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A story that makes me cry.. Mohammad's (saws) death

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    Unhappy A story that makes me cry.. Mohammad's (saws) death

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    Assalamu Alikom wa rahamtollahe wa barakatu, dear sisters & brothers..

    The most difficult event in our Islamic history was the death of the best human being, the death of the last messenger of Allah, the death of the Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him)..

    Fatima Al Zahra (the prophet’s daughter) said at the beginning of a poem what means that:
    A weighty tragedy has been fallen in me on the death of my father.. If there is a chance to this tragedy to rest on the day, even the day will not have the ability to contain it; instantly it will be converted to a night..

    I took most of the following story from this website: http://www.alsiraj.net/engindex.html, but I’ve added small details from other sources..

    In the forum, I found some posts about this, but I hope that I will add for you in this thread..

    Actually I read about this many times, but whenever I listen or read about the events in the last moments of our prophet’s life, my tears fall as when reading it at the first time!

    I am writing this for all lovers of our prophet Mohammad (pbuh); hope you enjoy reading!

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    The Journey to Allah, the Sublime..

    wwwislamicboardcom - A story that makes me cry.. Mohammad's (saws) death

    ** Symptoms of Farewell:

    - After the accomplishment of the Call, the proclamation of the Message and the establishment of a new society on the basis of ‘There is no god but Allah,’ and on Muhammad’s mission, a secret call uprose in the heart of the Messenger of Allah telling him that his stay in the Lower World was about to terminate. That was clear in his talk to Mu‘adh whom he had dispatched to Yemen in the tenth year of Al-Hijra: "O, Mu‘adh! You may not see me after this current year. You may even pass by this very Mosque of mine and my tomb." Upon hearing that Mu‘adh cried for fear that he would part with the Messenger of Allah..

    - The archangel Gabriel (peace be upon him) used to review the Holy Qur’an with the prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) once a year, but in the last year of the Prophet’s life, Gabriel reviewed it twice..

    - The prophet Mohammad said in the Farewell Pilgrimage:
    " O people! Listen to what I say. I do not know whether I will ever meet you at this place once again after this current year.
    He said a long speech and then he said:
    " if you were asked about me, what wanted you to say?"
    They replied:
    "We bear witness that you have conveyed the message and discharged your ministry."
    He then raised his forefinger skywards and then moved it down towards people while saying:
    "O Allah, Bear witness, O Allah, Bear witness, O Allah, Bear witness."

    - As soon as the Prophet had accomplished delivering the speech, the following Qur’anic verse was revealed to him:
    [5:3] "This day I have perfected your religion for you, completed My Favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion."
    Upon hearing this verse ‘Umar cried. "What makes you cry?" He was asked.
    His answer was: "Nothing succeeds perfection but imperfection."

    - In Madinah, one day, at midnight he went to Al-Baqee‘cemetery, and implored Allah to forgive the martyrs of Islam. He greeted them and said: "Peace be upon you tomb-dwellers! May that morning that dawns upon you be more relieving than that which dawn upon the living. Afflictions are approaching them like cloudy lumps of a dark night — the last of which follows the first. The last one is bearing more evil than the first." He comforted them saying: "Peace be upon you, you have preceded us and we will follow you".

    - Some companions saw the Prophet (PBUH) crying, so they asked him: why are you crying? The Prophet replied: "I long for my brothers", so they said: " aren't we your brothers?" The Prophet said: "No, you are my friends, but my brothers are those that will come after I die and will not see me, yet they will believe in me"..

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    Unhappy Re: A story that makes me cry.. Mohammad's death

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    ** The Start of the Disease:

    The prophet pbuh had a headache, his temperature rose so high that the heat effect could be felt over his headband.
    He led the Muslims in prayer for eleven days though he was sick. The total number of his sick days were either thirteen or fourteen.

