As-Salaam Alaikum
(May peace be upon you)
©As-Sunnah Islamic Newsletter
Issue 8: Rajjab-Shaabaan 1421/Sept-Nov 2000

"He created man. He taught him eloquent speech."
[Soorah ar-Rahmaan (55): 3-4]

Islaam is the religion of Peace. The word ‘Islaam’ comes from the root-word Salaam meaning 'Peace'. The greeting of Salaam is a symbol of Islaam. Salaam exists since the time of Adam and is the greeting of the people of Paradise . Allah chose salaam as greeting for His creation. The Messenger of Allah said: "When Allah created Adam , He told him: 'Go and greet those group of angles who were sitting and listen to how they greet you, for it will be your greeting and that of your descendants. So he said: 'As-salaam Alaikum' and they responded: "Wa-alaikum as-salaam wa-rahmatullah' they added: 'wa-rahmatullah'" [Agreed upon] It is also one of the Exalted Names of Allah, the source of peace and protection. Salaam is a greeting from Him.
"When you enter the houses, greet one another with a greeting from Allah (i.e. say 'As-salaam Alaikum') blessed and good."
[Soorah an-Noor (24): 61]
Salaam is a distinctive aspect of a Muslims social conduct. Greeting someone with Salaams is a kind of invocation for his welfare and blessings. It instills brotherly love and strengthens the ties of brotherhood and closeness, and mutual relationships result in a strong and unwavering society. Abu Hurayrah reported the Messenger of Allah said: "By Him in Whose Hand is my soul, you will not enter Paradise until you believe, and you will not believe until you love one another. Should I not guide you to something which will install love amongst you: 'Spread salaams amongst you.'"
[Abu Dawood (v: 3, no: 5174)]
The saying of Allah's Messenger: "Spread salaams amongst you" means to greet all those whom you know and those whom you don't. A man asked Allah's Messenger: "Which part of Islam is best? He replied: "That you should provide food and say salaam to those whom you know and those you do not know."
[Abu Dawood (v: 3, no: 5175) agreed upon]
Abdullah Ibn Umar used to go to the market in the morning, and he did not pass by anybody without saying salaam to him. One day he was asked: "What do you do in the market, when you do not sell anything, or ask about prices, or haggle, or join any gathering?" He said: "We go there in the morning for the purpose of saying salaam to whoever we meet."
[Adaab al-Mufrad of Imaam Bukharee]
