I am an advocate of many different things one of which is no cell phones in cars. I lost my 3 year old cousin to a driver so distracted on their cell phone they hit her.

Thousands of people have died because of drivers on their cell phones. Psychologists and scientists teamed up and did a study. Being on your cell phone while driving is the equivalent of being intoxicated. Thats how much your driving is impaired.

Think before you use your cell phone while driving.
Think about your precious cargo-your mother, your brother, father, children, friends. In a split second you could be dead because of a text message or phone call that could have waited. A lot of times these drivers are distracted but driving fine, however other drivers who cut you off, tailgate you, dont see you etc are not noticed because you are so immersed in a phone call that by the time you see them its too late to react.


That is a page that outlines some statistics.

In a town not far from me, a group of girls that had just graduated high school were in an SUV. The driver answered a text. It is estimated it took her about 3 seconds to answer the text. It read "driving, u?" In response to a Whatsup text.
Her car hit a tractor trailer head on. All 5 girls died.

Please, I wouldnt say anything if I didnt care. I know it may seem weird for me to beg strangers to be more careful, but I honestly dont wish the kind of pain families feel when they lose loved ones over preventable things. Its bad enough when you cant prevent a death, let alone something you could have been careful of.
Make your car a no cell phone area. If you have to answer a call or text, pull over.