These videos will answer many of the most intriguing and painful questions coming to your mind.

I have posted this message on the forum . people found it very informative and gave it a 5 star rating.

I think we all need to go through these very informative videos/transcripts of the same. I leave you to decide after watching the videos/ reading the transcripts What long and short term efforts need to be made to restore the condition of muslim ummah to its past scientific and political glory.

Is it that we need Islamic parties or is it that we need to first strengthen the muslim principles in our own home/ in our children/ brothers/ friends? see for yourself and decide. I believe this will lead us to a healthy discussion.

If you like them, dont forget to forward to your friends !

I am giving link to part 1 & 3. search for the title to see other videos.

part 1:

part 3:

Full Transcripts of the above videos: