resistance training as well which also aides in weight loss and keeping body in good shape for Ibadah (worship).

    If you exercise then you will be able to get good sleep and also get up in the mornings easier especially for Fajr. So make a routine of going to the gym at least 3 to 4 times a week or doing 45 minutes swift walking a day or a jog in the morning or any part of the day. Cycling is also good as it takes the pressure of the knees.

    3. Limit time watching TV, playing video games and on the computer

    We should try to Limit our time watching TV and spent playing games and on the computer otherwise one can easily get carried away and spend hours on end watching TV, playing games and on the computer and waste significant amounts of time which we can NEVER get back!.

    4. Watch what you eat

    It is very important one eats right as what we eat will effect us day to day and many foods will make us feel lazy and lethargic which will effect our Ibadah (Worship). Therefore what we out into our stomachs everyday is extremely important.

    5. Breakfast

    We should always eat a good breakfast because it would give us the best start to the day. The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) used to have honey in some warm water when he woke up. This cleanses the stomach.

    A while later a good breakfast to have would be oats and porridge as they slowly release energy and most other cereals have way too much sugar in them. Of one can have some yogurt with honey and fruit. One can sweeten ones porridge with a little honey. One can also have brown wholegrain toast with boiled egg.

    6. Lunch

    Have a light but filling lunch because if our lunch is too heavy then we will certainly begin to feel lethargic later on in the afternoon so make sure you don't have a heavy lunch. It is best to avoid fried foods and too much carbohydrates at lunch as in too much rice, pasta or potato as these can make you very lethargic later on in the afternoon.

    Stick to eating a healthy wholegrain bread sandwich with salmon, tuna, chicken with salad or soup with some brown bread. Whatever you eat make sure its not too heavy as this will make one very tired towards the middle to end of the afternoon and make one groggy after coming home from work especially after a long day.

    7. Snacking

    Avoid snacking on too many crisps, chocolates and biscuits. Rather replace with fruit with yoghurt or healthy snacks. Avoid too much coffee and tea throughout the day because ones body can get used to it and one would end up getting headaches and groggy if one doesn’t have tea or coffee. Stick to a cup or two of green tea as this is a very good source of antioxidants.

    8. Evening meal

    The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) recommended eating evening meal so one should have a good meal in the evenings but again not too heavy because the heavier the meal the more harder it will be too get up in the morning for Fajr and work.

    Have a high protein meal with more fish and chicken and meat about twice a week. If one does not eat meat then replace with tofu, Soya products and paneer (indian cheese) in a healthy stir fry with vegetables.

    Try not to have too much rice or too many chapatti’s. Always have as much fresh vegetables and salad as you can with your meals.

    Best to eat between 6 to 7 and no later because one should eat no later than 4 hours before sleep.

    9. Balanced diet

    Have a good and balanced diet not eating too much of any particular thing. Have plenty of fruit and vegetables of different varieties as our body needs a variety of vitamins, minerals and nutrients. Don't rely on supplements rather take your vitamins and minerals naturally from healthy and fresh food.

    10. Brain food

    Almonds are a very good brain food as are oily fish which contain a lot of Omega 3 oils like Mackerel, sardines and salmon.

    Also opt for a lot more wholegrain in your diet like whole grain bread, rice and pasta.

    Seeds are also brilliant so get some mix seeds and put some in your porridge or on some yogurt with honey every morning or as a desert or snack with honey. Have a lot of tomatoes as well which contain a lot of lycopene which is really good for your brain and for your skin.

    11. Structure day

    Structure your day properly and try to make a timetable or plan for yourself. You have to be determined and think to yourself "I cannot waste anymore time like this for death can come at any second and I need to make the best of my time".

    Making the best use of time in our lives is crucial. The time we have now has to be spent as much as possible worshipping Allah or no doubt it will become a source of regret for us in the hereafter. Here is what you can do to make the best use of your free time:

    12. Salah (prayers)

    We should all be praying our Fard Salah everyday 5 times without fail. If there is a discrepancy in our Fard Salah then we should really sort our act out because this is very serious. Watch this short clip on the importance of Salah:

    Why do you not pray?

    On top of praying our Fard Salah we should also pray our Sunnah Mu’kkadah which is the Sunnah that we should read unless we have a valid excuse includes 2 Sunnah Mu’kkadah before Fard of Fajr, 4 Sunnah Mu’kkadah before Fard of Dhuhr and 2 after Fard of Dhuhr 2 after Fard of Maghrib, 2 Sunnah Mu’kkadah after Fard of Isha.

    The Ghair Mu’kkadah is the Sunnah is not emphasised but we should still read it as it is a lot of reward and a means of getting closer to Allah. These include the 4 Sunnah before 4 Fard of Asr and 4 Sunnah before 4 Fard of Isha.