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    ** The Last Week:

    When his sickness grew severe, and since Aishah’s room was the nearest to the mosque, he gathered his wives and asked them: "do you mind if I go and be taken care of at the house of "Aishah" ? They all replied: "dear Prophet if this is your wish, of course we don't mind" and then the Prophet tried to get out of bed, but he couldn't, he was too week, so Al Fadel Ibn Abass and Ali Ibn Aby Taleb came and carried the Prophet while he leaned on them till he reached the house of Aisha.

    Aisha said: "when he came in being helped by Al Fadel and Ali he was sweating so hard, and trying to wipe the sweat of his face while saying: "There is no God but Allah"
    His wife Aishah used to recite Al-Mu‘awwidhat (Chapters 113 and 114 of the Qur’an) and other supplications which he had already taught her, and then touch him by his hand because as she said: his hands are better than mine..

    The last time the prophet pbuh appeared in the mosque he addressed the congregation, after the usual prayers were over, in the following words: "O Muslims, if I have wronged anyone of you, here I am to answer for it; if I owe anything to anyone, all I may happen to possess belongs to you." A man in the crowd rose and claimed three Dhirhams which he had given to a poor man at the request of the Prophet. They were immediately paid back with these words: "Better to blush in this world than in the next."

    The Prophet then prayed and implored Allah's mercy for those who had fallen in the persecution of their enemies. He recommended to all his followers the observance of religious duties and the leading of a life of peace and goodwill. Then he spoke with emotion and with a voice still so powerful as to reach beyond the outer doors of the mosque: "By the Lord in Whose hand lies the soul of Muhammad as to myself, no man can lay hold on me in any matter; I have not made lawful anything excepting what Allah has made lawful; nor have I prohibited anything but that which Allah in His Book has prohibited."

    And then he said:
    "Allah, the Great, has given a slave of His the opportunity to make a choice between whatever he desires of Allah’s provisions in this world, and what He keeps for him in the world, but he has opted for the latter."
    Abu Sa‘id Al-Khudri said: "Upon hearing that, Abu Bakr cried and said: ‘We sacrifice our fathers and mothers for your sake.’ We wondered why Abu Bakr said such a thing. People said: ‘Look at that old man! The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, says about a slave of Allah who was granted the right between the best fortunes of this world and the bounty of Allah in the Hereafter, but he says: We sacrifice our fathers and mothers for your sake!’ It was later on that we realized what he had aimed at. The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, was the slave informed to choose. We also acknowledged that Abu Bakr was the most learned among us."
    Then the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said:
    "The fellow I feel most secure in his company is Abu Bakr. If I were to make friendship with any other one than Allah, I would have Abu Bakr a bosom friend of mine. For him I feel affection and brotherhood of Islam. No gate shall be kept open in the Mosque except that of Abu Bakr’s."

    Turning to the women who sat close by, he exclaimed: "O Fatimah, my, daughter, and Safia, my aunt, work you both that which procure you acceptance with the Lord, for verily I have no power to save you in any wise." He then rose and re-entered the house of Aisha.

    In the evening he grew so sick that he could not overcome the strain of disease or go out to enter the Mosque.
    ‘Aishah said: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, asked: "Have the people performed the prayer?"
    "No. They haven’t. They are waiting for you."
    "Put some water in the washing pot." Said he.
    We did what he ordered. So he washed and wanted to stand up, but he fainted. When he came round he asked again
    "Have the people prayed?" Then the same sequence of events took place again and again for the second and the third times from the time he washed to the time he fainted after his attempts to stand up. Therefore, he sent to Abu Bakr to lead the prayer himself instead of the prophet's leading. Abu Bakr then led the prayer during those days. They were seventeen prayers in the lifetime of Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him..

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    Unhappy Re: A story that makes me cry.. Mohammad's death

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    ** The Last Day Alive:

    In a narration by Anas bin Malik, he said: "While the Muslims were performing the dawn prayer on Monday — led by Abu Bakr, they were surprised to see the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, raising the curtain of ‘Aishah’s room. He looked at them while they were praying aligned properly and smiled cheerfully. Seeing him, Abu Bakr withdrew to join the lines and give way to him to lead the prayer. For he thought that the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, wanted to go out and pray."
    Anas said: "The Muslims, who were praying, were so delighted that they were almost too enraptured at their prayers. The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, made them a gesture to continue their prayer, went into the room and drew down the curtain."
    The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, did not live for the next prayer time.

    Fatimah came walking in the manner of the Prophet and then she cried because his father didn’t stand to kiss her between her eyes as he used to do whenever she came; she knew that he was very sick. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, Welcome, O my daughter, and then he told her something in a secret voice that made her cry. Then he whispered to her something else which made her laugh. ‘Aishah enquired from her after the Prophet’s death, as to this weeping and laughing to which Fatimah replied: "The first time he disclosed to me that he would not recover from his illness and I wept. Then he told me that I would be the first of his family to join him, so I laughed."

    Fatimah witnessed the great pain that afflicted her father. So she said: "What great pain my father is in!". To these words, the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, remarked:
    "He will not suffer any more when today is over."

    He asked that Al-Hasan and Al-Husain be brought to him. He kissed them and recommended that they be looked after. He asked to see his wives. They were brought to him. He preached them and told them to remember Allah.

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    ** The Prophet, peace be upon him, breathes his Last:

    When the pangs of death started, ‘Aishah leant him against her. She used to say: One of Allah’s bounties upon me is that the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, died in my house, while I am still alive. He died between my chest and neck while he was leaning against me. Allah has mixed his saliva with mine at his death. For ‘Abdur Rahman — the son of Abu Bakr, so he is Aisha's brother — came in with a Siwak (i.e. the root of a desert plant used for brushing teeth) in his hand, while I was leaning the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, against me. I noticed that he was looking at the Siwak, so I asked him — for I knew that he wanted it — "Would you like me to take it for you?" He nodded in agreement. I took it and gave it to him. As it was too hard for him, I asked him "Shall I soften it for you?" He nodded in agreement. So I softened it with my saliva and he passed it (on his teeth).
    So he brushed his teeth as nice as he could.

    Then the prophet pbuh asked those who were with him to leave the room except his wife Aisha..

    There was a water container available at his hand with some water in. He put his hand in it and wiped his face with it and said:
    "There is no god but Allah. Death is full of agonies."

    He was putting his head on the chest of his wife Aisha, and then the prophet raised his hand or his finger up, looked upwards to the ceiling and moved his lips. So ‘Aishah listened to him. She heard him say: "With those on whom You have bestowed Your Grace with the Prophets and the Truthful ones (As-Siddeeqeen), the martyrs and the good doers. O Allah, forgive me and have mercy upon me and join me to the Companionship on high." Then at intervals he uttered these words: "The most exalted Companionship on high. To Allah we turn and to Him we turn back for help and last abode."

    Aisha said: Then the prophet’s hand suddenly fell, and his head on my chest became heavier..
    So, she realized that he has died..

    She didn’t know what to do; she left her room going to the mosque where the Muslims have gathered trying to find any news about the prophet, she went in and said " The Prophet of Allah has died, the Prophet of Allah has died, the Prophet of Allah has died "

    So the mosque exploded between those that screamed and those that cried and those who couldn’t believe it..
    This event took place at high morning time on Monday, the twelfth of Rabi‘ Al-Awwal, in the eleventh year of Al-Hijrah. He was sixty-three years and four days old when he died.

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    Unhappy Re: A story that makes me cry.. Mohammad's death

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    ** The Companions’ concern over the Prophet’s Death:

    Othman Ibn Afan cried like a baby that they have to take him by the hand like a kid..

    Ali Ibn Aby Taleb sat and couldn’t get back up on his feet..

    The great (loss) news was soon known by everybody in Madinah. Dark grief spread on all areas and horizons of Madinah.

    Anas said: "I have never witnessed a day better or brighter than that day on which the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, came to us; and I have never witnessed a more awful or darker day than that one on which the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, died on."
    All eyes were turned to the quarter of Ayesha. The faithful had the fond hope that the door of the chamber would open any moment and the Holy Prophet would emerge with his face radiating divine light..

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    ** Umar’s Attitude:

    ‘Umar, who was so stunned that he almost lost consciousness and stood before people addressing them: "Some of the hypocrites claim that the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, died. The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, did not die, but went to his Lord in the same way as Moses bin ‘Imran did. He stayed away for forty nights, but finally came back though they said he had been dead. By Allah, the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, will come back and I will cut off the hands and legs of those who claim his death."

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    ** Abu Bakr’s Attitude:

    The strongest person on that day was Abu Bakr, the most preferred friend of the prophet pbuh..

    Abu Bakr left his house at As-Sunh and came forth to the Mosque on a mare-back. At the Mosque, he dismounted and entered. He talked to nobody but went on till he entered the abode of his daughter Aisha, and went directly to where the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, was. The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, was covered with a Yemeni mantle. He uncovered his face and said: O my friend, O my love, O my prophet! You are virtuous when you are alive and dead. And he tended down, kissed him between his eyes and cried. Then he said: "I sacrifice my father and mother for your sake. Allah, verily, will not cause you to die twice. You have just experienced the death that Allah had ordained."

    Then he went out and found ‘Umar talking to people. He said: "‘Umar, be seated." ‘Umar refused to do so. People parted ‘Umar and came towards Abu Bakr, who started a speech saying:
    "And now, let those who worship Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him,. know that Muhammad has died. But let those who worship Allah, know that He is Ever Living and He never dies. Allah says:
    [3:144] "‘Muhammad ([peace and blessings be upon him])is no more than a Messenger, and indeed (many) Messengers have passed away before him. If he dies or is killed, will you then turn back on your heels (as disbelievers)? And he who turns back on his heels, not the least harm will he do to Allah, and Allah will give reward to those who are grateful."

    Ibn ‘Abbas said: "By Allah, it sounded as if people had never heard such a Qur’anic verse till Abu Bakr recited it as a reminder. So people started reciting it till there was no man who did not recite it."

    Umar said: "By Allah, as soon as I heard Abu Bakr say it, I fell down to the ground. I felt as if my legs had been unable to carry me so I collapsed when I heard him say it. Only then did I realize that Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, had really died." Umar says: " I then ran between the people trying to find a place to hide in alone to scream and cry for the loss of the Prophet pbuh..

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    Unhappy Re: A story that makes me cry.. Mohammad's death

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    ** Burial and Farewell Preparations to his Honourable Body:

    Dispute about who would succeed him, peace and blessings be upon him, broke out even before having the Messenger of Allah’s body prepared for burial. Lots of arguments, discussions, dialogues took place between the Helpers and Emigrants in the roofed passage (portico) of Bani Sa‘ida. Finally they acknowledged Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with him, as a caliph. They spent the whole Monday there till it was night. People were so busy with their arguments that it was late night — just about dawn of Tuesday — yet his blessed body was still lying on his bed covered with an inked-garment. He was locked in the room.

    On Tuesday, his body was washed with his clothes on. He was washed by Al-‘Abbas, ‘Ali, Al-Fadl and Qathm — the two sons of Al-‘Abbas, as well as Shaqran — the Messenger’s freed slave, Osamah bin Zaid and Aws bin Khauli. Al-‘Abbas, Al-Fadl and Qathm turned his body round, whereas Osamah and Shaqran poured out water. ‘Ali washed him and Aws leant him against his chest.
    They shrouded him in three white Sahooli cotton cloth which had neither a head-cloth nor a casing and inserted him in.

    A sort of disagreement arose with regard to a burial place. Abu Bakr said: "I heard the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, say: ‘A dead Prophet is buried where he dies.’ So Abu Talhah lifted the bed on which he died, dug underneath and cut the ground to make the tomb.

    After the burial, Fatima Al Zahra (the prophet’s daughter) asked (Anas) with tears: Were you able to take sand and throw it over the face of the prophet pbuh?

    She said: O my father you have responded to the call of Allah, O my father to whom shall we obituary your death other than your closest friend Gabriel? O my father go on and definitely the Paradise has been your abode..

    People entered the room ten by ten. They prayed for the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him.. The first to pray for him were people of his clan. Then the Emigrants, then the Helpers. Women prayed for him after men. The young were the last to pray.
    This process took Tuesday long and Wednesday night (i.e. the night which precedes Wednesday morning)

    In the time of the first prayer after the death of the Prophet (PBUH), Bilal stood to call for the prayer, and started till he reached the part that says: " Ash hadoo ana Mohammad Rasool Allah" (I witness that Mohammad is the Prophet of Allah) - when he reached this part he could not continue, and the whole of Madina broke out crying

    Thus ended the glorious life of that Prophet Muhammad.
    May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.

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    ** Say Ameen after my do'aa:

    Peace be upon you, O Messenger of Allah. We bear witness that you proclaimed the messages of Allah, that you advised your people and strived in the path of Allah, that you fulfilled the duty imposed on you, and you served Allah with wisdom and beautiful preaching until death overtook you.. So may the blessings and mercy of Allah be upon you..

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    <<== The end..


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    Re: A story that makes me cry.. Mohammad's death

    JazakAllah Khair..really it makes me cry too....
    It is too sad....
    Allahuma SualleAla.
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    Re: A story that makes me cry.. Mohammad's death

    Jazak Allah for sharing , Last ramadan we had Sheikh salman al ruhaili of saudi arabi at the Qanat Al qasba Wahat Al Imaan in sharjah n his topic was the passing away of the best of the humans , Duroos n Ibbr. there was pin drop silence in the tent where the event was organized , it was very detaliled may Allah reward the sheikh , n very emotional... almost every ones eyes were teary , i got it in audio format but dont know where to upload it , if anyone knows a user friendly hosting site do let me know ,, it is in arabic though , but it is very detailed.

    I read it at the end of the book SEALED NECTAR Al Raheeq al makhtoum , but the lecture was much more detailed n the sheikh gace us so many points of benefit n lessons from it.


    May Allah reward u for sharing , may Allah join us with the Prophet sala lahu alihi wa sallam , n prophets n the truthful n the righteous n martyrs in jannah

    Assalam O Alikum
    Last edited by brotherubaid; 09-05-2009 at 01:22 PM.
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    Re: A story that makes me cry.. Mohammad's death

    Jazakallah Khair for sharing.
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  11. #9
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    Lightbulb Re: A story that makes me cry.. Mohammad's death

    Thanks brothers for your responses..

    format_quote Originally Posted by brotherubaid View Post
    Jazak Allah for sharing , Last ramadan we had Sheikh salman al ruhaili of saudi arabi at the Qanat Al qasba Wahat Al Imaan in sharjah n his topic was the passing away of the best of the humans , Duroos n Ibbr. there was pin drop silence in the tent where the event was organized , it was very detaliled may Allah reward the sheikh , n very emotional... almost every ones eyes were teary , i got it in audio format but dont know where to upload it , if anyone knows a user friendly hosting site do let me know ,, it is in arabic though , but it is very detailed.

    I read it at the end of the book SEALED NECTAR Al Raheeq al makhtoum , but the lecture was much more detailed n the sheikh gace us so many points of benefit n lessons from it.

    May Allah reward u for sharing , may Allah join us with the Prophet sala lahu alihi wa sallam , n prophets n the truthful n the righteous n martyrs in jannah

    Assalam O Alikum
    Usually in any Islamic lecture we really feel that our hearts have rest since we are remembering Allah & the Angels’ wings are around us.. And I guess the feeling will be more when talking about the passing away of the prophet Mohammad sala lahu alihi wa sallam..
    If you upload the audio, we'll be glad to hear it..


