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Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

  1. #1
    Jewel of LI
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    Lightbulb Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here! (OP)

    If you are a revert please add your story here, because it is very inspiring Alhamdullilah.

    There are several stories on this site:

    I'll post a few:

    Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Raheem
    April 25, 1996

    As-Salamu Alaikum wa Rahmahtullahi wa Barakatu (May the peace, the mercy, and the blessings of Allah be upon you).

    I am Canadian-born of Scandinavian and other ancestry, and I was raised in Canada. I have been a Muslima since February 1993 when I was 23. While growing up, I was never affiliated with any religion nor was I an atheist. When I was in my mid-teens I started to think somewhat about religion and at that time I did believe in the Oneness of God (Tawheed). Christianity never interested me.

    My first contact with Muslims occurred when I was introduced to some Muslim international students in 1988. Through them I learned a bit about Islam, such as Ramadan fasting. But it was really not until 1992 that I became interested in Islam. In the summer of that year a Canadian newspaper published a series of articles attacking Islam by using examples of anti-Islamic behaviour of some Muslims in an attempt to vilify Islam itself. Non-Muslims tend to judge Islam on the basis of the behaviour (which is not necessarily Islamic) of Muslims. I was not yet a Muslima but the articles were so outrageous that I sent a letter to the editor in defence of Islam. Now I was curious about Islam. I re-read some articles I had picked up several months earlier from the MSA Islam Awareness Week display at my university. One was about 'Isa (Alaihe Salam) [Jesus] as a Prophet of Islam. Also, I asked a Muslim to get me some books about Islam; they were about the overall ideology of Islam and were written by two famous Muslim authors. Impressed, I thought, "This is Islam? It seems so right." Over the next few months in my free time while attending university I continued to learn about Islam from authentic Islamic books, for example The Life of Muhammad (Salallahu Alaihe wa Salam) by Dr. Muhammad Haykal. One certainly does not learn the truth about Islam from the mass media! Also, newcomers to Islam especially must be careful to avoid the writings of deviant groups which claim ties to Islam so as not to be misled. And just because the author has an Arabic name does not necessarily mean that he or she is a knowledgeable Muslim or even Muslim at all. Also, I learned about Islam from some kind, knowledgeable Muslims and Muslimas who did not pressure me. Meanwhile, I had begun to Islamize my behaviour which did not require huge change. I already avoided consuming alcohol and pig meat. Also, I always preferred to dress conservatively/modestly and not wear makeup, perfume, or jewellery outside my home. I started to eat only Islamically slaughtered meat. Also during this time I visited a masjid (mosque) in my city for the first time.

    Until I discovered Islam, I knew almost nothing about it. I say discovered because the "Islam" that I had always heard about through the mass media is not true Islam. I had always assumed that Islam is just another man-made religion, not knowing that it is the Truth. I had also assumed that a person had to be raised as a Muslim to be one. I was not aware of the fact that all humans are born Muslim (in a state of Islam - submitted to the Creator). Like many "Westerners" I associated Islam with the "East" and did not know that Islam is universal in both time and place. However, I never had negative feelings about Islam, al-Hamdulillah. The more knowledge that I acquired about Islam, the more I felt that I too can actually be Muslim as I found that many of the beliefs that I already had were actually Islamic not merely "common sense."

    So after familiarizing myself with what Islam is basically about and what are the duties and proper conduct of a Muslim person, as well as thinking and reflecting, I felt ready to accept Islam and live as a Muslima. One day while at home I said the Shahada (declaration of faith) and began to perform the five daily salawat (prayers), al-Hamdulillah. That was in February 1993, several days before the fasting month of Ramadan began. I did not want to miss the fasting this time! I found the fasting to be much easier than I had anticipated; before I fasted I had worried that I might faint. At first there was a bit of an adjustment period getting used to the new routine of performing salah and fasting, and I made some mistakes, but it was exciting and not difficult. I started to read the Qur'an (Abdullah Yusuf Ali's translation) when I was given one soon after accepting Islam. Before that I had read only excerpts of it in other books. Also in the beginning, I found The Lawful and the Prohibited in Islam by Dr. Yusuf al-Qaradawi to be a useful guide.