    As much as possible we should try to pray our Nafil Salah as this is one of the best ways to get closer to Allah and it also makes up for any deficiencies in our Fard salaah. Here are the nafil prayers we can pray everyday in addition to Fard and Sunnah:

    VERY Rewarding Nafl Salaah’s we can Pray Everyday!


    We should try our best to do all of our Fard, Sunnah and nafil everyday as we need as many good deeds as we can whilst we are alive and will regret the good deeds we missed out on.

    13. Dhikr (Remembrance of Allah)

    The easiest thing to do each day is the Dhikr and glorification of Allah. Rasulallah (Pbuh) advised us to always keep our lips moist with Dhikr. This is also one of the best deeds and once we get into the habit of it, it is the easiest and feels the sweetest in ones heart. The more Dhikr we do the more good acts like will gravitate towards. If we remember Allah all the time then we will remember the world less. When we remember Allah then Allah remembers us. If we forget Allah then Allah forgets us.

    Dhikr is so east that we can do it anytime and anywhere especially in our free time, when were at school, college, university, work, or even out shopping or in paying a bill. Whatever were doing we should remember Allah and keep our lips moist with glorifying him.

    It is best to use our fingers or a rosary (Tasbih) or even a metal Dhikr counter which is available in any Islamic shop. The reason why it is best to use a rosary and a counter is because they are the best reminders for one to do Dhikr in the first place. When you have it in your hands then you get reminded to do Dhikr but if you don't then most often you would forget or not do as much as you could do if you had a counter.

    I would recommend all to get a metal counter which I find most practical as one can use it where ever one maybe. You click the metal counter every time you repeat a glorification of Allah or a durood and you can count your Dhikr so as to quantify it so you can do different types of glorifications.

    One should never let Shaythaan put one off doing Dhikr and one should note down how much Dhikr or glorifications one I going to do everyday so as to remind one self what one has to do. It is always best to keep targets so as to reach them otherwise one will not have any goals or motivation to do it in the first place. Here are some glorifications we can all do everyday and it is best to make a minimum target how much of each we are going to do:

    Easy Dhikr (Remembrance of Allah) light on the tongue but heavy on the scales!


    14. Reciting the Qur’an

    One of the greatest worship is reciting the Qur'an. We actually get rewarded for every letter that we read and we will be raised in Jannah depending on how much we recited and memorised so we should try our best to recite as much Qur'an as possible and also memorise as much as we can.

    We should set ourselves a target of memorising at least an Ayat a day and make effort to memorise Sura’s like Surah Yaasin and Surah Mulk which a believer should have in their hearts.

    You could consider buying a smaller copy of the Qur'an which you can carry around with you and read whenever you have free time or on your breaks.

    We should set ourselves a target of reading at least 1 juz (chapter) a day. If not then at least half a chapter a day or as much as one can read but it is best to set a target so one will do their best to reach it.

    Reciting the Qur'an which is the sacred words of Allah and the most beautiful and best words in the universe is one of the best ways to spend our time. On top of reciting the Qur'an in Arabic those of us that are non Arabs should also read its translation and tafseer so as to understand what we are reading and understand what Allah is telling us in the Qur'an and ponder and contemplate over it.

    One of the greatest deeds we can do is to read what Allah has written in the Qur'an and implement it into our daily lives. Once you have read the meaning of the Qur'an and ponder over what Allah is saying then you will feel the most amazing feelings you have ever felt it is truly beyond words!

    Here is a brilliant translation of the Qur'an for you to download as a PDF file for free:


    So set yourself a target of how much one will recite and how much of its meanings will one read. A good way of doing it is read a chapter or half a chapter and then read its meanings. Or whatever one finds easiest.

    15. Acquiring Islamic knowledge

    There is so much to learn in Islam so get some good and reliable books on Islam that you would enjoy reading and learning about. It is always best to start from the basics and then build your way up. So get advice from those who are learned as to which books you should read and where you should start from.

    Here is one of the best books for learning about the basics of Islam including Tawheed, how to pray do Wudhu, Ghusl. It also contains stories of the Prophets and much more. It is written in a very easy to read language style and is a very enjoyable read where one will be better acquainted with the basics. It is available to download for free as an E book in a PDF file along with many other free E books to download on the basics of Islam and much more:

    Islam Beliefs and Teachings:


    16. Building a close relationship with the Masjid

    If you are a brother then know that all Muslim males should read their Fard prayers at the Masjid and one should not be praying Fard salaah at home without a valid excuse. The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) has said that a person who prays at home without a valid excuse then he would get the youth to gather together wood to burn those houses. He is saying this as a metaphor but we should take it as a warning. Salah in the Masjid is rewarded up to 27 times or more than a prayer at home. That is a lot of reward.

