[SIZE=15px] [SIZE=17px] [SIZE=24px]Divine Form of Man[/SIZE]

Oh Man! Do not sell yourself short! Do not underestimate yourself and do not consider yourself to be unworthy. You are a divine and special creation. You are the greatest proof of the Creator. Each man is a Divine Book of the Creator – written by His very own hands (meaning in a very special way).

Allah first created everything else – the earth, the sky, the heavens, the soil, the trees, the mountains, the animals and then in the last stages He created man. There is a meaning behind every created form, and since we are the last of creation we have been endowed with the reality of all other creation. In addition, we have been appointed by the Creator to be His vicegerent and representative on earth and have been given a special place above all other creation. [.. continued]

Read more at: http://losthumanity.org/2014/07/05/divine-form-of-man/

-- Lost Humanity Blog