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    Re: A story that makes me cry.. Mohammad's death

    Pfffeeewwwww, Thanks for sharing. My sight is blurred because of all the tears.

    A story that makes me cry.. Mohammad's (saws) death

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    Re: A story that makes me cry.. Mohammad's death

    Here it is brothers n sisters , its in arabic , but its really heavy

    Sheikh Dr. Salman al ruhaili from saudi arabia at Qanat Al qasba Sharjah last ramadan.


    Assalam O Alikum
    A story that makes me cry.. Mohammad's (saws) death

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    Re: A story that makes me cry.. Mohammad's death

    oh really sad, make me weeping. Pbuh prophet mohummed & thanks for posted.
    A story that makes me cry.. Mohammad's (saws) death

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  16. #13
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    Re: A story that makes me cry.. Mohammad's death

    jazaakallahu khairo for this story...
    Muhammad is always in our heart...
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  17. #14
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    Re: A story that makes me cry.. Mohammad's death

    Jazakallahu Khayran for sharing!
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    Re: A story that makes me cry.. Mohammad's death

    format_quote Originally Posted by brotherubaid View Post
    Jazak Allah for sharing , Last ramadan we had Sheikh salman al ruhaili of saudi arabi at the Qanat Al qasba Wahat Al Imaan in sharjah n his topic was the passing away of the best of the humans , Duroos n Ibbr. there was pin drop silence in the tent where the event was organized , it was very detaliled may Allah reward the sheikh , n very emotional... almost every ones eyes were teary , i got it in audio format but dont know where to upload it , if anyone knows a user friendly hosting site do let me know ,, it is in arabic though , but it is very detailed.

    I read it at the end of the book SEALED NECTAR Al Raheeq al makhtoum , but the lecture was much more detailed n the sheikh gace us so many points of benefit n lessons from it.

    May Allah reward u for sharing , may Allah join us with the Prophet sala lahu alihi wa sallam , n prophets n the truthful n the righteous n martyrs in jannah

    Assalam O Alikum
    WaAlikum Assalam.Really its too emotional.You can upload.Whats the file size?
    You can upload on http://www.2shared.com/ , http://www.rapidshare.com , http://www.freefileuploader.com/ , http://www.megafileupload.com/ , http://www.easy-share.com/.We will then download it.The Link can even be then attached to the post.
    Last edited by MMohammed; 09-04-2009 at 03:10 PM.
    A story that makes me cry.. Mohammad's (saws) death

    2qwlqb9 1 - A story that makes me cry.. Mohammad's (saws) death
    JazakAllahu Khayr
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    Re: A story that makes me cry.. Mohammad's death

    format_quote Originally Posted by MMohammed View Post
    WaAlikum Assalam.Really its too emotional.You can upload.Whats the file size?
    You can upload on http://www.2shared.com/ , http://www.rapidshare.com , http://www.freefileuploader.com/ , http://www.megafileupload.com/ , http://www.easy-share.com/.We will then download it.The Link can even be then attached to the post.
    Bro i did upload it to 4shared.com

    here is the link


    May Allah reward u
    A story that makes me cry.. Mohammad's (saws) death

    079186 1 - A story that makes me cry.. Mohammad's (saws) death
    How perfect You are O Allaah, and I praise You. I bear witness that none has the right to be worshipped except You. I seek Your forgiveness and turn to You in repentance
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    Re: A story that makes me cry.. Mohammad's death

    JazakAllah.The Owner of this thread can attach the link to his/her post.
    A story that makes me cry.. Mohammad's (saws) death

    2qwlqb9 1 - A story that makes me cry.. Mohammad's (saws) death
    JazakAllahu Khayr
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  22. #18
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    Re: A story that makes me cry.. Mohammad's (saws) death

    Asslamu Alaykum,

    Very beautiful post. It has made me cry. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was the greatest human ever to walk on earth.

    I was told that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) cried for ummah before he died?

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