    So if there is no valid excuse then you should be praying all of your Fard Salah at the Masjid and one can and should pray their Sunnah and nafil at home. If you’re a female then you should pray at home and you will get the same reward as a person who reads at the Masjid.

    If your a male and have a Masjid within 20 minute walk then you should try and walk there for all of your Salah or as many as you can go to. This would be reward for you as well as exercise.

    Build a close relationship with the house of Allah because it is the most favourite place of Allah and the worst places in the sight of Allah are the market places or in modern day times the high street and shopping malls where one will find a lot of fitna (trials and tribulations) and evil.

    17. Repentance and Dua

    We should realise that Allah is most merciful and he loves it when his slaves ask of him in Dua and repent to him for our shortcomings, mistakes and minor and major sins.

    Dua is the weapon of the believer therefore we should use it as much as we can in our daily lives and ask of Allah to help us in EVERY aspect of our lives. We should try to share everything with him no matter how big or small it is and we will find much peace and solace in making Dua to Allah!

    We should not keep dwelling over the sins we committed in the past. What’s done is done now we have to look to the future and not keeping looking at our past. We should take lessons from our past and do things better now and the future.

    We should be remorseful over our past and present sins and have the intention of NEVER committing them again and make sincere repentance feeling bad about the sins we have committed.

    We should constantly ask for forgiveness always and have hope in Allah that he will accept our repentance. We should also realise that Allah hears every dua and if you think he is not accepting your dua then it is because he has something better for you because as humans we tend to think we know what is best for us but we clearly don't as ONLY our creator knows what is best for his creations.

    So never stop asking of Allah for Allah gets angry with those who don't ask of him:

    "Whosoever does not make dua to Allah, He will be angry with Him." [Saheeh Jaami`as-Sagheer #2414]

    18. Choose your friends wisely

    Once you have built a close relationship with the Masjid you then you will have built a closer relationship with Allah. If you’re a brother then one will find good and pious brothers at the Masjid where one has the opportunity in meeting good and pious brothers who will benefit and help us towards the right path.

    If your a sister then join a sisters circle, halaqas and sisters programmes as these are beneficial gatherings where you can learn knowledge and mix with and find good and pious sisters who you can befriend and a good friend will help you towards Jannah and encourage you in doing good deeds which will please Allah and the bad friend will have the opposite effect.

    We should try to spend as much time as possible with pious, righteous and learned people and keep away from keeping bad friends and those who are loose in their talk and have a bad influence towards you. These people are not your real friends trust me.

    The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said, “The case of the good companion and the bad companion is like that of the seller of musk and the blower of the bellows (iron-smith). As for the seller of musk, he will either give you some of the musk, or you will purchase some from him, or at least you will come away having experienced its good smell. Whereas the blower of the bellows will either burn your clothing, or at least you will come away having experienced its repugnant smell.” [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]

    Remember: “All friends will be enemies of one another on that Day (Day of Judgment) except those of the virtuous.” (Al-Qur’an 43:67)

    One of the most important things we must do, which sadly many people neglect, is that we should avoid bad company. People we should avoid taking as friends those who speak too freely, who miss Salah, who do not dress modestly, who backbite, slander etc.

    The company of such people is poison; just even sitting and talking with them will lead one to commit sins. Just as a person who sits for a long time with a perfume seller begins to smell nice, and a person who sits by a gutter cleaner begins to smell awful, similarly a person who spends time in the company of the wicked eventually gets affected badly by them.

    Rather, we should seek out pious friends who fear Almighty Allah and who have the qualities of humility, charity, compassion, modesty and knowledge. If we sit with them we will always benefit and they will be a means for us to get closer to Allah the most compassionate most merciful and kind!

    19. Being the best towards others in character and manners

    Many of us think that “a perfect Muslim” is simply one who is correct in the observance of the salaah (ritual Prayer), the fasting, the Zakaah (payment of a certain portion of one’s wealth to the poor), and the Hajj (pilgrimage to Makkah). This indeed is not the case.

    If the ritual observances do not help the person to be humble, virtuous and truly God-fearing, then he or she is not a real Muslim. A Muslim should be good and just in dealing with others, no matter their religion, and take special care to keep away from all the shameful and sinful things Allah has forbidden.

    One can never get close to Allah by being arrogant, full of pride and having a bad character and manners. Those who have humility and are humble and have good character and manners are the closest to Allah and Allah raises their ranks in the hereafter. The best person is the one who is best towards others.

    20. Spend time with family and maintain ties between family and close relatives who are mahram

    Don't forget to spend time with your family and close relatives as Islam emphasises a lot about maintaining ties of kinship. If there is a dispute then be the first to try and resolve it or get an elder of the community or family involved to mediate matters and get advice from a learned scholar. The disputes should not be allowed to continue because of petty worldly matters and should be resolved straight away.

    21. Keep away from non mahram and be-friending members of opposite sex

    One should not be mixing with or spending time with any family or relatives that are non mahram and one should certainly not be alone with any of them as Shaythaan is always third party when a mahram and non mahram are together.

    One should also not be mixing with those of the opposite sex because Allah tells us to keep away from anything that leads to adultery and be-friending a member of the opposite sex always starts off with something innocent and leads to haraam and major sin so totally avoid contact with the opposite gender for it is only for your own good. It is Shaythaan that deceives one into thinking that it is ok to befriend the opposite sex but the main aim of Shaythaan is to take us towards destruction and HELL!

    So let us not listen to our enemy but abide by the commandments of Allah and know that he sees all that we do!

    22. Keep away from sin by fearing Allah and remembering death can come ANY second!

    We constantly get distracted in our daily lives as to our purpose in this life and why we are here. That is why we should constantly remember death as death is the destroyer of all pleasures and brings us back to reality that we are mortals and that our time here is only very temporary and can end at ANY second. Read more here about death the destroyer of pleasures:

    We should always fear Allah and know that he is watching our every move and that at ANY moment death can overcome us like it did for these three people:

    23. Controlling our body parts from sin

    We should cleanse our hearts by remembering Allah as much as we can and doing good deeds because this will purify our hearts and take away the blackness of our hearts from sin. The heart is the leader of the limbs and if the heart is cleaned then it will commend the other limbs to do good but if it is blackened with sin then it will command the limbs towards sin.

    Let us keep away from sin of our tongue in particular which is the main reason for the majority why a majority of people will enter Hell.

    We should also lower our gaze because the adultery of the eyes is to gaze at that which we should not look at.

    We should guard our ears from listening to music which is forbidden in Islam due to the fact that it creates artificial emotions inside of us and weakens our Imaan distracting us from worship of Allah. The first to sing was also Shaythaan.

    We should guard our privates against masturbation, fornication and adultery as all of these are major sins and will lead us towards destruction. Know that Allah sees all that we do!

    24. Helping parents

    We should help our parents as much as is possible because the greatest reward after prayer is helping your mother. Do as much good towards them as you can and be the best towards them and never even say "uff" to your parents. If we be bad towards our parents then Allah will make our children the same towards us.

    Remember we only have one pair of parents and they will not be with us for long or many of us may have already lost or both parents. So make the best use of the time you have with your parents because when they are gone then all we will have left is regret forever!

    Please watch this short clip - Appreciate your mother or you will regret it forever!- This will make you cry!

    25. Having the right intentions

    Everything can become a reward for us with the right intention. That includes education, work, eating, drinking, sleeping, exercise etc All with the right intention that we are doing it only for the pleasure of Allah.

    If we worship Allah as much as we can then Allah will help us in all other aspects of our lives including at school, college, university, work and also getting work and with whatever we need in regards to worldly matters.

    With the right intention then all of our good deeds can be multiplied in reward but any good deed we do for the pleasure of others or to show off then those deeds will be replaced with major sin and we will be punished for it unless we change our ways and repent sincerely making sure we do ALL good deeds for the pleasure of Allah ONLY!

    So we should always check our intentions before doing any act!

    26. Overcoming laziness and procrastination!

    Shaythaan will always try his best to slow down our progress that is why we must change our mindset and attitude and constantly remind ourselves of our purpose in life and that we can be overcome by death at ANY second! Shaythaan can only whisper but we have the power over our body’s and lives so let us take our body towards goodness and away from sin and evil!

    Feeling this lazy cannot be good for your worship as it would make you lazy in your ship to.

    Procrastination and laziness are two of Shaytaan’s strongest strategies to stop us from performing good deeds. It is necessary for the wise person to take matters into his/her own hand and harness his/her energy in a positive way everyday.

    The person who breaks the back of Shaytaan in the start of the day will not just pass his time day dreaming and in mindless pursuits, he will make sure that every second of his time is spent fruitfully. In winter, Fajr Salaah is much later. So let us break the back of Shaytaan and kick-start our day with Salaat!

    Shaytaan causes people to forget the truth and the Commands of Allah. ‘Shaytaan has overtaken them. So he has made them forget the remembrance of Allah. They are the party of Shaytaan…’ [Surah al-Mujaddilah (58): 19] But as soon as we remember, we should strive to leave that which distracted us from the remembrance of Allah and His Commands as the Qur’an commands us, ‘If Shaytaan causes you to forget, then do not sit after the remembrance in the company of the wrong-doers.’ [Surah al-An’aam (6): 68]

    The one who wants to do some good deed should carry out his action with determination and resolve. Resolve means not wasting time and not delaying things. He should forget about the idea of having plenty of time because the one who has been warned (of the punishment of Allah) should not be assured.

    What you miss, you cannot make up for it. The reason for every shortcoming or inclination of evil is the belief that there is plenty of time and a lot of hope, because man keeps thinking of giving up evil and turning towards good, but delays. No doubt, whoever thinks that he has the whole day ahead of him will take his time, and whoever has the hope that he will still be there in the morning will do very little during the night, but the one who thinks of death as imminent will strive harder.

    You need to discipline yourself otherwise you will waste huge amounts of time which you will never get back and who knows when death will come for life is so uncertain and we need to prepare before preparations are made for our funerals!

    The Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) used to make a du’a:

    اللّهُمَّ إنِّي أعُوذُبِكَ مِن العَجزِ وَ الكَسلٍ

    Transliteration: Allahumma inniy a’oothubika min al-ajzi wal-kasli

    Translation: O Allah, I seek refuge in you from incapability and laziness.

    27. Make good use of your youth before it’s over!

    Make the best use of your youth until it is over because you will never be able to get it back. The youth is the best time for worship and getting closer to Allah so let us make the best of this time that we have and not waste it otherwise we will regret it FOREVER!

    Please watch: "A Powerful message to the youth"

    We will also be asked by Allah on the day of judgement how we spent our youth. There is no guarantee that we will make it another day so we should make the best of now and the present for tomorrow may never come!

    Narrated by Ibn Abbas: Allah's Apostle said,

    "Take advantage of five matters before five other matters: your youth before you become old; and your health before you fall sick; and your richness before you become poor; and your free time before you become busy; and your life before your death." [Musnad Imam Ahmad]

    28. Self evaluation on a daily basis

    Self-evaluation means to assess where you are in life, set goals for the future, and think of what you can do to get there.

    The process of self-evaluation makes one pro-active in directing one's life in order to achieve the goals one sets for themselves. Unless we take the initiative our lives will be shaped by circumstances.

    This is a brilliant tool for us to self evaluate ourselves just like people keep logs or diaries to remind them of things so that we can evaluate and improve ourselves on a daily basis.

    This "Daily Ibadah(worship) check" chart is perfect for you to evaluate worship on a daily basis so as to make improvements from there. You can download it and make print outs. Each chart represents one week:

    My Daily Ibadah(worship) check

    My Daily Ibadah (worship) check!

    Implement this new routine into our lives NOW for tomorrow may never come!

    So let us put all of this into our daily routine so that everyday can be a rewarding day for us. Let us spend our youth pleasing Allah and being close to him and not waste our youth for we will never get it back and if we waste it then surely we will regret it FOREVER and by then it would have been too late!

    May Allah guide us towards the straight path and make us the best of the good doers and the biggest benefactors of Islam! Ameen

    Here are some more articles which will benefit you inshallah:

    I hope the following articles will be of benefit:

    3 Ways of attaining focus in our Salah

    3 ways of attaining focus in our Salaah (prayer) - You will be amazed!

    10 Steps to Increase our Iman(Faith)

    10 Steps to Increase our Iman (Faith) - Updated version

    Utterly regretful in the Hereafter:

    Utterly regretful in the Hereafter

    The Angel of Death is coming for us!

    The Angel of Death is coming for us!

    Forty Very Easy, Quick & Rewarding Good Deeds for all of us to do Everyday!


    10 steps to drawing closer to Allah

    Last edited by Hamza Asadullah; 04-08-2022 at 07:22 AM.
    28 ways for Youth to Spend Everyday of their Lives

    How to get through Hardships & trials in life:


    How to overcome Waswas (insinuating whispers of shaythan) in Worship:


    10 Steps to Increasing Imaan & getting closer to Allah:


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    Re: 30 ways the youth should spend everyday of their lives!

    Long one...but worth a lot.

    Jazakallah khair brother.
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    Re: 30 ways the youth should spend everyday of their lives!

    Jazakallaahu Khaayr

    Very Beneficial!
    28 ways for Youth to Spend Everyday of their Lives

    "Allah! La ilaha illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but He), Al-Hayyul-Qayyum (the Ever Living, the One Who sustains and protects all that exists).".."[Al Qur'aan 3:2]
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    Hamza Asadullah's Avatar Moderator
    Glory be to Allah!!!
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    Re: 30 ways the youth should spend everyday of their lives!

    Take the initiative to do good deeds before any obstacles arise

    The Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), used to call on Muslims to take the initiative to do good deeds before any obstacles arise. For instance, he said, "Lose no time to do good deeds before you are caught up by one of seven calamities awaiting you: a starvation which may impair your wisdom; a prosperity which may mislead you; an ailment which may damage your health; an old age which may harm your senses; a sudden death; the Dajjal (Antichrist); or Doomsday, which is indeed the hardest and most bitter." (at-Tirmidhi, al-Baihaqi)

    The above Hadith urges Muslims to take the initiative, and not to delay good deeds; man's life is not free from impediments, such as those calamities, which can prevent him from accomplishing what could have been done earlier. Wise are those who grab available opportunities before being handicapped by obstacles.