    In January 1996 (during Ramadan) I started to wear the Islamic headscarf (hijab). I realized that I could not fully submit to Allah (SWT), which is what being Muslim is about, without wearing it. Islam must be accepted and practised in its entirety; it is not an "alter-to-suit-yourself" religion. Since becoming a Muslima I was aware that the headscarf is required of Muslim women and I had intended to wear it eventually. I should have worn it immediately upon accepting Islam but for many Muslimas (even some from Muslim families) it is not easy to take that step and put it on in a non-Muslim society. It is silly how so many persons get upset over a piece of fabric! Also, it is interesting to note that Christian nuns are never criticized for covering their heads. Never in my life did I have negative feelings toward muhajjabas (women who wear hijab) when I saw them. What made me hesitate to put it on was fearing receiving bad treatment from others, especially family. But we must fear Allah (SWT) only, not others. In the few months before I permanently put on hijab I started "practising" wearing it. I wore it when I travelled between my home and the local masjid on Fridays when I started attending the jum'a salah (Friday congregational prayer). (Of course, since becoming Muslim I always wore it during every salah). A couple of weeks prior, in du'a I began asking Allah (SWT) to make it easy for me to wear it.

    The day I finally put it on permanently I had reached the point where I felt that I could no longer go out with a bare head, and I thought "tough bananas" if others do not like me wearing it since I alone am accountable for my actions and am required to perform my Islamic duties, and I could never please everyone anyway. Sometimes opposition to hijab is a control issue: some persons just plainly do not like those who are determined and independent especially if it is their child.

    Upon wearing it I immediately felt protected and was finally able to go out and not be the target of stares/leers from men. At first I felt a bit self-conscious but after several weeks I felt completely used to wearing hijab. Sometimes other persons look puzzled/confused, I think because they are not used to seeing pale-faced, blue-eyed Muslimas! By the way, wearing hijab is da'wah in a way as it draws attention to Islam.

    Since accepting Islam I continue to seek knowledge about the Deen (religion) which is a lifelong duty for all Muslims--male and female. Currently, I am learning Arabic and hope to be able to read the Qur'an in Arabic soon, insha'Allah. Reading, discussing Islam with other Muslims, and the Friday jum'a khutba are all educational. Striving to be as pious as one can be and fighting against one's own evil traits (jihad al-nafs) takes effort and is continuous and never ending for Muslims.

    I find Islam ever-more fascinating, and I enjoy living as a Muslima.
    Last edited by Ansar Al-'Adl; 05-04-2005 at 01:40 AM.
    Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

    The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:
    "Surely I was sent to perfect the qualities of righteous character" [Musnad Ahmad, Muwatta Mâlik]

    Visit Ansâr Al-'Adl's personal page HERE.
    Excellent resources on Islam listed HERE.

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    Re: Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

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    format_quote Originally Posted by Ansar Al-'Adl View Post

    If you are a revert please add your story here, because it is very inspiring Alhamdullilah.

    There are several stories on this site:

    I'll post a few:
    salaam hi may Allaha bless u for accepting the truth u know even prophet Muhammad(p.b.u.h) grand father Abutaalib did not get that lucky chance but Allahs mercy is upon u ur luckier than us though we are born as muslims but ur a newly coverted ur rank with Allaha is higher take advantage of it time is gold if u past a minuite u wont get back ur going closer to the grave yard may Allaha bless u urs brother in islaam
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    Re: Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!


    More Hispanic Americans are Converting to Islam

    Jesus Marti tv 9feb07 210 - Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

    Jesus Marti , a Puerto Rican living in Florida, converted to Islam only a year ago.

    He is one of tens of thousands of Hispanic Muslims in the United States: estimates range from around 70,000 to 200,000.

    The number of Hispanic Americans converting to Islam is growing rapidly -- particularly in New York, California, Texas and Florida, which have the greatest concentration of Hispanic residents.

    Muslim leaders say interest in Islam has increased in the past few years, and they also note that Muslims and Hispanics, many of whom are immigrants, share a number of common concerns. Steve Mort reports from a mosque in Florida that has seen a steady increase in Latino worshippers.


    video clips


    Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

    Christ will never be proud to reject to be a slave to God .....holy Quran, chapter Women , 4: 172

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  5. #203
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    Re: Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!


    The Words of the Devil?

    An Australian Woman's Path to Islam :smile:

    By Jill Forrest

    I took out every book on religion from the library, studying them all. The faiths that preached monotheism stood out from the others. With Judaism, I could never understand their rejection of Jesus. They didn't even see him as a prophet. I always saw them as blinded to the truth.

    At that time, Islam really seemed to have the answers for me, but I brushed it aside, as I thought that my doubts in Christianity were just a lack of faith.

    I felt that the original church might hold the answers. I became a Catholic. Through the church, I received help to learn about the history of the church and its doctrines. I was shocked to find that the Bible was put together more than 300 years after Christ.

