Febraury 2006 - The Types of Oppression Explanation of the Month
Written by Administrator
Tuesday, 30 January 2007

Allaah says (the interpretation of the meaning): "And your Lord does not oppress anyone"

On the authority of Aboo Dharr Al-Ghifaaree from the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhe wa sallam who narrated from his Lord the Mighty, the Sublime who said:

O My Servants, I have forbidden oppression for Myself and have made it forbidden amongst you, so do not oppress one another"…

Collected by Imaam Muslim.

In the book called Al-Fawaa'idul Muntaqaat min Sharhil Kitaabit Tawheed Shaykhul 'Uthaymeen said:

"There are three types of oppression:

1-The oppression of the human being towards Allaah and His rights like ascribing a partner with him and this is the greatest type of oppression.

2-Self-oppression. That is, a person placing something upon himself something he does not have the capacity to carry out.

3- Oppression of one human being towards another human being;

Like killing a person without a just and legal reason.

And this is the greatest type of oppression towards a human being.

In this present world, we find all types of oppression on every conceivable level. Just look, read or listen to the news and you will see it…all around you.

Nations that are 'super powers' oppressing other weaker nations.

Large companies oppressing smaller ones.

Husbands not taking care of their wives or children properly or even just giving them their basic needs and then to top it off, constantly threatening them with taking another wife.

Ex-wives who get remarried and do not hand over their children to their birth fathers even though the fathers are religious, able bodied, financially stable men with good character.

Children who disobey their parents or those who do not assist them in their time of need; whether they are living in the house with them or not.

The boss at your job who continues to harass you simply because of your beliefs or practice of your belief.

Parents who have daughters and sons who are in need of getting married but they are prevented for the reason of getting a higher degree, the person is not the right ethnicity, color or the like.

The list of oppressors goes on and on!
The Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alayhe wa sallam has left for us a supplication that brings a breeze of warmth.

It is an invocation that relieves the soul of its depression, grief and anxiety.

It reconnects us to the reality that there is One who is listening to us and will answer our call when we call on him.

It attaches us once again to our Creator and Fashioner who knew that if we were left calling out for help in our oppressive state calling on Him in our words, we would more than likely say something incorrect.

Not knowing the rank of Adab (etiquette) with Allaah.

How to proper call on Him.

What and what not to say.

How and how not to say it.

When to say it.

So He – The Blessed and Exalted - gave us this supplication from the blessed mouth of our Prophet with the right words put in their right places.

No more…

No less.

Here is the supplication. Look at it very, very carefully. Study its meaning and explanation.

Print it out and carry it with you.

Recite it with sincerity.

And for those who would like to learn it in Arabic we here at www.shurooh.com will provide it for you to download, listen and memorize it – inshaa Allaah – in the very near future.

And may Allaah protect us from all types of oppression…Aameen!

On the authority of Abdullaah ibn Abbaas who said that the Messenger of Allaah sallalaahu alaihe wa sallam used to supplicate saying:

“My Lord, help me do not give help against me.
Grant me victory and do not grant victory over me

Plan on my behalf and do not plan against
Guide me and make my right guidance easy for me.

Grant me victory over those who act wrongfully towards me.
[O Allaah] make me grateful to You mindful of You

Full of fear towards You devoted to Your obedience humble before You or penitent.

O my Lord, accept my repentance wash away my sin…” Answer my supplication clearly establish my evidence guide my heart

Make true my tongue, draw out malice from my heart.”

The Explanation of the supplication against oppression is as follows:

On the authority of Abdullaah ibn Abbaas who said that the Messenger of Allaah sallalaahu alaihe wa sallam used to supplicate saying:

“My Lord, help me…”

Means: Make me successful to remember you, thank you and beautify the worship of you.

“Do not give help against me…”

Means: Do not allow anyone who would restrict me from obeying you from amongst the human or jinn devils, to overcome me.

“Grant me victory and do not grant victory over me…”

Meaning: make me overcome the disbelievers and do not allow them to overcome me.