    If we are to evaluate ourselves objectively, have we been spending our time wisely for the pleasure of Allah the Almighty? Have we been spending our lives based on the Qur'an and the Sunnah? Have we been practicing Muslims? How many of us are Muminoon (Faithful Muslims) and/or Mutaqqoon (God Fearing Muslims)? How much knowledge of the Qur'an and the Sunnah do we know? Do we practice what we learn and impart the same to others or at least share them to our families and kin? Have we ever enjoined to others what is right and forbid what is wrong?

    To be successful, we have to manage our time wisely by making plans for virtuous deeds that please Allah the Almighty. We must spend time learning Islam based on the Qur'an and the Sunnah.
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    Re: 30 ways the youth should spend everyday of their lives!

    JazakAllah Khair brother Hamza, this is very beneficial.
    28 ways for Youth to Spend Everyday of their Lives

    So glorify the praises of your Lord and be of those who prostrate themselves (to Him).
    Surah al-Ĥijr(The Rocky Tract) 15:98
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    Re: 30 ways the youth should spend everyday of their lives!

    format_quote Originally Posted by Hamza81 View Post
    One of the greatest worship is reciting the Qur'an. We actually get rewarded for every letter that we read and we will be raised in Jannah depending on how much we recited and memorised so we should try our best to recite as much Qur'an as possible and also memorise as much as we can.

    I have a question if I recite the Quran in english (as I am reading it) is the reward still there bc I dont know how to read arabic.
    28 ways for Youth to Spend Everyday of their Lives

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    Re: 30 ways the youth should spend everyday of their lives!

    Assalaam Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh,
    Jazakallahu Khair for sharing!
    Your love of youth. Since you have loved it as a beautiful bounty of God Almighty, you have, of course, done so in worship, you have not drowned it in dissipation and destroyed it. Since this is the case, the worship you have gained during your youth is the undying fruit of that transient state. As you grow older, because you will have obtained the enduring fruits that are the positive aspect of youth, you will have been saved from its harm and excesses.
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    Re: 30 ways the youth should spend everyday of their lives!

    format_quote Originally Posted by Mila View Post

    I have a question if I recite the Quran in english (as I am reading it) is the reward still there bc I dont know how to read arabic.
    Asalaamu Alaikum, yes my sister you will get rewarded for reading the Qur'an and trying to understand what Allah is telling us but you must still try your best to learn how to recite the Qur'an in its original language. For those are the beautiful words of Allah in its original form and there is so much reward to be gained by reciting even one letter of the Qur'an which is rewarded with 10 good deeds.

    So although you are rewarded for reading and understanding the Qur'an you must also learn and recite it in its original language. You should make effort to learn as soon as you can because the younger you are the easier it is.

    Try to find a local sister who teaches it and committ to learning with her at set times in a week. If you start now then by the coming Ramadan you will have started to recite the Qur'an in its original language inshallah.

    The true reward of reciting the Qur'an is to act upon everything you read and contemplate and ponder over its meanings conveying it to others so they may benefit from its message and implementing what you read in your daily life.

    And Allah knows best in all matters
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    Re: 30 ways the youth should spend everyday of their lives!

    Jazakallahukhair bro!

    I know some people who think of religous people as fat and unactive people. Keeping healthy is actually a big thing in Islam!
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    Re: 30 ways the youth should spend everyday of their lives!

    format_quote Originally Posted by SlaveOfGod View Post
    Jazakallahukhair bro!

    I know some people who think of religous people as fat and unactive people. Keeping healthy is actually a big thing in Islam!
    Asalaamu Alaikum, yes brother it is because our bodies have a right over us and so therefore we must look after this amaanah (trust) which has been given to us by Allah. if we abuse it and do not look after it then it will also affect our daily worship and may restrict us doing good which we will regret in the hereafter.

    Our bodies will also talk on the day of reckoning and will surely ask us why we neglected to look after our stomachs and why we used our stomachs like bins constantly dumping food into it without a care in the world. So it is incumbant on us to look after ourselves and eat and drink healthy and not overfill ourselves at every opportunity.

    Consider the following article:

    بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ

    No human ever filled a vessel worse than his stomach…


    Author: Ibn Rajab al-Hanbalee
    Source: Jaami’ Al-’Uloom wal-Hikam, hadeeth No. 47

    On the authority of Al-Miqdaam ibn Maadiy-Karib who said: I heard the Messenger of Allaah saying:

    “No human ever filled a vessel worse than the stomach. Sufficient for any son of Aadam are some morsels to keep his back straight. But if it must be, then one third for his food, one third for his drink and one third for his breath.” [Ahmad, At-Tirmidhee, An-Nasaa'ee, Ibn Maajah - hadeeth saheeh.]