    I also found out that they voted on whether or not Jesus was divine. People made these decisions? People are imperfect, what if they were wrong? I was horrified! Why didn't they tell me these things in Bible class at the Baptist Church?

    I tried to carry on with following Christianity, but I had great doubts. I shoved them to the back of my mind, and told myself that I needed to have more faith.

    In time I was to learn more:
    [They take their priests and their anchorites to be their lords in derogation of Allah, and (they take as their Lord) Christ, the son of Mary; Yetthey were commanded to worship but One God: There is no god but He. Praise and glory to Him: (Far is He) from having the partners they associate (with Him)] (At-Tawbah 9:31)

    9/11 was to prove a turning point for me. I was totally shocked by these attacks, and I was further shocked to read some truly negative comments by Australians regarding Islam. From my previous study, I realized they had drawn their opinions from those portrayed by the media and that they were in error. I was determined to learn as much as possible about Islam. At this time, I didn't even know any Muslims. I contacted Islam Australia's website and inquired about learning more.

    During this time, there was an inner struggle taking place, but I had to confess that Islam truly did hold all the answers. Nevertheless, my problem was that I was always taught that Islam had been sent by the devil to trick us into losing our salvation. Maybe I was being deceived! Then I read the article, "Attributing it to the Devil," by Gary Miller, wherein he says,

    I had experience, on one occasion, describing some of the contents in the Qur'an to a man who did not know the book I was talking about. He sat next to me with the cover turned over.

    I just told him about the book, what it contained and told him it was not the bible. His conclusion was, the book was miraculous. This man was a minister in a Christian Church. He said, "Yes, that book could not possibly have originated with man, therefore it must come from the devil, because it's not the bible."

    The Qur'an comments on this suggestion in chapter twenty-six, verse two-hundred and eleven, as to those who would suggest that the book came from the devil. It points out that it does not quite suit him, does it? Is this how the devil misleads people? He tells them, worship none but God, he insists that they fast, that they practice charity. Is this how the devil misleads people?

    Compare the attitude of someone like this, to the attitude of the Jews who knew Jesus and opposed him until the very end.

    There is an episode reported in the bible where Jesus raised a man from the dead, one Lazarus, who had been dead for four days. When Lazarus came out of the tomb, alive again those Jews who were watching, what did they do? Did they suddenly say that this man is a true prophet and become believers?

    No, the bible says they immediately discussed among themselves that "since this man is working on his signs soon everyone will believe in him. We've got to find a way to kill him," and they attributed his miraculous powers to the devil. He raised that man by the power of the devil.

    Now, the Christians who read that episode will feel very sorry for those Jews who had clear evidence right before their very eyes and attribute the miracles to the devil. Does it not appear that they may be doing the same thing when we illustrate what we have in the Qur'an and their final excuse is only: "It originated with the devil."

    In the Qur’an we are told:

    [No evil ones have brought down this (Revelation)] (Ash-Shu`araa'26:210)

    [Oyewho believe! Enter into Islam whole-heartedly; and follow not the footsteps of the evil one; for he is to you an avowedenemy] ( Al-Baqarah 2:228)

    I read it and wept. It seemed to answer my doubts, and I realisedI was a believer. I had to be true to myself. I gave myShahadahon March 7, 2002, and I feel so happy and truly at peace, Al-hamdu lillah (Praise be to Allah).

    Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

    Christ will never be proud to reject to be a slave to God .....holy Quran, chapter Women , 4: 172

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    Thumbs up stories of Non Muslim who seeked the truth & converted to Islam

    In this thread i will put the stories of jews and christians which has converted to islam after they knew the truth ...and i will try to put some of their sound or video lectures after becoming muslims ...

    and i would like to say that islamic belief is the right conclusion to every non muslim who is really sincere in seeking the truth ..

    islam is the right conclusion to every non muslim who is really sincere in worshiping his GOD alone with no partners...

    and i will start with the first one which is DR. Gary Miller

    Who is Dr. Gary Miller :
    G.R. Miller is a mathematician and a theologian. He was active in Christian missionary work at a particular point of his life but he soon began to discover many inconsistencies in the Bible. In 1978, he happened to read the Qur'an expecting that it, too, would contain a mixture of truth and falsehood.
    Gary Miller (Abdul-Ahad Omar) shows how we can establish true faith by setting standards of truth. He illustrates a simple but effective method of finding out the right direction in our search for truth.
    He discovered to his amazement that the message of the Qur'an was precisely the same as the essence of truth that he had distilled from the Bible. He became a Muslim and since then has been active in giving public presentations on Islam including radio and television appearances. He is also the author of several articles and publications about Islam.

    for more about him visit http://www.mydeviant.com/miller/gary_miller.html

    and here are some of his lectures

    for more visit the links above

    here is a picture of DR. Gary Miller attachmentphp?attachmentid2968&ampstc1&ampd1174245383 - Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

    i will soon get the story of chaplin yusuf estes.

    Last edited by Hemoo; 03-19-2007 at 06:19 AM.
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    Re: stories of Non Muslim who seeked the truth & converted to Islam

    and second one who converted from Judaism to islam

    his name now is Yousef Khattab his name used to be kohen
    he was a strict jew but he became a muslim after he knew the truth ...

    he was a citizen of occupied Palestine

    attachmentphp?attachmentid2967&ampstc1&ampd1174245383 - Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

    and here is a small video about him and his family which have all converted to islam download the video

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  9. #206
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    Re: stories of Non Muslim who seeked the truth & converted to Islam

    third story is for Yusuf estes he used to call people to christianity but now he is making a great efforts to call all people to be muslims

    here is a before and after pictures

    attachmentphp?attachmentid2975&ampstc1&ampd1174285276 - Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

    and after becoming a muslim :

    attachmentphp?attachmentid2976&ampstc1&ampd1174285276 - Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

    you can find a lot of articles and audios and videos by Shiekh Yusuf estes in his web site www.islamtomorrow.com

    and here are many videos http://www.watchislam.com/videos/index.php?catid=-1

    he has a good sence of humor in his lectures you will really enjoy listening to him....

    and for a full story on how he accepted islam visit http://www.islamtomorrow.com/Yusuf_story.htm

    and wait for other stories soon

    salam all

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  10. #207
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    Re: Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!


    My day as a Muslim
    By Raquel Martinez-Sharp

    That was when I knew: “The ‘ONE’ is true, it’s true! There is only one God…” This realization came to me with many tears, when I rose out of the first sudjood of my life. Without knowing what I was doing, I’d managed to huddle into rows of praying women during a jummuah prayer in the month of Ramadan three years ago.

    Three years ago, I asked a wonderful young Muslim woman, a good friend to my sister, to please let me spend a day of Ramadan with her. I had chosen to do a research paper on Islam for my world religion’s class. To this day, I’m not really sure why I chose to write about Islam, because growing up in Europe I certainly harbored certain negative stereotypes many western women have about Islam. However, I was curious about Islam and because I’m a journalism student I decided to write an investigative paper: ‘My day as a Muslim ’.

    I began my day as a ‘Muslim’ by fasting and I set out early to meet my friend, who took me to a masjid where I also interviewed a few of her friends and peers. However, as my day as a ‘Muslim’ wore on, I didn’t want to ask people questions anymore; I just wanted to experience what I was feeling: a wonderful sense of calm.

    My first masjid experience began with a shock that women were in the back of the prayer hall, but ended with one of the most moving experiences I’ve ever had. I’d give anything to feel like I did during my very first sudjood, at least once more some time in my life.

    After such an experience one would think that I would’ve immediately joined the Ummah. But I didn’t. Next to skeptical thoughts that suggested my sudjood experience could surely be credited to lightheadedness from fasting, I also experienced Christian guilt.

    Furthermore, I was going through a deeply skeptical and almost agnostic phase, but that experience during Ramadan reminded me that Allah (swt) is real.

    Although, I’d unexpectedly become attracted to Islam, it was also foreign to me, but I was inspired to incorporate religious practice in my life again. I attempted to be a ‘good Christian’ and sometimes even went to church more than once a week. But nonetheless, during the past three years I yearned for the day I was so content: the day I was a Muslim.

    I admired Muslims’ strong belief in God and the beauty of Islamic religious practice. Among my favorite aspects of Islamic practice, are the forms of prayer and the praise of Allah (swt) through the beautiful sounds of Qur’anic recitation.

    During the past three years I tried contacting my sister’s kind friend, who introduced me to Islam, but strangely I could not get a hold of her. But Alhamdullilah, one day she called to talk to my sister and I knew it was my chance, this was a little over a year ago.

    Throughout the past year, as I learned more about Islam, I would tell my friend sincerely: “I’m a friend of Islam.” She would just smile. I remember her smile clearly, it was the smile one gives a child when they say something naïve but sweet. I think she knew I wouldn’t be content until the day I was what I wanted to be, one of those who submit, a Muslim.

    This past summer I took shahaddah, Alhamdullilah and although I still have spiritual questions, I don’t mind. I will worry the day I don’t have any questions.

    But now, I can explore those questions while on the path I wanted to be on since I discovered it. This path/deen has reminded me that the only true thing I need is remembrance of Allah (swt). And this path/deen provides me with all I need for my journey. Allahu Akbar.
    Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

    heart 1 - Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

    25:36 And the true servants of the Most Merciful are those who walk the earth with humility and when the ignorant address them, they respond with words of peace.
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  11. #208
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    Re: stories of Non Muslim who seeked the truth & converted to Islam

    The Fifth was a famous man his name was cat stevens and he was a famous singer in united kingdom and when he knew the truth after he read a chapter in the Quran named "YUSUF" and this chapter talked about prophet joseph's life then cat stevens knew that this words can not be a human words and he realised that the Quran is really the words of ALLAH (SWT)

    to know detailed story about his journey to islam visit http://www.islamtomorrow.com/converts/yusuf_islam.asp

    a before picture

    attachmentphp?attachmentid2978&ampstc1&ampd1174332744 - Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!
    and after becoming muslim

    attachmentphp?attachmentid2980&ampstc1&ampd1174332744 - Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here! and

    attachmentphp?attachmentid2979&ampstc1&ampd1174332744 - Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

    and to know a full story about Yusuf islam here is a video in google (sorry that this video contains prohibited music)

    and wait for the next story

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    Last edited by Hemoo; 03-19-2007 at 07:44 PM.
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  12. #209
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    Re: stories of Non Muslim who seeked the truth & converted to Islam

    our next convert is Dr. bilal phillips that is his name now

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    and here a summarized informations about his story :

    Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips was born in Jamaica, but grew up in Canada, where he accepted Islam in 1972. He completed a diploma in Arabic and a B.A. from the College of Islamic Disciplines (Usool ad-Deen) at the Islamic University of Madeenah in 1979. At the University of Riyadh, College of Education, he completed a M.A. in Islamic Theology in 1985, and in the department of Islamic Studies at the University of Wales, he completed a Ph.D. in Islamic Theology in 1994.

    Abu Ameenah taught Islamic Education and Arabic in private schools in Riyadh for over ten years and for three years he lectured M.Ed. students in the Islamic Studies department of Shariff Kabunsuan Islamic University in Cotobato City, Mindanao, Philippines. Since 1994 he has founded and directed the Islamic Information Center in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (which is now known as Discover Islam) and the Foreign Literature Department of Dar al Fatah Islamic Press in Sharjah, UAE. Presently, he is a lecturer of Arabic and Islamic Studies at the American University in Dubai and Ajman University in Ajman, UAE.

    for more about him and his video lectures and articles visit his site click here

    He talked about himself once in a recorded video lecture named "Truth Seekers" he said that he converted from christianity and that he actually went from christianity to communism and then and finally to Islam

    and salam
    and wait for the next convert story ...

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    Re: stories of Non Muslim who seeked the truth & converted to Islam

    The seventh one to convert to islam this time ..

    he is an Anatomy specialist and he was (may be still) the Chairman of the Department of Anatomy and is the former Dean of the faculty of Medicine, University of Chiang Mai, Chiang Mai, Thailand

    attachmentphp?attachmentid2983&ampstc1&ampd1174393427 - Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

    After he knew some of the scientific miracles of the Quran and Sunna he declared the shahada ,want to watch him here is a video and here to download.

    and here is the text of what he said in the video :

    "In the last three years, I became interested in the Qur'an... From my studies and what I have learned throughout this conference, I believe that everything that has been recorded in the Qur'an fourteen hundred years ago must be the truth, that can be proved by the scientific means.

    Since the Prophet Muhammad could neither read nor write, Muhammad must be a messenger who relayed this truth which was revealed to him as an enlightenment by the one who is eligible creator. This creator must be God, or Allah.

    I think this is the time to say La ilaha illa Allah, there is no god to worship except Allah (God), Muhammad rasoolu Allah, Muhammad is Messenger of Allah...

    The most precious thing I have gained from coming to this conference is La ilaha illa Allah, and to have become Muslim."

    and as usual wait for the next story

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    Last edited by Hemoo; 03-20-2007 at 12:35 PM.
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  15. #211
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    Re: Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

    format_quote Originally Posted by Ansar Al-'Adl View Post

    If you are a revert please add your story here, because it is very inspiring Alhamdullilah.

    There are several stories on this site:

    I'll post a few:
    I am in the process of studing the Islam faith. I am comparing and contrasting it to the Christian faith. I find it interesting that the Quran recognizes Jesus as the Word of God. It says in the Bible that God exalts His word above all His name.
    I am interest in knowing how Muhammad got his vision or the history behind it from a Muslim's perspective. I would also like to own the Quran and visit a Mosque. Does anyone know where one is in Chesapeake, VA or how I can get the Quran?
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  16. #212
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    Re: stories of Non Muslim who seeked the truth & converted to Islam

    here is a video with some of the many new muslims in texas telling how and why they accepted islam as their way of life

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  17. #213
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    May Allah have mercy on him رحمة الله عليه
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    Re: stories of Non Muslim who seeked the truth & converted to Islam

    This is a duplicate of an existing thread. I believe it is best to merge both.
    Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

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    Re: Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

    I grew up in the rural South USA as a Baptist, but I became a member of the Church of Christ in college. When I was a junior (1981), an Iranian student asked if he could be my roommate and I said yes. He practiced Islam and I adhered to Christianity. Though I was not (and am still not) a saint, I was pretty serious about my religion. My roommate and I would discuss religion, but only occassionally and in no great detail. After a year of being his roommate, I took his Quran (Yusuf Ali with commentary and index) home over Christmas break. I used the index to find and then read all of the ayat about Jesus (pbuh) and Mary. At first I was opposed because it disagreed with my beliefs, but, as I read more, I reached a point where I saw that what I was reading made more sense. I said my shahada upon returning to school.

    I learned the basic prayer and practiced Islam until I went to graduate school in the Midwest. Away from my home "support group" I found it difficult to be different (Scottish/European Caucasian) from the other Muslims and for other reasons I did not practice Islam during that time.

    I finished my MS degree and returned to the South to work. Upon returning to the same university where I became a Muslim, I started openly practicing Islam again and discussing it with my co-workers. As would be expected, my family was strongly opposed to my conversion and practicing Islam. No need for details, but it wasn't pleasant during this time. This opposition by my family, being associated with so-called "terrorists", and my inability to find a Muslim wife led me to quit practising Islam. I married a Christian and started a PhD program. After graduating and getting a job, I made a few half-hearted attempts to start practicing Islam, but to little avail.

    As I reached 40 years old, I realized that one day I will die and that I would have to give an account of my life. While on a family vacation in June of 2001 I made the decision to practice Islam regardless of what others thought. I remember thinking that I could not use the excuse that some "Muslim" terrorist blew himself up and killed innocent people as the reason for my not practicing Islam. I felt a personal accountability for my own life and the need to practice my Islamic faith regardless of what others might do in the name of Islam. Then, as everyone knows, came 9/11... That was indeed a struggle, but Allah led me through it. Alhamdulillah!

    I feel extremely blessed to have been guided to the Truth. Guidance comes only from Allah! My simple prayer is that I die not, but as a Muslim. What else really matters?
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    Re: Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

    Quran & The sensory characteristic of the skin

    Dr. Tagata Tagasone: Laa Ilaaha Illallah Muhammad Rasool Allah !

    skin - Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

    This man is uttering the Islamic creed (Shahaadah) and declaring that he is becoming a Muslim. This occurred during the Eighth Saudi Medical Conference which was convened in Riyadh. He is Professor Tagata Tagasone, formerly Head of the Department of Anatomy and Embryology at the University of Shiang Mai in Thailand. He is now the Dean of the College of the Medicine at the University.

    We presented to Professor Tagasone some Qur’aanic verses and Prophetic Ahadeeth which deal with his specialization in the field of anatomy. He commented that they also had in their Buddhist books very accurate descriptions of embryonic developmental stages. We told him that we were very anxious and interested to see those descriptions and learn about these books. A year later, Professor Tcame to King Abdul Aziz University as an outside examiner. We reminded him of the statement he made one year before, but he apologized and said that he in fact had made that statement without ascertaining the matter. However, when he checked the Buddhist books he found that they contained nothing of relevance to the subject.

    Upon this we presented to him a lecture written by Professor Keith Moore about the compatibility of modern embryology with what is contained in the Qur’aan and the Sunnah and we asked Professor Tagasone if he knew of Professor Keith Moore. He replied that he knew him of course, adding that Professor Moore was one of the Most world-renowned scientists in that field.

