this is sort of "old news" but news none the less.

and please close this thread. thank you.

Father and son, sellers of Islamic literature, burnt alive

On June 19, 2009 in Shamilkala (former Makhachkala) two Muslim, father and son, Ulyudin (1959) and Khakim (1985), were kidnapped. They have been kidnapped by gangs of the FSB and the so-called "6th department" of "UBOP (Department for Fighting Organized Crime)" when they left their house and went to the mosque for Friday prayer.

Ulyudin and Khakim were known to Muslims of Shamilkal as sellers of Islamic books and CDs, "ImamTV" website, which received a letter from the Muslims of Dagestan, wrote. The literature has been selling legally.

After kidnapping father and son were brutally tortured, humiliated and insulted. However, infidels could not break spirit of the Muslims. Having realized this, they decided to kill them. The brutality of infidels amazed with inhuman, savage malice.

On Saturday June 20, Dagestan TV reported that a burnt down car of "militants" has been found near the village of Dzhanga. The people were amazed at what they saw.

The presented picture was comparable only with shots of the most horrible horror movies.

Father Ulyudin was burned alive by infidels from FSB, preliminary having blown up his son in front of the father.

Department of Monitoring,
Kavkaz Center