    1.Ibn Masaweh, a Muslim doctor, said after reading this hadeeth:

    “If the people only used these words, they would avoid all diseases and maladies and the clinics and pharmacies would be idle.”

    2.Another doctor, Al-Harith ibn Kalada said:

    “That which has killed mankind is the introduction of food on top of food before it has been digested.”

    3.As for spiritual benefits: humbleness of heart, strength of understanding, lessening of lower desires, lessening of personal opinions and anger, while overeating induces the opposites of all of those. Al-Hasan Al-Basree said:

    “O, son of Adam, eat with one third of your stomach and drink with one third and leave one third of your stomach to breathe so that you may think.”

    4.Ibn Umar: A man said to Ibn Umar:

    “Shouldn’t I bring you some jawarish?” Ibn Umar said: “What is that?” He said: “Something which aids in digesting your food after you eat.” Ibn Umar said: “I have not eaten to being full for four months. That is not because I am not able to do so, but I was with a group of people who were hungry more than they were full.”

    5.Not reaching your goals: Muhammad ibn Wasi said:

    “Whoever eats little will understand and make others understand and will be clear and humble. Overeating weighs a person down and keeps him from much of what he wants [to accomplish]. “

    6.Al-Hasan Al-Basree:

    “The test of Aadam, alayhis-salaam, was food and it is your test until Qiyama.”

    And, it used to be said:

    “Whoever takes control of his stomach gets control of all good deeds.”


    “Wisdom does not reside in a full stomach.”

    One day, Al-Hasan offered some food to his companion who said: “I have eaten until I am no longer able to eat.” To which Al-Hasan said:

    “SubhaanAllaah! Does a Muslim eat until he is no longer able to eat?”

    7.Allaah grants this world to those whom He loves and those He does not love but only grants hunger to those whom he loves.

    8.Ash-Shaafi’ee said:

    “I have not filled myself in sixteen years because filling oneself makes the body heavy, removes clear understanding, induces sleep and makes one weak for worship.”

    9.In Bukhaaree and Muslim:

    “The believer eats with one stomach while the kafir eats with seven stomachs.”

    Meaning: The believer eats with the manners of Islam and in moderation, while the kafir eats based on desires and gluttony and so he eats with seven stomachs.


    “Food for one is enough for two and food for two is enough for three and food for three is enough for four.”

    11.Also: From Aa’ishah:

    “The family of Muhammad (sal-Allaahu ‘alayhe wa sallam) never filled themselves with wheat bread three days in a row from the time he came to Madeenah until he passed away.”

    12.A Muslim should not merely follow his appetites. Allaah said:

    “Then, they were followed by generations who neglected the prayer and followed their appetites. They will encounter a pit of fire except for those who repent…” [Maryam 59-60]

    13.The best generations did not:

    “The best generation is my generation, followed by the one after them then the one after them. Then will come a people who bear witness but are not asked to bear witness, who swear oaths but do not fulfill them and fatness will appear among them.” [Bukhaaree and Muslim]

    From Abee Barza that the Prophet (sal-Allaahu ‘alayhe wa sallam) said:

    “My greatest fear for you is the appetites of transgression with regard to your stomachs and your privates and the inclinations which lead astray.” [Ahmad and others and its narrators are people of saheeh]

    ~ by Hammad on August 20, 2008.
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    Re: 30 ways the youth should spend everyday of their lives!

    Which life to Pursue?

    It is reported that Al-Hasan Al-Basrî often used to say, “O youth! Seek the hereafter, for we often see people pursuing the hereafter and finding it as well as the dunyâ (worldly wellbeing), but we have never seen anyone pursue the dunyâ and gain the hereafter as well as the dunyâ.”

    Al-Bayhaqî, Al-Zuhd Al-Kabîr, article 12.
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    Re: 30 ways the youth should spend everyday of their lives!

    Make the best of your youth before it is gone

    Rasulallah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) urged us to use our time in a useful way when he said:
    “Grab five things before five others: your youth before your old age, your health before your illness, your wealth before your poverty, your leisure before your work, and your life before your death.” (Al-Hakim)

    He also indicated that we are to be asked about these times and how we invested them in the judgment day. Rasulallah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said: “A servants two feet will not move on the Day of Judgement until he is questioned about four (things): His youth, how he spent it, his knowledge, how he acted upon it, his wealth, how he earned it and how he spent it and his body, how he used/wasted it.” ( Al-Tirmidhi)

    Worship in ones youth is the best worship that one will do in all of ones lifetime and this is because of the fact that this is the time that one will have the most desires and this is the time when one has passion, drive, determination and energy. The youth must use all of these things in wanting to spend their time pleasing Allah and doing those actions which will benefit them forever and NOT wasting their time in useless talk or meetings and especially on social networks on the internet and video games all of which are of no benefit to one in this world or the next.