    When Professor Tagasone studied this article he also was greatly astonished. We asked him several questions in his field of specialization. One of the questions pertained to modern discoveries in dermatology about the sensory characteristics of the skin.
    Dr. Tagasone responded: Yes if the burn is deep.

    It was stated to Dr. Tagasone: You will be interested to know that in this book, the Holy book the Qur’aan, there was a reference 1400 years ago which refers to the moment of punishment of the unbelievers by the fire of Hell and it states that when their skin is destroyed, Allah makes another skin for them so that they perceive the punishment by a fire, indicating knowledge about the nerve endings in the skin, and the verse is:

    Those who reject our signs. We shall soon cast into the fire; as often as their skins are roasted through. We shall change them for fresh skins, that they may taste the chastisement: for Allah is Exalted in Power, Wise [ Qur’aan 4:56]

    So do you agree that this is a reference to the importance of the nerve endings in the skin in sensation, 1400 years ago?

    Dr. Tagasone responded: Yes I agree. This knowledge about sensation had been known long before. Because it says that if somebody does something wrong, then he will be punished by burning his skin and then Allah puts a new skin in him, cover him, to make him know that the test is painful again. That means they knew many years ago that the receptor of pain sensation must be on the skin, so they put a new skin on.

    The skin is the center of sensitivity to burns. Thus, if the skin is completely burnt by fire, it looses its sensitivity. It is for this reason that Allah will punish the unbelievers on the Day of Judgement by returning to them their skins time after time, as He, the Exalted and Glorified, said in the Qur’aan:Those who reject our signs. We shall soon cast into the fire; as often as their skins are roasted through. We shall change them for fresh skins, that they may taste the chastisement: for Allah is Exalted in Power, Wise (Qur’aan 4:56).

    We asked him the following question: ‘Is it possible that these verses came to the Prophet Muhammad, (sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam), from a human source?’

    Professor Tagasone conceded that they could have never come from any human source. But he still asked about the source of that knowledge and from where could Muhammad have possibly received it?

    We said, ‘From Allah, the Most Glorified and Most Exalted.’ Then he asked: ‘But who is Allah?’ We replied: He is the Creator of all that is in existence.’ If you find wisdom then it is because it comes only from the one Who is Most Wise. If you find knowledge in the making of this universe, it is because the universe is the creation of the One Who has all the knowledge. If you find perfection in the composition of these creations, then it is proof to you that it is the creation of the One Who Knows Best. And if you find mercy, then this bears witness to the fact that it is the creation of the One Who is Most Merciful. In the same way, if you perceive creation as belonging to one unified order and tied together firmly, then this is proof that it is the creation of the Only Creator, May He be Glorified and Exalted.

    This is no less than a reminder to (all) the worlds. And you shall certainly know the truth of it (all) after a while.(38:87-88).

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    25:36 And the true servants of the Most Merciful are those who walk the earth with humility and when the ignorant address them, they respond with words of peace.
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    Re: Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

    Assalamu Alaikum warrahmutalahi wabarakatuhu, Brother's and Sister's

    OK this is my story.....

    I was born in N/Ireland {Londonderry} my mother was a protestant so is my older sister

    My name is Aisha but my birth name was Emma {I changed it by de-pole}

    My mother died in the year 2000 and my mothers twin sister died 44 days later.....

    I got married to a non-Muslim because at the time I was a non-Muslim

    My Ex husband done the dirty on me with my so called friend So I then moved from where I was living

    And moved down to Swindon and it was while I was at Swindon that I saw my first Masjid {Mosque}

    Wow it was breath taking some how I know that I should not walk into....

    I found my birth-father there because he left me my mother and sister when I was 1 years old

    Alot of things happened wont go into it.............

    I had a very bad car crash on coming on the M4...

    My car rolled and flipped over 6 times I thought my time was up........

    When the car came to a stop I looked around the car and I was totally shocked that I'm still here
    I was sitting waiting to see if I broken something or had any pain anywhere and I did not to I hoped out of the window.....

    And waved down a car passing on the M4 and ask him if he could phone the police and tell them where I am
    because I had no idea where I was....

    When the Police, ambulance and the fire brigade came thay all said by just looking at the car thay thought thay were going to take a body

    But Alhumduliliah I was fine.....