Another meaning: give me victory over nafs, for indeed it is the worst of enemies and do not give victory to the nafsul amaarah<!--[if !supportFootnotes]-->[1]<!--[endif]-->, so I that I will not follow desires and abandon guidance.

“Plan on my behalf and do not plan against…”

Meaning: At-Teebee said: “al-Makr or planning means deception which Allaah assaulting His enemies with trials and tribulation from a place they would not even become aware of.

It is also said that it is Istidraaj <!--[if !supportFootnotes]-->[2]<!--[endif]--> of the servant’s obedience causing him to believe that [the obedience] is accepted [by Allaah but in reality] it is rejected.

Ibnul Maalik said: al-Makr literally is a trick and an idea to repel the enemy in a way the enemy would not be aware of.

(So the) meaning is: O Allaah! Guide me to the way of repelling my enemies from me and do not guide my enemy to a path enabling them repel me from myself.

“Guide me…”

Meaning: direct me to acts of goodness or show him his shortcomings.

“And make my right guidance easy for me…”

Meaning: make following the guidance or the paths of guidance for me easy, so that obedience will be not become a burden or distracted from worship.

“Grant me victory…”

Meaning: exclusively

“Over those who act wrongfully towards me…”

Meaning: Oppressing me and transgressing upon me. <!--[if !supportFootnotes]-->[3]<!--[endif]-->

“[O Allaah] make me grateful to You…”

Meaning: for the blessings and favors.

“Mindful of You…”

Meaning: all occasions and times.

“Full of fear towards You…”

Meaning: fearful of you in times of ease and hardship/happy times and sad times. supportFootnotes]-->[4]<!--[endif]--><!--[if !

“Devoted to Your obedience…”

Meaning: Abundant obedience which is submission and obedience.

“Humble before You…”

Meaning: Humility and modesty. It is also said that the meaning is ‘being submissive, fearful, and humbling by acquiescing [oneself].

“Or penitent…”

Here the narrator was doubtful which word it was, but both words have a similar meaning.

“O my Lord, accept my repentance…”

Meaning: Make it correct with [all of their] conditions, combined with its etiquettes because they will not go beyond the scope of acceptance.<!--[if !supportFootnotes]-->[5]<!--[endif]-->

“Wash away my sin…”

Meaning: Erase my sin.

“Answer my supplication…”

Meaning was not given I assume since it was very clear and needed none!

“Clearly establish my evidence…”

Meaning: Against my enemies in this life and the end.

“Guide my heart…”

Meaning: To knowing and having awareness of my Lord.

“Make true…”

Meaning: make it true, straight and correct.

“My tongue…”

Meaning: so that I will not utter [anything] except that which is correct or speak unless it is true.

“Draw out…”

Meaning: extract.

“Malice from my heart…”

Meaning: deception, rancor, hatred, envy, jealousy and the like that spring from the chest of vile, offensive behavior and character that settles in the heart. And Allaah knows best.

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<!--[endif]--> <!--[if !supportFootnotes]-->[1]<!--[endif]--> Is the destructive soul that attempts to destroy the human being by making him restless and reckless.

<!--[if !supportFootnotes]-->[2]<!--[endif]-->This is when Allaah gives the sinners, evildoers, immoral people and disbelievers good health and plentiful provision, this is in order to let them get carried away (with their sin, and then punish them severely later on).

<!--[if !supportFootnotes]-->[3]<!--[endif]--> This is specific to the first mentioning “and grant me victory”.

<!--[if !supportFootnotes]-->[4]<!--[endif]--> Al-Haafidh ibn Hajr al-‘Asqalaanee said it means “when he is detached from the creation (people)”.

<!--[if !supportFootnotes]-->[5]<!--[endif]--> As the Most High says (interpretation of the meaning) in Soorah ash-Shooraa 42:25 “And He it is Who accepts repentance from His slaves”.

Last Updated ( Thursday, 08 February 2007 )