    So for the youth it is even more crucial NOT to waste ones youth on useless pursuits but in the worship of Allah so that one can be raised on the day of judgement as one who spent their youth in the worship of Allah.

    So, whoever used his time for the benefits and pleasures of this life will regret after he died and his remorse will be very great at two times:

    When he is dying he will wish that he is given another chance or extension to his life so that he may do good as Allah says:

    In Falsehood will they be Until, when death comes to one of them, he says: “O my Lord! send me back (to life),- In order that I may work righteousness in the things I neglected.” By no means! It is but a word he says. Before them is a Partition till the Day they are raised up. (23:99-100)

    The key to success in this life and the next is making the hereafter the MOST important thing to us and making it our main focus. If we constantly keep the hereafter as our main focus everyday of our lives and strive as much as we can everyday to ensure that each second is spent on building up our hereafter then we will not go wrong inshallah.

    Ibn Masood said: “I have never regretted anything as a day spent of my life without doing good deeds.”
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    Re: 30 ways the youth should spend everyday of their lives!

    Jazakallah Khair brother Hamza!
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    Re: 30 ways the youth should spend everyday of their lives!

    Making the best use of youth!

    If Allah gives us 60 years to live then it comes to around 22,000 days (60×365). All these days Allah gives us to prepare for one day of interview with Allah. That is on the Day of Judgement. On that day, Allah will ask us some questions and He wants some correct answers. Allah is so merciful that He already told us what the questions will be through Quran and Ahadith. His mercy is so great that He even told us the answers to these questions.

    Now imagine, a student goes to write an exam. He opens his exam paper and finds the questions on one side. Then he finds that the answers to the questions are on the other side. Now after writting the exam, if this student still fails then what would we think of him? We would think that he is the dumbest person around. Well, tell you what, on the Day of Judgement, us people who knew the questions and answers will still fail! That is why, this is the time to wake up before we prove ourselves to be the dumbest of people.

    Youth is the prime time of our lives. This is where people make important decisions like what to become in the future. Things you do in this time will most likely affect you throughout the rest of your life. That is why, it is important to bring Islam into your life during these days. Many people have the conception that when they get old then they will start practising Islam. Probably you and me also have this feeling. But look at it this way: If you want to become a famous hockey player then you would start playing right from the youth. As you grow up, you will become better and better. But if you think that you will start playing when you are an old man then the chances of becoming famous is virtually zero. That’s the reality. When we become old, we won’t have enough energy to even stand up and pray.

    Because youth is the prime time of your life, that is why it is very precious to Allah. Allah has prepared a shade on the Day of Judgement for those people who used to worship Allah in their youth. On that Day, there will be no other shade except the shade from the throne of Allah. Imagine standing outside on a very hot day under the sun for hours after hours. You would definately want some shadow to rest under. But what about that Day when the sun will be much nearer to us and the heat will be much more extreme. Wouldn’t you want some shade on that day? Ofcourse you would!

    You and I are all weak in terms of keeping our duties to Allah and Allah is aware of that. Allah wants that we keep trying to do our best. If a baby falls down while walking he tries to get up again and walk. He doesn’t keep sitting down. Then a day comes when he does start to walk. Similarly, we should keep trying our best and not give up. A day will come when, Inshallah, we will be strong enough to obey Allah in every situation. Let us make a small promise to Allah right now that we will start doing the things for which we were sent to this life. Otherwise, we will be like that dumb guy who will fail the test on the Day of Judgement.
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    Re: 30 ways the youth should spend everyday of their lives!

    Jazakallh for sharing,good reminder.
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    Re: 30 ways the youth should spend everyday of their lives!

    Oh youth repent and live your life devoted to Allah:

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    Re: 30 ways the youth should spend everyday of their lives!

    YOUTH ᴴᴰ - The Future Of Islam - Powerful Reminder

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    Re: 30 ways the youth should spend everyday of their lives!

    Important advice on this thread. May Allah swa save us all from laziness and procastination! Ameen.
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    Pain and hardships allow you to grow spiritually Alhamdulilah so smile when a so called calamity befalls upon you.
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    Re: 30 ways the youth should spend everyday of their lives!

    Br. Hamza.

    I noticed numbers 14 on the list is repeated twice (typo) and from 17 (which should be 18) it jumps to 21. So there's a few more points missing.

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    Re: 30 ways the youth should spend everyday of their lives!

    That post was well worthwhile masha'Allah. JazakaAllahu kheyr for sharing.
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