    And it was that night that I knew something did not want me to die

    I know about Islam/ Muslim's from the minimum that my school told us
    1) worship Allah

    2) pray 5 times a day

    3) don't eat pork
    And I think that was pretty much it from my high school

    After I gotten over my crash I moved back to east Anglia I began to research Islam and what I found en-lighting

    I found a Masjid in Norwich where I sent an e-mail saying

    That I would like to learn more about Islam

    About one week later I got talking to a sister and she was telling me about Islam and she welcomed me into her home

    After we talked for a few hours and she was asking me questions to make sure I'm not just jumping into becoming a Muslim

    She invited me to come to Masjid for Jumma and we talked about the Prophet {Sal-allahu-aleihi-wassallam}

    And on the 24th of Feb 2006 I taken my shahadah and I have not looked back from that day
    I'm the only Muslim in my family
    I had a boyfriend and he was all fine about me becoming a Muslim but after I taken my shahadah I told him that we can no-longer go with each other
    he did not take to well to this information and he pinned me down and batted me for days afterwards I begged him to move out but he never listened to me
    he also done a unforgiving thing to me a few days after I taken my shahadah.....
    I told a fellow sister and she said have arranged for a brother to pick you up and to move you out of your house and Alhumduliliah I moved to Yorkshire were I meet my husband...
    I'm now married to my loving husband a we have a little girl we called her Fatima and Marshallah I'm more happier now then I ever have been before Alhumduliliah

    wa alykum as-Salaam warahmatulahi wabarakatuh
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    Re: Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

    format_quote Originally Posted by alapiana1 View Post
    I am in the process of studing the Islam faith. I am comparing and contrasting it to the Christian faith. I find it interesting that the Quran recognizes Jesus as the Word of God. It says in the Bible that God exalts His word above all His name.
    I am interest in knowing how Muhammad got his vision or the history behind it from a Muslim's perspective. I would also like to own the Quran and visit a Mosque. Does anyone know where one is in Chesapeake, VA or how I can get the Quran?
    I dont know about a Masjid there but you can download the Qur'an for the time being.


    Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

    *Without Allah, without Islam, life would be meaningless. If I've ever learned patience, it's because of this. Alhamdulillah...*
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    Post 100-Year-Old Journey

    100-Year-Old Journey
    By Discover Islam Team

    100-year-old, Dr. J. Nicholson was born in Scotland, UK. He obtained his PhD in theology in 1933. He was a minister of Jehovah's Witnesses Church, which he left in 1969.

    Nicholson says, "I did everything that was bad: I gambled, I drank, and I womanized." Then on October 28, 1995, he embraced Islam. Only 18 months before he embraced Islam, he quitted drinking and gambling.

    He married seven times. He has 31 children, 18 grandchildren, and 7 great grandchildren. One of his wives (the wife he is with now) and their six children are Muslims, and one son from a previous marriage is also a Muslim.

    Click here to watch Dr. J. Nicholson speaking about his journey to Islam.
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    Re: Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!


    format_quote Originally Posted by alapiana1 View Post
    ... I would also like to own the Quran and visit a Mosque. Does anyone know where one is in Chesapeake, VA or how I can get the Quran?
    u may search here online :

    Find a mosque in the database by entering the city/town/locale name (e.g Birmingham) or the first part of the postcode (e.g NW8).

    Or find a mosque by part of its name (e.g %Noor will find mosques with 'Noor' in the name)



    Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

    Christ will never be proud to reject to be a slave to God .....holy Quran, chapter Women , 4: 172

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    Re: Stories of Muslim Reverts! - Post yours here!

    Well, my story is kind of personal, but I will share it any way. I was in prison and stayed in trouble actually, because I was a real hot head. So one day I was hole(segregation) and just picked up the bible and couldnt put it down I saw it impossible to create the earth in seven day and wanted answers, the chaplian couldnt answer my question. Then I read my firt contradiction about Isaac(a.s.) being the first born and Ishma'il being the wrongfully born. When I questioned the chaplian He told me dont question the bible just believe, but I read the bible saud test what is brought to you to be truth. Then I read how jacob(a.s.) wrestled with God and won, I was through with the bible. So I went to the nation of islam that was short because God is not races and once I understood their doctrine that wasnt what I was looking for, the same with the Moorish science temple of america. When I saw that the founder of the nation of islam came from the m.s.t. of a., and both of them were founded in the 1900's I didnt see truth in them. Then one day I saw a guy speaking a funny and putting his head on the floor and bowing so I waited for him to finish then I asked him what were you just doing he said praying why? I said why do you pray like that, He said do you really want to know? I said yes and he gave me three books 1.breif illustration to islam. 2.christian muslim dialogue. 3.why I choose islam. and that started my never ending journey. I have been muslim for five years and counting.
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